CACMIN 04 24 1997
April 24, 1997
A regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12:00 noon in the Study Session Room of
the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Atkins lead the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Commissioner- Honey Atkins
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Judy Vossler
Three Vacancies
Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager
Britt Wilson, Management Assistant
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
John Detlie
Dr. Oswald LeWinter
A. Approval of Minutes of March 27, 1997
The Minutes were changed to read "...Commission's intent to write the document themselves, and this
would cut down on outside costs of preparing..." on page 3. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay
to approve the Minutes as corrected. Unanimous.
B. Monthly Department Report for March 1997
Staff reviewed the report with the Commission and indicated a correction to the exercise program at the
Senior Center. The correct figure for 1997 was 728, and the correct figure for 1996 was 767 for a variance
of -39.
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A. Cultural Arts Master Plan
1. Discussion of May 15, 1997 Conference
Staff has received three confirmations (Stewart Wood - Indio Arts Commission, Chris Silva - Indio City
Council, and Terry Henderson - La Quinta City Council). Discussion was held whether the public should
be invited to the Conference, and the Commission agreed that it should be open to everyone. Staff will
take care of refreshments as they have in the past. Dr. LeWinter suggested having a resource person
come speak to the Commission on how to put a plan together, and he will provide Chairperson Hull with
a name and phone number.
The Commission discussed how to pull all the information together for the plan. It was decided that
Chairperson Hull would accept responsibility for drafting the language on the goals, and the information
would be given to staff to include in the next agenda. The Commissioners were asked to call Chairperson
Hull if they had anymore questions, comments, or suggestions.
2. Development of Master Plan
Chairperson Hull reviewed and discussed questions and comments on her report "Thoughts and Questions
on C.A.M.P", and the Summary of Goals with the Commissioners.
John Detlie, 48-546 Via Amistad, La Quinta - Mr. Detlie gave a brief history of his experience with
Master Plans which included developing Allied Arts of Seattle. Mr. Detlie indicated that coordination and
working together is the key to success of the plan, and gave a copy of "Allied Arts of Seattle" and "First
Annual Report with Recommendations for the Artistic and Cultural Development of Seattle" plans for the
Commission to use. Staff will make copies and distribute them to the Commission.
Dr. Oswald LeWinter, 81-900 Mountain View Lane, La Quinta - Mr. LeWinter said that La Quinta is
becoming know for the city with the most golf courses, and he feels the Arts Festival is going in a direction
of "popular tastes" versus "serious collectors". Mr. LeWinter thinks the Master Plan concept so far, is the
best in the valley and believes the Commission is on the right track with the Master Plan. Mr. LeWinter
stated he does not understand why the development of the Traditions was allowed to happen.
B. Review of Cultural Commission Work Plan
Staff informed the Commission that the City Council has asked that all Commissions develop a Work Plan,
and that reviews of the Plans be in sync with the budget review time so that any funding requests are
addressed during this time.
The Commission made the following changes to the Work Plan:
Removed Commissioner Sharp's name from D.E.P.A.
Put the D.E.P.A. Project on hold until Commission vacancies are filled
The Arts Advocacy Project will continue to be on hold
Add a new item called "Conferences & Seminars"
Staff will make the changes and bring the item back to the Commission for final review, and then forward
the document to the City Council for consideration.
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C. Letters of Commendation
Reviewed letters sent at the request of the Commission last month. Chairperson Hull will send a letter to
Susan Francis who was recently appointed Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation; Darlene Romano
for the production of The Secret Garden at the McCallum; and to Kay Wolff thanking her for her role as
interim Executive Director of the Arts Foundation.
D. Support and Recognition of Art Organizations - No action taken.
A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for February 3 and March 3, 1997 - Received and filed.
B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for January 16 and February 20, 1997 - Received and filed.
C. Building and Construction Appeals Board Member List - Rèplace page in Commissioner Handbook.
D. CALAA Conference Information - Received and filed.
Commissioner Benay shared her new art brochure with the Commission. Commission Benay asked if the City
has ever done or considered doing an awards banquet for the community, similar to the City of Indio. Chairperson
Hull said that it is something to think about doing in the future and suggest it be an agenda item in the future, or
put it in the Work Plan next year.
Chairperson Hull asked the Commissioners if they had received information on the Human Services Commission
Youth Workshop on April 30th, the brochure on "Making Livable Communities", and the Historical Society party.
It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1 :40 p.m..
Thursday, May 22, 1997 12:00 Noon
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Work Plan Update
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