CACMIN 09 11 1997 CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES September 11, 1997 I. CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12:00 noon in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT:. Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner John Detlie Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Roxanne Voigt Commissioner Judy Vossler (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Patrick Welch STAFF PRESENT: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Britt Wilson, Management Assistant Crista I Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None Commissioner Detlie introduced Raymond Howard of American Institute of Architects, and Andrew Sabol of American Society of Landscape Architects. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Arts Master Plan The Commission reviewed the draft Cultural Arts Master Plan and made additions, revisions, and deletions to the Plan. Some changes include moving Appendix II to the front of the Plan, listing the names of current and past Cultural Commissioners separately, and to identify workshop and conference attendees and their titles or organizations they represent. The changes will be made to the Master Plan and reviewed again at the next meeting. The Commissioner's discussed and agreed to complete a paragraph for discussion at the next Commission meeting on what they think the purpose of the Master Plan is (who is it for, how to address or implement it, etc). Commissioner Detlie left at 1 :38 p.m.. Commissioner Vossler left at 2:04 p.m.. C:\MyData\CRIST AL\CAC\MIN9-11.wpd 1 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Chairperson Hull stated that the Proclamation Letter will be going to the City Council on September 16th and that she and John Walling of the Art in Public Places Commission will be accepting it. Commissioner Welch asked staff about web site posting. Staff will look into this and report back to the Commission at a later date. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Atkins to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Thursday, September 25, 1997 12:00 Noon La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Cultural Arts Master Plan . Web Site Posting C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\MIN9-11.wpd 2