CACMIN 03 11 1999
March 11, 1999
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Shamis led the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Charrie Chappie
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Patrick Welch
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Shamis to add Business Item G. Community Picnic to the agenda as
requested by Chairperson Hull. Unanimous.
A. Approval of Minutes of February 11 1999
B. Financial Report
C. Monthly Department Report for February 1999
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Chappie to accept the Consent Calendar with minor changes to the
Minutes of February 11, 1999. Unanimous.
A. Selection of Civic Center Art Committee Members
Ms. Horvitz told the Commission that each year two members from the City Council and two members from
the Art in Public Places Commission were selected to review and purchase art for City Hall during the La
Quinta Arts Festival. After a brief discussion as to which Commissioners were available, it was moved by
Commissioner Benay/Chappie to appoint Commissioners ShamislWelch to the Selection Committee.
B. Artist Bank Application
The Commission reviewed the two page application. It was decided the application would be two parts.
The first part is the application with information on the artist. The second page would be a questionnaire
which is site specific, which will be sent to those responding to an RFP. The statement "You may include
an artist statement or specific commentary on your art work" will be added to the bottom of the application
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Reynolds to approve the Artist Bank Application with changes.
C. Discussion of Commission Vacancy
Chairperson Hull and the Commission discussed the need for a seven member Commission. Some of the
Commissioners had heard that the vacancy, due to the resignation of Judy Vossler, was not going to be
filled. A consideration was made by a Council Member to make the Cultural Arts Commission a five
member Commission.
It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Benay to have Chairperson Hull write a letter to the City Council
asking them to consider and support a seven member Commission and to appointment of another
Commissioner to fill the current vacancy. Unanimous.
D. Reflections
Commissioner Shamis reviewed the Reflections Program with the Commission and asked their support
of the concept of the City funding La Quinta teachers to attend the program. Commissioner Shamis would
like to ask the City Council for $4,000 in matching funds.
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Reynolds to support the concept of the City funding La Quinta
teachers to attend the McCallum Theater Institute. Unanimous.
E. Temporary Art Contract
Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that Temporary Art is not covered in the Art in Public Places
Ordinance, and that if the Ordinance is opened for changes it is subject to public vote. Developers would
be able to challenge the amount of funds they must pay into the Art in Public Place Fund. Ms. Horvitz
added that in 1996 Proposition 218 came into effect and it states that any change in fees must go before
the voters for approval.
Chairperson Hull said that other cities have temporary art projects and suggested finding out how they did
it. Ms. Horvitz said the original Temporary Art Contract still exists and can be used as long as the artist
follows all the requirements listed within it.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Chappie to table the Temporary Art Contract at this time.
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F. Discussion of Site List for. ublic Artwork
Each of the Commissioners shared their ideas of where to place a piece of public art. Suggestions
included Adams Park, Miles and Washington, the Village area, in front of Ace Hardware, Frances Hack
Park, Fritz Burns Park, Tampico and Washington, Avenue 52 and Washington, the top of the Cove, and
the Senior Center.
It was decided by the Commission that the top four spots (Adams Park, Miles and Washington,
Washington and Avenue 52, and Washington and Tampico) would be visited by the Commissioners during
a special meeting. After visiting the four sites a recommendation would be made to the City Council to
place artwork at that site.
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Reynolds to hold a special meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, March
26, 1999 to visit and prioritize sites to place art. Unanimous.
G. Community Picnic
The Commission was sent an invitation to participate in the Community Picnic which will be held May 15,
1999 at Fritz Burns Park. After a brief discussion it was moved by Commissioner Chappie/Reynolds not
to participate in the Community Picnic. Unanimous.
A. Letters sent to Judy Vossler and Leah Williams - Received and filed.
B. Minutes from Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee Meeting
Staff informed the Commission that the developers of the property at Darby and Fred Waring are planning
on placing artwork at their site and will be bringing their art selection to the Commission for approval at a
later date.
Commissioner Reynolds invited Ira Grayboff to show a proposed piece of artwork to the Commission. Mr.
Grayboff would like to put a bronze horse art piece in a grassy area that can be seen from all sides, and he wants
it to be touchable and approachable to everyone. Mr. Grayboff then showed the Commission a scaled down
version of his idea.
Commissioner Benay would like any suggestions for the next Artist of the Month.
Chairperson Hull asked if the Commission would like to invite those working on the Cultural Conference to meet
with the Commission. It was suggested that Chairperson Hull contact the Cultural Conference people and let them
know the Commission is available if they need their assistance.
It was moved by Commissioner Chappie/Welch to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m..
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Special Meeting:
March 26, 1999 at 9:00 AM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Regular Meeting:
April 12, 1999 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Artist of the Month
· Work Plan
· Art Site Locations
Submitted by:
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Cristal Spidell, Com ission Secretary
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