CACMIN 12 10 1998 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES December 10,1998 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room at the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Sham is led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Charrie Chappie Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Patrick Welch STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Shamis to excuse Commissioner Benay and Commissioner Welch from the meeting due to attending the Governor's Conference. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT Gwen Hughes presented an art project to the Cultural Arts Commission for bus stops in La Quinta. Ms. Hughes has done art projects in Palm Springs. Her name will be kept in the art bank, and staff will contact her if there is a Request for Proposals. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV; CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of November 12, 1998 It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to approve the Minutes of November 12, 1998 as submitted. Unanimous. B. Financial Report Commissioner Shamis noted that the Washington Bridge funds do not balance. Staff will contact the Finance Department. C. Monthly Department Report for November 1998 Received and filed. C:\MyData\CRlSTAL\CAC\CACMIN12-10.wpd 1 v. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Bear Creek Trail Rest Stops Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director told the Commission that the Public Works Department is in the process of building four rest stops on the Bear Creek Channel Bike Trail, and the Arts Foundation is building one at one end of the cove. At the last meeting, the Commissioners asked if artwork could be incorporated into the four other rest stops. Staff spoke with the Public Works Department and have determined there are two options: One option would be to stop the RFP process and readvertise it so that artwork is included in the work. This would delay the completion date of the rest stops. Another option is to continue with the RFP currently in process, build the rest stops as described, and add the art work after the rest stops are completed. Staff added it is proposed that unique bike racks of various colors will be used to add color to the rest stops. The Commission agreed they would like the RFP process to continue, and they will consider adding artwork to the stops after the work is completed. B. Temporary Art Contract Chairperson Hull reviewed the history of the Temporary Art Contract. Commissioner Shamis read the contract and had John Weidenhammer read it and he would like to change item #9 to read "the artist has 30 days from the time they are contacted to remove their art piece" because they may be out of town or unavailable; in item #8 he thinks the City should be told who has the rights to the art piece in the event it is sold; and he would like to see the word "ownership" removed in item #10. Dodie said "ownership" needs to stay in because of "ownership transfer" in item #9. The Commission agreed to the suggested changes. Dodie told the Commission that the City Council may have a hard time with item #5 regarding liability insurance. Chairperson Hull says the City benefits from the display of the artists work so the City should do something to support it by paying for, or at the least, sharing the cost of the liability insurance. It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to accept the Temporary Art Contract with changes as discussed. Unanimous. Staff will submit the Contract to the City Council for consideration on January 5, 1999. C. Culture in the Courtyard Staff reported that the courtyard is not used enough and came up with this idea. Chairperson Hull would like to see more sculpture in the courtyard. Commissioner Shamis likes the idea and asked about the time availability of the Commissioners, and most are available to attend. Commissioner Shamis said she has a list of musicians available to play for a fee. Dodie said the program has to pay for itself and there are no funds to pay for musicians unless they were to play for free. Coffee will be served and participants will be charged $5 which will cover the cost of the refreshments. The "Meet the La Quinta Artist" recipient will be asked to display their art. A CD player will be used to provide music, and Commissioner Vossler volunteered to bring pastries for the first event. The Commission decided to hold the event on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10-11 :30 AM. It was moved by Commissioner Chappie/Reynolds to support and participate in the Culture in the Courtyard program. Unanimous. C:\MyData\CRlSTAL\CAC\CACMINl2-1O.wpd 2 D. Meet the La Quinta Artist The subcommittee selected Betty Cheney as the first recipient of "Meet the La Quinta Artist". Ms. Cheney will be invited to Culture in the Courtyard on January 28, and articles will be put in the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Newsletter and the La Quinta Post. Dodie said Commissioner Benay would like suggestions for a visual artist for the month of March. The Commissioners are· asked to contact her with their suggestions. It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Reynolds to accept Betty Cheney as the recipient for "Meet the La Quinta Artist" for the month of January. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Update on Current Projects in La Quinta B. Letters of Commendation from the Cultural Arts Commission C. Report on Voices From the Field Symposium - Hull D. Report on Voices From the Field Symposium - Chappie The above items were received and filed. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Chappie thinks the Commission would benefit by hiring a consultant for public art. Chairperson Hull will see if Palm Springs will host the next cultural conference, and suggests the CAC do it if they aren't able to. Commissioner Shamis feels that a partnership in the conference will benefit everyone from DSUSD, the Arts Foundation, the McCallum Theater, local cities, etc. It was suggested that the conference be held in April. This will be on the agenda next month. Commissioner Chappie is still working on the Artist Bank and will contact John Nagus soon for his information. Commissioner Reynolds gave Commissioner Chappie another name to add to the bank. Commissioner Sham is said she can't get through to Arts Wire. Staff will contact them and notify the Commission of the results. Chairperson Hull spoke with Mayor Pena about a few things recently. She said that Susan Francis, Arts Foundation Director has been referring to the Art Plan in her projects and that Mayor Pena said it would be identified in the new General Plan. They also spoke about CV AG 2000 and the lack of any cultural reference. Chairperson Hull volunteered to write information on culture in the valley. Mayor Pena said he will get back to her about that. Chairperson Hull discussed more dialog with the Planning Commission and the Mayor suggested the Chair of each of the Commissions meet regularly, and the Commissioners are encouraged to attend Planning Commission meetings which are the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Reynolds would like to meet with the Traditions to discuss artwork for their site. She said the Historical Society works with the Traditions on occasion and thinks it could be done. Chairperson Hull would like to revisit the priority list for placement of artwork to determine the top three locations and to start discussion what to place. C:\MyData\CRlST AL\CAC\CACMIN12-1 O.wpd 3 Commissioner Vossler asked if tht:: Cultural Plan can be used and distributea if someone asks for it. Staff will get back to the Commission on the status of the Cultural Plan. Chairperson Hull and Commissioner Chappie have been working on combining the APP Plan·and the Public Art Plan. They took the old ordinance and inserted changes made by the City Council to get an updated APP Ordinance. A copy will be given to Dodie when it is ready. The Commission asked staff if developers are notified of the art bank, or the Commissions availability to assist with their art placement. Dodie will check the Community Development and Building and Safety Department to see if they do this and report back to the Commission. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Shamis to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION January 14, 1999 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Bus Stop Art Work · Washington Street Art Work · Renderings of Monument Signs · Cultural Workshop Partnership · How to get into Arts Wire · Proposed Ordinance Changes (Chappie) · Cultural Plan · APP Developers Art Selections C:\MyData\CRlSTAL\CAC\CACMIN12-10.wpd 4