2005 05 10 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
May 10, 2005
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Vice Chairman Quill who asked Commissioner Ladner to lead the
flag salute.
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Rick Daniels, Kay Ladner, Paul Quill
and Chairman Kirk.
C. Staff present: Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner
Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive Secretary
Betty Sawyer.
A. Ms. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, asked to address the
Commission on some issues of concern to her. Some of those concerns
are water, noise, traffic, view, security, and safety. She asked where
the planning for the future begins in regard to City staff, boards and/or
commissions. It should be contained in the General Plan. The
community does not understand its meaning and how it affects their
City. When the City updated the General P.lan she did not see any
evidence that the City was going to keep the density low to retain the
unique nature La Quinta has been known for. She would like to know
who is responsible to oversee these issues. Is it the Council level or
Planning Commission, or staff; is there a vision for the City of La Quinta
and if so, who has it. It isn't in the General Plan. Why are we talking
about turf at Commission instead of the bigger picture? How are we
going to keep La Quinta from urban sprawl and differentiate ourselves
from other cities? She realizes these are rhetorical questions, but she
would like to bring it to the Commissions attention.
1 .
Commissioner Quill thanked Ms. Wolff for her diligence in
maintaining the Bear Creek Bike Path. He agrees with her
comments and understands her concerns.
2. Commissioner Ladner stated she too agrees, but at the same time
she realizes what their parameters are as Commissioners.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 10, 2005
3. Commissioner Alderson stated as the newest member of the
Commission he is just getting an understanding what the General
Plan is and how it applies to the City.
4. Chairman Kirk thanked her for coming and providing her insight.
He would like to believe the General Plan is the City's vision and
hopes it can be addressed more if annexation to the east is
considered. It may be an opportunity to lower the density and
preserve the rural lifestyle. He asked that Ms. Wolff keep
watching the Planning Commission and City Council and reminding
them there needs to be a "grand plan" and not get caught up in
the little issues. They have gone from approving every project that
requests water intensive landscaping to observing very strict
landscaping requirements.
A. Staff asked that the approval of the minutes be deleted from the agenda.
A. Continued - Site Development Permit 2004-820; a request of Ehline
company for Coral Ridge L.L.C. for consideration of a condition review of
landscaping plans for Tract 31249 (Village at Coral Mountain), located on
the south side of Avenue 58, % mile west of Madison Street.
1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the
information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Daniels asked if the primary concern was the
distance of the sprinklers from the curb. Staff stated yes and
explained moving them back was to keep the back spray from out
of the street.
3. Commissioner Alderson asked if the sprinklers were to be 18
inches from the curb or whether or not it was a water
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 10, 2005
conservation issue. Staff stated yes, to keep it from draining into
the street. By moving it back 18 inches the turf does not erode
and cause drainage into the street where decomposed granite (DG)
could allow the water to go into the street.
4. Commissioner Quill stated he had just attended a meeting where a
discussion was held on keeping the water from draining into the
street. This was the reason the Commission continued this item.
The models were agreed to and the remaining units would be
restricted from using the turf at the curb.
Mr. Chris Hermann, landscape architect, stated they have
addressed this concern before and have had success with moving
the sprinklers back 18 inches and using turf to the curb. The issue
is not just irrigation, but engineering, curb and gutter designs, and
grading. He believes the better solution is to reduce the grade up
against curb. He does not believe the gravel strip is the best
solution. He also has concerns about the DG strip and the
maintenance. Bermuda grass is aggressive and will grow into
anything. The best solution to him would be to move the
sprinklers in the 18 inches with turf. This meets CVWD
6. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Quill asked if they had any detail drawings to ensure
the grass would not grow over, etc. Mr. Hermann stated they
could provide them, but did not have any with him. Commissioner
Quill stated it should be in the fine grading plan as well as the
landscaping plan. Mr. Hermann stated they could do this.
7. Commissioner Daniels asked if there was a qualified landscape
architect on the site to inspect the installation. Mr. Hermann
stated no. It is the general superintendent who is responsible to
handle the grading and the irrigation system, etc.
8. Commissioner Alderson asked if the Bermuda grass is a hybrid.
Mr. Hermann stated it is.
Commissioner Quill displayed a hand drawing showing the sod
planted two inches below the curb, at the back of the curb,
sloping down into a swale at 2%, and then the sprinkler head
installed at 18 inches from the back of the curb. Mr. Hermann
stated he would agree with this design.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 10, 2005
10. Commissioner Ladner asked if he had any pictures of where this
design had been successful. Hermann stated no.
11 . Chairman Kirk asked if he could confirm they had met the CVWD
standards; if so, by how much. Mr. Hermann stated they met
them confidently. The calcs are on the front of the landscaping
plans. Discussion followed regarding the calcs.
12. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment.
There being none, it was open for Commission discussion.
13. Commissioner Ladner stated she agrees with the high maintenance
this puts on the HOA. She would agree with the sprinkler heads
being moved back 18 inches, but she is still concerned with what
the grass will look like.
14. Commissioner Quill stated he believes the 18 inches will be
sufficient. His concern is that after time the grass will still grow
and water will still end up in the gutter. He would like to see the
15. Commissioner Ladner stated she was concerned with someone
tripping in the swale. Mr. Hermann stated it is a CC&R issue.
16. Commissioner Daniels stated the 1 % grade is sufficient.
17. Commissioner Alderson stated the two inches below the curb will
18. Commissioner Daniels stated there is a conflict between the City
standards and this application. He agrees with Commissioner
Quill's drawing but, he would like to see the final grading certified
by the landscape architect that it meets these parameters. Lastly,
he would like to see staff look into changing the Code to add this
drawing standard to the Code.
19. Chairman Kirk stated the solution he would like to see is very little
turf. It is not fair to put it on this applicant because the landscape
Ordinance does not require it. Another problem is the faulty
irrigation systems. He would encourage tightening up the I
Landscape Ordinance, but there still remains a problem if there is
faulty equipment.
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Planning Commission Minutes
May 10, 2005
20. It was moved by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to adopt Minute
Motion 2005-007 approving Site Development Permit 2004-820,
as recommended by staff and as amended:
a. Sprinklers shall be located 18 inches from the back of the
curb. The turf shall be recessed below the back of curb
two inches. The area between the back of curb and 18-
inch sprinkler line shall be lowered 1 %.
b. The grading shall be certified by the landscape architect.
21 . Commissioners Alderson and Ladner stated their concern about
going overboard on the conditions.
22. Following discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.
Commissioner Daniels asked that staff have a work session for the
Commission to discuss the Landscape Ordinance and CVWD
requirements. He asked if the Commission was being effective adding
this type of standards to the Ordinance. Chairman Kirk asked if Mr.
Hermann would like to help with the drafting of the amendment. Mr.
Hermann stated he would be happy to volunteer. Chairman Kirk asked
that staff invite CVWD as well as Mr. Hermann, and Kay Wolff to the
work session. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Quill/Ladner to have this item placed on the agenda. Unanimously
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Quill to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on May 24, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. on May 10, 2005.
Respectfully submitted,
I ~~e~e Secretary
City of La Quinta, California
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