CACMIN 09 10 1998
September 10, 1998
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Chappie led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Charrie Chappie
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Judy Vossler
Commissioner Patrick Welch
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
A. Approval of Minutes of August 13, 1998
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Reynolds to approve the Minutes of August 13, 1998 with one
correction on page 2. Unanimous.
B. Financial Report
Staff indicated that the Operating Expenses indicates an amount of $1,125.32 for travel expenses for
Susan Benay. This item was incorrectly listed in the Financial Report and that it will be corrected in the
next report.
C. Monthly Department Report for August 1998
Staff informed the Commission that the pool attendance numbers were incorrect for the month of July.
The numbers listed in the August report reflect the changes.
It was moved by Commissioner Chappie/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimous.
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A. Artist Participation Day Subcommittee Report
Commissioner Shamis reported that the Artist Participation Day will be held at La Quinta High School on
October 28th, and La Quinta Middle School on October 29. John Weidenhamer, Phillip Cordova, Alber
DeMatteis, and Christian Chalifour have confirmed. The subcommittee members are waiting for call backs
from other artists. Ms. Horvitz contacted the schools regarding the event. Alber DeMatteis is requesting
$50 to cover costs for participating. Since no funds were budgeted for this event some of the
Commissioners contributed their own funds to cover his request. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the
artists were taken out to lunch last year, and asked whether funds were available this year.
B. Arts Wire Web Site Membership
Commissioner Welch said the biggest negative about this is that people may think that it has nothing to
do with La Quinta, because there aren't many items about the Coachella Valley on this web site, but it does
cover topics nationally and statewide so it is a good resource. If the Cultural Arts Commission were to
become a member of the Arts Wire they could start posting La Quinta's information.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Sham is that the City of La Quinta/Cultural Arts Commission become
a member of the Arts Wire. Unanimous.
Commissioner Benay informed the Commission that a Coachella Valley calendar is online and available
for use to post events on the internet. Their address is:
C. Work Plan
Ms. Horvitz reviewed the draft Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan, which was a combination of the
unapproved Cultural Commission and Art in Public Places Work Plans. The Commissioners reviewed the
Work Plan page by page, and Ms. Horvitz noted that the pages are in no particular order or priority. The
Commission determined wording on the "Council Role" for each task. Some of the changes suggested
by the Commission included: The "Artwork Locations" and "Permanent Art Program" tasks were combined
and the name was changed to "Placement of Public Art"; the task "Workshop/Conference" was changed
to "Coachella Valley Cultural Conference"; and the Commissioners discussed whether "Priority" can be
removed from each page. Ms. Horvitz will check with staff whether the tasks need to be identified by
priority, and if not, the "Priority" item will be removed. The Commission then rearranged the pages in order
of preference, not priority.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/ Shamis to approve the Work Plan with the changes discussed and
submitted to the City Council for approval. Staff suggested appointing a subcommittee to review the
document after the changes are made. Once the subcommittee has reviewed and approved the Work
Plan, the final document will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration on October 6, 1998.
Subcommittee members Chairperson Hull and Commissioner Vossler will review the final Work Plan.
Commissioner Welch rescinded his motion.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Shamis to approve the Work Plan with the changes discussed, and
appointed a subcommittee of Chairperson Hull and Commissioner Vossler to review the final Work Plan
and submit it to the City Council for consideration. Unanimous.
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A. Cultural Arts Commission Budget Line Items
B. PAC/SoCal Meeting Information - Commissioner Shamis will contact Sally Davis for information.
C. APP Funds to Purchase Art Bank Software
D. Art in Public Places Ordinance: Fees Returned to Developers
Ms. Horvitz reviewed the above items which were received and filed.
A. Bus Stop Picture
Commissioner Reynolds showed pictures of a bus stop in Scottsdale, Arizona, and distributed information
on a Dog Run.
Commissioner Welch read a letter he received from Barbara Irwin regarding the adoption of the Gamble's
Quail as the official City bird, the Smoketree as the official tree, and the Sand Verbena as the official
flower. Ms. Irwin will be presenting this information to the City Council on September 15, 1998 and asked
for the Commissions support. Ms. Irwin will be asked to attend the next Commission meeting.
Chairperson Hull asked about the Mayor's Proclamation for October. Staff is working on it and will be
presented to him on October 6th.
Commissioner Reynolds asked to add the Temporary Art Contract to the next agenda. Staff suggested
waiting for approval of the Work Plan before proceeding with that item.
Commissioner Benay asked about the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path. Staff reported that the City's Public
Works Department and Community Services Department is working on installing six bike rest stops along
the trail independent of the art work.
Commissioner Shamis asked for an update on the play structure at Fritz Burns Park. Staff informed the
Commission that Art Fernandez has been saying the play equipment is going in, however only holes have
been dug in the ground. Staff went to his workshop and noted that he had just begun the project. A letter
was sent to him stating that if these items were not in by the end of September, all funds received by Mr.
Fernandez will be requested to be returned to the City.
Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that a check out system for incoming mail has been established.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Shamis to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m..
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October 8, 1998 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Artist Participation Day
· Process for Developer & Commission in Artwork Purchase
· La Quinta Historical Society Request
· Work Plan
· Artwork & Location List
· Software Update