CACMIN 06 25 1998
June 25,1998
A regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 12:05 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the
La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull led the Pledge of Allegiance and presided over the meeting
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Kathryn B. Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Roxanne Voigt
Commissioner Judy Vossler (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Patrick Welch
Commissioner Honey Atkins
Commissioner John Detlie
Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager
Britt Wilson, Assistant to the City Manager
Pam Stull, Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Benay to excuse Commissioner Atkins and Commissioner Detlie from the
meeting. Unanimous.
A. Approval of Minutes of May 28, 1998
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Welch to accept the Minutes of May 28, 1998 as submitted.
B. Monthly Department Report for May 1998 - Received and filed.
A. California Cultural Net
Commissioner Benay reported on her attendance at the Work Shop she attend in La Jolla a few weeks
ago. She indicated that there is a lot of support for the Program. Spike, from Australia, is donating time
and materials in setting up the Cu1tural Net Program. It will ultimately be an expanded, state wide, cultural
net using the internet as its medium for connecting. The Program will also be for information networking,
sharing information between every cultural agency they can find, which will create networking, and provide
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the possibility of marketing goods or services for non-profits including ticket sales. Cost has not been
determined at this time. Web site raising personnel come and help put up web sites so there is no fiscal
impact. . La Quinta has been invited to be one of the arts agencies. Other organizations can make postings
as well to the web site. They plan to make it user friendly for everyone. It is expected that the unveiling
of the program will be at the Governor's Conference at the Getty Center sometime this summer.
Commissioner Welch suggested meeting with the individuals now to get the site going. Chairperson Hull
suggested that it might be the role of the new Cultural Arts Commission to coordinate the community
groups that could go into it.
Mr. Weiss suggested having Commissioner Benay speak with Dodie Horvitz regarding the information she
has collected and that staff will look further into whether the City should participate. Commissioner Vossler
asked that once staff finds this program to be workable if it could be on the first agenda for the Cultural Arts
Commission for consideration. Staff indicated it would be possible to do so.
B. Cultural Plan
Mr. Weiss discussed the Commissions desire for the City Council to reconsider the Cultural Plan. Mr.
Weiss reported that the Council has a procedure for reconsideration of an item, and that it had not
occurred. This does not mean that some point in the future that it couldn't resurface in some other form.
Mr. Weiss indicated that the Minutes that were approved earlier in the meeting will be transmitted to the
City Council, and it clearly states in them that this is something the Commission would like to have
addressed. It would be the City Council's option whether to bring the item back or not.
Commissioner Welch would like to know why the Plan was read and filed.
C. Consideration of Action List Submitted by Commissioner Benay
Chairperson Hull told the Commission that they could not take much action to follow up on the remaining
items on Commissioner Benay's list, however the action can recommend that it be submitted to the new
commission. Commissioner Benay indicated that the first item on the list can be handled by staff.
Chairperson Hull suggested that the Chamber of Commerce could do this. Mr. Weiss said staff could
contact the Director of the publication for deadline information, and then contact the Chamber to see if they
are aware of the publication and if they are advertising in it. Mr. Weiss mentioned staff could contact the
person to see if they could at least put the La Quinta Arts Festival information in it. Commissioner Welch
added that it should be the responsibility of each group to get their own information out, and did not expect
one person to do this task for the City. Commissioner Vossler suggested having staff ask if there is a form
available to fill out for information to be submitted in their brochure.
The remaining items will be forwarded to the new commission. In response to Commissioner Welch, Mr.
Weiss indicated that these items could be brought before the new commission by way of the new
D. Commissioner Correspondence
Commissioner Welch provided a copy of a letter sent to the Mayor regarding the Cultural Element of the
CV AG 2020 Plan. A copy of the letter is on file.
Chairperson Hull shared a post card she received from Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director.
Commissioner Vossler suggested writing a letter to staff for their work with the Cultural Commission.
Commissioner Benay suggested a letter to City Council. They decided to thank them personally.
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A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for May 4, 1998 - Received and filed.
B. Arts Mailing List - Received and filed.
C. Americans for the Arts Conference: The Arts Enrich Us All - Commissioner Benay
Chairperson Hull suggested that Commission Benay forward to the new Commission any items in her
report she feels needs addressed.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m..
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