CAC 01 14 1999IV. CONSENT CALENDAR B. City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 11/30/1998 Deposits collected through development Interest earned City Contribution Total Sources Less expenditures: Operating expenses Art purchased Total Uses Equity Available before encumbrances and committments: Add back Accounts Payable Reduction for Interest Receivable Cash Available before encumbrances and committments: Less Encumbrances Less Commitments: Balance of De Martino Sculpture for Civic Center Balance of K.Emerson & A.Dematteis - Fritz Burns Park Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Paid Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Credits Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Future Balance Ministrelli TT25429 Deposits committed to Rancho La Quinta - Paid Deposits committed to Rancho La Quinta - Credits Balance of Art Fernandez - Fritz Burns Park Balance Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash Balance Eagle Hardware -Credit Balance Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Nolmes & Narver Balance Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Nolmes & Narver Balance Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwy111/Wash. St Total Commitments Total available funds through 11 /30/1998 $758,359.37 97,934.69 50,000.00 906,294.06 (12,724.23) (389,785.88) (402,510.11) 503,783.95 0.00 0.00 503,783.95 0.00 (13,217.00) (1,260.37) 0.00 (9,418.07) (14,581.93) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,600.00) 0.00 0.00 (2,170.00) (37,532.00) (59,150.50) (8,217.25) (19,000.00) (168,147.12) $335,636.83 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 11/30/1998 Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 07/31/92 Meg Robertson 10/15/92 01 /12/93 03/10/93 03/31 /93 03/31 /94 05/10/95 06/30/98 06/30/98 06/30/98 06/30/98 06/30/98 09/30/98 Art Pujrchgp-" 06/09/92 04/14/93 06/29/94 07/31 /92 07/31 /92 07/31 /92 12/15/92 06/06/95 01/16/96 05/21 /96 05/21 /96 12/17/96 06/17/97 06/17/97 05/05/98 09/15/98 10/20/98 07/07/98 07/07/98 A.E.S. Jerry Allan Regents - University of Calif. Martin & Chapman City of La Quinta Admin Fee Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies Charrie Chappie Travel Elaine Reynolds Travel Rosita Shamis Travel Susan Benay Travel Americans For The Arts Registration Susan Benay Travel - Reverse Total Operating Expenses Adams/Truman PTA Louis De Martino K.Emerson & A.Dematteis Hwy 111 TDC - Paid Hwy 111 TDC - Credits Hwy 111 TDC - Future Ministrelli TT25429 Bear Creek Path Art Work Fritz Burns Park Rancho La Quinta - Paid Rancho La Quinta - Credit Fritz Burns Park - Art Fernandez Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash Eagle Hardware -Credit Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Narve Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Narve Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwyl 11 Nllash. St Total Art Purchases Expended 821.66 244.08 $1,065.74 23.70 2,275.00 105.00 242.05 6,000.00 35.91 325.21 360.61 2,141.01 1,125.32 150.00 (1,125.32) $12,724.23 Total Balance of Commitments Expended Commitments n/a 73,500.00 51,000.00 47,578.99 10,810.63 36,610.38 15,000.00 5,000.00 16,786.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 40,600.00 10,000.00 43,000.00 3,000.00 39,500.00 21,999.00 14,000.00 19,000.00 $846.00 60,283.00 49,739.63 47,578.99 1,392.56 22,028.45 15,000.00 5,000.00 16,786.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 37,000.00 10,000.00 43,000.00 830.00 4,138.00 380.50 5,782.75 0.00 0.00 13,217.00 1,260.37 0.00 9,418.07 14,581.93 PIS .99 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 2,170.00 37,532.00 59,150.50 8,217.25 19,000.00 $517,385.00 $389,785.88 $168,147.12 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Interest Earned Annual Interest FY 1990/91 3,525.59 FY 1991 /92 11, 646.54 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 7,137.38 FY 1994/95 11,444.17 FY 1995/96 14,109.65 FY 1996/97 16,170.79 FY 1997/98 14,845.19 Total Accumulated Interest FY 1998/99 Interest YTD Interest Through 10/31/1998 6,898.42 97,934.69 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 12/31/1998 Deposits collected through development Interest earned - City Contribution Total Sources Less expenditures: Operating expenses Art purchased Total Uses Equity Available before encumbrances and committments: Add back Accounts Payable Reduction for Interest Receivable Cash Available before encumbrances and committments: Less Encumbrances Less Commitments: Balance of De Martino Sculpture for Civic Center Balance of K.Emerson & A.Dematteis - Fritz Burns Park Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Paid Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Credits Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Future Balance Ministrelli TT25429 Deposits committed to Rancho La Quinta - Paid Deposits committed to Rancho La Quinta - Credits Balance of Art Fernandez - Fritz Burns Park Balance Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash Balance Eagle Hardware -Credit Balance Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Nolmes & Narver Balance Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Nolmes & Narver Balance Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwy111NVash. St Total Commitments Total available funds through (13,217.00) (1,260.37) 0.00 (9,418.07) (14,581.93) 0.00 (3,600.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,284.00) (35,362.00) (21,618.50) (8,217.25) (19,000.00) $776,691.97 97,934.69 50,000.00 O')A AIR RR - (12,724.23) (390,671.88) (403,396.11) 521,230.55 0.00 0.00 521,230.55 0.00 (127, 559.12) 12/31 /1998 $393,671.43 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Interest Earned Annual Interest FY 1990/91 3,525.59 FY 1991 /92 11,646.54 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 7,137.38. FY 1994/95 11,444.17 FY 1995/96 14,109.65 FY 1996/97 16,170.79 FY 1997/98 14,845.19 Total Accumulated Interest FY 1998/99 Interest YTD 6,898.42 Interest Through 12/31/1998 97,934.69 File: APP.WK4 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR C. U S cFM OF TN�v CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Monthly Department Report for December 1998 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. BACKGROUND: The Community Services Department completes a monthly Department Report consisting of attendance figures for all programs, upcoming events and meetings attended. The Department Report is transmitted to the City Council on the second Council meeting of every month. Dodie Horvitz, C unity Services Director Attachment: Monthly Department Report MEMO.DR Titiv,, 4 4-Qumrw MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Marni Kunsman, Recreation Supervisor VIA: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director DATE: January 19, 1999 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Community Services Department Report for the Month of December 1998 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1999: Feb 2 Basic Guitar Classes Begin, La Quinta High School Feb 5 Annual Duplicate Bridge Tournament, Sr. Center Feb 6 The Anatomy of the Golf Swing Class, Session 2, La Quinta Golf Ranch Feb 7 Final Four, Adult Soccer League Championship, La Quinta High School Feb 9 Start Your Own Internet Business, Evening Workshop, Sr. Center Feb 11 Valentine's Day Luncheon, Sr. Center Feb 11 Financial Questions Answered, Sr. Center Feb 11 Free Facial and Makeup Consultation, Sr. Center Feb 16 Dog Training Workshop, Sr. Center Feb 16 .Free Hearing Consultation & Hearing Aid Check, Sr. Center Feb 16 "55 Alive" Mature Driving Course, Sr. Center Feb 18 Healthy Cooking Class, Sr. Center Feb 18 Web Site Design Class, Sr. Center Feb 18 Women & Money, Financial Seminar & Luncheon, Sr. Center Feb 22 Adult & Junior Tennis Lessons, Session 2, Fritz Burns Park Feb 24 Successful Money Management, Evening Classes, Sr. Center Feb 25 Culture in the Courtyard, La Quinta Civic Center Courtyard Feb 25 Second Annual La Quinta Senior Center Art Show, Sr. Center Feb 27 Ballroom Dance Class, Session 2, La Quinta Boys & Girls Club 0.- QUWOJ COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1998 SUMMARY SHEET Meetings Per Month i 19981 1997 Variance 19981 19971 ! I Programs Leisure Class Total 170 ! 0 170 22 0 Special Events Total 42241 42251 -1 3 2 Adult Sports Total 9001 6001 300 9 6 Senior Center Programs 1,651 1,843 -192 92 96 Program Total: 69451 66681 277 1261 104 i I Facility Use Attendance *Senior Center Services 1048 I 782 266 25 26 La Quinta Sports Complex '81 La Quinta AYSO 4800 4800 0 8 Facility Use Total: 5848 55821 266 331 34 PARTICIPATION GRAND TOTAL 12,7931 12,2501 543 159 138 1998 19971 Variance Volunteer Hours ,Senior Center 883 1,158 -275 Meals on Wheels 65 55 10 Volunteer Total: 948 1213 -265 I Revenue i*Sr. Center Revenue $4,173 $2,024 $2,149 Recreation Programs $1,168 $1,300 $1,414 $132 Rental Income $2,145 $732 Revenue Total: $7,4861 $4,7381 $2,748 * Sr. Center revenue includes $2,089.00 donation from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Page 1 Youth and Adult Recreation Attendance 1998 1998 1997 1 1997 ! 1998 , Meetings IMeetings �Participants'Total Participation Participants Total Participation iVariance 1998 1997 !Leisure Classes Low Impact Aerobics 7 14 0 0 14I 2 0 !Youth Tennis 8 40 0 0 40 ! 51 0 Adult Tennis 6 301 0 0 i 30' 51 0 Int. Computers, Tues. 8 24 0' 01 24 I 3 0' Beg. Computers, Wed. 91 27 0 01 27 3 i 0 Be .Com uters,Thurs. 9 27'r 01 01 27I 3' 0, Mobile Golf Program 8 8 0! 0 i 8! 1 0 Leisure Class Subtotal 55' 170. 0: 01 170 221 0' Special Events Annual Treelighting 40001 40001 4000 01 1 1 Breakfast with Santa 200 2001 225 1 225 -251 1 1 1 Excursion to Tony Bennett) 24 2411 0' 0 241 1 0 S ecial Events Subtotal 4224' 42241 42251 4225 -1 31 2 I i Adult Sports Adult Volleyball League 60 360 60 i 240 120 611 41 Adult Soccer League 180 5401 180' 360 180 3; 2 Adult Sports Subtotal 240 900 i 2401 600 306 91 6 1 ! Page 2 Senior Center Attendance 1998 1 1997 1997 e asterTotal Registered Total Meetings Participants articipation artici ants Participation Variance 1998 199 Senior Activities Billiards 6 6 7 7 -1 n/a n/a Bridge, ACBL 221 221 200 200 21 4 4 Bridge, Duplicate/Social 363 363 356 356 7 11 13 Creative Writing Club 32 32 57 57 -25 3 5 Getty Museum Trip 16 16 0 0 16 1 0 Holiday Decorating[Tree Trim Party 15 15 0 0 15 3 0 Golden Tones 53 53 125 125 -72 5 7 Ice Cream Social 35 35 0 0 35 4 0 Monthly Luncheon 106 106 103 103 3 1 1 Movie Time 20 20 14 14 6 6 3 Seminars 26 26 23 23 3 4 5 Television Viewing 59 59 7 7 52 n/a n/a Tennis 34 34 69 69 -35 3 9 Senior Activity Total 986 986 961 961 25 45 47 Senior Leisure Courses Ballroom Dance 7 7 8 23 -16 1 3 Bridge Lessons 8 16 8 33 -17 2 4 Computer 40 40 30 30 10 7 6 Exercise 44 444 42 546 -102 17 13 Healthy Cooking Class 18 18 15 15 3 1 1 Spanish Lessons 16 48 18 111 -63 3 6 Senior Leisure Courses Total 133 573 121 758 -185 31 33 Senior Leisure Classes Arts and Crafts 17 17 16 16 1 3 3 Ceramics 30 30 21 21 9 3 3 Line Dance 3 3 31 31 -28 1 4 Painting 10 10 28 28 -18 3 3 Tap Dance 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 Watercolor 30 30 28 28 2 5 3 Senior Leisure Classes Total 92 92 124 124 -32 161 16 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 1211 1651 1206 1843 -192 92 96 Senior Services A.A.R.P. "55 Alive" 26 26 0 0 26 2 2 Ambassadors 83 83 120 120 -37 n/a n/a Blood Pressure Check 57 57 45 45 12 5 5 Desert Cities Giving Tree 51 51 35 35 16 1 1 FIND Food Distribution 448 448 341 341 107 5 3 Friends Meeting 14 14 15 15 -1 2 2 Hearing Consultation 6 6 6 6 0 1 1 Information/Referral/Outreach 313 313 157 157 156 n/a n/a Legal Consultation 7 7 7 7 0 1 1 Medicare Consultation 3 3 8 8 -5 n/a n/a PACE Exercise 17 17 33 33 -16 5 8 Cong. Bono's Mobile Office 8 8 9 9 -1 1 1 Share Meetings/Si n-up 15 15 6 6 9 2 2 TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 1048 1048 782 782 266 25 26 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 2259 2699 19881 26251 74 117 122 Page 3 Vi. BUSINESS ITEM A. � T CF`y OF CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Proposed Ordinance Changes RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The former Art In Public Places Commission had begun revisions to the Art In Public Places Ordinance. When the Cultural Arts Commission was formed, the Commission comes under Chapter 2.65 of the Municipal Code (Art In Public Places). Attached for consideration are the revisions being considered by the Art In Public Places Commission prior to July 1998. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Review the Art In Public Places Chapter revisions and make recommendations; 2. Do not review the Art In Public Places Chapter revision; or 3. fLroviidetaff with alternate direction. Dodie Horvitz Attachment A: ity Services Director pter 2.65 (Art In Public Places) of the Municipal Code. AA0rdChange.wpd ATTACHMENT A CIJIAPTER 2.65 vecember! 193E ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Vect;Vns. 5010 intent and purpose 2.65.020 Findings 2.65.030 Cefinitio .s 2:6�&949 FeFm&1ieFi and f unefiens ef the A 2.65,060040 Requirement to provide artwork or pay development fee 2�65:050 Projects subject to Art in Public Places program requirements 2.65.060 Processing of arts application 2.65.070 Regulations for artwork 2.65;080 Funding 2:65.100 Credits - Agreements as to particular projects 2.65.1101 Art in Public Places Fund 2.65.120 Implementation and administration of this Chapter Section 2.65.010 Intent and Purpose A: This chapter may be known and cited as the"La Quinta Art in Public Places Program". The City of La Quinta hereby recognizes the need to expand the opportunities for its citizens to experience public art and other projects, resulting from the creative expression of artists In public places throughout the City. S. As stated in the General Plan under the environmenLsi Conservation Element, Objective 6-2.4 "The City shall utilize a variety of alternative means to refresh, enhance and enrich the community by providing adequate cultural facllitles, programs, and activities." Policy 6-2.2.1 also states, "The city shall continue to utilize the `La Quints Art in Public Places Program' to provide public art in the City." eneengpeas these; -S The art In Public Places program shall accomplish these goals and policies by Implementing a program whereby visual art is incorporated into the planning and development of the City giving art a fundamental role In the design of the City. C. Residential and commercial development throughout the City will benefit from public art; both economically and visually. The cost of providing public art should be shared;however; as a way to ach1Pve a balanced responsibility for providing cultural enhancement.The public art program will further provide a vehicle for the City and developers to serve La Quinta by: • Enhancing its prestige. • providing a means for cultural expression and cultural diversity. • (Providing an important element in Increased tourism. • Enhancing the quality of the visual environment. • Educating citizens to increase the understanding of public art. • including artists In the planning process of the City and its neighborhoods_ D. Therefore, the City council declares that artwork in its various physical forms displayed in public venues in the City constitute public facilities of benefit to the citizens and visitors to the City and in the interest of public health, safety and welfare; it is the policy of the City to require acquisition and installation of public artworks as provided in this Chapter. Section 2.65.020 Findings The City Council makes the following findings in connection with the adoption of the ordinance codified in this Chapter: A. There is a reasonable relationship between the acquisition of artwork through the art In public places program and the project on which the fees provided by this Chapter shall be imposed because: 2 1: Artwork will enhance the real property values within the City generaliy; including the properties on which the fees will be imposed, and 2: Artwork will, by enhancing the aesthetic values of the City as a whole; make the City an attractive place to live and work, thereby making the City more vital; 3. Artwork will create an investment for the City due to its artistic value. a.. _Artwork will enhance City sponsored and financed projects. B. There is a reasonable relationship between the need for cultural amenities such as art, and the developments upon which the fees provided for herein shall be imposed. The development of real property generally necessitates that additional costs be incurred and amenities be provided for harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environments created by the development. Works of art should be Integral to both their location and the associated work of other design professionals. They should contribute to a sense of place and enhance the quality of life in the City by contributing to its unique Identity. C. The amount of the fee is reasonably related to the art works to be acquired because the amount of the fee not only increases as the value of the development upon which the fee is imposed rises, but creates an investment for the developerlCity so there will be a direct and proportionate relationship between the size of the development and the quantity or quality of artwork which can be purchased or incorporated therein, from the fees generated by the development upon which the fee is imposed. Section 2&5_.030 ®efiniti4ns As used in this Chapter: A. "Public Art" means artwork that is easily visible and accessible to the public. e: "Art Application" means the application to be submitted by a project applicant pursuant to Section 2,65.070. C. "Art in Public Places Fund" means the fund established by Section 2.65.110— Q D. "Art Site" means any site; upon which the artwork is to be located; on public or priva#e property within the City; which is accessible and visible to the general public. E. "Commission" means the Cultural Arts Commission as appointed In Section 2.75.030 of this Charter and Municipal Code. F. "Artwork" means an original creation of art including but not limited to; the following categories, paintings; sculptures; murals; mosaics; fountains, landscaping, architecture, III umination/lighting, and paving designs: These categories may be realized through such media as steel; bronze; stained glass, concrete; wood; ceramic tile and stone, as well as other suitable materials. C ;. "Fee" or "fees„ means the fees imposed by this Chapter. H. "Integrated" means the process of incorporating the artwork into the physical makeup of the project as opposed to placing a piece of artwork on the project site. L "Projects" means all construction or rehabilitation In the City covered by a single building permit, or Capital Improvement projects. is "Project Costs" means the value of the Improvements for a project based upon the building permit valuation submitted. K. "Temporary Art" means artwork in any form, that is temporary in nature and not permanently affixed, or designated for a specific location. Section 165.050 Reg uirements to provide artwork or pay development fee. When a project is subject to the requirements of this Chapter pursuant to Section 2.65.060, the project applicant shall pay a development fee, as described in subsection A of this section; or shall comply with the provisions of subsection B of this section. Project app►icants shall indicate on their Art In Public Places application whether the project applicant will comply with subsection A or B of this section. 4 A. Development Fees. The project applicants shalt pay a fee -to be deposited in the Art In Public Places fund established pursuant to Section 2.65.110 egtjjal to the amount provided in Section 2.65.090 of this Chapter for the project. B. Provision of Artwork. In lieu of paying the development fee as required by Subsection 1 of this section, the project applicant may: 1 _ Integrate artwork Into the exterior surfaces of the project; or 2_ Acquire and Install an artwork on a particular site, or in the vicinity of the project site pursuant to Section 2.65.100 of this Chapter. As a quidP, the cost, or value of -such artwork should approximate the amount of the fee that would be paid under Subsection A of this section. The project applicant shall receive credit for the fee required by Subsection A of this section only in the actual amount of the cost or value of the artwork integrated, or acquired and installed, plus-eeet e - C. Only project applicants liable for a fee pursuant to Subsection A of this section that is in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000) shall he permitted to elect to provide an artwork pursuant to Subsection B unless such project applicant proposes to furnish artwork in excess of the amount of Ouch fee and Ina . ln11IJU amount of flue thousand dollars ($5,000). D. If developer is to comply with Subsection B of this section, developer will provide the name of the artist with whom hpJshe will be working to the Community Services Department at the time of application submittal_ Section 2.65.060 Projects subject to Art in Public Places Program requirements. A. Requirements. The requirements of this Chapter shall apply to all works of construction or rehabilitation for which a building permit is applied for within the City, which constitutes or includes the following activities and which are not subject to the exceptions set forth in subsection B of this Section: 5 1 New commercial and industrial construction; 7_ Remodeling, repair or reconstruction of existing commercial or industrial property having project casts which exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in expenditures; 3. Residential subdivision or development of two units or more, whether by detached single-family residential structure,condominiums, apartments, townhouses or other swelling onitg,incliytiing the re -pair remocleling nr renovation of same, having project costs exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); 4. Individual residential units (defined as not more than one single- family dwelling which is to be constructed on an individual lot or parcel) having project costs of more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). 5: Public projects. Capital improvements Projects will be reviewed on a case by case basis and a minimum of two projects each year shall Include 1.5D/ of its budget for the Inclusion of artwork. R. Exceptions. the requirements of this Chapter shall not apply to the following activities: 1. Remodeling, repair or reconstruction of structures which have been damaged by fire, flood, wind, earthquake or other calamity; 2. Nonprofit social service or cultural institution projects. 3. Very low to moderate house projects as defined by household income in Health and Safety Code Section_ Section 2,65.070 Processing of arts al2[2 tion. The requirements and procedures for the processing of art in public places application (an arts application) shall be as follows: A. Upon submission of a project application for a project -subject to the requirements of this chapter, the City sha11 provide to the project applicant a copy of the ordinance codified in this chapter and an arts application form. The City shall cause the applicant to submit an Initial art proposal Identifying how artwork will be integrated Into the project for review by the Cultural Arts Commission prior to the review of the project by the Planning Commission. B. The project applicant shall then submit to the City a completed art application, describing the manner in which the project applicant intends to establish rnmplianr a with the chapter. art application shall include, for project applicants intending to meet the requirements of Section 2.65.050(B) the following: 1. A complete description of the artwork. P. The name of the artist creating the artwork. R. A copy of the contract for commissioning, or pi irchasing the artwork, if any. d The cost, or estimated cost of the artwork and installation. 5, The agreement or means by which the nroject annlirant will meet the requirements of Section 2.65.050 of this chapter. 6. A site plan showing the location of the artwork, complete with landscaping, lighting, and other appropriate accessories to complement and protect the artwork. C. The City shall, upon receipt of the art application, submit the art application to the Cultural Arts Commission. n. The Cultural Arts Commission, shall within thirty days from the date of submittal of the applic,atinn by the City, submit to the City Council comments and a recommendation on the proposed arts application; based upon the guidelines set forth in Section 2.65.080. Section 2.65.080 Regulations for Artwork. A. Guidelines. Guidelines for the approval of artwork shall include, but are not limited to, the following criteria. 1, The artwork shall be easily risible and accessible to the public, The composition of the artwork shall be of appropriate materials in order to be durable against vandalism, theft, and weather, and shall require a low level of maintenance_ The review may consider the proposed location of the artwork; The artwork shall be related in terms of scale, material, form, and content to immediate and adjacent buildings and landscaping so that it complements the art site and surrounding lnding AmmArnrmmet VIIYIIVIIIIIyn I. 7 4, The artwork Shall be designed and constructed by persons experienced in the production of such art work and reconni7ed by critics and by his or her neers as one who nrodllcPC works of art 5. The artwork shall be appropriately affixed to its site or display. B. Limitations. The following items are not to be considered artworks: 1, Art objects which are mass produced from a standard design; _. eFi@iRal a -- _..._; (City's Delete' 2. Decorative, ornamental or functional elements which are designed by a building architect as opposed to an artist commissioned for the purpose of creating the artwork; these - -..._..__ afe designed eF eppfeyed _.._ �...__ _ eFe an iR!e „l r! f the l4 L a-9 erea*-ed 19u, the al4iGt; (City'c Delete' 3. Services or utilities necessary to operate or maintain the artwork. C. Use and Maintenance of Artwork. Artwork acquired by expendit�,res from the art in nuhlic places fund shall be the property of and maintained by the City, The City may dispose of such artwork at its discretion. sUhipn to any agreement with artists, or otherwise relating to any specific artwork. The artworks acquired and installed by a project applicant for which credit for the fee required by Section 2.65.050 is given pursuant to Section 2.65.100 of this chapter shall he the property of and maintained by the project applicant, except to the. extent the City has rights in or to the artwork or the display thereof pursuant to the agreement with the project applicant entered into pursuant to Section 2.65.100, or artwork acquired by the project applicant in lieu of the fee may be donated to the City to be maintained by the City. Section 2.65.090 undfng There will be, and there is established, an Art In Public Places Fee (referred to Occasionally in this .- Chapter as the'lPe" (nr "fees"'to he co 11-c+ed aJ foll-ws: N A. Fees are to be collected with respect to all projects prinr to or at the time of issuance of a building permit, except in the case of residential development of more than one dwelling unit where the fee shall be collected on a pro rata basis for each dwelling when it receives its final inspection or certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs first. The City Manager, or other such person appointed by him/her, is appointed as the authorized individual to collect the fees. R• All residential structures whose project cost is in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) will be charged a fee hereunder equal to the greater of: 1 • _ -- ne percent for that portion of prOjec# cost in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); or 2. Twenty Elel One thousand dollars ($1,000). C. All commercial developments, industrial developments, and nonresidential development within the City will be charged a fee hereunder equal to the greater of: 1. Two percent of the portion of project costs in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) if the artwork is not Incorporated into the project, or 1.5% of the portion of project costs In excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) will be credited toward the fee If the artwork is Integrated Into the project Itself; or 2. Twenty de Two thousand dollars ($2,000). 3. Fifteen hundred dollars ($1500): All Capital Improvement Projects shall be reviewed by staff on a case by case basis. A minimum of two projects each year shall be selected for the inclusion of artwork whereby an artist shall be part of the design team and 1.5% of the budget shall be used to Incorporate artwork Into the project. E, Each fiscal year .5% of the City's Transient Occupancy Tax :III be allocated to the Art In Public Places Fund. F. The fees will be collected prior to the issuance of any building permit commencing on the date the ordinance codified in thic Chapter becomes effective. Section 2.65.100 Credits - Agreements as to particular projects. A. A project applicant may apply for a credit against the fee otherwise required to be paid by the project applicant under Section 2.65.050 of this chapter, of one hundred percent of the cost of an artwork and costs of installation for including an artwork in an art site subject to this chapter, provided that such work shall be approved by the Cultural Arts Commission, and the project shall enter into a written agreement with the city providing that the artwork shall be installed, maintained and open to public view at reasonable hours for a minimum period of twenty five years after installation. The written agreement may be extended by the city for ten-year increments. B. Nothing herein shall restrict the city council from waiving the requirements of this chapter, in whole or in part, with respect to any project otherwise subject to the provisions of this chapter; provided, that the city council determines that the project applicant has entered into an agreement with the city making provision for the acquisition and installation of artworks in connection with the development of the project which addresses the goals and aims of this chapter in a manner equally favorable to or on a basis more favorable to the city than would be achieved by strict compliance with this chapter. Section 2.65,110 Art in public places fund. A. Accounting. The fees imposed pursuant to Section 2.65.090 of this chapter and any other moneys collected in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited in a separate account, entitled the is art in public places fund". The city manager or his/her designee shall establish accounting records sufficient to identify and control these finds. The amounts held in the art in public places fund shall otherwise be accounted for, deposited, invested and expensed as proved by law and the practices and policies of the city. The account containing these funds may be invested along with other moneys of the city and the investment earnings thereon shall be used for and be subject to the same restrictions established in subsection B of this section. B. Use of Fund. Expenditures of the fees collected in the art in public places fund may include the following: in The coot of artwork and its linstalWV1 1. 2. The cost of purchase Or lease of art sites. 3. Fees-andlor posts associated with the selection process of an artist. 4. Frames, mats, pedestals and other objects necessary for the prop erpresentation of the artwork. ti. Wall, pools. landscaping or other architectural or landscape architectural elements necessary for the proper aesthetic and structural placement of the artwork. t:Waterworks, landscaping, lighting, and other objects which are an integral part of the artwork; 7. Expenditures for maintenance and repair of artwork; R. Administrative expenses to otherwise implement any provision of thischapter. These expenses may include money for publicity, dedication, and workshop costs, public education activities, staffing, and consultants. However; in no event shall Said administrative expenses exceed five percent of the total funds in theaccount on July 1 st of any year nor twenty-five thousand dollars in anyfiscal year. D. Endowments. The art in public places fund shall also be used as a depository for endowments, bequests, grants or donations. Such sums may be expended as set forth in subsection B of this section and for art exhibitions or displays as approved by the city council. E. Replacement. For those artworks that have been purchased with moneys from the art in public places fund or donated to the city, the city may determine to sell or exchange existing artworks for replacement artworks. Any funds obtained from the sale of artwork shall be credited to the art in public places fund. Artwork owned privately and on display by in -lieu agreement may be exchanged with city council approval or the original fee paid to the art in public places fund. F. Reimbursement. in the event fees have not been committed for a Use as specified in subsection B of this section withintwe eight years of their collection, the fees in the art in public places fund shall be distributed by the City to the person or entity who has paid the fees or in any other manner permitted by law. 11 Section 2.63.t20 Implementation and administration of this chanter. The City may enter into agreements, upon recommendation of the Cultural Arts Commission or otherwise, for the purchase or commissioning of artworks on art sites not awned by the City, for installation of artwork or the repair, maintenance of servicing thereof and for or relating to all other matters necessary or appropriate to implement the art in public places program. CL yt3 CD » cn CD UQ CD �, as CD »>> O � � E�E<E�+!GiEz z a z a O N o O N o z z s z a z a z a O N .+, o O O O CD O >C p O cD O JC p O cD O O n .... ........ V�i v�i CD rn i.�.+.�'.>:.;:.;;:: :En .::,iriyj>> z O o ::::: CD CL z z z o z z z z a s a a a a a ... Cl,° �..1 VCD '1 jy .. OR. CD (� w �� C n o P)CD Ln CD CD CD CD a a w N v�i A CT W N 00 -- W N ~ CT 00 CT 00 �d d C) tNi� 00 11O O O O O O O J O O A 00 O O O CO CO O CD Q � e4 C" CD L W Q. N. �yt CFD ° CD o CD 0 CD \ . N b b CD rG o CD CD Cl. W� L:11 CL CD N N CT c � N O � •' � W O CD It CD CD CD CD cr ¢' CD e'f La,(�"— I. BUSINESS ITEM B. um U S f INtiO CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Cultural Workshop Partnership RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Commission has, as one of its tasks in the 1998/99 Work Plan, to host a Coachella Valley Cultural Conference/Workshop (Attachment A). The City of Palm Desert hosted a workshop in November and Cathedral City was scheduled to host the Spring workshop. Chairperson Hull would confirm with Cathedral City as to the workshop. Should the workshop not be hosted by Cathedral City, the City of La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission could consider offering the event. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Begin plans to host the Coachella Valley Cultural Conference/Workshop; 2. Do not begin plans to host the Coachella Valley Cultural Conference/Workshop; or 3. /Provide staff with alternate direction. Dodie Horjfit1,, C6Mmunity Services Director Attachment A Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan Page 6: Coachella Valley Cultural Conference/Workshop A:\Workshop.wpd ATTACHMENT A Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan September 1998 Task: Coachella Valley Cultural Conference/Workshops Completion Date: On -going Participants: Commissioners, City Council Suggested Resources: Community members, City Council, Coachella Valley Cities, private cultural arts interests, State and Federal sources Steps to Completion•. • Recommend to Council purposed Conferences/Workshops • Maintain leadership role in Conferences/Workshops • Recommend to Council a date, time, and location for the Conferences/Workshops • Work with Coachella Valley Cities to determine proposed speakers and budget for consideration by Council • Solicit contributions to off -set the costs as approved by Council • Prepare an outline for the meeting • Invite the speakers • Advertise the Workshop as approved by Council • Conduct the Workshop Staff Time: 1 hour per event Fiscal Commitment: Nominal Staff Role:' Provide support and act as a liaison to City Council Council Role: Review purpose of Conferences/Workshops and consider participation and budgets for events Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (6) Work cooperatively with City boards, commissions and committees, and other public and private organization in promoting art and cultural activities within the City. 9 oVII. CORRESPONDED —E & WRITTEN MATERIAL A. a�� c9 W 4 U � F oe Mti0 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Artist Bank Application BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Artist's Bank Application (Attachment A) was presented by the Art In Public Places Commission. Staff has updated the information to reflect the Cultural Arts Commission staff liaison. This is the information that is sent to artists wishing to become a part of the Artist Bank information. Dodie hlorvif& Community Services Director Attachment A: Artist's Bank Application A:\ArtBankApp.wpd VII. CORRESPONDENCE d VRITTEN MATERIAL B. T4&jl 4 4a Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Entrance Monuments Update BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Public Works Staff is working with the Landscape Architect on the City Entrance Monuments. The project is still in the design and review stages. Staff will have the rendering of the project at the Commission meeting. Dodie HorvitC, Cork, munity Services Director A:\MonRender.wpd VII. CORRESPONDET E & WRITTEN MATERIAL C. Tit�p 4 a v Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 11, 1999 ITEM TITLE: On Line with Arts Wire BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City of La Quinta is now listed in the Arts Wire WEB Base (Attachment A) under the City's address: la-quinta.org. Staff will be adding an new section of the City's web site "Art In Public Places" in the near future. An address has been left for artists to request an Art Bank Application. odie'Horvitzr,tdmmunity Services Director Attachment A: Arts Wire WEB Base page A:\Artswire.wpd Arts Wire Database Mana- - - View Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT A (The following is a brief listing of your chosen site from our database. Click on the name of the site to visit, or use the "Next Record/Previous Record" commands at the bottom of this page to continue browsing.) City Of La Quinta (http://www.la-quinta.org) The City of La Quinta, located in the desert region of Southern California was the fastest growing City in the State of California in 1998! The City offers many world class golf facilities as well as access to top quality cultural venues. The City of La Quinta offers an Art In Public Places Program and requires that all new development participate in the program. The Art In Public Places pieces will be available on the Web Site in the very near future. Artists: For an Art Bank application, please e-mail the Community Services Department at dhorvitz@la-quinta.org. The administrator for this site is Debbie DeRenard. Record 14 of 42: [Previous Record] [Next Record] [Main Menu] —*— VII. CORRESPONDENCE WRITTEN MATERIAL D. U S OF TNtiv CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Cultural Plan BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Cultural Plan that was received and filed by the City Council at the May 5, 1998 City Council meeting is a public document and available for distribution. The recommendation of the City Clerk is that a copy of the minutes of the meeting be included with the Plan so that the public is aware that the Plan was not formally adopted by the City Council. Dodie HorvitzwCo�nmunity Services Director A:\CultPlan.wpd VII. CORRESPONDEM & WRITTEN MATERIAL E. TWit 4141P Qu&& CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 14, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Update on Washington Street Art Work BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Public Works Department has submitted a tentative schedule (Attachment A) for the Washington Street Bridge Project. Staff will have rendering of the artwork for the bridge at they Commission meeting. ie Horvitg'*,-CcNnmunity Services Director Attachment A: Tentative Schedule for the Washington Street Bridge Project A:\WAArts.wpd A i TACHMENT A WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE WIDENING CIP 98-09 TENTATIVE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE JANUARY 12, 1999 • PLANNING COMMISSION — Recommend approval of Environmental Assessment and Conceptual Landscaping Design JANUARY 19, 1999 • CITY COUNCIL — Approval of Environmental Assessment, Geometric Layout, and Conceptual Landscaping Design JUNE 1, 1999 (TENTATIVE) • CITY COUNCIL — Approval of Final Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate and Authorization to Advertise for Construction Bids JULY 20, 1999 (TENTATIVE) • CITY COUNCIL — Award Construction Contract AUGUST 1999 TO JANUARY 2000 (TENTATIVE) • UNDER CONSTRUCTION