CACMIN 05 28 1998 CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES May 28, 1998 I. . CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12:05 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Commissioner Welch led the Pledge of Allegiance and Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner John Detlie (Arrived at 12: 15 PM) Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Patrick Welch MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Roxanne Voigt Commissioner Judy Vossler (Vice Chairperson) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Benay to excuse Commissioner Vossler due to a family event, and Commissioner Detlie who is training for voting and may arrive later. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT Claudia Gamlin, La Quinta Arts Foundation addressed the Commission for clarification, and state an intent for an outreach program the Foundation is working (Bear Creek Channel Bike Path). It was suggested that she contact the new Cultural Arts Commission in July or August, or attend the Art in Public Places Commission in June to make a concept/design presentation prior to going to the City Council. Ms. Gamlin indicated that Michael Teague is helping with the project, and indicated that a lot of the previous work will be used. Commissioner Detlie arrived at this time (12:15 PM). III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Commissioner Benay asked to add VI. Business Item F. "California Cultural Net" on Commissioner Benay's Action List. It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Welch to add VI. Business Item F. Unanimous. Chairperson Hull requested that Consent Item C. be moved to VI. Business Item G. for discussion. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to add VI. Business Item G. Unanimous. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of April 23, 1998 It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Detlie to approve the Minutes of April 23, 1998 as submitted. Unanimous. C:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\MIN5-28. wpd B. Department Report for April 1998 - Received and filed C. City Council Action Regarding Cultural Plan - Moved to VI. Business Item G. D. City Council Action Regarding Commission Work Plan - Received and filed. E. City Council Action Regarding Combining of Commissions - Received and filed. F. City Council Action Regarding Out of State Travel to Denver, CO - Received and filed. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. CV AG 2020 Plan The Commission would like to see a Cultural Element in the CVAG 2020 Plan. CVAG has stated they will consider it during the next revision of the Plan. It was suggested that the Executive Committee appointee, John Pena, be contacted regarding these updates. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to authorize Commissioner Welch to write a letter to Mayor John Pena regarding the cultural aspect of the CV AG 2020 Plan. Unanimous. B. Update Arts List The Commissioners were given the Arts List and asked to update it and return it at this meeting. Staff will make the changes. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Welch to direct staff to make changes to the Arts List and prepare a final copy for the Commission at their next meeting. Unanimous. Commissioner Atkins/Benay amended the motion and added "and verify the remaining organization information on the list". Unanimous. C. Commissioner Correspondence - None at this time. D. Artist of the Month Criteria It was learned that the criteria for selection of the artist of the month had already been established therefore, no additional discussion was necessary. Due to the reorganization of various Commissions, staff suggested holding this item over to the new Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Be nay to put this project on hold at this time. Unanimous. E. Community Services Grant Update Staff reviewed the Community Services Grant Update Report with the Commission. The City Council will consider the grants, not the Cultural Commission. There are a number of grants the City offers, and the grants currently on file will be considered by the Council on June 16, 1998. F. California Cultural Net (New item added to the Agenda) This program is lead by the California Arts Council, the Getty Information Institute, and CALAA. The Commission has been asked to be a part of developing the site which will be the network connecting artists and arts organizations to each other and to the public through a web site. C:\MyData \CRIST AL \CAC\MIN5-28. wpd 2 A workshop will be held on Friday, May 29, 1998 in La Jolla to discuss the California Cultural Net. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Welch to indicate the Cultural Commission's interest in participating in the California Culture Net Program, and to send Commissioner Benay to the workshop in La Jolla to collect information on behalf of the Commission. Unanimous. Due to the updating of information that will be necessary with the web site, Commissioner Welch asked whether this item should be added to the Work Plan. It was determined that since the Work Plan has already gone to the City Council and it is currently on hold, no changes or revisions can be made to it. It was suggested that the new Commission can rework that item into their Work Plan. Commissioner Benay indicated that she could make postings to the web site and send it on-line. Chairperson Hull suggested working on those details when the program gets underway. The Commission discussed and agreed to add the remaining items on Commissioner Benay's Action List on the next Agenda. G. City Council Action Regarding Cultural Plan (Item was moved from Consent Calendar for discussion) Staff informed the Commission that the City Council received and filed, but took no action on the Cultural Plan on May 5, 1998. Ms. Horvitz spoke with the City Clerk and legal counsel for clarification of the Council's action, and indicated the item was "received" but not approved. Chairperson Hull expressed that she would like the Cultural Plan to be taken back to the City Council for approval, because it was not the Commissions desire to have it filed - they want it to become a liveable, workable piece of information. Commissioner Atkins stated that if the Cultural Plan could not be a part of the General Plan, then she would like it to be a separate plan known as the City of La Quinta Cultural Plan. The Commission then reviewed the proposed Ordinance for the new Commission and compared the duties and responsibilities. Commissioner Welch would like the Plan to be approved so the new Commission can "advise" as described in the Ordinance. The Commission asked staff to place the Cultural Plan on the City Council Agenda for June 16, 1998 for approval. Ms. Horvitz indicated that she will be out of town until June 30, 1998, but that she would discuss with alternate staff the possible presentation of a staff report for reconsideration of the Cultural Plan by the City Council at the June 16, 1998 Council meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Detlie to resubmit the Cultural Plan to the City Council on June 16, 1998 for approval as a Cultural Plan for the City of La Quinta. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for March 3 & April 6, 1998 - Received and filed. B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for February 19,1998 - Received and filed. C. Thank You Letter From Marni Kunsman Regarding Community Picnic - Received and filed. D. CALAA Conference Report - Chairperson Hull - Received and filed. E. CALM Conference Report - Commissioner Benay - Received and filed. C:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\MIN 5-28. wpd 3 VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Atkins reported that La Quinta On Stage came up with a name of the production. It is called "The Heart of the Desert". Commissioner Atkins then played the theme song performed by John Boswell and Clifford Bell. They are waiting for the final script which is due June 7, 1998. Commissioner Benay contacted the people involved in painting a two mile section of a wall in the Imperial Valley, between the California and Mexican border for possible participation by the local community. Commissioner Benay's tv show "Connections" is now playing on Channel 10, at 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Chairperson Hull was her first guest who defined what culture is in the valley. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Detlie to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1 :30 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Thursday, June 25,1998 12:00 Noon La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · California Cultural Net · Commission Benay's Action List · Cultural Plan · Artist Mailing List C:\MyData \CRIST AL \CAC\MIN5-28. wpd 4