CACMIN 02 11 1999
February 11, 1999
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Charrie Chappie
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Patrick Welch
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
Jan Blakley, 54015 Avenida Juarez is concerned over vandalism of public artwork and suggested temporary
or permanent citizen watchdog committee.
A. Approval of Minutes of January 14,1999
After minor changes were made to the Minutes it was moved by Commissioner Benay/Welch to accept the
Minutes of January 14, 1999 as corrected. Unanimous.
B. Financial Report
Ms. Horvitz explained the page added to the Financial Report. It is the current month's Building Permit
C. Monthly Department Report for January 1999 - Received and filed.
A. Bear Creek Channel Bike Path
Jana Barbier, La Quinta Arts Foundation showed the Commission two pieces of artwork they would like to
place on the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path. The first piece is a Love Seat by Gene Montez Flores and will
be placed at the top of the Cove (south end of the trail). The Commissioners expressed their opinions and
concerns about the art piece and Ms. Barbier will forward their comments to the artist.
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The second art piece is by Mike Teague and the Arts Foundation hopes to place this piece at the bottom of
the Cove (north end of the trail). This piece will be brought back to the Commission for consideration at a later
It was moved by Commissioner Chappie/Shamis to support the La Quint,a Arts Foundation's selection of an
art piece by Gene Flores to be located on the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path. Unanimous.
B. Artist Bank Application
The Commission discussed revisions to the Artist Bank Application. The Commission moved the last page
to be the front page. The remaining pages of the Application could be distributed when an official Request
for Proposals is sent out. It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to approve the Artist Bank
Application with changes. Unanimous.
C. California Culture Net
Commissioner Welch distributed information to the Commission from the California Arts Council (copy is on
file). Commissioner Welch would like to send a letter to cultural organizations in the valley to tell them about
the Culture Net. He will go through the Arts Organization List and indicate whom to send the letter to.
Commissioner Reynolds suggested Commissioner Welch present the California Culture Net at the Cultural
Conference. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Reynolds to participate in the Culture Net program.
D. Meet the La Quinta Artist
The subcommittee selected Ann Wolfe as the next "Meet the La Quinta Artist" recipient. Ms. Wolfe will be
invited to Culture in the Courtyard on March 25. It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Reynolds to approve
Ann Wolfe as the next recipient of Meet the La Quinta Artist. Unanimous.
Commissioner Benay asked the Commission to think of an artist for next month.
E. Culture in the Courtyard
The next Culture in the Courtyard event will be held February 25 from 10-11 :30 AM. Ms. Bette Cheney, last
month's Meet the La Quinta Artist recipient, will be present. The Commission discussed who was available
to host the event. It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Welch to select Commissioners
Hull/Reynolds/Welch to host the event on March 25. Unanimous.
F. Culture Workshop Partnership
The Cultural Conference will be held by the Cathedral City Arts Commission. Chairperson Hull spoke with
the Chairperson of the Cathedral City Arts Commission and they have rescheduled the workshop until May
1999. It will be held from 10-4:00 PM and will include open discussion, lunch, speakers, etc. Robert Reeves,
of the Cathedral City Arts Commission welcomes any suggestions this commission may have. It was moved
by Commissioner Chappie/Reynolds to participate in the Cultural Workshop. Unanimous.
G. American's for the Arts Conference
The Commission discussed attending the American's for the Arts Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The
Conference is June 5-8, 1999. It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Shamis to send Commissioner
Reynolds/Welch to the American's for the Arts Conference. Unanimous.
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A. Letter of Resignation from Judy Vossler - Received and filed.
B. Report on City Projects - Received and filed.
C. Temporary Art Contract
Ms. Horvitz indicated that the City Attorney has several concerns about the Temporary Art Contract. One
concern was no time period was indicated as to how long the art would be displayed; the second concern was
there was no foundation for temporary art in the Art in Public Places Ordinance; and lastly, the developers
will not be happy with the program because the fees they are charged will increase. Chairperson Hull asked
staff if the City Attorney could offer suggestions to the Commission as to how to remedy the concerns they
D. Letter to Darlene Romano & Michelle Gaines - Received and filed.
Commissioner Shamis distributed information to the Commission from the McCallum Theatre entitled
"Reflections". Reflections is a cultural workshop where teachers are selected and trained to teach music,
dance and drama in school. It costs approximately $4,000 in matching funds from the City to send 8 teachers
to the training. This program would be a partnership between the City of La Quinta, the La Quinta Arts
Foundation, McCallum Theatre, and Desert Sands Unified School District. Commissioner Shamis would like
to forward the information to the City Council for financial consideration. This will be placed on the
Commission agenda next month for discussion.
Commissioner Reynolds suggested sending a copy of the Art in Public Places insert that was in the Winter
Brochure to the artists.
Commissioner Welch suggested sending a letter to the La Quinta Hotel for the new art gallery, and to Judy
Vossler regarding her letter of resignation. Commissioner Welch said he received a newsletter from the Arts
Commissioners Benay/Welch spoke about plans for the year 2000. Commissioner Welch will provide staff
with information by March 1 to be included on the next agenda for further discussion.
Chairperson Hull received an invite to participate in the Palm Springs Entry Design contest. She also said
that the City and Korve Engineering is asking for ideas on the Village area of La Quinta from business and
It was moved by Commissioner Chappie/Welch to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m..
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March 11, 1999 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Bear Creek Channel Bike Path Artwork - Jana Barbier
· Artist Bank Application
· Artist of the Month Selection
· Discussion of Site List for Artwork
· Temporary Art Contract
· Reflections - Sham is
· Year 2000 - Welch/Benay
Submitted by:
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Cristal Spidell, C mmission Secretary
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