2017 07 11 PCPLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 JULY 11, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEEITNG on TUESDAY, July 11, 2017 AT 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Commissioners Caldwell, Currie, McCune, Proctor, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 1. Appointment of Planning Commission Chairperson 2. Appointment of Planning Commission Vice-Chairperson PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The Planning Commission values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approve Minutes of June 27, 2017 Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City’s web page: www.laquintaca.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 JULY 11, 2017 Beginning Resolution No. 2017-009 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Site Development Permit 2017-0005 and Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 submitted by Prest Vuksic Architects, Inc. proposing the construction of a new 2,660 square-foot drive through restaurant on a vacant pad within the La Quinta Square Commercial Development. CEQA: previously reviewed under Environmental Assessment 2014-1002 and consistent the analysis previously approved. Location: near the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Simon Drive. 2. Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 submitted by Prest Vuksic Architects, Inc. for T-Mobile Wireless proposing the placement of a 49-foot tall monopalm wireless telecommunication tower and mechanical equipment at La Quinta Square Commercial Center. CEQA: Exempt from Environmental Review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as in-fill development and Section 15303 (Class 3) for new construction. Location: near the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Simon Drive. 3. Site Development Permit 2017-0003 and Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001 submitted by The DBK Group proposing the development of a pool, bar theatre, putting green and Dog Park with the PGA West Community. CEQA: exempt from Environmental Review pursuant to Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act insofar as the project will add small structures to an existing golf clubhouse and tennis complex. Location: 55955 PGA West Boulevard. 4. Environmental Assessment 2017-0005 and Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001 submitted by the City of La Quinta proposing amendments to Chapter 9.60 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to standards and criteria for accessory dwelling units within residential districts. CEQA: exempt pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) and requires no further review. Location: Citywide. BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 JULY 11, 2017 STAFF ITEM - 1. Joint meeting between the City Council and the City’s Boards and Commissions scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2017, at the La Quinta Library. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on July 25, 2017, commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Wanda Wise-Latta, Executive Assistant of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 7, 2017. DATED: July 6, 2017 WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the Planning Division of the Design and Development Department at 777- 7118, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the Planning Division of the Design and Development Department at 777-7118. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Design and Development Department’s counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 JUNE 13, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Bettencourt. PRESENT: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, and Chairperson Bettencourt ABSENT: Commissioners Currie and Wright STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Attorney Morgan Gallagher, Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney, and Executive Assistant Wanda Wise-Latta PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner McCune led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed CONSENT CALENDAR Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Caldwell to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of June 27, 2017. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Currie and Wright. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARING - None BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION 1. SilverRock Resort Presentation Planning Manager Gabriel Perez introduced Facilities Director Steve Howlett who shared a verbal presentation and PowerPoint regarding the status of PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 JUNE 13, 2017 development at SilverRock Resort, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Commission discussion followed regarding night time limitations on activities in proximity to the temporary fence, to which staff responded that the specific plan currently allows for events with limited attendance; potential use of old driving range for future golf course; the potential location of the temporary clubhouse and driving range; concern regarding for the orientation of the driving range tee towards the southeast; anticipated completion of permanent clubhouse and driving range; the possible demand and need for an additional golf course; potential residential sites; and future site development permits that will come before the Commission for consideration. Public Speaker: Frank Spevacek, City Manager, La Quinta – introduced himself and shared additional information regarding the relocation of the driving range, mass grading logistics, installation of wet and dry utilities under the canal, and potential of a future golf course. Commission discussion continued regarding access from temporary clubhouse to the golf course tee. Public Speaker: Frank Spevacek, City Manager, La Quinta – Mr. Spevacek explained the process by which the City could retain ownership of the property on which the temporary clubhouse and temporary driving range are located. He also explained structure options available for the temporary clubhouse facility and addressed a Commissioner’s question regarding fiscal impacts during construction. Public Speaker – Michael Procter, La Quinta: - introduced himself and asked who had the final say with regards to the orientation of the driving range and shared his concerns regarding the long term effects on the golf experience at SilverRock. Commissioner Quill explained the process by which items regarding SilverRock will come before the Commission for consideration and would provide recommendations to the City Council who have final approval. Public Speaker: Frank Spevacek, City Manager, La Quinta – Mr. Spevacek explained the City’s role in the operation of SilverRock golf course and the efforts to replicate and enhance the golf course going forward and maintaining PGA standards per Palmer Design. No action required of the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 JUNE 13, 2017 COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS STAFF ITEMS 1. Planning Manager Perez indicated that the item regarding accessory dwelling units would be coming before the Commission on July 11, 2017. 2. Joint meeting of the City Council and the City’s Boards and Commissions on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at the La Quinta Library. Commissioner Blum thanked the Commission and staff for their efforts during his tenure on the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Blum to adjourn this meeting at 7 p.m. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Currie and Wright. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California Page 1 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 11, 2017 CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2017-0006 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS, INC. PROPERTY OWNER: ACM LA QUINTA IV-B, LLC REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 AND MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2017-0006 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 2,660 SQUARE-FOOT DRIVE THROUGH RESTAURANT ON A VACANT PAD WITHIN THE LA QUINTA SQUARE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. CEQA: THE PROJECT WAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1002. THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ANALYSIS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. LOCATION: NEAR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND SIMON DRIVE LEGAL: APN: 643-220-028 RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt resolution approving Site Development Permit 2017-0005 and Minor Adjustment 2017-0006, and find the project consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1002 (Attachment 1). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The site development permit (SDP) for the El Pollo Loco drive through restaurant is proposed at La Quinta Square including site plan, architecture and landscaping. • A minor adjustment is proposed to reduce required parking from 27 to 26 parking spaces. • The applicant proposes a monopalm wireless telecommunications facility, under separate consideration, to replace the rooftop facility that occupied the Simon Motors building. PH 1 Page 2 of 4 BACKGROUND The project site is a former automobile dealership located on the south side of Highway 111, north and west of Simon Drive (Attachment 2). The dealership was constructed and in operation prior to the city’s incorporation, but closed in the late 2000s. The Planning Commission approved La Quinta Square commercial center plans on December 9, 2014 for construction of a 17,020 square foot market, a 3,750 square-foot In-n-Out drive through restaurant, and a .75 acre retail pad for a future development. PROPOSAL & ANALYSIS Overview: The proposal includes the construction of 2,660 square-foot drive through restaurant (El Pollo Loco) (Attachment 3) on a vacant pad within the existing 3.9-acre La Quinta Square and is bounded by In-N-Out restaurant to the North, Simon Drive to the south and east, and Aldi market to the west. The site is currently improved with perimeter landscaping, and parking improvements. Site Design: The proposed restaurant is located on the vacant pad on a .75 acre parcel at the southeast corner at La Quinta Square. The site is currently improved with 30 parking stalls and vehicular driveway entrances along Simon Drive located at the south and east of the project site that will provide immediate access to the restaurant. Vehicles will enter the restaurant drive through aisle from the existing drive aisle and circulate along the west, south and east of the proposed building. Left-turns for vehicles exiting the drive through aisle are not permitted. The drive through aisle accommodates required stacking of 7 vehicles from the drive through entrance to the drive through window. La Quinta Square was approved with 155 parking spaces and 152 parking spaces were required by the Municipal Code. The subject parcel was designated with 30 total spaces. The proposed restaurant site plan reduces on-site parking to 26 spaces, one space below the parking requirement, to accommodate the drive through entrance and exit. The applicant requests minor adjustment approval for the parking reduction. A minor adjustment allows for a ten percent deviation from a numerical development standard. The proposed parking reduction is within the permitted deviation. A trash enclosure is proposed in the parking area (Attachment 3, Sheet SDP 2.1). The enclosure includes a shade trellis and the architecture is compatible with the restaurant building. In addition, the relocation for the proposed wireless telecommunication facility is identified in a landscape area near the drive through entrance. However, this review will be under separate permit, and is not a part of the current entitlement request. The proposed on-site lighting is acceptable as the proposed fixtures are consistent with the City’s outdoor lighting ordinance. Pedestrian walkways and parking areas will be adequately lit using decorative wall-mounted fixtures and parking lot lighting. The photometric plan confirms that the project will be properly illuminated, without excess Page 3 of 4 light and no illuminated hotspots (Attachment 3, Sheet SDP5). Architectural Design: The proposed project has been designed with a contemporary architectural theme compatible with the In-N-Out restaurant. The building is designed with clean, sharp horizontal and vertical planes. The proposed building is proposed to be single story with flat roof. The maximum height of the building is 25 feet 8 inches. The exterior materials include aluminum canopy, multi-colored mosaic tile accents, limestone veneer, and stucco. The south elevation includes a covered canopy area above the drive through window. The architecture and layout of El Pollo Loco is compatible with the existing surrounding commercial land uses and is consistent with the development standards in the Municipal Code. The building is appropriate at the proposed location, and supplemental design elements appropriately enhance the architecture of the buildings. The proposed perimeter landscaping and screen wall will reduce the aesthetic impact vehicles stacked in the drive-through aisle. Landscaping: Landscaping throughout the project site consists of primarily desert and other drought- tolerant plants (Attachment 3, Sheet L.1). The proposed tree palette includes Date Palms, Acacia, and Palo Verde trees. The shrub palette includes Agave, California Sagebrush, and Red Yucca, among others. The proposed landscape will complement the existing landscape in perimeter areas of the commercial pad along Simon Drive and other areas of La Quinta Square. In order to adequately screen the drive-through, a block wall is proposed along the project frontage. The proposed landscape plan is acceptable. The assorted species of plants add character to the proposed buildings while providing sufficient screening and accents around the project site. The combination of landscaping and the screen wall at a height of 4 feet sufficiently screens the drive-through along Simon Drive. Business Signs: The applicant submitted business sign plans that include three existing monument signs, four building-mounted business signs, two menu board signs and directional signs (Attachment 3). The double-sided monument signs are located along Highway 111 and Simon Drive. Four building-mounted signs are proposed for the restaurant building (El Pollo Loco) in prominent locations on all four building elevations and consist of individual internally-illuminated channel letters. The building mounted signs are consistent with the approved La Quinta Square sign program as the sign area of each sign does not exceed the maximum sign program standard of 50 square feet per building elevation. Page 4 of 4 AGENCY & PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies on April 29, 2017. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date no comments have been received. Any additional written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project was reviewed under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Design and Development Department determined that the application is a “project” as defined by CEQA. The Department also found that Environmental Assessment 2014-1002 reviewed plans for La Quinta Square, and that the currently proposed project is consistent with the assessment approved in 2014. As a result, the previously approved Environmental Assessment, including its mitigation measures and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program will be applied to the currently proposed project, resulting in less than significant impacts. Prepared by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Site Map 3. Site Development Permit Plan Set 4. SDP 2014-1005 Approved Site Plan PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND MINOR ADJUSTMENT FOR A DRIVE THROUGH RESTAURANT ON A VACANT PAD WITHIN THE LA QUINTA SQUARE COMMERCIAL CENTER, AND FINDING THE PROJECT CONSISTENT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1002 CASE NUMBERS: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005, MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2017-0006 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 11th day of July, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Prest Vuksic Architects for approval of the El Pollo Loco restaurant, generally located on the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Simon Drive, more particularly described as: APN: 643-220-028 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, Site Development Permit 2017-0005 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.010 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Site Development Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City’s General Plan policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of commercial retail uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City’s Zoning Code in terms of architectural style, building height, building mass, and landscaping. The site development Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - Site Development Permit 2017-0005 Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 El Pollo Loco Restaurant (Prest Vuksic Architects) July 11, 2017 Page 2 of 5 permit has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the zoning standards of the Regional Commercial zoning district and other supplemental standards as established in Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 3. Compliance with CEQA The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1002 and no further environmental review is required. 4. Architectural Design The architecture and layout of the project is compatible with, and not detrimental to, the existing surrounding commercial land uses, and is consistent with the development standards in the Municipal Code. The buildings are concluded to be appropriate for the proposed building locations, and supplemental design elements (vibrant color palette, stone veneer, column pop-outs, etc.) appropriately enhance the architecture of the buildings. 5. Site Design The site design of the project, including project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian access and amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, exterior lighting, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Landscape Design The proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. The project landscaping for the proposed buildings, as conditioned, shall unify and enhance visual continuity of the proposed buildings with the surrounding development. Landscape improvements are designed and sized to provide visual appeal while adequately screening the parking lot and drive through from public view. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to enhance the building architecture. Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - Site Development Permit 2017-0005 Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 El Pollo Loco Restaurant (Prest Vuksic Architects) July 11, 2017 Page 3 of 5 Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 WHEREAS, the Municipal Code requires 1 parking space per 100 square feet of ground floor area for drive through restaurants. The proposed restaurant parking plans include a deficit of one parking space; and, WHEREAS, Minor Adjustments are permitted to provide for minor deviations from certain development standards. The applicant has proposed one Minor Adjustment to address the parking deficit. With approval of the Minor Adjustment, the proposal will meet all Municipal Code development standards; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Minor Adjustments: 1. Consistency with General Plan Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in that the proposals do not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 are consistent with the intent of the La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustments will be conditioned to comply with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Compliance with CEQA Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustment requested falls under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a) as a “Minor Alterations to Land” - Class 5 Categorical Exemption. 4. Surrounding Uses Approval of Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustments have no impact on health or safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - Site Development Permit 2017-0005 Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 El Pollo Loco Restaurant (Prest Vuksic Architects) July 11, 2017 Page 4 of 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case; SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1002 SECTION 4. That it does hereby approve Site Development Permit 2014-1005, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SECTION 6. That it does hereby approve Minor Adjustment 2017-0006, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 11th day of July, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ PHILIP F. BETTENCOURT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - Site Development Permit 2017-0005 Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 El Pollo Loco Restaurant (Prest Vuksic Architects) July 11, 2017 Page 5 of 5 ATTEST: _______________________________________________ GABRIEL PEREZ, Planning Manager City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 1 OF 14 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Site Development Permit 2017-0005 shall comply with all applicable conditions and/or mitigation measures for the following related approval: Tentative Parcel Map 36791 Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 Environmental Assessment 2017-0003 Minor Adjustment 2017-0006 3. In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design & Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. The Site Development Permit shall expire on July 11, 2019 and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless a building permit has been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080 1. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Development Division (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form – Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Design and Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 2 OF 14 • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvement plans for City approval. 2. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City’s NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (“SWPPP”) to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant’s eronsion and sediment control plan shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non-Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 3 OF 14 C. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. D. The BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council. E. The inclusion in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a requirement for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post- construction BMPs as required; and the applicant shall execute and record an agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post-construction BMPs as required. 3. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney’s fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 4. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant’s fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 5. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire approvals from the master developer over easements and other property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and/or existing parking lots, accessways, and aisles that access public streets and open space/drainage facilities of the master development. 6. Direct vehicular access to Highway 111 and Simon Drive are restricted, except for those access points identified on the approved Site Development Permit. 7. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 4 OF 14 construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. PARKING LOTS and ACCESS POINTS 8. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stall design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans so that ADA accessibility issues can be evaluated. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 17 feet in length with a 2-foot overhang for standard parking stalls and 18 feet with a 2-foot overhang for handicapped parking stall or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per 6 handicapped parking stalls. F. Drive aisles between parking stalls shall be a minimum of 26 feet with access drive aisles to public streets a minimum of 30 feet as shown on the Site Development Plan site plan or as approved by the City Engineer. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, ADA accessibility route to public streets and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. 9. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 5 OF 14 Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) 4.5” a.c./5.5” c.a.b. Loading Areas 6” P.C.C./4” c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. 10. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 11. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, and sidewalks. 12. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by engineers registered in California. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as “engineer,” “surveyor,” and “architect,” refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 13. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 14. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Design and Development Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. Precise Grading Plan (Commercial) 1" = 20' Horizontal PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 6 OF 14 B. PM10 Plan 1” = 40’ Horizontal C. On Site Private Sewer and Water Improvement Plan 1" = 20' Horizontal NOTE: A through C to be submitted concurrently. Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1" = 4' Vertical Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. “On-Site Precise Grading” plan is required to be submitted for approval by the Building Official, Planning Manager and the City Engineer. “On-Site Precise Grading” plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements including but not limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, wall elevations, signing and striping, parking lot improvements and ADA requirements. 15. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the “Plans, Notes and Design Guidance” section of the Public Works Development Division at the City website (www.la- quinta.org). Please navigate to the Public Works Development Division home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 16. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer (currently mylars). 17. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as-built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 7 OF 14 GRADING 18. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 19. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 20. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical (“soils”) report prepared by a professional registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). E. A grading bond in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the grading bond requirements. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 25. Prior to any grading improvements, the applicant shall submit grading performance security valued at 100% of the cost of the grading improvements in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code 8.80.050, or as approved by the City Engineer. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 8 OF 14 In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development, or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, pursuant to the approved plan, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. 26. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 27. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.240(F) except as otherwise modified by this condition. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:1 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (i.e. the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2:1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six (6) feet adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet (6’) of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 28. Prior to any site grading or re-grading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus half of a foot (0.5’) from the elevations shown on the approved Site Development Permit, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Engineer for a substantial conformance review. 29. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. DRAINAGE 30. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for La Quinta Square, SDP 2014-1005 / Parcel Map 36791, or as approved by the City Engineer. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 9 OF 14 31. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 32. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. 33. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots unless approved by the City Engineer. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 34. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. 35. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 36. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 37. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the City’s NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013- 0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Order No. 2012-0006. A. For post-construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 utilizing BMPs approved by the City PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 10 OF 14 Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 38. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 39. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above-ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 40. Existing overhead utility lines within, or adjacent to the proposed development, and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. All existing utility lines attached to joint use 92 KV transmission power poles are exempt from the requirement to be placed underground. 41. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 21. The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans) 22. The applicant shall provide landscaping in the required setbacks, retention basins, and common lots. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, and retention basins shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 11 OF 14 23. The applicant shall submit the landscape plans for approval to plan checking by the Planning Division. When plan checking has been completed by the Planning Division, the applicant shall obtain the signatures of CVWD and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner, prior to submittal for signature by the Planning Manager and/or the City Engineer. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by both the Planning Manager and/or the City Engineer. 24. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the Planning Manager. Use of lawn areas shall be minimized with no lawn, or spray irrigation, being placed within 18 inches of curbs along public streets. 25. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” latest edition, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 26. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 27. All new landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 28. All landscaping shall consist of, at minimum, 36” box trees (i.e., a minimum 2.5 inch caliper measured three feet up from grade level after planting), 5-gallon shrubs, and groundcover. Double lodge poles (two-inch diameter) shall be used to brace and stake trees. 29. The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process as a minor final landscape plan. Planning Manager approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Design and Development Director determines extenuating circumstances exist which justify an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Planning Manager. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 12 OF 14 Prior to final approval of the installation of landscaping, the Landscape Architect of record shall provide the Planning Manager a letter stating he/she has personally inspected the installation and that it conforms with the final landscaping plans as approved by the City. If staff determines during final landscaping inspection that adjustments are required in order to meet the intent of the Planning Commission’s approval, the Planning Manager shall review and approve any such revisions to the landscape plan. 30. If Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 for construction of a monopalm telecommunications facility is not approved, the landscape plan shall be revised with the submission of a Final Landscape Plan to reflect the removal of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility and replaced with landscaping from the approved landscape tree and plant palette. 31. If a building permit for the future development pad has not been issued within two years of the Planning Commission’s approval, the applicant shall submit a Final Landscaping plan to the Design and Development Department for review and approval of temporary landscaping. Plant palette and placement shall be compatible with the overall site’s perimeter landscaping and as determined to be appropriate by the Planning Manager. MAINTENANCE 32. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 33. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of perimeter landscaping up to the curb, access drives, sidewalks, and stormwater BMPs. 34. The applicant acknowledges that the City has formed a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and agrees to be included in the District. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. FEES AND DEPOSITS 35. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 13 OF 14 36. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). FIRE DEPARTMENT 37. An approved Fire Department access key lock box (Minimum Knox Box 3200 series model) shall be installed next to the approved Fire Department access door to the building. If the buildings are protected with an alarm system, the lock box shall be required to have tampered monitoring. Required order forms and installation standards may be obtained at the Fire Department. 38. Display street numbers in a prominent location on the address side of building(s) and/or rear access if applicable. Numbers and letters shall be a minimum of 12” in height for building(s) up to 25’ in height. In complexes with alpha designations, letter size must match numbers. All addressing must be legible, of a contrasting color, and adequately illuminated to be visible from street at all hours. 39. Install a portable fire extinguisher, with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC, for every 3,000 sq. ft. and/or 75 feet of travel distance. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted 3.5 to 5 ft above finished floor, measured to the top of the extinguisher. Where not readily visible, signs shall be posted above all extinguishers to indicate their locations. Extinguishers must have current CSFM service tags affixed. 40. No hazardous materials shall be stored and/or used within the building, which exceeds quantities listed in 2016 CBC. No class I, II or IIIA of combustible/flammable liquid shall be used in any amount in the building. 41. Exit designs, exit signs, door hardware, exit markers, exit doors, and exit path marking shall be installed per the 2010 California Building Code. 42. Electrical room doors if applicable shall be posted “ELECTRICAL ROOM” on outside of door. 43. Roof Access room door if applicable shall be posted “Roof Access” on outside of door. 44. Access shall be provided to all mechanical equipment located on the roof as required by the Mechanical Code. 45. Air handling systems supplying air in excess of 2000 cubic feet per minute to enclosed spaces within buildings shall be equipped with an automatic shutoff. 2016 CMC PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 EL POLLO LOCO RESTAURANT (PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS) JULY 11, 2017 PAGE 14 OF 14 46. Nothing in our review shall be construed as encompassing structural integrity. Review of this plan does not authorize or approve any omission or deviation from all applicable regulations. Final approval is subject to plan review and field inspection. All questions regarding the meaning of the code requirements should be referred to Fire Department at 760-777-7074 47. If Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 is not approved, the precise grading and site plan shall be revised to reflect the removal of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility. Project Information CASE NUMBERS: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0005 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2017-0006 RELATED CASES: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1002 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2014-1003 (TPM 36791) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2014-1005 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2014-0008 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2014-0009 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 2014-1001 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS PROPERTY OWNER: ACM LA QUINTA IV-B, LLC ARCHITECT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: KIMLEY-HORN ENGINEER: KIMLEY-HORN REQUEST: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 2,660 SQUARE-FOOT DRIVE THROUGH RESTAURANT ON A VACANT PAD WITHIN THE LA QUINTA SQUARE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. LOCATION: NEAR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND SIMON DRIVE, APN: 643-220-028 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL IN-N-OUT RESTAURANT SOUTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT WEST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ALDI MARKET ATTACHMENT 1 S H - 1 1 1 WASHINGTON STSIMON DR± Site ATTACHMENT 2 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP1 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 INDEX SHEETEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017-06-06 SDP Comments CONSULTANT/ CONTACTS VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX PROJECT LOCATION JOB NAME: CLIENT: JOB LOCATION:78621 HIGHWAY 111, LA QUINTA, CA EL POLLO LOCO STORE NUMBER: EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA 6119 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SCOPE OF WORK NEW ONE STORY BUILDING RESTAURANT, WITH DRIVE-THRU, AWNINGS AND DRIVE- THRU TRELLIS. REQUIRED PARKING AND ACCESS TO ADJACENT TENANTS AND PUBLIC WALKWAY. OWNER EL POLLO LOCO 3535 HARBOR BLVD.,SUITE 100 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714) 599.5000 CIVIL ENGINEERS CLAYMOORE ENGINEERING, INC. 1903 CENTRAL DRIVE, SUITE 406 BEDFORD, TX 76021 TEL: (817) 281-0572 (x1) CONTACT: MATT MOORE EMAIL: MATT@CLAYMOOREENG.COM KITCHEN DESIGNER TRIMARK 2801 MCGAW AVENUE, SUITE B IRVINE, CA 92614 (949) 398.8683 EMAIL: DLYONS@TRIMARKUSA.COM ARCHITECTS TK ARCHITECTS 106 W 11TH STREET, SUITE 1900 KANSAS CITY, MO 64105 TEL: (816) 842-7552 FAX: (816) 842-1302 CONTACT: ERIN GARRISON EMAIL: EGARRISON@TKARCH.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TK ARCHITECTS 106 W 11TH STREET, SUITE 1900 KANSAS CITY, MO 64105 TEL: (816) 842-7552 FAX: (816) 842-1302 CONTACT: DAVID TAYLOR EMAIL:DTAYLOR@TKARCH.COM MECHANICAL / PLUMBING ENGINEER / ELECTRICAL ENGINEER TK ARCHITECTS 106 W 11TH STREET, SUITE 1900 KANSAS CITY, MO 64105 TEL: (816) 842-7552 FAX: (816) 842-1302 CONTACT: BRAD REYNOLDS EMAIL: BREYNOLDS@TKARCH.COM SHEET LIST - SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SDP1 INDEX SHEET SDP2 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER:643-220-007 A PORTION OF PARCEL NUMBER 643-220-007 LOCATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, WHICH SHALL CONTAIN APPROXIMATELY 32,548 SQUARE FEET OF LAND. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION:EXISTING: PROPOSED: UNCHANGED ZONING DESIGNATION:EXISTING: CR - REGIONAL COMMERCIAL PROPOSED: UNCHANGED SPECIFIC PLAN TITLE/LAND USE DESIGNATION: SITE AREA:32,548 SQ. FT/0.75 ACRES BUILDING AREA:2,660 SQ. FT. 8% OF SITE AREA PARKING AREA:9,224 SQ. FT. 28% OF SITE AREA LANDSCAPING AREA:5,567 SQ. FT. 17% OF SITE AREA PARKING RATIOS:1 PER 100SF GFA, 10 MINIMUM STANDARD PARKING:REQUIRED: 27 PROVIDED: 27 ADA PARKING:REQUIRED: 2 PROVIDED: 2 NUMBER OF STORIES:ONE (2,660 SQ. FT.) HIGHEST POINT OF BUILDING:25' - 8" OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:A2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:VB DATA TABLE EXISTING: PROPOSED: UNCHANGED LAND USE EXISTING: PROPOSED: UNCHANGED SHEET LIST - SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - CIVIL S.1 SITE PLAN SHEET LIST - SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - LANDSCAPE L.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET LIST - SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SDP2.1 SITE DETAILS SDP4 SITE LIGHTING PLAN SDP5 PHOTOMETRICS PLAN SDP6 BUILDING ELEVATIONS SDP7 BUILDING ELEVATIONS SDP8 BUILDING RENDERINGS SDP9 ROOF PLAN SDP10 FLOOR PLAN SDP11 BUILDING SECTIONS SDP12 SITE PHOTOS C ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 TOTAL PARKING =26 7 SIMON DRIVE SIMON DRIVEREQUIRED BUILDING SETBACK20' - 0"PROPERTY LINE (TYP)PROPERTY LINE (TYP) TYP 9' - 0"TYP.17' - 0"T-MOBILE MONOPALM15' - 0"ADA TRASH ENCLOSURE 1 10 13 14ACTUAL BUILDING SETBACK46' - 1 1/8"611 611 7 6 5 4 321 12' - 0" 618 619 611 611 611 11' - 0"620 621. 12' - 6" 622 633 EXISTING ALDI TYP18' - 0"12' - 0"TYP EXISTING TO REMAIN (TYP) 611 611 ALIGN END OF SCREEN WALL WITH CORNER OF BUILDING. TYP BOTH SIDES 638 639 27 639639EXISTING TO REMAIN (TYP) 641 642 643 644 638 639 639 645 3' - 8 3/4"6' - 0"11' - 7" ALIGN W/ EDGE OF LANDSCAPING 611 PORTION OF NEW SIDEWALK EXISTING TO REMAIN 9' - 0 1/8"9' - 0"9' - 0"6' - 0"6' - 0" 1' - 6"CURB 6" CURB 6" 1' - 6" 9' - 0" SDP2.1 1 SDP2.1 6 TYP SDP2.1 2 SDP2.1 3 SDP2.14 SDP2.1 5 635LANDSCAPE SETBACK10' - 0"LANDSCAPE SETBACK 10' - 0" 12' - 0"5' - 0"9' - 0"18' - 0"613 BUILDING SETBACK 20' - 0" ACTUAL BUILDING SETBACK 42' - 4 1/2"27' -0".SOUTH ENTRANCE SITGHT LINE S O U TH EN TR AN C E SIG H T LIN E E SIMON SIGHT LINEE SIMON SIGHT LINE11' - 0" EXISTING PARKING STALLS18' - 0"1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP2 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017-06-06 SDP Comments B 2017-06-26 SDP Comments C 2017-07-05 SDP Comments 1. WHERE PARKING SPACES ARE PROVIDED, PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 208. EXCEPTION: PARKING SPACES USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR BUSES, TRUCKS, OTHER DELIVERY VEHICLES, LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLES, OR VEHICULAR IMPOUND SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH 208 PROVIDED THAT LOTS ACCESSED BY THE PUBLIC ARE PROVIDED WITH A PASSENGER LOADING WITH 503. 2. CAR AND VAN PARKING SPACES SHALL COMPLY WITH 502. WHERE PARKING SPACES ARE MARKED WITH LINES, WIDTH MEASUREMENTS OF PARKING SPACES AND ACCESS AISLES SHALL BE MADE FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE MARKINGS. EXCEPTION: WHERE PARKING SPACES OR ACCESS AISLES ARE NOT ADJACENT TO ANOTHER PARKING SPACE OR ACCESS AISLE, MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO INCLUDE THE FULL WIDTH OF THE LINE DEFINING THE PARKING SPACE OR ACCESS AISLE. 3. ACCESS AISLES SERVING PARKING SPACES SHALL COMPLY W ITH 502.3. ACCESS AISLES ADJOIN AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. TWO PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PERMITTED TO SHARE A COMMON ACCESS AISLE. ACCESS AISLES SERVING CAR AND VAN PARKING SPACES SHALL BE 60" WIDE MINIMUM. PARKING SPACES NOTES KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 107 ELECT. MAIN SWITCH GEAR AND METER G.C. TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS W/ SITE CONSTRAINTS. 600 MAXIMUM HEIGHT CLEARANCE POLE BEFORE THE 8TH CAR. PROVIDED BY OWNER. CLEARANCE BAR FOOTING DETAIL, RE: A1.01 BY G.C. 601 DRIVE-THRU DIRECTIONAL SIGN PROVIDED BY VENDOR. G.C. TO INSTALL SIGN FOOTING AND ANCHOR BOLTS PER SIGN VENDOR PACKAGE. 606 SIGN SHOWS "THANK YOU" ON ONE SIDE AND "WRONG WAY" ON THE OTHER SIDE. RE: SIGN VENDOR SPREADSHEETS. 607 EXTERIOR LIGHTING POLE. FOR POLE FOOTING, RE: A1.01. 610 ACCESSIBLE SPACE TO BE 9'-0" X 18'-0" 611 LANDSCAPE. RE: L DRAWING. 612 TRAVEL DISTANCE IS 12.5' 613 PAINT ARROWS (TYP). 618 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT. 619 EXISTING STORM SEWER. 620 EXISTING ELECTRICAL VAULT. 621. 622 NEW LIVE PALM TREES TO MATCH T-MOBILE MONOPALM. TOTAL 2 TREES TO BE INSTALLED BY LANDLORD. 633 NEW MONOPALM BY OTHERS. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH T-MOBILE. RE: T-MOBILE DRAWINGS. SUBJECT TO SEPARATE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. 635 NEW T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE BY OTHERS. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH T-MOBILE. RE: T-MOBILE DRAWINGS. SUBJECT TO SEPARATE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL. 638 EXISTING SIGN. 639 EXISTING POLE LIGHT. 640 EXISTING CURB AND LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN. 641 EXISTING STORM DRAIN TO BE RELOCATED. COORDINATE WITH CIVIL AND ADA ACCESS. 642 EXISTING PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY. 643 EXISTING STOP SIGN. 644 EXISTING PALM TREE (TYP). 645 AREA OF SAW-CUT CONCRETE TO MATCH CENTER STANDARD. 650 WHEELSTOPS. PARKING CALCULATION BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE 2,660 SF AREA PARKING REQUIREMENT REQUIRED PROVIDED 1 PER 100 SQ FT OF FLOOR -MIN. 10 SPACES 27 SPACES 26 SPACES PER MINOR ADJUSTMENT HANDICAP PARKING REQUIREMENT REQUIRED PROVIDED 2 PER 26 -50 TOTAL SPACES IN LOT 2 SPACES 2 SPACES 3/32" = 1'-0"1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN NOTE: ANY CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION ON IID PROPERTY OR WITHIN ITS EXISTING AND PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY OR EASEMENTS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS SUCH AS PROPOSED NEW STREETS, DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS, LANDSCAPE; AND ALL WATER, SEWER, STORM WATER, OR ANY OTHER ABOVE GROUND OR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES; WILL REQUIRE AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, OR ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT (DEPENDING ON THE CIRCUMSTANCES). A COPY OF THE IID ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR ITS COMPLETION CAN BE FOUND AT THE FOLLOWING IID WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.IID.COM/HOME/SHOWDOCUMENT?ID=3306. THE IID REAL ESTATE SECTION SHOULD BE CONTACTED AT (760) 339-9239 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING ENCROACHMENT PERMITS OR AGREEMENTS. REVISIONS NO.DATEDESCRIPTIONC.1N O R T H SIMON DRIVESIMON DRIVEEL POLLO LOCORESTAURANTFFE=78.5PRELIMINARYPRECISE GRADINGPLANVICINITY MAPNOT TO SCALEBLACKHAWK WAYADAMS ST. WASHINGTON ST.SIMON47TH ST.DR.RIVER BASINSITET-MOBILEMONOPALM 13/1/2017REVISIONS23/9/2017SCREEN WALL33/14/2017GREASE TRAP46/7/2017REVISIONS57/5/2017REVISIONS REVISIONS NO.DATEDESCRIPTIONL.1N O R T HLANDSCAPE DATA TABLECITY OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODEREQUIREDPROVIDEDINTERIOR PARKING LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE IN PARKINGSHALL BE >5% OF NETPARKING AREA (PARKINGAREA = 2,025 SF X 0.05 = 101SF LANDSCAPE AREA)PROVIDED 12% LANDSCAPE INPARKING AREA (PARKING AREA= 246 SF LANDSCAPE / 2,025PARKING AREA = 12%)INTERIOR PROJECT AREA LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE = TO 5% OF NETPROJECT AREA - PROVIDEDIN NON-PARKING AREAS(SITE AREA = 26,324 X 0.05 =1,316 SF NON-PARKINGLANDSCAPED AREA)PROVIDED 21% LANDSCAPE INNON-PARKING AREA (NETPROJECT AREA = 5,567 SF LA /26,324 SF SITE AREA = 5%) PARKING LOT SHADINGPARKING LOT SHADING50% OF PARKING AREASHADEDPARKING LOT AREA = 2,025 SF;CANOPY TREES AT 75%MATURITY (AS SHOWN) = 1,201;1,201 SF / 2,025 SF = 59%LANDSCAPE NOTE:THE SELECTION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS BASED ON CLIMATIC, AESTHETIC, AND MAINTENANCECONSIDERATIONS. ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE PREPARED WITH APPROPRIATE SOILAMENDMENTS, FERTILIZERS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTS BASED UPON A SOILS REPORT FROMAN AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN FROM THE SITE. GROUNDCOVERS ORDECOMPOSED GRANITE MULCH SHALL FILL IN BETWEEN SHRUBS TO SHIELD THE SOIL FROM THESUN, EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, AND RUN-OFF. ALL SHRUB BEDS SHALL BE MULCHED TO A 3" DEPTHMINIMUM TO HELP CONSERVE WATER, LOWER SOIL TEMPERATURE, AND REDUCE WEED GROWTH.ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT, CLEAN AND HEALTHY CONDITION AT ALL TIMES,INCLUDING PROPER PRUNING, MOWING OF LAWNS, WEEDING, REMOVAL OF LITTER, FERTILIZING,REPLACEMENT OF PLANTS WHEN NECESSARY, AND REGULAR WATERING. ALL LANDSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS SHALL FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ANDCOUNTY OF RIVERSIDE.IRRIGATION NOTE:AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PROVIDE 100% COVERAGE FOR ALLPLANTING AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. LOW VOLUME EQUIPMENT SHALL PROVIDE SUFFICIENTWATER FOR PLANT GROWTH WITH NO WATER LOSS DUE TO WATER RUN-OFF. THE IRRIGATIONSYSTEM SHALL USE HIGH QUALITY, AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVES, CONTROLLERS, AND OTHERNECESSARY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. ALL DRIP SYSTEMS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY FILTERED ANDREGULATED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED DESIGN PARAMETERS. ALL IRRIGATIONIMPROVEMENTS SHALL FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ANDCOUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE CALIFORNIA STATE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPEORDINANCE AB-1881.SIMON DRIVESIMON DRIVEEL POLLO LOCORESTAURANT2,660 SFLANDSCAPE NOTES111243PRELIMINARYLANDSCAPE PLAN78119101111961314123456789101113´14NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONNOTE: ALL NEW LANDSCAPE PLANTS WITHIN15' OF SIMON DRIVE SHOULD BEMAINTAINED AT A MAXIMUM 36" HIEGHT ASTO NOT INTERFERE WITH SIGHT DISTANCE. 6" DIAMETER GUARD POST 6" C.F. #4xCONT. E.W. @ 4'-0" O.C. SLEEVE FOR CANE BOLT (TYP.) 18 GA. PAINTED METAL GATE (BOX RIB) TYP. 7" THICK PCC SLAB W/ 6"x6"-1.4x1.4 W.W.F. ON 6" GRAVEL BASE CONST. JOINTS @ 10'-0" O.C. CONC. FOOTING PROVIDE BRACKET FOR GATE PADLOCK (TYP) GC TO SEAL CONCRETE INSIDE TRASH ENCLOSURE CLEAR5' - 0"13' - 4"18 GA. PAINTED METAL GATE (BOX RIB)7' - 2"3' - 4"1' - 0"18GA. CLEANED, PRIMED & PAINTED SOLID METAL GATE (BOX RIB) 5"x5"x1/4" TS EMBEDDED 12" INTO FOOTING CANE BOLTS BRACKETS FOR PADLOCKS ST-1 EP-2 ST-1 EP-1 INTERIOR MF-1 100' - 0" GATE TO MATCH INO'S TRASH ENCLOSURE GATE ST-1ST-1 MF-1 MF-1 3' - 4"7' - 2"100' - 0" COLOR AND TEXTURE OF DRIVE THRU SCREEN WALL STUCCO TO MATCH INO'S FABRICATED STONE CAP TO MATCH INO'S 100' - 0" ST-1 MF-1 MF-1 ST-13' - 0"7' - 6"COLOR AND TEXTURE OF TRASH ENCLOSURE STUCCO TO MATCH INO'S FABRICATED STONE CAP TO MATCH INO'S 100' - 0" ST-1 MF-1 MF-1 ST-1 ST-13' - 0"7' - 6"COLOR AND TEXTURE OF TRASH ENCLOSURE STUCCO TO MATCH INO'S FABRICATED STONE CAP TO MATCH INO'S TRASH ENCLOSURE GATE TO MATCH INO'S 4' - 0"4' - 6"5' - 6"100' - 0" COLOR AND TEXTURE OF TRASH ENCLOSURE STUCCO TO MATCH INO'S FABRICATED STONE CAP TO MATCH INO'S 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP2.1 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 SITE DETAILSEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017-06-06 SDP Comments C 2017-07-05 SDP Comments 1/4" = 1'-0"1 TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTHWEST 1/4" = 1'-0"3 NORTHEAST 1/4" = 1'-0"4 NORTHWEST 1/4" = 1'-0"5 SOUTHEAST 1/4" = 1'-0"6 DRIVE-THRU SCREEN WALL ELEVATION J J J J LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE NOTES FURNISH WITH HUBBELL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SSS-H-16-40-B-1-S2-DB-UL POLE.1.(PIER HEIGHT ABOVE SOIL)h1 = 2'-0" @ [parking lot] & 0'-6" @ [side walk](PIER EMBEDMENT)L = 5'-0"LIGHT POLE POLE GROUND LUG HAND HOLE BOLT COVER POLE BASE 1 1/2" CHAMFER ANCHOR BOLTS (4 THUS.) GRADE (6) #5 VERTICAL REBARS #3 REBAR TIES AT 10" O.C. POWER CONDUIT GROUND CONDUIT #8 GROUND IN 3/4" PVC THERMOWELD TO 5/8" X 6'-0" GROUND ROD2" CLR 3" CLR11"DIA. BASE BASE (4) 3/4" DIA. CAST-IN-PLACE HOOK ANCHOR BOLTS (ASTM F1554-55) [PROJECTION =3 1/2", LENGTH = 30", HOOK LENGTH = 3"] NOTE: 1. CONCRETE TO BE 2500 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH @ 28 DAYS. 2. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM WATER/CEMENT RATIO OF 0.55. 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT AND BE AIR ENTRAINED WITH 6% (+/-) 1.5% ENTRAINED AIR BY VOLUME @ POINT OF DISCHARGE. ANCHOR BOLT PLAN POLE BASE DETAIL ANCHOR BOLT PLAN PROJECTIONLENGTHHOOK LENGTH 1'-6" CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY POLE BASE DETAIL ON SITE AND MATCH EXISTING ACCORDINGLY. A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-12 A-19 LF-17 A-19 LF-17 A-19 LF-17 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-12 A-19 LF-12 A-19 LF-12 S1 S1 S1 WP WP -33A 1 2 -35A WP S1 #10 #10 WP 2 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 -21A S1 PANEL MS EXISTING TELEPHONE BOX 3 4 EXTEND (2) 4" CONDUITS (SCH 80 ABOVE AND SCH 40 UNDERGROUND W/ LONG SWEEP 90S) FROM EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE. COORDINATE INSPECTION WITH ELECTRICAL UTILITY. -31A -23A PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) EXISTING FIXTURES INSTALLED DURING IN & OUT CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. EXISTING FIXTURES INSTALLED DURING IN & OUT CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. EXISTING FIXTURE TO REMAIN, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION. 5 EXISTING FIXTURE, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. EXISTING FIXTURE, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A A A A B 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP4 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 SITE ELECTRICAL PLANEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAELECTRICAL PLAN NOTES 1 PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF J-BOX FOR MENU BOARD. PROVIDE 2#10, #10G, 1/2"C. AND RECIRCUIT AS REQUIRED AS INDICATED ON PLANS. FEILD VERIFY. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION AND MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND APPROVED SIGN VENDOR SHOP DRAWINGS. CIRCUIT VIA LIGHTING CONTROLS. RE: E2.0/LIGHTING CONTROL DIAGRAM. 2 PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF J-BOX FOR DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE. PROVIDE 2#10, #10G, 1/2"C. AND RECIRCUIT AS REQUIRED AS INDICATED ON PLANS. FEILD VERIFY. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION AND MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND APPROVED SIGN VENDOR SHOP DRAWINGS. CIRCUIT VIA LIGHTING CONTROLS. RE: E2.0/LIGHTING CONTROL DIAGRAM. 3 UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE SERVICE. PROVIDE (2) 4" CONDUITS AS COORDINATED WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY. REFER TO CIVIL SHEETS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND ROUTING. VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL REQUIREMENTS WITH UTILITY BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4 UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE FROM UTILITY TRANSFORMER. REFER TO CIVIL SHEETS FOR LOCATION AND ROUTING. REFER TO RISER, SHEET E5.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL REQUIREMENTS WITH UTILITY BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 5 PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF J-BOX FOR PRE-ORDER MENU BOARD. PROVIDE 2#10, #10G, 1/2"C. AND RECIRCUIT AS REQUIRED AS INDICATED ON PLANS. FEILD VERIFY. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION AND MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND APPROVED SIGN VENDOR SHOP DRAWINGS. CIRCUIT VIA LIGHTING CONTROLS. RE: E2.0/LIGHTING CONTROL DIAGRAM. LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE SITE LIGHTING FXT. LTR.MANUFACTURER CAT. NO.FIXTURE DESCRIPTION LAMP MOUNTING REMARKSNO. WATTS TYPE LF-12 CONTECH CYL6227KMVDUDXMCLR-B EXTERIOR - DECORATIVE SCONCE - UP AND DOWN LIGHT - BLACK 1 28 LED SCONCE - PER ARCH 2700K, 460 LUMEN, WET LOCATION LF-13 CONTECH CYL6-2-27K-MVD-W-X-M-CLR-B EXTERIOR - DECORATIVE SCONCE - BLACK 1 14 LED SCONCE - PER ARCH 2700K, WET LOCATION LF-15 ECOSENSE WSH-M-27-120IC-BK-11/WSH-M-LSD-80 EXTERIOR - GRAZING SYSTEM AIMED UP AT WALL 1 50 LED SURFACE 2700K, 80 DEGREE ANGLE LF-16 COUCH & PHILIPPI C&P DOWNLIGHT EXTERIOR - RECESSED LED LENSED CAN LIGHT - BLACK 1 11.8 LED RECESSED TO BE COORDINATED WITH AWNING VENDOR LF-17 RAB WPLED52Y EXTERIOR - WALL PACK - BRONZE 1 52 LED SURFACE REPLACE EXISTING IF REQUIRED S1 IGUZZINI BL09-LK96-VHO POLE MOUNT AREA LIGHT WITH TYPE IV DISTRIBUTION - SINGLE HEAD OR DOUBLE HEAD 1 55 LED POLE MOUNT 18' TO MATCH EXISTING, VERIFY 120V, 4000K, NOTE 1 ALL LIGHT FIXTURES, EXCEPT SITE LIGHTING, TO BE FURNISHED BY OWNER, COORDINATE AS REQUIRED WITH ANDY BRUBAKER WITH CS ILLUMINATION ABRUBAKER@CSILLUMINATION.COM N FIXTURES LF-15 & LF-16 TO BE FURNISHED WITH AWNING/CANOPY WIRED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY CANOPY VENDOR. iGUZZINI BL09 PRODUCT IMAGE TO MATCH EXISTING POLE PARKING LOT LIGHTING 3/32" = 1'-0"1 SITE PLAN - ELECTRICAL A A REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017.06.06 SDP Comments B 2017.06.26 SDP Comments Luminaire Schedule Symbol Qty Label Description Lum. Watts 8 LF-12 CONTECH CYL6227KMVDUDXMCLR 14 12 LF-16 C&P Canopy Down Light PAR30 LED 11.7 3 LF-17 RAB WPLED52N 60 5 LF-14 JUNO S313L3-2K-WFL 10.67 4 BL09_LK96(VHO) BL09 (PROFILE_03)_LK96 54.4 1 BL11_LL02(VHO) BL11 (PROFILE_03)_LL02 64.6 1 BL09_LK96(VHO)-2 HEAD BL09 (PROFILE_03)_LK96 54.4 2 BL11_LL02(VHO)-2 HEAD BL11 (PROFILE_03)_LL02 64.6 Calculation Summary Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Label Fc 2.01 26.3 0.0 N.A. N.A.Entire Site Fc 1.27 3.7 0.4 3.18 9.25 Parking Area Summary - - - - - A A A A B PANEL MS 33A 35A 21A 31A 23A WP WP WP #10 #10 WP EXISTING TELEPHONE BOX EXTEND (2) 4" CONDUITS (SCH 80 ABOVE AND SCH 40 UNDERGROUND W/ LONG SWEEP 90S) FROM EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE. COORDINATE INSPECTION WITH ELECTRICAL UTILITY. PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) EXISTING FIXTURES INSTALLED DURING IN & OUT CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. EXISTING FIXTURES INSTALLED DURING IN & OUT CONSTRUCTION, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. EXISTING FIXTURE TO REMAIN, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION. EXISTING FIXTURE, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. EXISTING FIXTURE, VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-12 A-19 LF-17 A-19 LF-17 A-19 LF-17 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-12 A-19 LF-12 A-19 LF-12 S1 S1 S1 S1 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-15 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 A-19 LF-16 S1A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 A-19 LF-13 J J J J 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.0 2.3 1.8 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.8 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.0 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.1 1.6 1.1 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.8 3.6 3.6 3.7 2.8 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.8 2.6 3.4 3.6 3.7 2.9 2.1 1.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.3 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.9 2.4 3.2 3.3 3.2 2.5 1.9 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.2 2.6 1.9 1.6 0.8 1.1 1.5 2.1 2.8 3.1 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.1 1.6 1.3 0.9 1.4 2.1 3.1 3.9 4.3 4.1 3.2 2.4 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.7 2.2 3.2 4.2 4.7 4.4 3.6 2.9 2.1 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.6 3.7 4.5 4.3 3.4 2.9 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.1 3.4 4.4 4.5 3.4 2.8 2.2 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.7 3.0 4.2 4.3 3.3 2.8 2.1 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.2 2.4 3.8 3.8 3.0 2.6 1.9 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 2.1 3.5 3.6 2.8 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.9 3.1 3.4 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.4 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.6 2.6 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.4 3.8 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.2 2.1 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.7 2.5 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.9 3.0 3.0 2.1 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 3.8 5.0 6.6 7.3 7.5 6.9 5.7 4.2 3.2 2.3 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.1 13.0 13.6 7.2 6.3 8.1 14.4 5.4 4.9 7.0 6.9 3.8 2.1 3.3 4.4 4.7 4.1 5.0 7.9 9.0 8.7 7.7 6.1 4.4 3.2 2.3 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 5.5 14.5 16.5 8.9 10.0 8.3 6.5 4.9 3.6 2.7 1.9 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.3 9.9 11.2 12.5 9.6 6.8 4.8 3.5 2.6 1.9 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.8 5.0 9.0 10.9 12.8 10.0 7.1 4.8 3.4 2.4 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.1 2.0 2.4 2.4 3.1 5.9 7.5 11.0 13.0 10.2 7.0 4.7 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.2 2.5 3.0 2.6 3.1 5.7 7.2 11.4 13.3 10.2 6.9 4.5 3.0 2.1 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.3 3.0 3.4 2.9 2.9 6.9 12.8 11.0 13.0 10.0 6.7 4.4 3.0 2.1 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.2 3.0 3.4 2.8 2.9 10.3 18.9 10.5 12.1 9.2 6.4 4.4 3.1 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.2 3.0 3.5 2.8 2.7 4.1 20.8 21.0 8.8 7.9 20.6 26.3 16.4 14.5 20.9 18.7 3.7 9.1 9.1 8.3 8.1 3.1 2.8 7.8 9.3 7.7 5.8 4.2 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.3 2.8 3.3 2.7 2.5 2.5 5.0 7.8 6.2 6.5 9.0 10.8 9.7 9.3 9.7 7.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.3 2.6 4.8 6.1 5.8 4.9 3.9 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.1 2.3 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.4 4.6 4.9 4.9 4.1 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.6 4.1 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.2 3.1 2.3 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.9 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.8 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.1 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.3 3.1 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.4 2.7 2.0 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.0 0.5 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP5 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLANEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAA B REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017.06.06 SDP Comments B 2017.06.26 SDP Comments 1" = 10'-0"2 SITE PHOTOMETRICS DUNN EDWARDS -DE6376 LOOKING GLASS EXTERIOR GRADE EGGSHELL FINISH CORONADO STONE -PLAYA VISTA LIMESTONE -CREAM PRINTED TILE PANEL BY VENDOR DARK BRONZE ALUMINUM AWNINGS BY VENDOR: FINISH BLACK EP-2 ST-1 T-4 MF-1 AW-1 DUNN EDWARDS -DEC743 HIGH NOON STUCCO = EXTERIOR GRADE EGGSHELL FINISH DOORS = EXTERIOR GRADE SEMI-GLOSS FINISH EP-1 DUNN EDWARDS -DEW339 BONE CHINA EXTERIOR GRADE EGGSHELL FINISHEP-3 1 SDP11 EP-2 EP-3 MF-1 MF-1 T-4 MF-1 ST-18' - 0"EQ EQ 403 402 9' - 10"407 404 415 404 BOTTOM OF CHANNEL LETTERS17' - 0"2' - 0".420 101 A 428 23' - 5 1/8" 400 BOTTOM OF CANOPY10' - 0"EP-1EP-1 ST-1 COLUMNS INTERIOR OF WALLINTERIOR OF WALL 429 4' - 0"8' - 0"EQ EQ EP-2 EP-1 0" 25' - 8" 22' - 5" 20' - 8" 21' - 8" 2 SDP11 3 SDP11 ST-1 EQ EQ EQEQ 403 402 T-4MF-1 408 407 404 407 416 T-4 421 2' - 0".420 420420 420 421 102 B D D 428 18' - 11" 25' - 8" 22' - 8" EP-2 EP-38' - 0"8' - 0"EQ EQEQEQ EP-1BOTTOM OF CHANNEL LETTERS19' - 0"EP-1 23' - 5 1/8" 404 0" 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP6 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 BUILDING ELEVATIONSEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017-06-06 SDP Comments B 2017-06-26 SDP Comments C 2017-07-05 SDP Comments LEGENDGENERAL NOTES 1. SEAL ALL WALL AND ROOF PENETRATIONS. 2. SEE SHEAR SCHEDULE PER STRUCTURAL FOR NAILING PATTERN AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD. 3. SEAL ALL WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES AT HEAD, SILL AND JAMB. 4. ALL BUILDING SIGNAGE ARE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. LOCATION AND SIZE OF SIGNAGE TO BE FIELD COORDINATED WITH THE SIGN CONTRACTOR. 5. ADDRESS NUMBERS AT 8" HT TO BE ILLUMINATED BY ADJACENT SITE LIGHT (MINIMUM 5 FOOT CANDLES). 6. REFLECTIVE GLAZING AT THE PEDESTRIAN LEVEL IS PROHIBITED. (GLAZING ABOVE THE PEDESTRIAN LEVEL SHALL BE LIMITED TO MAX. REFLECTANCE RATING OF 22% PER NIST). (PER CONDITION 9 OF SDR - 29382) 7. COPING:COPING FLASHING TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH COLOR OF MATERIAL BELOW. TYP. U.N.O, 8. DOOR NOTE:EXTERIOR DOORS & SWITCH GEAR TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH COLOR OF ADJ. WALL. TYP. 9. ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING:ALL EXTERIOR WALLS & DOORS, MEASURED 9'-0" FROM GRADE, AND ANY WALLS ENCLOSING THE PROPERTY SHALL BE COATED W/A RENEWABLE COATING OF AN ANTI GRAFFITI MATERIAL. 10. ALL WINDOWS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ANTI-GRAFFITI FILM. KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 400 (2) RECESSED CAN LIGHTS (LF-16) AT DRIVE-THRU AWNING PROVIDED BY CANOPY VENDOR. 401 EQUIPMENT SCREENED FROM PEDESTRIANS BY PARAPET. 402 NEW CANOPY BY OTHERS. GC TO PROVIDE JUNCTION BOX AT CENTER OF CANOPY FOR NEW LIGHTING IN CANOPY. 403 STOREFRONT GLAZING. MULLIONS TO ALIGN WITH CHAIR RAIL ON INTERIOR (TYP). 404 SIGNAGE BY OWNER VENDOR. BLOCKING AND POWER BY GC. SEPARATE PERMIT. TYP. 407 NEW LF-12 FIXTURE, TYP. (DARK BRONZE) 408 STOREFRONT GLASS DOOR. 415 ADDRESS NUMBERS AT 8" HT. PIN-MOUNTED THROUGH STUCCO BY GC. BLACK FINISH. FINAL LOCATION TO BE APPROVED BY FIRE MARSHALL. 416 BRACKETS FALL ON BRICK AND NOT ON TILE. 419 EXTERIOR LIGHTING POLE. FOR POLE FOOTING, RE: A1.01. 420 BREAK METAL TO MATCH STOREFRONT. FINISH TO CORNER (TYP). AT CANOPY INFILL BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CANOPY AND TOP OF STOREFRONT. 421 TOP COURSE OF TILE TO ALWAYS BE FULL TILE (TYP). 428 EM2 EMERGENCY LIGHT, RE: ELECTRICAL. 429 CAP STONE TO MATCH T-MOBILE ENCLOSURE. RE: T-MOBILE DRAWINGS. 430 1" JOINT REVEAL PAINT BLACK (TYP). 431 CONTROL JOINT AS NEEDED PAINT TO MATCH STUCCO (TYP). 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 NORTH ELEVATION DUNN EDWARDS -DE6376 LOOKING GLASS EXTERIOR GRADE EGGSHELL FINISH CORONADO STONE -PLAYA VISTA LIMESTONE -CREAM PRINTED TILE PANEL BY VENDOR DARK BRONZE ALUMINUM AWNINGS BY VENDOR: FINISH BLACK EP-2 ST-1 T-4 MF-1 AW-1 DUNN EDWARDS -DEC743 HIGH NOON STUCCO = EXTERIOR GRADE EGGSHELL FINISH DOORS = EXTERIOR GRADE SEMI-GLOSS FINISH EP-1 DUNN EDWARDS -DEW339 BONE CHINA EXTERIOR GRADE EGGSHELL FINISHEP-3 1 SDP11 ST-1 413 EP-3 MF-1 TYP. 404 EP-1EP-2 404 2' - 0".6 A1.50 426 EP-1 INTERIOR OF WALL EP-3 23' - 5 1/8"BOTTOM OF CHANNEL LETTERS17' - 0"429 4' - 0"ST-1 25' - 8" EP-1 EP-1 EP-3 EP-2 22' - 5" 21' - 8" 23' - 5 1/8" 0" 2 SDP11 3 SDP11 ST-1 EP-28' - 0"EQEQ 3' - 11 7/8"4' - 3 7/8" EQ EQ T-4MF-1 402 412 405 EP-2 412 ST-1 412407 T-4 403 405 404 404 416 416 MF-1 421 420420 .2' - 0".ST-1 C E2 EP-3EP-2EP-1 ST-1 430430431 0" 23' - 5 1/8" 20' - 7 7/8" 18' - 11" 25' - 8" 22' - 5"22' - 8" 21' - 8" 14' - 0" 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP7 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 BUILDING ELEVATIONSEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017-06-06 SDP Comments B 2017-06-26 SDP Comments LEGEND KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 402 NEW CANOPY BY OTHERS. GC TO PROVIDE JUNCTION BOX AT CENTER OF CANOPY FOR NEW LIGHTING IN CANOPY. 403 STOREFRONT GLAZING. MULLIONS TO ALIGN WITH CHAIR RAIL ON INTERIOR (TYP). 404 SIGNAGE BY OWNER VENDOR. BLOCKING AND POWER BY GC. SEPARATE PERMIT. TYP. 405 ROOF DRAIN PIPE DISCHARGE AT FACE OF CURB BEYOND TYP. SEE DETAIL 2/A1.40. 407 NEW LF-12 FIXTURE, TYP. (DARK BRONZE) 412 NEW LF-13 FIXTURE, TYP. 413 SECURITY LIGHTING FIXTURES, TYP. (BLACK) 416 BRACKETS FALL ON BRICK AND NOT ON TILE. 420 BREAK METAL TO MATCH STOREFRONT. FINISH TO CORNER (TYP). AT CANOPY INFILL BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CANOPY AND TOP OF STOREFRONT. 421 TOP COURSE OF TILE TO ALWAYS BE FULL TILE (TYP). 425 PREFERRED GAS METER LOCATION. FINAL LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY GAS SERVICE COMPANY. 426 VENTS REQUIRED FOR UTILITY ROOM. 429 CAP STONE TO MATCH T-MOBILE ENCLOSURE. RE: T-MOBILE DRAWINGS. 430 1" JOINT REVEAL PAINT BLACK (TYP). 431 CONTROL JOINT AS NEEDED PAINT TO MATCH STUCCO (TYP). 1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION 5' - 8 1/2"4' - 3"1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP8 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 BUILDING RENDERINGSEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION RENDERING 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION RENDERING 1/4" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION RENDERING 1/4" = 1'-0"4 NORTH ELEVATION RENDERING 1. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM THAT ALL AREAS ARE PROVIDED WITH POSITIVE DRAINAGE PRIOR TO SHEATHING OF ROOF. 2. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE GIVEN FROM TOP OF FLOOR SLAB ELEVATIONS. 3. PROVIDED INSULATION BETWEEN ALL ROOF FRAMING AND BETWEEN STUDS AT EXTERIOR WALL TYPICAL U.N.O. 4. VERIFY SIZES AND LOCATIONS OF ALL OPENINGS PLATFORMS ETC. WITH RESPECTIVE CONTRACTORS. 5. WHERE VENT PIPES PENETRATE SHEATHING REFER TO DETAIL 9/A1.41. 6. ROOFING FIRE RETARDANT PER IBC TABLE 1505. 7. FOR ALL CURBED ROOF OPENINGS REFER TO DETAIL 13/A1.41. 8. ATTIC SPACES SHALL BE DIVIDED WITH DRAFTSTOPS INTO HORIZONTAL AREAS NOT EXCEEDING 3000 S.F. (60 LINEAR FEET MAXIMUM). 9. ROOF CRICKETS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF RIGID INSULATION. MAINTAIN MINIMUM SLOPE OF 3/8" PER FOOT. CRICKET LOCATIONS ARE SHOWN ON ROOF PLANS. PROVIDE CRICKETS AS SHOWN ON PLAN AT HIGH SIDE OF ALL EQUIPMENTS. 10. ALL CURBS TO BE MINIMUM 8" HIGH EXCEPT A/C UNIT WHICH BE 14" HIGH AND PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION. 11. FOR ALL PENETRATIONS & SUPPORT OF PIPE @ ROOF SEE SHEET A1.41. 12. FOR ALL SUPPORT OF CONDENSATE LINES SEE SHEET A1.41. 13. INSULATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 14.VERIFY FINAL LOCATIONS OF ALL HVAC UNITS, FAN UNITS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT WITH MECHANICAL AND TRUSS DRAWINGS AND WITH ALL PERTINENT FIELD CONDITIONS. 15. ALL MECHANICAL ROOF EQUIPMENT ON ROOF SHALL BE SCREENED BY THE PARAPET. ROOF DRAIN LEADER FROM CANOPY ROOF PIPE STRAPS SECURED TO WALL "V2" DOWNSPOUT NOZZLE IN WALL CONTINUOUS SEALANT 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D D.1 2 A1.60 1 A1.60 3 A1.61 6 A1.61 4 A1.61 1 A1.61 3 A1.60 1 SDP11 2 SDP11 3 SDP11 SLOPE DOWN AT 1/4"/12"1/4" / 12" SLOPE1/4" / 12" SLOPE 1/4" / 12" SLOPE1/4" / 12" SLOPE SLOPE DOWN AT 1/4"/ 12"SLOPE DOWN AT 1/4"/12"1 A1.41 5 A1.41 3 A1.41 1 A1.41 5 A1.41 304 307 13 A1.41 13 A1.41 300 301 301 300 307 1/4" / 12" SLOPE1/4" / 12" SLOPE 1/4" / 12" SLOPE1/4" / 12" SLOPE308 308 310 RT1 RT2 KF1 KF2 MAU1 402 404 404 402 404 402 404 402 404 SDP8 2 SDP7 2 -9"-8' - 5"0" -9" -8' - 5" 3"3' - 3" 1' - 0" -1' - 9 1/8" -1' - 9 1/8"-3' - 6" 300 315 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP9 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 ROOF PLANEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION B 2017-06-26 SDP Comments ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS T.S. TOP OF SHEATHING T.P. TOP OF PARAPET O.D. OVERFLOW DRAIN R.D. ROOF DRAIN V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD GENERAL DIRECTION OF WATER DRAINAGESLOPE GENERAL NOTES KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 300 3" ROOF DRAIN TYP. 2 LOCATIONS. SEE DETAIL 12/A1.41. 301 ROOF TOP UNIT. VERIFY LOCATION WITH MECHANICAL. FOR ROOF EQUIPMENT CURB SEE DETAIL SHEET A1.41. 304 ROOF MEMBRANE. MIN. TOTAL SOLAR REFLECTANCE OF 0.70 AND MIN. THERMAL EMITTANCE OF 0.75 WHEN TESTED. SEE DETAIL 3/A1.41. GC TO PRICE MULITPLE MANUFACTURERS. 307 UTILITY EXHAUST FAN WITH CURBS. FOR ROOF EQUIPMENT CURB SEE DETAIL SHEET A1.41. 308 UP-BLAST EXHAUST FAN. 310 VENDOR TO SLOPE CANOPY AWAY FROM BUILDING. 315 ROOF HATCH. RE: SPECS. 402 NEW CANOPY BY OTHERS. GC TO PROVIDE JUNCTION BOX AT CENTER OF CANOPY FOR NEW LIGHTING IN CANOPY. 404 SIGNAGE BY OWNER VENDOR. BLOCKING AND POWER BY GC. SEPARATE PERMIT. TYP. 3/4" = 1'-0"2 LAMB'S TONGUE DETAIL. 1/4" = 1'-0"4 ROOF PLAN. W/HF S2424S24242436JWTEAS1424 G24242424INTERIOR EXTERIOR W1 5 1/2" WOOD STUDS WITH SHEATHING, STUCCO TO EXTERIOR, 1 LAYER 5/8" GYP TO INTERIOR W1B SAME AS W1 WITH 1" BRICK ON EXTERIOR SIDE INSTEAD OF STUCCO PARTITION TYPES - METAL STUD INTERIOR 6" METAL STUDS WITH NO INSULATION IF 1 HR RATED =UL# U-465D2 GENERAL PARTITION NOTES: ALL DIMENSIONS TAKEN TO FACE OF STUDS, MASONRY OR GRID LINE U.N.O. 1. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LOAD BEARING STUD GAUGES 2. USE MOLD RESISTANT BOARD AND 12" DUROCK IN ALL RESTROOMS & WATER HEATER CLOSET AND ALL OTHER WET AREAS. PER DETAIL 5/A5.63. 3. ALL GYPSUM BOARD IS 5/8" (TYPE 'X') UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (UNO) 4. ALL FIRE RATED WALLS, SOUND, COUNT & CASH ROOM WALLS CONTINUOUS TO DECK OR HARD LID. TYP. REF DOCS. ALL GYPSUM BOARD IS INSTALLED TO DECK (UNO). AT DEFLECTION TRACKS - HOLD GYP DOWN FROM DECK PER MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. 5. AT ANY EXTERIOR WALLS - ENSURE A VAPOR BARRIER IS INSTALLED 6. ANY WALLS RECEIVING TILE TO HAVE NATIONAL TILE ASSOCIATION APPROVED BACKING TYP. 7. ALL WALLS ARE TO BE BRACED ABOVE THE FINISHED CEILING AS RECOMMENDED BY THE METAL STUD MANUFACTURER TO PREVENT WALL MOVEMENT. 8. ALL WALLS WHICH SEPARATE A SPACE FROM UNCONDITIONED AREA (E.G. EXTERIOR, COVERED SERVICE/DELIVERY, INTERIOR UNCONDITIONED SPACE), SHALL HAVE THERMAL BATT INSULATION INSTALLED PER SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. 9. ALL PARTITIONS ENCLOSING PLUMBING TO BE INSULATED. 10. ALL ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL ROOMS TO HAVE SOUND INSULATION WITHIN THE WALL. 11. PER MOLD PREVENTION GUIDELINES, NEVER INSTALL GYPSUM WALL BOARD IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE FLOORS. GC TO PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS BEAD OF CAULK THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF WALL BETWEEN GYP AND FLOOR. 12. USE DEFLECTION TRACKS WHEN EVER STUD WALLS CONNECT DIRECTLY TO STRUCTURE ABOVE HORZ. BRACING AS REQ, REF STRUCT. TYP. TO ALL MTL. STUDS 3 5/8" MTL. STUDS D1 3 5/8" METAL STUD PARTITION TYPES - WOOD STUD EXTERIOR 5/8" GYP. BD. 5 1/2" WOOD STUD WITH R-19 BATT INSULATION AIR/MOISTURE BARRIER STUCCO 2 1/2" METAL FURRING STUD E HORZ. BRACING AS REQ, REF STRUCT. TYP. TO ALL MTL. STUDS 1 1/2" MTL. STUDS WALL 1/2" WOOD SHEATHING 3 5/8" METAL STUDS WITH INSULATIOND3 6" METAL STUDS WITH INSULATION D4 SAME AS W1B WITH NO INSULATION AND NO GYP. BD.W2B 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY 2012 IBC, ADDITIONS, ALL AMENDMENTS, AND LOCAL CODES. 2. ALL EXPOSED WALLS IN RESTROOMS AND ALL PLUMBING WALLS TO BE COVERED IN CERAMIC TILE OR FRP. PER DRAWINGS, FLOOR TO CEILING AS INDICATED IN SPECS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. 3. ALL CONDENSATION LINES (INDIRECT WASTE WATER) SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE TO FLOOR SINKS, INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FLOOR, 1/2 EXPOSED, WITH GRATE. 4. ALL DOORS, WINDOWS, AND OTHER JOINTS IN THE EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE FULLY INSULATED. 5. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS. 6. ALL CONDUIT, PLUMBING, ETC. NOT CONCEALED WITHIN WALLS, MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 6 INCHES OFF THE FLOOR AND 1 INCH AWAY FROM WALLS. ALL EXPOSED FLEX CONDUITS TO BE SEAL-TIGHT OR EQUIVALENT. 7. ALL EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING (BOTTOM) SHELVING, MUST BE SUPPORTED BY (6) INCH HIGH, ROUND, STAINLESS STEEL LEGS OR BE ON 6" CASTORS. 8. G.C. TO PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING OR REINFORCEMENT AT ALL ATTACHMENTS TO WALLS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BLOCKING FOR SHELVING, SINKS, SOAP DISPENSERS, AND GRAB BARS. 9. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STRUCT. SUPPORT FOR ALL ROOF MOUNTED OR SUSPENDED MECHANICAL & FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT. AS REQ'D. 10.GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH THE OWNER THE EXACT EXTENT OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 11.FLASHING AND COUNTER FLASHING. EXTERIOR OPENINGS EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE FLASHED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MAKE THEM WEATHERPROOF. 12.INSULATION MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE 2012 IBC AND 2012 IEEC WITH LOCAL & CITY CODES. 13.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY A FULL 3' - 0" CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE FOUNDATION SLAB. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF THIS DIMENSION IS IN QUESTION. 14.PROVIDE DEEPENED FOOTINGS (GRADE BEAMS) AS REQUIRED WHERE ADJACENT FINISH GRADE IS SUBSTANTIALLY BELOW (OR SLOPING AWAY FROM) THE FINISHED FLOOR SEE GRADING PLANS. 15.PRIOR TO BID, CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE TO ADEQUATELY DETERMINE ALL PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS AND THE FULL EXTENT OF ALL REQUIRED DEMOLITION. BY THE ACT OF SUBMITTING A BID, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FOREGOING, TO HAVE ACCEPTED SUCH CONDITIONS, AND TO HAVE MADE ALLOWANCES THEREFORE IN PREPARING HIS BID. 16.GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM LAYOUT W/ APPROVED SEATING PLAN BY OWNER. 17.SHEET ENTIRE BUILDING WITH PLYWOOD. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SHEAR AS REQUIRED. 18.ALL EXTERIOR DOOR SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. 19.FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS, SEE SHEETS A5.60, A5.61, A5.62, A5.63. 20.ALL DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF STUDS. 21.PVC PIPE SHALL NOT BE USED IN COOK-LINE WALLS. 22.AT THE TIME OF ROUGH INSTALLATION OR DURING STORAGE ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND UNTIL FINAL STARTUP OF THE HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT, ALL DUCT AND OTHER RELATED AIR DISTRIBUTION COMPONENT OPENINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH TAPE, PLASTIC, SHEET METAL OR OTHER METHODS ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENFORCING AGENCY TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF DUST OR DEBRIS WHICH MAY COLLECT IN THE SYSTEM. 23.SEAL/ FOAM ALL PENETRATIONS AT EXTERIOR WALL PLATE PRIOR TO INSULATION AND DRYWALL. 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D D.1 1 SDP11 2 SDP11 3 SDP11 D1 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 D4 D1 D1 W1 W1B W1B W1 W1 W1 W1W1 W1W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 D1 W1B D3 W1 W1 1' - 11 1/2"3' - 8 1/2"16' - 2"6' - 1 1/2"10' - 2"29' - 3 1/2"14' - 7"5' - 5 1/2"3' - 2"16' - 8 1/2"4' - 0 1/2"13' - 9 1/2"8' - 2"10' - 2"10' - 6"20' - 1 1/2"5' - 5"7' - 4"2 1/2"18' - 4 1/2"6' - 3 1/2"2' - 8"1' - 6"3' - 2"5' - 1"13' - 0"7' - 1 1/2"4' - 5 1/2"5' - 9 1/2" D2 D1 UPPER GLASS PANELS PROVIDED/ INSTALLED BY VENDORLOW WALL BY GC6' - 0"3' - 0"2' - 1"3' - 9"6' - 5"19' - 3"7' - 6 1/2"5' - 8"11' - 5"8' - 7 1/2"5' - 6"28' - 1 1/2"7 1/2"8"26' - 0"10' - 2"10' - 6"32' - 10 1/2"CLR1' - 0"2' - 1 1/2" DINING 100 SALSA BAR 100a CUSTOMER PICK - UP 101 KITCHEN 103 SERVING 102 OFFICE 105 COOLER 107 WOMEN'S 110 MENS 111 VESTIBULE 113 HALL 112 WATER HEATER 114 120 121 103 123 118 TYP. 117 104 EXITA 118 B EXIT 104 D 102 D 101 117 104 105 106 108 107 109 133 110110 108 EXIT104 109 125 5 A5.63 7 A5.10 TYP. ALL INTERIOR RESTROOM WALLS 136 107 131 116 108 109 108109 2' - 11 1/2"1' - 10"3' - 0"4 1/2"3' - 0"3' - 8 1/2" 105 8 A6.01 C 12' - 6" 117 D1 108 118 103 141 1412' - 1 1/2"102 102 116 116 116 116 116 116116116 116 116 82' - 8 1/2" W1B 108D2 D1 116 116 D1 D1 10' - 11 1/2"108 108 116 A5.62 1 11' - 8" 7 1/2" 117 117 D2 D1 D1 D4 108 3' - 0"4' - 4 1/2"1' - 3 1/2"7' - 3 1/2" D2 101101101 2' - 0"2' - 6 1/2"117 E2 126 14' - 1"18' - 10"6' - 11 1/2"7' - 10"D1 W1 142 +34" A.F.F 106 106 116 111 111 106 106 4253' - 6"5' - 10 1/2"4' - 4 5/8".124 D3 D4D4 SDP8 2 SDP8 3 SDP8 4 SDP71 SDP7 2 SDP6 1 SDP6 2 8' - 2 1/2" 1' - 8"4' - 8" 3' - 0"7' - 10 1/2" 5' - 6 1/2" 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP10 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 FLOOR PLANEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A 2017-06-06 SDP Comments B 2017-06-26 SDP Comments KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 133 48"X48" PLYWD. FOR TELEPHONE BACKBOARD, CENTER OF PLYWD. TO BE @48" A.F.F. 136 ROOF LADDER. 141 HOT WATER AND DRAIN PIPES ACCESSIBLE UNDER LAVATORIES SHALL BE INSULATED OR OTHERWISE COVERED. THERE SHALL BE NO SHARP OR ABRASIVE SURFACES UNDER LAVATORIES. 142 SODA RACK AND WATER FILTER PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OWNER VENDOR. GC TO PROVIDE ALL PLUMBING POC PER OWNER VENDOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION. GC TO SCHEDULE OWNER VENDOR INSTALL 2 WEEKS OUT. 425 PREFERRED GAS METER LOCATION. FINAL LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY GAS SERVICE COMPANY. KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 111 FSEC TO PROVIDE CLOSURE TRIM AT JUNCTION OF WALK-IN COOLER WALLS WITH GC WALL FINISHES. 116 GC TO INSTALL WALL GUARDS AT OUTSIDE CORNERS AND END OF WALLS PROVIDED BY STAINLESS STEEL VENDOR. TYP. SEE DETAIL 6/A5.10. 117 VISION ARTWORK PROVIDED BY VENDOR AND INSTALLED BY GC. SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ON SHEET A5.60 FOR ARTWORK TYPE AND PLACEMENT. SEE SHEET A6.00 FOR ARTWORK SCHEDULE. 118 ALL DINING ROOM WINDOWS TO HAVE BLACK ROLLER SHADES. BY OWNER. 120 SEATING PACKAGE BY SEATING VENDOR - TYP. 121 DECORATIVE GLASS SCREEN WALL. GC TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL LOW WALL. COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF WALL UNDER FRAMED BEAM OVERHEAD WITH OWNER VENDOR SHOP DRAWINGS. OWNER VENDOR TO PROVIDE AN DINSTALL ALL METAL AND GLASS COMPONENTS. 123 SALSA BAR BY STAINLESS STEEL VENDOR TO HAVE SELF REFRIGERATION. 34" MAX. HT. TO SERVING AREA. 124 PROVIDE 5" PIPE CHASE IN WALL TO GET BUNDLE FROM ABOVE CEILING TO UNDER COUNTER. FOAM ALL PENETRATIONS (TYP). 125 QUEUE RAIL SEE 3/A5.10. BY OWNER VENDOR. 126 FOR DRIVE-THRU WINDOW SEE A6.01. VERIFY WINDOW TYPE PER STATE. 131 1'-0" CHASE BY FSEC. KEYNOTE LEGEND - NEW 101 FLUSH MOUNTED ELECTRICAL PANELS IN 6" WALL. SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET A5.60 FOR SUB-PANEL LAYOUT. 102 RESTROOM SIGN. SEE SHEET A3.10 AND DETAIL 4/CS0.10 103 SODA COUNTER BY STAINLESS STEEL VENDOR. 34" MAX. HEIGHT TO SERVING AREA. WILL DRAIN TO KITCHEN FLOOR SINK. 104 PROVIDE EXIT SIGNS WHERE NOTED PER ELECTRICAL PLAN. 105 PROVIDE FLOOR DRAINS FLUSH WITH FINISH FLOOR - SEE PLUMBING PLAN AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT VENDOR PLAN. SEE DETAIL 4/A5.10 FOR SLOPE REQUIREMENTS. 106 PROVIDE AND VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS OF FLOOR SINK WITH EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND KITCHEN EQUIPMENT VENDOR. SEE DETAIL 5/A5.10 AND "K" SHEETS. 107 ELECT. MAIN SWITCH GEAR AND METER G.C. TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS W/ SITE CONSTRAINTS. 108 PROVIDE WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD & 12" DUROCK THROUGH-OUT KITCHEN, WATER HEATER CLOSET AND ALL OTHER WET AREAS. 109 PROVIDE PLYWOOD BACKING AT ALL WALL MOUNTED SHELVES AND EQUIPMENT. SEE SHEET A7.00. 110 2" MIN. AIR SPACE BETWEEN WALL AND COOLER WALL. NOTES TO CONTRACTOR 1/4" = 1'-0"3 FIRST FLOOR PLAN NOTES: 1. ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PERMIT THE DISAGGREGATED MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL LOAD ENERGY USES DOWNSTREAM FROM THE SERVICE METER ACCORDING TO TABLE 130.5-B. FINAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT DRAWINGS WILL COMPLY. FIRE NOTES: 1. AN APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS KEY LOCK BOX (MINIMUM KNOX BOX 3200 SERIES MODEL) SHALL BE INSTALLED NEXT TO THE APPROVED FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS DOOR TO THE BUILDING. IF THE BUILDINGS ARE PROTECTED WITH AN ALARM SYSTEM, THE LOCK BOX SHALL BE REQUIRED TO HAVE TAMPERED MONITORING. REQUIRED ORDER FORMS AND INSTALLATION STANDARDS MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. 2. DISPLAY STREET NUMBERS IN A PROMINENT LOCATION ON THE ADDRESS SIDE OF BUILDING(S) AND/OR REAR ACCESS IF APPLICABLE. NUBMERS AND LETTERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12" IN HEIGHT FOR BUILDING(S) UP TO 25' IN HEIGHT. ALL ADDRESSING MUST BE LEFIBLE, OF A CONTRASTING COLOR AND ADEQUATELY ILLUMINATED TO BE VISIBLE FROM THE STREET AT ALL HOURS. 3. INSTALL A PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER, WITH A MINIMUM RATING OF 2A-10BC, FOR EVERY 3,000 SQ. FT. AND/OR 75 FEET OF TRAVEL DISTANCE. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE MOUNTED 3.5 TO 5 FT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR, MEASURED TO THE TOP OF THE EXTINGUISHER. WHERE NOT READILY VISIBLE, SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED ABOVE ALL EXTINGUISHERS TO INDICATE THEIR LOCATIONS. EXTINGUISHERS MUST HAVE CURRENT CSFM SERVICE TAGS AFFIXED. 4. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED AND/OR USED WITHIN THE BUILDING, WHICH EXCEEDS QUANTITIES LISTED IN 2016 CBC. NO CLASS I, II OR IIIA OF COMBUSTIBLE/FLAMMABLE LIQUID SHALL BE USED IN ANY AMOUNT IN THE BUILDING. 5. EXIT DESIGNS, EXIT SIGNS, DOOR HARDWARE, EXIT MARKERS, EXIT DOORS AND EXIT PATH MARKING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. 6. ROOF ACCESS ROOM DOOR SHALL BE POSTED "ROOF ACCESS" ON OUTSIDE OF DOOR. 7. ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT LOCATED ON THE ROOF AS REQUIRED BY MECHANICAL CODE. 8. AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS SUPPLYING AIR IN EXCESS OF 2000 CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE TO ENCLOSED SPACES WITHIN BUILDINGS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF. 2016 CMC FIRST FLOOR 100' - 0" T.O. DECAL 123' - 11" T.O. LOW PARAPET 122' - 5" COOLER 107 KITCHEN 103 WOMEN'S 110 CUSTOMER PICK - UP 101 DINING 100 501 500 9' - 8"RT1 PEDESTRIAN LEVEL VIEW OUTLINE OF HVAC UNIT. RE: ROOF PLAN/MECH PLAN FOR EXACT PLACEMENT 125' - 8" 121' - 8" FIRST FLOOR 100' - 0" T.O. LOW PARAPET 122' - 5" DINING 100 T.O. PARAPET 121' - 8" P E D E S T R I A N L E V E L V I E W PEDESTRIAN LEVEL VIEW OUTLINE OF HVAC UNIT. RE: ROOF PLAN/MECH PLAN FOR EXACT PLACEMENT FIRST FLOOR 100' - 0" T.O. LOW PARAPET 122' - 5" KITCHEN 103 DRIVE - THRU 104 T.O. MID PARAPET 125' - 8" PEDESTRIAN LEVEL VIEW P E D E S T R I A N L E V E L V I E W OUTLINE OF HVAC UNIT. RE: ROOF PLAN/MECH PLAN FOR EXACT PLACEMENT 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP11 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 BUILDING SECTIONSEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 BUILDING SECTION -1 1/4" = 1'-0"2 BUILDING SECTION -2 1/4" = 1'-0"3 BUILDING SECTION -4 1100 Main Street Suite 2200 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Phone : 816-842-7552 Fax : 816-842-1302 DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. COPIES OF THE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS RETAINED BY THE CLIENT MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY FOR THEIR USE & FOR OCCUPYING THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY OTHER PROJECT PROJECT # SHEET NUMBER SDP12 16634 SDP SUBMITTAL 01-13-2017 SITE PHOTOSEL POLLO LOCOLA QUINTA78621 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA, CAREVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION VIEW 1 -LOOKING WEST VIEW 4 -LOOKING EAST VIEW 2 -LOOKING WEST VIEW 3 -LOOKING NORTH AERIAL PHOTO PHOTO LOCATIONS © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME 2017.07.05 TKA-16634 Page 1® TM EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME PREPARED BY TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME 2017.07.05 TKA-16634 Page 2® TM MF-1 HOT-ROLLED METAL IN BLACKENED BK-1 BRICK IN TIVOLI MATERIALITY T-1 PACIFIC CLASSIC TILE IN ASSORTED MIX EP-1 DORIAN GRAY EP-2 LOOKING GLASS STANDARD MATERIALS PROPOSED MATERIALS MF-1 HOT-ROLLED METAL IN BLACKENED ST-1 STONE VENEER IN PLAYA VISTA T-1 PACIFIC CLASSIC TILE IN ASSORTED MIX EP-1 HIGH NOON EP-2 LOOKING GLASS EP-3 BONE CHINA © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME 2017.07.05 TKA-16634 Page 3® TM COLORED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS NORTH-EAST ELEVATION SOUTH-EAST ELEVATION SOUTH-WEST ELEVATION NORTH-WEST ELEVATION © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME 2017.07.05 TKA-16634 Page 4® TM COLORED EXTERIOR RENDERINGS © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME 2017.07.05 TKA-16634 Page 5® TM COLORED EXTERIOR RENDERINGS © TK ARCHITECTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EL POLLO LOCO LA QUINTA SQUARE EXTERIOR SCHEME 2017.07.05 TKA-16634 Page 6® TM COLORED EXTERIOR RENDERINGS 79’-6-1/2 48’-8”EL POLLO LOCO B1 E4 Address Sign C1 B2 B4 D1 Enter Directional Sign D2 EXIT Directional Sign B3 E1 Menu Board A1 A2 Existing Monument Sign Existing Monument Sign (location not accurate, shown for reference only) on Hwy 111 by In N Out Existing Center ID Sign No work E2 Preview Board E3 Clearance Bar A1 - (2) Tenant Panels for Landlord’s Monument Sign A2 - (2) Tenant Panels for Landlord’s Monument Sign * Offsite on site plan along Hwy. 111 B1 - Wall Sign Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF B2 - Wall Sign Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF B3 - Wall Sign Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF B4 - Wall Sign Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF C1 - Wall Sign Internally Ilum Cabinet Sign 60” x 45” = 18.75 SF D1 - D/F Directional Sign - Enter 18” x 24” = 3 SF D2 - D/F Directional Sign - Exit/Thank You 18” x 24” = 3 SF E1 - S/F Preview Menu Board 4’-4” x 3’-1” = 13.4 SF E2 - S/F Menu Board 4’-4” x 8’-6-3/4” = 37.1 SF E3 - Clearance Bar E4 - Address Sign Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL ReviewNeon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 1 of 10 (2) Each Tenant Panels per Sign Back to Back A1, A2 Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 2 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review East Elevation Scale 1/8” = 1’ Side Entry Elevation Scale 1/8” = 1’ 15’-3/8” 15’-3/8” 45” B1 Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF E4 Address Sign Design T.B.D. B2 Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF C1 Logo Internally Illum Solid Faced Routed with Back Up Plex 60” x 45” = 18.75 SF Tenant Leasehold Width 48’-8” Tenant Leasehold Width 79’-6-1/2”Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 3 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review Drive Thru Elevation Scale 1/8” = 1’ West Elevation Scale 1/8” = 1’ 15’-3/8” 15’-3/8” B3 Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF B4 Front/Halo Illum Chl Ltrs 24” x 15’-3/8” = 30.0 SF Tenant Leasehold Width 48’-8” Tenant Leasehold Width 79’-6-1/2”Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 4 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review BLACK 3” Per Criteria 3” BLACK TRIMCAP ALUM CHL LTRS BLACK BLACK BLACK LED 6500K WHITE MODULES B1,B2, B3, B4 Verify if penetrations are above parapet If so, raceway covers on back will be required * All UL labels to be installed out of viewing area * All penetrations to be seal waterproof 30.0 #2447 WHITE 3/16” FACE WITH FIRST SURFACE APPLIED 220-69 DURANODIC OPAQUE VINYL AS SHOWN #2447 WHITE 3/16” FACE WITH FIRST SURFACE APPLIED 220-69 DURANODIC OPAQUE VINYL BACKS ARE SPRAYED WITH LACRYL WHITE 400 DIFFUSER Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 5 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review 45” 45” 60” 18.75 SQ. FT C1 Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 6 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review LEXAN FACE (TYPICAL) ALUMINUM CABINET W/ 1” X 1” X 1/8” RET. E1 E2 D1, D2 Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 7 of 10 Sign 1 - Side “A”Sign 2 - Side “A” Sign 2 - Side “B”Sign 1 - Side “B” Faces: Copy: White Lexan with 2nd Surface Graphics Chicken Head Black - Opaque Red is PMS #7623 Black is Opaque All translucent vinyl except black chicken head EXIT ONLY DRIVE THRU DRIVE THRU THANK YOU RIGHT TURN ONLY June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review Black F1 Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 8 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review Black F2 Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 9 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review 120" 84" 90" 9'-0" (OR VARIES) 3" X 3" X 1/4" STEEL TUBING 3" X 1"X 1/16" STEEL TUBE 3" DIAMETER (1/16" WALL) ALUMINUM TUBE CHAIN LINK 22"22" 4" 40" FOOTING DETAIL: 1/2” DIAMETER REBAR (4) VERTICAL REBARS (4) HORIZONTAL REBARS 3” CLEARANCE FROM THE EDGE OF CONCRETE FOOTING 10" 10" STEEL PLATE TOP VIEW Ø 3 4 " 5'-0" 3" ½”DIAMETER REBAR 2'-6" CLEARANCE BAR CAUTION 9’-0” MAX. 7” 7” 1/2” DIAMETER X 18” J BOLTS (NOT PROVIDE) F3 Client:Address:City, State:Date:Revision Date:Approved: _____________________EPL #611978621 Highway 111La Quinta, CAJune 29, 2017Neon Images Inc.243 N. Escalante Dr.Elk Ridge, UT 84651P: (801) 423-3051F: (419) 715-6078Page 10 of 10June 29, 2017 Revision 1 - Revised after EPL Review Wall Mount All model dimensions on page 2 Specifications/Features Specification grade 6" diameter aluminum housing for indoor and outdoor applications. Four mounting options available: ceiling, flexible cable, pendant, or wall mount. Wall mount option is available in an up light, down light, or an up/down light version. Driver canopy for flexible cable option is 16 gauge steel. Ceiling, pendant, Up/down, wall mount down light, and wall mount up light versions are available in either dry/damp (indoor) or wet (outdoor) location types. Flexible cable version is only available in dry/damp location type. Wet location type cylinders feature a silicone sealed clear glass lens in a gasketed die-cast trim ring to ensure unit is watertight. Available in matte white, matte black, matte silver, and satin bronze finishes. Black flexible cable with black or bronze cylinders, white with white and gray with silver. Optical system employs either a clear or platinum reflector. Clear reflector is available in narrow, medium and wide beam distributions. Platinum is only available in a single beam distribution. Wall Wash and Pencil Beam optic accessories are also available on select models. Mounting Pendant mount cylinders feature a sloped ceiling canopy (includes canopy and stem, ordered separately). Stem thread: 1/4-18NPS. Ceiling and Pendant cylinders provide a hang support for hands-free wiring. Pendant mount max length is 8'6". Consult factory for longer lengths. Wall mount cylinders employ a bracket which provides support for hands-free wiring. Flexible cable mount cylinders come with 120" of field adjustable cable. Lamp/Electrical Light engine consists of a high output multi-chip LED array arranged into a single LED package, enabling precise optical control without requiring lensing to diffuse multiple LED sources. Excellent fixture-to-fixture color consistency within a 3-step MacAdam Ellipse tolerance. System designed and rated for 50,000 hours at 70% lumen maintenance. UL8750 and Class 2 compliant: RoHS compliant, U.S. only. Output over voltage, over current and short circuit protected. Flexible cable cylinder utilizes 18/3 SJTOW cable. Dimming All CL6 cylinders are available for non-dimming and dimming applications. Warranty This complete fixture is covered by ConTech’s full five (5) year replacement guarantee after date of purchase. Labels/Usage cCSAus Certified for use in the U.S. and Canada. Ceiling, Pendant, Up/down, and Wall mount models available as Damp/Dry or Wet location models. Flexible Cable mount only available as Damp/Dry location model. Wet location models must be installed per specific product installation instructions and all appropriate National Electrical Codes. Energy Star Certified for all mounting options except the Up/Down Wall Mount, Pencil Beam, and Wall Wash Trims Assembled in the U.S.A Catalog No. Type Project CYL6 6" Integrated LED Indoor and Outdoor Cylinders www.contechlighting.com1-847-559-5500 All specifications subject to change without notice.RecyclePlease Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5 Series 6 Input Wattage (W)10 14 20 28 37 43 Input Current (A) 120/277 .08/.04 .12/.06 .17/.08 .23/.11 .31/.14 .36/.17 Input Voltage Dimming (Triac, ELV, 0-10V) 120V AC, 50/60Hz 277V AC, 50/60Hz Lutron HiLume® Dimming 120V AC, 50/60Hz Lutron Eco-System® Dimming 120V AC, 50/60Hz 277V AC, 50/60Hz eldoLED ECOdrive/SOLOdrive 120V AC, 50/60Hz 277V AC, 50/60Hz Color Temp 2700K/3000K/3500K/4000K CRI Standard/High 83 (80min) / 90+ Driver Power Factor > 0.90 THD < 20% Dimming Triac, ELV, 0-10V 10-100% Lutron®1-100% eldoLED ECOdrive 1-100% eldoLED SOLOdrive 0.1-100% 4-3/8" 6-1/4" 4-3/8" 6-1/4" Dry/Damp Location: 9-5/8" Wet Location: 9-7/8" Dry/Damp Location: 9-5/8" 120 " Flexible Cable 4-3/8" 6-1/4" Dry/Damp Location: 9-5/8" Wet Location: 9-7/8" 6" - 48" Stem Length 5-1/4" Ceiling Mount Up Light or Down Light Wall Mount Up/Down Wall Mount Pendant Mount Dimensions Catalog No. Type Project CYL6 6" Integrated LED Indoor and Outdoor Cylinders www.contechlighting.com1-847-559-5500 All specifications subject to change without notice.RecyclePlease 4-3/8" 10-3/8 " 5-3/16" 2" 6-1/4" 9-1/4" 16-1/4" CL 4-3/8" 6-5/8" 3-5/16" 2" 6-1/4" 9-1/4 " Dry/Damp Location: 9-5/8" Wet Location: 9-7/8"CL 5-3/4" 3-5/8" Flexible Cable Mount Nominal Weight: 6.0Lbs Nominal Weight: 9.5Lbs Nominal Weight: 5.0Lbs Nominal Weight: 5.5Lbs Nominal Weight: 6.0Lbs Catalog No. Type Project CYL6 6" Integrated LED Indoor and Outdoor Cylinders Fixture CYL6 Example Order: CYL6127KMVD4FCXNCLR BZ CSK12-BZ Mounting C - Ceiling Mount FC1 - Flexible Cable P - Pendant Mount W - Down Light Wall Mount U - Up Light Wall Mount UD2 - Up/Down Wall Mount TFC3 - Track Mount Mounting Location - Interior Dry/Damp (Leave Blank) X - Exterior/Wet Stem Kit - Pendant Mount Only CSK6-(B,BZ,P,S) - 6" Stem Kit CSK12-(B,BZ,P,S) - 12" Stem Kit CSK18-(B,BZ,P,S) - 18" Stem Kit CSK24-(B,BZ,P,S) - 24" Stem Kit CSK30-(B,BZ,P,S) - 30" Stem Kit CSK36-(B,BZ,P,S) - 36" Stem Kit CSK48-(B,BZ,P,S) - 48" Stem Kit Ordering Information Driver/Dimming MVD - 120V-277V TRIAC, ELV, 0-10V Dimming 12D3 - Lutron Hi-lume 1% 2-Wire LED Driver (120V Forward Phase Only) MVD4 - Lutron Hi-lume 1% EcoSystem LED Driver with Soft-on, Fade-to-Black MVD6 - eldoLED ECOdrive, 0-10V, 1% Dimming MVD7 - eldoLED ECOdrive, DALI, 1% Dimming MVD8 - eldoLed SOLOdrive, 0-10V, 0.1% Dimming MVD9 - eldoLED SOLOdrive, DALI, 0.1% Dimming MDMX - eldoLED POWERdrive, DMX <1% Dimming Beam4 N - Narrow M - Medium W - Wide WW5 - Wall Wash PB5,6 - Pencil Beam Reflector CLR - Clear PL - Platinum Finish B - Matte Black BZ - Satin Bronze P - Matte White S - Matte Silver 1. Flexible Cable versions are only available in dry/damp location type 2. Consult factory when different beams, color temperatures, or lumen packages are required in a single Up/Down cylinder. 3. Track Mount option only available with MVD Driver Option wired to 120V; TRIAC/ELV Dimming capable. BZ Finish comes with black track adapter. 4. For clear reflector only; leave blank for platinum reflector 5. Wall Wash (WW) and Pencil Beam (PB) valid on all models except Up/Down cylinder with series 5 or 6 LED module (leave reflector designation blank). 6. Pencil Beam (PB) optic limited to exterior mount (”X”) location style. www.contechlighting.com1-847-559-5500 All specifications subject to change without notice.RecyclePlease LED Series 1 - 10W, 1000lm 2 - 14W, 1400lm 3 - 20W, 2000lm 4 - 28W, 2600lm 5 - 37W, 3200lm 6 - 43W, 3600lm Color Temp 27K - 2700K 30K - 3000K 35K - 3500K 40K - 4000K 27KC - 2700K, 90+ CRI 30KC - 3000K, 90+ CRI 35KC - 3500K, 90+ CRI 40KC - 4000K, 90+ CRI Driver*: MVD 12D3 MVD4 MVD6 MVD7 MVD8 MVD9 MDMX 120V-277V Lutron Lutron eldoLED eldoLED eldoLED eldoLED eldoLED TRIAC, ELV Hi-lume EcoSystem ECODrive ECODrive SOLODrive SOLODrive POWERdrive Mounting C All Series All Series All Series Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 N/A FC All Series All Series All Series Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 N/A P All Series All Series All Series Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 N/A W All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series U All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series All Series U/D All Series All Series All Series Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 Thru Series 5 N/A TFC All Series N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *Due to driver size, not all mounting options are compatible with all driver options DRIVER AVAILABILITY MATRIX CYL6 6" Integrated LED Indoor and Outdoor Cylinders www.con-techlighting.com1-847-559-5500 All specifications subject to change without notice.RecyclePlease *Dependent on surrounding temperatures 1. Accuracy of rendering colors 2. Color appearance of light source 3. Colors present within the light source Catalog No. Type Project CYL6630KMVDCNCLR Designed for 50,000 Hour Lamp Life*; LM-63 Test No. 85317 Candlepower Summary FROM 0 CANDELA LUMENS 0 6579 5 7684 716 15 5015 1377 25 1967 950 35 780 462 45 46 36 55 18 17 65 6 7 75 2 2 85 0 0 95 0 Light Output (Fixture Delivered Lumens): 3567 Total Watts@120V: 43.0 Lumens Per Watt: 83.0 Color Rendering Index (CRI)¹: 82 Color Temperature (CCT)²: 3027K Spectral Power Distribution Chart³ Intensity Distribution BEAM DISTANCE FOOTCANDLES DIAMETER (FT.) (FC) (FT.) 6' 182.8 3.9 8' 102.8 5.3 10' 65.8 6.6 12' 45.7 7.9 14' 33.6 9.2 16' 25.7 10.5 Beam Distribution: 36° Spacing Criteria: 0.63 0 90° 15°0°30° 45°6000 3000 9000 75° 60° Candela Curve Typical Wavelength (nm) 380 410 440 470 500 530 560 590 620 650 680 710 740 770 75 37.5 0 CYL6630KMVDWCLR Designed for 50,000 Hour Lamp Life*; LM-63 Test No. 84842 Candlepower Summary FROM 0 CANDELA LUMENS 0 2248 5 2256 218 15 2506 701 25 2356 1102 35 2448 1380 45 222 294 55 43 41 65 11 11 75 2 2 85 0 0 95 0 Light Output (Fixture Delivered Lumens): 3749 Total Watts@120V: 44.4 Lumens Per Watt: 84.4 Color Rendering Index (CRI)¹: 82 Color Temperature (CCT)²: 3025K Spectral Power Distribution Chart³ Intensity Distribution BEAM DISTANCE FOOTCANDLES DIAMETER (FT.) (FC) (FT.) 6' 62.4 8.9 8' 35.1 11.9 10' 22.5 14.9 12' 15.6 17.9 14' 11.5 20.8 16' 8.8 23.8 Beam Distribution: 80° Spacing Criteria: 1.19 0 90° 15°0°30° 45°1700 850 2550 75° 60° Candela Curve Typical Wavelength (nm) 380 410 440 470 500 530 560 590 620 650 680 710 740 770 75 37.5 0 CYL6630KMVDCPL Designed for 50,000 Hour Lamp Life*; LM-63 Test No. 85318 Candlepower Summary FROM 0 CANDELA LUMENS 0 4582 5 4309 395 15 3376 949 25 2619 1194 35 1191 725 45 140 116 55 33 33 65 8 9 75 2 2 85 0 0 95 0 Light Output (Fixture Delivered Lumens): 3423 Total Watts@120V: 43.0 Lumens Per Watt: 79.6 Color Rendering Index (CRI)¹: 82 Color Temperature (CCT)²: 3033K Spectral Power Distribution Chart³ 0 90° 15°0°30° 45°3100 1550 4650 75° 60° Candela Curve Typical Wavelength (nm) 380 410 440 470 500 530 560 590 620 650 680 710 740 770 75 37.5 0 CYL6630KMVDCMCLR Designed for 50,000 Hour Lamp Life*; LM-63 Test No. 85098 Typical Wavelength (nm) 380 410 440 470 500 530 560 590 620 650 680 710 740 770 75 37.5 0 Candlepower Summary FROM 0 CANDELA LUMENS 0 4747 5 4706 455 15 4680 1278 25 2956 1316 35 815 514 45 30 24 55 11 11 65 4 4 75 1 1 85 0 0 95 0 Light Output (Fixture Delivered Lumens): 3603 Total Watts@120V: 43.0 Lumens Per Watt: 83.8 Color Rendering Index (CRI)¹: 83 Color Temperature (CCT)²: 2988K Spectral Power Distribution Chart³ Intensity Distribution BEAM DISTANCE FOOTCANDLES DIAMETER (FT.) (FC) (FT.) 6' 131.9 5.4 8' 74.2 7.2 10' 47.5 9.0 12' 33.0 10.8 14' 24.2 12.6 16' 18.5 14.4 Beam Distribution: 54° Spacing Criteria: 0.82 0 90° 15°0°30° 45°3200 1600 4800 75° 60° Candela Curve Intensity Distribution BEAM DISTANCE FOOTCANDLES DIAMETER (FT.) (FC) (FT.) 6' 127.3 4.8 8' 71.6 6.4 10' 45.8 8.0 12' 31.8 9.6 14' 23.4 11.3 16' 17.9 12.9 Beam Distribution: 57° Spacing Criteria: 0.80 CCT STD CRI HIGH CRI SERIES 1 SERIES 2 SERIES 3 SERIES 4 SERIES 5 WHT/PL REFLECTORS 2700K 0.94 0.70 0.29 0.39 0.53 0.73 0.90 1.0 3000K N/A 0.75 0.29 0.39 0.53 0.73 0.90 1.0 3500K 1.0 0.81 0.29 0.39 0.53 0.73 0.90 1.0 4000K 1.0 0.87 0.29 0.39 0.53 0.73 0.90 1.0 ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 1 PERFORMANCE Lumen Output / Input Power Efficacy (lm/W) 2700K 2321 lm / 50.0W 46.4 lm/W 3000K 2158 lm / 50.0W 43.2 lm/W 3500K 2624 lm / 50.0W 52.3 lm/W 4000K 2653 lm / 50.0W 53.0 lm/W Color Rendering Index Min. 80 Color Consistency 2 Step MacAdam Ellipse Rated Life L70>100,000 hours @ 25°C* / L70 50,000 hours @ 50°C* * Calculations for LED fixtures are based on measurements that comply with IES LM-80 testing procedures and IES TM-21 Calculator. ELECTRICAL Power Consumption 45W Typical, 50W Maximum Power Factor Min. 0.90 Operating Voltage 100-120VAC, 220-240VAC, 277VAC (ETL), 50-60 Hz Operating /Startup Temperature -40°F to 122°F (-40°C to 50°C) [Storage: -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C)] CONTROL Dimming 100-120VAC - TRIAC/ELV-RP*; 220-240VAC - TRIAC/ELV-RP*; 277VAC Non-Dim PHYSICAL Dimensions W 10” x H 8.5” x L 6” (254mm x 216mm x 152mm) Housing Cast Aluminum; Clear Glass Weight 6.61 lbs (3 kg) Cable Flying Lead Secure the fixture to the mounting surface Shielding Half Visor, Full Visor Environment Indoor / Outdoor; CE Certified IP66 / ETL Certified for Wet Locations Beam ETL Certified CE, ENEC, C-Tick Certified Angle Native: 11°x 11° / Accessory Lens: 20° / 30° / 40° / 60° / 80° / 10°x 60° / 30°x 60° Mounting FIXTURE RATING & CERTIFICATIONS RoHS Compliant WARRANTY 5 Year Warranty EcoSense Lighting Inc. 80 Broad Street 5th Floor New York, NY 10004 Phone 212-228-8118 Fax 212-228-9113 www.ecosenselighting.com®RoHS Compliant Lead Free Mercury Free No UV With smart power technology, EcoSpec® Linear INT connects directly to AC power simplifying installation and substantial savings over the 50,000 hour life of the lamp. Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) implements EU Directive 2002/95 which bans placing electrical and hazardous equipment that contains more than agreed levels of hazardous substances on the EU market. For a list of these substances visit www.rohs.gov.uk. Color Temperature Lumen Output 2700K 228 lm/LF : 228 (1’) / 912 (4’) 3000K 246 lm/LF : 246 (1’) / 980 (4’) 3500K 262 lm/LF : 262 (1’) / 1048 (4’) 4000K 300 lm/LF : 300 (1’) / 1200 (4’) Color Rendering Index 80 Rated Life 50,000 hours Beam Angle 120° x 120° Power Consumption (Max) 120VAC - 5.2W (1ft) / 21W (4ft) 220VAC - 5.8W (1ft) / 23W (4ft) Dimming ELV type, trailing edge dimmers Housing Aluminum; Clear Polycarbonate Lens Fixture Connectors Integral male / female 3-pin connectors Fixture Rating Warranty 5 Years Maximum Fixture Run Length 100’ (30m) @120VAC / 200’ (60m) @220VAC 120VAC - 43.8 @2700K / 47.3 @3000K / 50.3 @3500K / 57.7 @4000K 220VAC - 39.3 @2700K / 42.4 @3000K / 45.1 @3500K / 51.7 @4000K Operating Temperature 14°F to 104°F (-10°C to 40°C) Operating Voltage 100-120VAC, 220-240VAC, 50-60Hz Weight 6.2 oz (0.39 lbs) /175g (1ft) 22.9 oz (1.43 lbs) /650g (4ft) Dimensions W 1.6” x H 1.6” x L 12”/48” (41 mm x 41 mm x 304 mm/1,219 mm) RoHS COMPLIAN T Correlated Color Temperature (K)(IES Measurements) *ELV-RP = Electronic Low Voltage, Reverse Phase SPECIFICATIONS EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash is a powerful architectural floodlight and landscape luminaire offering superior binning and a full range of optical solutions. The EcoSpec Floodlight Wash is indoor and outdoor rated with a robust cast aluminum housing and glare control options that include flush or angled snoots. The EcoSpec Floodlight Wash offers field interchange - able optical lenses in a wide range of beam angle distributions to allow for simple optical design modifica- tions without the need to replace the entire fixture. The integral driver connects directly to AC, line voltage power, and is dimmable through ELV or TRIAC dimming hardware. This luminaire also has great flexibility with 190deg vertical aiming and 358deg horizontal rotation making it ideal for any application. • Dimmable: TRIAC / ELV (RP) • Integral Driver / AC Power • Flicker-Free • Long Life (L70) • Gore® Vent • Field Interchangeable Accessory Lenses • 358° Horizontal Rotation • 190° Vertical Aiming Features: DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods FIXTURE IS LED WITH CUTOFF SO THAT LIGHT IS DIRECTED ON TO BUILDING BELOW TOP OF PARAPET. ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 2 Mounting / Wiring Notes: * 120VAC / 277VAC 1) Internal Cable with 8” Lead ** 220VAC 1) External Cable with 4’-0” (1.2m) Lead Special Order Cable: Consult EcoSense Representative Shielding Options Half Visor, Black WSH-M-HV-BK Half Visor, White WSH-M-HV-WH Full Visor, Black WSH-M-FV-BK Full Visor, White WSH-M-FV-WH Half Visor, Bronze WSH-M-HV-BZ Full Visor, Bronze WSH-M-FV-BZ ORDERING INFORMATION ACCESSORIES Choose the option that best suits your needs and write its corresponding code on the appropriate line to form the product code. Order accessories as separate catalogue numbers in addition to the product above. EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash Optical Film Lens (Light Shaping Diffuser) Optical Lens 20° x 20°WSH-M-LSD-20 Optical Lens 30° x 30°WSH-M-LSD-30 Optical Lens 40° x 40°WSH-M-LSD-40 Optical Lens 80° x 80°WSH-M-LSD-80 Optical Lens 60° x 60°WSH-M-LSD-60 Optical Lens 30° x 60°WSH-M-LSD-30x60 Optical Lens 10° x 60°WSH-M-LSD-10x60 120-EC External Cable for 100-120VAC / 277VAC product (Example: WSH-M-CCT-120-EC-FINISH-11) 220-IC Internal Cable for 220-240VAC product (Example: WSH-M-CCT-220-IC-FINISH-11) 277-EC External Cable for 277VAC product (Example: WSH-M-CCT-277-EC-FINISH-11) EXAMPLE: WSH-M - 30 - 120-IC - WH - 11 WSH-M ----11 MODEL COLOR VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIC WSH-M 27 - 2700K 120-IC - 100-120VAC*11 - 11° x 11° 30 - 3000K 220-EC - 220-240VAC** BK - Black BZ - Bronze (Sealed Base Optic) 35 - 3500K 277-IC - 100-277VAC* WH - White 40 - 4000K DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 3 DIMENSIONS For complete dimensional submittal drawings and full scale CAD drawings, please visit ecosenselighting.com. EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash R6.8 173.7 6.9174.410.0254 14.1103.3120.6 2 8.3210.27.8198 88° 10.7270.5 3.998105°3.897.77.2184.1 ACCESSORY HALF VISOR R6.5 164.2 6.9174.410.0 254 2 12.768.44.7120.6 8.3210.26.4 163 88° 10.7 270.5 2.768.6105°3.795.17.1 180.6 4.7 ADJUSTABLE AIMING 88º FORWARD & 105º REARWARD FROM VERTICAL. 358º HORIZONTAL ROTATION. 358° Horizontal Aiming DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 4 EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash DIMENSION IN [INCHES] / MM DIMENSIONS For complete dimensional submittal drawings and full scale CAD drawings, please visit ecosenselighting.com. R6.8 174 6.9174.410.0254 14.1103.94.7 120.6 2 8.3210.26.4163 88° 10.7270.5 4.0101.8105°4.8122.17.3184.3 ACCESSORY FULL VISOR DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 5 DISTRIBUTIONS EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash Accessory - Optical Film Panel: 30° x 30° # WSH-M-LSD-30 30° 15°15° 30° 15°15° Accessory - Optical Film Panel: 60° x 60° # WSH-M-LSD-60 60° 30°30° 60° 30°30° 40° 20°20° Accessory - Optical Film Panel: 40° x 40° # WSH-M-LSD-40 40° 20°20° Accessory - Optical Film Panel*: 30° x 60° # WSH-M-LSD-30x60 *Note: Lens rotates 360° for correct asymmetric orientation 30° 15°15° 60° 30°30° Accessory - Optical Film Panel: 80° x 80° # WSH-M-LSD-80 80° 40°40° 80° 40°40° 20° x 20° # WSH-M-LSD-20Accessory - Optical Film Panel*: 20° 10°10° 20° 10°10° Accessory - Optical Film Panel*: 10° x 60° # WSH-M-LSD-10x60 *Note: Lens rotates 360° for correct asymmetric orientation 10° 5°5° 60° 30°30° Native Distribution - Sealed within Fixture: 11° x 11° 11° 5.5° 5.5° 11° 5.5°5.5° DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 6 EcoSense Lighting boasts exceptional color consistency across all products as a result of strict LED binning methods. First, EcoSense works closely with LED manufacture(s) to secure LEDs from the tightest binning, selecting only LEDs that fall within a bin standard that is ¼ the size of ANSI Standard (C78.377A). Secondly, EcoSense applies an internal binning process that ensures even more reliability and even tighter LED bins for the final product. In these bins, color temperature will be maintained within 2 MacAdam Ellipse, ensuring the most consistent light quality. The result is beautiful, uniform color consistency from fixture to fixture. COLOR CONSISTENCY EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods ECOSENSELIGHTING.COM EcoSense Lighting Inc. 915 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 2175 Los Angeles, CA 90017 © 2014 EcoSense Lighting Inc. All rights reserved. EcoSense, the EcoSense logo, and EcoSpec are registered trademark of EcoSense Lighting Inc. SPEC-WSH-M-20140116-V1 7 PHOTOMETRY CHARACTERISTICS EcoSpec® Floodlight Wash ecosenselighting.com Photometrics by an independant lab in accordance with current IES published Procedures. * Lumen measurements comply with IES LM-79-08. IES data is available at www.ecosenselighting.com 11°x 11° CHARACTERISTICS: Floodlight Wash 2700K / 11°X 11° Total Rated Fixture Lumens 2321 100% Total Input Watts 41W Horizontal Beam Angle (50%)12 Vertical Beam Angle (50%)11 Horizontal Field Angle (10%)22.8 Vertical Field Angle (10%)22.3 0 15 45 60 90 0 38799.5 5 14013.5 15 504.2 25 124.76 35 64.9 45 48 55 32.4 65 15.6 75 7.8 85 3.9 90 2.6 38799.5 18844.2 675.7 154.65 67.5 50.6 35 19.4 9.1 3.9 2.6 38799.5 19921 679.6 153.3 68.8 51.9 36.3 19.4 7.8 3.9 2.6 38799.5 19779.9 716 170.2 71.4 53.2 35 16.8 6.5 3.9 2.6 38799.5 30852.5 817.4 181.9 75.3 54.5 33.7 15.6 7.8 3.9 2.62700K*1m 19.25cm 38.5cm 57.76cm DiameterAngle:11degEavg,EmaxHeight 2m 3m 38799.55lx 9699.89lx 4311.06lx 180o cd IES Direction 0o 30o30o 90o 60o 90o 60o 0 4600 9200 13800 18400 23000 27600 32200 36800 DATE PROJ. FIRM TYPE Phone 310-496-6255 Fax 310-496-6256 Toll Free 855-632-6736 855-6-ECOSEN TYPE VL-15 - Exterior Awning Facade Floods ADV140447 2/25/2014 Catalog # Project Comments Prepared by Type Date Description The Halo H5 series utilizes a 5” aperture designed to accommodate smaller sized PAR20 and PAR30 halogen lamps. The wide variety of trims available allows a number of different lighting effects to be created with one basic housing. The 5” diameter trim size makes the H5RICAT the right choice for applications where dramatic yet inconspicuous lighting is required in an existing ceiling. Housings Gasketed die-stamped 20 gauge aluminum. Housing will slip through 5 1/2” ceiling opening. Integral flange secures fixture against ceiling. Housing accommodates a wide range of Halo 5” trims. Torsion springs on all trims for quick and easy installation. Remodel Clips Four remodel clips secure housings and accommodate 1/2” and 5/8” ceiling material Junction Box UL Listed for through branch circuit wiring. Seven conduit knockouts are uniform 1/2” size with true pry-out slots. Four Romex pry-outs simplify Romex installation. “Quick Connect” Connectors Three “Quick Connect” connectors eliminate need for separate wire nuts - simply strip supply wires and push in Socket Porcelain socket with nickel plated brass screw shell, snaps into trim for consistent lamp positioning. Shipping insert protects socket from overspray Thermal Protector Integral thermal protector deactivates fixture if an incorrect lamp is used or if ceiling insulation material is not applied correctly. Labels - UL/cUL Listed 1598 Luminaire - UL/cUL Listed for Feed Through - UL/cUL Listed for Damp Location - UL/cUL Listed for Wet Location with select trims - UL/cUL Listed for Direct Contact with insulation and combustible material* Qualification IC and Air-Tite™ certified under ASTM-E283 and listed UL/cUL 1598. May be used to meet insulated ceiling* and restricted air-flow requirements such as: - Washington State Energy Code - International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) - New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code (NY-ECCC) - State of California Title 24 “Recessed Luminaires in Insulated Ceilings.” DESIGN FEATURES H5RICAT 5-Inch Insulated Ceiling Air-Tite™ Recessed Remodel Housing 5-Inch Trims HALO® FOR USE IN INSULATED CEILINGS FOR USE IN EXISTING CEILINGS 7"[187mm] 1/2"[13mm]5-1/2"[140mm] 6-1/8"[155mm] 14"[355mm] TOP VIEW Ceiling opening tomatch template supplied 7" [187mm] 1/2"[13mm]5-1/2"[140mm] 6-1/8"[155mm] 14"[355mm] TOP VIEW Ceiling opening tomatch template supplied * Not to be used in direct contact with spray foam insulation. Refer to NEMA LSD 57-2013 TYPE VL-16 - EXTERIOR AWNING Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States Eaton.com Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 P: 770-486-4800 www.cooperlighting.com © 2014 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. ADV140447 February 2014 H5RICAT ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: H5RICAT - 5020SC Order housing, trim and accessories separately. Housing 5" Trims Accessories H5RICAT= 5" Air-Tite™insulated ceiling remodel housing Reflector Cones (60W BR30, 50W PAR30, 50W PAR30L) 5020SC = White trim ring with specular clear reflector 5020H = White trim ring with haze reflector 5020P = White trim ring with white reflector 5020RG = White trim ring with residential gold reflector 5020BL = White trim ring with black reflector 5020SN = Satin nickel trim ring with satin nickel reflector 5020TBZ = Tuscan bronze trim ring with tuscan bronze reflector OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Reflector (40W A19) 5021SC = White trim ring with specular clear reflector 5021H = White trim ring with haze reflector 5021RG = White trim ring with residential gold reflector OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Metal Baffle Splay (30W R20, 35W PAR20, 60W BR30, 50W PAR30, 50W PAR30L) 5001P = White trim ring with white baffle 5001MB = White trim ring with black baffle 5001SN = Satin nickel trim ring with satan nickel baffle 5001TBZ = Tuscan bronze trim ring with tuscan bronze baffle OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Baffle (60W BR30, 50W PAR30, 50W PAR30L) 5010 = Black baffle, white trim ring 5010W = White baffle, white trim ring OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Coilex™ Baffle (60W A19, 75W PAR30, 75W PAR30L, 75W R30) 5016P = White trim ring with black baffle 5016W = White trim ring with white baffle OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Adjustable Gimbal 25° Tilt (50W PAR30) 5060P = White gimbal and trim OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Adjustable Eyeball 30° Tilt (75W PAR30) 5070P = White trim and eyeball 5070PB = Polished brass trim and eyeball 5070SN = Satin nickel trim and eyeball 5070TBZ = Tuscan bronze trim and eyeball OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Adjustable Eyeball 30° Tilt (50W R20, 50W PAR20) 5071P = White eyeball OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Open Splay (60W BR30, 75W PAR30L, 50W PAR30) 5000P = White trim and splay 5000SN = Satin nickel trim and splay 5000TBZ = Tuscan bronze trim and splay OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Frosted Lens Showerlight (35W PAR30L) 5051PS = White trim with frosted lens OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Dome Lens Showerlight (40W A19, 50W PAR30) 5054PS = White trim with frosted dome 5054SN = Satin nickel trim with frosted dome 5054TBZ = Tuscan bronze trim with frosted dome OD: 6 1/2” (165mm) Oversize Trim Ring OT500P = Oversize Trim Ring Fits the H5 “Precision Style” trim rings. Corrects for uneven ceiling cutout. Adds 3/8” on to the trim flange. Satin white finish. Compatible with: Cat. No. Description 5020 5” Reflector cone 5021 5” Reflector 5001 5” Metal baffle splay 5010 5” Baffle 5012 5” High baffle 5060 5” Gimbal 5070 5” Eyeball 5071 5” Eyeball 5000 5” Splay 5014 5” Metal baffle/shallow 5016 5” Coilex™ baffle 5054 5” Shower light - dome lens 5051 5” Shower light - frosted lens 5030 5” Baffle wall wash TYPE VL-16 - EXTERIOR AWNING WPLED52N LED 52W Wallpacks. 3 cutoff options. Patent Pending thermal management system. 100,000 hour L70 lifespan. 5 Year Warranty. Color: Bronze Weight: 17.6 lbs Project:Type: Prepared By:Date: Driver Info Type:Constant Current 120V:0.51A 208V:0.33A 240V:0.29A 277V:0.24A Input Watts:60W Efficiency:87% LED Info Watts:52W Color Temp:4000K (Neutral) Color Accuracy:82 CRI L70 Lifespan:100000 Lumens:4,584 Efficacy:76 LPW Technical Specifications Listings UL Listing: Suitable for wet locations. IESNA LM-79 & IESNA LM-80 Testing: RAB LED luminaires have been tested by an independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA LM- 79 and 80, and have received the Department of Energy "Lighting Facts" label. DLC Listed: This product is on the Design Lights Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List and is eligible for rebates from DLC Member Utilities. DLC Product Code: P00001742 Optical Lumen Maintenance: 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 results and TM-21 calculations. Replacement: The WPLED52 replaces 250W HID Wallpacks. BUG Rating: B0 U2 G3 LED Characteristics LEDs: Two (2) multi-chip, high-output, long-life LEDs. Color Consistency: 3-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent fixture-to-fixture color. Color Stability: LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. Color Uniformity: RAB's range of CCT (Correlated color temperature) follows the guidelines of the American National Standard for Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL) Products, ANSI C78.377- 2015. Electrical Drivers: Two drivers, constant current, 720mA, Class 2, 100 - 277V, 50 - 60 Hz, 100 - 277VAC .8 Amps. THD: 13.0% at 120V Surge Protection: 6kV Construction Ambient Temperature: Suitable for use in 40°C ambient temperatures. Cold Weather Starting: The minimum starting temperature is -40°F/-40°C. Thermal Management: Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for optimal heat sinking. The WPLED is designed for cool operation, most efficient output and maximum LED life by minimizing LED junction temperature. Housing: Precision die cast aluminum housing, lens frame. Mounting: Die-cast aluminum wall bracket with (5) 1/2" conduit openings with plugs. Two-piece bracket with tether for ease of installation and wiring. Arm: Die-cast aluminum with wiring access plate. Cutoff: Standard (15°) Reflector: Specular vacuum-metallized polycarbonate Gaskets: High temperature silicone. Lens: Tempered glass Finish: Our environmentally friendly polyester powder coatings are formulated for high-durability and long-lasting color, and contains no VOC or toxic heavy metals. Green Technology: WPLEDs are Mercury and UV free. Other California Title 24: See WPLED52/BL for a 2013 California Title 24 compliant product. Any additional component requirements will be listed in the Title 24 section under technical specifications on the product page. Need help? Tech help line: (888) RAB-1000 Email: sales@rabweb.com Website: www.rabweb.com Copyright © 2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Note: Specifications are subject to change at any time without notice Page 1 of 2 LF-17 WALL PACK WPLED52N Technical Specifications (continued) Other Warranty: RAB warrants that our LED products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of delivery to the end user, including coverage of light output, color stability, driver performance and fixture finish. Patents: The WPLED design is protected by patents in the U.S. Pat D653,377, Canada Pat. 142252, China Pat. ZL201130356930.8, and Mexico Pat. 36921 and pending patent in TW. Dimensions Features High performance LED light engine Maintains 70% of initial lumens at 100,000 hours Weatherproof high temperature silicone gaskets Superior heat sinking with die cast aluminum housing and external fins Replaces 250W MH Traditional wallpack look from the front 3 cutoff options 5-year warranty Ordering Matrix Family Cutoff Watts Color Temp Finish Voltage Photocell Bi-Level Dimming WPLED = Standard C = Cutoff FC = Full Cutoff 52 = 52W = 5000K (Cool) Y = 3000K (Warm) N = 4000K (Neutral) = Bronze W = White = 120-277V /480 = 480V = Photocell /PCS = 120V Swivel /PCS2 = 277V Swivel /PCS4 = 480V Swivel = No Bi-Level /BL = Bi-Level = No Dimming /D10 = Dimmable Need help? Tech help line: (888) RAB-1000 Email: sales@rabweb.com Website: www.rabweb.com Copyright © 2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Note: Specifications are subject to change at any time without notice Page 2 of 2 General information Luminaire characteristics: Power input: 31.5 to 65W Lumens: 2460 to 6210lm (delivered) Luminaire efficacy: 72 to 104lm/W Source: White LED (LM-80 Tested) 3000K : 80CRI 4000K : 70CRI Lumen maintenance: >90% of initial lumens at 90 000 hours (L90). LM-79 tested. Optics: High efficiency optical system made of a silver coated aluminum delivering 98% of reflectivity. U.F.O. is available with 3 different optics: IESNA optics type II, III, IV. Material: Body: Aluminum die-cast alloy EN1706AC 46100L Diffuser: Impact resistant (IK08) 5 mm thick colorless sodium- calcium glass, sealed at the factory. Hardware: Stainless steel 304 screws and HCR Silicone 60 Shore gaskets. Electrical: Most models available with a multi channels programmable smart driver 120-277V 50/60Hz. Operating temperature: -40°C to 40°C. Dimming: Please contact factory for dimming options. Mounting: Universal mounting arms for Ø4" (102mm) pole. Finish: Gray (RAL9007) painted finish with a high level of weather and UV resistance. The semi-gloss finish coating is electrostatically applied, durable acrylic enamel baked at high temperatures for superior color retentive finish. Weight: 22lbs (10kg). Warranty: 5 year limited warranty. Certification: cULus listed for Wet location. Ratings: IP67, IK08 SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 4-1/2" (114mm) □16-5/8" (423mm) Project name: Type: DUE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS, THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. SPECIFICATION SHEET PAGE: 1 OF 5U.F.O. OPTISMART LB - R6 9320 Boul. St-Laurent, suite 100, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2N 1N7 P.: 514.523.1339 F.: 514.525.6107 www.sistemalux.com LAST UPDATE: JANUARY 25, 2017 S1 POLE LIGHT MODEL OPTIONS K SIZE MODEL L/W LUMENS WATT B.U.G.L/W LUMENS WATT B.U.G.L/W LUMENS WATT B.U.G. I.BL04 78 2460 31.5 B1-U0-G1 75 2850 38 B1-U0-G1 72 3200 44 B1-U0-G1 I.BL06 79 3150 40 B1-U0-G1 76 3560 46.5 B1-U0-G1 73 4000 54.5 B1-U0-G1 I.BL05 101 3180 31.5 B1-U0-G1 97 3680 38 B1-U0-G1 94 4140 44 B1-U0-G1 I.BL07 102 4070 40 B1-U0-G1 99 4600 46.5 B1-U0-G1 95 5170 54.5 B1-U0-G14000S BO (350mA)HO (450mA)VHO (525mA) 3000 S IES II K SIZE MODEL L/W LUMENS WATT B.U.G.L/W LUMENS WATT B.U.G.L/W LUMENS WATT B.U.G. 3000 S I.BL08 79 3180 40 B1-U0-G1 76 3620 47.5 B1-U0-G1 73 4000 54.5 B1-U0-G1 4000 S I.BL09 103 4120 40 B1-U0-G1 98 4690 47.5 B1-U0-G1 95 5170 54.5 B1-U0-G1 BO (350mA)HO (450mA)VHO (525mA) IES III K SIZE MODEL L/W LUMENS W ATT B.U.G.L/W LUMENS W ATT B.U.G.L/W LUMENS W ATT B.U.G. 3000 S I.BL10 80 3690 46 B0-U0-G2 77 4270 55.5 B0-U0-G2 74 4800 65 B1-U0-G2 4000 S I.BL11 104 4780 46 B1-U0-G2 100 5520 55.5 B1-U0-G2 96 6210 65 B1-U0-G2 VHO (525mA)BO (350mA)HO (450mA) IES IV Project name: Type: U.F.O. OPTISMART DUE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS, THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. SPECIFICATION SHEET PAGE: 2 OF 5 LB - R6 9320 Boul. St-Laurent, suite 100, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2N 1N7 P.: 514.523.1339 F.: 514.525.6107 www.sistemalux.com LAST UPDATE: JANUARY 25, 2017 Project name: Type: U.F.O. OPTISMART DUE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS, THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. SPECIFICATION SHEET PAGE: 3 OF 5 MOUNTING OPTIONS T1 -TRANSVERSAL Small: 16⅛" (411mm) T2 -DOUBLE TRANSVERSAL Small: 16⅛" (411mm) A2 -DOUBLE HORIZONTAL ONE Small: 2 x 16⅛" (411mm) B2 -DOUBLE HORIZONTAL TWO Small: 2 x 30⅛" (840mm) B1 -HORIZONTAL TWO Small: 30⅛" (840mm) A1 -HORIZONTAL ONE Small: 16⅛" (411mm) W -WALL MOUNT LB - R6 9320 Boul. St-Laurent, suite 100, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2N 1N7 P.: 514.523.1339 F.: 514.525.6107 www.sistemalux.com LAST UPDATE: JANUARY 25, 2017 ---- VOLTAGEMODELOUTPUT MODEL OUTPUT MOUNTING FINISH UNV- 120-277V VOLTAGE 15 - GRAY FINISH MOUNTING BO HO VHO I.BL05 I.BL07 I.BL09 I.BL06 I.BL10 I.BL04 I.BL08 I.BL11 A1 - HORIZONTAL ONE W - WALL MOUNT A2 - DOUBLE HORIZONTAL ONE B1 - HORIZONTAL TWO B2 - DOUBLE HORIZONTAL TWO T1 - TRANSVERSAL T2 - DOUBLE TRANSVERSAL ORDERING INFO Project name: Type: U.F.O. OPTISMART DUE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS, THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. SPECIFICATION SHEET PAGE: 4 OF 5 LB - R6 9320 Boul. St-Laurent, suite 100, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2N 1N7 P.: 514.523.1339 F.: 514.525.6107 www.sistemalux.com LAST UPDATE: JANUARY 25, 2017 POLE Ø4" (102mm) 40ft. 20ft. 30ft. STRAIGHTSTEPPED SUPPLIED BY IGUZZINI NORTH AMERICA CONTACT FACTORY FOR POLE SPECIFICATION SUPPLIED BY OTHER CONTACT FACTORY FOR POLE DETAILS HEIGHT: FT MODEL: FINISH:15 - GRAY RAL9007 CUSTOM RAL EPA & WEIGHT MOUNT WEIGHT lbs EPA ft2 A1 35.1 0.5 A2 60.4 0.8 B1 61.1 0.9 B2 112.4 1.6 39 0.5 112.4 1.4 T1 T2 SMALL Project name: Type: U.F.O. OPTISMART DUE TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS, THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. SPECIFICATION SHEET PAGE: 5 OF 5 LB - R6 9320 Boul. St-Laurent, suite 100, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2N 1N7 P.: 514.523.1339 F.: 514.525.6107 www.sistemalux.com LAST UPDATE: JANUARY 25, 2017 LA QUINTA SQUARE78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA 92253A R C H I T E C T S44-530 SAN PABLO AVE. STET: 760.779.5393F: 760.779.5395PALM DESERT, CAPRELIMINARYSITE PLANBUILDING AREASPARKING CALCULATIONSSITE INFORMATIONA1.01Scale:Sheet:ITRENEWALDATEACOTEFLAIFON R C-19210A05 . 31 . 15CSIL H OJ NSNE J.DKSCCIA THUVCRIETATTACHMENT 4ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 11, 2017 CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS, INC. FOR T-MOBILE PROPERTY OWNER: ACM LA QUINTA IV-B, LLC REQUEST: THE PLACEMENT OF A 49-FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ON A VACANT PAD AT LA QUINTA SQUARE COMMERCIAL CENTER CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT CAN BE CHARACTERIZED AS IN-FILL DEVELOPMENT AND SECTION 15303 (CLASS 3) FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION LOCATION: NEAR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND SIMON DRIVE LEGAL: APN: 643-220-028 RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 and determine that the project is exempt from the California Quality Act (CEQA). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • T-Mobile Wireless is requesting approval of a 49-foot tall telecommunication tower camouflaged as a date palm tree on a vacant pad within the La Quinta Square commercial center (Attachment 1). • Twelve antenna panels will attach to the tower at a height of 40 feet and be painted to match the faux palm fronds. The associated mechanical equipment will be located near the base of the tower. • The proposed facility serves as a new location for the wireless PH 2 Page 2 of 4 telecommunications facility previously located on the roof of the Simon Motors auto dealership building. BACKGROUND The project site is a former Simon Motors auto dealership located on the south side of Highway 111, north and west of Simon Drive (Attachment 2). The dealership was constructed and in operation prior to the city’s incorporation, but closed in the late 2000s. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 96-026 was approved by the Planning Commission in 1996 as a roof-mounted facility at height of 19.5 feet on the roof of Simon Motors. The six antennas for the facility were located behind the sign parapet for the building with antennas rising above the parapet by 24 inches. The Planning Commission approved the La Quinta Square commercial retail center for the site on December 9, 2014, that included construction of a 17,020 square-foot market, a 3,750 square-foot In-n-Out drive through restaurant, and a .75-acre retail pad for a future development. The auto dealership building was demolished and the wireless facility was relocated to occupy two parking stalls on the vacant pad site until a permanent location could be planned with the proposed building construction of the vacant pad. PROPOSAL AND ANALYSIS T-Mobile is requesting a CUP for a 49-foot tall monopalm on an existing vacant pad at the La Quinta Square commercial center (Attachment 3). The tower includes a total of twelve antenna panels mounted at a height of 49 feet, and will be camouflaged with faux palm fronds (Attachment 3, Sheet A-2). The tower will be located within a new planter in a landscape area to the west of the proposed El Pollo Loco restaurant building and will resemble a date palm tree (Attachment 3, Sheet A-1). The total lease area of the facilities is approximately 120 square feet. Mechanical equipment, including multiple cabinets and a backup generator, will be located in an existing planter to the north of the tower within an equipment enclosure at a height of six feet. The enclosure is comprised of stone veneer with a cream color. The planter areas will be landscaped with shrubs that include Agave, California Sagebrush, and Red Yucca, among others. Two date palm trees will be planted within close proximity to the monopalm at a height of 25 and 35 feet. The following conditions of approval have been included further camouflage the monpalm panel antennas: • 70% of all monopalm fronds shall be eight feet or longer to camouflage antennas • The total number of palm fronds shall be minimum of 80 fronds • Palm fronds shall extend a minimum of 18 inches beyond the antenna arrays Page 3 of 4 Site Justification: The La Quinta Municipal Code contains provisions for new towers to first explore opportunities for collocation as a means of maximizing existing tower facilities and minimizing the number of new towers in the City. The proposal is a special circumstance as the location of the wireless telecommunication facility replaces a roof mounted facility that is no longer feasible due to demolition of the Simon Motors building. The intent of La Quinta Square ownership was relocation of the facility to a rooftop of a future building on the La Quinta Square vacant pad. Prior to demolition of Simon Motors, the wireless facilities were temporarily relocated as a ground mounted facility at the site and later relocated to its current location within two parking stalls. The temporary facility is permitted to remain at the location until September 1, 2017 and can be extended an additional six months to March 1, 2018 if the CUP for a permanent location is approved. The El Pollo Loco restaurant proposal includes a building size of 2,660 square feet, which is substantially smaller than the 8,500 square foot maximum building size anticipated in the 2014 site development permit. The rooftop capacity to accommodate the relocation of the wireless antennas is limited due to the necessary restaurant rooftop equipment that includes kitchen exhaust hoods, HVAC equipment, and roof mounted refrigeration condensing units. The applicant has prepared a justification letter which explains why the proposed location is preferred (Attachment 4). AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received. Any written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission Hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act as in-fill development and Section 15303 (Class 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. Prepared by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Page 4 of 4 Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Map 3. T-Mobile CUP Plan Set 4. T-Mobile Wireless Project Justification 5. Previously approved CUP96-026 exhibit for Simon Motors PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLACEMENT OF A 49- FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND EQUIPMENT ON A VACANT PAD AT LA QUINTA SQUARE AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 1th day of July, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by T-Mobile Wireless for approval of a 49-foot tall monopalm wireless telecommunication tower and mechanical equipment on a vacant commercial pad, g generally located on the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Simon Drive, more particularly described as: APN: 643-220-028 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.170.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate and convenient for all residents. The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement of the monopalm tower at this site will have a negligible impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 Applicant: Prest Vuksic Architects, Inc. July 11, 2017 Page 2 of 3 including emergency and public safety communications. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3. Visual Impacts The proposed wireless telecommunication facility minimizes adverse visual impacts through careful design and site placement. The facility utilizes a small footprint within a vacant commercial pad, and the facility is proposed as a stealth Monopalm, which fronds should minimize the visual impacts of the facility. Two live date palm trees planted in close proximity will further camouflage the proposed facility. 4. Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provider’s objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed camouflaged wireless communications facility, as conditioned, to be a 49-foot facility is consistent with City of La Quinta development standards for wireless telecommunication facilities. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant’s justification letter, to continue and improve community access to wireless service from the project site. Therefore, this facility is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15332 and 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 Applicant: Prest Vuksic Architects, Inc. July 11, 2017 Page 3 of 3 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 11th day of July, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _______________________________ PHILIP F. BETTENCOURT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: _______________________________ GABRIEL PEREZ, Planning Manager City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 1 of 7 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), including Chapter 9.170 and Chapter 9.210.020. 3. The Conditional Use Permit shall expire on July 11, 2019 and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the use has been established. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 4. Any expansion or substantial modifications to the approved plan shall require an amendment of this Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 5. This Conditional Use Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Government Code §§ 66410 through 66499.58 (the “Subdivision Map Act”), and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (“LQMC”). The City of La Quinta’s Municipal Code can be accessed on the City’s Web Site at www.la-quinta.org. 6. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Design and Development Department (Grading Permit, Building Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) Exemption Form – Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 2 of 7 • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley • Federal Communication Commission • Federal Aviation Administration The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney’s fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant’s fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 9. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the CC&R’s for the development or other agreements as approved by the City Engineer. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 3 of 7 10. The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded in the public right of way unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as “engineer,” “surveyor,” and “architect,” refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 11. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 12. The submitted preliminary plans appear to propose no or minimal grading and may not require a grading permit (see exceptions in Municipal Code Section 8.80.040). If a grading permit is required, a precise grading plan prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in California and a Soils Report prepared by a professional registered in California must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of grading. “On-Site Precise Grading” plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements, and ADA requirements including ADA accessibility from public right of way to the proposed equipment. Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. Building plans and structural calculations shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building and Safety Division. 13. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as-built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 4 of 7 City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. PRECISE GRADING 14. If a grading permit is required, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 15. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer, B. A preliminary geotechnical (“soils”) report prepared by a qualified engineer, All grading shall conform to the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer, or by an engineering geologist. 16. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. DRAINAGE 17. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for the La Quinta Square project. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. UTILITIES 18. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 19. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above-ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for safety, practical and aesthetic purposes. 20. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlaying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements as required by the City Engineer. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 5 of 7 The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located so as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. MAINTENANCE 21. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 22. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in-kind. FEES AND DEPOSITS 23. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 24. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). PLANNING 25. The proposed telecommunication facility shall comply with all federal and state statutes, including, but not limited to, FCC licensing, NIER levels, and FAA requirements. No wireless telecommunication facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time; power densities that exceed current FCC adopted standards for human exposure for RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the immediate cessation of operation of the wireless telecommunication facility. 26. All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, the City’s noise ordinance, and other applicable codes, as well as other restrictions specified in the permit and the La Quinta Municipal Code. The facility operator and the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the facility in good condition, which shall include, but not be limited to, regular cleaning, painting, and general upkeep and maintenance of the site consistent with the facility’s original approval. 27. The panel antennas shall be mounted securely to the monopalm tower. All antennas and antenna arrays shall be painted to match the faux palm fronds and shall be PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 6 of 7 shielded from view by the tower’s faux palm fronds. The final design of the screening material shall be approved by the Design and Department Director. 28. Branches shall extend a minimum of 18 inches beyond the antenna arrays. 29. 70% of all branches shall be eight (8) feet in length or longer 30. Antennas, equipment, and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. 31. The applicant shall negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 32. T-Mobile, or successor, shall have a continuing obligation to respond to and resolve any and all complaints associated with any potential interference with frequencies related to residential and/or life safety communications and operations. Response shall be within 48 hours of receipt of notice of any such complaints. 33. The placement of the pole shall not interfere with the existing infrastructure and improvements at this location. The pole shall not be placed on a public paths-of- travel. 34. The wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta’s Planning Division within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership of the facility. 35. This telecommunication facility is subject to a ten-year review by the Planning Commission. The review will determine whether or not the originally approved telecommunication facility and accessory equipment are still in compliance with the conditions of approval, and that all radio frequencies are in compliance with FCC OET Bulletin 65. This report shall be prepared by a qualified licensed engineer. 36. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval and, if the facility is not so maintained this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 37. No cables, conduit or other equipment on the monopalm tower pole shall be visible. All electrical work for the proposed antennas shall be contained within the monopalm tower cavity. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR T-MOBILE Page 7 of 7 38. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval with no visible deterioration of the faux palm treatment and all landscaping, including the required additional two (2) palm trees, in a live healthy status. If the facility is not so maintained, this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 39. The proposed mono-palm shall be approved at a height of 29 feet with a concurrent one time height modification taken under Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, for an ultimate height of 49 feet. 40. The applicant shall submit a Final Landscape Plan that includes provisions for installation of live palm trees, shrubs, and vines if Site Development Permit 2017- 2005 is not approved. 41. The approval of the monopalm wireless telecommunications facility under Conditional Use Permit 2017-0003 supersedes the rooftop wireless telecommunications facility approved under Conditional Use Permit 96-026 and CUP 96-026 shall not be operative upon the approval of CUP 2017-0003. 42. The temporary T-Mobile facility in the parking lot approved under temporary uses permit 2017-0005 shall be permitted to operate until March 1, 2018. Project Information CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0003 APPLICANT: PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS INC. FOR T-MOBILE PROPERTY OWNER: ACM LA QUINTA IV-B, LLC REQUEST: THE PLACEMENT OF A 49-FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ON A VACANT PAD AT LA QUINTA SQUARE COMMERCIAL CENTER LOCATION: NEAR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND SIMON DRIVE, APN: 643-220-028 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL IN-N-OUT RESTAURANT SOUTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT WEST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ALDI MARKET ATTACHMENT 1 S H - 1 1 1 WASHINGTON STSIMON DR± Site ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 1PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM IE04454A VIEW “1” (SHEET 1 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. 2 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM IE04454A VIEW “2” (SHEET 2 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 3 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO “BY OTHERS” IE04454A VIEW “3” (SHEET 3 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 4 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 8’X15’ EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA. FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO LOCATION. “BY OTHERS” PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. IE04454A VIEW “4” (SHEET 4 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 5 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO “BY OTHERS” IE04454A VIEW “5” (SHEET 5 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 6 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED T-MOBILE 8’X15’ EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA. FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO “BY OTHERS” IE04454A VIEW “6” (SHEET 6 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 1PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM IE04454A VIEW “1” (SHEET 1 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. 2 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM IE04454A VIEW “2” (SHEET 2 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 3 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO “BY OTHERS” IE04454A VIEW “3” (SHEET 3 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 4 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 8’X15’ EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA. FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO LOCATION. “BY OTHERS” PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. IE04454A VIEW “4” (SHEET 4 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 5 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO “BY OTHERS” IE04454A VIEW “5” (SHEET 5 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY, SUITE O #1009 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 PHONE: (949) 336-1550 PROPOSED AERIAL MAP EXISTING 6 PROJECT SITE PROPOSED T-MOBILE 49’ TALL DATE MONOPALM. PROPOSED 35’ DATE PALM PROPOSED 25’ DATE PALM PROPOSED T-MOBILE 8’X15’ EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA. FUTURE EL POLLO LOCO “BY OTHERS” IE04454A VIEW “6” (SHEET 6 OF 6) 78611 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 of 6 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 11, 2017 CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 APPLICANT: THE DBK GROUP PROPERTY OWNER: LQR GOLF REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A POOL, BAR, THEATRE, PUTTING GREEN AND DOG PARK WITHIN THE PGA WEST COMMUNITY CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT INSOFAR AS THE PROJECT WILL ADD SMALL STRUCTURES TO AN EXISTING GOLF CLUBHOUSE AND TENNIS COMPLEX. LOCATION: 55955 PGA WEST BOULEVARD, LA QUINTA RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit for the construction of the PGA West Sports Club and find the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • PGA West proposes the conversion of a portion of the existing tennis complex at the private clubhouse to a multi-activity Sports Club. • The Conditional Use Permit is required under the PGA West Specific Plan for the pool and the theatre. The Site Development Permit addresses the design of the project as a whole. BACKGROUND The proposed project is located within the PGA West project, at the members-only private clubhouse (Attachment 1). The site is located in Planning Area III of the PGA West Specific Plan, an area which allows the recreational facilities proposed under this PH 3 Page 2 of 6 application. The area includes, in addition to the clubhouse itself, a fitness center which is currently being remodeled, and a tennis complex. A portion of the tennis complex will be removed to accommodate the proposed project, but ten tennis courts, a basketball court and a number of pickleball courts will remain. The Sports Club is proposed immediately south of the clubhouse and immediately west of the fitness center, and will include a new pool with open bar/restaurant area; a multi-hole putting green; a drive-in golf cart theatre; three petanque/bocci ball courts; and a dog park to be located south of the pickleball courts. The entry monument signage on PGA Boulevard will also be modified. The PGA West Specific Plan requires that a Conditional Use Permit be approved for the pool and the drive-in golf cart theater. Because of this requirement, both a Conditional Use Permit and a Site Development Permit must be approved by the Commission in order for the project to move ahead. PROPOSAL & ANALYSIS Project Components The proposed project will result in a sports and recreation facility for members of PGA West. As depicted in Attachment 2, page A-0.1, the project is composed of several parts, including: Pool Complex: The centerpiece of the project is a new pool and bar. The pool area will include lounge chairs and umbrellas, a large pool, a spa (Attachment 2, pages 42 to 46), and a splash pad in the southwest corner (Attachment 2, page 69 to 71). Immediately west of the pool will be an elevated open bar/restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating, and a central fire pit (Attachment 2, pages 50 and 51, 54 to 56 and 59 to 67). To the north of the bar is a multi-use building, which will include restrooms, pool equipment, storage, and a roof deck (Attachment 2, page 50 and 69). Finally, a giant chess board is proposed north of the pool, and a ping pong area is located west of the bar. The pool complex will be located at an elevation approximately 10 feet below that of the existing tennis courts. Mini Golf Course: Immediately west of the pool complex, a putting course is proposed, which will include multiple golf holes and a pond (Attachment 2, page 47). Drive-In Golf Cart Theater: South of the mini golf course, a drive-in theater for golf carts is proposed. It will include a screen for movies, and a stage for live performances (Attachment 2, page 57). Petanque/Bocci Ball Courts: At the southwest corner of the project, three petanque/bocci ball courts are proposed, along with three courts that parallel the south side of the pool area (Attachment 2, page 48 and 49). These courts are an additional option for users of the complex, and consistent with the other sports activities. Page 3 of 6 Dog Park: On the southeast corner of the existing tennis and pickleball complex, on land that is currently vacant and fronts on Bye Hole Way, a residents’ dog park is proposed ( Attachment 2, page 72 to 74). The dog park will be enclosed, and contain appropriate facilities, such as benches, shaded area, play features, water fountains, bag dispensers and trash receptacles. Entry Modifications: As part of the project, the existing entry monuments and walls, located northeast of the existing clubhouse parking lot will be updated, consistent with improvements being made to the main entrance of the project (Attachment 2, page 40 and 41). The site is configured to tie into existing facilities at the clubhouse, including the fitness center to the east, and the clubhouse to the north. The development of the project will result in the removal of three existing sunken grass tennis courts. The ten hard surface tennis courts and multiple pickle ball courts will remain. The project will create a multi-use facility that the applicant hopes will appeal to a broad range of residents. The facilities will be open to members and their guests only, and will therefore not attract visitors from outside the project. Building Design The structures proposed on the site include a 2,400 square-foot bar, a 2,400 square- foot multi-use building, and a theatre. All structures are proposed in the contemporary architectural style of the existing clubhouse and fitness center which are adjacent. The buildings will be stucco finished, with accents of stone veneer and wood (Attachment 2, page 38 and 39). Pops of color, mostly in blue tones, will be provided for pool umbrellas and furnishings. As described above, the bar and multi-use buildings will be located at an elevation that is approximately ten feet lower than the hard surface courts surrounding them. This will serve to minimize the visible height of the buildings (proposed at a maximum height of 29 feet for the bar building, and 24 feet for the multi-use building) from areas surrounding the project. The theater is proposed at the same elevation as the existing tennis courts, with a height of 22 feet, and a stage area of approximately 710 square feet. The small size of the structure will limit its visual impact to surrounding areas. The multi-use building will include a roof top terrace that will provide views of the surroundings. Because of its location in the sunken pool area, however, these views will be just above the current ground level views at the existing hard surface courts. In addition, the building is located several hundred feet north of the nearest residences, and views into private spaces will not be possible. The entry features at the clubhouse driveway will be in stucco finishes in earth tones, with planter areas and stone veneers. This design is consistent with the design of entry walls and monuments throughout the project, and with the upgraded main Page 4 of 6 entry design currently being processed by separate permit. Parking No additional parking is proposed for this project. A large parking lot, located to the north of the proposed project, currently serves the clubhouse and fitness center, and contains 190 parking spaces. This portion of PGA West is for members only. The Zoning Ordinance requires five parking spaces per hole for golf courses, which would result in a need for 90 parking spaces, plus 41 spaces for the fitness center. The restaurant proposed as part of this project, if a stand alone facility, would require 19 parking spaces, and the mini-golf 54 spaces, again if a stand alone facility. The golf cart drive-in theatre is self-parking, and requires to additional spaces. This would result in a total demand of 204 parking spaces, without any presumption of shared use. All the proposed uses, however, are ancillary to and supportive of the clubhouse, and will be open to members only. A reduction in the parking requirement of 7% below the cumulative parking standard is justified in this case, and allowed under Section 9.150.050 of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping The plant palette proposed for the project is consistent with the City’s drought tolerant landscaping requirements, and consists of a variety of plant species that will complement the existing facilities. Groundcover will include such species as lantana, and turf will be used in areas where it is necessary, such as the mini-golf and drive-in theatre (Attachment 2, pages 32 through 35). Lighting Lighting is provided for the proposed uses in a manner that provides relatively low levels of light while still assuring safety. As shown in Attachment 2, pages 36 and 37, and pages 78 to 83, the lighting specifications are typical of open recreational areas. Pages 75 to 77 depict project renderings of the lighting proposed. No pole lighting is proposed, and no bright lighting is expected. At the pool and restaurant, the location of the facilities below the grade of the surrounding existing tennis courts will limit the potential for lighting to impact the residents to the south, who are located approximately 550 feet away. Lighting plans are also consistent with existing lighting in the PGA West community. Conditional Use Permit The PGA West Specific Plan requires that a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) be approved prior to the development of pools or theatres within the community. For this reason, a CUP is considered as part of this application. As regards the pool, as stated above, it will be located below the grade of the existing tennis courts, and although it may generate activity, its impacts to surrounding land Page 5 of 6 uses will be dampened by the lowered elevation. The pool is a typical use in common areas in most projects in La Quinta, and will provide an added amenity to the clubhouse. Its use in this case is compatible with the surrounding land uses, and its distance from residential units (the closest residential unit is located approximately 550 feet to the south) will assure that activities at the pool will not significantly impact residents. Further, the applicant’s statement of operations (Attachment 2, pages 3 and 4) explicitly states hours of operation as being from 7 AM to 10 PM. These hours are typical of such a recreational facility, and do not extend into the sensitive night- time period. A condition of approval has been included to limit operations to the hours stated above. The drive-in golf cart theater occurs approximately 535 feet northwest of the nearest home. The theater will be capable of hosting both stage performances and movies. No seating will be provided, and attendees are expected to sit on their golf carts. The applicant’s statement of operations (Attachment 2, pages 3 and 4) explicitly states hours of operation for the theater as 5 PM to 9 PM on Saturdays. The limited use period will assure that night-time activity does not occur, and a condition of approval has been included to limit the hours of operation to no later than 9 PM. The applicant also provided a noise analysis, prepared by P. A. Penardi and Associates. That analysis found that noise levels of up to 75 dBA at a distance of 30 feet could be expected from the theatre. Assuming attenuation of 6 dBA for each doubling of distance, the noise levels at the nearest homes would be about 50 dBA, consistent with the City’s noise standard. In addition, the angle of the theater will result in noise emanating to the southwest, toward an area that consists of the driving range and golf course. Finally, because the pool and theater will be open to members only, no public access is expected. The theatre will not be accessible to street vehicles, as no paved driveway will be provided. Further, the recreation area is proposed in an area that is buffered by other existing uses, including the clubhouse and its parking lot to the north, the fitness center and tennis courts to the east, the driving range and course to the west, and the existing tennis and pickleball courts to the south. The proposed project is therefore compatible with existing facilities, and the findings for approval can be made, and are included in the attached Resolution. AGENCY & PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies on March 30, 2017. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended conditions of approval. Public Notice: Page 6 of 6 This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received. Any written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act. This exemption is allowed for the construction and modification of small structures. Because of the small size of the buildings on the project site, this exemption is appropriate for the project. Prepared by: Nicole Sauviat Criste, Consulting Planner Approved by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Design Plan Set PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT 2017-0003, AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 APPLICANT: THE DBK GROUP WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 11th day of July, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, to consider a request by The DBK Group of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit to allow the construction of a recreation center, generally located at 55955 PGA West Boulevard, more particularly described as: APN: 775-220-027 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit: Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001 1. Consistency with General Plan The land use is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Low Density Residential. The proposed project will result in community recreational facilities which will enhance the residential units within the community. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed use is consistent with the development standards of the City’s Zoning Code and the PGA West Specific Plan, as amended. The Conditional Use Planning Commission Resolution 2017- Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001 and Site Development Permit 2017-0003 PGA West Sports Club Adopted: Page 2 of 4 Permit has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the zoning standards in the PGA West Specific Plan and in Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 3. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, insofar as the project will add small structures to an existing golf clubhouse and tennis complex. 4. Surrounding Uses As conditioned, approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. Site Development Permit 2017-0003 1. Consistency with the General Plan Site Development Permit 2017-0003 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, as it proposes community recreational facilities on lands designated in the General Plan for Low Density Residential development. 2. Consistency with the Zoning Code The proposed project is consistent with the development standards of the City’s Zoning Code and the PGA West Specific Plan, as amended, in terms of architectural style, building height, building mass, and landscaping. The site development permit has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the zoning standards of the Low Density Residential district and the standards for Planning Area 3 of the PGA West Specific Plan, and other supplemental standards as established in Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 3. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, insofar as the project will add small structures to an existing golf clubhouse and tennis complex. 4. Architectural Design Planning Commission Resolution 2017- Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001 and Site Development Permit 2017-0003 PGA West Sports Club Adopted: Page 3 of 4 The architecture and layout of the structures are compatible with, and not detrimental to, the existing surrounding clubhouse and fitness center, and consistent with the development standards in the Municipal Code. 5. Site Design The site design of the project is compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in PGA West and the city. 6. Landscape Design The proposed project is consistent with and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. Landscape improvements are designed and sized to provide visual appeal. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to blend with the existing landscaping within PGA West. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project is determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SECTION 4. That it does hereby approve Site Development Permit 2017-0003, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 11th day of July, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Resolution 2017- Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001 and Site Development Permit 2017-0003 PGA West Sports Club Adopted: Page 4 of 4 __________________________________ PHILIP F. BETTENCOURT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: _______________________________ GABRIEL PEREZ, Planning Manager City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 GENERAL 1. The use of the subject property for a recreational facility shall be in conformance with the approved exhibits and conditions of approval contained in Conditional Use Permit 2017-0001 and Site Development Permit 2017-0003, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The Conditional Use Permit shall expire on July 11, 2019 and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless a building permit has been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 3. The Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to all the conditions of approval of Site Development Permit 2017-0003, and enumerated below. 4. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Site Development Permit 2017-003 shall expire on July 11, 2019 and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless a building permit has been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 2 3. Activity within the boundaries of the project shall be limited to the hours of 7 AM to 10 PM. Activity at the golf cart drive-in theatre shall end at 9 PM. 4. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Design and Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Coachella Valley Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 5. Coverage under the State of California Construction General Permit must be obtained by the applicant; who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (“RWQCB”) acknowledgment of the applicant’s Notice of Intent (“NOI”) and Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 6. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City’s NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (“SWPPP”) to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 3 Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. C. The applicant’s SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non-Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. D. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. E. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council. F. The applicant shall execute and record an agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post-construction BMPs as required. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney’s fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant’s fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 4 or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 9. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. 10. The applicant shall offer for dedication those easements necessary for the placement of, and access to, utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, and common areas. 11. Direct vehicular access is restricted, except for those access points identified on the Site Development Permit, or as otherwise conditioned in these conditions of approval. 12. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. PARKING LOTS and ACCESS POINTS 13. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stall design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to evaluate ADA accessibility issues. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 18 feet in length with a 2-foot overhang for all parking stalls or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per 6 handicapped parking stalls. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 5 F. Drive aisles between parking stalls shall be a minimum of 26 feet with access drive aisles to Public Streets a minimum of 30 feet or as approved by the City Engineer. A minimum of 20 feet on each side of approach drives shall be provided where divided by median islands and as approved by the City Engineer. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, ADA accessibility route to public streets and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. 14. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) 4.5” a.c./5.5” c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. 15. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 16. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. 17. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by engineers registered in California. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as “engineer,” “surveyor,” and “architect,” refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 18. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 6 LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 19. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Design and Development Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. On-Site Precise Grading Plan 1" = 30' Horizontal B. PM10 Plan 1” = 40’ Horizontal C. Erosion Control Plan 1” = 40’ Horizontal D. On-Site Private Water and Sewer Plans 1" = 20' Horizontal NOTE: A through D to be submitted concurrently. (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. “On-Site Precise Grading” plan is required to be submitted for approval by the Building Official, Planning Manager and the City Engineer. “On-Site Precise Grading” plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements including but not limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, wall elevations, parking lot improvements and ADA requirements. 20. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the Design and Development “Plans, Notes and Design Guidance” section of the City website (www.la-quinta.org). Please navigate to the Design and Development home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 21. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of the mylars of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 22. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 7 marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as-built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. GRADING 23. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 24. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 25. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical (“soils”) report prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). E. A grading bond in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the grading bond requirements. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. A statement shall appear on the plans that a soils report has been prepared in accordance with the California Health & Safety Code § 17953. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 8 provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 26. Prior to any grading improvements, the applicant shall submit grading performance security valued at 100% of the cost of the grading improvements in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code 8.80.050, or as approved by the City Engineer. In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development, or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, pursuant to the approved plan, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. 27. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 28. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus half of a foot (0.5’) from the elevations shown on the approved Site Development Permit, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Engineer for approval through a substantial conformance review. DRAINAGE 29. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for SDP 2016-0007, or as approved by the City Engineer. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 30. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100 year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be either the 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour or 24 hour event producing the greatest total run off. 31. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 32. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 9 hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. 33. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless approved by the Planning Manager and the City Engineer. 34. For on-site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin or as approved by the City Engineer. 35. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 36. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. 37. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 38. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 39. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the City’s NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013- 0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ. UTILITIES 40. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 41. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 10 by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 42. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 43. All new landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 44. All landscaping shall consist of, at minimum, 2.5 inch caliper trunk measured three feet up from grade level after planting), 5-gallon shrubs, and groundcover. Double lodge poles (two-inch diameter) shall be used to brace and stake trees. 45. The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process as a minor final landscape plan. Planning Manager approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Planning Manager determines extenuating circumstances exist which justify an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Planning Manager and/or City Engineer. Prior to final approval of the installation of landscaping, the Landscape Architect of record shall provide the Design and Development Department a letter stating he/she has personally inspected the installation and that it conforms with the final landscaping plans as approved by the City. 46. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” latest edition, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. MAINTENANCE 47. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 48. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of all private on-site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, sidewalks, and stormwater BMPs. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 PGA WEST SPORTS CLUB ADOPTED: Page 11 49. The applicant acknowledges that the City has formed a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and agrees to be included in the District. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. FEES AND DEPOSITS 50. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 51. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). Project Information CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2017-0003 APPLICANT: THE DBK GRAOUP PROPERTY OWNER: LQR GOLF REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A POOL, BAR, THEATRE, PUTTING GREEN AND DOG PARK WITHIN THE PGA WEST COMMUNITY LOCATION: 55955 PGA WEST BOULEVARD GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN: PGA WEST, AS AMENDED SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING CLUBHOUSE SOUTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL/GOLF COURCE EXISTING TENNIS AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING FITNESS CENTER WEST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING GOLF COURSE ATTACHMENT 1 G-0COVER SHEETPROJECTINFORMATIONT24 COMPLIANCEOwen Hale10687 Lincoln Ave, Hesperia Ca 92345PHONE: (760) 662-3726THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATEOF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATEOF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - SPORT CLUBC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 B&S PLAN CHECK_4.22.20171CABINET/MILLWORK NOTES1. ALL FINISH MATERIALS TO BE APPLIED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS.FLOOR COVERING NOTES4. ALL MATERIALS ARE TO COMPLY WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQ'S.3. PREP ALL FLOORS AS REQUIRED.PAINT, WALL COVERING, & WINDOW COVERING NOTES2. ALL WALLS TO BE "FACE-MASKED" AT THE CEILING LINE.FINISH NOTES1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, GOVERNMENTAL FEES ANDLICENSES REQUIRED FOR PROPER COMPLETION OF THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLREQUEST ALL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND COORDINATEHIS WORK ACCORDINGLY. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REIMBURSED ALL PERMIT FEES BY THECLIENT.2. ALL REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION OF THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE DIRECTED TO STEENO DESIGNSTUDIO, INC. IN WRITING.3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FAMILIARIZE THEM SELF WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TOSUBMITTING HIS BID, AND NOTIFY THE DESIGNER OF ANY PROBLEMS OF COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN THENEW AND EXISTING CONSTRUCTION. ALL BIDS SHALL INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES, DELIVERY, ANDINSTALLATION CHARGES.4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL LABOR MATERIALS EQUIPMENT,ETC..REQUIRED TO COMPETETHE CONSTRUCTION OR INSTALLATION OF ALL ITEMS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION,UNLESS DESIGNATED N.I.C.(NOT IN CONTRACT) CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLEBUILDING CODES AND GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS.6. THE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYS, SIDEWALKS, BASEMENT AREAS,CORRIDORS ETC.EFFECTED THE CONSTRUCTION FREE OF SOIL, DEBRIS, TRASH, ETC. ON A DAILYBASIS, CLEAR EGRESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL BUILDING TENANTS , THEIR EMPLOYEES, ANDGUESTS.7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OFWASTE, MATERIALS, OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY HIS OPERATION. AT THE COMPLETION OF HIS WORK, HESHALL CLEAN ALL GLASS SURFACES, AND LEAVE THE WORK "BROOM CLEAN". ALL CARPETS ARE TO BEVACUUMED CLEAN. A. ALL PERSONS EMPLOYED FOR THE WORK AND ALL OTHER PERSONS WHO MAY BE AFFECTEDTHEREBY. B. ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNER/TENANT WHO MAY BE AFFECTED THEREBY C.ALL COMPLETED WORK, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE INCORPORATED THEREIN WHICH IS IN THECARE, CUSTODY, OR CONTROL OF THE CONTRACTOR. D. ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AND PROPERTY AT SITE OR ADJACENT THERETO ANY DAMAGE TO SHALL BE REPAIRED/REPLACED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DESIGNER AT THE CONTRACTOR'SEXPENSE.9. ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED PROPERLY WITHIN THE DESIGNATED AREAS THATARE AUTHORIZED BY THE BUILDING OWNER, TENANT, OR DESIGNER.10.DELIVERY OF MATERIALS AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS IS TO BE COORDINATED AND SCHEDULED ASAGREED UPON BY THE BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER.11.BEFORE DRILLING /BORING/CUTTING ANY HOLES IN THE CONCRETE SLAB OR EXISTING BUILDINGSTRUCTURE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM THE BUILDING OWNER OR HISREPRESENTATIVE FOR EACH SEPTIC LOCATION OF SAME. ALL DRILLING/BORING/CUTTING PERTAININGTO OCCUPIED SPACES WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED BETWEEN 8:00 AM AND 5:00 PM ONNORMAL WORKING HOURS AND DAYS DUE TO THE OCCUPANCY OF THE OTHER TENANTS.12.WHERE WORK OR EQUIPMENT IS INDICATED N.I.C. (NOT IN CONTRACT) ON THE DRAWINGS SUCH WORKAND/OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANDCOOPERATE TO AFFECT SUCH INSTALLATION.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS FOR THE SAFETY OF, AND SHALLPROVIDE ALL REASONABLE PROTECTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE, INJURY OR LOSS TO:6. DRYWALL SUB TO FINISH ALL NEW & EXISTING PAINTED WALL FOR NEW FINISHES.7. DRYWALL SUB TO SKIM COAT, SAND SMOOTH, & FINISH ALL NEW& EXISTING WALLS, COLUMNS, SILLS, & HEADERS READY FORNEW FINISHES.3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL TILE FLOORING IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS. ALLTILE TO BE LAID WITH PATTERN DESIGN RUNNING IN ONEDIRECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.2.PROVIDE AND INSTALL SPECIFIED COVE BASE FOR RESILIENT TILEFLOOR AREAS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.1. FLASH PATCH ALL AREAS WHERE FLOOR IS NOT LEVEL OR TRUEPRIOR TO FLOORING INSTALLATIONS.1. ALL PAINT SHALL BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEMANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PARTICULARSURFACE MINIMUM OF TWO COATS SHALL BE APPLIED TOACHIEVE FULL COVERAGE.2. WALL COVERING CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL WALL COVERING APPLICATIONIN OR ON CABINET WORK WITH CABINET CONTRACTOR.1. ALL WOODWORK BLOCKING GROUNDS, ROUGH BUCKS AND MISCELLANEOUS BLOCKING TOBE FIREPROOFED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL MUNICIPAL CODES.2. CABINET CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SETTING OF ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING INCONJUNCTION WITH HIS WORK.3. WHERE ELECTRICAL WORK IS SPECIFIED IN CONJUNCTION WITH CABINET WORK,LAMPS, FIXTURES ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR.CUTOUTS FOR SWITCHES, OUTLETS, ETC.. AS REQUIRED ARE BY THE CABINETCONTRACTOR AND TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR.GENERAL & CONSTRUCTION NOTES5. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN QUALITY WORKMANSHIP LIKE MANNER UTILIZING (UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED) ONLY NEW HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS CONSISTENT WITH SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODESAND GOVERNMENTALREGULATIONS.GOVERNING CODESAPPLICABLE CODES:CODES:THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLY W/ THE LOCAL MUNICIPAL CODE AND 2013 EDITION OF THECALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTS THE 2013 IBC, 2013 CMC, 2013 CPC AND THE2013 CEC AND CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTSELECTRICAL CODE:.................................................................................................................................MECHANICAL CODE:...............................................................................................................................PLUMBING CODE: ...................................................................................................................................ENERGY CODE (TITLE 24 - PART 6):......................................................................................................GREEN CODE (TITLE 24 - PART 11): .....................................................................................................ACCESSIBILITY CODE: ...........................................................................................................................2013 CALIF. ELECTICAL CODE (C.E.C.2013 CALIF. MECHANICAL CODE (C.M.C.)2013 CALIF. PLUMBING CODE (C.P.C.)2023 CALIF. ENERGY STANDARDS2013 CALIF. GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS (C.G.C.)2013 CALIF. BUILDING CODE - CHAPTER 11SEE GREEN CODE NON-RESIDENTIAL CHECKLIST ON PAGE G-2.0 FOR MANDATORYMEASURES. G.C. & SUB-CONTRACTORS TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE MEASURES. SEEALSO NOTES ON FLOOR PLANBUILDING CODE: .....................................................................................................................................2013 CALIF. BUILDING CODE (C.B.C.)FIRE CODE: ..............................................................................................................................................2013 CALIF. FIRE CODE (C.F.C.)ABBSBBSALINAS ELECTRICAL DESIGN17255 YUCCA RD., APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307PH/FAX: (760) 240-4575LEGAL DESCRIPTION:STEENO DESIGN STUDIO, INC.ARCHITECT: TOM STEENO11774 HESPERIA RD. SUITE B-1PH: 760.244.5001 FX: 760.244.1948 A-2/BN/ASITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT:1 STORYV - BARCHITECT / REPRESENTATIVE:FIRE SPRINKLERS - CBC 506.3:STORIES:OCCUPANCY'S: CONSTRUCTION TYPE:ZONE:49-499 EISENHOWER DR. PH: (442) 666-4508THE DBK GROUPLA QUINTA, CA 92253A.P.N. 775-22-27 (POR. LOT 4)55955 PGA BLVD.LA QUINTA, CARLPROJECT DATASCOPE OF WORKELECTRICAL1. FIRE SPRINKLERS WHEN OCCURS2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM WHEN OCCURSDEFERRED SUBMITTALSCIVILBuilding Systems Design GroupHVAC / PLUMBING / FIRE PROTECTION285 WEST SUNNY SANDS RD. CATHLAMET, WA 98612PH: (360) 849-4342 FAX: (360) 849-4346B S D GMECHANICAL & PLUMBINGSTRUCTURAL5. DRYWALL SUB TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY BACKING AND BRACINGFOR CABINET & MILLWORK.D E S I G N S T U D I OONEET ST H O M A S R . S T E E N OA R C H I T E C T L I C . # C 2 6 4 4 811774 HESPERIA RD. SUITE B-1 HESPERIA CA. 92345(760) 244-5001 FAX: (760) 244-1948 SDSTEENO@VERIZON.NETARCHITECTURAL & LANDSCAPE DBK ®LUXURY DESIGN GROUPINTERIOR DESIGNCOVER SHEET & PROJECT INFORMATIONSHEET #G-0HEALTHGENERAL INFORMATIONSHEET INDEXFIREBAR BUILDING FLOOR PLANA-1BAR BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-2BAR BUILDING ROOF PLANA-3MULTI-USE BUILDING FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLANA-4GRAND ENTRY & MARQUEEA-6NORTHTO CREATE AN OPEN BAR BUILDING, A MULTI-USE BUILDING TO INCLUDE RESTROOMS, STORAGE, POOL EQUIPMENT AND ARETAIL UNIT, WITH A HABITABLE ROOF DESIGNATED FOR YOGA AND OTHER COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ALIKE. TO CREATE A POOLAND A SPA ALONG WITH BOCCE BALL AND PATANQUE COURSES. TO CREATE A DOG PARK IN A UNDEVELOPED PORTION OF THELOT.TO ENHANCE THE EXISTING ENTRY TO INCLUDE A FIRE MARQUEE, THE EXISTING PARKING STALLS ARE TO REMAIN BUT THEDIRECTION OF TRAFFIC IS MEANT TO BE REVISED AND IMPROVED.VICINITY MAPPROJECTLOCATIONARNOLDPALMERSHOAL CREEKTANGLEWOODFIRESTONETANGLEWOODA V E N U E 5 4P G A B L V D.TANGLEWOODPINEHURST TRA. 020-025SEC. 16 21 T.6S R.7EPGA WESTS P O R T C L U BARUN, INC.STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT4711 S. AMETHYST DR., CHANDLER, AZ. 85249PH: (480) 619-6619 FAX: (480) 248-2747A-0.1OVERALL SITE PLANA-0.2RESORT SITE PLANENGINEERING16490 WALNUT STREET, SUITE B-3HESPERIA, CA. 92345PH: (760) 244-2247CUBIT49-499 EISENHOWER DR. LA QUINTA, CA 92253PH: (442) 666-4508D-1STATEMENT OF OPERATIONSD-2CURRENT SITE PHOTOSC-0PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANMULTI-USE BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-5RENDERR-1LANDSCAPE - TREE PLANL-1ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSE-1LIGHTING PLANE-2LANDSCAPE - SHRUB PLANL-2LANDSCAPE - PLANTERS PLANL-3LANDSCAPE - DOG PARKL-6THEATER / STAGE PLANA-7ATTACHMENT 2ATTACHMENT 2 PGA WEST Sports Club Index sheet 6-6-17 Page Title Page numbers -Cover Page 1 - Index 2 -Statement of Operations 3-4 -Current Site Photos 5-21 -Preliminary Grading Plan 22 -Site Plans and architectural 23-37 -Material Boards 38-39 -Renderings 40-77 -Lighting Cut sheets 78-83 PGA West Sports Club 55-955 PGA Blvd, La Quinta, CA 92253 Preliminary Statement of Operations Description of proposed use – Build a swimming pool as a more family and exercise oriented anchor in the current grass tennis court area. Pool to include lap swimming, splash area for kids/grandkids, water aerobics. Create a casual indoor/outdoor bar capable of delivering an appropriate food and beverage service to the members by the pool and in the bar area. Expand outdoor activities with volleyball/basketball court, 4 bocce ball courts, Dog Park, outdoor chess set. 18 hole putting course designed around 3 holes from each of the six PGA WEST courses. Golf Cart drive-up movie theatre. Provide space for private parties and outdoor venues providing opportunities for additional revenue. Hours of operation Main area - 7AM to 10PM – Hours subject to change per season For main facility Outdoor Theater - 5PM-9PM – Depending on season and weather possibly 2 times a month on Saturday Night Number of employees Pool Attendant - 2 Bartender - 3 Server - 6 Recreations Attendant - 2 List of local/state/federal licenses/permits required As required of the various agencies not only limited to fire, health and building permits Types of equipment and processes used Fitness equipment including aerobics and weight related. Pool leisure/sports equipment. List of any hazardous materials used/stored/produced Pool maintenance materials, cleaning materials all purchased and stored not produced on site. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANICV S T G GP E G GP X X X EW N S CONSTRUCTION NOTES: NORTH PROJECT LOCATION HESPERIA, CA. 92345 760-244-2247 16490 WALNUT STREET, SUITE B-3 (-16)(-15)(-14)(-13)(-12)(-11)(-15)(-5)(-10)(-19)(-18) (-16)(-17)(-15)(-14)(-12)(-13)(-14)(-15)(-5) (-4)(-5)(-10)(-10)(-11)( -13 )(-14)(-16)(-15)(-10)(-08)(-10)(-10)(-12)(-16)(-10)(-13)( - 1 5 ) ( -16 )(-14)(-15)(-16)(-15)(-16)(-17)(-18)(-17)(-19) (-18) (-17 ) (- 1 5 ) (- 1 3 )(-12)(-16)(-15)(-13)(-13)(-13)(-13)(-13)(-13)NORTHP G A B L V D.B Y E H O L E W A YE X I S I T I N G P A T H W A Y 28282828281111101170102040100SCALE = 1:40NEW DOG PARK, SEESHEET C-1 FORENLARGED PLANRESORT GRAND ENTRYSEE SHEET C-2TENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISTENNISBASKETBALL PICKLEBALLPICKLEBALLPICKLEBALLPOOLSPAOPEN BARDOG'S PARKEX. PARKING LOTEX. CLUB HOUSEPATANQUE PATANQUE THEATERGOLF COUSEPING-PONG TRASHSPLASHMULTI-USEBUILDINGLOUNGEEX. CLUB HOUSE TOREMAIN INTACTPROPOSED GOLFCOURSE BY OTHERSFITNESS CENTERTO BE REMODELEDUNDER SEPARATEPERMIT10,300 SQ. FT.OCC: A-3NEW RECREATION AREA, SEEENLARGED SITE PLANSEE SHEET C-1EX. PGA WEST MONUMENTSIGN TO REMAIN INTACTEX. CONC. CURBEX. LANDSCAPE AREAPROPOSED PLANTERS SEEPLANS & ELEVATIONS ON C-2EX. DECORATIVE CONC.TO REMAIN INTACTEX. LANDSCAPE AREAPROPOSED ENTRY MONUMENTSEE SHEET C-2EX. PARKING LOT PLANTERSTO REMAIN INTACTEX. PARKING LOTEX. PARKING LOTEX. PARKING LOTEX. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTTO REMAIN INTACTPROPOSED A.C PAVING@ ALL SHADED AREAEX. WATER METEREX. ELECTRICALEQUIPMENTPROPOSEDDECORATIVE CONC.BOCCE BALL COURT(TYP. OF 4)EX. HAMMERHEAD PER CITY STANDARDSEX. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTEX. DRIVE WAY TO REMAIN INTACTPROPOSED 6' HI. IRONWROUGHT DECORATIVE FENCEPROPOSED 6' HI. IRONWROUGHT DECORATIVE FENCEEX. CONC. CURB & GUTTERPER CITY STANDARDSPORTION OF AN EX. WALL TOBE REMOVED TO PROVIDE A48" WD. MAN DOOR.EX. 8' HI. MASONRY WALLTO REMAIN INTACTEX. LANDSCAPE AREAPROPOSED CONC. WALK-WAYEX. PICKLEBALL COURTSTO REMAIN INTACT (TYP. OF 15)EX. CONC. CURB & GUTTERTO REMAIN INTACTEX. TENNIS COURT TO BE REPLACEDW/ A BASKETBALL COURT. NEW CONC.SLAB TO BE POUR ON PLACEEX. FENCE TO REMAIN INTACTEX. CONC. WALK-WAYS TO REMAINPROPOSED PATANQUE COURTS (TYP. OF 2)DECORATIVE CONC. SLABPROPOSED 6' HI. IRONWROUGHT DECORATIVE FENCEDRIVE-IN GOLF CARTUNDEVELOPED AREAEX. SOD TO REMAINEX. SOD TO REMAINPROPOSED PLANTERS SEEPLANS & ELEVATIONS ON C-2PROPOSED MARQUEE MONUMENTWITH FIRE ELEMENT, SEE SHEET C-2EX. A.D.A. PARKINGTO REMAINADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA A D A A D A ADA ADA ADA 1STEENO DESIGN STUDIO, INC.ARCHITECT: TOM STEENO11774 HESPERIA RD. SUITE B-1PH: 760.244.5001 FX: 760.244.194855955 PGA BLVD.LA QUINTA, CA.APPLICANT / OWNER:ARCHITECT / REPRESENTATIVE:PROJECT DATABUILDING DATAPARKING DATAPROVIDED PARKING:9'x19' ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS9'x19' STANDARD PARKING STALLS=17 SPACES=395 SPACESTOTAL PROVIDED412 SPACESLA QUINTA UTILITIESSITE DATANORTHLEGAL DESCRIPTION:SITE NOTES·CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING RETAINING WALLS TO REMAINTO BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION.·4'-0" WD. MIN. OF NON-SLIPPERY MATERIAL AROUND ALL WATERSURFACE (SWIMMING POOL, SPA, SPLASH PAD)HOURSOCC.S.F.BUILDINGM/U = 5A-2 = 84A-2TOTALS = 15,570 S.F.7:30 am - 11:00 pmA-3 = 155250 OCC.·OPPERATING HOURS MAY VARY AS REQUIRED BY TENANTS·OCCUPANT LOAD BASED ON TABLE A OF THE 2013 CBC. ANDBUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE.·OCCUPANT LOAD MAY VARY AS REQUIRED BY TENANTSBUILDING AREA (TOTAL)A/C PAVING% COVERAGESQ. FOOTAGEAREACONCRETE HARDSCAPE & CURBINGLANDSCAPED AREA 734,695 S.F.PROPOSED LAND AREA & COVERAGE57,700X5.28%LANDSCAPED AREA (BEYOND PROPERTY LINE)GROSS LAND AREA (PRIOR ROAD DEDICATIONS) 25.08 ACRESAREASITE AREA SQ. FOOTAGE67.25%1,092,511 S.F.SCOPE OF WORKTO IMPROVE AN EXISTING FITNESS CENTER BY REMODELING AN EXISTINGBUILDING, TO REMOVE THE EXISTING SUNKEN GRASS TENNIS COURT TOTRANSFORM INTO A MEMBERS ONLY POOL, SPLASH PAD FOR KIDS, AN OPENBAR AND LEISURE FACILITY. TO IMPROVE THE EXISTING WALK-WAY ANDSIDE WAYS ACCORDINGLY TO THE PROPOSED SITE AND FLOOR PLANS. TOCREATE AN STAGE AND A NEW PUTTING GREEN COURSE.775-22-27 (POR LOT 4, POR PAR 2, POR LOT C)PARCEL ID:XSINGLEV - BFIRE SPRINKLERS:STORIES:OCCUPANCY'S: CONSTRUCTION TYPE:ZONE:VICINITY MAPRESTROOM BUILDINGOPEN BARPIZZA KIOSK FITNESS CENTER2,3002,500NOT A PARTTOTAL NET LAND AREA COVERAGE =RLSUBDIVISION: TR 29800M/A-2/A-3/U201,82518.47%86,7857.95%388,38535.55%17010,500= 6TELEPHONE:WATER:ELECTRIC (PROPOSED):DISPOSAL:SEWER XCVWD51501 TYLER ST.COACHELLA, CA. 92236PH: 760-398-2651BURTEC WASTE INDUSTRIES53600 POLK ST.COACHELLA, CA. 92236PH: 760-340-2113IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT81-600 58TH. AVE. #8LA QUINTA, CA. 92253PH: 800-303-7756T.B.D.GAS:SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO.45123 TOWNE ST.INDIO, CA. 922001PH: 800-427-2000PROJECTLOCATIONA V E N U E 5 4P G A B L V D.ARNOLDPALMERSHOAL CREEKTANGLEWOODFIRESTONETANGLEWOODTANGLEWOODPINEHURST 7:30 am - 11:00 pm7:30 am - 11:00 pm7:30 am - 11:00 pmSCALE = 1:40OVERALL SITE PLANTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - RESTROOMSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508A-0.1OVERALLSITE PLAN 2225LANDSCAPED AREA SEE LANDSCAPE PLANSVAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACEWARNING SIGNAGE REGARDING UNAUTHORIZED USE OF DISABLED PARKING SPACESACCESSIBILITY STALL EMBLEM PAINTED AS SHOWNTRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTIONAL ARROWS PAINTED ON PAVING AS SHOWN ON PLANA.D.A. RAMP NOT TO EXCEED 5% SLOPE IN DIRECTION OF RUN AND 2% MAX CROSS SLOPE 48" WIDE ACCESSIBILITY ACCESS W/ BLUE STRIPESPROPOSED 4" NOM. THK. DECORATIVE CONC.@ WALK-WAYS6" WIDE CONCRETE CURB.6" WIDE CONCRETE CURB. W/ 2' PARKING NOSE OVER8' HI SITE LIGHT STANDARD, SEE PLAN FOR NUMBER OF HEADSEXISTING CONC. CURB & GUTTER PER CITY/COUNTN STANDARDS8" THK. REINFORCED CONCRETE PAD W/ 2% MAXIMUM SLOPE AWAY FROM T/EEXTERIOR MOUNT WEATHER-PROOF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARTRUNCATED DOMES, 36" DEPT x WIDTH OF RAMPPROPOSED 2" THK. A.C. PAVING W/ 4" BASE PER SOILS REPORTEDGE OF EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENTEXISTING A.C. CURB 6" BUILDING FIRE RISER, SEE UTILITY & FIRE SPRINKLER PLANSEXISTING DOMESTIC WATER LINE, SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR SIZEEXISTING PVC FIRE / WATER LINE, SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR SIZENEW ON-SITE FIRE HYDRANT, SEE UTILITY PLANEXISTING WATER METERS, SEE UTILITY PLANNEW OFF-SITE FIRE HYDRANT, SEE UTILITY PLAN6" FIRE P.I.V. & F.D.C., SEE UTILITY PLANSEXISTING DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE, SEE UTILITY PLANS PROVIDE (1) DESIGNATED PARKING STALL FOR FUEL EFFICEINT VEHICLES WITH THEWORDS "CLEAN AIR VEHICLE" PAINTED IN THE SAME STALL STRIPING PAINT & SUCH THATTHE LAST WORD ALIGNS WITH THE END OF THE STALL STRIPING AND IS VISIBLE BENEATHA PARKED VEHICLE.PROVIDE PERMANENTLY ANCHORED BICYCLE RACK WITH-IN 200' OF THE ENTRANCE W/CAPACITY FOR 5% OF PARKING STALLS & A MIN. OF (1) TWO-BIKE CAPACITY RACK.EXISTING X' HI. CHAIN LINK FENCING "SIZE" x 6' HI. ACCESSIBLE TRASH ENCLOSURE W/ WOOD LATTICE COVER1121EXISTING PORTION OF RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVEDPROPOSED 6' HI. WROUGHT IRON DECORATIVE FENCEPROPOSED RETAINING WALL PER STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONSPROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN, UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT2324262829303334353638KEYED NOTES403937323127EXISTING 6" PCC DECORATIVE PAVERS OVER COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL PROPOSED LOCATION OF GAS METERPROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER W/ CONC. BOLLARDSEXISTING RETAINING WALL TO BE FUR'D OUT PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSA.D.A. PATH OF TRAVELEXISTING X' WD. CONC. WALK-WAY TO REMAIN INTACT20191817161514131210987654321495541424344464847455051525456535758596062646361EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN INTACTPROPOSED 5' DIA. x 12' MIN. DEPTH DRY WELL W/ 12" OF GRAVEL AROUNDPROPOSED 1,500 GAL. UNDERGROUND WATER TANK FOR SPLASH PADPROPOSED BOCCE BALL COURT PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS4" NOM. THK. DECORATIVE CONC. SLAB BY ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS20" ABV. LOUNGE F.F. WATER FEATURE 20" HI. x 6' DIA. FIRE PIT BY ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS24" WD. DECORATIVE STONESLIP RESISTANT HARD SURFACEPROPOSED SWIMMING POOL (3,740 SQ. FT. OF WATER SURFACE)DECORATIVE STONE AROUND POOL AREA PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSPROPOSED SPA (250 SQ. FT. OF WATER SURFACE)DECORATIVE STONE AROUND SPA AREA PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSPORTABLE POOL/SPA LIFT CHESS BOARD PATTERN DECORATIVE CONCRETE BY ARCHITECTURAL SPEC.NOT USEDMOVIE THEATER / MUSIC STAGE FREE STANDING STRUCTURE20' CLEAR SPAN DECORATIVE IRON GATE W/ AUTOMATIC SYSTEMNATIVE SOIL (UNDEVELOPED AREA)SPLASH PARK WATER TOYS 656766687069CONCRETE PIPE DOG'S FEATUREDOG PARK WATER FOUNTAIN DOG PARK FOOD DISPENSER DOG PARK TRASH BIN AND BAG DISPENSEREX. GATE TO REMAIN INTACT42" MIN. WD. MAN DOOR @ PERIMETER CHAIN LINK FENCE71GARDEN WALL W/ 12" WD. CONC. CAP OVER12" ABOVE POOL LEVEL DECORATIVE CONCRETE PLATFORM 727473777576FOOD TRUCK DESIGNATED LOCATIONPOOL CHAIRS WITHOUT SHADE COVER787981808283POOL CHAIRS WITH SHADE COVERFREE STANDING ENTRY ARCH TO BE 10' HI.9'-0" x 5'-0" PING-PONG TABLE (TYP. OF 3)11'-0" x 16'-0" PIZZA / BBQ KIOSK EXISTING PORTION OF 6" CONC. CURB TO BE REMOVEDDRIVE-IN GOLF CART PARKING (STAGE/THEATER)4TYP.4TYP.7910121313141415171717TYP.2021231224242514772632323712424244444444454545454647UPUPPOND48108.0049 5050515253545424DNDN31.50 34.00 40.00 60.1720.19 EX. DRIVEWAY DN60.0099.0036.45 51.00 25.9591.0016.1711.0022.005723 59606061611TYP.8179.009.0017.00 19.00 24.00 EX. DRIVEWAY 26.77 43.7769( RESTAURANT)OCC: A-2NON-SPRINKLEREDSPLASHPAD581069THE A T E R/ S T A G E 7071727573747619MULTI-USE BLDG.2,400 SF.OCC: M/UNON-SPRINKLEREDOPEN BAR2,880 SF.30.006666435870BOCCE BALLBOCCE BALLBOCCE BALLBOCCE BALL PETANQUE COURT PETANQUE COURT STAIR PLATFORM, SEEENLARGED PLAN ONSHEET C-3MAIN ENTRY STAIR & RAMPENLARGED PLAN ONSHEET C-3THEATER PLANS,SEE SHEET C-5REAR ENTRY STAIR & RAMPENLARGED PLAN ONSHEET C-33D-12D-16D-16D-191' x 67' SWIMMING POOL & SPAUNDER SEPARATE PERMITSPA1D-1MINI GOLF COURSE(BY OTHERS)SEE BAR BUILDING PLANSET FOR ALL DESIGN SPECS.SEE MULTI-USE BLD'G PLANSET FOR ALL DESIGN SPECS.ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA A D A ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA A D A A D A A D A ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA (-16)(-17)(-18)(-17)(-19)6462TYP.1717631265108102323TYP.860666768DOG PARKSCALE = 1:20SCALE = 1:20ENLARGED SITE PLAN0102040100THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - RESTROOMSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508A-0.2ENLARGEDSITE PLANNORTHP G A B L V D. XX-XKEGKEGKEGKEG5-TIER48"X18"5-TIER48"X18"5-TIER48"X18"5-TIER36"X18"5-TIER48"X18"5-TIER48"X18"5-TIER48"X18"5-TIER60"X18"AA-3NORTHA-1OPEN BARFLOOR PLANRESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - BAR BUILDING C15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUPFLOOR PLAN - OPEN BARSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"PREP. SINKSP.ICE CREAM54" REF.54" REF. PANINI & TOASTERS60" REF. UNDERPREP. AREA(2) TURBO CHEFH.S.24" REF.FRYERS48" GRILLFLAT TOPRANGECART PREP. AREA SP.SP.RACKP.R.WASTESWIVELP.O.S.G.W.BOTTLECOOLERSPEED RAILW/ ICE-BINBOTTLE COOLE RSPEED RA ILW/ ICE -B IN GLA S S S I N K HINGEDTOPMIXING STATION (8) BEER TAPS COOLER TRASH H.S.SP.P.O.S.54" REF.CO2100 GAL.W.H.BAG & BOX3-COMP. SINK MOP SINKC.C.33'-2" x 43'-0"NON-CONDITIONLOUNGEBACK BARWALK-INCOOLER10'-0" x 47'-9"10' CLG.KITCHEN8'-6" x 6'-11"10' CLG.LIQUOR8'-6" x 6'-7"8' CLG.OFFICESERVICEAREAPREP. AREA8'-6" x 27'-6"10' CLG.UTILITY37'-2" x 46'-5"10' CLG.BARRAMP SLOPES DOWN 8.33% MAX.RAMP SLOPES DOWN 8.33% MAX.LANDINGLANDING6311244751118'-7"5'-6" 6'-0" 10'-10" 1'-0" OFFSET 18'-0"5'-0"30'-3"2'-0"2'-0"37'-0"60'-0" OVERALL50'-4" 2'-0"2'-0"4'-6"33'-4"4'-6"2'-0"2'-0"S.G .S.G.CO26'-8"LCLCLC19'-8"3'-0"3'-5" 1'-6"104103105106107101102LC108AREA TABULATION:101BAR AREA1,436 SQ. FT.102103104105106=====BACK BAR AREALOUNGE AREA(NON-CONDITION)KITCHEN AREAUTILITY AREAWALK-IN COOLER=426 SQ. FT.1,841 SQ. FT.542 SQ. FT.255 SQ. FT.58 SQ. FT.OFFICE=10865 SQ. FT.CONDITION SPACE:2,850 SQ. FT.WALL LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOL2x4 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C.2x6 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C.SYMBOL LEGENDSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONXX-X#DETAIL / DWG. NO.PAGE NO.VIEW DIRECTION OF WALL#X X-XPAGE NUMBERVIEW DIRECTION OF INTERIORELEVATIONNUMBER OF INTERIOR ELEV.SHOWER HEADKITCHEN FAUCETLAVATORY FAUCETWATER CLOSET2.0 GPM @ 80 PSI1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI1.5 GPM @ 60 PSI1.28 G.P.F.FIXTURE TYPEMAXIMUM FLOW RATEWATER EFFICIENCY SCHEDULE(C.G.C. Sec. 4.303.1)12345678910111213PROVIDE SIGN ABOVE DOOR "DOOR TOREMAIN UNLOCKED WHILE BUILDING ISOCCUPIED"ELECTRICAL PANEL LOCATIONROOF ACCESS HATCH & LADDERDOT LINE INDICATES 30"x48" MIN.CLEAR SPACE REQUIRED PERCHAPTER 11, 2016 C.B.C.34" MAX. HEIGHT COUNTERTOP PER ADASTANDARDS42" MAX. HEIGHT COUNTERTOPNANA-WALL SYSTEM PER SHOP DRAWINGSFIRE NOTES1.EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALLTIMES. TO INSURE CONTINUED ILLUMINATIONFOR A DURATION OF NOT LESS THAN 90MINUTES IN CASE OF PRIMARY POWER LOSS,THE SIGN SHALL BE CONNECTED TO ASTORAGE BATTERY, UNIT EQUIPMENT OR ANON-SITE GENERATOR.2.FIRE ALARM PANEL TO BE LOCATED IN FIRERISER ROOM.3.MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOXES SHALL BELOCATED NOT MORE THAN 5 FEET FROM THEENTRANCE TO EACH EXIT. (CBC 907.4.2.)4.MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOXES SHALL BE AMINIMUM OF 42" AND A MAXIMUM OF 48" A.F.F.(CBC 907.4.2)5.MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOXES CONTROL ANDOPERATING MECHANISIMS SHALL BEOPERABLE WITH ONE HAND WITHOUT TIGHTGRASPING, PINCHING OR TWISTING OF THEWRIST. THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO ACTIVECONTROLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 5POUNDS-FORCE.6.PROVIDE VISIBLE ALARM IN PUBLICRESTROOMS AND EMPLOYEE RESTROOMS,CONFERENCE ROOMS AND LOBBIES (CBC907. STORAGE=68 SQ. FT.36" MAX. HEIGHT COUNTERTOP2x6 STUD LOW WALLDENOTES DOOR NUMBER SEEDOOR SCHEDULE SHEET AD-5REFERS TO WINDOW SCHEDULESEE SHEET A-5DETAIL NUMBER DESIGNATIONPAGE NUMBER DESIGNATIONFLOOR PLAN NOTES1E1E2E3234567888STEEL COLUMN PER STR. SPEC.9TYP.9TYP.E2E2LINE OF ROOF OHG. ABOVE7'-6" HI. STUDS WALLLINE OF NANA-WALLTRACK SYSTEMFRAM'D. COLUMNS W/ STONEVENEER OVER. SEE FIN. SCHD.VOIDLINE OF SOFFITSEE R.C.P.LINE OF CLG. HIPCEILING SLOPES DOWNCEILING SLOPES DOWN CEILING SLOPES DOWNCEILINGSLOPESDOWN 012510F.D.F.D.F.D.F.D.F.D.21'-2"15'-0" 12" LITE-CAST STONE CAP10STEPPED WATER FEATURE W/ MOSAIC TILEOVER111314PLANTER, SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN1415161712" LITE-CAST STONE CAP. BY DBK GROUP131413148'-2"5'-8"2'-6"5 SHELVES5 SHELVES 5 SHELVESF.S. F.S.F.S. F.S.D.W.F.S.ICE M./ BIN.1-1/2" Ø HANDRAIL TO BE 34" MIN. 36" MAX.A.F.F.1515F.S.WALL MOUNTED SIGNAGE( MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY 110 )1617LIGHTS & MEDIA CONTROLLERWAITRESSSTATION15DRINK RAIL18191812" HI. CMU WALL W/ STACKED STONEVENEER W/ 12" LITE-CAST STONE CAP OVERFIRE PIT EQUIPMENT192X STUDS @ 16" O.C.W/ MASONRY VENEERCO2LINE OF NANA-WALLTRACK SYSTEMSINK16"x30" LIGHT BOX. SEE DETAIL XXSHEET X-X FOR REFERENCE121220STACKED STONE VENEER202052'-0" OVERALL4'-8"42'-8"3'-5"1'-3"4'-8"15"3'-5"7'-1"27'-10"7'-9"8'-0"52'-0"5'-0"42'-0"5'-0"23'-6"18'-6"3"23'-0"3"60'-0" OVERALL8'-0"52'-0"5'-0"42'-0"5'-0"23'-6"18'-6"3"23'-0"3"5'-0"11'-6"4'-6"1'-6"9'-6"4'-6"11'-6"5'-8"1'-4"1'-6"1'-3"2'-3"1'-8"2'-1" 3'-5" 6'-0" 1'-6"4'-6"6"5'-0"6"4'-6"2'-9"WAITRESSSTATIONLINE OF SOFFITSEE R.C.P.3 / K-11 / K-1 5 / K-1 2 / K-14 / K-16 / K-1 2 / K-18 / K-1 7 / K-111 / K-110 / K-19 / K-112"7'-7"27'-4"12"8'-7"18'-0"9" 6"6'-9"1'-3"6'-9"1'-3"422121"AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" SIGN2'-9"30'-3"6'-0"39'-0"AA-3 OPEN BAR - WEST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"OPEN BAR - EAST ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"11'-7"21'-1"6'-0" TYP.25'-7"A-2THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUPOPEN BARELEVATIONS7/8" THK. STUCCOOPEN BAR - SOUTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"OPEN BAR - NORTH ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - BAR BUILDING C15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 7'-6"ST-1STUCCO W/ ACRYLIC FINISH : MFGR: DUNN EDWARDSCOLOR: DE6065 STUDIO WHITECOLOR & MATERIAL SCHEDULEST-2STUCCO W/ ACRYLIC FINISH : MFGR: DUNN EDWARDSCOLOR: DEA161 WILD MUSTANG1.5" ALUMINUM CHANNEL W/ LIGHT DIFUSSER & L.E.D.CONTINUOUS STRIPEAC-1 ALUMINUM FRAME STOREFRONT COLOR: BRONZE POWDER COATEDSF-1CL-1SS-17/8" STUCCO CEILING WITH EXP. METAL LATH.COLOR: SUGAR WHITESTACKED STONE VENEERMFGR: EMSER COLOR: SUGAR WHITEGR-11-1/2" Ø MIN. STEEL GUARDRAILCOLOR: DARK BRONZE / OIL RUBBED BRONZEFINISH FLOOR MATERIAL: TILEBRAND: EMSER MODEL: CITADEL COLOR: BEIGETL-1FINISH FLOOR MATERIAL: TILEBRAND: EMSER MODEL: RECLAIM 8"x72" COLOR: BROWNTL-2ST-1ST-26" WD. OF COLOR CHANGE7/8" THK. STUCCOSTACKED STONE VENEERSS-17/8" THK. STUCCOST-21'-6"LINE OF FINISH FLOORLINE OF RAMP FINISH FLOORSTACKED STONE VENEERSS-110'-6"RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE1-1/2" Ø HANDRAIL TO BE34" MIN. 36" MAX. A.F.F.GR-1STACKED STONE VENEERSS-1LINE OF METAL TRIM AROUNDCOLOR: DARK BRONZEFINISH FLOOR MATERIAL: MOSAIC TILEBRAND: TBD MODEL: BLUE BUBBLES COLOR: LIGHT BLUETL-3ADA RAMP TO BE 8.33%MAX SLOPE6" CONC. CURB(WHEEL GUIDE)7/8" THK. STUCCOST-1ST-26" WD. OF COLOR CHANGE7/8" THK. STUCCOSKYLIGHT PER WINDOW SCHD.WALL SCONCE TYP. BRAND& MODEL BY DBK GROUP24"x48" NICHE W/ TILE OVERTL-3FLOOR FINISHTL-1STEPS FINISHTL-229'-1"SKYLIGHT PER WINDOW SCHD.9'-2"STEPPED WATER FEATUREW/ MOSAIC TILE OVERTL-3SHEER DESCENTS BY: DBKPRE CAST STONE CAPBY: DBK GROUP7/8" THK. STUCCOST-1ST-26" WD. OF COLOR CHANGE7/8" THK. STUCCOSKYLIGHT PER WINDOW SCHD.1-1/2" Ø HANDRAIL TO BE34" MIN. 36" MAX. A.F.F.GR-1NANA-WALL TYPE OF DOOR7/8" THK. STUCCOST-1LINE OF FINISH FLOOR3'-0" 1'-6"FLOOR FINISHTL-1STEPS FINISHTL-2STACKED STONE VENEERSS-1PRE CAST STONE CAPBY: DBK GROUP3'-0" 1'-6" 9'-8" 11'-7" 10'-1"FIRE PIT EQUIPMENTBY: DBK GROUP THE PRIMARY & SECONDARY DRAIN PIPING TO BE CAST IRON & 3" DIA.FOR 3"/HR. RAINFALL AND SLOPED A MINOF 1/2" PER 12". (2016 CPC TABLE 1101.8)A-3THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - BAR BUILDING C15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 SLOPE1" : 12"SLOPE1 " : 1 2 " S LO P E 1 " : 1 2 "SLOPE1" : 12"SLOPE 3/8" : 12" SLOPE 3/8" : 12"66'-0"60'-0"6'-0"52'-0"6'-0"40'-0"6'-0"8'-0"60'-0" 44'-0" 32'-0"6'-0" 8'-0" 6'-0" 8'-0" 60'-0" 46'-8"6'-8"6'-8" 1'-4" OFFSET 1'-4" OFFSET 5'-0" CANTILEVER2'-0" CANTILEVER2'-0" CANTILEVER PARAPET HEIGHT15'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT22'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT18'-6" ABV. F.F.LINE OF STEEL BEAMPER STR. SPECIFICATIONSAC-12,500 LBS.BAR - ROOF PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"NORTHSLOPE1" : 12"SLOPE1" : 12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"S LO P E1":12"S LO P E 1 " : 1 2 "SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"S LO P E1":12"SLOPE 1":12" SLOPE 1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE 1":12" SLOPE 1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE 1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE 1":12"SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1" : 12"LINE OF STEEL BEAMPER STR. SPECIFICATIONSLINE OF STEEL BEAMPER STR. SPECIFICATIONSCOMBINATION ROOF DRAIN ANDOVERFLOW IN 22"x30" RECESS(TYP. OF 4)SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"HIP RIDGEHIP RIDGEHIP RIDGEH I P R I DG E TOP OF CURB22'-6" ABV. F.F.BARROOF PLAN3'-0"PROVIDE 24" WIDE x 6"HIGH DRAIN OPENINGS(TYP OF 7)8A-4SLOPE1":12"SLOPE1":12"ROOF MECHANICAL PLATFORM1A-412" ROOF FRAMING @ 24" O.C.3/4" THK. OSB ROOF SHEATHINGFASTENED W/ #10 TEK SCREWS @6" O.C. AT EDGES & SUPPORTS &12" O.C. AT FIELD. -A.P.A RATED W/RADIANT BARRIERAC DUCTINGAC UNIT7/8" THK. STUCCO2A-36" WD. 18 GA. MTL. STUDSPARAPET WALL @ 16" O.C.6" WD. 18 GA. TRACKFASTENED W/(3) #12TEK SCREWS @ 16"VOID10A-36" 18 GA. JOISTS@ 24" O.C. TYP.1SCALE:3/8" = 1'-0"10" 20 GA. METAL3" OVERFLOW PIPE& CAST IRON DOME FLASHING"SMITH" ROOF DRAIN W/COLLAR & DECK CLAMP18" X 30" PAN W/ 4" DRAINTPO ROOFINGROOF SHEATHING#2 LEAD FLASHING SHEETROOF DRAIN DETAIL2SCALE:1" = 1'-0"3" PRIMARY DRAIN PIPE3-5/8" 20 GA. METAL FRAMING30"PER PLANFRAMINGGLUED-DOWN ASTROTURF,SEE ROOF PLAN FORLOCATIONS2A-4SLOPE1" : 12 "SLOPE1" : 12"SL O P E 1" : 1 2 "SLOPE1" : 12 "SLOPE1" : 12"NOTE:MUST BE PLUMBED SEPARATELY6" MIN.WALL FRAMING PER PLANPER PLANGLUED-DOWN ASTROTURF ATSHADED LOWER LEVEL ROOFSAREAS ONLYPARAPET HEIGHT15'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT22'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT18''-6" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT15'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT22'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT18'-6" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT15'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT22'-0" ABV. F.F.PARAPET HEIGHT18'-6" ABV. F.F.30" x 36" BILCOROOF ACCESS HATCH7S-2DRAIN ZONE 1DRAIN ZONE 1DRAIN ZONE 1DRAIN ZONE 3DRAIN ZONE 3DRAIN ZONE 3DRAIN ZONE 2 DRAIN ZONE 2 DRAIN ZONE 2 DRAIN ZONE 4 DRAIN ZONE 4 DRAIN ZONE 4 ROOF DIAPHRAGM3/4" THK. OSB ROOF SHEATHING FASTENED W/ #10 TEKSCREWS @ 6" O.C. AT EDGES & SUPPORTS & 12" O.C. AT FIELD.-A.P.A RATED W/ RADIANT BARRIERROOF DRAINS3"/HR. RAINFALL AND SLOPED A MIN OF 1/2" PER 12". = 2,192 SF. OF AREA4"/HR. RAINFALL AND SLOPED A MIN OF 1/2" PER 12". = 5,010 SF. OF AREAALLOWABLE: (2016 CPC. TABLE 1101.8)ZONE 1:DRAIN AREAS:ROOF AREA =PARAPET WALL AREAS =TOTAL AREA898 S.F.568 S.F.1,466 S.F.USE 3" ROOF DRAINSZONE 2:ROOF AREA =PARAPET WALL AREAS =TOTAL AREA870 S.F.526 S.F.1,396 S.F.USE 3" ROOF DRAINSZONE 3:ROOF AREA =PARAPET WALL AREAS =TOTAL AREA898 S.F.568 S.F.1,466 S.F.USE 3" ROOF DRAINSZONE 4:ROOF AREA =PARAPET WALL AREAS =TOTAL AREA1,088 S.F.1,218 S.F.2,306 S.F.USE 4" ROOF DRAINSVERTICAL T-JOINT COVER - TYP.(SEE NOTE #6)CURBCUT EDGE SEALANT (SEE NOTE #5)BUILDING PRODUCTSNOBODY COVERS YOU BETTER.www.firestonebpco.comTM1. REFER TO FIRESTONE WEBSITE FOR MOST CURRENT INFORMATION.2. ULTRAPLY TPO CUSTOM CURB FLASHING COMES IN CUSTOM SIZES TO FIT SPECIFIC CURB SIZES.3. REFER TO DETAIL UT-LS-2 FOR WELD.4. BONDING ADHESIVE IS REQUIRED BETWEEN CURB AND ULTRAPLY TPO CUSTOM CURB FLASHING IN FULLYADHERED SYSTEMS WHEN THE MEMBRANE CAN NOT BE ATTACHED "UP & OVER" THE CURB, OR CURBS WHICHARE GREATER THAN 12" (300 mm.) IN HEIGHT.5. CUT EDGE SEALANT SHALL BE APPLIED TO ANY EDGES WHERE SCRIM REINFORCEMENT IS EXPOSED PERDETAIL UT-LS-14.6. VERTICAL T-JOINT COVERS REQUIRED AT ALL VERTICAL TRANSITIONS ON NON-FACTORY WELDS.7. F IELD T-JOINT COVERS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH T-JOINT WHERE THE FLASHING MEETS THE TPO FIELDMEMBRANE. FIELD T-JOINT COVERS ARE NOT REQUIRED WHEN 45 MIL. CURB FLASHINGS ARE USED.2" (5 cm) MIN. HAND WELD AT JOININGLAP OF CURB FLASHING (TYP.)CUT EDGE SEALANT (SEE NOTE #5)FIELD T-JOINT COVER - TYP.ULTRAPLY TPOCUSTOM CURBFLASHINGULTRAPLY TPOMEMBRANECUSTOM CURB TPO FLASHINGSCALE:NTSBUILDING PRODUCTSNOBODY COVERS YOU BETTER.www.firestonebpco.comTM1. REFER TO FIRESTONE WEBSITE FOR MOST CURRENT INFORMATION.2. REFER TO UT-LS-1 OR UT-LS-2 FOR WELD WIDTH.3. ULTRAPLY TPO FLASHING (UNSUPPORTED) MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF PRE-MOLDED ULTRAPLY TPOINSIDE/OUTSIDE CORNER FOR A MAXIMUM WARRANTY OF 15 YEARS.4. WHEN REINFORCEMENT OF TPO MEMBRANE IS EXPOSED, REFER TO UT-LS-14 FOR CUT EDGE SEALANTAPPLICATION.USE APPROPRIATETERMINATION DETAILUSE APPROPRIATEBASE TIE-IN DETAILULTRAPLY PRE-MOLDEDTPO INSIDE/OUTSIDECORNER WELDED INPLACE (SEE NOTE #3)WELDED SPLICE(SEE NOTE #4)ULTRAPLY TPOMEMBRANEINNER CORNER SPLICEBUILDING PRODUCTSNOBODY COVERS YOU BETTER.www.firestonebpco.comTM6" (152 mm)1. REFER TO FIRESTONE WEBSITE FOR MOST CURRENT INFORMATION.WHEN POLYESTER REINFORCEMENT OF TPOIS EXPOSED, APPLY CUT EDGE TREATMENT TOENTIRE EXPOSED EDGE. REFER TO UT-LS-14.LAP SPLICE WITH 2" HAND WELDNTS2" (51 mm) MIN.2" (51 mm) MIN.1/2" MIN.FIRESTONE HD FASTENER ANDHD or HD PLUS SEAM PLATESLOPE2" (51mm) MIN.SCALE:5/8" THK. ROOF SHEATHING1" RESISTA1/2" (13 mm) MIN.SEE NOTESULTRAPLY TPO MEMBRANEWATER DAM COMPRESSION RINGSTRAINER BASKETCOMPRESSION RINGSTRAINER BASKETOVERFLOWROOF DRAINPRIMARYROOF DRAIN12" (305 mm)1. REFER TO FIRESTONE WEBSITE FOR THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION.2. HOLE IN MEMBRANE SHOULD EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 1/2" (13 mm) BEYOND CLAMPING RING AND SHOULD NOT BE SMALLER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE LEADER PIPE.3. INSULATION ADJACENT TO DRAIN TO BE APPROPRIATE FIRESTONE INSULATION WITH APPROPRIATE BONDING SURFACE.4. FIRESTONE WATERBLOCK MIN 1/2 OF10 OZ. (295 ml) TUBE PER 4" DRAIN. USE ADDITIONAL WATERBLOCK FOR LARGER DRAINS.5. IN REROOF APPLICATIONS: -REMOVE EXISTING FLASHING DOWN TO METAL BOWL. -REPAIR OR REPLACE BROKEN DRAINS COMPONENTS. -DRILL AND TAP BROKEN DRAINS BOLTS AND REPLACE IF NECESSARY.SUMP AREA FIELD SEAM REQUIREMENTS. A. IF FIELD SEAM EDGE IS WITHIN 9" (229 mm) OF DRAIN COMPRESSION RING,TPO TARGET PATCH REQUIRED. B. IF FIELDS SEAM EDGE IS WITHIN 9" (229 mm) TO 18" (457 mm) OF DRAINCOMPRESSION RING, HEAT WELD A LAYER OF ULTRAPLY TPO FLASHING(UNSUPPORTED) OR ULTRAPLY TPO MEMBRANE CENTERED OVER SEAMEDGE. FLASHING MUST EXEND 3" (76 mm) MIN. BEYOND EDGE OF SUMP.ULTRAPLY BONDING ADHESIVE(ADHERED SYSTEM ONLY)CONTINUOUS BEAD OFFIRESTONE WATERBLOCK(TYP.)(SEE NOTE #4)1" MAX.(25 mm)BUILDING PRODUCTSNOBODY COVERS YOU BETTER.www.firestonebpco.comTMINSULATION(SEE NOTES)5/8" THK. ROOF SHEATHINGROOF DRAIN WITH INTEGRATED OVERFLOW3SCALE:N.T.S.453A-45A-4TYP.SCALE:NTS6" (152 mm) MIN.NOTES:1. REFER TO FIRESTONE WEBSITE FOR MOST CURRENT INFORMATION.2. REFER TO UT-LS-1 OR UT-LS-2 FOR WELD WIDTH.3. ULTRAPLY TPO FLASHING (UNSUPPORTED) MAY BE USED IN LIEU OFPRE-MOLDED ULTRAPLY TPO INSIDE/OUTSIDE CORNER FOR A MAXIMUMWARRANTY OF 15 YEARS.4. WHEN REINFORCEMENT OF TPO MEMBRANE IS EXPOSED, REFER TOUT-LS-14 FOR CUT EDGE SEALANT APPLICATION.ULTRAPLY TPO 18" CURBFLASHING OR MEMBRANE HEATWELDED TO ULTRAPLY TPOFIELD SHEET (SEE NOTE #2 & #4)76BUILDING PRODUCTSNOBODY COVERS YOU BETTER.www.firestonebpco.comTMOUTSIDE CORNER SPLICEUSE APPROPRIATEBASE TIE-IN DETAILUSE APPROPRIATETERMINATION DETAILULTRAPLY PRE-MOLDEDTPO INSIDE/OUTSIDECORNER WELDED INPLACE (SEE NOTE #3)ULTRAPLY TPOMEMBRANE (FIELD SHEET)SUBSTRATEWALLWALLULTRAPLY TPO QUICKPRIMEULTRAPLY TPO BONDING ADHESIVEWOOD NAILER (SEE NOTE #3)ULTRAPLY TPO MEMBRANEULTRAPLY TPO MEMBRANENOTES:1. REFER TO FIRESTONE WEBSITE FOR THE MOSTCURRENT INFORMATION.2. SCUPPER MUST BE WELDED METAL SLEEVE ROUNDALL SHEET METAL FLANGE CORNERS.3. WOOD NAILER MUST BE INSTALLED TO MEETAPPLICABLE BUILDING CODES OR 200 LINEAR 200 LBSIN ANY GIVEN DIRECTION.4. FLANGE OF METAL MUST BE FULLY SUPPORTED BYWOOD AND TERMINATED AT LEAST 1/2" (13 mm) FROMEDGE OF WOOD.5. SEE UT-S-1a & UT-S-1b FOR DETAILED INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS.CONTINUOUS BEAD OF ULTRAPLYTPO GP SEALANT (TYP.)5" QUICKSEAM FLASHING CENTEREDOVER EDGE OF SCUPPER FLANGECONTINUOUS BEAD OFFIRESTONE WATERBLOCKAPPROPRIATE FASTENER4" (102mm) O.C. MAXWELDED METAL SCUPPER SLEEVE(SEE NOTE #2)1-1/4" HOT DIPPED GALVANIZEDROOF NAILS 4" (102 mm) O.C. MAX.5" QUICKSEAM FLASHING CENTEREDOVER EDGE OF SCUPPER SLEEVEULTRAPLY TPO BONDING ADHESIVE(ADHERED SYSTEM ONLY)CONTINUOUS BEAD OFULTRAPLY TPO BONDING GPSEALANT OR HIGH GRADEURETHANE SEALANT9" QUICKSEAM FORMFLASHCENTERED OVER5" QUICKSEAM FLASHING ATBASE OF SCUPPER ONLYSLOTTED METALGRAVEL STOP(BALLASTED SYSTEMONLY)THRU-WALL SCUPPER (WELDED SLEEVE)USE APPROPRIATETERMINATION DETAILSCALE:NTS8120LBSEF-2MAU-1AC-12,500 LBS.30'-0"LC23'-4"LC 30'-0"LC30'-0" LC NORTHFILTERPUMPHEATER 16'-0" x 38'-0"10' CLG.WOMEN10'-8" x 38'-6"(OPEN TO TRUSSES)STORAGE11'-0" x 6'-6"11' CLG.COVEREDENTRYEQUIPMENTROOM14'-2" x 21'-4"(OPEN TO TRUSSES)AQUATIC & GOLFACCESSORIES14'-2" x 16'-4"10' CLG.W.C.W.C.W.C.W.C.UR.UR.UNISEXFAMILY R.R.PASS THRU (15) LOCKERSW.C.UR. (15) LOCKERS W.C.STAIRS UP LAV. LAV.LAV. LAV.MOPSUPPLYROOMLAV.DISP.DISP.DISP.DISP.W.H.LAV. LAV.W.C.UR.10'-9" x 11'-6"10' CLG.2x STUDS WALL@ 16" O.C. TYP.STOREFRONTCOLOR: CLEARANODIZEDRISE: 7" MAX.STEP: 11" MIN.STEPS: 281-HOUR FIRE RATEDWALL W/ 5/8" THK.TYPE 'X' DRYWALLTO REACH BOT. OFROOF SHEATHING48'-4"14'-8"6'-6"4'-4"5'-8"5'-10"4'-6"6'-10"11'-2"60'-2"145' -0 " M IN .5' -0 " M IN .5' -0 " M IN .5'-0" MIN.5'-0" MIN.444433'-4" 1'-0" 8'-0"7'-7"10'-11"5'-10" 16'-1" 1'-6"4'-6" 10'-1" 2'-0"9" 2'-9"4'-0"8"2'-8"2'-0"2'-8"2'-8"50'-1" 2'-4" 6'-2"8'-8"3'-10"3'-10"GENTLEMEN16'-0" x 32'-6"10' CLG.3'-1"3'-2"4'-9" 11'-0"61'-6"19'-9"12'-5"11'-4"14'-8"2'-8"12'-8"4'-5"2'-8"4'-3"1'-11" 2'-8"2'-0"9"19'-9"2'-8"16'-8"8"2'-8"3'-6"11'-3"7'-8"3'-0"12'-6"26'-6"11123333333333456'-8"2'-8"3'-7"1'-6"1'-0"7'-11"2'-10"4'-2"7'-0"17'-1"38'-2"8'-8"6'-7"7'-7"8'-0"5'-0"25'-0"55551'-0" MIN. 6'-3"34" MIN. 38" MAX.HI. WALL1DASHED LINE INDICATESROOF STRUCTURE ABV.7'-7"LC1-1/2"Ø GUARDRAIL@ 42" MAX. HI. TOWITHSTAND 200LBSSTACKED STONE VENEER62"x62" SHOWERHOT MOPTILE OVER62"x62" SHOWERHOT MOPTILE OVERPROPOSED CMURETAINING WALL36"x72"PRE-FAB.ADASHOWER5'-6"1'-6"5'-8"3'-10" 8'-6"FUR-OUT CMU WALLW/ 2x4 STUDS @ 16"O.C. TYP.GASLANDINGLANDINGMULTI-USE BLDG. FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1'-5" 1'-5"1'-9"AA-3AA-31S-12S-1B A-3 B A-3 C A-3 6776TYP.2'-8"3"9"5'-6"1'-0"9"1'-11"LINE OF ROOF BOUNDARY ABV.LINE OF ROOF BEAM ABV.3'-6"2'-4"2'-8"5'-11"8"66FILTERFILTERFILTERHEATERPUMP PUMP PUMP A.B.PUMPFILTERPUMPPUMPFILTERFILTERFILTERHEATERHP-1HP-2TRUSS MOUNTEDAH-18"4'-3" 2'-8"8"22'-2"16'-10" 9"1'-11"2'-8"17'-1"2'-8"16'-8"2'-8"17'-1"2'-8"61'-6"2'-8"16'-5"2'-8"16'-6"2'-8" 25'-1" 50'-9" 3'-3" 6'-7"19'-1"68'-2"22'-7"23'-0"22'-7"3'-4"2'-8"16'-7"16'-7"6'-0"MULTI-USE BLDG. ROOF PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SLOPE DOWN1/4" : 12"SLOPE DOWN1/4" : 12" SLOPE DOWN 1/4" : 12" SLOPE DOWN 1/4" : 12"6"x22" DRAINAGE INLET(TYP. OF 15)20SD-2PLANTERS1S-232" FRAMED COLUMNW/ STACKED STONEVENEER OVER TYP.5SD-210"Ø ROUND STEELPOST BY: OTHERSLINE OF SHADE STR. ABV.2x6 PARAPET W/ STUDS@ 16" O.C. TYP.19SD-21-1/2" GUARDRAIL@ 42" ABV. F.F.19SD-2DN2'-0"18'-7"4'-0"8"18'-7"4'-0"2'-0"8"4'-0" 9"1'-11" 2"2'-6"2'-0"8"LINE OF ROOF RIDGELINE OF ROOF BOUNDARY(FLUSH W/ SIDEWALK)STAIR PLAN 10SD-2LINE OF ROOFBEAM UNDERLINE OF ROOFBEAM UNDER4'-0"4'-0"SIMILARAREA TABULATION:101BAR AREA1,436 SQ. FT.102103104105106=====BACK BAR AREALOUNGE AREA(NON-CONDITION)KITCHEN AREAUTILITY AREAWALK-IN COOLER=426 SQ. FT.1,841 SQ. FT.542 SQ. FT.255 SQ. FT.58 SQ. FT.OFFICE=10865 SQ. FT.CONDITION SPACE:2,850 SQ. FT.WALL LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSYMBOL2x4 STUDS WALL @ 16" O.C.2x6 STUDS WALL @ 16" O.C.SYMBOL LEGENDSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONXX-X#XXDETAIL / DWG. NO.PAGE NO.VIEW DIRECTION OF WALL#X XPAGE NUMBER ( A-9 )VIEW DIRECTION OF INTERIORELEVATIONNUMBER OF INTERIOR ELEV.SHOWER HEADKITCHEN FAUCETLAVATORY FAUCETWATER CLOSET2.0 GPM @ 80 PSI1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI1.5 GPM @ 60 PSI1.28 G.P.F.FIXTURE TYPEMAXIMUM FLOW RATEWATER EFFICIENCY SCHEDULE(C.G.C. Sec. 4.303.1)12345678910111213PROVIDE SIGN ABOVE DOOR "DOOR TOREMAIN UNLOCKED WHILE BUILDING ISOCCUPIED"ELECTRICAL PANEL LOCATIONDOT LINE INDICATES MIN. CLEAR SPACEREQUIRED PER CHAPTER 11, 2016 C.B.C.34" MAX. HEIGHT COUNTERTOP PER ADASTANDARDSFIRE NOTES1.EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALLTIMES. TO INSURE CONTINUED ILLUMINATIONFOR A DURATION OF NOT LESS THAN 90MINUTES IN CASE OF PRIMARY POWER LOSS,THE SIGN SHALL BE CONNECTED TO ASTORAGE BATTERY, UNIT EQUIPMENT OR ANON-SITE GENERATOR.2.FIRE ALARM PANEL TO BE LOCATED IN FIRERISER ROOM.3.MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOXES SHALL BELOCATED NOT MORE THAN 5 FEET FROM THEENTRANCE TO EACH EXIT. (CBC 907.4.2.)4.MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOXES SHALL BE AMINIMUM OF 42" AND A MAXIMUM OF 48" A.F.F.(CBC 907.4.2)5.MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOXES CONTROL ANDOPERATING MECHANISIMS SHALL BEOPERABLE WITH ONE HAND WITHOUT TIGHTGRASPING, PINCHING OR TWISTING OF THEWRIST. THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO ACTIVECONTROLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 5POUNDS-FORCE.6.PROVIDE VISIBLE ALARM IN PUBLICRESTROOMS AND EMPLOYEE RESTROOMS,CONFERENCE ROOMS AND LOBBIES (CBC907. STORAGE=68 SQ. FT.2x6 STUDS LOW WALLDENOTES DOOR NUMBER SEEDOOR SCHEDULE SHEET AD-2REFERS TO WINDOW SCHEDULESEE SHEET A-8DETAIL NUMBER DESIGNATIONPAGE NUMBER DESIGNATIONFLOOR PLAN NOTESHI. & LOW DRINKING FOUNTAINS PERCHAPTER 11, 2016 C.B.C.30"x48" MIN. CLEAR SPACE REQUIRED PERCHAPTER 11, 2016 C.B.C.20" WD. MIN. x 48" MIN. BENCH PER ADASTANDARDS. SEE A-5 FOR SPECS.A-4THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - RESTROOMSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508MULTI-USEBUILDINGFLOOR PLAN&ROOF PLAN A-5THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - RESTROOMSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508SIDE ELEVATION - WESTSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FRONT ELEVATION - SOUTHSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"SIDE ELEVATION - EASTSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"BACK ELEVATION - SOUTHSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FRAM'D. COLUMN W/ STACKEDSTONE VENEER OVER4" THK. LITE-CAST COLUMN CAPSHADE STRUCTURE BY OTHERSLIGHT FIXTURE TYP.34" MIN. 36" MAX. 2x6 FRAM'D.RAILGUARD W/ 7/8" THK.STUCCO OVER42" MIN. HEIGHT. 1-1/2" ØGUARDRAIL TO WITHSTAND200 Lbs. @ ALL POINTS.3'-0" 3'-6" 11'-1" FROM F.F. TO TOP PLATE 15'-0" 16'-6" 9'-9" FROM F.F. TO BOT. OF HDR.7/8" THK. STUCCO34" MIN. 36" MAX. 2x6 FRAM'D.RAILGUARD W/ 7/8" THK.STUCCO OVER42" MIN. HEIGHT. 1-1/2"Ø MIN.GUARDRAIL TO WITHSTAND200 Lbs. @ ALL POINTS.6'-9"6'-7" 13'-7"10'-7" 24'-2" OVERALL BUILDING F.F. TO F.F.42" WD. DR. TO MATCHEXTERIOR FINISH2"x3" STEEL TUBINGCOLOR: TO MATCH FENCINGLO. & HI. DRINKING FOUNTAINPER ADA STANDARDS34" MIN. 42" MAX. 11'-3"2'-6"10'-5" 24'-2"34" MIN. 36" MAX. 2x6 FRAM'D.RAILGUARD W/ 7/8" THK.STUCCO OVER42" MIN. HEIGHT. 1-1/2"Ø MIN.GUARDRAIL TO WITHSTAND200 Lbs. @ ALL POINTS.FRAM'D. COLUMN W/ STACKEDSTONE VENEER OVER4" THK. LITE-CAST COLUMN CAPLINE OF RESTROOM FIN. FLOORLINE OF RETAINING WALL BEYONDLINE OF BOT. OF TRUSSES11'-1"15'-0"16'-6"17'-0"4'-4"±6'-0" 10'-5"FRAM'D. COLUMN W/ STACKEDSTONE VENEER OVER4" THK. LITE-CAST COLUMN CAPSHADE STRUCTURE BY OTHERS34" MIN. 36" MAX. 2x6 FRAM'D.RAILGUARD W/ 7/8" THK.STUCCO OVER42" MIN. HEIGHT. 1-1/2"Ø MIN.GUARDRAIL TO WITHSTAND200 Lbs. @ ALL POINTS.LINE OF ROOF FIN. FLOORLINE OF RESTROOM FIN. FLOORLINE OF RETAINING WALL BEYONDFRAM'D. O.H. PLANTERS1" WD. ALUMINUMSTUCCO SCREEDSTOREFRONT SYSTEMCOLOR: BRONZEEX. RETAINING WALLTO REMAIN IN PLACELINE OF PROPOSEDRETAINING WALLFRAM'D. O.H. PLANTERS1" WD. ALUMINUMSTUCCO SCREED17'-0" 15'-0" 11'-0" 17'-6" 2'-10" 6'-10" 3'-0" 3'-6"COND.UNIT 1COND.UNIT 2SERVICE WINDOWCOLOR: CLEAR ANODIZED(SEE SHEET A-4 FOR REFERENCE)48" LG. x 8" WD. x 2" THK.QUARTZ COUNTERTOPCOLOR: MONT BLANC7/8" THK. STUCCOLINE OF STEPSMTL. LOUVERS DOORSPAINTED TO MATCH BLDG.42" MIN. HEIGHT. 1-1/2"Ø MIN.GUARDRAIL TO WITHSTAND200 Lbs. @ ALL POINTS.ST-1STUCCO W/ ACRYLIC FINISH : MFGR: DUNN EDWARDSCOLOR: DE6065 STUDIO WHITE ALUMINUM FRAME STOREFRONT COLOR: BRONZE POWDER COATEDCOLOR & MATERIAL SCHEDULESF-1CL-1SS-17/8" STUCCO CEILING WITH EXP. METAL LATH.COLOR: SUGAR WHITESTACKED STONE VENEERMFGR: EMSER COLOR: SUGAR WHITESS-1SS-1SS-1SF-1ST-2STUCCO W/ ACRYLIC FINISH : MFGR: DUNN EDWARDSCOLOR: DEA161 WILD MUSTANGGR-11-1/2" Ø MIN. STEEL GUARDRAILCOLOR: DARK BRONZE / OIL RUBBED BRONZEGR-1GR-1GR-1GR-16" WD. OF COLOR CHANGE7/8" THK. STUCCOST-26" WD. OF COLOR CHANGE7/8" THK. STUCCOST-2WESTCOAT WATER PROOFING SYSTEMCOLOR: FINISH TEXTURE:FF-1HP-1HP-2 EXTERIORELEVATIONS14'-0"10'-2" 24'-2" 8" MIN. 8" MIN.ST-18'-0" 7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: LIGHT BROWN12'-6" 10'-6" 9'-6" 8'-6"STONE VENEER BRICKCOLOR: DARK BROWN2"x6" CORNICECOLOR: DARK BROWNSTONE VENEER BRICKCOLOR: DARK BROWNCOLUMN CAPCOLOR: DARK BROWN7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: LIGHT BROWN18" SQ. NICHE W/TILE OVER. OWNERTO VERIFYEX. PLANTERS TO BE RISEAS SHOWN12" 2'-0" 3'-0"2"x6" CORNICECOLOR: DARK BROWNPEAK LOGO W/ L.E.D. BACKLIGHT5'-0" 6'-6"7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: DARK BROWNM e m b e r s O n l yT h e C l u b a t P G A W E S TGRAND ENTRY OVERALL ELEVATIONSCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"PEAK LOGO W/ L.E.D.BACKLIGHTMARQUEE FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"6'-6"PGA WESTS P O R T C L U B7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: LIGHT BROWNSTACKED STONEVENEERWROUGHT IRONDECORATIVE CROWN4'-6" 7'-2"7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: DARK BROWN7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: LIGHT BROWNSTONE VENEER BRICKCOLOR: DARK BROWNPEAK LOGO W/ L.E.D.BACKLIGHTENTRY SIGN FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5'-0" 4'-0" 6'-6"PGA WESTS P O R T C L U B2"x4" CORNICE w/ CAPCOLOR: DARK BROWN6'-6" 4'-6" 7'-2"7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: DARK BROWN7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: WHITESTACKED STONEVENEERWROUGHT IRONDECORATIVE CROWNMARQUEE SIDE ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FIRE PIT BURNER PAN(TYP. OF 2)6'-6" 5'-0" 4'-0" 6'-6"STONE VENEER BRICKCOLOR: DARK BROWNENTRY SIGN SIDE ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"2"x4" CORNICE w/ CAPCOLOR: DARK BROWNAC-213'-6"ENTRY SIGN - OVERHEAD PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"ENTRY SIGN - FOUNDATION PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"9'-2"6'-2"5'-4" 3'-4" 1'-4"LINE OF SLOPED WALL@ F.F. LINE (TYP.)LINE OF TOP OF LOWWALL (TYP.)LINE OF METAL STUDWALL BELOW (TYP.)15'-2"12" SQ. CONT.CONC. FTNG.2'-2"1'-6"1'-6"2'-2"12"12" 12"12"2'-2"1'-6"7'-9"1'-6"2'-2"7'-0" 12"3'-0"12"12"12"8'-10"10'-6"10"10"13'-4"1'-2"1'-2"3'-0" 4'-8" 10"10" 6'-5" 11"11"MARQUEE - OVERHEAD PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"MARQUEE - FOUNDATION PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"8'-0"13'-4"12" SQ. CONT.CONC. FTNG.AC-25-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)STONE VENEERATTACHMENT5-5/8" WD. 20 GA.CONTINUOUS METALTRACK (TYP.)3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALBRACING @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)FOAM COLUMN CAPPROFILE.STACKED STONE VENEERENTRY PILLAR SECTION - CSCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1" x 0.177"Ø w/ POWER DRIVEN FASTENERSHOT THRU. 14 GA. x 1"Ø WASHER @ 16"O.C. TYP. (HILTI DS27 OR EQUAL)26 GA. G.I. FLASHING(TYP.)1C-226 GA. WEEP SCREED(TYP.)5-5/8" WD. 20 GA.CONTINUOUS METALTRACK (TYP.)1STONE VENEER ATTACHMENTWEEP SCREEDMORTARSHEATHING w/ "TYVEKBUILDING WRAP"WATER RESISTIVE BARRIERSTACKED STONE VENEERCONCRETE FOOTINGNATIVE SOILLINE OF FINISH GRADEMETAL STUDS(SEE PLAN)SCALE:1" = 1'-0"2SCALE:3" = 1'-0"FOAM PLANT-ONFOAM PROFILER1/4"2"6"7/8" THK. STUCCO OVER FOAMBROWN COATFRAMING NOT SHOWN @HATCHED AREAEXPANDED POLYSTERENEGLUE PLANT-ON TO BROWNCOAT. APPLY w/ MFGR'SSPECIFIED ADHESIVE WEBCOLOR COATMETAL TRACK(SEE PLAN)1/2" THK. DRYWALL1'-10"6"6"10"5'-0"4'-6"3"3"312"312"LATHSTONE VENEER MORTARCLIPS @ 24" O.C. EA. WAY3SCALE:1" = 1'-0"LITE PRECAST CAP 48" LG. HPC DROP-INFIRE PIT BURNER PANMFGR #: TRGH-Config(TYP. OF 2)8" HIGH WROUGHT IRONDECORATIVE CROWN (TYP.)3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. CONTINUOUSMETAL TRACK (TYP.)STACKED STONE VENEER3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)7/8" THK. STUCCO OVERWATERPROOF MEMBRANE4" THK. FOAM SURROUND.ATTACH TO 1/2" THK GYP. (TYP.)3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)MARQUEE SECTION - BSCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1" x 0.177"Ø w/ POWER DRIVEN FASTENERSHOT THRU. 14 GA. x 1"Ø WASHER @ 16"O.C. TYP. (HILTI DS27 OR EQUAL)26 GA. WEEP SCREEDXC-2ENTRY SIGN SECTION - ASCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. CONTINUOUSMETAL TRACK (TYP.)LINE OF FIN. GRADE5-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)7/8" THK. STUCCO w/WATERPROOF MEMBRANEOVER 1/2" PLYWOOD3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS @ 24" O.C. (TYP.)STONE VENEER (TYP.WHERE OCCURS)5-5/8" WD. 20 GA.CONTINUOUS METALTRACK (TYP.)1" x 0.177"Ø w/ POWER DRIVEN FASTENERSHOT THRU. 14 GA. x 1"Ø WASHER @ 16"O.C. TYP. (HILTI DS27 OR EQUAL)26 GA. WEEP SCREEDA-6THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUPGRAND ENTRYRESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - SITE ADDITIONSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - SITE ADDITIONSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 2- - - A-7THESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUPTHEATER - FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"15'-6"22'-0"2'-6"4'-0" MIN.THEATER - REAR ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"THEATER - SIDE ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"22'-0" OVERALL 2'-6" 3'-0" 19'-6"BARROOF PLAN&THEATER7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: LIGHT BEIGE7/8" THK. STUCCOCOLOR: BLUELITE-STONE CAP MOLDINGCOLOR: LIGHT BROWNLED STRIP AROUNDINNER WALL EA. SIDETHEATER - FLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"35'-6"25'-0" 5'-0"35'-6" x 20'-0"STAGE AREATHEATER SCREENTHEATER SCREENLITE-STONE CAP MOLDINGCOLOR: LIGHT BROWNSLOPE DOWN 8.33% MAX.1SCALE:1" = 1'-0"COLUMN BASE CONNECTION35'-6"5'-6"4'-0"334"2'-8"2" MIN. FOR L.E.D. STRIPLIGHT w/ DIFFUSER.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY3-5/8"" WD. 20 GA.METAL STUDS @16" O.C. (TYP.)3"x3"x16 GA. CONT. ANGLEDSUPPORT BRACKET ATALL CORNERS (TYP.)W24x84 BEAM1-1/2"x4-1/2" FOAMBLOCK. SURROUND& STUCCO (TYP.)4'-0"4'-0" 4'-0"FRAMED OHD. BEAM3-5/8" WD. 20 GA.CONT. METAL TRACK(TYP.)3"x3"x16 GA. CONT.ANGLED SUPPORTBRACKET4'-0"4'-0"3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS AS SHOWN @ EACHCORNER. (TYP.) USE #12TEK SCREWS @ ALLCONNECTIONS (TYP.)3-5/8" WD. 20 GA.BLOCKING @ SCREENCONTROLLERSCREENCONTROLLERSTEEL BEAM TO STEEL COLUMNBOND BEAM REINF.W/(2) #4 BARS TYP.8" CMU STEM WALL24" WD. x 12" DP. CONC FTG.REINF. W/(3) #4 BARS @ BOT.2'-0"8"8"8"2"Ø DRAIN PIPEWRAPED INFABRIC1'-0"4'-0" 1'-0"3'-4"1'-0"3'-6"6"2'-0"8"8"8"5'-0"4" NOM. THK. CONC. SLAB w/#3 BARS EA. WAY @ CENTEROF SLAB. 18" O.C. (TYP.)1'-0"4'-0"4'-4"8"3'-0"8"1'-0"3'-10"8" CMU STEM WALL6" WD. 18 GA.MTL. TRACKWEEP SCREEDVARIES 6" WD. 18 GA. MTL.STUDS @ 16" O.C.7/8" THK. STUCCO2"8"2"3- - -1- - -234FRAMED OHD. BEAM W/ PROJECTOR54- - -SCALE:1" = 1'-0"SCALE:1" = 1'-0"SCALE:3/4" = 1'-0"NOT TOSCALE2- - - 3- - -1- - -3'-6"4'-0"12'-6"W12x48 COLUMN5- - -2" DROP 1/2" THK PLYWOOD3-5/8" WD. 20 GA.HORIZONTAL BRACING@ 24" O.C.W12x48 COLUMN7/8" THK. STUCCOOVER 1/2" THK.PLYWOOD3-5/8" WD. 20 GA.METAL STUDS3-5/8" WD. 20 GA. METALSTUDS AS SHOWN @CORNER (TYP.)OVERHEAD PROJECTIONSCREEN BEYOND7/8" THK. STUCCOOVER 1/2" THK.PLYWOODSIMPSON 'EASY CLIP'WEB STIFFENERW24x84 BEAM4"4"4"4"7/8" THK. STUCCOOVER 1/2" THK.PLYWOODSIMPSON 'EASY CLIP'WEB STIFFENER3-5/8"" WD. 20 GA.METAL BRACING @16" O.C. (TYP.)1/2" THK PLYWOODSCHEDULE. DET. 11/S.05OF BOLTS, SEE TYPICAL BOLTFOR SIZE, TYPE AND NUMBERCONNECTION DETAIL 8/S0.2SHEAR PLATE PER TYPICALSTEEL BEAMBOTTOM FLANGE.WELD TYPICAL TOP ANDOF WEB - TYPICAL.COLUMN FLANGE EACH SIDE FLANGE FULL WIDTH OFPLATE AT LEVEL OF BOTTOM1-1/2" THICK STEEL CONTINUITYWELD EACH PLATE - TYP.PLATE.1-1/2" STEEL CONTINUITYWELD BOTH PLATES.3/8MTYP5/16STEEL COLUMN.STEEL BACKER PLATE.3/4" DOUBLER PL. EACH SIDE OF WEBPLUG WELDS TO DOUBLER.(REMOVE AFTER WELDING)3-5/8"" WD. 20 GA.METAL STUDS @16" O.C. (TYP.)7/8" THK. STUCCOOVER METAL LATH1-1/2" CONDUIT FORPROJECTOR SCREENTO BE EXTENDED TOBAR BUILDING PANEL2'-6"52" WD. x 12" DP. CONC FTG.REINF. W/(3) #4 BARS @ BOT.26" LG. DOWEL INTO4" CONC. SLAB (TYP.)26" LG. DOWEL INTO4" CONC. SLAB (TYP.)4" NOM. THK. CONC. SLAB w/#3 BARS EA. WAY @ CENTEROF SLAB. 18" O.C. (TYP.)BOND BEAM REINF.W/(2) #4 BARS TYP.VARIES #4 VERTICALBARS @ 16" O.C.#4 HORIZONTAL BARS@ 24" O.C. (TYP.)24" WD. x 12" DP.CONC FTG.REINF. W/(3) #4BARS @ BOT.12" SQ.. CONC FTG.REINF. W/(3) #4BARS @ BOT.6NOT TOSCALE1-1/2" DRY-CONC. CURBW12x48 COLUMN2-1/2"TYP.DBL. NUTSBOTH SIDES OF WEB & FLANGE1/43" CLR.5'-0"1'-6"3/4" PLATEPROJECTOR WITH PNEUMATICLIFT. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFYEXACT DIMENSIONS ANDEQUIPMENT REQ.SLOPE : 3/4"STAGE FOOTING W/ PROJECTOR PIT3" CLR.STEEL COLUMN FOOTING8"6NOT TOSCALEFRAMED COLUMN DETAIL8"4'-0"PACK (MIN.)3-5/8"" WD. 20 GA.METAL STUDS @16" O.C. (TYP.)W12x48 COLUMN3-5/8"" WD. 20 GA.METAL BRACING @16" O.C. (TYP.)1/2" THK PLYWOOD7/8" THK. STUCCOCONC. CURB8" ABV. FIN. GRADE3-5/8" WD. 20 GA.TRACK W/ 5/8" A.B.@ 24" O.C. TYP.NOTE: USE #12 TEKSCREWS @ ALLCONNECTIONS48" O.C. TYP.1- - - 4'-0"26'-0" (-5)(-10)(-19)(-18)(-16)(-17)(-15)(-14)(-12)(-10)(-13)(-14)(-15)(-16)(-15)(-13)(-13)(-13)TREES4515CORDIA BOISSIERITEXAS OLIVECHAMAEROPS HUMILISMEDITERRANEAN FAN PALMPHOENIX DACTYLIFERADATE PALM36" BOXLOW / 0.224" BOXMED / 0.525' TALL MIN.MED / 0.583232ALOE 'HERCULES'HERCULES ALOE TREEARBUTUS UNEDOSTRAWBERRY TREERHUS LANCEAAFRICAN SUMACSOPHORA SECUNDIFLORATEXAS MOUNTAIN LAURELCORDYLINE AUSTRALISRED STAR DRACAENA PALM24" BOXLOW / 0.236" BOXMED / 0.548" BOXLOW / 0.236" BOXLOW / 0.224" BOXMED / 0.5BOTANICAL NAMESIZECOMMON NAMESYMBOLQTY.PLANT ILLUSTRATIONSWATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTOR1. ADDITION PGA WEST - SPORT CLUBC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 B&S PLAN CHECK_4.22.20171L-1TREEPLANTINGPLANTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP EXISTING PALM TREES TO REMAIN (-5)(-10)(-19)(-18)(-16)(-17)(-15)(-14)(-12)(-10)(-10)(-13)(-14)(-15)(-16)(-15)(-15)(-13)(-13)(-13)(-13)(-13)SHRUBSBOTANICAL NAMESIZECOMMON NAMESYMBOLQTY.TREES1247PLANT ILLUSTRATIONS143591494126SENECIO MANDRALISCAEBLUE CHALK STICKSKALANCHOE LUCIAEPADDLE PLANTALOE x ALWAYS RED ALWAYSRED HYBRID ALOEEUPHORBIA CHARACIASSPURGEAGAVE 'BLUE GLOW'BLUE GLOW AGAVEYUCCA ROSTRATABLUE YUCCACISTUS x PURPUREUSPURPLE ROCK ROSEBOUGAINVILLEA x BUTTIANA'ORANGE KING' CULTIVARORANGE KING BOUGAINVILLEACALLISTEMON CITRINUS'LITTLE JOHN' CULTIVARDWARF BOTTLEBRUSH5 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55443429166PARTHENOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATABOSTON IVYHIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS'THE PATH' CULTIVAR HIBISCUSPITTOSPORUM TOBIRAJAPANESE MOCK ORANGEPHOTINIA x FRASERIRED LEAFED PHOTINIABUXUS MICROPHYLLAJAPANESE BOXWOOD5 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.5WATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTOR1. TENUISSIMAMEXICAN FEATHERGRASS5 GALLONMED / 0.516.38CENTAUREA CINERARIADUSTY MILLER5 GALLONMED / 0.517. DECIPIENSLITTLE EMPEROR CULTIVARJAPANESE BLUEBERRY15 GALLONMED / 0.53.PLANT LEGEND3.GROUND COVERBOTANICAL NAMESIZE / SPACINGCOMMON NAMESYMBOLPLANT ILLUSTRATIONSWATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTORLANTANA SELLOWIANATRAILING LANTANA5 GALLONMED / 0.5VINCA MAJORLARGE PERIWINKLE5 GALLONMED / 0.5ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS'PROSTRATUS'PROSTRATE ROSEMARY5 GALLONMED / 0.5CASUARINA GLAUCA 'COUSIN IT'PROSTRATE SWAMP OAK5 GALLONMED / 0.5ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUMYARROW5 GALLONLOW / 0.2HEMEROCALLIS x 'MOND'STARBURST RED EVERGREEN DAYLILY5 GALLONMED / 0.5CONVOLVULUS MAURITANICUSGROUND MORNING GLORY5 GALLONMED / ADDITION PGA WEST - SITE ADDITIONSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508L-2SHRUBPLANTINGPLANTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP EXISTING PALM TREES TO REMAIN9L-31L-33L-33L-33L-35L-35L-34L-37L-36L-38L-37L-36L-32L-3 SHRUBSBOTANICAL NAMESIZECOMMON NAMESYMBOLQTY.1247PLANT ILLUSTRATIONS143591494126SENECIO MANDRALISCAEBLUE CHALK STICKSKALANCHOE LUCIAEPADDLE PLANTALOE x ALWAYS REDALWAYS RED HYBRID ALOEEUPHORBIA CHARACIASSPURGEAGAVE 'BLUE GLOW'BLUE GLOW AGAVEYUCCA ROSTRATABLUE YUCCACISTUS x PURPUREUSPURPLE ROCK ROSEBOUGAINVILLEA x BUTTIANA'ORANGE KING' CULTIVARORANGE KING BOUGAINVILLEACALLISTEMON CITRINUS'LITTLE JOHN' CULTIVARDWARF BOTTLEBRUSH5 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55443429166PARTHENOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATABOSTON IVYHIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS'THE PATH' CULTIVAR HIBISCUSPITTOSPORUM TOBIRAJAPANESE MOCK ORANGEPHOTINIA x FRASERIRED LEAFED PHOTINIABUXUS MICROPHYLLAJAPANESE BOXWOOD5 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.5WATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTOR1. TENUISSIMAMEXICAN FEATHERGRASS5 GALLONMED / 0.516.38CENTAUREA CINERARIADUSTY MILLER5 GALLONMED / COVERBOTANICAL NAMESIZE / SPACINGCOMMON NAMESYMBOLPLANT ILLUSTRATIONSWATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTORLANTANA SELLOWIANATRAILING LANTANA5 GALLONMED / 0.5VINCA MAJORLARGE PERIWINKLE5 GALLONMED / 0.5ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS 'PROSTRATUS'PROSTRATE ROSEMARY5 GALLONMED / 0.5CASUARINA GLAUCA 'COUSIN IT'PROSTRATE SWAMP OAK5 GALLONMED / 0.5ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUMYARROW5 GALLONLOW / 0.2HEMEROCALLIS x 'MOND'STARBURST RED EVERGREEN DAYLILY5 GALLONMED / 0.5CONVOLVULUS MAURITANICUSGROUND MORNING GLORY5 GALLONMED / x 'PINK SWIRL'COSMIC PINK SWIRL DIANTHUS5 GALLON / 6"-9"MODERATE100.5 P.F.ECHINACEA 'PIXIE MEADOWBRITE'PIXIE MEADOWBRITE CONEFLOWER5 GALLON / 18"-24"MODERATE260.5 P.F.CHRYSANTHEMUM x SUPERBUM 'SNOWCAP'SNOWCAP SHASTA DAISY5 GALLON / 6"-9"MODERATE60.5 P.F.PHLOX SUBULATA 'MCDANIEL'S CUSHION'MCDANIEL'S CUSHION MOSS PHLOX5 GALLON / 18"-24"MODERATE130.5 P.F.GAURA LINDHEIMERILINDHEIMER'S BEEBLOSSOM 'SPARKLE WHITE'5 GALLON / 12"-18"MODERATE170.5 P.F.SYMBOLREMARKSQTY.BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZE / SPACINGWATER NEEDSPERENNIAL FLOWERSPHORMIUM 'YELLOW WAVE'NEW ZEALAND FLAX5 GALLON / 36"-48"MODERATE150.5 P.F. ADDITION PGA WEST - SITE ADDITIONSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508L-3DETAILEDPLANTINGPLANSTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP1L-39L-33L-34L-35L-3TYP. OF 3TYP. OF 2DETAILED PLANTING PLANSPLANT LEGEND2L-38L-37L-36L-3NORTHSCALE: 1" = 5'501020 (-16)(-17)(-18)(-17)(-19)SHRUBSBOTANICAL NAMESIZECOMMON NAMESYMBOLQTY.TREES1247PLANT ILLUSTRATIONS143591494126SENECIO MANDRALISCAEBLUE CHALK STICKSKALANCHOE LUCIAEPADDLE PLANTALOE x ALWAYS RED ALWAYSRED HYBRID ALOEEUPHORBIA CHARACIASSPURGEAGAVE 'BLUE GLOW'BLUE GLOW AGAVEYUCCA ROSTRATABLUE YUCCACISTUS x PURPUREUSPURPLE ROCK ROSEBOUGAINVILLEA x BUTTIANA'ORANGE KING' CULTIVARORANGE KING BOUGAINVILLEACALLISTEMON CITRINUS'LITTLE JOHN' CULTIVARDWARF BOTTLEBRUSH5 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONLOW / 0.25 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55443429166PARTHENOCISSUS TRICUSPIDATABOSTON IVYTECOMA x 'ORANGE JUBILEE'ORANGE JUBILEE TECOMAPITTOSPORUM TOBIRAJAPANESE MOCK ORANGEPHOTINIA x FRASERIRED LEAFED PHOTINIABUXUS MICROPHYLLAJAPANESE BOXWOOD5 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.55 GALLONMED / 0.5WATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTOR1. TENUISSIMAMEXICAN FEATHERGRASS5 GALLONMED / 0.516.38CENTAUREA CINERARIADUSTY MILLER5 GALLONMED / 0.517. DECIPIENSLITTLE EMPEROR CULTIVARJAPANESE BLUEBERRY15 GALLONMED / 0.53.PLANT LEGEND3.GROUND COVERBOTANICAL NAMESIZE / SPACINGCOMMON NAMESYMBOLPLANT ILLUSTRATIONSWATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTORLANTANA SELLOWIANATRAILING LANTANA5 GALLONMED / 0.5VINCA MAJORLARGE PERIWINKLE5 GALLONMED / 0.5ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS 'PROSTRATUS'PROSTRATE ROSEMARY5 GALLONMED / 0.5CASUARINA GLAUCA 'COUSIN IT'PROSTRATE SWAMP OAK5 GALLONMED / 0.5ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUMYARROW5 GALLONLOW / 0.2HEMEROCALLIS x 'MOND'STARBURST RED EVERGREEN DAYLILY5 GALLONMED / 0.5CONVOLVULUS MAURITANICUSGROUND MORNING GLORY5 GALLONMED / BOISSIERITEXAS OLIVECHAMAEROPS HUMILISMEDITERRANEAN FAN PALMPHOENIX DACTYLIFERADATE PALM36" BOXLOW / 0.224" BOXMED / 0.525' TALL MIN.MED / 0.583232ALOE 'HERCULES'HERCULES ALOE TREEARBUTUS UNEDOSTRAWBERRY TREERHUS LANCEAAFRICAN SUMACSOPHORA SECUNDIFLORATEXAS MOUNTAIN LAURELCORDYLINE AUSTRALISRED STAR DRACAENA PALM24" BOXLOW / 0.236" BOXMED / 0.548" BOXLOW / 0.236" BOXLOW / 0.224" BOXMED / 0.5BOTANICAL NAMESIZECOMMON NAMESYMBOLQTY.PLANT ILLUSTRATIONSWATER NEEDS /PLANT FACTOR1. 12"SCH. 40 LATERAL LINE w/ SCH. 40 SOLVENT WELD FITTINGS SIZED PER PLAN (34" MIN.) (USE COLOR CODEDPURPLE RECYCLED WATER PVC PIPE FOR FUTURE RECYCLED WATER CONNECTION)MAINLINES, 2" AND SMALLER WILL BE SOLVENT WELD SCH. 40 w/ SCH. 80 SOLVENT WELD FITTINGS, 2 12" ANDUP WILL BE SOLVENT WELD CL. 315 w/ SCH. 80 SOLVENT WELD FITTINGS. SEE IRRIGATION PLAN FOR SIZING(ALL PIPING TO BE COLOR CODED PURPLE RECYCLED WATER PVC PIPE FOR FUTURE RECYCLED WATERCONNECTION)SLEEVING TO BE SCH. 40 PURPLE RECYCLED WATER PVC PIPE, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLECARRIED. PLACE BELOW ALL SIDEWALKS, PAVEMENT, HARDSCAPE, ETC. AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'SAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. EXTEND ALL SLEEVES 12" MIN. PAST HARDSCAPE EDGES. EXTEND ALL PIPE 18"PAST SLEEVE PRIOR TO ANY FITTINGS.AE.S.P.-SMT REMOTE CONTROLLER PROVIDE 110V OUTLET 10 STATION, 13 MAX, REMOTE CONTROLLER-WALLMOUNT W/ LOCK BOX, PROVIDE RAIN SENSOR, AND OPTIONAL RAINBIRD ET MANAGER. MFGR: RAINBIRD,MODEL NO: ESP-LXME CONTROLLER W/ FLOW SMART MODULEML-5SCH. 80 PVC BALL VALVE FOR SYSTEM FLUSH SIZED PERPLAN.(INSTALLED AT END OF EACH LATERAL RUN)24" BOX TREESTREE BUBBLER SYSTEM (TWO1-GPM EMITTERS PER TREE)SEE DETAIL F, SHEET L-5LEGEND NOTES:1)1" QUICK COUPLERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTER AREAS AWAY FROM FOOT TRAFFIC. A SHUT OFF VALVE MUST BEINSTALLED INLINE 3' AWAY FROM THE QUICK COUPLER.2)ALL IRRIGATION VALVES, QUICK COUPLERS AND SHUT OFF VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW GROUND LEVEL INIRRIGATION BOXES. CARSON #1419-4 OR EQUIVALENTALL CONTROL WIRING FOR CONNECTIONS BETWEEN REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND CONTROLLERS SHALL BEDIRECT BURIAL AWG-F WIRE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS.NO SYMBOLKL-5TREE BUBBLER SYSTEM (SEE BELOW)EMITTER NOTES1 GAL. PLANT(1) 2.00 GPH EMITTER5 GAL. PLANT(1) 2.00 GPH EMITTER15 GAL. TREESEMITTER MODELSSALCO PROSPEC SERIES0.5, 1, 2, 4 GPHFLOWXX-XG.P.M.2"AMOUNT OF GALLONS PER MINUTE / HOUR @ VALVESIZE OF VALVESTATION # - VALVE #}15 GAL. SHRUBRAINBIRD 1400 SERIES0.25 TO 2 GPMLANDSCAPE DESIGN CRITERIAFERTILIZER PROGRAM:THREE (3) DAY FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE APPLIED TO ALL PLANTING AREAS AT THIRTY (30)DAY INTERVALS USING THE FOLLOWING FORMULA:5 LBS. 16-16-16 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER PER 1000 SQ.FT.AFTER ALL SITE GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN, AT HIS EXPENSE,AN AGRONOMIC SOILS TEST. THE TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED BY AN APPROVED SOIL LAB AND SHALLINCLUDE ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION. THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THIS REPORT SHALL TAKEPRECEDENT OVER THE ABOVE QUANTITIES ONLY WHEN THEY EXCEED THE SPECIFIED MINIMUMS.SOIL PREPARATION / BACKFILL NOTE:TO ALL NEW PLANTING AREAS (SHRUB AND GROUND COVER), ROTOTILL THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS:'NITROMULCH' SOIL AMENDMENT - 3 CU. YDS. PER 1000 SQ. FT.16-16-16 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER - 12 LBS. PER 1000 SQ. FT.BACKFILL MIX FOR TREES, SHRUBS, AND VINES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS:6 PARTS BY VOLUME ON-SITE SOIL4 PARTS BY VOLUME ORGANIC AMENDMENT AS ABOVE1 LB. 16-16-16 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER PER CU. YD. OF MIX2 LBS. IRON SULFATE PER CU. YD. OF MIX'NITROMULCH' SOIL AMENDMENT AVAILABLE FROM 'KELLOG SUPPLY, INC.' (800) 232-2322SOIL PREP / FERTILIZERWUCOLS REGION: 6 - LOW DESERTSUNSET CLIMATE ZONE: 13CIMIS ETo ZONE: 18 LA QUINTA = 66.20 ETo (inches/year) TO PROVIDE OWNER WITH LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE17.SPRAY IRRIGATION SHALL BE SCHEDULED BETWEEN 8:00 P.M. AND 10:00 A.M. UNLESS WEATHER CONDITIONS PREVENT IT.A REGULAR MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, ROUTINE INSPECTION; ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND ITS COMPONENTS; AERATING AND DETHATCHINGTURF AREA; REPLENISHING MULCH; REPLENISHING FERTIGATION SYSTEM NUTRIENTS; PRUNING; WEEDING IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREA, AND REMOVING ANY OBSTRUCTION TO EMISSION DEVICES. OPERATION OFIRRIGATION SYSTEM OUTSIDE THE NORMAL WATERING WINDOW IS ALLOWED FOR AUDITING AND SYSTEM MAINTENANCE.LANDSCAPES SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO ENSURE WATER USE EFFICIENCY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A REGULAR MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR PROPERTY OWNER.ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND GROWING CONDITION AND SHALL RECEIVE REGULAR PRUNING, FERTILIZING, AND TRIMMING. ALL DEAD PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED ANDREPLACED IN A TIMELY MANNER.2.ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE KEPT OPERABLE, INDLUDING ADJUSTMENTS, REPLACEMENTS, REPAIRS AND CLEANING AS PART OF REGULAR MAINTENANCE. REPAIR OF ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BEDONE WITH THE ORIGINALLY INSTALLED COMPONENTS OR THEIR EQUIVALENTS.ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF WEEDS AND DEBRIS1. PLANTS ARE TO BE FROM THE CITY'S APPROVED PLANT LIST.8.ALL VALVES SHALL BE PLACED AND GROUPED IN PLASTIC VALVE BOXES ONE VALVE PER VALVE BOX MAX.ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHALL USE WIRE NUTS.ALL THREADED JOINTS SHALL USE PLUMBERS TAPE BEFORE THREADING PIECES TOGETHER.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PULLING ALL PERMITS.ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE TO STATE, COUNTY AND CITY BUILDING REGULATIONS.INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK.ALL SLIP JOINTS SHALL BE CLEAN AND DIRT FREE BEFORE APPLICATION OF APPROVED JOINT GLUE.VERIFY OPERATIONAL PRESSURE BEFORE STARTING WORK. LANDSCAPE CONTRCTOR TO REPORT STATIC WATER PRESSURE AT P.O.C. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTIONIRRIGATION NOTES:19.ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL TREES THAT WILL BE LOCATED WITHIN EIGHT (8) FEET OF ANY STRUCTURE, PAVEMENT, OR ALTERNATE MATERIAL SUCH AS WATERLINES, BUILDING FOUNDATIONS,CONCRETE FLATWORK, OR TURF AREA.PLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC AND FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL DICTATE ACTUAL LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS. ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK, 18" OFF ANY HARDSCAPEAND WITHIN PLANTING AREAS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DRIP LAYOUT PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.20.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR ALL FUTURE ROADWAYS, DRIVEWAYS, CURRENT PAVED AREAS AND PATHS, ETC. VERIFY ALL SLEEVE LOCATIONS IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK.21.ALL PLANTERS SHALL RECEIVE 4" THICK BARK MULCH AND FOR MATERIAL TO BE LARGE ENOUGH TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNDER HIGH WINDS AND A SAMPLE MUST BE APPROVED BY CONTRACTOR.IRRIGATION INFONOTEPLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC AND FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL DICTATE ACTUAL LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS. ALLIRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE LIMIT OF WORK, 18" OFF ANY HARDSCAPE ANDWITHIN PLANTING AREAS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DRIP LAYOUT PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.WATER BUDGET:MAWA = (ETo) x (0.62) x [(0.7 x LANDSCAPED AREA)+(0.3 x SLA)] ETWU = (ETo) x (0.62) x [(PLANT FACTOR x HYDROZONE AREA / IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY) + SLA] MAWA: 66.2 x 0.62 x [(0.7 x 10,675) + (0)] = 306,701.29 GALLONS ETWU: 66.2 x 0.62 x [(0.4 x 10,675 / 0.71) + 0] = 246,842.08 GALLONSMAXIMUM SYSTEM PRESSURE LOSS, FURTHEST VALVE = 13.6 PSI9QUERCUS VIRGINIANASOUTHERN LIVE OAK48" BOXMED / 0.59.9.QUICK COUPLING VALVE SIZED PER PLAN. RAINBIRD 44LRC OREQUIVALENTMASTER VALVE SIZED PER PLAN. GRISWOLD 2000 SERIES OREQUIVALENTREMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH PRESSURE REGULATOR (LINE SIZE). PLACE IN RECTANGLEVALVE BOX WITH RAINBIRD FILTER. RAINBIRD 100-PEB SERIES OR EQUIVALENT, 1" UP TO 20GPM AND 1-1/2" OVER 20 GPM.BACK FLOW DEVICE SIZED PER PLAN. FEBCO 825YA-QT RP OR EQUIVALENT SYSTEMLL-5EZFLOL-5KL-5JL-5IL-5AL-5POTABLE WATER METER (SEE POC INFO THIS SHEET)FERTIGATION SYSTEM. EZ-FLO INJECTION SYSTEM MODEL #: EZ003-CXINSTALLED WITH EZ BALL VALVE COUPLING CONNECTOR. PART NO: CBV(INSTALL BACK FLOW DEVICE FEBCO 825YA-QT RP OR EQUIVALENT SYSTEMBEFORE FERTIGATION SYSTEM CONNECTION)ISOLATION VALVE EACH MAINLINE DIRECTION SIZED PER PLANNIBCO T-580 OR EQUIVALENTSHRUBSTREESW.M.F.G.SYMBOLDETAIL #DESCRIPTIONIRRIGATION LEGENDSPRINKLERS, EMITTERS, BUBBLERS & VALVESN/AN/AQ.C.RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - RESTROOMSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508L-2SHRUBPLANTINGPLANTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP S T E E N OPLANT LEGENDSNORTHSCALE: 1" = 16'5010204080ROOT WATER SYSTEM. RAINBIRD RWS-B-1401 OR EQUIVALENT(2.0 GPM TOTAL PER TREE)FL-5CONNECT TO PROJECT'SLANDSCAPING MAINLINE(26.7 P.S.I. MAX. PRESSURELOSS FROM METER)PLANTING PLANIRRIGATION PLAN WIRED PER 2-5319(I) ENERGY EFFICIENT STANDARDS.8) ALL ONE AND THREE LAMP LUMINARES SHALL BE TANDEMAND 2-53(G) ENERGY EFFICIENT STANDARDS.7) LUMINARES AND BALLAST MUST BE CERTIFIED PER 2-5314(B)IT SHALL CONTAIN RECHARGER, DISCONNECT, READYINSTALLED BALLAST FOR EMERGENCY MODE OPERATION.CONTAIN (1) FLUORESCENT EMERGENCY FACTORY6) EMERGENCY (EM) FLUORESCENT FIXTURES ARE TO1/2 SECOND OF POWER FAILURE AND MAINTAIN5) ALL EMERGENCY FIXTURES SHALL RE-ENERGIZE WITHIN4) FIXTURES MOUNTED IN WET/DAMP LOCATIONS TO3) ALL INTEGRALLY BALLASTED FIXTURES SHALL HAVE2) CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL HARDWARE, BRACKETS,1) ALL FLUORESCENT FIXTURES TO HAVE ELECTRONICBALLASTS AND T-8 LAMPS.ILLUMINATION FOR 90 MINUTES (MINIMUM)THERMALLY PROTECTED BALLAST.TUBES, LAMPS, ETC. FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION.CARRY APPROPRIATE U.L. LABEL. FIXTURE NOTES 9) LIGHT FIXTURE WITH CONTACT WIHT INSULATION TO BEU.L. LISTED FOR THERMAL BARRIER OR PROVIDE 3"MINIMUM CLEARANCE.LESS THAN 1 FOOTCANDLE (10.76 LX) AT FLOOR LEVEL.IS OCCUPIED WITH LIGHT HAVING AN INTENSITY OF NOT10) EXITS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ANY TIME THE BUILDING11) EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED BY TWO LAMPSOR BE OF AN APPROVED SELF-LUMINOUS TYPE.CURRENT TO ONE LAMP SHALL BE PROVIDED BYTHE PREMISES' WIRING SYSTEM. POWER TO THEOTHER LAMP SHALL BE PROVIDED BY AN EMERGENCYLAY-IN FLUORESCENTTROFFERPROVIDE FACTORY EARTHQUAKESAFETY CLIPS. (TYP-4) FIXTURE SUPPORT DETAIL RUNNERMAIN TEEN.T.S.& STRUCTURE. TYP-2OPPOSITE CORNERS.FURNISHED BY OTHERS.12 GA. HANGER WIRE.ATTACH TO FIXTURECROSS TEERUNNERLIGHT AND TEST SWITCH. SEE NOTE #5.SYSTEM (STORAGE BATTERIES). U.B.C. SECTION 1013.3.PER U.B.C. SECTION 1012.1.JFLOOR BOX (DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ONLY)COMBINATION PHONE & DATA RING WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO CEILINGJN.L ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LIST RECESSED 2x4 FIXTURE 2 LAMPRECESSED 2x4 FIXTURE 3 LAMPRECESSED 2x4 FIXTURE 3 LAMP TANDEM WIREDRECESSED 2x4 FIXTURE 4 LAMPSURFACE 1x4 WRAPRECESSED DOWN LIGHT INCANDESCENTRECESSED DOWN LIGHT FLUORSCENTSHOE BOX STYLE FIXTURE (WATTAGE AS NOTED)WALL PACK (WATTAGE AS NOTED)EXIT SIGN (ARROWS AS NOTED)NIGHT LIGHT (ON 24 HOURS)INSDISCONNECT SWITCH, RATING AS NOTED,,P M KSS S SS3 4S , SWPCONDUIT DOWNCONDUIT UPTEXHAUST FAN (CONNECT ONLY)SINGLE POLE SWITCH 48" TO TOP (RESTROOMS +44" TO TOP)SWITCH WITH P=PILOT LIGHT, M=MANUAL STARTER, K=KEYSWITCH 3 OR 4 WAY, AS NOTEDPANIC BUTTON (CONTROL AS SHOWN)MOTION SENSOR, WALL MOUNT +48"MOTION SENSOR CEILING MOUNTRELAY FOR MOTION SENSORJUNCTION BOX (SIZE AS REQUIRED)DUPLEX RECEPTACLE +15"DUPLEX RECEPTACLE WEATHER PROOFDOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (GFI +44" IN RESTROOMS)DUPLEX RECEPTACLE +48" OR COUNTER HEIGHT (GFI +44" IN RESTROOMS)DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ISOLATEDFLOOR BOX (RECEPTACLE, DATA, & PHONE AS SHOWN)TELEPHONE RING WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO CEILINGDATA RING WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO CEILINGTHERMOSTAT RING WITH 1/2" CONDUIT TO CEILINGCONDUIT IN WALL, CEILING, OR EXPOSEDCONDUIT UNDERGROUND1/2" CONDUIT 2 #12 WIRES (1/2"c.-2 #12 cu. OR AS NOTED)1/2"c.-3 #12 cu. OR (AS NOTED)1/2"c.-4 #12 cu. OR (AS NOTED)COMBINATION STARTER, RATING AS NOTEDELECTRICAL NOTES& SPECIFICATIONSE-1TO LIGHTING LOADTO PANEL2 HR OVER - RIDE SWITCH WITH SPRING WOUND. VERIFY LOCATION.PCON ROOF24 HRCLOCKTIME20A 1PCR120V.HN@ PANEL A w/10 HR. BATT.COIL. ( AS NOTED ON PLANS )CONTACTS AND 120V. CONTROL( AMOUNT AS REQ. ) N.O.LIGHTING RELAY WITHPACKTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C ENSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 TH O MAS R.STEENOSTATE OF CALI FOR NIA C-26448L I C E NSED ARCHITECTREN. 2/28/17 DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUPCONTROLS AND SWITCHES INTENDED TO BE USED BY THE OCCUPANTOF THE ROOM OR AREA TO CONTROL LIGHTING OR COOLING, HEATINGAND VENTILATION EQUIPMENT, SHALL BE LOCATED NO MORE THAN 48INCHES MEASURED FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OUTLETBOX TO THE LEVEL OF THE FINISH FLOOR WORKING PLATFORM,C.B.C.1117 B.6 #5.1.RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - RESTROOMSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508 C) ELECTRIC UTILITY/S.C.E. PVC-30" MINIMUM COVER.B) PVC-24" MINIMUM COVER IN ALL PARKING AND DRIVE AREAS.A) PVC-18" MINIMUM COVER IN ALL LANDSCAPE AND PLANTING AREAS.D) TELEPHONE UTILITY PVC-24" MINIMUM COVER.13. INSTALL CONDUITS PER TABLE 300-5 AS FOLLOWS,BOLLARDS SAFETY YELLOW.12. PROVIDE 36" HIGH 4" DIA. STEELE TUBE CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARDELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR, TRANSFORMERS, PANELS ETC.. PAINT40" ON CENTER (O.C.) AND A MINIMUM OF 42" FROM FACE OF ALLLOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENTQUALIFIED PERSON AND CERTIFICATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO11. GFI OF MAIN PANEL TO BE TESTED AND CERTIFIED BY A GENERAL NOTES 1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE AND MAKE HIMSELFFAMILIAR WITH ALL CONDITIONS. HE SHALL ADJUST HIS BID TO IN-CORPORATE ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY RENOVATIONS NOT DIRECTLY SHOWNON HIS PLANS. HIS BID SHALL BE COMPLETE FOR A OPERABLE ANDCOMPLETE SYSTEM. NO EXTRAS WILL BE HONORED FOR FAILURE TO2. ALL WORK PERFORMED SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL GOVERNINGSTATE, COUNTY, LOCAL CODES, OSHA, AND THE 2013 NATIONAL ELEC-3. ALL WIRE TO BE COPPER TYPE "THWN/THHN", UNLESS NOTED OTHER-4. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GUARANTEED FORONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, EXCEPT LAMPS, ON THECONTRACTORS LETTERHEAD AND TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER.5. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND LISTED BY THE UNDERWRITERSLABORATORY AS INSPECTED AND APPROVED.6. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE OUT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS,PAY FOR PERMITS, GFI TEST, INSPECTIONS, AND EXAMINATIONS WITHOUTADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.7. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND MAINTAIN A SET OF"AS BUILT" BLUELINE PRINTS WITH ALL CHANGES IDICATED IN RED INK.8. NOTE: SUPERVISORY ALARM SYSTEM IF APPLICABLE: E.C. SHALL FURNISHAND INSTALL (1) 3/4"c.o. FROM DETECTOR CHECK VALVE TO BUILDINGAND (1) 3/4"c.o. FROM EACH P.I.V. TO ITS RESPECTIVE SPRINKLERRISER IN BUILDING. SEE SPRINKLER DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS.9. TITLE 24 INSPECTION NOTE FOR ALL ROOMS WITH AN AREA GREATERTHAN 100 SQ. FT. WHICH THE CONNECTED LIGHTING LOAD EXCEEDS1.0 WATTS PER SQIARE FOOT. SWITCHING MUST BE PROVIDED TOREDUCE THE LIGHTING LOAD IN A UNIFORM PATTERN BY AT LEAST50%. THE MAXIMUM AREA THAT CAN BE SERVICED BY ANY TWOSWITCHING DEVICES MUST BE LIMITED TO THAT WHICH CAN BESERVICED BY TWO SINGLE POLE SWITCHES LOADED TO NO MORE THAN80% OF RATED CAPACITY.10. ALL TENANT IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN-HERETO MUST BE SUBMITTEDTO LOCAL DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY FOR APPROVALSPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.WISE.VISIT THE JOB SITE.TRICAL CODEx30x5x4x10x21x3x OF NOT LESS THAN 90 MINUTES IN CASE OF PRIMARYTO ENSURE CONTINUED ILLUMINATION FOR A DURATIONNOTE: EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES.POWER LOSS , THE SIGN SHALL BE CONNECTED TO ASTORAGE BATTERY , UNIT EQUIPMENT OR AN ON - SITEGENERATOR . TYP.TYP.DOG'S PARK2225LANDSCAPED AREA SEE LANDSCAPE PLANSVAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACEWARNING SIGNAGE REGARDING UNAUTHORIZED USE OF DISABLED PARKING SPACESACCESSIBILITY STALL EMBLEM PAINTED AS SHOWNTRAFFIC FLOW DIRECTIONAL ARROWS PAINTED ON PAVING AS SHOWN ON PLANA.D.A. RAMP NOT TO EXCEED 5% SLOPE IN DIRECTION OF RUN AND 2% MAX CROSS SLOPE 48" WIDE ACCESSIBILITY ACCESS W/ BLUE STRIPESPROPOSED 4" NOM. THK. DECORATIVE CONC.@ WALK-WAYS6" WIDE CONCRETE CURB.6" WIDE CONCRETE CURB. W/ 2' PARKING NOSE OVER8' HI SITE LIGHT STANDARD, SEE PLAN FOR NUMBER OF HEADSEXISTING CONC. CURB & GUTTER PER CITY/COUNTN STANDARDS8" THK. REINFORCED CONCRETE PAD W/ 2% MAXIMUM SLOPE AWAY FROM T/EEXTERIOR MOUNT WEATHER-PROOF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARTRUNCATED DOMES, 36" DEPT x WIDTH OF RAMPPROPOSED 2" THK. A.C. PAVING W/ 4" BASE PER SOILS REPORTEDGE OF EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENTEXISTING A.C. CURB 6" BUILDING FIRE RISER, SEE UTILITY & FIRE SPRINKLER PLANSEXISTING DOMESTIC WATER LINE, SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR SIZEEXISTING PVC FIRE / WATER LINE, SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR SIZENEW ON-SITE FIRE HYDRANT, SEE UTILITY PLANEXISTING WATER METERS, SEE UTILITY PLANNEW OFF-SITE FIRE HYDRANT, SEE UTILITY PLAN6" FIRE P.I.V. & F.D.C., SEE UTILITY PLANSEXISTING DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE, SEE UTILITY PLANS PROVIDE (1) DESIGNATED PARKING STALL FOR FUEL EFFICEINT VEHICLES WITH THEWORDS "CLEAN AIR VEHICLE" PAINTED IN THE SAME STALL STRIPING PAINT & SUCH THATTHE LAST WORD ALIGNS WITH THE END OF THE STALL STRIPING AND IS VISIBLE BENEATHA PARKED VEHICLE.PROVIDE PERMANENTLY ANCHORED BICYCLE RACK WITH-IN 200' OF THE ENTRANCE W/CAPACITY FOR 5% OF PARKING STALLS & A MIN. OF (1) TWO-BIKE CAPACITY RACK.EXISTING X' HI. CHAIN LINK FENCING "SIZE" x 6' HI. ACCESSIBLE TRASH ENCLOSURE W/ WOOD LATTICE COVER1121EXISTING PORTION OF RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVEDPROPOSED 6' HI. WROUGHT IRON DECORATIVE FENCEPROPOSED RETAINING WALL PER STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONSPROPOSED MONUMENT SIGN, UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT2324262829303334353638KEYED NOTES403937323127EXISTING 6" PCC DECORATIVE PAVERS OVER COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL PROPOSED LOCATION OF GAS METERPROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER W/ CONC. BOLLARDSEXISTING RETAINING WALL TO BE FUR'D OUT PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSA.D.A. PATH OF TRAVELEXISTING X' WD. CONC. WALK-WAY TO REMAIN INTACT20191817161514131210987654321495541424344464847455051525456535758596062646361EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN INTACTPROPOSED 5' DIA. x 12' MIN. DEPTH DRY WELL W/ 12" OF GRAVEL AROUNDPROPOSED 1,500 GAL. UNDERGROUND WATER TANK FOR SPLASH PADPROPOSED BOCCE BALL COURT PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS4" NOM. THK. DECORATIVE CONC. SLAB BY ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS20" ABV. LOUNGE F.F. WATER FEATURE 20" HI. x 6' DIA. FIRE PIT BY ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS24" WD. DECORATIVE STONESLIP RESISTANT HARD SURFACEPROPOSED SWIMMING POOL (3,740 SQ. FT. OF WATER SURFACE)DECORATIVE STONE AROUND POOL AREA PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSPROPOSED SPA (250 SQ. FT. OF WATER SURFACE)DECORATIVE STONE AROUND SPA AREA PER ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSPORTABLE POOL/SPA LIFT CHESS BOARD PATTERN DECORATIVE CONCRETE BY ARCHITECTURAL SPEC.SHADE STRUCTURE BY STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONSMOVIE THEATER / MUSIC STAGE FREE STANDING STRUCTURE20' CLEAR SPAN DECORATIVE IRON GATE W/ AUTOMATIC SYSTEMNATIVE SOIL (UNDEVELOPED AREA)SPLASH PARK WATER TOYS 656766687069CONCRETE PIPE DOG'S FEATUREDOG PARK WATER FOUNTAIN DOG PARK FOOD DISPENSER DOG PARK TRASH BIN AND BAG DISPENSEREX. GATE TO REMAIN INTACT42" MIN. WD. MAN DOOR @ PERIMETER CHAIN LINK FENCE71GARDEN WALL W/ 12" WD. CONC. CAP OVER12" ABOVE POOL LEVEL DECORATIVE CONCRETE PLATFORM 727473777576FOOD TRUCK DESIGNATED LOCATIONPOOL CHAIRS WITHOUT SHADE COVER787981808283POOL CHAIRS WITH SHADE COVERFREE STANDING ENTRY ARCH TO BE 10' HI.9'-0" x 5'-0" PING-PONG TABLE (TYP. OF 3)11'-0" x 16'-0" PIZZA / BBQ KIOSK EXISTING PORTION OF 6" CONC. CURB TO BE REMOVEDDRIVE-IN GOLF CART PARKING (STAGE/THEATER)TYP.TYP.TYP.UPUPPONDDNDNDNTYP.( RESTAURANT)OCC: A-2NON-SPRINKLEREDSPLASHPADTHE A T E R/ S T A G E TYP.POOLSPAOPEN BARTHEATERGOLF COUSEPING-PONG TRASHSPLASHMULTI-USEBUILDINGLOUNGEMULTI-USE BLDG.2,400 SF.OCC: M/UNON-SPRINKLEREDOPEN BAR2,880 SF.BOCCE BALLBOCCE BALLBOCCE BALLSTAIR PLATFORM, SEEENLARGED PLAN ONSHEET C-3MAIN ENTRY STAIR & RAMPENLARGED PLAN ONSHEET C-3THEATER PLANS,SEE SHEET C-5REAR ENTRY STAIR & RAMPENLARGED PLAN ONSHEET C-391' x 67' SWIMMING POOL & SPAUNDER SEPARATE PERMITSPAMINI GOLF COURSE(BY OTHERS)SEE BAR BUILDING PLANSET FOR ALL DESIGN SPECS.SEE MULTI-USE BLD'G PLANSET FOR ALL DESIGN SPECS.ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA A D A ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA A D A A D A A D A ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA DOG PARKSCALE = 1:20SCALE = 1:20ENLARGED SITE PLAN00101020204040100100SCALE = 1:40PATANQUE PATANQUE BOCCE BALL PETANQUE COURT PETANQUE COURT E-2ENLARGED SITE PLANTHESE DOCUMENTS AND THEDESIGN AND IDEASINCORPORATED HEREIN, AS ANINSTRUMENT OF APROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARETHE SOLE PROPERTY OFSTEENO DESIGN STUDIO INC.ANY USE, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTFOR WHICH THEY WERE NOTPROVIDED SHALL BE UNLAWFULP H O N E ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 5 0 0 1 F A X ( 7 6 0 ) 2 4 4 - 1 9 4 8 S T E E N O 1 1 7 7 4 H E S P E R I A R O A D, S U I T E B H E S P E R I A, C A. 9 2 3 4 5 THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLYWITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIABUILDING CODE WHICH ADOPTSTHE 2016 CMC, 2016 CPC, 2016CEC, 2016 CGC, 2016 CRC ANDTHE 2016 ENERGY STANDARDSREVISIONSDATE FINISHEDwww.steenodesignstudio.com INC.D E S I G N S T U D I O A R C H I T E C T U R E D E S I G N P L A N N I N G PROJECT:JOB NO.SHEET NAME:PAGEOF SHTS.DBK ® LUXURY DESIGN GROUP RESORT ADDITION PGA WEST - SITE ADDITIONSC15-160MAY 2017PROJECT ADDRESS: 55955 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 CONTACT INFO: THE DBK GROUP PH: 442.666.4508SECTION 4216 / 4217 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODEREQUIRES A DIGALERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBERBE ISSUED BEFORE A " PERMIT TO EXCAVATE "WILL BE VALLID . FOR YOUR DIGALERT I.D. NUMBERCALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTIMPORTANT NOTICECALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICETWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIGUNLESS SPECIFICALLY DIMENSIONED , ALL PANEL AND CONDUITLOCATIONS ARE FOR DIAGRAMMATIC PURPOSES ONLY AND ARESUBJECT TO PLACEMENT FOR FIELD CONDITIONS. DIMENSIONING NOTE U N D E R G R O U N D N O T E T H E U T I L I T Y C O N D U I T S H O W N O N T H E S EP L A N S I S C O N C E P T O N L Y . P L E A S E R E F E RT O I N D I V I D U A L U T I L I T Y P L A N S F O RE X A C T L O C A T I O N A N D R O U T I N G .BEFORE YOU DIGAT LEAST TWO DAYSKNOW WHATS BELOWCALL 811BEFORE YOU DIGA FREE PUBLIC SERVICE PROVIDED BY UNDERGROUNDSERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA811 AQUITAINE ROUND CHANDELIER 18" PARTS ENCLOSED (A) Mounting Plate (1) (B) Canopy (1) (C) Canopy Screws (3) (D) Allen Wrench (1) IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: DO NOT EXPOSE THE ADAPTOR TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. 1.This fixture is NOT dimmer compatible. 2.Do not break or pull out LED bulbs. 3.Indoor use only. 4.Do not look directly at the light. 5.Keep lamp away from materials that may burn. 6.If the supply cord or adaptor is damaged, it must be replaced only by service agent or a qualified-technician. 7.The Mounting Plate must be secured to a structural member of the building, independent of the outlet box. Consult your local hardware store for the proper fasteners for your application. TO ASSEMBLE 1.Carefully remove all parts from the box and remove all plastic covering. 2.Remove Mounting Plate (A) from Canopy (B) by removing Canopy Screws (C) with Allen Wrench (D) provided. 3.Attach mounting Plate (A) to ceiling and secure with mounting screws (not included)//proper fasteners from your local hardware store. 4.Connect the safety steel wire from the fixture and the safety cable from ceiling. Refer to the illustration. 5.Attach the fixture ground wire (green or green/yellow) to the ground wire from the outlet box (usually green insulation or bare wire) with a plastic wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE OUTLET BOX IN YOUR HOME BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. 6.Connect the neutral wires from the ballast (white wire) to the neutral outlet wire (usually white) with a plastic wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape. 7.Connect the hot wires (black wire) to the hot outlet box wire (usually black) with a plastic wire connector and wrap the connection with electrical tape. DO NOT REVERSE THE HOT AND NEUTRAL CONNECTIONS OTHERWISE SAFETY WILL BE COMPROMISED. 8.Attach Canopy (B) with light fixture to affixed Mounting Plate (A) and secure with Canopy Screws (C). Tighten with Allen Wrench (D). 9.Restore power to outlet box and check operation of fixture. 10.Assembly is complete. CARE INSTRUCTIONS Avoid the use of all polishers, cleaners, and abrasives, as they will damage the finish of your lamp. To remove dust or fingerprints, wipe gently with a soft, clean cloth. Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to connect the interference by one or more of the following measures - reorient or relocate the receiving antenna or increase the separation between the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. TO ASSEMBLE SAFETY CABLES 1.Join fixture safety cable with safety cable from ceiling. 2.Wrap both safety cables around the cable lock nut. 3.Secure by tightening both hex nuts until tight. TYPE: _______PROJECT NAME: ______________________ STELLA FEATURES The “Stella” LED Palm Tree Lighting products features an architectural round or square frame to conceal all light fixtures and wiring components while providing exceptional illumination on palm fronds and areas below the palm tree. Eliminates the clutter of exposed lighting fixtures hanging from palm trees. Perfect for resorts, hotels, project entry, street scene, pool area, parks, civic centers and significant landscape environments. Brilliant, high lumen 10.61 watt LED fixtures 715 lumens each light fixture (67 lm / watt) Fixture Intensity is field adjustable with 4 adjustment levels 2750K, 3000K, 4000K & narrow-band Amber color temperatures Interchangeable optics, 10 o, 30 o and 60 o Max. candlepower: 11.4K (10 o), 2.3K (30 o) and .8K (60 o) Cree High Output XP-G2 LED diodes IP65 Lights / IP68 Connectors / UL Recognized Components High quality #5052-H32 Marine Alloy or #304 Marine Grade Stainless Steel Multiple frame sizes for all types of palm trees Permanent mounting brackets with easy field leveling capabilities “Will Not Hurt or Damage a Palm Tree” as documented by a Certified Arborist 5 year limited warranty Available Options: RGB & RGBW lighting, DMX Controls Surge Protection, Weatherproof GFI Receptacle, Exterior Flood Light Special frame colors “The Stella offers a patent pending palm tree lighting solution that conceals lighting behind a round or square frame” Ty Price, ALSA Peridian International “The Stella reduces light fixture clutter on palm trees during the day while providing intense and ef- fective lighting at night” Ronald Gregory, ASLA RGA Landscape Architects Signature at PGA West, La Quinta, California LED PALM TREE LIGHTING Bradley LighƟng, Inc. 34300 Gateway Drive, Suite 120, Palm Desert, California 92211 / 800‐764‐4881 www.bradleylighƟng.com United States Patent Pending AN AMERICAN COMPANY Optic Distribution: 10 o Maximum Candela: 11,413 Optic Distribution: 30 o Maximum Candela: 11,413 Optic Distribution: 60 o Maximum Candela: 11,413 PHOTOMETRIC DATA STELLA frames are built specifically for project trees. Refer to the frame sizing chart and make frame selections based on the tree diameters. Frames are permanently mounted to the tree using the a unique adjustable mounting bracket. Lighting fixtures have integral brightness settings that can be field adjusted to control intensity of the light ranging from 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. Bradley LighƟng, Inc. 34300 Gateway Drive, Suite 120, Palm Desert, California 92211 / 800‐764‐4881 www.bradleylighƟng.com United States Patent Pending STELLA LED PALM TREE LIGHTING TYPE: _______PROJECT NAME: ______________________ STELLA FRAME SIZES FB—FAWN BROWN FRAME COLORS DB—DARK BRONZE DBH — DARK BRONZE HAM- LBH — BRONZE HAMMERTONE NOTE: * R22, R23 AND R26 FRAMES REQUIRE REMOTE TRANSFORMER ** S21 AND S23 FRAMES REQUIRE REMOTE TRANSFORMER STELLA LED PALM TREE LIGHTING TYPE: _______PROJECT NAME: ______________________ AN AMERICAN COMPANY Bradley LighƟng, Inc. 34300 Gateway Drive, Suite 120, Palm Desert, California 92211 / 800‐764‐4881 www.bradleylighƟng.com United States Patent Pending Page 1 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JULY 11, 2017 CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2017-0005 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2017-0001 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND A ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.60 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS WITHIN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS LOCATION: CITY-WIDE CEQA: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDEMNTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt a resolution recommending to the City Council certification of a Negative Declaration and approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001, approving amendments to Chapter 9.60 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • New state laws require local agencies to update ordinances regulating accessory dwelling units. • Amendments are proposed to La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.60.090, Second Residential Units, for consistency with new state law. • The proposed zoning text amendment was continued to a date uncertain from the February 14, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. Staff prepared revisions to the code amendments and a negative declaration. BACKGROUND New state laws took effect January 2017 amending Government Code Section 65852.2 relating to secondary dwelling units. Any inconsistency in a city ordinance is PH 4 Page 2 of 4 preempted by state law. The new state law governs the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and includes reductions or exemptions from parking requirements and reduced utility connection fees for certain types of units. State law sets standards for ADUs within an existing residential structure and for new ADUs, attached or detached that create additional living space. In the City, ADUs are regulated by La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.60.090, Second Residential Units, and they are permitted in all residential districts (Attachment 2). The City Attorney and staff conducted an analysis of the City’s existing code section with the new state law and presented amendments based on a “model ordinance” available from the state’s Housing and Community Development Department (Attachment 1). At its February 14, 2017 meeting, the Planning Commission was concerned about local impacts of the proposed ADU code amendments and recommended preparation of an environmental assessment. Additionally, the Planning Commission recommended exhibits that demonstrate application of the proposed standards for a representative single-family residential neighborhood (Attachment 3). Environmental Assessment 2017-0005 was prepared and further code revisions were prepared after further research was conducted of ADU code amendments adopted by other California cities. ANALYSIS Accessory units in the City of La Quinta are required to be approved consistent with new State law governing ADUs until the City adopts a new ordinance. The proposed modification to the standards of Second Residential Units, Section 9.60.090, is listed below (Attachment 5): • Replace references to Second Residential Units with references to Accessory Dwelling Units. • The maximum permitted gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit increases from 30% to 50% of the existing living area of the primary residence. • Require accessory dwelling unit permitting as a ministerial process for certain qualifying ADUs. • No requirement for new or separate utility connection for accessory dwelling units proposed within an existing primary structure. • Parking spaces for new accessory dwelling units can be provided as tandem parking, including on an existing driveway or in setback areas, excluding the non-driveway front yard setback. • Parking requirements may be waived under certain circumstances such as ADUs located within half a mile of public transit or a car share vehicle located within one block of the accessory dwelling unit. The Planning Commission was concerned about elimination of required on-site parking requirements for residences resulting from the conversion of a garage to an ADU (Attachment 6). Commissioners were concerned about the lack of information regarding specific residential areas that may qualify for ADU parking exemptions due Page 3 of 4 to proximity to bus transit stops. Staff has included additional code amendments that address Planning Commission concerns as follows: • The primary single-family unit will continue to require two parking spaces in a garage regardless of the construction of an ADU. Therefore, a garage cannot be converted into an ADU without a new garage that accommodates two spaces on the same property for the primary unit. • “Public transit” is for the purposes of the ADU parking exemption is not defined in the new state law, but other existing state law has referred to public transit as consisting of a “major transit stop” or bus stop along a “high-quality transit corridor.” A high-quality transit corridor is defined as having a bus stop frequency of 15-minute intervals during peak hours as defined in the California Public Resources Code Section 21155(b). Sunline Transit Agency provides public bus transit to the City of La Quinta. Bus Route 70 has a bus stop frequency of 40-minute intervals during peak hours. Bus Route 54 has a bus stop frequency of 1-hour and 12-minute intervals. Route 111 has a bus transit frequency of 20-minute intervals during peak hours (Attachment 4). • The City may require that the owner of the lot of an ADU pay additional connection fees or capacity charges as part of the primary residence. With adoption of the new revisions, there is minimal impact anticipated from the construction of new ADUs compared with those permitted under the City’s current second residential unit regulations. Based on a simple survey, to date the cities of Palm Desert and Indio have adopted new ordinances amending their accessory dwelling unit regulations. The cities of Palm Springs, Cathedral City and Indians Wells have not adopted new accessory dwelling unit ordinances. Following Planning Commission consideration, the code amendments are scheduled for a public hearing before City Council on August 1, 2017. If approved by City Council, the code amendments are expected to become effective October 20, 2017. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Notice: This notice of intent to adopt a negative declaration was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 21, 2017 and a comment period for public review from June 21- July 10, 2017. To date, no comments have been received from the public or other City Departments. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impact under CEQA in that this action will not have a significant effect on the environment. Staff recommends certification of the Negative Declaration. Prepared by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Page 4 of 4 Attachments: 1. Accessory Dwelling Unit Memorandum- CA Dept of Housing and Community Development 2. Residential Districts Map- City of La Quinta 3. Representative Cove Lot ADU examples 4. Sunline Transit Agency Routes- City of La Quinta 5. Proposed Chapter 9.60 amendments- Redline version 6. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 14, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - ___ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2017-0005 AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2017-0001 TO AMEND CHAPTER 9.60 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS WITHIN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS CONSISTENT WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65852.2 CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2017-0005 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2017-0001 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 11th day of July, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for review of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend Chapter 9.60 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as identified by Title of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice for this request in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017, as prescribed by the Municipal Code; and, Environmental Assessment 2017-0005 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Environmental Assessment [Exhibit A]: 1. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community, either indirectly, or directly, in that no significant unmitigated impacts were identified by Environmental Assessment 2017-0005. 2. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - ___ Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001 Applicant: City of La Quinta Adopted: July 11, 2017 Page 2 of 3 range of rare or endangered plants or animals or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. 3. There is not evidence before the City that the proposed zoning ordinance amendment will have the potential for an adverse affect on wildlife resources of the habitat on which the wildlife depends. 4. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable. 5. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect the human population, either directly or indirectly. Impacts associated with noise and air quality will be less than significant. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001 WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are necessary to implement Assembly Bill 2299 and Senate Bill 1069, effective January 1, 2017, governing the regulation for accessory dwelling units, and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to recommend approval of said Zoning Ordinance Amendment [Exhibit B] to the City Council: 1. Consistency with General Plan The zoning ordinance amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. The proposed amendments are supported by Policy H-1.1, identify adequate sites to accommodate a range of product types, densities, and prices to address needs of all household types, lifestyles, and income levels; Policy H-3.1, remove unnecessary regulatory constraints to enable construction or rehabilitation of housing that meets the needs of La Quinta residents, including lower income and special needs residents. 2. Public Welfare Approval of the zoning ordinance amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The amendments assist in implementation of the General Plan 2035 Housing Element and do not incorporate any changes that affect the regulation and/or provision of public services, utility systems, or other foreseeable health, safety and welfare considerations. Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - ___ Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001 Applicant: City of La Quinta Adopted: July 11, 2017 Page 3 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of Environmental Assessment 2017-0005 and Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017- 0001, as set forth in attached Exhibit A, to the City Council for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held this 11th day of July, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________________ PHILIP F. BETTENCOURT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: ____________________________________________ GABRIEL PEREZ, Planning Manager City of La Quinta, California CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone: (760) 777-7000 ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY Environmental Assessment 2017-0005 Project Title: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Case No: ZOA 2017-0001 Lead Agency City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7125 Applicant: City of La Quinta Contact Person: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager, City of La Quinta (760) 777-7125 Project Location: La Quinta, CA 92253 General Plan/Zoning: City-wide Surrounding Land Uses: City-wide EXHIBIT A EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -2- Project Description: In order to comply with the new California laws, Assembly Bill 2299 and Senate Bill 1069, which took effect on January 2017 amending the state law governing second dwelling units, California cities and counties are required to adopt or amend their local ordinances in compliance with the new state law. Regulatory barriers are reduced for the construction of accessory dwelling units such as reductions or exemptions from parking requirements and reduced utility connection fees for second units. A set of standards apply for second units created within an existing residential structure and another set for new second units, attached or detached, that create additional living space. Accessory dwelling units are regulated by Section 9.60.090, Second Residential Units of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The City Attorney and staff conducted a consistency analysis of existing Code with the new state laws and recommend certain code amendments. The standards of the Second Residential Units, Section 9.60.090, are proposed to be modified as follows: • Replace references to Second Residential Units with references to Accessory Dwelling Units. • Establishes new standards for accessory dwelling units within existing primary structure and units not within existing structures • Require accessory dwelling unit permitting as a ministerial process • No requirement for new or separate utility connection for accessory dwelling units proposed within an existing primary structure. • Parking spaces for new accessory dwelling units can be provided as tandem parking, including on an existing driveway or in setback areas, excluding the non-driveway front yard setback. • Parking requirements for the primary dwelling must be met before the approval an accessory dwelling unit. Project Location and Limits: City of La Quinta Other Required Public Agencies Approval: None EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -3- ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Agriculture and Forestry Resources Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology /Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards & Hazardous Materials Hydrology / Water Quality Land Use / Planning Mineral Resources Noise Population / Housing Public Services Recreation Transportation/Traffic Utilities / Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance On the basis of this initial evaluation: X I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Signature July 6, 2017 Date EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -4- EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on- site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross-referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures, which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. 9) The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -5- b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -6- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact I. AESTHETICS -- Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? X b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? X c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? X d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? X Source: 2035 General Plan, La Quinta Municipal Code. I. a-d) No Impact. New buildings that will be proposed as result of the new zoning ordinance standards will be required to comply with the City’s development standards and building codes as well as comply with all design guidelines, which include but are not limited to the Cove Design Guidelines and Highway 111 Design Guidelines. The Planning Division will review proposed additions to single-family residences that have been designated as historically significant. These provisions will ensure that the proposed zoning ordinance amendment will result in no impacts on aesthetics, scenic vistas or light and glare. Mitigation Measures: None Monitoring: None EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -7- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact II. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? X b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? X c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? X d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? X e) Involve other changes in the existing environment which due to their location or nature could result in conversion of forest land to non forest use? X Source: 2035 General Plan, “California Department of Conservation, published January 2012”, and California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping, project materials. II. a-e) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will be limited to residential zones. These properties are not designated as Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance, nor are they used for agricultural purposes. The proposed project will not result in any changes to agricultural designations. The subject properties will be limited to residential zones as defined in the City’s General Plan. Therefore, less than significant impacts are anticipated to occur to Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance as a result of the proposed development. There are no Williamson Act contracts on the properties. The zoning ordinance amendment will not involve any change in the existing environment to result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use. No impact is expected. The proposed zoning ordinance will not result in the conversion of forest-land to non-forest use since it will only affect properties in residential zones. No impact is anticipated. Mitigation Measures: None Monitoring: None EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -8- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact III. AIR QUALITY: Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? X b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? X c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? X d) Result in significant construction- related air quality impacts? X e) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? X f) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? X Source: La Quinta General Plan, SCAQMD CEQA Handbook; 2003 PM10 Plan for the Coachella Valley, SCAQMD 2012 Air Quality Management Plan; III. a-f) No Impact. The Coachella Valley, including the City of La Quinta, is located within the Salton Sea Air Basin (SSAB), which is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). SCAQMD is responsible for monitoring criteria air pollutant concentrations and establishing management policies for the SSAB. All development within the SSAB is subject to SCAQMD’s 2012 Air Quality Management Plan (2012 AQMP) and the 2003 Coachella Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan (2003 CV PM10 SIP). The proposed project is proposing a zoning ordinance amendment to allow for accessory dwelling units. All proposed accessory dwelling units will be developed in accordance with all applicable air quality management plans. The AQMP is based, in part, on the land use plans of the jurisdictions in the region. The future units will be consistent with the intent of the General Plan and AQMP. No impacts associated with compliance with applicable management plans are expected. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -9- The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in significant construction-related air quality impacts. Minor additions to homes will not create objectionable odors that affect a substantial number of people nor will it expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. No air quality related impacts are expected. Mitigation Measures: None Monitoring: None EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -10- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES -- Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? X b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? X c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? X d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? X e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? X f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? X EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -11- Source: 2035 General Plan, Coachella Valley MSHCP. IV.a)-f) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in construction. Future homes developed under the amendment’s standards will be required to comply with CEQA requirements, and will occur in existing neighborhoods, on existing home lots. Wetlands and riparian areas will no be impacted. The City of La Quinta participates in the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, and there are no conservation lands located within its residential zones. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on biological resources. Mitigation Measures: None required. Monitoring: None required. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -12- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact V. CULTURAL RESOURCES -- Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in '15064.5? X b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to '15064.5? X c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? X d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? X Source: 2035 General Plan. V. a-d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on cultural resources. The City will require the approval of building permits for future modifications to single-family residences, including potentially historic residences. The City of La Quinta is located within the boundary of ancient Lake Cahuilla, the primary location for paleontological resources in the Valley. Even so, all potential construction would be limited to existing home sites, which have been previously disturbed. Human remains are unlikely to be found since the potential construction would be restricted to previously disturbed areas. Mitigation: None required. Monitoring: None required. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -13- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS -- Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? X ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? X iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? X iv) Landslides? X b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? X c) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? X d) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? X Sources: 2035 General Plan; project materials. VI. a-e) No Impact. There are no Alquist-Priolo hazards zones located within the city. The entire city, including the project site will be subject to significant ground shaking in the event of an earthquake. In order to mitigate this potential impact the City’s building standards are in place to reduce the impacts of a significant earthquake. Potential impacts related to landslides have been reduced to less than significant levels as the result of the primary residence approval. The addition of an accessory unit would not place people or structure in area susceptible to landslides. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -14- The proposed ordinance has the potential to allow the construction of an accessory second unit to a site supports septic tanks. However, the standards imposed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board will assure that adequate capacity and percolation meet all local, state and federal requirements. The implementation of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in impacts to geology or soils. Mitigation: None required. Monitoring: None required. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -15- VII. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS -- Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? X b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? X Source: CalEEMod Version 2013.2.2, project materials. VII.a)-b) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will result in no construction. Future development of accessory units under the provisions of this amendment would be required to comply with Building Code requirements, which include energy efficiency requirements designed to reduce GHG emissions. No impacts related to greenhouse emissions are expected to occur. Mitigation: None required. Monitoring: None required. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -16- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact VIII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS --Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? X b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? X c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? X d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? X e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? X f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? X g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? X EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -17- h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? X Source: 2035 General Plan, CA Department of Toxic Substances, project materials. VII. a)-d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not result in any impact associated with hazards or hazardous materials. The construction and operation of accessory dwelling units in the future will not create a significant hazard to the public related to the transportation of hazardous materials. Small amounts of chemicals for household cleaning may be transported or stored by homeowners; however, they will be minimal and cause similar risks as those associated with existing residential uses in the area. The current residences and future accessory dwelling units will generate use, storage, or transport of hazardous materials. However, the regulations of the Fire Department, County Department of Environmental Health and State and federal agencies will apply. These standard requirements will ensure that no impacts associated with the use, storage, or transport of hazardous materials occur. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not create a significant hazard to the public or environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment. Future construction and operation of accessory dwelling units will be similar to exiting residential use of hazardous materials. No impact will occur. e-g) No Impact. The City is located west of the Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport and south of the Bermuda Dune Regional Airport. The zoning ordinance amendment will not create hazards associated with aviation. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not physically interfere with local or regional roadway networks, or interfere with implementation of an emergency response or evacuation plan. Future developments will have access to the City’s existing street grid for emergency purposes. No impacts are expected. h) No Impact. The City is located on the valley floor, and is in a highly urbanized area. There will be no impacts associated with wildland fires. Mitigation: None. Monitoring: None. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -18- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact IX. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY -- Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? X b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? X c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site? X d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? X e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? X f) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? X g) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? X EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -19- Source: 2035 General Plan IX. a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on water quality standards. Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) provides domestic water to residences in the City. CVWD implements all water pollution standards required, assuming that water sources are not contaminated, either during construction or operation. Future accessory dwelling units will continue to control storm water flows as it has, based on City standards. b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on water supply. Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) will supply domestic water to future accessory dwelling units. CVWD has prepared an Urban Water Management Plan 2010 Update, which is a long-term document that facilitates the planning for current and future water demands. The UWMP demonstrates that the District has available, and can supply, sufficient water to serve the potential expansion due to the proposed zoning ordinance amendment, insofar as the amendment would not result in substantial numbers of additional units. Water use for future accessory units will be required to comply with CVWD’s and the City’s water-efficiency requirements. c)-g) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on flooding. It is not likely that La Quinta will be affected by a tsunami because the City is located approximately 60 miles from the Pacific coast. Future units will be required to implement City standards relating to flooding hazards. For this reason, no impact would occur. Mitigation: None required. Monitoring: None required. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -20- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact X. LAND USE AND PLANNING - Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? X b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? X c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? X Sources: 2035 General Plan; AB-2299 Land use: housing: 2nd units, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2299 X. a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not divide an established community for the reason that any potential construction will be limited to existing residential units in existing neighborhoods. No impact is expected. b) Less Than Significant Impact. In order to comply with the new state law, AB 2299, which among other elements, makes a number of changes to the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) review process and standards in order to ease some of the barriers to the development, the City is required to implement these amendments. As a result, the City has limited latitude in its review of these documents. In terms of conformance with the General Plan, second dwelling units are allowed within single family residential zones. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment would have the potential to increase the number of units allowed on a lot, but does allow limitations in terms of new units. That is to say that the City does not have to permit additional structures under this ordinance if the density of the lot would be exceeded. This will result in self-limitations in density increases, although the conversion of interior space in an existing home could still occur. Additionally, the zoning ordinance amendment does keep in place parking requirements for the primary unit, while allowing accessory units to have less parking. As a result, the primary unit’s garage, or a replacement garage, must be available, and cannot be lost to the accessory unit. c) No Impact. Any construction and future development will occur on previously disturbed residential areas and will not be located within any conservation areas as identified in the CVMSHCP (See IV e-f). No impact will occur. Mitigation: None required. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -21- Monitoring: None required. Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XI. MINERAL RESOURCES -- Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? X b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? X Sources: 2035 General Plan, project materials. XI. a-b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on mineral resources. Mineral resources in the City consist primarily of sand and gravel. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource since any potential construction or development would be limited to existing residential lots. There will be no impact to mineral resources as a result of the proposed project. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -22- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XII. NOISE - Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? X b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? X c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? X d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? X e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? X f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? X Source: 2035 General Plan Noise Element XII. a), c) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on noise levels in excess of standards. The City of La Quinta Noise Element of the General Plan provides guidelines for community noise impacts per land use designation. The primary source of noise in the City stems from traffic. The addition of accessory units to single family homes is not expected to increase noise levels beyond the City’s standards. b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on groundborne vibration. The source of groundborne vibration or groundborne noise for future units would be construction activities. These potential impacts will be temporary, and are not expected to exceed City standards. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -23- c-d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on temporary or permanent noise levels. Future development of accessory units will occur on existing residential lots, and will not significant increase noise levels in residential areas. e,f) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on airport noise environments. Future development of accessory units are unlikely to occur in close proximity to an airport. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -24- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XIII. POPULATION AND HOUSING – Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? X b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? X Source: 2035 General Plan Housing Element. XIII. a-b) Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance will facilitate the approval process for accessory dwelling units. Even though the project will induce population growth, it is consistent with the gradual growth occurring over time while providing an alternative form of affordable housing within the city. There will be no displacement of existing housing since the proposed project will result in additions to housing units on existing residential properties. Impacts to population are anticipated to be less than significant. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -25- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? X Police protection? X Schools? X Parks? X Other public facilities? X Source: 2035 General Plan, Google Earth accessed March 2017, project materials. XIV. a) The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on public services. Future development of accessory units would result in a marginal increase in demand for fire, police, school and park services. However, the number of units resulting from this ordinance is not expected to be substantia. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -26- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XV. RECREATION -- a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? X b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? X Sources: 2035 General Plan, project materials. XV. a-b) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on recreation. Residents of La Quinta currently have access to 72 acres of parks, 147 acres of nature preserves containing recreational parkland areas, 845 acres of regional parks, a 525-acre municipal golf course, and numerous other private and public recreational facilities. The City sets a requirement for providing a minimum of 5 acres per 1,000 residents. When this standard is applied to the estimated General Plan buildout population, a total of 403 acres of neighborhood and community parks will be required to adequately serve the City and its sphere of influence. The City imposes the requirements of the Quimby Act on new development proposals for the acquisition of park lands. In this case, future accessory units will not likely be subject to these requirements, but are also not expected to generate large population increases that would require additional recreational services. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -27- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XVI. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC -- Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? X b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? X c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? X d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? X e) Result in inadequate emergency access? X f) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance or safety of such facilities? X Source: 2035 General Plan. XVI. a-f) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on traffic and circulation. The marginal increase in population as result of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not create a substantial increase to the existing traffic load and capacity of the City’s street system. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -28- The nearest airport, Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, is located southeast of the City. Although there is potential for an occasional overflight, existing dwelling units and future accessory units will not impact air traffic patterns. Fire Department standards ensure that emergency access will be created and preserved for the future accessory units. Prior to the approval of an accessory dwelling unit the existing residence must comply with two covered parking spaces or a two-car garage. This will ensure that the existing residence is in compliance with the City’s parking requirement as well as providing sufficient parking accommodations in the form of tandem parking in the driveway for the accessory dwelling units. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance or safety of such facilities since construction and operation of accessory dwelling units will be limited to existing developed parcels. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -29- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XVII. TRIBAL RESOUCRES. Would the project: a) Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a California Native American tribe, and that is: i) Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code section 5020.1(k), or ii) A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1. In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe. X X XIII a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on Tribal resources. Even though the City of La Quinta is situated in a highly sensitive area for tribal resources it is unlikely that the construction of future units would impact these resources, because the units will be located on parcels with existing homes. Mitigation: None required Monitoring: None required EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -30- Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XVIII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? X b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? X c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? X d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? X e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider that serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project’s projected demand in addition to the provider’s existing commitments? X f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project’s solid waste disposal needs? X g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? X Source: General Plan 2035 EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -31- XVIII. a)-g) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on utilities or service systems. Future accessory units will occur on existing residential lots, and will be reviewed for compliance with sanitary sewer and domestic water standards imposed by the City and CVWD. Accessory dwelling units will not require substantial new drainage facilities. Solid waste requirements will be subject to the City’s and Burrtec’s standards. Mitigation: Not required. Monitoring: Not required. Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant w/ Mitigation Less Than Significant Impact No Impact XVIII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE -- a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals? X c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? X d) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either X EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -32- directly or indirectly? XVIII. a)-d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not impact either biological or cultural resources. The future development of accessory units will occur on existing residential lots which have been fully disturbed. There will be no impact to biological or cultural resources. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment is required to meet State law. It will not impact environmental goals, because accessory structures will occur on existing single family lots, and will reduce the potential for sprawl. The zoning ordinance amendment has no impacts which could be cumulatively significant, because the ordinance amendment will not result in any development. Future accessory units built under the terms of the ordinance amendment would not be expected to result in sufficient numbers, because of the City’s development standards relating to building coverage and parking, to cause cumulative impacts. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on human beings. EA 2017-0005 ZOA 2017-0001 March 2017 -33- References City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan City of La Quinta Municipal Code. CA Department of Toxic Substances SCAQMD CEQA Handbook 2003 PM10 Plan for the Coachella Valley SCAQMD 2012 Air Quality Management Plan California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -1- 9.60.090 Accessory dwelling units. A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of accessory dwelling units within residential districts, consistent with California Government Code Section 65852.2. Accessory dwelling units shall be permitted only in the RVL, RL, RC, RM, RMH, and RH zone districts. B. Definitions. See Chapter 9.280. For purposes of this section, “second residential unit,” “second dwelling unit,” “second unit,” and “granny flat” as defined in Section 9.280.030 (or successor section) shall not apply, and, instead, “accessory dwelling unit” as defined in California Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4) (or successor section in the Government Code) shall apply. An accessory dwelling unit shall be either “attached” or “detached” to the primary residence as described in Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4) (or successor statute). In addition, the following definitions shall apply for purposes of this section: 1. “Living area” shall have the same meaning as California Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(1) (or successor section in the Government Code), notwithstanding any provision in Section 9.280.030 of this code to the contrary. 2. “Primary residence” shall have the same meaning as “Dwelling, single-family detached” or “single-family detached dwelling” as defined in Section 9.280.030 (or successor section). 3. “Public transit” means public mass transit that has a major transit stop or bus stop along a high-quality transit corridor as described in California Public Resources Code Section 21155(b) (or successor statute). C. Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units. Subject to allowances set forth in Subsection D, the following standards shall apply to accessory dwelling units: 1. An accessory dwelling unit shall be consistent with the provisions of the applicable zoning district in which it is constructed. 2. An accessory dwelling unit shall only be permitted on a lot in which the primary residence and all other structures thereon conform to all minimum requirements of the applicable zoning district. 3. The lot shall contain an existing primary residence at the time an application for an accessory dwelling unit is submitted, or the application for the accessory dwelling unit may be made in conjunction with the development of the primary residence. 4. The owner of the lot shall reside on the lot, either in the primary residence or in the accessory dwelling unit. Prior to issuance of occupancy approval of the accessory dwelling unit, the city may require the property owner to enter into a restrictive covenant with the city regarding such owner-occupancy requirement on a form prepared by the city, which shall be recorded against the lot. Such covenant shall further provide that the EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -2- accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold, or title thereto transferred separate from that of the lot or the primary residence. If the owner ceases to reside on the lot, use of the accessory dwelling unit shall be discontinued as follows: (a) if it is an attached accessory dwelling unit, the unit shall be converted into a portion of the primary residence; or, (b) if it is a detached accessory dwelling unit, the unit shall be removed or converted to a legal use. The city manager or authorized designee may grant temporary relief from this owner-occupancy requirement. 5. The maximum increase in gross floor area of an attached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed fifty percent of the existing living area of the primary residence or one thousand two hundred square feet, whichever is less. 6. The minimum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit shall be four hundred square feet, except that the minimum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit that qualifies as an efficiency unit under California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 (or successor statute) shall be one hundred fifty square feet. The maximum gross floor area of a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing living area of the primary residence or one thousand two hundred square feet, whichever is less. 7. An accessory dwelling unit shall have no more than two bedrooms. 8. The total gross floor area of all covered structures, including an attached accessory dwelling unit, shall not exceed the lot coverage area as prescribed by the applicable zoning district. 9. The accessory dwelling unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary residence and surrounding residential neighborhood. If a dispute arises whether the accessory dwelling unit is architecturally compatible with the primary residence, review of the application for the accessory dwelling unit shall be processed as any other design review application under the code but limited to the determination of architectural compatibility. For purposes of this section, “architecturally compatible” means that the accessory dwelling unit generally has the same or substantially similar architectural style, construction and structure materials, paint pallet or scheme, and other prominent design features, as the primary residence. 10. No attached accessory dwelling unit shall cause the height of the primary residence to exceed the height limitation for the applicable zoning district. If the attached accessory dwelling unit is not located above any portion of an existing primary residence, the maximum height of the accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed the height of the primary residence. 11. A detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed seventeen feet in height nor more than one story. EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -3- 12. An attached accessory dwelling unit may have a separate entrance; provided, however, in no event shall any external stairwell be placed within the front or side yard setback. 13. An accessory dwelling unit shall contain separate kitchen and bathroom facilities, and shall be metered separately from the primary residence for gas, electricity, communications, water, and sewer services. 14. All attached and detached accessory dwelling units shall be equipped with approved smoke detectors conforming to the latest Uniform Building Code standards, mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in an area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. 15. In addition to the required parking for the primary residence, a minimum of one additional off-street parking space shall be provided on the same lot that the accessory dwelling unit is located. One parking space shall be provided for each efficiency unit as defined under California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 (or successor statute) in accordance with the applicable parking regulations. Subject to the allowances in Subsection D, no variance or adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking spaces or locations. 16. All construction, structural alterations or additions made to create an accessory dwelling unit shall comply with current building, electrical, fire, plumbing and zoning code regulations. 17. In the event of any conflicts between the standards set forth in this section and those set forth in the regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of this section shall prevail. 18. The applicant shall pay to the city all applicable fees imposed on such new development of an accessory dwelling unit or new or rehabilitated primary residence that will include an accessory dwelling unit. 19. The city manager or authorized designee may add other conditions, consistent with general law and applicable state and city standards, as necessary to preserve the health, safety, welfare and character of the residential neighborhood; provided, however, that such conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the ability of an applicant to create an accessory dwelling unit. D. Allowances for Qualifying Accessory Dwelling Units. In accordance with California Government Code Section 65852.2, as amended by Section 1.5 of Chapter 735 of the Statutes of 2016, the following allowances apply for qualifying accessory dwelling units. 1. Parking requirement exemptions. If one or more of the following criteria is met: (a) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit, (b) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -4- significant historic district, (c) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is part of an existing primary residence or existing accessory structure, (d) the occupant of a proposed accessory dwelling unit would be required to obtain an on-street parking permit from the city, or (e) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within one block of a car-share vehicle station or parking area; then the applicant for an accessory dwelling unit may be exempted from the parking requirements under the zone for which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located. Nothing in this subsection, however, exempts the primary residence from complying with all parking requirements under the zone for which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located. Furthermore, nothing in this subsection exempts the owner of the lot from complying with all parking requirements for fire safety, including access to the lot by front and rear setbacks that are to be clear of obstructions. 2. Utility Connection exemptions. If all of the following criteria are met: (a) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is contained in the existing primary residence or existing accessory structure, (b) a proposed accessory dwelling unit has independent exterior access from the existing primary residence pursuant to this section, and (c) the side and rear setbacks are sufficient for fire safety as determined by the zoning and public safety provisions in this code; then the applicant for an accessory dwelling unit may be exempted from the requirement to install a new or separate utility connection directly between the accessory dwelling unit and the utility, and may be exempted from related connection fees or capacity charges. The city may require, however, that the owner of the lot on which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located to pay any such connection fees or capacity charges as part of the primary residence. Furthermore, the city may require, as part of the restrictive covenant to be recorded against the lot pursuant to this section, that the owner of the lot implement a metering system that would account for the percentage use of each utility provided to an accessory dwelling unit compared to total use of that utility for the of entire lot, and that all utilities that are provided to the accessory dwelling unit be metered by the utilities provided to the primary residence. Any metering system implemented by the owner of the lot pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to verification by the utility from which the service is being provided to the accessory dwelling unit. 3. For purposes of this Subsection D, “existing accessory structure” means “accessory building or structure” as defined in Section 9.280.030 that exists on the lot with an existing primary residence at the time of submittal for any application relating to the proposed accessory dwelling unit. E. If an application for an accessory dwelling unit is submitted or required to be submitted with any other applications that require or permit ministerial or discretionary review under the code, nothing in this section precludes the processing and review of those other applications pursuant to those other provisions in the code. California Department of Housing and Community Development Where Foundations Begin Accessory Dwelling Unit Memorandum December 2016 Courtesy of Karen Chapple, UC Berkeley ATTACHMENT 1 Table of Contents Understanding ADUs and Their Importance ...................................................................................... 1 Summary of Recent Changes to Accessory Dwelling Unit Laws ..................................................... 3 Frequently Asked Questions: Accessory Dwelling Units ................................................................. 7 Should an Ordinance Encourage the Development of ADUs? .......................................................... 7 Are Existing Ordinances Null and Void? ........................................................................................... 7 Are Local Governments Required to Adopt an Ordinance? .............................................................. 8 Can a Local Government Preclude ADUs? ...................................................................................... 8 Can a Local Government Apply Development Standards and Designate Areas? ............................. 8 Can a Local Government Adopt Less Restrictive Requirements? .................................................... 9 Can Local Governments Establish Minimum and Maximum Unit Sizes? .......................................... 9 Can ADUs Exceed General Plan and Zoning Densities? ................................................................. 9 How Are Fees Charged to ADUs?.................................................................................................. 11 What Utility Fee Requirements Apply to ADUs…………………………………………………………..11 What Utility Fee Requirements Apply to Non-City and County Service Districts? ........................... 11 Do Utility Fee Requirements Apply to ADUs within Existing Space? .............................................. 11 Does “Public Transit” Include within One-half Mile of a Bus Stop and Train Station? ..................... 11 Can Parking Be Required Where a Car Share is Available? .......................................................... 12 Is Off Street Parking Permitted in Setback Areas or through Tandem Parking? ............................. 12 Is Covered Parking Required? ....................................................................................................... 12 Is Replacement Parking Required When the Parking Area for the Primary Structure is Used for an ADU? ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Are Setbacks Required When an Existing Garage is Converted to an ADU? ................................. 12 Are ADUs Permitted in Existing Residence and Accessory Space? ............................................... 13 Are Owner Occupants Required? .................................................................................................. 13 Are Fire Sprinklers Required for ADUs? ......................................................................................... 13 Is Manufactured Housing Permitted as an ADU? ........................................................................... 14 Can an Efficiency Unit Be Smaller than 220 Square Feet?............................................................. 14 Does ADU Law Apply to Charter Cities and Counties? .................................................................. 14 Do ADUs Count toward the Regional Housing Need Allocation………………………………… ....... 14 Must Ordinances Be Submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development? ..... 15 Frequently Asked Questions: Junior Accessory Dwelling Units ................................................... 16 Is There a Difference between ADU and JADU? ............................................................................ 16 Why Adopt a JADU Ordinance?…………………………………………………. ................................. 17 Can JADUs Count towards The RHNA? ........................................................................................ 17 Can the JADU Be Sold Independent of the Primary Dwelling? ....................................................... 17 Are JADUs Subject to Connection and Capacity Fees? ................................................................. 17 Are There Requirements for Fire Separation and Fire Sprinklers? ................................................. 18 Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Attachment 1: Statutory Changes (Strikeout/Underline) ................................................................. 19 Attachment 2: Sample ADU Ordinance .......................................................................................... 26 Attachment 3: Sample JADU Ordinance ........................................................................................ 29 Attachment 4: State Standards Checklist ....................................................................................... 32 Attachment 5: Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 33 1 Understanding Accessory Dwelling Units and Their Importance California’s housing production is not keeping pace with demand. In the last decade less than half of the needed housing was built. This lack of housing is impacting affordability with average housing costs in California exceeding the rest of the nation. As affordability becomes more problematic, people drive longer distances between a home that is affordable and where they work, or double up to share space, both of which reduces quality of life and produces negative environmental impacts. Beyond traditional market-rate construction and government subsidized production and preservation there are alternative housing models and emerging trends that can contribute to addressing home supply and affordability in California. One such example gaining popularity are Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) (also referred to as second units, in- law units, or granny flats). ADUs offer benefits that address common development barriers such as affordability and environmental quality. ADUs are an affordable type of home to construct in California because they do not require paying for land, major new infrastructure, structured parking, or elevators. ADUs are built with cost-effective one- or two-story wood frame construction, which is significantly less costly than homes in new multifamily infill buildings. ADUs can provide as much living space as the new apartments and condominiums being built in new infill buildings and serve very well for couples, small families, friends, young people, and seniors. ADUs are a different form of housing that can help California meet its diverse housing needs. Young professionals and students desire to live in areas close to jobs, amenities, and schools. The problem with high -opportunity areas is that space is limited. There is a shortage of affordable units and the units that are available can be out of reach for many people. To address the needs of individuals or small families seeking living quarters in high opportunity areas, homeowners can construct an ADU on their lot or convert an underutilized part of their home like a garage What is an ADU An ADU is a secondary dwelling unit with complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and generally takes three forms:  Detached: The unit is separated from the primary structure  Attached: The unit is attached to the primary structure  Repurposed Existing Space: Space (e.g., master bedroom) within the primary residence is converted into an independent living unit  Junior Accessory Dwelling Units: Similar to repurposed space with various streamlining measures Courtesy of Karen Chapple, UC Berkeley 2 into a junior ADU. This flexibility benefits not just people renting the space, but the homeowner as well, who can receive an extra monthly rent income. ADUs give homeowners the flexibility to share independent living areas with family members and others, allowing seniors to age in place as they require more care and helping extended families to be near one another while maintaining privacy. Relaxed regulations and the cost to build an ADU make it a very feasible affordable housing option. A UC Berkeley study noted that one unit of affordable housing in the Bay Area costs about $500,000 to develop whereas an ADU can range anywhere up to $200,000 on the expensive end in high housing cost areas. ADUs are a critical form of infill-development that can be affordable and offer important h ousing choices within existing neighborhoods. ADUs are a powerful type of housing unit because they allow for different uses, and serve different populations ranging from students and young professionals to young families, people with disabilities and senior citizens. By design, ADUs are more affordable and can provide additional income to homeowners. Local governments can encourage the development of ADUs and improve access to jobs, education and services for many Californians. 3 Summary of Recent Changes to ADU Laws The California legislature found and declared that, among other things, allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in single family and multifamily zones provides additional rental housing and are an essential component in addressing housing needs in California. Over the years, ADU law has been revised to improve its effectiveness such as recent changes in 2003 to require ministerial approval. In 2017, changes to ADU laws will further reduce barriers, better streamline approval and expand capacity to accommodate the development of ADUs. ADUs are a unique opportunity to address a variety of housing needs and provide affordable housing options for family members, friends, students, the elderly, in-home health care providers, the disabled, and others. Further, ADUs offer an opportunity to maximize and integrate housing choices within existing neighborhoods. Within this context, the Department has prepared this guidance to assist local governments in encouraging the development of ADUs. Please see Attachment 1 for the complete statutory changes. The following is a brief summary of the changes for each bill. SB 1069 (Wieckowski) S.B. 1069 (Chapter 720, Statutes of 2016) made several changes to address barriers to the development of ADUs and expanded capacity for their development. The following is a brief summary of provisions that go into effect January 1, 2017. Parking SB 1069 reduces parking requirements to one space per bedroom or unit. The legislation authorizes off street parking to be tandem or in setback areas unless specific findings such as fire and life safety conditions are made. SB 1069 also prohibits parking requirements if the ADU meets any of the following: • Is within a half mile from public transit. • Is within an architecturally and historically significant historic district. • Is part of an existing primary residence or an existing accessory structure. • Is in an area where on-street parking permits are required, but not offered to the occupant of the ADU. • Is located within one block of a car share area. Courtesy of Karen Chapple, UC Berkeley 4 Fees SB 1069 provides that ADUs shall not be considered new residential uses for the purpose of calculating utility connection fees or capacity charges, including water and sewer service. The bill prohibits a local agency from requiring an ADU applicant to install a new or separate utility connection or impose a related connection fee or capacity charge for ADUs that are contained within an existing residence or accessory structure. For attached and detached ADUs, this fee or charge must be proportionate to the burden of the unit on the water or sewer system and may not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the service. Fire Requirements SB 1069 provides that fire sprinklers shall not be required in an accessory unit if they are not required in the primary residence. ADUs within Existing Space Local governments must ministerially approve an application to create within a single family residential zone one ADU per single family lot if the unit is: • contained within an existing residence or accessory structure. • has independent exterior access from the existing residence. • has side and rear setbacks that are sufficient for fire safety. These provisions apply within all single family residential zones and ADUs within existing space must be allowed in all of these zones. No additional parking or other development standards can be applied except for building code requirements. No Total Prohibition SB 1069 prohibits a local government from adopting an ordinance that precludes ADUs. AB 2299 (Bloom) Generally, AB 2299 (Chapter 735, Statutes of 2016) requires a local government (beginning January 1, 2017) to ministerially approve ADUs if the unit complies with certain parking requirements, the maximum allowable size of an attached ADU, and setback requirements, as follows:  The unit is not intended for sale separate from the primary residence and may be rented.  The lot is zoned for single-family or multifamily use and contains an existing, single-family dwelling.  The unit is either attached to an existing dwelling or located within the living area of the existing dwelling or detached and on the same lot.  The increased floor area of the unit does not exceed 50% of the existing living area, with a maximum increase in floor area of 1,200 square feet.  The total area of floorspace for a detached accessory dwelling unit does not exceed 1,200 square feet.  No passageway can be required.  No setback can be required from an existing garage that is converted to an ADU. 5  Compliance with local building code requirements.  Approval by the local health officer where private sewage disposal system is being used . Impact on Existing Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinances AB 2299 provides that any existing ADU ordinance that does not meet the bill’s requirements is null and void upon the date the bill becomes effective. In such cases, a jurisdiction must approve accessory dwelling units based on Government Code Section 65852.2 until the jurisdiction adopts a compliant ordinance. AB 2406 (Thurmond) AB 2406 (Chapter 755, Statutes of 2016) creates more flexibility for housing options by authorizing local governments to permit junior accessory dwelling units (JADU) through an ordinance. The bill defines JADUs to be a unit that cannot exceed 500 square feet and must be completely contained within the space of an existing residential structure. In addition, the bill requires specified components for a local JADU ordinance. Adoption of a JADU ordinance is optional. Required Components The ordinance authorized by AB 2406 must include the following requirements: • Limit to one JADU per residential lot zoned for single-family residences with a single-family residence already built on the lot. • The single-family residence in which the JADU is created or JADU must be occupied by the owner of the residence. • The owner must record a deed restriction stating that the JADU cannot be sold separately from the single- family residence and restricting the JADU to the size limitations and other requirements of the JADU ordinance. • The JADU must be located entirely within the existing structure of the single-family residence and JADU have its own separate entrance. • The JADU must include an efficiency kitchen which includes a sink, cooking appliance, counter surface, and storage cabinets that meet minimum building code standards. No gas or 220V circuits are allowed. • The JADU may share a bath with the primary residence or have its own bath. Prohibited Components This bill prohibits a local JADU ordinance from requiring: • Additional parking as a condition to grant a permit. • Applying additional water, sewer and power connection fees. No connections are needed as these utilities have already been accounted for in the original permit for the home. 6 Fire Safety Requirements AB 2406 clarifies that a JADU is to be considered part of the single-family residence for the purposes of fire and life protections ordinances and regulations, such as sprinklers and smoke detectors. The bill also requires life and protection ordinances that affect single-family residences to be applied uniformly to all single-family residences, regardless of the presence of a JADU. JADUs and the RHNA As part of the housing element portion of their general plan, local governments are required to identify sites with appropriate zoning that will accommodate projected housing needs in their regional housing need allocation (RHNA) and report on their progress pursuant to Government Code Section 65400. To credit a JADU toward the RHNA, HCD and the Department of Finance (DOF) utilize the census definition of a h ousing unit which is fairly flexible. Local government count units as part of reporting to DOF. JADUs meet these definitions and this bill would allow cities and counties to earn credit toward meeting their RHNA allocations by permitting residents to create less costly accessory units. See additional discussion under JADU frequently asked questions. 7 Frequently Asked Questions: Accessory Dwelling Units Should an Ordinance Encourage the Development of ADUs? Yes, ADU law and recent changes intend to address barriers, streamline approval and expand potential capacity for ADUs recognizing their unique importance in addressing California’s housing needs. The preparation, adoption, amendment and implementation of local ADU ordinances must be carried out consistent with Government Code Section 65852.150: (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (1) Accessory dwelling units are a valuable form of housing in California. (2) Accessory dwelling units provide housing for family members, students, the elderly, in-home health care providers, the disabled, and others, at below market prices within existing neighborhoods. (3) Homeowners who create accessory dwelling units benefit from added income, and an increased sense of security. (4) Allowing accessory dwelling units in single-family or multifamily residential zones provides additional rental housing stock in California. (5) California faces a severe housing crisis. (6) The state is falling far short of meeting current and future housing demand with serious consequences for the state’s economy, our ability to build green infill consistent with state greenhouse gas reduction goals, and the well-being of our citizens, particularly lower and middle-income earners. (7) Accessory dwelling units offer lower cost housing to meet the needs of existing and future residents within existing neighborhoods, while respecting architectural character. (8) Accessory dwelling units are, therefore, an essential component of California’s housing supply. (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that an accessory dwelling unit ordinance adopted by a local agency has the effect of providing for the creation of accessory dwelling units and that provisions in this ordinance relating to matters including unit size, parking, fees, and other requirements, are not so arbitrary, excessive, or burdensome so as to unreasonably restrict the ability of homeowners to create accessory dwelling units in zones in which they are authorized by local ordinance. 8 Are Existing Ordinances Null and Void? Yes, any local ordinance adopted prior to January 1, 2017 that is not in compliance with the changes to ADU law will be null and void. Until an ordinance is adopted, local governments must apply “state standards” (See Attachment 4 for State Standards checklist). In the absence of a local ordinance complying with ADU law, local review must be limited to “state standards” and cannot include additional requirements such as those in an existing ordinance. Are Local Governments Required to Adopt an Ordinance? No, a local government is not required to adopt an ordinance. ADUs built within a jurisdiction that lacks a local ordinance must comply with state standards (See Attachment 4). Adopting an ordinance can occur through different forms such as a new ordinance, amendment to an existing ordinance, separate section or special regulations within the zoning code or integrated into the zoning co de by district. However, the ordinance should be established legislatively through a public process and meeting and not through internal administrative actions such as memos or zoning interpretations. Can a Local Government Preclude ADUs? No local government cannot preclude ADUs. Can a Local Government Apply Development Standards and Designate Areas? Yes, local governments may apply development standards and may designate where ADUs are permitted (GC Sections 65852.2(a)(1)(A) and (B)). However, ADUs within existing structures must be allowed in all single family residential zones. For ADUs that require an addition or a new accessory structure, development standards such as parking, height, lot coverage, lot size and maximum unit size can be established with certain limitations. ADUs can be avoided or allowed through an ancillary and separate discretionary process in areas with health and safety risks such as high fire hazard areas. However, standards and allowable areas must not be designed or applied in a manner that burdens the development of ADUs and should maximize the potential for ADU development. Designating areas where ADUs are allowed should be approached primarily on health and safety issues including water, sewer, traffic flow and public safety. Utilizing approaches such as restrictive overlays, limiting ADUs to larger lot sizes, burdensome lot coverage and setbacks and particularly concentration or distance requirements (e.g., no less than 500 feet between ADUs) may unreasonably restrict the ability of the homeowners to create ADUs, contrary to the intent of the Legislature. Courtesy of Karen Chapple, UC Berkeley 9 Can a Local Government Adopt Less Restrictive Requirements? Yes, ADU law is a minimum requirement and its purpose is to encourage the development of ADUs. Local governments can take a variety of actions beyond the statute t hat promote ADUs such as reductions in fees, less restrictive parking or unit sizes or amending general plan policies. Can Local Governments Establish Minimum and Maximum Unit Sizes? Yes, a local government may establish minimum and maximum unit sizes (GC Section 65852.2(c). However, like all development standards (e.g., height, lot coverage, lot size), unit sizes should not burden the development of ADUs. For example, setting a minimum unit size that substantially increases costs or a maximum unit size that unreasonably restricts opportunities would be inconsistent with the intent of the statute. Typical maximum unit sizes range from 800 square feet to 1,200 square feet. Minimum unit size must at least allow for an efficiency unit as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1. ADU law requires local government approval if meeting various requirements (GC Section 65852.2(a)(1)(D)), including unit size requirements. Specifically, attached ADUs shall not exceed 50 percent of the existing living area or 1,200 square feet and detached ADUs shall not exceed 1,200 square feet. A local government may choose a maximum unit size less than 1,200 square feet as long as the requirement is not burdensome on the creation of ADUs. Can ADUs Exceed General Plan and Zoning Densities? Requiring large minimum lot sizes and not allowing smaller lot sizes for ADUs can severely restrict their potential development. For example, large minimum lot sizes for ADUs may constrict capacity throughout most of the community. Minimum lot sizes cannot be applied to ADUs within existing structures and could be considered relative to health and safety concerns such as areas on septic system s. While larger lot sizes might be targeted for various reasons such as ease of compatibility, many tools are available (e.g., maximum unit size, maximum lot coverage, minimum setbacks, architectural and landscape requirements) that allows ADUs to fit well within the built environment. Santa Cruz has confronted a shortage of housing for many years, considering its growth in population from incoming students at UC Santa Cruz and its proximity to Silicon Valley. The city promoted the development of ADUs as critical infill-housing opportunity through various strategies such as creating a manual to promote ADUs. The manual showcases prototypes of ADUs and outlines city zo ning laws and requirements to make it more convenient for homeowners to get information. The City found that homeowners will take time to develop an ADU only if information is easy to find, the process is simple, and there is sufficient guidance on what options they have in regards to design and planning. The city set the minimum lot size requirement at 4,500 sq. ft. to develop an ADU in order to encourage more homes to build an ADU. This allowed for a majority of single-family homes in Santa Cruz to develop an ADU. For more information, see http://www.cityofsantacruz.com/departments/planning-and-community- development/programs/accessory-dwelling-unit-development-program. 10 An ADU is an accessory use for the purposes of calculating allowable density under the general plan and zon ing. For example, if a zoning district allows one unit per 7,500 square feet, then an ADU would not be counted as an additional unit. Minimum lot sizes must not be doubled (e.g., 15,000 square feet) to account for an ADU. Further, local governments could elect to allow more than one ADU on a lot. New developments can increase the total number of affordable units in their project plans by integrating ADUs. Aside from increasing the total number of affordable units, integrating ADUs also promotes housing choices within a development. One such example is the Cannery project in Davis, CA. The Cannery project includes 547 residential units with up to 60 integrated ADUs. ADUs within the Cannery blend in with surrounding architecture, maintaining compatibility with neighborhoods and enhancing community character. ADUs are constructed at the same time as the primary single‐family unit to ensure the affordable rental unit is available in the housing supply concurrent with the availability of market rate housing. 11 How Are Fees Charged to ADUs? All impact fees, including water, sewer, park and traffic fees must be charged in accordance with the Fee Mitigation Act, which requires fees to be proportional to the actual impact (e.g., significantly less than a single family home). Fees on ADUs, must proportionately account for impact on services based on the size of the ADU or number of plumbing fixtures. For example, a 700 square foot new ADU with one bathroom that results in less landscaping should be charged much less than a 2,000 square foot home with three bathrooms and an entirely new landscaped parcel which must be irrigated. Fees for ADUs should be significantly less and should account for a lesser impact such as lower sewer or traffic impacts. What Utility Fee Requirements Apply to ADUs? Cities and counties cannot consider ADUs as new residential uses when calculating connection fees and capacity charges. Where ADUs are being created within an existing structure (primary or accessory), the city or county cannot require a new or separate utility connections for the ADU and cannot charge any connection fee or capacity charge. For other ADUs, a local agency may require separate utility connections between the primary dwelling and the ADU, but any connection fee or capacity charge must be proportionate to the impact of the ADU based on either its size or the number of plumbing fixtures. What Utility Fee Requirements Apply to Non-City and County Service Districts? All local agencies must charge impact fees in accordance with the Mitigation Fee Act (commencing with Government Code Section 66000), including in particular Section 66013, which requires the connection fees and capacity charges to be proportionate to the burden posed by the ADU. Special districts and non-city and county service districts must account for the lesser impact related to an ADU and should base fees on unit size or number of plumbing fixtures. Providers should consider a proportionate or sliding scale fee structures that address the smaller size and lesser impact of ADUs (e.g., fees per square foot or fees per fixture). Fee waivers or deferrals could be considered to better promote the development of ADUs. Do Utility Fee Requirements Apply to ADUs within Existing Space? No, where ADUs are being created within an existing structure (primary or accessory), new or separate utility connections and fees (connection and capacity) must not be required. Does “Public Transit” Include within One-half Mile of a Bus Stop and Train Station? Yes, “public transit” may include a bus stop, train station and paratransit if appropriate for the applicant. “Public transit” includes areas where transit is available and can be considered regardless of tighter headways (e.g., 15 minute intervals). Local governments could consider a broader definition of “public transit” such as distance to a bus route. 12 Can Parking Be Required Where a Car Share Is Available? No, ADU law does not allow parking to be required when there is a car share located within a block of the ADU. A car share location includes a designated pick up and drop off location. Local governments can measure a block from a pick up and drop off location and can decide to adopt broader distance requirements such as two to three blocks. Is Off Street Parking Permitted in Setback Areas or through Tandem Parking? Yes, ADU law deliberately reduces parking requirements. Local governments may make specific findings that tandem parking and parking in setbacks are infeasible based on specific site, regional topographical or fire and life safety conditions or that tandem parking or parking in setbacks is not permitted anywhere else in the jurisdiction. However, these determinations should be applied in a manner that does not unnecessarily restrict the creation of ADUs. Is Covered Parking Required? No, off street parking must be permitted through tandem parking on an existing driveway, unless specific findings are made. Is Replacement Parking Required When the Parking Area for the Primary Structure Is Used for an ADU? Yes, but only if the local government requires off-street parking to be replaced in which case flexible arrangements such as tandem, including existing driveways and uncovered parking are allowed. Local governments have an opportunity to be flexible and promote ADUs that are being created on existing parking space and can consider not requiring replacement parking. Are Setbacks Required When an Existing Garage Is Converted to an ADU? No, setbacks must not be required when a garage is converted or when existing space (e.g., game room or office) above a garage is converted. Rear and side yard setbacks of no more than five feet are required when new space is added above a garage for an ADU. In this case, the setbacks only apply to the added space above the garage, not the existing garage and the ADU can be constructed wholly or partly above the garage, including extending beyond the garage walls. Also, when a garage, carport or covered parking structure is demolished or where the parking area ceases to exist so an ADU can be created, the replacement parking must be allowed in any “configuration” on the lot, “…including, Local governments must provide reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities to promote equal access housing and comply with fair housing laws and housing element law. The reasonable accommodation procedure must provide exception to zoning and land use regulations which includes an ADU ordinance. Potential exceptions are not limited and may include development standards such as setbacks and parking requirements and permitted uses that further the housing opportunities of individuals with disabilities. 13 but not limited to, covered spaces, uncovered spaces, or tandem spaces, or….” Configuration can be applied in a flexible manner to not burden the creation of ADUs. For example, spatial configurations like tandem on existing driveways in setback areas or not requiring excessive distances from the street would be appropriate. Are ADUs Permitted in Existing Residence or Accessory Space? Yes, ADUs located in single family residential zones and existing space of a single family residence or accessory structure must be approved regardless of zoning standards (Section 65852.2(a)(1)(B)) for ADUs, including locational requirements (Section 65852.2(a)(1)(A)), subject to usual non-appealable ministerial building permit requirements. For example, ADUs in existing space does not necessitate a zoning clearance and must not be limited to certain zones or areas or subject to height, lot size, lot coverage, unit size, architectural review, landscape or parking requirements. Simply, where a single family residence or accessory structure exists in any single fam ily residential zone, so can an ADU. The purpose is to streamline and expand potential for ADUs where impact is minimal and the existing footprint is not being increased. Zoning requirements are not a basis for denying a ministerial building permit for an ADU, including non-conforming lots or structures. The phrase, “..within the existing space” includes areas within a primary home or within an attached or detached accessory structure such as a garage, a carriage house, a pool house, a rear yard studio and similar enclosed structures. Are Owner Occupants Required? No, however, a local government can require an applicant to be an owner occupant. The owner may reside in the primary or accessory structure. Local governments can also require the ADU to not be used for short term rentals (terms lesser than 30 days). Both owner occupant use and prohibition on short term rentals can be required on the same property. Local agencies which impose this requirement should require recordation of a deed restriction regarding owner occupancy to comply with GC Section 27281.5 Are Fire Sprinklers Required for ADUs? Depends, ADUs shall not be required to provide fire sprinklers if they are not or were not required of the primary residence. However, sprinklers can be required for an ADU if required in the primary structure. For example, if the primary residence has sprinklers as a result of an existing ordinance, then sprinklers could be required in the ADU. Alternative methods for fire protection could be provided. If the ADU is detached from the main structure or new space above a detached garage, applicants can be encouraged to contact the local fire jurisdiction for information regarding fire sprinklers. Since ADUs are a unique opportunity to address a variety of housing needs and provide affordable housing options for family members, students, the elderly, in-home health care providers, the disabled, and others, the fire departments want to ensure the safety of these populations as well as the safety of those living in th e primary structure. Fire Departments can help educate property owners on the benefits of sprinklers, potential resources and how they can be installed cost effectively. For example, insurance rates are typically 5 to 10 percent lower where the unit is sprinklered. Finally, other methods exist to provide additional fire protection. Some options may include additional exits, emergency escape and rescue openings, 1 hour or greater fire-rated assemblies, roofing materials and setbacks from property lines or other structures. 14 Is Manufactured Housing Permitted as an ADU? Yes, an ADU is any residential dwelling unit with independent facilities and permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. An ADU includes an efficiency unit (Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1) and a manufactured home (Health and Safety Code Section 18007). Can an Efficiency Unit Be Smaller than 220 Square Feet? Yes, an efficiency unit for occupancy by no more than two persons, by statute (Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1), can have a minimum floor area of 150 square feet and can also have partial kitchen or bathroom facilities, as specified by ordinance or can have the same meaning specified in the Uniform Building Code, referenced in the Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Does ADU Law Apply to Charter Cities and Counties? Yes. ADU law explicitly applies to “local agencies” which are defined as a city, county, or city and county whether general law or chartered (Section 65852.2(i)(2)). Health and Safety Code Section 18007(a) “Manufactured home,” for the purposes of this part, means a structure that was constructed on or after June 15, 1976, is transportable in one or more sections, is eight body feet or more in width, or 40 body feet or more in length, in the traveling mode, or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet, is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a single- family dwelling with or without a foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein. “Manufactured home” includes any structure that meets all the requirements of this paragraph except the size requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification and complies with the standar ds established under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C., Sec. 5401, and following). The 2015 International Residential Code adopted by reference into the 2016 California Residential Code (CRC) allows residential dwelling units to be built considerably smaller than an Efficiency Dwelling Unit (EDU). Prior to this code change an EDU was required to have a minimum floor area not less than 220 sq. ft unless modified by local ordinance in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code which could allow an EDU to be built no less than 150 sq. ft. For more information, see HCD’s Information Bulletin at http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/manufactured-housing/docs/ib2016-06.pdf . 15 Do ADUs Count toward the Regional Housing Need Allocation? Yes, local governments may report ADUs as progress toward Regional Housing Need Allocation pursuant to Government Code Section 65400 based on the actual or anticipated affordability. See below frequently asked questions for JADUs for additional discussion. Must ADU Ordinances Be Submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development? Yes, ADU ordinances must be submitted to the State Department of Housing and Community Development within 60 days after adoption, including amendments to existing ordinances. However, upon submittal, the ordinance is not subject to a Department review and findings process similar to housing element law (GC Section 65585) 16 Frequently Asked Questions: Junior Accessory Dwelling Units Is There a Difference between ADU and JADU? Yes, AB 2406 added Government Code Section 65852.22, providing a unique option for Junior ADUs. The bill allows local governments to adopt ordinances for JADUs, which are no more than 500 square feet and are typically bedrooms in a single-family home that have an entrance into the unit from the main home and an entrance to the outside from the JADU. The JADU must have cooking facilities, including a sink, but is not required to have a private bathroom. Current law does not prohibit local governments from adopting an ordinance for a JADU, and this bill explicitly allows, not requires, a local agency to do so. If the ordinance requires a permit, the local agency shall not require additional parking or charge a fee for a water or sewer connection as a condition of granting a permit for a JADU. For more information, see below. ADUs and JADUs REQUIREMENTS ADU JADU Maximum Unit Size Yes, generally up to 1,200 Square Feet or 50% of living area Yes, 500 Square Foot Maximum Kitchen Yes Yes Bathroom Yes No, Common Sanitation is Allowed Separate Entrance Depends Yes Parking Depends, Parking May Be Eliminated and Cannot Be Required Under Specified Conditions No, Parking Cannot Be Required Owner Occupancy Depends, Owner Occupancy May Be Required Yes, Owner Occupancy Is Required Ministerial Approval Process Yes Yes Prohibition on Sale of ADU Yes Yes Courtesy of Lilypad Homes and Photo Credit to Jocelyn Knight 17 Why Adopt a JADU Ordinance? JADUs offer the simplest and most affordable housing option. They bridge the gap between a roommate and a tenant by offering an interior connection between the unit and main living area. The doors between the two spaces can be secured from both sides, allowing them to be easily privatized or incorporated back into the main living area. These units share central systems, require no fire separation, and have a basic kitchen, utilizing small plug in appliances, reducing development costs. This provides flexibility and an insurance policy in homes in case additional income or housing is needed. They present no additional stress on utility services or infrastructure because they simply repurpose spare bedrooms that do not expand the homes planned occupancy. No additional address is required on the property because an interior connection remains. By adopting a JADU ordinance, local governments can offer homeowners additional options to take advantage of underutilized space and better address its housing needs. Can JADUs Count towards the RHNA? Yes, as part of the housing element portion of their general plan, local governments are required to identify sites with appropriate zoning that will accommodate projected housing needs in their regional housing need allocation (RHNA) and report on their progress pursuant to Government Code Section 65400. To credit a unit toward the RHNA, HCD and the Department of Finance (DOF) utilize the census definition of a housing unit. Generally, a JADU, including with shared sanitation facilities, that meets the census definition and is reported to the Department of Finance as part of the DOF annual City and County Housing Unit Change Survey can be credited toward the RHNA based on the appropriate income level. Local governments can track actual or anticipated affordability to assure the JADU is counted to the appropriate income category. For example, some local governments request and track information such as anticipated affordability as part of the building permit application. Can the JADU Be Sold Independent of the Primary Dwelling? No, the JADU cannot be sold separate from the primary dwelling. Are JADUs Subject to Connection and Capacity Fees? No, JADUs shall not be considered a separate or new dwelling unit for the purposes of fees and as a result should not be charged a fee for providing water, sewer or power, inc luding a connection fee. These requirements apply to all providers of water, sewer and power, including non-municipal providers. Local governments may adopt requirements for fees related to parking, other service or connection for water, sewer or power, however, these requirements must be uniform for all single family residences and JADUs are not considered a new or separate unit. A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home or trailer, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied, or, if vacant, is intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live separately from any other persons in the building and which have direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall. 18 Are There Requirements for Fire Separation and Fire Sprinklers? Yes, a local government may adopt requirements related to fire and life protection requirements. However, a JADU shall not be considered a new or separate unit. In other words, if the primary unit is not subject to fire or life protection requirements, then the JADU must be treated the same. 19 Resources Courtesy of Karen Chapple, UC Berkeley 20 Attachment 1: Statutory Changes (Strikeout/Underline) Government Code Section 65852.2 (a) (1) Any A local agency may, by ordinance, provide for the creation of second accessory dwelling units in single-family and multifamily residential zones. The ordinance may shall do any all of the following: (A) Designate areas within the jurisdiction of the local agency where second accessory dwelling units may be permitted. The designation of areas may be based on criteria, that may include, but are not limited to, the adequacy of water and sewer services and the impact of second accessory dwelling units on traffic flow. flow and public safety. (B) (i) Impose standards on second accessory dwelling units that include, but are not limited to, parking, height, setback, lot coverage, landscape, architectural review, maximum size of a unit, and standards that prevent adverse impacts on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historic Places. (ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), a local agency may reduce or eliminate parking requirements for any accessory dwelling unit located within its jurisdiction. (C) Provide that second accessory dwelling units do not exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which the second accessory dwelling unit is located, and that second accessory dwelling units are a residential use that is consistent with the existing general plan and zoning designation for the lot. (D) Require the accessory dwelling units to comply with all of the following: (i) The unit is not intended for sale separate from the primary residence and may be rented. (ii) The lot is zoned for single-family or multifamily use and contains an existing, single-family dwelling. (iii) The accessory dwelling unit is either attached to the existing dwelling or located within the living area of the existing dwelling or detached from the existing dwelling and located on the same lot as the existing dwelling. (iv) The increased floor area of an attached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 50 percent of the existing living area, with a maximum increase in floor area of 1,200 square feet. (v) The total area of floorspace for a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 1,200 square feet. (vi) No passageway shall be required in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit. (vii) No setback shall be required for an existing garage that is converted to a accessory dwelling unit, and a setback of no more than five feet from the side and rear lot lines shall be required for an accessory dwelling unit that is constructed above a garage. (viii) Local building code requirements that apply to detached dwellings, as appropriate. (ix) Approval by the local health officer where a private sewage disposal system is being used, if required. (x) (I) Parking requirements for accessory dwelling units shall not exceed one parking space per unit or per bedroom. These spaces may be provided as tandem parking on an existing driveway. (II) Offstreet parking shall be permitted in setback areas in locations determined by the local agency or through tandem parking, unless specific findings are made that parking in setback areas or tandem parking is not feasible based upon specific site or regional topographical or fire and life safety conditions, or that it is not permitted anywhere else in the jurisdiction. (III) This clause shall not apply to a unit that is described in subdivision (d). 21 (xi) When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is demolished in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit, and the local agency requires that those offstreet parking spaces be replaced, the replacement spaces may be located in any configuration on the same lot as the accessory dwelling unit, incl uding, but not limited to, as covered spaces, uncovered spaces, or tandem spaces, or by the use of mechanical automobile parking lifts. This clause shall not apply to a unit that is described in subdivision (d). (2) The ordinance shall not be considered in the application of any local ordinance, policy, or program to limit residential growth. (3) When a local agency receives its first application on or after July 1, 2003, for a permit pursuant to this subdivision, the application shall be considered ministerially without discretionary review or a hearing, notwithstanding Section 65901 or 65906 or any local ordinance regulating the issuance of variances or special use permits. Nothing in this paragraph may be construed to require a local government to adopt o r amend an ordinance for the creation of ADUs. permits, within 120 days after receiving the application. A local agency may charge a fee to reimburse it for costs that it incurs as a result of amendments to this paragraph enacted during the 2001–02 Regular Session of the Legislature, including the costs of adopting or amending any ordinance that provides for the creation of ADUs. an accessory dwelling unit. (b) (4) (1) An When existing ordinance governing the creation of an accessory dwelling unit by a local agency which has not adopted an ordinance governing ADUs in accordance with subdivision (a) or (c) receives its first application on or after July 1, 1983, for a permit pursuant to this subdivision, the local agency shall accept the application and approve or disapprove the application ministerially without discretionary review pursuant to this subdivision unless it or an accessory dwelling ordinance adopted by a local agency subsequent to the effective date of the act adding this paragraph shall provide an approval process that includes only ministerial provisions for the approval of accessory dwelling units and shall not include any discretionary processes, provisions, or requirements for those units, except as otherwise provided in this subdivision. In the event that a local agency has an existing accessory dwelling unit ordinance that fails to meet the requirements of this subdivision, that ordinance shall be null and void upon the effective date of the act adding this paragraph and that agency shall t hereafter apply the standards established in this subdivision for the approval of accessory dwelling units, unless and until the agency adopts an ordinance in accordance with subdivision (a) or (c) within 120 days after receiving the application. Notwithstanding Section 65901 or 65906, every local agency shall grant a variance or special use permit for the creation of a ADU if the ADU complies with all of the following: that complies with this section. (A) The unit is not intended for sale and may be rented. (B) The lot is zoned for single-family or multifamily use. (C) The lot contains an existing single-family dwelling. (D) The ADU is either attached to the existing dwelling and located within the living area of the existing dwelling or detached from the existing dwelling and located on the same lot as the existing dwelling. (E) The increased floor area of an attached ADU shall not exceed 30 percent of the existing living area. (F) The total area of floorspace for a detached ADU shall not exceed 1,200 square feet. (G) Requirements relating to height, setback, lot coverage, architectural review, site plan review, fees, charges, and other zoning requirements generally applicable to residential construction in the zone in which the property is located. (H) Local building code requirements which apply to detached dwellings, as appropriate. (I) Approval by the local health officer where a private sewage disposal system is being used, if required. 22 (2) (5) No other local ordinance, policy, or regulation shall be the basis for the denial of a building permit or a use permit under this subdivision. (3) (6) This subdivision establishes the maximum standards that local agencies shall use to evaluate proposed ADUs on lots a proposed accessory dwelling unit on a lot zoned for residential use which contain that contains an existing single-family dwelling. No additional standards, other than those provided in this subdivision or subdivision (a), subdivision, shall be utilized or imposed, except that a local agency may require an applicant for a permit issued pursuant to this subdivision to be an owner-occupant. owner-occupant or that the property be used for rentals of terms longer than 30 days. (4) (7) No changes in zoning ordinances or other ordinances or any changes in the general plan shall be required to implement this subdivision. Any A local agency may amend its zoning ordinance or general plan to incorporate the policies, procedures, or other provisions applicable to the creation of ADUs an accessory dwelling unit if these provisions are consistent with the limitations of this subdivision. (5) (8) A ADU which conforms to the requirements of An accessory dwelling unit that conforms to this subdivision shall be deemed to be an accessory use or an accessory building and shall not be considered to exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which it is located, and shall be deemed to be a residential use which that is consistent with the existing general plan and zoning designations for the lot. The ADUs accessory dwelling unit shall not be considered in the application of any local ordinance, policy, or program to limit residential growth. (c) (b) No When a local agency shall adopt an ordinance which totally precludes ADUs within single -family or multifamily zoned areas unless the ordinance contains findings acknowledging that the ordinance may limit housing opportunities of the region and further contains findings that specific adverse impacts on the public health, safety, and welfare that would result from allowing ADUs within single-family and multifamily zoned areas justify adopting the ordinance. that has not adopted an ordinance governing accessory dwelling units in accordance with subdivision (a) receives its first application on or after July 1, 1983, for a permit to create an accessory dwelling unit pursuant to this subdivision, the local agency shall accept the application and approve or disapprove the application ministerially without discretionary review pursuant to subdivision (a) within 120 days after receiving t he application. (d) (c) A local agency may establish minimum and maximum unit size requirements for both attached and detached second accessory dwelling units. No minimum or maximum size for a second an accessory dwelling unit, or size based upon a percentage of the existing dwelling, shall be established by ordinance for either attached or detached dwellings which that does not permit at least an efficiency unit to be constructed in compliance with local development standards. Accessory dwelling units shall not be required to provide fire sprinklers if they are not required for the primary residence. (d) Notwithstanding any other law, a local agency, whether or not it has adopted an ordinance governing accessory dwelling units in accordance with subdivision (a), shall not impose parking standards for an accessory dwelling unit in any of the following instances: (1) The accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit. (2) The accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district. (3) The accessory dwelling unit is part of the existing primary residence or an existing accessory structure. (4) When on-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of t he accessory dwelling unit. (5) When there is a car share vehicle located within one block of the accessory dwelling unit. (e) Parking requirements for ADUs shall not exceed one parking space per unit or per bedroom. Additional parking may be required provided that a finding is made that the additional parking requirements are directly related to the 23 use of the ADU and are consistent with existing neighborhood standards applicable to existing dwellings. Off -street parking shall be permitted in setback areas in locations determined by the local agency or through tandem parking, unless specific findings are made that parking in setback areas or tandem parking is not feasible based upon specific site or regional topographical or fire and life safety conditions, or that it is not permitted anywhere else in the jurisdiction. Notwithstanding subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive, a local agency shall ministerially approve an application for a building permit to create within a single-family residential zone one accessory dwelling unit per single-family lot if the unit is contained within the existing space of a single-family residence or accessory structure, has independent exterior access from the existing residence, and the side and rear setbacks are sufficient for f ire safety. Accessory dwelling units shall not be required to provide fire sprinklers if they are not required for the primary residence. (f) (1) Fees charged for the construction of second accessory dwelling units shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section66000). 66000) and Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 66012). (2) Accessory dwelling units shall not be considered new residential uses for the purposes of calculating local agency connection fees or capacity charges for utilities, including water and sewer service. (A) For an accessory dwelling unit described in subdivision (e), a local agency shall not require the applicant to install a new or separate utility connection directly between the accessory dwelling unit and th e utility or impose a related connection fee or capacity charge. (B) For an accessory dwelling unit that is not described in subdivision (e), a local agency may require a new or separate utility connection directly between the accessory dwelling unit and the utility. Consistent with Section 66013, the connection may be subject to a connection fee or capacity charge that shall be proportionate to the burden of the proposed accessory dwelling unit, based upon either its size or the number of its plumbing fixt ures, upon the water or sewer system. This fee or charge shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing this service. (g) This section does not limit the authority of local agencies to adopt less restrictive requirements for the creation of ADUs. an accessory dwelling unit. (h) Local agencies shall submit a copy of the ordinances ordinance adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) or (c) to the Department of Housing and Community Development within 60 days after adoption. (i) As used in this section, the following terms mean: (1) “Living area,” area” means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit including basements and attics but does not include a garage or any accessory structure. (2) “Local agency” means a city, county, or city and county, whether general law or chartered. (3) For purposes of this section, “neighborhood” has the same meaning as set forth in Section 65589.5. (4) “Second “Accessory dwelling unit” means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single -family dwelling is situated. A second An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following: (A) An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of Health and Safety Code. (B) A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. (5) “Passageway” means a pathway that is unobstructed clear to the sky and extends from a street to one entrance of the accessory dwelling unit. 24 (j) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede or in any way alter or lessen the effect or application of the California Coastal Act (Division 20 (commencing with Section 30000) of the Public Resources Code), except that the local government shall not be required to hold public hearings for coastal development permit applications for second accessory dwelling units. Government Code Section 65852.22. (a) Notwithstanding Section 65852.2, a local agency may, by ordinance, provide for the creation of junior accessory dwelling units in single-family residential zones. The ordinance may require a permit to be obtained for the creation of a junior accessory dwelling unit, and shall do all of the following: (1) Limit the number of junior accessory dwelling units to one per residential lot zoned for single-family residences with a single-family residence already built on the lot. (2) Require owner-occupancy in the single-family residence in which the junior accessory dwelling unit will be permitted. The owner may reside in either the remaining portion of the structure or the newly created junior accessory dwelling unit. Owner-occupancy shall not be required if the owner is another governmental agency, land trust, or housing organization. (3) Require the recordation of a deed restriction, which shall run with the land, shall be filed with the permitting agency, and shall include both of the following: (A) A prohibition on the sale of the junior accessory dwelling unit separate from the sale of the single-family residence, including a statement that the deed restriction may be enforced against future purchasers. (B) A restriction on the size and attributes of the junior accessory dwelling unit that conforms with this section. (4) Require a permitted junior accessory dwelling unit to be constructed within the existing walls of the structure, and require the inclusion of an existing bedroom. (5) Require a permitted junior accessory dwelling to include a separate entrance from the main entrance to the structure, with an interior entry to the main living area. A permitted junior accessory dwelling may include a second interior doorway for sound attenuation. (6) Require the permitted junior accessory dwelling unit to include an efficiency kitchen, which shall include all of the following: (A) A sink with a maximum waste line diameter of 1.5 inches. (B) A cooking facility with appliances that do not require electrical service greater than 120 volts , or natural or propane gas. (C) A food preparation counter and storage cabinets that are of reasonable size in relation to the size of the junior accessory dwelling unit. (b) (1) An ordinance shall not require additional parking as a condition to grant a permit. (2) This subdivision shall not be interpreted to prohibit the requirement of an inspection, including the imposition of a fee for that inspection, to determine whether the junior accessory dwelling unit is in compliance with applicable building standards. (c) An application for a permit pursuant to this section shall, notwithstanding Section 65901 or 65906 or any local ordinance regulating the issuance of variances or special use permits, be considered ministerially, without discretionary review or a hearing. A permit shall be issued within 120 days of submission of an application for a 25 permit pursuant to this section. A local agency may charge a fee to reimburse the local agency for costs incurred in connection with the issuance of a permit pursuant to this section. (d) For the purposes of any fire or life protection ordinance or regulation, a junior accessory dwelling unit shall not be considered a separate or new dwelling unit. This section shall not be construed to prohibit a city, county, cit y and county, or other local public entity from adopting an ordinance or regulation relating to fire and life protection requirements within a single-family residence that contains a junior accessory dwelling unit so long as the ordinance or regulation applies uniformly to all single-family residences within the zone regardless of whether the single-family residence includes a junior accessory dwelling unit or not. (e) For the purposes of providing service for water, sewer, or power, including a connection fee, a junior accessory dwelling unit shall not be considered a separate or new dwelling unit. (f) This section shall not be construed to prohibit a local agency from adopting an ordinance or regulation, related to parking or a service or a connection fee for water, sewer, or power, that applies to a single-family residence that contains a junior accessory dwelling unit, so long as that ordinance or regulation applies uniformly to all single - family residences regardless of whether the single-family residence includes a junior accessory dwelling unit. (g) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) “Junior accessory dwelling unit” means a unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size and contained entirely within an existing single-family structure. A junior accessory dwelling unit may include separate sanitation facilities, or may share sanitation facilities with the existing structure. (2) “Local agency” means a city, county, or city and county, whether general l aw or chartered. 26 Attachment 2: Sample ADU Ordinance Section XXX1XXX: Purpose This Chapter provides for accessory dwelling units on lots developed or proposed to be developed with single - family dwellings. Such accessory dwellings contribute needed housing to the community’s housing stock. Thus, accessory dwelling units are a residential use which is consistent with the General Plan objectives and zoning regulations and which enhances housing opportunities, including near transit on single family lots. Section XXX2XXX: Applicability The provisions of this Chapter apply to all lots that are occupied with a single family dwelling unit and zoned residential. Accessory dwelling units do exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which the accessory dwelling unit is located, and are a residential use that is consistent with the existing general plan and zoning designation for the lot. Section XXX3XXX: Development Standards Accessory Structures within Existing Space An accessory dwelling unit within an existin g space including the primary structure, attached or detached garage or other accessory structure shall be permitted ministerially with a building permit regardless of all other standards within the Chapter if complying with: 1. Building and safety codes 2. Independent exterior access from the existing residence 3. Sufficient side and rear setbacks for fire safety. Accessory Structures (Attached and Detached) General: 1. The unit is not intended for sale separate from the primary residence and may be rented. 2. The lot is zoned for residential and contains an existing, single-family dwelling. 3. The accessory dwelling unit is either attached to the existing dwelling or detached from the existing dwelling and located on the same lot as the existing dwelling. 4. The increased floor area of an attached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 50 percent of the existing living area, with a maximum increase in floor area of 1,200 square feet. 5. The total area of floor space for a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 1,200 square feet. 6. Local building code requirements that apply to detached dwellings, as appropriate. 7. No passageway shall be required in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit. 8. No setback shall be required for an existing garage tha t is converted to a accessory dwelling unit, and a setback of no more than five feet from the side and rear lot lines shall be required for an accessory dwelling unit that is constructed above a garage. 9. Accessory dwelling units shall not be required to provide fire sprinklers if they are not required for the primary residence and may employ alternative methods for fire protection. Parking: 1. Parking requirements for accessory dwelling units shall not exceed one parking space per unit or per bedroom. These spaces may be provided as tandem parking, including on an existing driveway or in setback areas, excluding the non-driveway front yard setback. 2. Parking is not required in the following instances:  The accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit, including transit stations and bus stations. 27  The accessory dwelling unit is located in the WWWW Downtown, XXX Area, YYY Corridor and ZZZ Opportunity Area.  The accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historicall y significant historic district.  When on-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of the accessory dwelling unit.  When there is a car share vehicle located within one block of the accessory dwelling unit. 3. Replacement Parking: When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is demolished or converted in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit, replacement parking shall not be required and may be located in any configuration on the same lot as the acces sory dwelling unit. Section XXX4XXX: Permit Requirements ADUs shall be permitted ministerially, in compliance with this Chapter within 120 days of application. The Community Development Director shall issue a building permit or zoning certificate to establish an accessory dwelling unit in compliance with this Chapter if all applicable requirements are met in Section XXX3XXXXX , as appropriate. The Community Development Director may approve an accessory dwelling unit that is not in compliance with Section XXX3XXXX as set forth in Section XXX5XXXX. The XXXX Health Officer shall approve an application in conformance with XXXXXX where a private sewage disposal system is being used. Section XXX5XXX: Review Process for Accessory Structure Not Complying with Development Standards An accessory dwelling unit that does not comply with standards in Section XXX3XX may permitted with a zoning certificate or an administrative use permit at the discretion of the Community Development Director subject to findings in Section XXX6XX Section XXX6XXX: Findings A. In order to deny an administrative use permit under Section XXX5XXX, the Community Development Director shall find that the Accessory Dwelling Unit would be detrim ental to the public health and safety or would introduce unreasonable privacy impacts to the immediate neighbors. B. In order to approve an administrative use permit under Section XXX5XXX to waive required accessory dwelling unit parking, the Community Development Director shall find that additional or new on -site parking would be detrimental, and that granting the waiver wil l m eet the purposes of this Chapter. Section XXX7XXX: Definitions (1) “Living area means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit including basements and attics but does not include a garage or any accessory structure. (2) “Accessory dwelling unit” means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single -family dwelling is situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following: (A) An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of Health and Safety Code. (B) A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. (3) “Passageway” means a pathway that is unobstructed clear to the sky and exten ds from a street to one entrance of the accessory dwelling unit. 28 (4) (1) “Existing Structure” for the purposes of defining an allowable space that can be converted to an ADU means within the four walls and roofline of any structure existing on or after Jan uary 1, 2017 that can be made safely habitable under local building codes at the determination of the building official regardless of any non -compliance with zoning standards. 29 Attachment 3: Sample JADU Ordinance (Lilypad Homes at http://lilypadhomes.org/) Draft Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADU) – Flexible Housing Findings: 1. Causation: Critical need for housing for lower income families and individuals given the high cost of living and low supply of affordable homes for rent or purchase, and the difficulty, given the current social and economic environment, in building more affordable housing 2. Mitigation: Create a simple and inexpensive permitting track for the development of junior accessory dwelling units that allows spare bedrooms in homes to serve as a flexible form of infill housing 3. Endangerment: Provisions currently required under agency ordinances are so arbitrary, excessive, or burdensome as to restrict the ability of homeowners to legally develop these units therefore encouraging homeowners to bypass safety standards and procedures that make the creation of these units a benefit to the whole of the community 4. Co-Benefits: Homeowners (particularly retired seniors and young families, groups that tend to have the lowest incomes) – generating extra revenue, allowing people facing unexpected financial obstacles to remain in their homes, housing parents, children or caregivers; Homebuyers - providing rental income which aids in mortgage qualification under new government guidelines; Renters – creating more low-cost housing options in the community where they work, go to school or have family, also reducing commute time and expenses; Municipalities – helping to meet RHNA goals, increasing property and sales tax revenue, insuring safety standard code compliance, providing an abundant source of affordable housing with no additional infrastructure needed; Community - housing vital workers, decreasing traffic, creating economic growth both in the remodeling sector and new customers for local businesses; Planet - reducing carbon emissions, using resources more efficiently; 5. Benefits of Junior ADUs: offer a more affordable housing option to both homeowners and renters, creating economically healthy, diverse, multi-generational communities; Therefore the following ordinance is hereby enacted: This Section provides standards for the establishment of junior accessory dwelling units, an alternative to the standard accessory dwelling unit, permitted as set forth under State Law AB 1866 (Chapter 1062, Statutes of 2002) Sections 65852.150 and 65852.2 and subject to different provisions under fire safety codes based on the fact that junior accessory dwelling units do not qualify as “complete independent living facilities” given that the interior connection from the junior accessory dwelling unit to the main living area remains, therefore not redefining the single-family home status of the dwelling unit. A) Development Standards. Junior accessory dwelling units shall comply with the following standards, including the standards in Table below: 1) Number of Units Allowed. Only one accessory dwelling unit or, junior accessory dwelling unit, may be located on any residentially zoned lot that permits a single-family dwelling except as otherwise regulated or restricted by an adopted Master Plan or Precise Development Plan. A junior accessory dwelling unit may only be located on a lot which already contains one legal single-family dwelling. 2) Owner Occupancy: The owner of a parcel proposed for a junior accessory dwelling unit shall occupy as a principal residence either the primary dwelling or the accessory dwelling, except when the home is held by an agency such as a land trust or housing organization in an effort to create affordable housing. 3) Sale Prohibited: A junior accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold independently of the primary dwelling on the parcel. 30 4) Deed Restriction: A deed restriction shall be completed and recorded, in compliance with Section B below. 5) Location of Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit: A junior accessory dwelling unit must be created within the existing walls of an existing primary dwelling, and must include conversion of an existing bedroom. 6) Separate Entry Required: A separate exterior entry shall be provided to serve a junior accessory dwelling unit. 7) Interior Entry Remains: The interior connection to the main living area must be maintained, but a second door may be added for sound attenuation. 8) Kitchen Requirements: The junior accessory dwelling unit shall include an efficiency kitchen, requiring and limited to the following components: a) A sink with a maximum waste line diameter of one-and-a-half (1.5) inches, b) A cooking facility with appliance which do not require electrical service greater than one-hundred-and- twenty (120) volts or natural or propane gas, and c) A food preparation counter and storage cabinets that are reasonable to size of the unit. 9) Parking: No additional parking is required beyond that required when the existing primary dwelling was constructed. Development Standards for Junior Accessory Dwelling Units SITE OR DESIGN FEATURE SITE AND DESIGN STANDARDS Maximum unit size 500 square feet Setbacks As required for the primary dwelling unit Parking No additional parking required B) Deed Restriction: Prior to obtaining a building permit for a junior accessory dwelling unit, a deed restriction, approved by the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the County Recorder's office, which shall include the pertinent restrictions and limitations of a junior accessory dwelling unit identified in this Section. Said deed restriction shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon any future owners, heirs, or assigns. A copy of the recorded deed restriction shall be filed with the Department stating that: 1) The junior accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately from the primary dwelling unit; 2) The junior accessory dwelling unit is restricted to the maximum size allowed per the development standards; 3) The junior accessory dwelling unit shall be considered legal only so long as either the primary residence, or the accessory dwelling unit, is occupied by the owner of record of the property, except when the home is owned by an agency such as a land trust or housing organization in an effort to create affordable housing; 4) The restrictions shall be binding upon any successor in ownership of the property and lack of compliance with this provision may result in legal action against the property owner, including revocation of any right to maintain a junior accessory dwelling unit on the property. C) No Water Connection Fees: No agency should require a water connection fee for the development of a junior accessory dwelling unit. An inspection fee to confirm that the dwelling unit complies with development standard may be assessed. D) No Sewer Connection Fees: No agency should require a sewer connection fee for the development of a junior accessory dwelling unit. An inspection fee to confirm that the dwelling unit complies with development standard 31 may be assessed. E) No Fire Sprinklers and Fire Attenuation: No agency should require fire sprinkler or fire attenuation specifications for the development of a junior accessory dwelling unit. An inspection fee to confirm that the dwelling unit complies with development standard may be assessed. Definitions of Specialized Terms and Phrases. “Accessory dwelling unit” means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisio ns for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single -family dwelling is situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following: (1) An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of Health and Safety Code. (2) A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. “Junior accessory dwelling unit” means a unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size and contained entirely within an existing single-family structure. A junior accessory dwelling unit may include separate sanitation facilities, or may share sanitation facilities with the existing structure. 32 Attachment 4: State Standards Checklist (As of January 1, 2017) YES/NO STATE STANDARD* GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION Unit is not intended for sale separate from the primary residence and may be rented. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(i) Lot is zoned for single-family or multifamily use and contains an existing, single- family dwelling. 65852.2(a)(1)(D))ii) Accessory dwelling unit is either attached to the existing dwelling or located within the living area of the existing dwelling or detached from the existing dwelling and located on the same lot as the existing dwelling. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(iii ) Increased floor area of an attached accessory dwelling unit does not exceed 50 percent of the existing living area, with a maximum increase in floor area of 1,200 square feet. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(iv ) Total area of floor space for a detached accessory dwelling unit dies not exceed 1,200 square feet. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(v ) Passageways are not required in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(vi ) Setbacks are not required for an existing garage that is converted to an accessory dwelling unit, and a setback of no more than five feet from the side and rear lot lines are not required for an accessory dwelling unit that is constructed above a garage. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(vi i) (Local building code requirements that apply to detached dwellings are met, as appropriate. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(vi ii) Local health officer approval where a private sewage disposal system is being used, if required. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(ix ) Parking requirements do not exceed one parking space per unit or per bedroom. These spaces may be provided as tandem parking on an existing driveway. 65852.2(a)(1)(D)(x ) * Other requirements may apply. See Government Code Section 65852.2 33 Attachment 5: Bibliography Reports ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS: CASE STUDY (26 pp.) By United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. (2008) Introduction: Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) — also referred to as accessory apartments, ADUs, or granny flats — are additional living quarters on single-family lots that are independent of the primary dwelling unit. The separate living spaces are equipped with kitchen and bathroom facilities, and can be either attached or detached from the main residence. This case study explores how the adoption of ordinances, with reduced regulatory restrictions to encourage ADUs, can be advantageous for communities. Following an explanation of the various types of ADUs and their benefits, this case study provides examples of municipalities with successful ADU legislation and programs. Section titles include: History of ADUs; Types of Accessory Dwelling Units; Benefits of Accessory Dwelling Units; and Examples of ADU Ordinances and Programs. THE MACRO VIEW ON MICRO UNITS (46 pp.) By Bill Whitlow, et al. – Urban Land Institute (2014) Library Call #: H43 4.21 M33 2014 The Urban Land Institute Multifamily Housing Councils were awarded a ULI Foundation research grant in fall 2013 to evaluate from multiple perspectives the market performance and market acceptance of micro and small units. RESPONDING TO CHANGING HOUSEHOLDS: Regulatory Challenges for Micro-units and Accessory Dwelling Units (76 pp.) By Vicki Been, Benjamin Gross, and John Infranca (2014) New York University: Furman Center for Real Estate & Urban Policy Library Call # D55 3 I47 2014 This White Paper fills two gaps in the discussion regarding compact units. First, we provide a detailed analysis of the regulatory and other challenges to developing both ADUs and micro -units, focusing on five cities: New York; Washington, DC; Austin; Denver; and Seattle. That analysis will be helpful not only to the specif ic jurisdictions we study, but also can serve as a model for those who what to catalogue regulations that might get in the way of the development of compact units in their own jurisdictions. Second, as more local governments permit or encourage compact units, researchers will need to evaluate how well the units built serve the goals proponents claim they will. SCALING UP SECONDARY UNIT PRODUCTION IN THE EAST BAY: Impacts and Policy Implications (25 pp.) By Jake Webmann, Alison Nemirow, and Karen Chapple (2012) UC Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD) Library Call # H44 1.1 S33 2012 This paper begins by analyzing how many secondary units of one particular type, detached backyard cottages, might be built in the East Bay, focusing on the Flatlands portions of Berkeley, El Cerrito, and Oakland. We then investigate the potential impacts of scaling up the strategy with regard to housing affordability, smart growth, alternative transportation, the economy, and city budgets. A final section details policy recommenda tions, focusing on regulatory reforms and other actions cities can take to encourage secondary unit construction, such as promoting carsharing programs, educating residents, and providing access to finance. 34 SECONDARY UNITS AND URBAN INFILL: A literature Review (12 pp.) By Jake Wegmann and Alison Nemirow (2011) UC Berkeley: IURD Library Call # D44 4.21 S43 2011 This literature review examines the research on both infill development in general, and secondary units in particular, with an eye towards understanding the similarities and differences between infill as it is more traditionally understood – i.e., the development or redevelopment of entire parcels of land in an already urbanized area – and the incremental type of infill that secondary unit development constitutes. YES, BUT WILL THEY LET US BUILD? The Feasibility of Secondary Units in the East Bay (17 pp.) By Alison Nemirow and Karen Chapple (2012) UC Berkeley: IURD Library Call # H44.5 1.1 Y47 2012 This paper begins with a discussion of how to determine the development potential for secondary units, and then provides an overview of how many secondary units can be built in the East Bay of San Francisco Bay Area under current regulations. The next two sections examine key regulatory barriers in detail for the five cities in the study (Albany, Berkeley, El Cerrito, Oakland, and Richmond), looking at lot size, setbacks, parking requirements, and procedural barriers. A sensitivity analysis then determines how many units could be built were the regulations to be relaxed. YES IN MY BACKYARD: Mobilizing the Market for Secondary Units (20 pp.) By Karen Chapple, J. Weigmann, A. Nemirow, and C. Dentel-Post (2011) UC Berkeley: Center for Community Innovation. Library Call # B92 1.1 Y47 2011 This study examines two puzzles that must be solved in order to scale up a secondary unit strategy: first, how can city regulations best enable their construction? And second, what is the market for secondary units? Because parking is such an important issue, we also examine the potential for secondary unit residents to rely on alternative transportation modes, particular car share programs. The study looks at five adjacent cities in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area (Figure 1) -- Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, and Richmond -- focusing on the areas within ½ mile of five Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) stations. Journal Articles and Working Papers: BACKYARD HOMES LA (17 pp.) By Dana Cuff, Tim Higgins, and Per-Johan Dahl, Eds. (2010) Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles. City Lab Project Book. DEVELOPING PRIVATE ACCESSORY DWELLINGS (6 pp.) By William P. Macht. Urbanland online. (June 26, 2015) Library Location: Urbanland 74 (3/4) March/April 2015, pp. 154-161. 35 GRANNY FLATS GAINING GROUND (2 pp.) By Brian Barth. Planning Magazine: pp. 16-17. (April 2016) Library Location: Serials "HIDDEN" DENSITY: THE POTENTIAL OF SMALL-SCALE INFILL DEVELOPMENT (2 pp.) By Karen Chapple (2011) UC Berkeley: IURD Policy Brief. Library Call # D44 1.2 H53 2011 California’s implementation of SB 375, the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008, is putting new pressure on communities to support infill development. As metropolitan planning organizations struggle to communicate the need for density, they should take note of strategies that make increasing density an attractive choice for neighborhoods and regions. HIDDEN DENSITY IN SINGLE-FAMILY NEIGHBORHOODS: Backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy (22 pp.) By Jake Wegmann and Karen Chapple. Journal of Urbanism 7(3): pp. 307-329. (2014) Abstract (not available in full text): Secondary units, or separate small dwellings embedded within single-family residential properties, constitute a frequently overlooked strategy for urban infill in high -cost metropolitan areas in the United States. This study, which is situated within California’s San Francisco Bay Area, draws upon data collected from a homeowners’ survey and a Rental Market Analysis to provide evidence that a scaled -up strategy emphasizing one type of secondary unit – the backyard cottage – could yield substantial infill growth with minimal public subsidy. In addition, it is found that this strategy compares favorably in terms of affordability with infill of the sort traditionally favored in the ‘smart growth’ literature, i.e. the construction of dense multifamily housin g developments. RETHINKING PRIVATE ACCESSORY DWELLINGS (5 pp.) By William P. Macht. Urbanland online. (March 6, 2015) Library Location: Urbanland 74 (1/2) January/February 2015, pp. 87-91. ADUS AND LOS ANGELES’ BROKEN PLANNING SYSTEM (4 pp.) By CARLYLE W. Hall. The Planning Report. (April 26, 2016). Land-use attorney Carlyle W. Hall comments on building permits for accessory dwelling units. News: HOW ONE COLORADO CITY INSTANTLY CREATED AFFORDABLE HOUSING By Anthony Flint. The Atlantic-CityLab. (May 17, 2016). In Durango, Colorado, zoning rules were changed to allow, for instance, non-family members as residents in already-existing accessory dwelling units. NEW HAMPSHIRE WINS PROTECTIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (1 p.) NLIHC (March 28, 2016) Affordable housing advocates in New Hampshire celebrated a significant victory this month when Governor Maggie Hassan (D) signed Senate Bill 146, legislation that allows single -family homeowners to add an accessory 36 dwelling unit as a matter of right through a conditional use permit or by special exception as determined by their municipalities. The bill removes a significant regulatory barrier to increasing rental homes at no cost to taxpayers. NEW IN-LAW SUITE RULES BOOST AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN SAN FRANCISCO. (3 pp.) By Rob Poole. Shareable. (June 10, 2014). The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently approved two significant pieces of legislation that support accessory dwelling units (ADUs), also known as “in-law” or secondary units, in the city… USING ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS TO BOLSTER AFFORDABLE HOUSING (3 pp.) By Michael Ryan. Smart Growth America. (December 12, 2014). SH-111 MADISON ST54TH AVEWASHINGTON ST48TH AVE EISENHOWER DRJEFFERSON ST52ND AVE AVENIDA BERMUDASMILES AVE AIRPORT BLVAVENIDA CARRANZA58TH AVE FRED WARING DR 50TH AVE CALLE TAMPICO MONROE STFRED WARING DR 58TH AVE 50TH AVE ¯ 0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.80.35 Miles Zoning Districts RC, Cove Residential RH, High Density Residential RL, Low Density Residential RM, Medium High Density Residential RMH, Medium High Density Residential RVL, Very Low Density Residential City Limits Eligible Residential Districts for Accessory Dwelling Units ATTACHMENT 2 Representative LQ Cove Lot Max Buildable Area 100 Feet 50 Feet 2,400 sq. Max Living Area 10 ft 5 ft 400 sq. ft. Min garage area 20 ft 12 ft ROW 5 ft ATTACHMENT 3 Representative LQ Cove Lot with Potential Attached ADU 100 Feet 50 Feet 1,200 sq. Max Primary Living Area 10 ft 5 ft 400 sq. ft. Min garage area 20 ft 12 ft ROW 5 ft 1,200 sq. Max ADU Living Area Attached ADU at maximum 50% of the area of the primary unit Representative LQ Cove Lot with detached ADU 100 Feet 50 Feet 1,200 sq. Max Primary Living Area 10 ft 5 ft 400 sq. ft. Min garage area 20 ft 12 ft ROW 5 ft 360 sq. Max ADU Living Area 5 ft 20 ft 18 ft Detached ADU at maximum 30% of the area of the primary unit Line 54 Line 80Line 70 - Revised FY16Line 111 - Revised FY16 Line 81 S H - 1 1 1 MADISON ST54TH AVEWASHINGTON ST48TH AVE EISENHOWER DRJEFFERSON ST52ND AVE MILES AVE AIRPORT BLVAVENIDA CARRANZAFRED WARING DR 50TH AVE AVENIDA BERMUDASCALLE TAMPICO MONROE STFRED WARING DR 50TH AVE ¯ 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 1.80.225 Miles Legend City Limits Sunline Routes Line 111 - Revised FY16 Line 54 Line 70 - Revised FY16 Residential Zones RC; RH; RL; RM; RMH; RVL Sunline Bus Transit Routes- La QuintaATTACHMENT 4 EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.1 a07/06/17698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -1- Formatted Table 9.60.090 Second residentialAccessory dwelling units. A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of second accessory dwelling units within residential districts, consistent with California Government Code Section 65852.2. SecondAccessory dwelling units shall be permitted only in the RVL, RL, RC, RM, RMH, and RH zone districts. B. Definitions. See Chapter 9.280. B. Definitions. See Chapter 9.280. For purposes of this section, “second residential unit,” “second dwelling unit,” “second unit,” and “granny flat” as defined in Section 9.280.030 (or successor section) shall not apply, and, instead, “accessory dwelling unit” as defined in California Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4) (or successor section in the Government Code) shall apply. An accessory dwelling unit shall be either “attached” or “detached” to the primary residence as described in Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4) (or successor statute). In addition, the following definitions shall apply for purposes of this section: 1.“Living area” shall have the same meaning as California Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(1) (or successor section in the Government Code), notwithstanding any provision in Section 9.280.030 of this code to the contrary. 2.“Primary residence” shall have the same meaning as “Dwelling, single-family detached” or “single-family detached dwelling” as defined in Section 9.280.030 (or successor section). 3.“Public transit” means public mass transit that has a major transit stop or bus stop along a high-quality transit corridor as described in California Public Resources Code Section 21155(b) (or successor statute). C. Standards for SecondAccessory Dwelling Units. The Subject to allowances set forth in Subsection D, the following standards shall apply to second accessory dwelling units: 1.A secondAn accessory dwelling unit shall be consistent with the provisions of the applicable zoning district in which it occursis constructed. 2.A secondAn accessory dwelling unit shall only be permitted on a lot in which the primary unit residence and all other structures thereon conform to all minimum requirements of the applicable zoning district. 3. The lot shall contain an existing primary unitresidence at the time an application for a secondan accessory dwelling unit is submitted, or the application for the Style Definition: Note Heading Formatted: Tab stops: 0.88", Left ATTACHMENT 5 EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.1 a07/06/17698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -2- Formatted Table second accessory dwelling unit may be made in conjunction with the development of the primary residence. the primary unit. 4. The owner of the lot shall reside on the lot, either in the primary unit residence or in the secondaccessory dwelling unit. Prior to issuance of occupancy approval of the secondaccessory dwelling unit, the city may require the property owner shallto enter into a restrictive covenant with the city regarding such owner-occupancy requirement on a form prepared by the city, which shall be recorded against the propertylot. Such covenant shall further provide that the secondaccessory dwelling unit shall not be sold, or title thereto transferred separate from that of the property.lot or the primary residence. If the owner ceases to reside on the propertylot, use of the secondaccessory dwelling unit shall be discontinued as follows: (a) if it is an attached secondaccessory dwelling unit, the unit shall be converted into a portion of the primary unit,residence; or, (b) if it is a detached secondaccessory dwelling unit, the unit shall be removed or converted to a legal use. The directorcity manager or authorized designee may grant temporary relief from this owner-occupancy requirement. 5. The maximum increase in gross floor area of secondan attached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed thirty fifty percent of the square footageexisting living area of the primary unitresidence or one thousand two hundred square feet, whichever is less. 6. The minimum gross floor area of a second unit shall be four hundred square feet. 6. The minimum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit shall be four hundred square feet, except that the minimum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit that qualifies as an efficiency unit under California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 (or successor statute) shall be one hundred fifty square feet. The maximum gross floor area of a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing living area of the primary residence or one thousand two hundred square feet, whichever is less. 7. A secondAn accessory dwelling unit shall have no more than two bedrooms. 8. The total gross floor area of all covered structures, including an attached accessory dwelling unit, shall not exceed the lot coverage area as prescribed by the applicable zoning district. EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.1 a07/06/17698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -3- Formatted Table attached second unit, shall not exceed the lot coverage area as prescribed by the applicable zoning district. 9. The second unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary unit. 9. The accessory dwelling unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary residence and surrounding residential neighborhood. If a dispute arises whether the accessory dwelling unit is architecturally compatible with the primary residence, review of the application for the accessory dwelling unit shall be processed as any other design review application under the code but limited to the determination of architectural compatibility. For purposes of this section, “architecturally compatible” means that the accessory dwelling unit generally has the same or substantially similar architectural style, construction and structure materials, paint pallet or scheme, and other prominent design features, as the primary residence. 10. No attached secondaccessory dwelling unit shall cause the height of the primary unit residence to exceed the height limitation for the applicable zoning district. If the attached secondaccessory dwelling unit is not located above any portion of the an existing primary unitresidence, the maximum height of suchthe accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed the height of the primary unitresidence. 11. A detached secondaccessory dwelling unit shall not exceed seventeen feet in height nor more than one story. 12. An attached secondaccessory dwelling unit may have a separate entrance; provided, however, in no event shall any external stairwell be placed within the front or side yard setback. 13. A secondAn accessory dwelling unit shall contain separate kitchen and bathroom facilities, and shall be metered separately from the primary dwelling residence for gas, electricity, communications, water, and sewer services. 14. All attached secondand detached accessory dwelling units shall be equipped with approved smoke detectors conforming to the latest Uniform Building Code standards, mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in an area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. purposes. 15. In addition to the required parking for the primary unitresidence, a minimum of one additional off-street parking space shall be provided on the same lot that the secondaccessory dwelling unit is located. One parking space shall EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.1 a07/06/17698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -4- Formatted Table be provided for each studio unit,efficiency unit as defined under California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 (or successor statute) in accordance with the applicable parking regulations. NoSubject to the allowances in Subsection D, no variance or adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking spaces or locations. 16. All construction, structural alterations or additions made to create a secondan accessory dwelling unit shall comply with current building, electrical, fire, plumbing and zoning code regulations. 17. In the event of any conflicts between the standards set forth in this section and those set forth in the regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of this section shall prevail. 18. The applicant shall pay to the city all applicable fees imposed on such new development of an accessory dwelling unit or new or rehabilitated primary residence that will include an accessory dwelling unit. such new development. 19. The directorcity manager or authorized designee may add other conditions, consistent with general law and applicable state and city standards, as necessary to preserve the health, safety, welfare and character of the residential neighborhood; provided, however, that such conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the ability of an applicant to create a second an accessory dwelling unit. (Ord. 445 § 2, 2007: Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996)D. Allowances for Qualifying Accessory Dwelling Units. In accordance with California Government Code Section 65852.2, as amended by Section 1.5 of Chapter 735 of the Statutes of 2016, the following allowances apply for qualifying accessory dwelling units. 1. Parking requirement exemptions. If one or more of the following criteria is met: (a) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit, (b) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district, (c) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is part of an existing primary residence or existing accessory structure, (d) the occupant of a proposed accessory dwelling unit would be required to obtain an on-street parking permit from the city, or (e) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within one block of a car-share vehicle station or parking area; then the applicant for an accessory dwelling unit may be exempted from the parking requirements under the zone for which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located. Nothing in this subsection, however, exempts the primary residence from complying with all parking requirements under the zone for which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located. Furthermore, nothing in this subsection exempts the owner of the lot from complying with all parking requirements EXHIBIT B 698/015610-0002 10999115.1 a07/06/17698/015610-0002 10999115.3 a07/06/17 -5- Formatted Table for fire safety, including access to the lot by front and rear setbacks that are to be clear of obstructions. 2. Utility Connection exemptions. If all of the following criteria are met: (a) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is contained in the existing primary residence or existing accessory structure, (b) a proposed accessory dwelling unit has independent exterior access from the existing primary residence pursuant to this section, and (c) the side and rear setbacks are sufficient for fire safety as determined by the zoning and public safety provisions in this code; then the applicant for an accessory dwelling unit may be exempted from the requirement to install a new or separate utility connection directly between the accessory dwelling unit and the utility, and may be exempted from related connection fees or capacity charges. The city may require, however, that the owner of the lot on which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located to pay any such connection fees or capacity charges as part of the primary residence. Furthermore, the city may require, as part of the restrictive covenant to be recorded against the lot pursuant to this section, that the owner of the lot implement a metering system that would account for the percentage use of each utility provided to an accessory dwelling unit compared to total use of that utility for the of entire lot, and that all utilities that are provided to the accessory dwelling unit be metered by the utilities provided to the primary residence. Any metering system implemented by the owner of the lot pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to verification by the utility from which the service is being provided to the accessory dwelling unit. 3. For purposes of this Subsection D, “existing accessory structure” means “accessory building or structure” as defined in Section 9.280.030 that exists on the lot with an existing primary residence at the time of submittal for any application relating to the proposed accessory dwelling unit. E. If an application for an accessory dwelling unit is submitted or required to be submitted with any other applications that require or permit ministerial or discretionary review under the code, nothing in this section precludes the processing and review of those other applications pursuant to those other provisions in the code. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 FEBRUARY 14, 2017 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2017 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Bettencourt. PRESENT: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt ABSENT: Commissioner Hansen STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney William Ihrke, Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney, Associate Planner Carlos Flores, Executive Assistant Wanda Wise-Latta and Office Assistant Carley Votaw Chairperson Bettencourt welcomed Commissioner Caldwell and asked her to introduce herself. Commissioner Caldwell led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to approve the Planning Commission minutes of November 22, 2016, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Hansen. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of December 27, 2016, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt.. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Hansen. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. ATTACHMENT 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 FEBRUARY 14, 2017 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Specific Plan 2016-0002 (SP 2002-058, Amendment 2) submitted by the City of La Quinta, proposing to remove The Villas at Old Town from the Old Town Specific Plan 2002-058. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15183 in that the proposed project is consistent with General Plan and Zoning. Location: south of Calle Tampico between Avenida Bermudas and the La Quinta Civic Center. Associate Planner Carlos Flores presented the information contained in the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Discussion followed regarding the reason for the removal of The Villas at Old Town from the Old Town Specific Plan. Staff stated there are no proposed plans for the property and this proposal gives more flexibility for future development. Staff said the property will revert to its underlying zoning of village commercial. Staff also stated that SB-18 Native American Tribal Consultation requirements have been completed for the Specific Plan Amendment and future development will not need to go through that process. Staff also clarified that independent of the Specific Plan, the city will continue to use the property for overflow parking during special events. Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:11 p.m. Public Speaker: None Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:11 p.m. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Caldwell to adopt Resolution No. 2017-001 of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, recommending that the City Council find the project exempt from California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15183 in that the proposed project can be characterized as consistent with General Plan and Zoning and further recommend approval Specific Plan 2016-0002 (SP 2002-058, Amendment 2) to remove The Villas at Old Town from the Old Town La Quinta Specific Plan. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Hansen. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001 submitted by the City of La Quinta proposing amendments to Chapter 9.60 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to standards and criteria for the establishment of accessory dwelling PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 FEBRUARY 14, 2017 units within residential districts. CEQA: exempt pursuant to Section 15061 (B)(3) and requires no further review. Location: Citywide. Planning Manager Gabriel Perez presented the information contained in the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Discussion followed regarding garage conversions becoming secondary residential units within a residence anywhere within the city and which had previously been disallowed in the City, parking impacts, the language of the provision, and environmental impacts as a result of accessory dwelling units. City Attorney Irhke stated that the language of the amendment was provided by the State of California and that the provision applies to charter and general law cities. He shared that Assembly Bill 2299 and Senate Bill 1069 amended Government Code Section 65852.2 as well as other provisions in the planning and zoning law. He said that the legislature wanted to find ways of providing more housing. He indicated that any application that came before the city would defer to state law on this issue until we have a new ordinance in place. He recommended that this amendment be acted upon as the state law says that if any provision in the City’s ordinance is inconsistent with state law and the City were to use its ordinance as a basis for denying a permit for an accessory dwelling unit, none of the City’s ordinance would apply and the City could not base a denial on it. Discussion continued regarding CEQA review and exemptions; increased traffic, pollution and greenhouse gas issues; increased street parking; an increase in the number of residential dwelling units within an existing community designed for a single residence on a single lot, and parking allowances subject to transit centers under state law. City Attorney Irhke stated that CEQA would not be a vehicle to deny the requirements of state law to have accessory dwelling units permitted and with regards to specific permitting, ministerial matters are not subject to CEQA. Discussion continued regarding HOAs and CC&Rs. City Attorney Irhke said the City’s regulations have no impact on a homeowner association’s (HOA) CC&Rs. He stated that it is not up to the City to enforce CC&Rs. He said that CC&Rs are not the purview of city; therefore, a dispute between an HOA and a property owner is separate from the City’s obligation to comply with state law. Discussion continued regarding utilities for accessory dwelling unit. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 FEBRUARY 14, 2017 City Attorney Irhke stated that the Commission’s comments regarding utilities and infrastructure that must be part of any dwelling unit could be addressed as part of the permit application. He also said that state law requires that the owners of the parcel must live either in the accessory dwelling unit or in the primary residence. Discussion continued regarding parking requirements. Planning Manager Perez continued with his presentation of the staff report. Discussion continued regarding informing the public and how other cities are dealing with this item. City Attorney Irhke indicated that in addition to staff reaching out to valley cities, he will reach out to his colleagues who are dealing with this item in other cities. Planning Manager Perez introduced the Design and Development Department’s Building Official Burt Hanada who was available to answer any questions the Commission might have. Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:57 p.m. Public Speaker: None Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to continue Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001 submitted by the City of La Quinta to an unspecific future Planning Commission meeting and with the Public Hearing to be noticed in the regular manner; and if allowable and within reason, noticed in The Gem and a city residents mailing. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hansen. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. General Plan consistency for proposed land purchase agreement between the City of La Quinta and BT-LJMJM, LLC. for certain vacant property located near the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando comprised of 10.4 acres. APPLICANT: City of La Quinta. CEQA: exempt from environmental review pursuant to Sections 15301, 15303, and 15304. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 5 FEBRUARY 14, 2017 Planning Manager Perez presented the information contained in the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Discussion followed regarding use of the property to address drainage and retention concerns along Eisenhower Drive including the status of the property should not all of it be required for retention purposes. City Attorney Irhke stated that there is nothing to preclude the City from selling the property should the retention project not move forward. Staff indicated that a retention basin located on the property would address many of the issues along Eisenhower and would also consider additional improvements that may needed at Avenue 50 and Eisenhower Drive as runoff from other areas drain towards Avenue 50 and the proposed retention basin would not be able to intercept that water. Chairperson Bettencourt recused himself and left the dais during the discussion and vote on this item due to a possible conflict of interest. Vice Chairperson Blum sat as Presiding Officer in the Chairman’s absence. Discussion continued regarding the water runoff from the mountains and adjacent properties near the site; providing hiking access for the public to the hillsides surrounding the site; providing an access way through the site between Legacy Villas and the La Quinta Resort; future consideration of trails or recreation areas on the site in the areas that are not utilized by the proposed retention basin; and the impact on the La Quinta Resort and adjacent neighborhoods. Staff stated that dependent upon the design capacity of the retention basin there would be a requirement to have an emergency overflow should the basin reach capacity. Staff said the overflow would be directed back onto the streets and not toward surrounding houses. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Caldwell to adopt Resolution No. 2017-002 finding the proposed vacant land purchase between the City of La Quinta and BT-LJMJM, LLC, for certain property located near the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando consistent with General Plan 2035. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Caldwell, McCune, Quill, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Hansen. ABSTAIN: Chairperson Bettencourt. Motion passed. Chairperson Bettencourt returned to the dais and resumed the duty of Presiding Officer for the remainder of the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 FEBRUARY 14, 2017 COMMISSIONER ITEM Chairperson Bettencourt stated that he is looking forward to an update of development agreements, a review of cell tower inventory, and a review of landscaping compliance at the theatre. Commissioner Quill shared information regarding an Environmental Impact Report and fencing plan related to the bighorn sheep that maybe going before the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Executive Committee for approval on February 27. Planning Manager Perez confirmed that the fence scheduled to be installed at SilverRock at the end of the month is a temporary fence and is a condition of the Site Development permit. STAFF ITEMS 1. City Attorney Irhke presented the report regarding Rules of Procedures for Council, Boards and Commission meetings. 2. The Development Status Report was presented by Planning Manager Perez. 3. Planning Manager Perez updated the Commission regarding registration status for the League of California Cities Planning Commissioners Academy, March 1-3, 2017. 4. Announcement of a Special Joint City Council, Boards and Commissions Meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on February 23, 2017 at the La Quinta Library. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Wright to adjourn this meeting at 7:34 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California