CACMIN 08 13 1998 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES August 13, 1998 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Shamis led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Charrie Chappie Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler Commissioner Patrick Welch STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT Ms. Horvitz introduced Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary to the Commission. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Welch/Benay to move VII. Commissioner Item A. to VI. Business Item D. Unanimous. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of July 23, 1998 Chairperson Hull asked that "Cultural Art Commission" be changed to "Cultural Arts Commission" throughout the Minutes. Commissioner Shamis noted that she had a CD Rom, not a video from John Nagus. On page 8, the word "have" was changed to "has". It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Benay/Reynolds to approve the Minutes of July 23, 1998 as corrected. Unanimous. B. Financial Report Ms. Horvitz reviewed the Financial Report with the Commission. The Commissioners asked for a more current report as some developments (IE: Traditions) was missing. C. Monthly Department Report for July 1998 Ms. Horvitz reviewed the Monthly Department Report with the Commission. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Welch/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. C:\MyData \CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN8-13. wpd v. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Artist Partnership Day Program Commissioner Shamis reported that this event was very successful last year. Chairperson Hull shared literature on Art and Humanities Month she had received. A copy is on file. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Benay/Shamis to participate in the Artist Participation Day in October. The Commission discussed whether to use the same artist from last year or new ones. Various artists that could possibly participate in this years event include Marsha Gibbons, Mike Teague, and Bill Ware. Commissioner Welch suggested forming a subcommittee to discuss publicity, and getting help from the Arts Foundation. Unanimous. Commissioner Shamis will chair the subcommittee which will include Commissioners Reynolds and Welch. Chairperson Hull gave the ok for the subcommittee to add one more member to its committee. Ms. Horvitz reminded the subcommittee that any press releases have to go through the Community Services Department. It was requested that the subcommittee report to the Commission at the next meeting in September. More discussion ensued regarding inviting instead of advertising for artists, the date of the event, and checking school schedules for availability. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners BenayNossler to: 1) empower a subcommittee of Rosita Shamis, Elaine Reynolds, and Patrick Welch to select the artists, set a date, work on PR, and to contact the schools; 2) complete the plans and report back to the Commission next month; and 3) review items with Ms. Horvitz as they make progress. Unanimous. It was determined that subcommittee meetings will be August 20 and September 4 at 10:00 a.m. at the Civic Center. B. Cultural Districts Handbook Purchase The Commission discussed the purchase of "Cultural Districts Handbook". It was moved and seconded by Commissioners BenaylWelch to purchase 2 books. Unanimous. C. Cultural Arts Commission 1998/99 Work Plan Staff discussed the Work Plans from the Cultural Commission and the Art in Public Places Commission. Commissioner Shamis discussed the differences between La Quinta and Palm Deserts Temporary Art Programs. The Commission discussed ideas how to revisit the Cultural Plan and it was suggested to take items from the Cultural Plan, which has been received and filed by the City Council, and add it to the Art in Public Places Master Plan to produce a whole new document. The Commission reviewed each page of the Work Plans and staff was directed to make changes and bring the draft Work Plan back to the Commission for review at the next meeting. The Art in Public Places Work Plan layout will be followed with the addition of "Priority" and "Suggested Resources". Commissioner Charrie discussed purchase of software to build an artist bank, and asked whether APP funds could be used to purchase it. Staff will look into it. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Benay/Reynolds to direct staff to make the changes as discussed and to present a draft plan at the next meeting. Unanimous. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN8-13.wpd 2 D. Valley Wide Cultural Work "hop (Moved from VIII. Commissioner Items A.) Chairperson Hull reported that Mike Nagle is planning on meeting September 16 from 11-1 :00 p.m. to plan the Cultural Workshop and would like representatives from the Cultural Arts Commission to attend. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Welch/Benay to select Commissioners Shamis and Reynolds to represent the Commission. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Ordinance No. 317, Chapter 2.75 of LQ Charter and Municipal Code: Cultural Arts Commission B. Inland Empire Tourism Council Guide - Benay/Reynolds C. Washington Street Bridge Art Update D. Visual Registry For Valley Artist Article - Hull E. Strategic Plan for Americans For The Arts - Hull F. Temporary Art Donation and Acceptance Agreement / La Quinta and Palm Desert G. Bear Creek Channel Bicycle Rest Stops / La Quinta Arts Foundation H. Current and Proposed Art Projects in the City of La Quinta with Time Lines Ms. Horvitz reviewed the above items with the Commission and then the items were filed. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Valley Wide Cultural Work Shop (Moved to VI. Business Items D.) B. CD Rom of Seattle Art In Public Places Commissioner Shamis indicated that she has a CD Rom of Seattle Art in Public Places if any of the Commissioners wanted to borrow it. C. Slides from Denver, CO Commissioner Shamis brought in slides from her trip to Denver and passed them around for the Commission to view. Chairperson Hull told the Commission that there is an agreement for students to get high school credit for private music lessons. Commissioner Reynolds reminded everyone that KSULa Quinta Hotel is holding the annual Mariachi Festival on September 5th from 12:00 Noon to 10:00 p.m. at the La Quinta Hotel, and Commissioner Vossler added that admission is free. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Welch/Shamis to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN8-13.wpd 3 NEXT MEETING INFORMATION September 10,1998 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Artist Partnership Day Subcommittee Report · CAe Budget · Work Plan · Bus Stop Picture - Reynolds · Arts Wire - Welch · APP Ordinance: Funds Returned After 2 years · Culture Net - Benay · Governor's Conference - Benay C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN8-13.wpd 4