2005 04 05 RDA6%# 4 4adj& Redevelopment Agency Agendas are Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 5, 2005 - 2:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. RA 2005-004 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, and Chairman Osborne PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the Redevelopment Agency Board may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when the Agency is considering acquisition of real property. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c) — INITIATION OF LITIGATION (ONE MATTER). Redevelopment Agency Agenda 1 April 5, 2005 2. CONFERENCE WITH THE AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CALLE TAMPICO AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATORS: SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC AND EMBASSY SUITES LA QUINTA. RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Agency Board on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Agency Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Agency beginning consideration of that item. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 2005. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED APRIL 5, 2005. BUSINESS SESSION - NONE STUDY SESSION - NONE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE Redevelopment Agency Agenda 2 April 5, 2005 DEPARTMENT REPORT 1 . REPORT ON SilverRock RESORT MARKETING. PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to be held on April 19, 2005, commencing with closed session at 2:00 p.m. and open session at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of Tuesday, April 5, 2005, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on Friday, April 1, 2005. DATED: APRIL 1, 2005 JUNE S. GREEK, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Redevelopment Agency Agenda 3 April 5, 2005 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 2005 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated April 5, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING Receive and File the Demand Register Dated April 5, 2005 of which $345,475.61 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures. PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER 1 ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Department Report: MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the Redevelopment Agency Board FROM: Mark Weiss, Assistant Executive Director"�1 DATE: April 5, 2005 SUBJECT: Department Report — SilverRock Resort Marketing Attached please find SilverRock Resort marketing material as submitted by McMurry. The Redevelopment Agency entered into a Professional Services Agreement with McMurry in December 2004 for pre -opening marketing services for SilverRock Resort. The current agreement expires at the end of May 2005. McMurry has requested to address the Agency Board and provide a recap of Grand Opening activities as well as discuss future recommendations relative to SilverRock marketing. Attachments: 1. SilverRock Resort's Arnold Palmer Classic Course Recap: Marketing Initiatives 2. SilverRock Resort Grand Opening Media Attendance/Coverage 3. SilverRock Marketing Collection Packet (Agency Members only) MCMWY Attachment 1 A Better Place. A Better Way. Si IverRock Resort's Arnold Palmer Classic Course Recap: Marketing Initiatives 1) Current and Completed Deliverables a) Advertising* - development complete and delivered per attached i) Concept Development/Advertising Campaign: (1) Secure approval from the City, Landmark and Arnold Palmer Course Design (a) Newspaper Ads - complete as per attached (b) Outdoor - complete as per attached (c) Magazine Ads - interim campaign complete as per attached (d) Magazine Ads - branding campaign complete as per attached (e) Bob Hope Chrysler Classic advertising - complete (f) General Radio - :60 radio spots complete/aired in Coachella Valley (g) BIA Signage in La Quinta - contract complete and directional signs posted March 2005 (h) Palm Springs Desert CVA - ads contained within media plan (i) Rack Card - complete/delivered to client for distribution to area hotels (j) Photography - three rounds of photography document all phases of development and used for advertising/promotional purposes (k) Signs for Ground Breaking event - complete/delivered b) Grand Opening Advertising - complete & delivered (1) Banner - Grand Opening March 1, 2005 (2) Signs - Grand Opening Activities (3) Grand Opening Event Plan ning/Execution* - complete (4) Announcement Flyer - complete (5) Press Sheet/Yardage - complete, inserted into media kits (6) Media Reception invitation - complete (7) La Quinta Resident direct mail for Grand Opening* - complete (8) Print Advertising - newspaper advertising complete, ran in Desert Sun (9) Radio Advertising - :30 radio spot, aired on Coachella Valley radio stations (10) Website Pop -Up* (11) E-Postcard to media reps (12) Photography - Daily event activities c) Completed Collateral* Prepared by McMurry - 1 April 2005 2 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. (1) City Letterhead/business card package - complete as per attached (2) Landmark Letterhead/business card package for on -site use - complete as per attached (3) City Picnic Brochure - design/print complete (4) Resident Card - design COMPLETE as per attached (5) Resident Card brochure - design/print - complete (6) Press Kit Folders d) Brand Strategy* (1) Phase I delivered (2) Phase II delivered e) Media Plan* -- delivered (1) Media Rationale - complete/in progress (2) Media buying - in progress through June 2005 f) Website - ongoing, final posting next week (1) Phase I - www.SilverRock.org complete (2) Phase II - Upgrade with media section, photography, course description & hole renderings* - complete (3) Additional URL Registration: www.SilverRockResort.org complete (4) SEO optimization - ongoing (5) Phase III/Final - design/layout complete, new links to online tee time bookings, new photography, grand opening event, and more. Pending City approval, post immediately g) Golf Wholesalers Sales Piece - in progress (1) Deliverable week of April 4, 2005 h) Hotelier Solicitation Piece - complete and delivered to City (1) Response rate to date is an astounding 25% i) Public Relations*-- news releases as per attached (1) Website component added to URL to feature all news release content (2) Media kit added as a feature on website for easy access j) Press Kits* - complete & delivered to City (1) Distributed in response to media inquiries (2) Created special media kit for Grand Opening k) Monthly Reports* - complete through March 2005 as per attached 1) Event Planning - complete (1) Ground Breaking* - event schedule as per attached (2) Grand Opening * - event schedule as per attached (3) Grand Opening Media Recap Report * - complete as per attached (a) Attendance 1,000+ Prepared by McMurry 1 April 2005 3 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. m) Specialty Items (1) Grand Opening - specialty items secured for give away to the public: (a) Ball caps (b) Sleeve of golf balls (2) Other items: (a) SilverRock Resort Poster (b) Inventory of shirts for resale delivered to the City 2) Deliverables in Progress a) Direct Mail i) Complete per grand opening, 16,500 households received b) E-Marketing (local and regional) i) Developed to generate interest and maintain top of mind awareness for local/regional golfers (1) Develop series of three (3) email HTML messages (2) Design/Layout week of April 11 to City for review (3) Revisions week of April 18 (4) E-mail blast scheduled week of April 25, May 2 and May 9 c) Local Promotion to CVA i) Deliver wholesale Golf Piece to CVA to use as reference tool ii) Other print advertising in CVA publications is on the media plan d) Ritz/Carlton Magazine Insertion i) July 2005 issue (materials due to the publication on May 1, 2005) ii) Readership:820,000 iii) Distribution: Global, 58 Ritz Carlton properties worldwide + bonus distribution to Ritz Carlton Residences (timeshare) iv) Full page, four color ad v) BONUS AD to SilverRock Resort is a $15,609 value provided at NO CHARGE by McMurry to the City e) SilverRock Photography i) Deliver to City all digital and hard copy photos (beauty and event photos) Prepared by McMurry 1 April 2005 4 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. 3) Future Recommendations to promote the course and to fill tee times: a) Maintain and promote the SilverRock Resort brand i) Branding is continuity ii) Maintain the same look and feel is critical in the first few years of a development b) Filling Tee times, how to generate activity during a long, hot summer i) Maximize the financial return by effectively marketing to large drive -markets, including: Southern California, Arizona and Nevada ii) Maximize exposure to fly markets: Mid West, East Coast/New York, and Select European iii) Create special, sustainable annual engagements whether hosting a tournament, creating a tournament, leveraging out high level contacts (Cruz Bustamante, Lieutenant governor of California etc.) iv) Develop relationships with destination resort properties to offer packages v) Design online video streaming product to promote the course via an online "TV - quality commercial that is linked to the website as a call to action. Tie placement to key geographic areas that have the highest likelihood of visitation to La Quinta. vi) Work with golf wholesalers to design bookable, online packages. vii) Develop closer working relationship with CVA to maximize exposure to the tour trade industry viii) Create cooperative marketing program with area businesses who have a similar target market — create a win -win relationship ix) Continue to develop relationship with the media to garner articles x) Enlist other SRR entities, providing the marketing horsepower to assist in the initial attraction of and then coordinated marketing with major Hotel, Boutique Hotel, Spa, Retail, Second Golf Course * Included within Agency marketing packet. Prepared by McMurry _ 1 April 2005 5 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. SilverRock Resort Grand Opening Media Attendance/Coverage Attachment 2 The following media outlets had a presence at the Grand Opening events. Because of the lead time inherent to monthly publications in many cases, McMurry will look for SilverRock coverage to run in the next month to three months. McMurry is tracking all media coverage, and will communicate this to City of La Quinta when it has gathered coverage. Desert Sun Circ: 46,949 2/13/05—Larry Bohannan—SilverRock Resort to Open Monday 2/14/05—Larry Bohannan Floods of Water or Red Ink Can't Stop SilverRock Debut 2/ 14/05—Larry Bohannan—SilverRock Scouting Report 2/15/05—Larry Bohannan SilverRock Opens, Now Comes the Hard Part 3/ 1 /05—staff writer —Palmer Takes his Shot at SilverRock Today 3/2/05—Larry Bohannan— `Arnie 's Army' at Attention 3/2/05—Larry Bohannan No. 17, the Classic Course at SilverRock Resort Fairways & Greens Circ: 120,000 3/21/05—Ken Van Vechten—The King Coronates the Springs Riverside Press -Enterprise Circ: 191,802 2/14/05—Meghan Lewit—SilverRock Course Opens to 100 Happy Golfers CNBC Power Lunch Viewers: 500,000 3/21/05—Power Lunch featuring Arnold Palmer interview KESQ ABC TV 2/28/05 News at 6:30pm—:30—GO teaser from Media Reception 2/28/05 News at IOpm-1:45—GO teaser from Media Reception 3/l/05 News at 1 lam-3:00—Footage from GO at SRR 3/1/05 News at 6pm-1:30—Footage from GO at SRR 3/l/05 News at 6:30pm-2:00—Footage from GO at SRR 3/l/05 News at IOpm-3:00—Footage from GO at SRR KMIR-NBC TV 3/l/05 News at 5:30am-1:30—Weather live from GO at SRR 3/1/05 News at l lam-1:15—Shots from GO ***Represents media coverage through 3/21/05 Prepared by McMurry 31 March 2005 6 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. TELEVISION CNBC Power Lunch Viewership: 500,000 Power Lunch (hosted by Bill Griffeth, Sue Herera) takes an up -close and personal look at the companies, people and hot trends driving the markets and influencing Wall Street and the economy - whether from the world of entertainment, media, real estate, technology or fashion. • Results: Producer (Jerry Cobb) and cameraman (Raul Marin) interviewed Arnold Palmer the morning of the Grand Opening. They also attended the Grand Opening to shoot b-roll footage for future use. Segment runs March 21, 2005. KESQ ABC TV KESQ-TV is a local Palm Springs, California, ABC affiliate. Local news airs Monday through Friday mornings and evenings. On Saturday and Sunday, news airs only in the evenings. • Results: Sports anchors (Brad Hoffman, Josh Collier) attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. KESQ ran several segments on SilverRock, clips of which McMurry has ordered and will provide to City. KMIR-NBC TV KMIR-TV is the NBC affiliate in Palm Desert, California, serving Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley. KMIR-TV broadcasts on Channel 6. • Results: Sports Director (Cal Ahlers) and Sports Anchor (Winston Dutchin) attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. KMIR ran several segments on SilverRock, clips of which McMurry has ordered and will provide to City. KPSP-CBS TV KPSP-TV is the CBS affiliate which airs news during the weekday mornings and evenings. All other programming is CBS network programming. • Results: Sports anchors (Scott Hennessee and Drew Johnson) attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. KPSP ran several segments on SilverRock, clips of which McMurry has ordered and will provide to City. KVER-TV KVER-TV is the local Univision affiliate, broadcast on channel 4 for viewers in Indio and Palm Springs, California. The station is owned by Entravision Communications Corporation and all programming is in Spanish. • Results: Johan Lomali attended Grand Opening events. McMurry tracking coverage. Prepared by McMurry 31 March 2005 7 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. PRINT Go st Circ: 1,577,291 Established in 1950 and written for all golf enthusiasts, whether a recreational, amateur or professional player. Editorial focuses on tips and techniques on improving your game. Reports on tournament standings, new golf products, fashions and books, and discusses issues facing the game today. • Results: Linda Dillenbeck attend Grand Opening events and played golf that afternoon. She was very impressed with the course and has indicated that coverage will result. Agency to follow up. • McMurry recommended that Palmer Course Design pursue coverage for SilverRock and the "Best New" facilities list in Golf Digest, which will run January 2006. Golf course architect must submit for inclusion in this list. Golfweek Circ: 500,000 Edited for the accomplished golfer, Golfweek covers the latest golfing news and all levels of competitive golf, from amateurs and collegiate to juniors and professionals. Includes discussions on course architecture, management, development and maintenance as well as a look at the latest equipment and apparel. • Results: Senior writer Jim Achenbach attended Grand Opening events, but couldn't golf because of a scheduling conflict. McMurry encouraged him to golf the course in the future, and he indicated he would do so and coverage would likely result. McMurry to follow up and pursue coverage. Los Angeles Times Readership: 902,164 Los Angeles Times is a general interest daily newspaper that covers regional, national, and international news. Five regional editions of the newspaper are published. They cover the San Fernando Valley, Orange County, Ventura County, the Inland Empire, and metropolitan Los Angeles. • Results: Patricia Varga, editor with the LA Times attended the Grand Opening events. Agency following up to pursue coverage. Los Angeles Times —Golf Living Magazine Readership: 120,000 Los Angeles Times is launching a new magazine to appeal to the high -end golfer, called Golf Living Magazine. Golf Living, which is scheduled to launch in October, will target the most affluent Southern Californian golfers. • Results: George Fuller, publisher of Golf Living, attended the Grand Opening events. He has committed to running editorial on behalf of SilverRock in first or second issue of publication. Prepared by McMurry 31 March 2005 8 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. Desert Sun Circ: 46,949 The Desert Sun is a daily newspaper that aims to be the premier source for news and information on and around the Coachella Valley. Publication coverage includes local and national news, sports, business, and lifestyle issues affecting the local community. • Results: Larry Bohannan attended Grand Opening events and played golf that afternoon. Bohannan wrote very favorable articles which ran both the morning of the Grand Opening and the morning after the event (March 2). El Informador del Valle Circ: 41,000 El Informador del Valle is a Spanish language newspaper of the Indio, CA area. It provides the Hispanic community with information on local news, arts and entertainment, and more. Contact the managing editor with any further inquiries. • Results: Richard Gutierrez attended Grand Opening events. McMurry to track relevant coverage. Golf News Magazine Circ: 16,495 Written for golfers in Southern California, Golf News Magazine provides information and features on new and existing golf courses and resorts, product reviews, instruction articles, travel destinations, and coverage of amateur and professional tournaments and players. • Results: Editors (Dan Poppers, Fred Robledo) attended Grand Opening events and committed to covering the event. McMurry to track coverage. Golf Vacations Magazine Circ: 30,000 The publication presents local events, area attractions, food and culture that are all part of a complete golf vacation. Includes features about the latest automobiles, fashions on and off the course, golf equipment and ways to improve their lifestyle. • Results: Editor (Jeff Diaz) and other staff attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. Diaz indicated he will write something about the course/event; McMurry to follow up, track relevant coverage. Riverside Press -Enterprise Circ: 191,802 The Press -Enterprise is a general interest newspaper serving the Riverside and San Bernardino counties in Southern California. • Results: Mirjam Swanson attended Grand Opening events and wrote favorable coverage of the event and the golf course. Desert Golf Magazine Circ: 100,000 Desert Golf Magazine is published five times a year by Pade Publishing, LLC. The magazine provides golfers in Arizona, Nevada, and California with news and information about golf, golf courses, tournaments, and resorts. The lead time and deadlines are three months prior to the issue date. Prepared by McMurry 31 March 2005 9 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. • Results: Editors (Francoise Rhodes) and photographers (Herb Krause) attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. McMurry to track relevant coverage. Fairways & Greens Circ: 120,000 Written for the golf enthusiasts, from the professional to the casual golfer. Informs on new and established golf courses, golf services and products, dining, lodging, tournaments, profiles of professional golfers, golf -oriented real estate developments, as well as non -golf attractions. • Results: Writer Ken Van Vechten attended Grand Opening event and played golf that afternoon. Article runs March 21, 2005. Advertising value: $10,500 Palm Springs Life Circ: 17,436 Written for the cosmopolitan resident and vacationer in the desert resort area. Features provide a look at the unique quality of living found in the desert resorts and cover celebrities, major sporting events, luxury homes, fine dining, fashion, travel, the arts and the social scene. • Results: Editors and photographer (Sherri Mardones, etc.) attended Grand Opening events. Mardones took photographs at the event, which she committed to running in the publication. Agency to track coverage. Pros `n' Hackers Circ: 40,000 Pros `n' Hackers serves as a public golf resource for the greater Washington D.C/ Baltimore area. Provides the affluent local golfer comprehensive news, insight, tips, course reviews, events and a golf course directory. Offers local lifestyle articles, restaurant information, travel destinations, product reviews and exclusive member golf discounts. • Results: Michael Fogarty attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. McMurry following up to pursue coverage. 111 Magazine Circ: 7,000 Targeted to an elite audience of of the region, 111 Magazine covers local entertainment and up- coming events. For people with expensive taste, it covers the newest top of the line products on the market, things like cars, golf clubs, boats. Covers issues that are relevant to people with a great deal of disposable income. • Results: Editors (Steve Tolin, etc.) attended Grand Opening events. McMurry tracking relevant coverage. Golf Freelancer • Barry Lotz—attended Grand Opening and played golf. Lotz has also played the course since the Grand Opening, and has committed to writing an article to pitch to LA Times. Prepared by McMurry 31 March 2005 10 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. RADIO KEZN-FM KEZN-FM is a commercial radio station with a format of easy listening/soft rock music. KEZN- FM's target audience is people between 14 and 55 years of age, in the Palm Springs, CA area. The station airs locally on 103.1 FM. • Results: On -air personality (Dan McGrath) and other staff attended Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. The talent hyped SilverRock on -air throughout the day. KJJZ-FM KJJZ-FM is a commercial radio station which plays jazz music. KJJZ-FM's target audience is adults, ages 25 to 65. The station airs locally on 102.3 FM. KJJZ-FM's tagline is "Smooth Jazz." KJJZ-FM's newscasts air during the morning and afternoon drive times, PT. • Results: Producers (Jim Fitzgerald, Todd Marker) attended Grand Opening events. The talent hyped SilverRock on -air throughout the day. KXPS AM KXPS-AM is a commercial station owned by Morris Communications. The format of the station is sports, and it is affiliated with ESPN Radio. KXPS-AM's target audience is sports fans in the Palm Springs, CA area. The program "Truth on Sports" airs locally on 1010 AM from 1-3 pm. • Results: On -air talent and producers (Pete Fox, etc.) attended the Grand Opening and played golf that afternoon. "Truth on Sports" broadcasted live from SilverRock the afternoon of the event. KGAM-AM KGAM-AM is commercial radio station owned by R&R Radio, Inc. The format of the station is news, talk, and sports radio. KGAM-AM's target audience is Palm Springs, CA area adults, ages 25 to 54. The station airs locally on 1450 AM. • Results: On -air talent and producers (Gregg Aratin, etc) attended the Grand Opening and played golf that afternoon. The talent talked about SilverRock on the air throughout Grand Opening day. KNEWS Radio KNWT-AM is a commercial station owned by Morris Communications. The format of the station is news and talk. KNWT-AM is known as "K-News 2." KNWT-AM serves the Palm Springs area on AM 1270. • Results: On -air talent and producers (Corbett Brattin, etc) attended the Grand Opening and played golf that afternoon. The talent talked about SilverRock on the air throughout Grand Opening day. KPSI-AM KPSI-AM is a commercial radio station owned by R&R Radio Corp. The format of the station is news and talk. KPSI-AM's target audience is adults, ages 18 to 64. The station airs on 920 AM and covers the entire Palm Springs, CA area. • Results: On -air personality Rich Gilgallon (Da Coach) attended the Grand Opening events and golfed that afternoon. Coach talked about SilverRock on -air in the days leading up to the Grand Opening, and after the event. Prepared by McMurry _ - 31 March 2005 11 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. The following media outlets were pitched in conjunction with the Grand Opening, but had scheduling conflicts. Coverage is expected to run in one to three months, and McMurry will track all coverage. Golf World Circ: 152,043 Edited for the golfer, both amateur and professional. Features and reports regarding pro, amateur, senior, collegiate and international tournaments. Editorial includes issues influencing the sport and tournament summaries, as well as new equipment, products, course architecture, and videos. • Results: Agency pitched the publication regarding the Grand Opening. Although no one was able to attend, Geoff Russell showed great interest in the course and McMurry will follow up to pursue coverage. Golf For Women Circ: 500,000 The publication focuses on both game improvement and enjoyment, from quick tips and equipment news, to beauty, health and fitness, travel, and fashion coverage. The instruction provided is tailored to their needs including tips from playing editor Nancy Lopez and other top pros, plus additional secrets and advice. Regular features include player profiles, vacation guides and special reports on such topics as hot new spa resorts, country club cuisine, and the world of private on -course communities. • Results: Agency pitched the publication regarding the Grand Opening. Although no one was able to attend, both Susan Reid and Dana White showed great interest in the course and McMurry will follow up to pursue coverage. Golfweek Circ: 500,000 Edited for the accomplished golfer, Goj6veek covers the latest golfing news and all levels of competitive golf, from amateurs and collegiate to juniors and professionals. Includes discussions on course architecture, management, development and maintenance as well as a look at the latest equipment and apparel. • Results: McMurry pitched Managing Editor Rex Hoggard on Grand Opening of SilverRock. Hoggard had a scheduling conflict for the event dates, so McMurry arranged a tee time for him and three senior/golf writers with Golfweek. McMurry to follow-up and pursue coverage/course review. • Results: McMurry talked with golf course rater Grant Maples, and arranged a tee time for to play and then review the course. McMurry will track coverage. Orange County Register Circ: 313,418 Orange County Register is a newspaper written for the general public in the Orange County, CA, area. • Results: McMurry pitched Golf Writer John Reger on Grand Opening of SilverRock. Reger had a scheduling conflict for the event dates, so McMurry arranged a tee time for him. McMurry to follow-up and pursue coverage/course review. Prepared by McMurry 31 March 2005 12 McMURRY A Better Place. A Better Way. San Diego Union Tribune Circ: 339,032 The San Diego Union -Tribune is a daily newspaper touted as "San Diego County's largest newspaper." The Union -Tribune offers comprehensive news and features of local happenings and the regional business economy. • Results: McMurry pitched Golf Writer Todd Leonard on Grand Opening of SilverRock. Leonard had a scheduling conflict for the event dates, so McMurry arranged a tee time for him. McMurry to follow-up and pursue coverage/course review. Travel & Leisure Golf Circ: 650,548 Established in 1998 and written for those who see golf not only as a game, but as a lifestyle. Editorial features cover everything from travel, to great cars, to fine wines and the hottest new gadgets. Also included are celebrity interviews and human -interest pieces with a golf angle. • Results: McMurry pitched contributing Golf Writer Dave Lagarde on Grand Opening of SilverRock. Lagarde had a scheduling conflict for the event dates, so McMurry arranged a tee time for him. McMurry to follow-up and pursue coverage/course review. Places to Play The Places to Play golf course guide is actually a book that is sold in bookstores around the country, listing more than 3,500 courses to play along with comments from Golf Digest ratings panel and customers. McMurry contacted pertinent editorial contact and will continue to pursue coverage. Prepared by McMurry 131 March 2005 13