CAC 02 06 1997AGENDA CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 6, 1997 3:00-5:00 P.M. I. Welcome and Introductions II. Identify Coachella Valley Cultural Attributes Ill. Identify Coachella Valley Cultural Deficiencies IV. Identify Coachella Valley Cultural Dreams and Aspirations V. Roundtable Discussion: Realizing the Dream VI. Summary and Conclusions From the files of: KATHRYN B. HULL DID YOU KNOW - that 78% of the American people feel that businesses and corporations should contribute to the arts? DID YOU KNOW - that in 1988 Americans spent $3.7 billion on arts events and $2.8 billion on sports events? DID YOU KNOW that throughout the U.S. 96% of the students are given no music education programs, and yet 91% of the people say that the arts can enhance the learning experience, and it is important for school age children to be exposed to the arts? DID YOU KNOW - that in the last 20 years opera audiences have nearly tripled? DID YOU KNOW - that a recent survey showed that the combined grade point average of all students involved in the arts was 3.3, and that the general student body's grade point average was 2.4? DID YOU KNOW - that 58% of businesses include the arts in their PR activities, 36% in advertising, and 39% in marketing approaches; and 90% say they are willing to share arts projects with other businesses? DID YOU KNOW - that more people attend ballet each year than baseball? DID YOU KNOW - that 8.3 million more people attended arts events than sports events in the Los Angeles area during the 1984 Olympics' year? DID YOU KNOW - that twice as many people attend dance performances, the theater, symphonies and museums than all professional sports combined? DID YOU KNOW - that in the last 15 years museum attendance has increased from 200 million to 500 million annually? DID YOU KNOW - that in the last 12 years leading chamber music ensembles grew from 20 to 578? DID YOU KNOW - that New York's theater at Broadway and 53rd Street sells more tickets annually than the Yankees and the Mets combined? DID YOU KNOW - that professional dance in the U.S. has grown 700% in 20 years? DID YOU KNOW - that Federal and State governments in the U.S. together spend only $2 per capita on the arts? Other countries spend up to $35 per capita. DID YOU KNOW - that music is the most natural activity for a human being, and it should be a part of everyday life? DID YOU KNOW - that the arts --music, dance, theater, painting, literature, photography, architecture --enhance and enrich the life of every individual? Without them, life would be sterile. DID YOU KNOW - that for every person attending an arts event, approximately $30 is generated in auxilliary business? DID YOU KNOW - that the arts produce a balanced education when integrated with academic learning? DID YOU KNOW that the arts industry constitutes about 6% of the American economy? This makes it larger than the agriculture industry and construction industry and about 60% of the size of the retail sector. DID YOU KNOW - that the arts sector represents about 2.7% of the nation's total employment? This is about the size of the defense industry in 1992. DID YOU KNOW - that for every dollar spent by an arts institution, two and a half dollars of additional activity is generated for other local firms? DID YOU KNOW - that the average Japanese student spends 14% of his time studying the arts; in the United States it's less than 5%., December 1996 February 6, 1997 The City of La Quinta mailed out a questionnaire as a prelude to the February 6, 1997 conference. The following is a brief synopsis of the responses received. 1. Please identify at least five cultural attributes of the Coachella Valley. I. Festivals and Fairs (7 responses total) A. Palm Springs Film Festival B. La Quinta Arts Festival (3) C. Palm Spring Follies D. Southwest Arts Festival II. Music (4 responses total) A. Joanna Hodges International Piano Competition B. Musical special events (Rancho Mirage) C. Friends of the Philharmonic (Palm Springs) D. Community Concerts (La Quinta) III. Theater/Stage productions (6 responses total) A. McCallum Theater (3) B. Good Theaters C. Good venues for larger productions compared to other areas IV. Museums (4 responses total) A. Palm Springs Desert Museum (3) B. La Quinta Open-air Museum V. Arts (7 responses total) A. La Quinta Arts Foundation B. Arts in Public Places (Palm Desert) C. Public Art Programs D. Strong support for the arts E. Good variety of visual arts F. Good arts organizations G. Interest in literary arts VI. Social/Physical characteristics (14 responses total) A. Community interest/volunteers B. Ethnic diversity including Native Americans C. Retirement/leisure culture/migrant workers/"snowbirds" D. Weather/desert environment E. Architectural richness F. Cities recognize need for cultural departments 2. Please identify any cultural deficiencies in the Coachella Valley. I . Items lacking (13 responses total) A. Funding B. Communication C. Quality art instruction for all age groups D. Cahuilla Indian presence E. Small theaters F. Outdoor productions/amphitheater (e.g. Hollywood Bowl) G. Jazz and cabaret options with name talent H. High quality cultural events 1. Foundry J. Live theater performing group K. Civic/community theater L. Landscape features along Highway 1 1 1 M. More unified link between cultural pursuits II. Social characteristics (3 responses total) A. Multiple cities B. Duplication of efforts C. Seasonal nature of valley 3. Please identify five "dreams or aspirations" which would enhance the cultural attributes of the Valley. -Cities and organizations working together -More money for cultural activities -More involvement from residents/community -Arts Education -Quality instruction and class opportunities in all of the art forms -Fine Arts College -An art institute school - or at least a 4 year university -Quality opportunities to showcase good performing art -Most of the Valley cities have recognized a need to beautify and to enhance the cultural foundations of the Valley -A valley -wide cultural event lasting perhaps a month similar to the Spoleto in Charleston -Inexpensive public concerts -Library oriented lectures, literary events 4. How do you see the Coachella Valley cities working together to enhance our cultural life? I. Communication (10 responses total) A. Cooperative activities/Community cooperation B. Partnerships C. Sharing resources and talents D. Valley Wide Cultural Committee to promote (not govern) the arts, with representative from each city and money from each city for support E. Create a non-profit valley -wide advocacy agency to serve as liaison between artists and government bodies and encourage opportunities for artists F. Conferences (such as this one) 11. Funds (1 response total) III. Miscellaneous (2 responses total) A. Building and supporting a "Desert Amphitheater" B. Every city seems more interested in producing "signature events" than in discussing Valley -wide issues and activities 5. Do you think there should be a valley -wide Cultural Committee? -Yes (6) -Not really - perhaps only as a locator or coordinating steering committee for scheduling -Study issue more to determine need and goals 6. In your opinion, which agencies are best suited to lead efforts to enhance the cultural experience? 1 Federal Government 1 State Government 2 Regional Government 7 Local (city) Government 8 Private Foundations 2 School Districts 3 Chamber of Commerce 2 Religious Institutions 6 Private Sector/Market 3 Other, please identify museums• endowments gifts• educational institutions - large and small can contribute 7. Please list potential sources for funding the Cultural Arts. -Government (unidentified) -City support (2) -Donations/fund raisers -Sponsorships -Grants (3) -Corporations -Edison Company -Coachella Valley Water District -Waste Management Company -Foundations (4) -Cultural events reviews -Private (4) -Development Fee 8. What do you believe are the three most pressing issues facing the cultural development of the Coachella Valley? -Lack of funds (2) -Lack of time -Seasonal nature (necessitates different approaches) -Communication -Establishing a cooperative attitude among the various art "camps" -Creating a valley -wide entity -Providing instruction opportunities to elevate the potential quality of local emerging artists -Education in all'arts (music, performing) - development in schools -Social characteristics -Perception -Enhancement of the special diversity of our culture and their needs - Retirement, Canadian "snow bird" visiting populations, etc. -Special events - film festivals, shows, etc. -Identifying needs of the locals vs. winter visitors. How does this affect a project financially -Define culture so everyone is on the same page -Some city councils' reluctance to support cultural organizations -Publicity for events is often sparse and not well covered by the media -Need for a local Arts Manager covering event and activities in the community -Encouraging youth interest and exposure to culture -Cooperation between cities regarding Art in Public Places City of La Qui*nta Cultural Commission Arts Mailing List Updated February 1, 1997 O C O C O C O C C O O C O C O C O C O C C O O C O C O C O U O E U O U U U U U U N U U U U U U N N U U U U U N O OO O O O O O O x > > >1 M �3 2 2 N � C4 ON 00 r+ r- 00 N 00 00 00 �I') �D M 00 O V� O� W � .-� en Q xi �O et N oNO M N oN O M N C NA N N �O � � O� N M N �C �f l� N l� N N a M M M M M M cM W) M M M fM M M "C C Q O •�" � � O U U U U U •� � C C C C � U .� � t'+ 00 w C o a a a a rA c O a y 00 0.. a U N �N 'd N �NNNN N N N E N �N aN NN U N N N N �N N c�N N c�NN N 00 ON PLO as aO\ ►-10- xO, aO-, 00 ON aON as aa\ > ao>o CG > ed ,--4 �, .-4 ed NU 00 � N z> O �U N O a 00� NU NU a NU N no b4 �W A o75 x � � •O A �" U U y � � y }? .� � O C O �' p cd � •C � 'd "dam � •cad U o VDU x x wA ax xa x U dU C7 p4v� aS aS � ta �wp 0 0 o O O O O O" O O O O cd O U O U pC7� «i Z cd -dC (�-' W c� -cCy w� A cd � � «3 C � � cd -cC� � �1 .c cd �p�' W � c� C D ,,�" � cd C C ,.s�' � c� C D .� � cd � D C � ;5 C C 45 U • a • � • C ,� .� .0 rn � ti N M C14 ��pp V� O O� 8 00 O M O xi N N � d� It r- 1 N. 00 N 1 It� O cn N N 00 M M Vi M M M M l— W) M M M l� cn b x a o o o VJ 'b CA con C U U Q' U U CAU Q' U U N O � CA Ubp � Ub�D •� U U y C •� U N CA •a •a '3cn OW i Ao E N Ao EN �N E ° A EN •��,, OWN A EN A EN d o o �V) N N N �N tdCy U 'd N N c8N a3N a3N c N o� ON b � �� U o� ��• o cd U a; —q o '� 3 c O l� '� .> > 3 en3 Cd w x � Uun p a c v, N A O •; U O oo �, p� 8 C C N +r cn o� 8 �w �� �� M �¢ a �3 �3 �� �� U c� c •c U E _CA ,� z b d E E On o'= u�+ b A•� �2 EE 04) C = �S U Ua a .1 a aU� a� UA w U U A A o�,w conU 'd oCd z g Cd CCC � C E O •� z> c'� c� as O A as w H '� A C U N ' 2 2 E ;� E O a� a� a� 2a� a� a� ° °r :3 ° D a O U O U O U a oj a oj � O ^' O ati ^' O ati ^' O ati ^' O ati °o °o °o °o °o x > O O d W > z ti N M 00 N Q O M 0-0 N � ��_p O M N O M00 vl O M O wl g x N � } d I N 't �p M O O� 'A r- N N iSr M 00 en cM M cn O " b z � c o a x1 d a� o � on w W d U U d U d• to C N N U t U V U all,CA U y CIO V)N AO U •�M �M AO AO •�M AO � 7cn O EN N EN aSN 'd aN NN EN EN �N EN �N OWN N ENN �N �N U SN N O� .�N N 4. o*, U w ON a as o� a ON A, o� a O� o� a ON o� (-i o a� En 2 en CO)d U A N 0 N o m o a1 N O '� 00N y o •> g oo '> o � v,•� N A o v A M r-r .-r 00 O a O LZr N [� M l� 00 y l� W ccO\ �t d �O 00 ^� oo •-� 00 O\ ° [� x M ►-� w ° ° � ° x °o tA 10 W E��n i -d 'aC7 'aU v� p� o oa •�d o U x '� o o .o ,� .� o O O •� O wog O� UOrn aa Ux on ►- 00 � d Z � E-� � � o x �~ a U o x �C� ci U � W ►� ti M o� O o? 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What did you think of this conference? Very useful Somewhat useful Not useful 2. Would you like to see this conference held on a regular schedule? Yes No If so, how often? 3. What section or portion of the conference was the most valuable to you? 4. Any comments or suggestions? (Use reverse side if more room is needed) Thank you for participating in the conference and in the culture of the Coachella Valley!