CACMIN 03 27 1997 CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES March 27, 1997 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12:00 noon in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Vossler led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler MEMBERS ABSENT: Three Vacancies STAFF PRESENT: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Britt Wilson, Management Assistant Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of February 27, 1997 Commissioner Vossler clarified that her motion on the new DEPA Chairperson was to be tabled until there was a full Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to accept the Minutes as submitted. Unanimous. B. Monthly Department Report for February 1997 - Received and filed. V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Arts Master Plan 1. Review Cultural Development Community Workshop Staff reviewed information gathered as a result of the February 27, 1997 workshop. Staff also reviewed additional information received to help prepare the Master Plan. In response to Commissioner Benay, staff will be contacting cities similar to ours in size and demographics, such as Sedona, Carlsbad, and Huntington Beach for copies of their Cultural Master Plans. C: IMyDataICRISTALICACIMIN3-27. wpd 2. Valley Wide Conference on May 15, 1997 Chairperson Hull told the Commission that Barbara Peiper, Executive Director of the California Arts Council, Marylee Peterson, Executive Director of Riverside County Arts Council, and Sally Davis have agreed to be panelists at the conference. Chairperson Hull plans to do a conference call with them in the near future in regards to the agenda and format. Staff distributed written correspondence from Margaret Fairchild. The Commission then reviewed the draft letter and agenda being sent out to those invited to the conference. The names of the panelists will be added to the letter, and two items (III & IV) were removed from the agenda. The Commission agreed the panelist could speak about the following topics: 1) How to develop a valley wide cultural coalition 2) What other cities are doing for cultural arts in northern and southern California 3) Joint funding efforts 4) What Riverside County is doing and how La Quinta can connect with them 5) Other topics the speakers would like to discuss Commissioner Vossler would like to see the Commission continue to take the lead on the workshops and have another meeting in July. Commissioner Vossler indicated the Council may be more concerned about the amount of staff time involved getting ready for the workshops and conferences than money for refreshments. She further added that staff support has been excellent. The Commission concurred. Commissioner Vossler would like the Commission to send a special letter inviting the City Council to attend the next workshop. Chairperson Hull will draft the letter. Staff indicated that if another meeting is held City Council approval would be needed for additional funds. It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to direct staff to request funds in the amount of $100 for refreshments to be served at the May 15, 1997 Cultural Development Conference. Unanimous. Chairperson Hull informed the Commission that she would be out of town April 3-11th. B. Letters of Commendation - None C. Support and Recognition of Art Organizations Chairperson Hull will send a letter to the La Quinta Arts Foundation and the Arts League for the successful art festival, and to the Arts Association for their new art gallery located in the Von's Plaza. D. Budget Considerations for FY 97-98 Staff reviewed the Staff Report and updated the Commission on the status of memberships with CALAA and the Americans for the Arts (formally NALAA). The Commission agreed to seek membership with Americans for the Arts for FY 96-97 and to request funding for membership in American for the Arts and CALAA in the amount of $150 in the budget for FY 97/98. C: IMyData ICRISTAL ICA CIMIN3-2 7. wpd 2 In response to Commissioner Vossler, staff indicated there would be expenses (staff time, consultants, and materials) involved in printing the Cultural Arts Master Plan, whether it is included as part of the General Plan or stands alone. Staff indicated that it was the Commission's intent to write the document themselves, and this would cut down on outside costs of preparing the document. If large quantities of the Cultural Arts Master Plan are needed the costs would come from the City's printing budget. The Commission also discussed attending conferences and workshops and requested funds in the amount of $3,500 for CALM and Americans for the Arts Conferences and various workshops. Each conference or workshop would be attended by no more than two members, and if a staff member attends the same conference/workshop only one Commissioner would attend. The Commission suggesting budgeting $500 for refreshments for the four workshops/conferences the Commission will host in FY 97/98 as a result of developing the Cultural Arts Master Plan. The Commission directed staff to forward these recommendations to the City Council for consideration. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for January 1997 - Received and filed. B. Letter of Resignation from Commissioner Susan Francis - Received and filed. C. CALM Newsletter and Conference Materials - Received and filed. D. Draft Letter from the Cultural Commission to Community Organizations - Chairperson Hull will revise the letter and it will be mailed to community organizations. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Atkins stated that Round Table West has 500 reservations for their luncheon on Monday, and the La Quinta Pageant is on schedule. Commissioner Atkins is looking for a Spanish guitarist or dancers for the Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner. Chairperson Hull informed the Commission that grants for folk art are available from the California Arts Council. Chairperson Hull is looking for an illustrator for her books. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting. Unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 1 :32 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Thursday, April 24, 1997 12:00 Noon La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room C: IMyData I CRIST AL ICA CIMIN3-2 7. wpd 3