CAC 02 12 19974 CULTURAL COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 February 12, 1997 11:30 AM I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda IV. CONSENT CALENDAR V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Arts Master Plan 1. Discussion of Community Workshop on February 27, 1997 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Memorandum from Thomas P. Genovese - The La Quinta Page VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS IX. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Regular Meeting: February 27, 1997 12:00 Noon La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Workshop: February 27, 1997 5:30 - 7:30 PM La Quints Senior Center CAC2-12 / .+••tom F, 2 U � 4 ti OF TNT v CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 12, 1997 ITEM TITLE: Cultural Arts Master Plan ' : • \ 'R e i The development of the Cultural Arts Master Plan entails a variety of components including a valley -wide Cultural Affairs Conference (conducted on February 6, 1997), and a community workshop(s). The Cultural Development Community Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, February 27, 1997 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and will be held at the La Quinta Senior Center. Suggested refreshments include cheese, vegetable, and sandwich trays, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, bottled water, coffee, and hot water for tea. Staff will be coordinating the provision of refreshments for the workshop. In accordance with direction given by the Commission at the January 23, 1997 Cultural Commission meeting, staff, in conjunction with the Commission Chair, has taken the following actions: 1 . Prepared a press release and public service announcement (Attachment No. 1) . 2. Prepared a flyer for posting at City bulletin boards and the La Quinta Senior Center (Attachment No. 2). 3. Prepared an invitation letter and attachments including the flyer and a questionnaire (Attachment No. 3). 4. Made an announcement at the February 6, 1997 Mayor's Luncheon regarding the community workshop. 5. Staff is in the process of preparing and article for publication in the Palm Desert Post (La Quinta Community Page) on the community workshop. The following are other issues the Commission may wish to discuss prior to the workshop: 1. Does the Commission want a sign -in table (including name tags and sign -in sheet) 2. Does the Commission want conference packets (comprised of Agenda, tabulated questionnaire, etc.) 3. The Chair has prepared a question for discussion at the community workshop for consideration by the Commission (Attachment No. 4) This item has been placed on agenda to provide the Commission an opportunity to provide any further direction/input on the community workshop. Provide direction to staff on finalizing details for the Cultural Development Community Workshop(s). Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager cultstaff 16.wpd ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 T 0 f jhj/ 4 tP Q" MEMORANDUM La Quinta, California Press Release January 31, 1997 \ ■ •'1/ \ • 1/Ti The City of La Quinta's Cultural Commission is hosting a community workshop to address cultural arts issues in the City. All organizations and individuals interested in the quality of life and the future growth of the community are urged to attend this workshop as the first step in developing a Cultural Arts Master Plan designed to encourage the arts in the City of La Quinta. The workshop will be held on February 27, 1997, Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the La Quinta Senior Center, 78-450 Avenida La Fonda. It is vital that community members be involved in this planning process, so naturally, the workshop is open to anyone interested in participating. Light refreshments will be served. Some of the issues that will be addressed are strengths and/or weaknesses in cultural opportunities in La Quinta, the public image of the arts, how to enhance the cultural life, the need for performing arts facilities, the economic impact of the arts, and ways to promote existing programs, organizations and facilities. It is expected that as the result of this planning process a Master Plan will be developed which will mesh with the other master plans of the City. Members of the Cultural Commission who will be conducting the workshop include Kathryn Hull as chair, Honey Atkins, Susan Benay, Susan Francis, and Judy Vossler. Residents and others with questions can call the La Quinta City Manager's Office at La Quinta at (619) 777-7100 and speak to Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager or Britt Wilson, Management Assistant. c:press3(BW) %ate .c9� 0 O . cu 4 V rY �Fy OF 1MAWWWAIL\9\ 41L_ L The City of La Quinta Cultural Commission is hosting a community workshop on Thursday evening, February 27th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The purpose of the workshop is to assist the City in developing a Cultural Arts Master Plan. People interested in the quality of life and development of the cultural arts in La Quinta are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served. For further information, please call the City of La Quinta City Manager's Office at 777-7041. ATTACHMENT 2 THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CULTURAL COMMISSION INVITES YOU TO •• ATTEND A COMMUNITY WORKSHOP THAT WILL FOCUS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY'S CULTURAL ARTS MASTER PLAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1997, 5: 30 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M. LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER 78-450 AVENIDA LA FONDA QUESTIONS: PLEASE CALL (619) 777-7090 *Light refreshments will be served* cor 0 AT-]'"ACHMENT 3 4 4a 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 February 5, 1997 Dear Community Leader: We believe the arts provide a strong aesthetic and socio-economic impact on the community and the quality of life. Because of your vital interest and involvement in the City of La Quinta, the Cultural Commission is sending this special invitation to you and your organization to participate in the development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan for our City. You are encouraged to attend a workshop to share ideas, compare successes, recognize needs and identify dreams for cultural preservation and enhancement in La Quinta. This workshop is open to everyone in the community, so please invite your friends. Please join us on Thursday, February 27, 1997 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the La Quinta Senior Center, 78-450 Avenida La Fonda. Bring your ideas and concerns for the development of cultural programs for our families and visitors. To assist in your preliminary thinking, we have enclosed a questionnaire. Please send it to us or bring it with you on the 27tn In addition, please put us on your mailing list so the Cultural Commission will be kept informed of your activities and plans. When we all work together, and support one another, we lighten the load and increase the output of community service without duplicating efforts. Can we count on you to be part of the team? Please let us know you are coming on the 27th by calling Cristal in the Parks & Recreation Department at (619) 777-7090. We know you are a valuable resource and we are looking forward to our creative time together. Sincerely, lo;K Kat, ryn B.- ull, Chair Cultural Commission MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CULTURAL COMMISSION INVITES YOU TO ••o•• ATTEND A COMMUNITY WORKSHOP THAT WILL FOCUS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY'S CULTURAL ARTS MASTER PLAN *Light refreshments will be served* PALM ROYAL[ C.C. _ q rO PAL Aol DESERT s PALM SPRIIVGS INDIAN WELLS t�1t1�Y0 V S STARDO� ONdY I N SU16ET reOGE DA _ —.—.—. —.— — —0 :!"D�WfOMOM —.—.—. WY 6NSUMM9 -A _'YWCT 7 SSIINRL' RLA QUINTA NCHO LA QUIN.. -ALAIS HIGHLANDS TILLO NpAli '4*CIIPALM ROYALE L._._.1.—.—._.—. •�CAUENTE i CARN IA IAa"", _ C LA QUINTA / _ \T DEL ORO BR�� rR ` r HE ` t j G C mTZ \� I I I Fm�L0.� i CIR .IR 1 CACTUS i FLOWER i (LOWER TAL i 1 ,T. SUNBERRY CT ` I ' CREST DA �I<,P BIACNCAEST CIR C1 CT IMn1AN BAYBERRY C Elf PARKBROOK CT V CT DE /1S rLA QUINTA AS I S7C C '01 CHAER�1F11T S ARY TO r ON • ELEVEN >tW*@ f AlQUINTA MWL GFTR s i CENTER ECiiO / lm PLAZA IISYDBERA LA QUINTA i z i 1 TER E ; IA QUINTA 1�,1 ' ' HIGiI SCF100L �L •�E Z " a y f EISENHOWER CARE C CT11sAlprIrvAmm Coil tuS CAI Eoou7SPLDo • Tfq I ,�' ` ,TF tV{N 1 VW IIA rAAN0U0.! 0 i _ A' LE °�EPENA � 1 0 LAKE WESTWAiI� O L =V LA QUINTA . �. W S°U°� HIGHWAY 111 r lA {i fY AVIA MOM VIP S VIA 1UMCN I K. —. , r .�� Z 6 DESERT SANDS U.S. — T � All �� � �U, T � EDUCATIONAL SERVICE R ` % CITY LIMIT All ` O (FUTURE SITE) \- 1 #A AN wttt�L _ - LAGUNACALLS V AV A PA LA PAZ TA ►LORIStA TA II 1 T '►� A x 1 DE ..�.�. LA QUINTA r < ^ 1 Iy OLF ESTATES IPA` 5 r •. - :. LA QUINTA 1 ter i-rc.-. C �_ THE V ATLA rrJ rrva- AWwi Aj�p'�� � yr r• r r TR PA#NrEo :rnrcrAY COVE COVE CT ARTS oESE � on v � r T S U �K L„ #42 LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER s. suRNs ARTS FESTIVAL GROUNDS r,l rl �rlr�v LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER 78450 AVENIDA LA FONDA LA QUINTA CA 92253 (619) 564-0096 AV ` owl —r— U - � OF TNT CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE The City of La Quinta's Cultural Commission is hosting a City-wide Cultural Development Workshop on Thursday, February 27, 1997 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Participants, and invitees unable to attend, are being asked to take a few minutes and respond to the following questions as a prelude to the workshop. 1. Please identify at least five cultural attributes of the City of La Quinta. 2. Please identify any cultural deficiencies in the City of La Quinta. 3. Please identify five "dreams or aspirations" which would enhance the cultural attributes of the City. 7. Any general comments? Optional: Name: Address: Phone: Thank you for completing this questionnaire. AT , ACHMENT 4 ••• -• • 1=1 1 • s What would you like to have and/or participate in, in the City of La Quinta? Performing Arts Center Professional Theater Concerts Please list type (e.g. rock, classic, country, etc.) Professional Dance Please list type Downtown Village Center _ Coffee House _ Artisan shops Book stores _ Art galleries Music stores _ Other School for the Arts Children's Theater Community Theater Visual Arts classes Dance Classes Music Instruction _ Other Public Plaza for Cultural Arts Events Movie Theater Library/Reading Room (poetry readings, etc.) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 4 ,tPa�rw MEMORANDUM All Boards and Commissions Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager February 3, 1997 The La Quinta Page —Palm Desert Post Starting February 6, 1997, on a trial basis through June, the City of La Quinta will be preparing a page for publication in the Palm Desert Post. The La Quinta Page is intended to supplement existing publications and noticing efforts and will be used as a vehicle to inform residents of upcoming events, meetings and items of interest. Please look for The La Quinta Page starting February 6, 1997 on page five of the Palm Desert Post (delivered free to non -gated residential neighborhoods and available in many local news racks). Comments or suggestions regarding the Page may be transmitted to the City via your board's assigned staff person. Thank you. c: City Council Department Directors MEMORANDUM TO: Cultural Commission FROM: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager DATE: February 12, 1997 RE: Written record of February 6, 1997 Cultural Affairs Conference Attached please find staff's draft "notes/minutes" from the Cultural Affairs Conference. It was indicated that these would be distributed within two weeks of the conference to all attendees. Staff is requesting that the Commission review these prior to the City releasing them to the attendees. The City intends on mailing these out to the attendees in the near future, so your comments would be appreciated. If you have any comments/corrections, please forward them to staff. Thank you very much. Coachella Valley Cultural Affairs Conference February 6, 1997 La Quinta Cultural Commission Chairperson and Conference Facilitator Kathryn Hull called the conference to order at 3:00 P.M. and asked those in attendance to introduce themselves and identify any organizational affiliations. Representatives from five Coachella Valley cities (i.e., Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage) were in attendance (see Attachment 1). The Facilitator provided an introduction to the meeting by discussing the definition of culture, describing materials in the agenda packet, and referencing results to the'Conference survey. Conference participants then shared experiences, successes and cultural attributes of their respective communities •Palm Springs: The Public Arts Master Plan is a five in s strives to bring arts groups together whileidentifying g pe 1t;Lrtasi projects and objectives. It was identified as an "interactive community arts project". Specific attention to median strips, the airport and train stations, and the recycling center is included. The Plan is "Commission -generated", working in conjunction with the Planning and Parks and Recreation Commissions, and the Historic Board. Specific mention was made of the Desert Highlands Mural —an eight by eighty foot mural utilizing student talent and, despite some initial public _ opposition, serving as a project bringing educators and arts together. The builders' contribution was lowered from 1 % to .5% of building permit valuation due to builder program opposition resulting in program cuts. Palm Springs has provided matching funds to program initiatives, • but has no temporary art program. Builders resented the use of the arts' fee for education the most; they wanted "physical art" (e.g., thus, the reason the mural is viewed as a meshing of education with physical art). . •Indio: Indio currently has no arts in public places ordinance, but has plentiful land and opportunity for concerts and the arts. Representatives indicated that citizens were exploring the potential of an arts in public places ordinance in Indio, but had met some opposition from the building community. The La Quinta Arts Foundation docents program reaches to Indio and is much appreciated. @Rancho Mirage: Builders contribute to .an arts in public places program, but the program is in its infancy. Reference was made to the Cancer Memorial Park, a piece at the Library, and the desire for integrated public art. •Palm Desert: Builders contribute 1 % of construction cost (for both residential and commercial) to the arts program resulting in a well funded program representative of a financially healthy community. Palm Desert pursues a limited grant effort, but do realize community support by way of sponsorship for summer concerts. The Holocaust Memorial in Palm Desert was the result of a citizen's initiative completed outside the formal program, albeit the City administered the process. The El Paseo exhibits are leased on an annual basis but some have been purchased by the City. Historically, the artists have been responsible for loaning the art and shipping the pieces, but recently it's believed the City has provided additional support. Cultural Deficiencies: Deficiencies cited by Conference participants included the following: • No four year college -r Y 9 No cheap space(especiallyhe west end of the Valle Vh • P P k • Restrictive ordinances (limite live/work facilities); need z"Wing for artists • Artists not valued —perceived as 2"1 class citizens • No arts tradition or identity • No publicity for theater • Inadequate facilities • Lack of community support for artists • Lack of coordination between cultural organizations and city commissions • No real home/identity for theater in the Valley Realizing the Dream: Participants cited a number of dreams or aspirations for arts in the Coachella Valley, including: • Appointing an informational networking task force; • Creating an inter -city newsletter • On -going inter -city conferences like this. • Solicit community input/community workshops • Identify funding sources • CVAG type organization to prepare a cultural master plan for the Coachella Valley • Retreats • Fall conference • Refining goals Summarry and Conclusion Participants indicated that they intended to share the results of this conference with their respective communities. It was suggested that a follow-up to this Conference be held in three months and that an attempt be made to obtain an energetic speaker for that event as a "carrot" to encourage additional participation. Various topics were.suggested, including "How to work with the Arts", "How to build organizational skills", and "How to create a valley -wide entity". The Facilitator asked participants to complete the exit questionnaire (see Attachment 2). The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:00 P.M. mulmin.doc Al rACHMENT 'I W W z Z CD ro W V W w W LL z O C� J D E-- J D V W 00 0 10 � 0 qT � Z O r. p 00 o 00 � IL ti M M ti IT M N o M N N N N a. M u) O W C p Q � > 0 M N N Z x U J m LO co p m co M co a. M a. ONO E E N m Z 4- rn 4- V o L o U Q CUB c O U) Q v� co c L O oC. . E ca vi Q N _ O Q Co � E V •� L 'E U W v = O F- i 2 p p 7 0 c F-- Q UUU wU UU — }. c cc -� o s s rn c as c c o c ca O m m a 'Ca LU c c a `�° CL v (D Q c� > a) E m o co z o w a. -� 0 0 co W � 000 p cM CO N e- ~ O) M LO Z M O 4cn co M N 4 LO a° ° M to o U c W `- cc p cv M to > L O Q > cQ > o N N 4)� CIO cc Z Q C Q C 0 7 r- rn� O p O r- U mC� LO -j J te a. f�- CL E o �. V N N a- C C Z W o co o � C1 o CD Q J U Q cc t: o cc J Q 6- a U = U 0 o •� U Q c C C j, '� 0 •L 00 0 •N 0 }' - U o U a �L J E N E C C E 1= U U Q L) Q U� U m - to L 17 N L_ w m C m Z v, a) L W N L •c c o T cco L Co -Ij Z W U) i 0c0 00 Oo LL Z to � p N Co N N 419 CO c' (0 00 a L ti i� E cc o co �N W ch M M �M cc aMp) N N �O) N �� N CN N E� C 2 ca xc CD Co x� r- �N x.0 N cc Uc cQ to U� J m O m 0 m' � O cO E Q O� O� o� o� �@ a._J d'J 1`a c E E c 0 0 c C�cc cu c cc c W :3 C1 .r C1 E >,CY� Q UJ CUB U J 0 U (D 0) N N N C 0 0 0 0 0 0 w E E E E O F- O U O U O U U O U O U N C rn c O >, 0i 2 � 'v 0 `O as a m c Q � u- 0 O >, m Z c Y c ATTACHMENT 2 1. What did you think of this conference? 1_ Very useful —2.__ Somewhat useful Not useful 2. Would you like to see this conference held on a regular schedule? 12 Yes 1 No If so, how often? Quarterly (6)• No Response (5): At least 2 times/year (1) 3. What section or portion of the conference was the most valuable to you? -Sharing info on projects, problems -Creating a common goal & how to accomplish -The need for Art in our community and community input -Dialogue information -Linking the Valley in some form of support -The ideas -How we can all work together to make our dream come true -Discussion of a "Valley -wide" approach to developing Art in Public Places -Final discussion/information gathering -Vision focus at end and task force and another meeting -Knowing what others are doing -Just getting together -Hearing from other communities about their issues 4. Any comments or suggestions? (Use reverse side if more room is needed) -Many underlying personal agendas without full commitment to cohesiveness -Task Force -Focus on goals -Joint effort is good -Meet again and bring back to our commission and various groups -Have a meeting with a speaker to address how to create a valley wide effort -Continue this [conference?] -1 would like to see reports from each city in La Quinta's City Newsletter. like to know what other cities are doing in the arts. -Getting speaker(s) to help us organize our direction -Create valley cultural coalition -3 hour conference -Get speakers -Form subcommittee task force -Conference was great Annual conferences -Valley festival -Anything helps -Better agenda January 28, 1997 Community Leaders letter distribution list: Coachella Valley Community Concerts La Quinta Arts Foundation La Quinta Arts Association La Quinta Historical Society La Quinta Open -Air Museum . Principles of all schools operating in La Quinta La Quinta Branch Library La Quinta On-stage Round Table West Viva Foundation Friends of La Quinta Library La Quinta Little Theater Arts in Public Places Commission La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Boys and Girls Club Soroptomist Rotary Club Lions Club