A regular meeting held in the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
July 23, 1998
A. This regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:02
p.m. by Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz who asked Commissioner Hull
to lead the flag salute. Community Services Director Horvitz asked for the roll call:
B. Present: Commissioners Benay, Chappie, Hull, Reynolds, Shamis, and Welch. It
was moved and seconded by Commissioners Hull/Reynolds to excuse Commissioner
Vossler. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz, Assistant City Manager
Mark Weiss, Community Development Director Jerry Herman and
Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz introduced Community Development
Director Jerry Herman and Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss who stated they were
there to give any support they could to the Commission.
A. Introduction of Commissioners. Each of the Commissioners introduced themselves
and gave their background and involvement in the Community.
B. Election of Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds
to nominate Kathryn Hull as Chair. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner
Benay/Chappie to nominate Patrick Welch. There being no other nominations,
nominations were closed and Kathryn Hull was elected Chair.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meeting
July 23, 1998
C. Election of Vice Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Benay/Chappie
to nominate Patrick Welch as Vice Chair. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to nominate Rosita Shamis as Vice Chair. There
being no other nominations, nominations were closed and Commissioner Shamis was
elected Vice Chair.
D. Selection of Meeting Day. Following discussion, it was determined that the
Commission would meet on the second Thursday of each month.
A. Chairman Hull informed the members that the Cultural Commission meeting
Minutes of June 25, 1998, and Art and Public Places Commission meeting Minutes
for June 1, 1998, had been distributed for their review. No action would be taken.
B. Chairman Hull informed the Commission that the Arts Rag Article had been received
from the President of the Americans for the Arts. Included is a copy of the speech
that was given at the conference that would be of interest to the Commission.
A. Review of Art in Public Places Master Plan and Cultural Plan:
Commissioner Welch asked if Commissioner Shamis would review the Art
in Public Places (APP) Plan for the newly. organized Commission.
Commissioner Shamis stated that with the combining of the two
Commissions, the new Commission should include in the combined Work
Plan whatever they plan to do for the next six months. This plan should then
be given to the City Council for their direction. With their direction they can
go forward with their plans.
2. Chairman Hull stated the first item of work for the new Commission should
be the combining of the two Master Plans which will become the foundation
for developing the Work Plan. This needs to be placed on the next agenda as
well. In the interim each member needs to read and prioritize the items that
should be addressed first. Then as the Commission discusses what elements
should make up the Master Plan, they can begin working on the Work Plan.
3. Commissioner Welch asked if the two plans could be combined and go from
there. There shouldn't be a need to revise the two plans as both Commissions
had obviously spent a lot of time determining what the plans should consist
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4. Chairman Hull stated there were additional items that she would like to see
added. It was suggested that both Work Plans be made available to the
B. Review of Commission's Ordinance
1. Chairman Hull stated the Art in Public Places Commission had been in the
middle of making revisions to their Ordinance before Council had combined
the two Commissions, and it would be beneficial if those revisions were
made available to the entire Commission.
2. Commissioner Welch stated that Commissioner Chappie had been working
on this and asked for her direction. Commissioner Chappie stated their
purpose had been to broaden the Commission's ability to raise funds. She
had contacted several cities to obtain suggestions on how to modify the City's
ordinance and had taken those revisions to the APP Commission for their
review; however they had been unable to act on those revisions before the
Commissions were combined.
3. Commissioner Welch asked if the new Ordinance which combined the two
Commissions, allowed for these changes. Commissioner Chappie stated it
did not. It only combined the two Commissions.
4. Chairman Hull asked that this be added to the Commission's next agenda.
5. Commissioner Benay stated the Cultural Commission had also been looking
into alternative sources for funding; not necessarily through the community
or fees, but maybe grants.
6. Commissioner Chappie stated the entire Commission needed to understand
the purpose of the Ordinance revision.
7. Commissioner Welch suggested a subcommittee be formed to review the
8. Commissioner Shamis stated the Commission should determine their
priorities before forming subcommittees.
9. Chairman Hull asked if Commissioner Chappie could blend the two
ordinances before the next meeting for the Commission to review and if
necessary, a subcommittee could be formed at that time.
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10. Commissioner Welch asked if the revisions would affect developer fees.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the revisions
included an increase in the amount of the percent for the fee.
C. Temporary Art Program
1. Chairman Hull asked if members would like to have the Temporary Art
Program placed on the next agenda. Commissioner Shamis stated they
needed direction from Council on this item as well. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated the Temporary Art Program had
been approved by Council, but the contract was too stringent for artists to
work with. Discussion followed regarding the problems that had been
incurred due to the contract. Following discussion, it was decided this item
would be added to the agenda for discussion.
D. Community Workshops
1. Chairman Hull asked Commissioner Shamis to explain the APP's purpose for
the workshops. Commissioner Shamis stated they were hoping to have a
workshop that included the City Council, staff, local developers and the
community to educate everyone as to what public art was, and how it could
be incorporated into the development of the City. Chairman Hull stated this
could be included in the Work Plan and discussed at that time.
E. California Culture Net Website
1. Chairman Hull asked Commissioner Benay to explain. Commissioner Benay
stated the website was not working at this time as the person working on the
website had been out of town. They had put in place the ability to
communicate with her and would be able to give a more detailed report at the
next meeting.
F. Inland Empire Tourism Council Publication
1. Chairman Hull asked for a report. Community Services Director Horvitz
stated she had contacted Jennifer Nutter of the Inland Empire Tourism
Council and she would be sending the information which would be forwarded
to the Commissioners.
2. Commissioner Shamis asked for an explanation of what this was.
3. Commissioner Benay explained that Riverside County Inland Empire has a
tourist agency which has a calendar of events that is distributed to all the
different organizations. However, the only event represented from the
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Coachella Valley is the Date Festival. They had spoken with Ms. Nutter at
the CALAA conference in Los Angeles and told her they would take
responsibility to send her information on the cultural activities that occur in
the Coachella Valley to be included in the publication.
G. Discussion of Subcommittees
1. Chairman Hull stated that as the business items are discussed at the next
meeting, the need for subcommittees could be addressed at that time. The
subcommittees will be important because there were 14 members doing all
this work and now there are seven. Subcommittees could help to complete
the work in a more timely manner.
2. Commissioner Reynolds stated she had recently visited the town of Pedregal
in Arizona and passed out pictures. She thought it was a good example of
how artwork could be incorporated into the design of a city.
3. Commissioner Shamis stated she had obtained a CD Rom from John Nagus,
Community Arts Manager for the City of Palm Desert, about the Public Art
Program for the states of Washington and Arizona. She would like to show
this CD Rom to the Commission. Chairman Hull asked that this be placed
on the next agenda.
4. Chairman Hull asked that a list of the artwork that had been installed and had
been proposed, be passed out to all Commissioners. She also asked that they
be briefed on the APP activities.
5. Commissioner Benay asked if they should discuss the Valley Wide Arts
program at the next meeting. Chairman Hull stated she would contact John
Negas, Community Arts Manager for Palm Desert, as to what involvement
they will have in the program.
6. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the Artist Participation Day could be placed
on the next agenda. The program was held in October of last year and they
need to make plans as soon as possible.
7. Commissioner Welch stated he thought Council had deleted workshops from
the APP Work Plan. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
explained that workshops had been deleted, but the Artist Participation Day
was not. The Artist Participation Day was a joint effort with the local schools
to have artists spend a day at one of the schools giving a demonstration on
their particular type of artwork.
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8. Commissioner Benay stated the Cultural Commission had been working on
the Artist of the Month program and it needed to be finalized. Staff stated it
was included as part of the Work Plan and had not yet been taken to the City
Council. Commissioner Benay stated this program was designed to affirm
and recognize local artists and their different types/styles of artwork; their
picture with a brief article would be published in the La Quinta Newsletter
and La Quinta Post, to introduce them to the community.
9. Commissioner Benay asked for a report on the Bear Creek Bike Path project.
She asked this to be placed on the next agenda. Claudia Gamble, of the Arts
Foundation, had informed them she would be coming back to make a
presentation on the progress of the project, but a date for that presentation had
not been determined. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
explained that the City Council had contributed $5,000 for an art piece to be
installed at the top of the Bear Creek Bike Path. This project was to be
reviewed by the Commission and a recommendation made to the City
Council. Chairman Hull asked that this item be agendized for either the next
or following meeting.
10. Commissioner Welch asked if the landscaping for the DeMartino art piece at
the corner of Washington Street and Highway I I I had been completed.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission
that Council had authorized the distribution of a Design and Build contract.
Staff had distributed the requirements to 15 local firms with a deadline of
August 21". Once received, the proposals would be presented to the
Commission for a recommendation to the City Council.
11. Commissioner Chappie asked about the status of the Washington Street
Bridge Widening artwork. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
stated it was now a Public Works project and could be brought to the
Commission for a cursory review.
12. Commissioner Shamis asked if the entry signs would come before the
Commission for review. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
stated it was a Council project and a mock-up of the proposed signs would
be placed at the two Highway 111 entrances for review. Should the
Commissioners have an opinion, they could express it to the Council on an
individual basis. It would not be presented to the Commission for their input.
13. Commissioner Benay asked about the Obelisks. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman stated Council Member Henderson had brought this
project to the APP and it was the decision of the APP that they could not
participate in this program as this was a manufactured art piece and not an
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original. This was also the case with the Historical Preservation
Commission. Council decided to continue with the program, revised the
ordinance to allow the funds to be used for this purpose, and authorized the
expenditure of $14,000 from the APP fund for design and construction.
14. Chairman Hull stated her concern about their recommendations being
ignored. The members were appointed because of their ability and expertise
in the different areas and maybe they need a stronger voice to inform the
Council that they are not the artist they think they are. It concerns her that the
APP Commission stated they did not want to use their money for this project
and Council decided to do so anyway. Community Development Director
Jerry Herman stated the way the Ordinance was written, the APP did not have
the authority to spend the money. All recommendations are made to the
Council and it is their authority to decide how the funds will be utilized.
15. Commisioner Reynolds stated the Ordinance would not allow money to be
spent on the obelisks as they were an assemblyline product and not
considered to be artwork. Council refined the Ordinance and removed that
portion of the Ordinance so the funds could be used for this purpose.
16. Commisioner Shamis stated it was important to her to have Council direction
on what the Commission should do. There is no sense putting time into a
project if it is not what the Council wants them to do.
17. Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz stated the Work Plan is where
the Commission should start. Once the Plan is reviewed and approved by the
City Council it becomes the vehicle by which the Council informs the
Commission as to their direction.
18. Commissioner Welch stated it was his opinion that this was the system and
he accepted it.
19. Commissioner Shamis stated her concern was that the Work Plan and
Ordinance are wonderful, but what should the focus be for the next six
months. The Commission needs to be more specific under the direction of
the City Council. Discussion followed as to the Commission's direction.
20. Chairman Hull suggested having their joint meeting with the Council early
in the year to gain this direction. Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss stated
he and Chairman Hull had spoken several times and it was understood that
this Commission was an advisory body to the Council. Whether the Council
chooses to follow their recomendation is their choice. Council has adopted
an Ordinance which is broad in its framework for the purpose of providing
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a basic direction to the Commission. The Work Plan is the Commission's
recommendation and is presented to the City Council for their consideration.
Once approved, it determines the Commission's priorities. Once the
Commission has determined their priorities, then there should be a joint
meeting with the City Council to confirm their direction.
21. Commissioner Benay asked if there was a method of communication whereby
Council could provide the Commission with any specific direction.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated this was usually done
through staff.
22. Chairman Hull and Commissioner Shamis asked that the next meeting
concentrate on the Work Plan to set their priorities.
23. Commissioner Benay asked to have a copy of the Temporary Art Contract.
24. Commissioner Reynolds asked if they could also have a copy of the City of
Palm Desert's Temporary Art contract.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Welch/Shamis to
adjourn this regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission to the next regular meeting to be held
on August 13, 1998. This meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Unanimously approved.
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