2005 05 17 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1 7, 2005 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION - None Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and until the hour of 3 :00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Mary Jo Madigan, 72-827 Bursera Way, Palm Desert, encouraged everyone to support the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) by buying tickets to attend their second annual fundraiser on June 10th at Indian Wells Cöuntry Club. She indicated the organization has approximately 40 volunteers. * * * * * * * * * * Bernard Mankertz, 50-920 Paradise East Drive, asked the Counci"l to consider establishing rent control regulations to ensure reasonable rent rates for seniors. City Manager Genovese indicated staff will research the issue with legal counsel and report back to Council. * * * * * * * * * * Joe Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, inquired about the posting requirements for Council agendas. He understood the agenda is supposed to be posted Friday on City Council Minutes 2 May 17, 2005 the web page but the last few times it hasn't been posted until Monday. He requested the agenda be placed on the web page before the weekend. City Attorney Jenson advised the Brown Act requires posting of the agendas 72 hours in advance of the meeting but that doesn't include the web page. City Clerk Greek stated the agendas are posted Friday afternoon after they have been distributed to the City Council. When the agenda is completed late on Friday, ·it's not placed on the web page until Monday morning. She also confirmed the agenda is published in the newspaper on Monday. * * * * * * * * * * * * Deanne Hernandez, 77-450 Calle Chillon, requested permission to take a photo of the Council in session for her son's school project. Council complied with her req uest. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed PRESENTATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the City Council Minutes of May 3, 2005, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Osborne requested separate action be taken on Item No.5, and later indicated he has a potential conflict of interest due to a business relationship with NAI. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 17, 2005. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED MARCH, 31, 2005. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2005. ------------- ---....---- ---- City Council Minutes 3 May 1 7, 2005 4. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM THE CITY'S ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR CSA 152, AUTHORIZE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TO CONTINUE TO LEVY' ASSESSMENTS, AND INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE COUNTY HARMLESS FOR LEVYING ASSESSMENTS ON CITY PARCELS UNDER CSA 152. (RESOLUTION NO. 2005-038) 5. APPROVAL TO EXTEND A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NAI CONSULTING TO PROVIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ·AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006. (See separate action below.) 6. APPROVAL OF DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY. 7. APPROVAL OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND HOME PROGRAM FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2006-2009 AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. 8. APPROVAL OF .A PETITION FOR CANCELLATION OF A WILLIAMSON ACT CONTRACT 40± ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 52, 1,320 FEET EAST OF MADISON STREET WITHIN THE MADISON CLUB. APPLICANT: EAST OF MADISON, LLC. 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL MAP 32683-1, WASHINGTON 111 , LTD. (RESOLUTION NO. 2005-039) 10. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL MAP 32683-3, WASHINGTON 111 LTD. (RESOLUTION NO. 2005-040) 11 . APPROVAL OF FOOD AND BEVERAGE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR SilverRock RESORT. 12. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PW CONSTRUCTION INC., FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY, PROJECT NO. 2000-06. MOTION - It was moved by Council M.embers Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item No.5 and with Item Nos. 4, 9, and 10 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2005-38 through 2005-040 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2005-45. City Council Minutes 4 May 17, 2005 Item No.5: MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve Consent Item No.5, authorizing the City Manager to extend a Professional Services Agreement for a period of one year with the firm of Nickerson & Associates, Inc. (NAI Consulting) in an amount not to exceed $172,200 to provide Project Management and Contract Administrative Support Services. Motion carried with Council Member Osborne ABSTAINING. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2005-46. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT AND LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2003-14, AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A FINANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Consultant Nickerson stated the proposed parking lot design will accommodate 113 parking spaces. Council Member Henderson stated she is disappointed the brick and grass parking lot hasn't worked, and that the area has to be turned into a huge black mark in the middle of the Village. She asked about shade trees and lighting in the parking lot. Mr. Nickerson stated no planter areas for trees are included in the design because they would have to be removed if a future structure is built. He stated decorative lighting will be provided around the perimeter and in the pedestrian crossings. Council Member Henderson questioned how the Desert Club Drive pedestrian crossings would be utilized, and inquired about the zoning in that area. Mr. Jonasson stated the intent is to place the crossings in areas where they will be used; one probably in front of Andrews Bar & Grill and the other mid- block at Old Town. He stated he believed the zoning is residential. Council Member Henderson stated she feels the Desert Club Drive crossings may be premature, and that people are likely to cross the street wherever they park. She inquired about any parking restrictions near the crossings. ---._._~-,-- ---_._._.~ ._-- - ~. - - ~-_. City Council Minutes 5 May 17, 2005 Mr. Jonasson stated the intent is to create a narrower look to the street and, hopefully, reduce the speed of traffic. He stated the parking restrictions still need to be determined but will probably be 1 5 feet each side of the crossing. Council Member Henderson noted the crossings will eliminate a number of parking spaces on Desert Club Drive. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Nickerson confirmed the pedestrian crossings will be offset with raised curbs in the center and be ADA compliant. Council Member Perkins indicated he is opposed to having shade trees in the parking lot, and voiced concern about the mid-block crosswalk concept. He is also concerned about landscaping around the perimeter that may obscure law enforcement's view into the parking lot at night. Council Member Osborne inquired about the budget and funding for the project. Mr. Jonasson stated the budget has been adjusted at least once, with the current numbers being at least six months old. He indicated the add alternates will be funded through a loan from the General Fund Reserves to the Redevelopment Agency. In response to Council Member Osborne, City Manager Genovese confirmed there was an inquiry about the property several months ago about potential development but staff hasn't heard from them since. Council Member Osborne stated he doesn't have a problem with the design but has concerns about spending almost $1 million without knowing how long the parking lot will last. He also has concerns about borrowing the money from the General Fund and not having it pre-budgeted. Council Member Sniff stated he doesn't have a problem with asphalt, particularly if it's semi-shielded by proper landscaping, and believes the parking lot will be more attractive and functional. He believes the pedestrian crossings are needed, and noted the construction will take place during the summer when traffic and. parking will be least impacted. He indicated he views these as interim improvements, and asked about the possibility of adding a second level in the near future without having an adverse effect on the interim improvements. City Council Minutes 6 May 17, 2005 Mr. Jonasson stated the intent is to spend a minimum amount to pave the parking lot without a lot of interior enhancements. He feels many of the perimeter improvements can be saved. Council Member Sniff spoke in support of moving forward with the project. He feels there is value in doing the Desert Club Drive crossings if they will enhance the safety of pedestrians. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Jonasson stated alternative #1 includes the parking lot and perimeter landscaping but not enhanced landscaping at the corner. Mayor Adolph commented on the cost of the pedestrian crosswalks, and indicated he doesn't support installing the Desert Club Drive crossings at this time. He agrees with Council Member Henderson that they won't be used. Council Member Henderson asked about doing a third pedestrian crossing on A venida Bermudas in front of the post office in place of the crossings on Desert Club Drive. Council Member Perkins suggested trying diagonally-striped crosswalks before spending money on the fancy pedestrian crossings. He indicated he would go along with the plans if assured there will not be dense shade trees. Emir Kocaballi, 74-885 Joni Drive, Palm Desert, representing Cora Constructors, questioned why their bid was determined non-responsive. He . stated they believe their subcontractor is qualified, and that their bid is not frontloaded. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Jonasson stated the subcontractor's license had expired, and it's clear in the bid specifications, that the license must be valid at the time the bid is submitted. Additionally, the subcontractor was to perform 40% of the work, and his business is a one- man operation, and his expired license does not cover irrigation and paving. Mayor Adolph suggested Mr. Kocaballi meet with staff to get a better understanding of the bid requirements for future bids. Mr. Kocaballi explained the hold that had been placed on the subcontractor's license has been released, and he is qualified to do the work. Council Member Henderson stated she supports a modified alternative #3 consisting of: the parking lot, perimeter landscaping and enhanced City Council Minutes 7 May 17, 2005 landscaping at the corner, and three pedestrian crossings on A venida Bermudas. Mr. Jonasson indicated he would have to check with Granite about the cost of the third crossing on A venida Bermudas. Mayor Adolph noted a pedestrian crossing in front of the post office will eliminate two parking spaces. Council Member Perkins spoke in support of alternative #2, and suggested seeing how the other crossings work before putting one in front of the post office. Council Member Osborne stated he still has concerns about the funding but will support alternative #2 because he feels the improvements are needed. Mr. Jonasson noted alternate #2 does not include enhanced landscaping at the corner. Council concurred to include the enhanced landscaping. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-041 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF lA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445(a). MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2005-041 as submitted, and appropriate $442,928 from RDA 1 available funds; authorize the City Manager to execute a Financing Agreement in the amount of $442,928 between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the City of La Quinta using the .City's General Fund Economic Development reserves; and, award a contract to Granite Construction to construct the Base Bid plus Add Alternates 1, 2 and 5 (parking lot improvements, two pedestrian crossings on Avenida Bermudas, and landscape enhancements within the parking lot) for the Village Parking Lot Improvements, Project No. 2003-14. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2005-047. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT AB 888, AB 1222, AND SB 459 REGARDING LOCOMOTIVE AND RAIL YEAR EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS. City Council Minutes 8 May 17, 2005 Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. Mayor Adolph noted the cost of upgrades to the rail system will come back to the consumer through increased cost of goods and services. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-042 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY BILL 1222 (JONES), ASSEMBLY BILL 888 (DE LA TORRE), AND SENATE BILL 459 (ROMERO), WHICH WOULD ENACT LOCOMOTIVE AND RAIL YEAR EMISSIONS REDUCTION AND MITIGATION PROGRAMS, A REMOTE SENSING PROGRAM, AND CALL UPON U.S. EPA TO FURTHER LIMIT LOCOMOTIVE EMISSIONS. It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2005-042 as submitted. Council Member Perkins stated he doesn't believe the resolution is going to accomplish anything, and will not support the motion because he feels the Council doesn't have all the information. Mayor Adolph indicated he was leaning that direction but will support the resolution because of the environmental aspects. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins voting NO. 3. CONSIDERATION OF MARKETING PARTNERSHIP PROPOSAL WITH CITY OF LA QUINT A AS THE TITLE SPONSOR FOR THE JIM MURRAY ALUMNI CHALLENGE GOLF INVITATIONAL. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson inquired about the distribution of the scholarships as it relates to the funding proceeds staying in La Quinta or the Coachella Valley. Mr. Weiss requested the inquiry be addressed by tournament representatives. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Weiss stated the agreement with Bob Hope Chrysler Classic has a base fee of $100,000 and could increase up to $340,000, depending on the number of golf rounds. He confirmed that - --_..,_._._._--------_.~ -- ~--.-_..---~-- - City Council Minutes 9 May 17, 2005 amount would have been included in next year's budget had SilverRock been designated as the home course for the Bob Hope tournament in 2006. Mayor Adolph noted that is not going to happen next year. John Pena, 51-405 Calle Hueneme, President of International Golf Museum introduced Linda Murray, of the Jim Murray Memorial Foundation. Linda Murray, 54-387 Shoal Creek, stated she will soon become a full-time resident of La Quinta, and wants to move the prestigious tournament to La Quinta permanently. She indicated Arnold Palmer is the honorary chairman for the event, which has provided 42 scholarships of $5,000 each over a period of six years. She stated the judges are sports journalists throughout the country that often attend the tournament and write articles about the Foundation. She will be doing various interviews in New York in two weeks, and would like to announce that the tournament will be moved to La Quinta and played at SilverRock. She commented on the number of celebrities and sports figures the tournament will bring, and the exposure they will provide La Quinta. She stated she is looking for a permanent home for. the tournament, and knows it will bring business to the City. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Murray stated 27 journalism schools across the country participate in the nationwide essay competition. Council Member Osborne asked if they have received surety from Fox Networks (FSN) that the tournament will receive television coverage. Ms. Murray indicated the network is ready and willing to work closely with them to provide coverage. Council Member Sniff asked who funded last year's tournament, and what the sponsorship amount was. Ms. Murray stated the tournament was held at Wilshire Country Club with the sponsors being the Los Angeles Times, Outback Steakhouse, Bank of America, and a number of other smaller contributors and sport teams. She believes the sponsorship amount last year was close to $100,000. Council Member Sniff asked why they are requesting $200,000 this year. Ms. Murray stated the difference is they are moving to a new location and taking the event to a higher level. Previously the media exposure has been sound to local television stations and a feed to the golf channel, and this City Council Minutes 10 May 17, 2005 year's television coverage will be significantly more and provide broad-base advertising. Mayor Adolph suggested this tournament as an alternative to the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic that is not going to happen this year. He commented on the importance of marketing the City, and stated he feels that is why millions of dollars are being spent on the golf course and amenities. He stated he is looking forward to seeing more tournaments held locally. Council Member Sniff stated he supports alternative #3, and will not support taking anything from the City's general marketing budget. Council Member Perkins asked how the City will be recognized during the tournament. Ms. Murray stated everything that goes out of the office will bear the name La Quinta, including the letterhead and every press release and interview. Mayor Adolph noted the names of Palm Springs and Palm Desert are frequently used during the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic when the tournament is actually being played in La Quinta. Council Member Henderson stated she feels it's worth noting that the marketing experts are somewhat challenged in being able to quantify the benefit to the cost. She noted it took six or seven months to negotiate an agreement with the Bob Hope tournament, which has a long-term relationship in the Valley as a fundraising organization and seemed a natural place to go. She indicated she still needs to see one year of operation of the golf course before branching out into other complications that come with having a municipal golf course. She feels the event would be a great asset to the community but also feels it's a shame to see them moving away from getting outside corporate sponsors. She referenced the large amount requested, and questioned seeing sufficient backup material for it. She is hearing suggestions as to how this might play out but feels there are a number of issues that have not been finalized, and she's not hearing about recourse for the City if TV coverage doesn't work out. She would like to see the tournament at SilverRock by allowing the Operator to negotiate the use of the course, and she would like to see the Foundation bring in their own corpòrate sponsorships. She noted the City may be looking at the Bob Hope and the Jim Murray tournaments next year, and that this lays the ground work for the Jim Murray tournament without encouraging outside corporate sponsorships, and she doesn't feel that is the direction the City should be going. -_._~._.~- ~~ "-"---~" - _. ._._---~_. -- ----- City Council Minutes 11 May 1 7, 2005 Council Member Perkins stated he believes the Council should take the initiative to indicate this is the kind of attention they want for SilverRock. He spoke in support of the request, and noted how SilverRock does may depend on how the City responds to other tournament requests. Council Member Sniff spoke in support of alternative #3, noting it only authorizes staff to draft an agreement. He . feels the negotiations should include, wherever possible, corporate sponsorships to reduce the City's allocation, and that the City should be prepared to go the full amount if necessary. Council Member Osborne stated he feels the $200,000 should come from marketing funds since this is mainly a marketing issue for the City and SilverRock Resort. He suggested $50,000 come from the SilverRock marketing budget, $50,000 from the City's marketing budget, and $100,000 from the General Fund. Mayor Adolph suggested letting staff come back with funding alternatives, and asking the Foundation to go after some corporate sponsorships. Council Member Osborne stated he understood the alternatives presented by staff include the funding. Council Member Sniff suggested taking $100,000 from the General Fund, $50,000 from the SilverRock marketing budget, and $50,000 from corporate sponsors if possible. He stated he is willing to give staff some latitude in working out the funding sources, as long as it amounts to $200,000 less corporate contributions. Council Member Henderson reiterated her earlier comments about the length of time it took to negotiate a contract with the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, and noted this is the first time Council has discussed this proposal after having it only three weeks. She stated she originally had indicated she would support using marketing funds for some portion of this from the Operator's advertising/marketing budget and the City's marketing budget but on further reflection she can't because those monies were budgeted to produce other marketing programs. She questioned where the money will come from, and noted Council Member Osborne didn't support using General Fund monies for the City Hall expansion. Council Member Osborne explained his concern at that time was making continuous loans from the General Fund on other areas. However, since this is a marketing issue and the City has marketing funds and economic City Council Minutes 12 May 17, 2005 development funds, he wants to earmark this to come from existing marketing budgets. Council Member Henderson stated she can't arbi~rarily take marketing funds that were put in place for other marketing programs. She indicated she would support having SilverRock out of operation for three days if the tournament is negotiated with the Operator, and asked what the revenue loss will be if the course is shut down for three days. In response to Council Member Osborne, Terry Ross, Vice President of International Golf Museum, noted there will be revenue coming back to the City because they have budgeted 144 rounds of golf each day. Council Member Henderson asked what the golf rate will be, and suggested discounting that total off the top of the sponsorship amount. Mr. Ross stated the golf rate is approximately $60/round, and can be discounted off the top. Council Member Henderson noted $ 60/round is negotiated down to the bottom for season rates. Mr. Ross noted December is a slower month for golf, and the tournament will be played on Monday and Tuesday. Judy Vossler, 73-280 Shadow Mountain, Palm Desert, representing Landmark Golf Management, stated she has great respect for Jim Murray's career but noted this is not a professional tournament, and stated she feels the sponsorship needs very serious study. She expressed concern about $50,000 being taken out of the Operator's advertising budget, and suggested giving it more thought. Council Member Sniff stated he still supports moving forward with alternative #3. He feels staff should have the latitude to work out the funding allocation, taking nothing from the Operator's budget because they need what they have. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to authorize staff to negotiate an agreement for title sponsorship of the SilverRock Jim Murray Alumni Challenge Golf Tournament with International Golf Museum and Jim Murray Memorial Foundation, and provide .an amount not to exceed $200,000 from the General Fund and from the general marketing budget. Motion carried with Council Member Henderson voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2005-48. - -~--'--'~ ....-- ~,-_.- --'-- - ~._..._------~ -.- City Council Minutes 13 May 17,2005 At this time, Council Member Osborne explained his abstention on Consent Item No.5. (See Page No.2) 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 8 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE ADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL AND ENERGY CODES. Building & Safety Director Hartung presented the staff report. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to take up Ordinance No. 417 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 417 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA, REVISING TITLE 8 ENTITLED "BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION," AND ADOPTING THE FOLLOWING CODES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION: THE 2004 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE; AND THE 2005 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to introduce Ordinance No. 417 on first reading. Motion carried by the following vote: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None None None A YES: 5. CONSIDERATION OF CONSOLIDATING THE COMMUNITY SERVICES AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSIONS. Mayor Adolph advised this item will be continued to the meeting of June 7, 2005. City Council Minutes 14 May 17, 2005 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff stated his concern is the emphasis placed on Palm Springs in the title, and noted a number of cities in the Valley have been extremely successful. He feels CV A should have a new title that represents today's and tomorrow' s reality, and that it's a fundamental error to put one city on the banner. He believes there is value in uniform marketing but wants to see some significant change in the banner for some level of equality. Council Member Perkins indicated he has mixed emotions about this because Palm Springs is known worldwide and Coachella Valley is not. Although he isn't pleased about signifying one city, he doesn't know what to do as an alternative. Council Member Henderson stated she's not that far from where Council Member Sniff is on this issue, and she was there eight years ago. She feels, however, it's important to take the advice of the experts that are in the industry. Mayor Adolph stated he agrees with taking the advice of experts as long as special interests aren't built in. He agrees Palm Springs is well known but also commented on the importance of La Quinta receiving proper recognition. In reference to a letter from the La Quinta Hotel, he questioned the hotel being confused with the La Quinta Inns. He pointed out the City receives about $4 million in Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) from the hotel each year, and gives about half a million to CV A, who receives a total of about $5.4 million from their member agencies, and uses over half of that for staff expenses. He feels the advertising should be upgraded to make sure all of the cities are being recognized. He stated he isn't against the CV A and their marketing attempts but feels the emphasis has been on Palm Springs. He has had concerns about the amount of money the City gives to CV A for some time, and feels the question is whether or not the City is getting the proper value for its money. He noted the Council requires a lot of information from the Chamber of Commerce and the La Quinta Arts Foundation but doesn't get a report from CV A as to where the money IS going in respect to La Quinta. He feels it's time this issue is addressed. -.'----------.---- ..--------,-._-~ -'------..- -- - _.. -_._.~ City Council Minutes 15 May 17, 2005 Steven Morris, 79-150 Falmouth, Bermuda Dunes, Interim President and CEO of CV A, stated they realize information may not have been sufficiently distributed to the member agencies, and would like to take steps to correct that. They would also like to have discussions about the right brand for the Valley and how the eight cities and county should be marketed, noting that each city is marketed differently. He believes the Palm Springs brand is very strong, and provides better search results on the internet, as opposed to the cities in the Valley. Council Member Henderson noted CV A was about to launch an annual briefing at each city when the recent problem came up. Michael Islava, 78-157 Desert Mountain Circle, Bermuda Dunes, Director of Sales & Marketing at La Quinta Resort & Spa, commented that the La Quinta Inn brand competition is a major problem for the resort, and they have to educate reservation agents at call centers to know the La Quinta Resort and La Quinta Inns are not the same. In response to Mayor Adolph, he stated there are no La Quinta Inns located in the Valley but it still comes up when IILa Quinta" is input as a keyword. He reviewed the resort's bookings and leads from CV A last year, and indicated they are pleased with the results they receive. He stated they are constantly spending money to bring sales associates here to educate them on the destination, and feels it's much bigger than trying to re-brand La Quinta from Palm Springs. He referenced Palm Springs Valley being a destination. Council Member Sniff questioned there being a IIPalm Springs Valley," and Mr. Islava noted it's shown in the address of all the printed marketing materials in the hotels in the Valley. In r.esponse to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Islava confirmed Palm Springs Valley is a made-up name used in branding, similar to how Valley of the Sun is used in the Phoenix area. He confirmed it helps identify their destination outside of California, and is widely used by the larger resorts in the Valley. Mayor Adolph stated he understands their position, and would feel the same if the city was paying half a million dollars to help market his program. He asked about the resort's occupancy ratio. Mr. Islava stated their occupancy for the first quarter is just under 80%. He indicated they do over 100,000 group nights at the hotel but a lot of the groups don't want to be published in the Desert Sun report. City Council Minutes 16 May 17, 2005 Council Member Henderson noted the City increased the TOT percentage about 10 years ago to cover the amount going to CV A. Gary Sherwin, 26 Garber Way, Rancho Mirage, Vice President of Market Development for the CV A, gave a brief overview of what CV A does. He explained their staff costs are high because they develop relationships, and the organizations who have the best relationship with the meeting planners and tour operators usually get the most business. He feels their sales personnel are their strongest marketing program, and more important than placing advertisements. As for how La Quinta benefits from the organization, he referenced a media activity sheet listing all the media they have talked to about La Quinta and the press releases promoting La Quinta. He indicated the 52 businesses in La Quinta that participate in CV A's programs, such as reduced rate cooperative advertising, would not be allowed to participate if La Quinta. was not a member of the CV A. He stated he believes La Quinta receives some very tangible benefits from CVA's marketing efforts. Council Member Henderson commented on the City of Indio being upset because they feel CV A should promote their events. Mr. Morris explained CV A promotes events but doesn't invest in advertising them. Council Member Sniff stated he still feels the continuing emphasis on the Palm Springs name is not necessary, and that staying with it is a long-term mistake. He wants to continue supporting CV A's general activities but feels they have to get off of the Palm Springs exclusivity. Mayor Adolph stated he wants to know what the City is getting for the amount of money it gives to CV A. 2. DISCUSSION OF SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Evans stated LAFCO would like for the cities and the County to have an agreement for sphere of influences and future annexations but that's not likely because the County wants both urban and rural development in unincorporated areas. Council Member Henderson noted some counties have adopted a policy allowing growth only in existing cities or the property has to be annexed into a city. --- -_._~._--- -----..- -..---..--- City Council Minutes 17 May 1 7, 2005 Betty Mangan Smith, 82-470 Avenue 54, Vista Santa Rosa commented on the differences between rural and city lifestyles, and stated she is concerned the City would not develop their area the way they want it developed. She is also concerned the City would make them a special assessment district. She noted Vista Santa Rosa is an agricultural area with the most fertile soil in the world, and she doesn't believe it deserves to be covered up with tile roofs. Gayle Cady, 82-831 Avenue 54, Vista Santa Rosa, proposed restructuring the sphere of influence boundaries to include a continuation of the Griffin Ranch plan, including five-acre parcels with large equestrian or tennis estates, or one-acre plus estates. She further suggested the following: meandering equestrian trails; centralized equestrian center to promote youth activities; marketing proposal to further enhance the existing banner emphasis for the City and the Valley; promotion of equality for all lifestyles; more responsiveness to the existing multi-purpose, non-motorized trail system; and public awareness of the multiple activities in and near the City such as a connector trail system, polo and kennel club events, music festivals, and Lake Cahuilla. She noted the property owners who are looking for the maximum return on their investment are not the residents who live in the area, and that the residents who live here want to maintain their open- space lifestyle, as well as receive a maximum return on investment when they do sell. She requested Vista Santa Rosa not be splintered but rather taken as a whole. Ellen Lloyd Trover, 82-150 Avenue 54, Vista Santa Rosa, reviewed the Vista Santa Rosa boundaries on a map, and stated they advocate staying in the County because the County has allowed them input on development and zoning issues. They want to know what input the City would allow them to have, and what type of development the Council is talking about when they say the City can develop the area better than the County. She doesn't want to see agriculture land squeezed out, and referenced the need for a buffer so property owners can retain what they have. She believes the City should reconsider its General Plan if it is considering annexation. Rick Hahn, 82-425 Avenue 64, Vista Santa Rosa, indicated he moved out of La Quinta to get away from urbanization, and urged the City to retain the rural lifestyle if that area is annexed. Council concurred to direct staff to proceed per the oUtline in the staff report. Council recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. City Council Minutes 18 May 17, 2005 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 . PUBLIC MEETING/HEARING ON LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1, FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Jonasson confirmed the assessment district, which was formed to cover maintenance in the medians, retention basins, storm drains and channels, parkways, and traffic signals within the right-of-way, is short $564,000. He further confirmed park maintenance is included in the contract with the landscape contactor. . He stated the shortage is due to the rates being frozen for the last 10 years. City Manager Genovese stated he believes that prior to Proposition 218, the intent was to include parks in the assessment but there were no parks at that time. Council Member Osborne inquired about the process to increase the assessment to cover the shortage. Adena Vasquez, of Muni Financial, stated some alternatives are balloting the existing district and creating different types of districts. She recommended beginning with an analysis of what the City needs and the best way to meet those needs. Council Member Henderson noted the total shortage is $2.3 million, and asked if there is anything that can't be included if it goes out to a ballot. Mr. Genovese commented on the difficulty of assessing the entire City for an improvement benefiting a specific area, such as a park, and noted specific zones would probably have to be established. He indicated physical park or parkway improvements can be included but would probably have to be done --~_._.._..._-- ~._- -- ---- - - --- _..._-._._~- - City Council Minutes 19 May 17, 2005 by zones. He stated another analysis that might be needed is a look at alternative taxes, which might be just as easy to get passed. Council Member Henderson noted a simple majority ballot can be more . difficult to pass because it's harder to tie it directly to certain costs. City Attorney Jensen advised a general tax ballot issue requires more than 50% to pass, and special taxes require a two-thirds vote. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese confirmed a mail ballot can be done to increase the existing assessment. He stated it would be a simple-majority vote, based on returned ballots. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7: 16 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:16 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-043 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 (PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to adopt Resolution No. 2005-043 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT A 'RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 33015, A 9-UNIT, SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION WITH ONE CUSTOM LOT ON 2.37 ACRES WITHIN PGA WEST PALMER PRIVATE COURSE AREA AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SHOAL CREEK AND RIVIERA. Mayor Adolph abstained from participating on this item due to a potential conflict of interest and left the dais. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:21 p.m. Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. City Council Minutes 20 May 17, 2005 Council Member Henderson asked about the benefits of making this a one-lot subdivision, and if there are other single-family lots in PGA West. Mr. Evans stated it's probably not an issue from the City's perspective but from the homeowners' standpoint, they will own a divided interest in the 2.37-acre site. There are individual single-family lots in PGA West. David Turner, 77-899 Wolff Road, Palm Desert, of C. V. Engineers, indicated the only way the homeowners association's CC&Rs would allow the applicant's proposal was with a condominium map. He indicated they are essentially proposing the same units as before but on one estate lot. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Evans stated the maximum height of the units is 18 feet. He stated the item deleted by the Planning Commission, as referenced on Page 16, dealt with the meandering sidewalk on Avenue 54. He indicated the gutter-to-gutter street width is 33 feet. Mr. Turner clarified the 33-foot width is back of curb, and 32 feet from flow line of gutter to flow line of gutter with parking allowed on one side. Council Member Osborne inquired about the size of the units. Mr. Turner stated the units range from 2,294 to 2,350 square feet. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:27 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-044 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 2.37 ACRES INTO . ONE RESIDENTIAL COMMON LOT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES, ONE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOM LOT AND ONE STREET LOT (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 33015 - RIVIERA VILLAS, LLC). It was moved by Council Members Osborne/Perkins to adopt Resolution No. 2005-044 as submitted. Motion carried with Mayor Adolph ABSENT. 3. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 54-300 A VENIDA VELASCO BY AND BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND RAMON MARTINEZ AND MARIA SALCIDO. _.~_.~ -- -- ....----- City Council Minutes 21 May 17, 2005 Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:31 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:31 p.m. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the sale of the single family home located at 54-300 A venida Velasco to Ramon Martinez and Maria Salcido for a purchase price of $165,000. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2005-49. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Council Member Osborne noted the Chamber of Commerce has decided not to renew their contract with their CEO. * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Adolph questioned why the Mayor's Cup tournament in September is being held at the Stadium Course instead of at SilverRock. Council Member Osborne stated he understood the contract was arranged prior to the opening of SilverRock. * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. V. Mountains Conservancy - Council Member Sniff reported· the Conservancy has purchased 791 .acres near the San Gorgonio Pass area for $6 million. He indicated he and three other Board Members had significant concerns about the expenditure because it depletes their fund. C.V.W.D. Joint Water Policy Committee - Council Member Henderson indicated she attended their last meeting wherein they discussed the potential for some experimental percolation ponds above Martinez Slide. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson reported on the Board's discussion of the Proposition 42 issue. They support the funding but are waiting to see what changes the Legislators might make. She distributed materials regarding the bond relationship between the League and the Redevelopment Association, and referenced a' potential item in the budget to repay the cities for the VLF funds withheld two years ago. City Council Minutes 22 May 17, 2005 In response to Council Member Osborne, City Manager Genovese confirmed the State will take approximately $3 million in redevelopment money next year. He added ERAF payments have been included in the budget for an indefinite period of time. Southern California Association of Governments - Council Member Henderson, stated the SCAG meeting she attended last week centered around their celebration of 40 years. * * * * * * * * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~ xJ.~ JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California ~.... ....._..,.._---~---~---~-" .--~