CACMIN 01 14 1999 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES January 14,1999 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Vossler led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler Commissioner Patrick Welch MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Charrie Chap pie STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Shamis to excuse Commission Chappie due to illness. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT Ira Graboff spoke to the Commission about his involvement in the arts and architecture. Mr. Graboff asked for feedback from the Commission as to where architecture stops and art begins and vise versa. Mr. Graboff also said he does not like how the Artist Bank Application is written. Timothy Shockley, of La Quinta spoke to the Commission about the progress the City has made in regards to the arts in the eight months that he has been away. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of December 10, 1998 It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Reynolds to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimous. B. Financial Report Staff distributed an updated version of the Financial Report to the Commission. C. Monthly Department Report for December 1998 The Commission reviewed the Monthly Department Report. It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINl-14.wpd 1 v. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. proposed Ordinance Changes Chairperson Hull told the Commission that she and Commissioner Chappie met and made changes to update the Art in Public Places Ordinance. The Commission reviewed the changes and the consensus was to forward it to the City Council for consideration. Staff was asked to compute #E of the Ordinance into a dollar amount. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Benay to accept the changes to the Art in Public Places Ordinance as presented and to forward the Ordinance to City Council for consideration. B. Cultural Workshop Partnership Chairperson Hull reported that she spoke with the City of Cathedral City and they will host the next Cultural Workshop which is tentatively scheduled for late April 1999. They are planning on doing an all day workshop, and Chairperson Hull told them the City of La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission is available if they needed any help. Commissioner Shamis would like to invite local artists to the workshop, and Chairperson Hull said they have been invited in the past. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Artist Bank Application None of the Commissioner's present at the meeting had ever seen the Artist Bank Application before it was in their Commission Meeting packets. Commissioner Vossler does not like the flow of the questions; Commissioner Reynolds found the application to be confusing. Commissioner Benay found the application to be very comprehensive; Chairperson Hull thinks the application should be shorter and more specific in the questions; Commissioner Welch liked the questionnaire. The Commission decided to add the Artist Bank Application on the next meeting agenda for further discussion. Commissioner Welch volunteered to be on a subcommittee to review the application if one is formed. B. Entrance Monument Update Ms. Horvitz showed the Commission renderings of two monument signs that are going to be placed at the Von's/Lumpy's entrance on Highway 111, and the intersection of Jefferson Street and Highway 111. The signs are funded by the City Council. Commissioner Reynolds stated the reason the Art in Public Places Commission wasn't involved with the selection/development of the monument signs is because if they became involved they would need to contribute funds to the projects. C. On Line with Arts Wire Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission how to access Arts Wire. She also told them the La Quinta Web site has the Art in Public Places pictures from the brochure on it. D. Cultural Plan The Cultural Plan that was developed by the past Cultural Commission is available to the public by contacting the Community Services Department or the City Clerk. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINl-14.wpd 2 E. Update on Washington Street Artwork Ms. Horvitz showed the Commission a rendering of the proposed art work for the Washington Street Bridge Project which is the bridge that goes over the Dunes Golf Course south of Avenue 50. The wall will be concrete with sand overlay, and the top is wrought iron bent in the shape of mountains. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds said she would like to invite Stewart Woodard to the next meeting to talk to the Commission about the new Arts Foundation building. The Commission thought it was a little premature. Commissioner Reynolds also said Stewart Woodard suggested to have someone meet with Christie Di Iorio to see what is going on in the City. Staff will meet with Ms. Di Iorio to get an update on all current projects. Ms. Horvitz updated the Commission on the art work at Fritz Burns Park. Mr. Art Fernandez has a time line in which to finish his project, and he will be paid the balance due when his work is complete. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she wants developers to contact the Commission for bus stop development. She also said Gwen Hughes was "depressed" because she put a lot of work into her bus stop proposal and did additional research on the cost to complete her proposal and was going to present it to the Commission tonight and now the City is not interested. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that the bus stops in La Quinta are not City owned, therefore we have nothing to do with them. Sunline Transit and property developers are responsible for them. Ms. Horvitz added that the only bus stop in La Quinta done with artwork in conjunction with a developer is the one in front of Home Depot. Eagle Hardware will have a bus stop in front of their business as soon as some concerns of Caltran's are addressed. Commissioner Reynolds wants everyone to go down and take a look at the bus stop at Home Depot, and she also wants to place art at the Arts Foundation site. The Commission concurred that since it was the Arts Foundations project that they will probably be placing their own art at the site. Commissioner Benay is working on the next "Meet the La Quinta Artist". She asked for nominations for a visual artist. Ms. Horvitz asked for a photo and write-up of the person selected from Commissioner Benay no later than February 4th. This will be on the next agenda. Commissioner Sham is suggested selecting Commissioners to work on the Culture in the Courtyard which will be held on January 28. Chairperson Hull said that Wayne McEvilly will play piano for no charge during the event. Ms. Horvitz will contact him. Commissioner Shamis said she attended the Mayor's Luncheon and brought up her concern about art or culture in the schools. Commissioner Vossler reminded the Commission that Plein Air will be held January 23-30. Chairperson Hull will send a letter of commendation to Darlene Romano and Michelle Gaines at College of the Desert for their work on "Mame". Chairperson Hull said that Indio is doing "Arts instead of gangs" in Indio and would like to see La Quinta do something like that. She also said that she is working on a long range strategic plan in the arts with DSUSD. C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINl-14.wpd 3 Chairperson Hull reported that the TerJlporary Art Contract is being reviewed by the City Attorney along with the Palm Desert Temporary Art Contract. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. Chairperson Hull said funds are available through a Traditional Folk Arts Grant, and to contact her for more information. The next Americans for the Arts Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 5-8, 1999. This will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Commissioner Welch would like to have California Culture Net on the agenda next month for discussion. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION February 11, 1999 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Artist Bank Application · Report on City Projects - Christie Di Iorio · Bus Stops · California Culture Net - Welch · Meet the La Quinta Artist Selection · Culture in the Courtyard · Cultural Workshop Partnership - Shamis · Temporary Art · Art Sites · American's for the Arts Conference Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMINl-14.wpd 4