CACMIN 10 23 1997 CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES October 23, 1997 I. CAll TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12: 1 0 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Voigt led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner John Detlie Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Roxanne Voigt Commissioner Judy Vossler (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Patrick Welch MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins STAFF PRESENT: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Britt Wilson, Management Assistant Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner VosslerlWelch to excuse Commissioner Atkins from the meeting. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 1997 It was moved by Commissioner VosslerlWelch to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimous. B. Department Report for September 1997 - Received and filed. V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Discussion of Artist of the Month in Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Staff reported that the City Clerk indicated there are 6 pages in the Chamber Newsletter which are allotted to the City. If the Commission wished to pursue an "Artist of the Month" section, a process would need to be established, the amount of space would need to be determined, and City Council approval is also needed. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\MINIO-23.wpd 1 After discussion, the Commission agreed that a standing subcommittee would develop a process for selecting and announcing one artist per month. This would be presented to the Commission at the next meeting. Staff added they would like to be informed of any subcommittee meetings so they can be properly posted. CommissionerWelch added that this suggestion is a result of the Commission acknowledging and celebrating Arts & Humanities Month. After approval of the plan by the Commission, it will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Detlie to appoint a standing subcommittee with Commissioner Benay and Commissioner Voigt, to draft a plan to be sent to the City Council for the Cultural Commission's Artist of the Month, which would include a column for the Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, and the Palm Desert Post La Quinta Page. Unanimous. B. Grant Review Process Report The Commission discussed and approved the grant review process as submitted. A Special Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to review the applications. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Benay to approve the grant review process, including the letter that was sent out to each applicant informing them of the review process. Unanimous. C. Discussion of November & December Meeting Dates Due to the next two Commission meetings landing on a holiday (November 27 and December 25, 1997) the Commission discussed alternative meeting dates. It was moved by Commissioner VosslerlWelch to meet on November 20 and December 18,1997. Unanimous. D. Cultural Plan The Commission discussed getting additional input on the Cultural Plan from various organizations throughout the valley. The Commission reviewed a draft letter written by Commissioner Welch and made some changes. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Detlie to send a letter inviting the City Council, all work shop attendees, Presidents and Board members of arts organizations to a meeting at the La Quinta Senior Center on Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 5:30 p.m. to review the draft Cultural Plan. The La Quinta Little Theater will be removed, and the La Quinta Senior Center will be added to the list of invites. Unanimous. Commissioner Vossler and Commissioner Voigt left at this time - 1 :43 PM E. Letters of Commendation - None at this time. F. Support and Recognition of Art Organizations - None at this time. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for July 7, 1997 - Received and filed. B. Letter of Thanks From College of the Desert, Division of Fine Arts - Received and filed. C. Memorandum From Assistant City Manager Regarding the City's Web Page - Received and filed. D. Memorandum From Assistant City Manager Regarding Arts & Humanities Month - Received and filed. E. Memorandum From Assistant City Manager Regarding Commission Handbook - Received and filed. F. Correspondence From Americans for the Arts - Received and filed. G. Correspondence From La Quinta On Stage, Inc. - Received and filed. H. Correspondence From Arts Council for San Bernardino County - Received and filed. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\MINIO-23.wpd 2 VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Chairperson Hull informed the Commission that her Letter to the Editor on Arts & Humanities Month was in the Desert Sun recently. Commissioner Welch asked if the City Council should appoint a liaison to the Cultural Commission to attend our meetings. Commissioner Welch also announced that he attended an Art In Public Places Commission Meeting and they are considering changing their Ordinance so they can qualify for grant funding. Commissioner Welch also asked if the Commission was interested in contacting the Desert Sun for press coverage of the Cultural Plan. The Commission agreed to agendize the matter for the next meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner DetlielWelch to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Special Meeting: Thursday, October 30,1997 6:00 PM Civic Center Council Chambers Special Meeting: Wednesday, November 12, 1997 5:30 PM La Quinta Senior Center Regular Meeting: Thursday, November 20,1997 12:00 Noon Study Session Room · Artist of the Month Report from Subcommittee · Web Page Discussion · Public Relations for Cultural Commission C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\MINIO-23.wpd 3