CACMIN 05 22 1997 UNAPPROVED CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES May 22, 1997 I. CAll TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12:00 noon in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Atkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler MEMBERS ABSENT: Three Vacancies STAFF PRESENT: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Britt Wilson, Management Assistant Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of April 24, 1997 - One correction was noted on the Minutes of April 24, 1997. It was moved by Commissioner AtkinsNossler to accept the Minutes as corrected. Unanimous. B. Monthly Department Report for April 1997 - Received and filed. V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Arts Master Plan The Commission discussed the Cultural Arts Master Plan. It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to request to go before the City Council during Study Session to discuss expanding the Ordinance to include all culture and to discuss goals, responsibilities, and to further the Commissions relationship with the City Council in order to proceed with the Cultural Arts Master Plan. After additional discussion Vossler/Atkins withdrew their motion, and the Commission agreed to continue discussion of this item to the next meeting. . C:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\MIN5-22.wpd B. Work Plan Update The Commission reviewed the Work Plan and considered adding an annual recognition dinner. This will be discussed at a later date by the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner AtkinsNossler to approve the Work Plan as submitted. Unanimous. C. Letters of Commendation Letters will be sent to Elaine Lloyd, Community Concerts; Gloria Harmond, La Quinta Arts League; and Sherry Wollenberg, La Quinta Jazz Band. D. Support and Recognition of Art Organizations - None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for April 7, 1997 - Received and filed. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS - None IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:17 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Thursday, June 26, 1997 12:00 Noon La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Ordinance Review · Cultural Arts Master Plan · Cultural Commission Workshop C:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\MIN5-22. wpd 2