CACMIN 11 12 1998 IV. ~ONSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES November 12,1998 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Charrie Chappie Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler Commissioner Patrick Welch STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Commissioner Welch asked if the Governor's Conference could be added to the agenda. Ms. Horvitz said since the Commission had discussed this issue at a prior meeting and materials were not provide in time to be included in the agenda it could not be added. Ms. Horvitz added that only items that come up after the agenda is posted that are emergency in nature that need immediate consideration can be added to the agenda. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of October 8, 1998 It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Welch to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimous. B. Monthly Department Report for October 1998 Ms. Horvitz discussed the changes in accounting procedures from the previous months reports. Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that the Financial Report will be available next month and it will run one month behind due to the time required in the Finance Department to put the report together. However, staff will try to get the report earlier when possible. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINll-12.wpd 1 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Bear Creak Channel Art Piece - La Quinta Arts Foundation Susan Francis, Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation introduced Jana Barbier of the Arts Foundation who talked about the proposed art work for the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path. Ms. Barbier said she has reviewed the history of the Bike Path Project and then presented photos of art work from artist Mr. Gene Montez-Flores. Mr. Montez-Flores has built "Love Seats" in various locations in the United States. Ms. Barbier indicated that the artist is willing to work within the Arts Foundations budget, as well as with youth to complete the project by the spring. Ms. Barbier was asked about Mike Teague who was one of the original artists involved with the Bear Creek Channel project. She responded that Mr. Teague is no longer working on the basket project because of the engineering of the project; it was not feasible, and safety was an issue. Commissioner Benay asked if there were six rest stations. Ms. Horvitz said there were six stations, but only one station will receive art work and it is the one located at Calle Tecate (south end of the Bike Path). She further stated that the Public Works Department has improvements to the Bike Path listed on the Capital Improvement Projects, and is expecting to go to the City Council in December for authorization to ask for RFP's for the installation of the five remaining rest stops along the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path. The Commission discussed a desire to see art work at all the rest stops. The Commission would like to see site specific examples of what Mr. Montez-Flores' has in mind for the bike path. Ms. Barbier will inform the artist of this request and didn't think this would be a problem. Chairperson Hull told Ms. Barbier, on behalf of the Commission, that the Arts Foundation has the support of the Cultural Arts Commission and that they would like to be kept informed of the progress. Commissioner Shamis added that she would like the Arts Foundation to talk to other local artists for their ideas and to include children in the project. Ms. Horvitz will have John Freeland, Public Works Engineer at the next meeting to update the Commission on the progress on the rest stops. The Commission would like to see Rotary and other groups sponsor a rest stop. Ms. Horvitz also informed the Commission that the City Council has final approval of the project since it is on City property. B. City Council Action on Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that the City Council approved the Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan. They also approved the "Meet the Artist" program on a bi-monthly basis. Commissioner Benay will work on selecting the first artist. The Commission discussed the order in which the categories would be selected and decided to start with literary arts in January. Commissioner Welch will work with Commissioner Benay and the information will be given to Ms. Horvitz by November 30 for inclusion on the next agenda. Visual art will be the category in March. Chairperson Hull distributed a flyer on "Voices from the Field" which is a Cultural Conference to be held in Palm Desert on November 20, 1998 from 10-4 p.m. The Commission discussed Chairpersons Hull's suggestion of hosting a cultural conference in the Spring. Commissioner Chappie is working on defining the Artist Bank and is organizing the information currently on hand. Commissioner Chappie will be learning the software (Access) that was purchased to store the artist information. Commissioner Vossler suggested getting a volunteer from the Senior Center to input the information into the data base, and placing ads in publications or on the Arts Wire for artists. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN11-12.wpd 2 Commissioner Vossler asked who is responsible for the art wall in City Hall. Staff indicated that the Community Services Department was. Commissioner Vossler then suggested sending a letter of commendation to the school on display after the art work is taken down. Chairperson Hull will do a letter. The Commission discussed the need for the Art in Public Places Master Plan since there is no longer an Art in Public Places Commission. Staff informed the Commission that the Plan is needed due to funds being collected for public art. Commissioner Chappie and Chairperson Hull will review and update the Master Plan if needed and bring it back to the Commission for review at a later date. C. Discussion of Art Placement The Commission discussed various locations for placement of art in La Quinta including the grass area at the west end of Francis Hack Park, the La Quinta Historical Museum, and the Veterinarian Hospital. Commissioner Shamis gave a brief history on the priority list the APP Commission made and suggested everyone go out in cars to the sites and to establish a current priority list. It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Reynolds to research Adams Street Park as a site for public art. Unanimous. Staff will check with the Community Development Department for the priority list which the APP Commission had established. Commissioner Vossler asked if "old land" could be used and suggested that the corner of Washington and Eisenhower be considered as a location for public art. D. Discussion of Temporary Art Contract It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Benay to continue this item to the next agenda. Unanimous. E. Authorize Expenditure for Pages in Winter/Spring Brochure Staff informed the Commission that the amount estimated for 10,000 4-page, glossy color photos of all public art locations in La Quinta that would be inserted into the Community Services Department Winter/Spring Recreation Brochure would be approximately $2,000 which was higher then originally reported. The Chamber of Commerce will also include the information in the La Quinta Newsletter. Cost of the insert would come from Art in Public Places Operating funds. The Commission is responsible for doing the write up and taking photos of the art and bringing it to the Community Services Department by December 1 st. Commissioner Vossler will ask Wayne Gardner to take the photos, and Commissioner Chappie will do the artist letter and information on the art pieces. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Break Down of Financial Statement Ms. Horvitz discussed the report for Art in Public Places Funds. B. Bus Stops in La Quinta - Received and filed C. Commission Protocol & Decorum Guidelines Commissioner Welch apologized for not getting the Governor's Conference information to staff in time. D. Arts Wire Letter dated October 22, 1998 - Received and filed. E. Artist Participation Day - Received and filed. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINll-12.wpd 3 VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Chairperson Hull said she recently received information on the Governor's Conference which will be held in Los Angeles, and indicated the Commission could not attend because it was not included in the FY 98-99 budget. Commissioner Reynolds asked for an update on Fritz Burns Park. Ms. Horvitz told the Commission that the artist, Art Fernandez was cleaning rocks out of the FIBAR and it is taking some time to accomplish this, and that he has a completion deadline of November 30, 1998. Ms. Horvitz will provide a progress report next month. Commissioner Benay announced that the Palm Springs Museum was celebrating their 60th anniversary on Saturday, and Sun Bus is offering free passes to the Museum. Commissioner Welch suggested sending a letter to the Museum. Chairperson Hull will write the letter. Commissioner Reynolds commented on the dead landscaping in front of City Hall around the John Kennedy sculpture. Staff said that this was being addressed by the Public Works Department at the request of the City Council. It was announced that there would be an art lecture in the La Quinta Council Chambers on December 2, 1998. Commissioner Welch said that Joan Boiko is offering space in the Desert Sun for the Commissioners to write articles on the arts and suggested talking to him for more information. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Shamis to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION December 10,1998 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Bear Creek Trail Rest Stop - John Freeland · Temporary Art Contract · Update on Art Project at Fritz Burns Park · Update on La Quinta Entry Signs · Update on Washington Street Bridge Art Project · Update on Highway 111 Art Piece · Meet the Artist Selection - Benay/Welch C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINll-12.wpd 4