CACMIN 04 08 1999
April 8, 1999
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session
Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Welch
led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Charrie Chappie
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds (Arrived at 7:04 PM)
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Patrick Welch
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
Tom McGraw is a ceramic tile artist that makes mosaics and murals and is interested in restoring the
original obelisks for the city.
A. Approval of Minutes of March 11, 1999
B. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting on March 26, 1999
C. Financial Report
It was moved by Commissioners Welch/Benay to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted.
Commissioner Reynolds arrived at this time (7:04 PM).
A. Art Site Location
Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that the placement of art work at Adams Park was tabled by
the City Council on April 6, 1999. It is the City Council's desire to have the Commission focus on
art at the Civic Center Campus site. Ms. Horvitz also told the Commission that the site has recently
been referred to as the "Gardens of La Quinta", however this is just a conceptual planning name,
and is not the official name of the project.
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Ms. Horvitz reminded the ,",ùmmission that they could be revieVv. ~ proposed artwork soon due to
the development of the Women's Center, the auto dealership, a hotel, a grocery store, and other
The Commission discussed wanting to be involved in the projects from the start. Ms. Horvitz said
that all the Commissioners are able to attend the Board, Commission and City Council meetings at
any time because they are public meetings. Chairperson Hull suggested appointing Commissioners
to attend the various meetings and report back to the Commission.
It was moved by Commissioners Welch/Reynolds to take direction from the City Council and focus
on the Civic Center Campus project. Unanimous.
B. Work Plan
The Commission reviewed and made minor changes to the Work Plan. They also discussed how
to scale down the number of projects they are working on to focus on a few as directed by the City
Commissioner Benay will check into getting the Cultural Arts Commission on Channel 10 and report
back to the Commission.
It was moved by Commissioners Benay/Reynolds to accept the changes to the Work Plan as
discussed. Unanimous.
C. Meet the La Quinta Artist
The Commission discussed a variety of musical artists for the next Meet the La Quinta Artist. It was
moved by Commissioner Welch/Reynolds to select Steve Berliner. Unanimous.
Commissioner Senay will contact Mr. Berliner for his photo and highlights. Commissioner Benay
will give this information to staff so that it will be published in the La Quinta Post and the La Quinta
Chamber of Commerce Newsletter.
D. CALAA Conference - San Diego
The Commission discussed who was available to attend the CALAA Conference in San Diego on
April 30 - May 2, 1999. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Shamis to send Commissioner
Benay to the conference. Unanimous.
E. Community Picnic
At the last Commission meeting it was discussed and agreed that the Cultural Arts Commission
would not participate in the Community Picnic. Ms. Horvitz told the Commission that during the
Joint City Çouncil meeting, the City Council suggested having a City booth and each department
and commission would participate and have handouts. It was suggested to put together a flyer on
art site locations, and the Commission will give away chip clips which were previously purchased
by the Art in Public Places Commission.
It was moved by Commissioners Welch/Benay to send one Commissioner to staff the booth at the
Community Picnic from 10-1 :00 p.m. on May 15,1999. Unanimous.
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A. Letter to Mayor Peña - Seven Member Commission
B. Artwalks Concepts - Rio De Janiero
C. California State Fair News Release
D. Letter Jill Prater - Student Art Wall
E. Letter from Steve Berliner
F. Response letter to Steve Berliner
The above items were received and filed.
Chairperson Hull shared a letter from the Community Services Commission regarding the Youth
Workshop on Wednesday, April 21 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Commissioner Reynolds and Commissioner
Shamis are planning on attending. Chairperson Hull is planning on attending, but will be late.
Commissioner Welch asked for an update on La Quinta on Stage and the art project that was
proposed for the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path. Ms. Horvitz reported that La Quinta on Stage will not
be performing in May 1999. The committee hired and lost two creative teams, and is currently looking
for a third one. Ms. Horvitz also said that the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path is a project of the La
Quinta Arts Foundation and they have not reported any new developments on the project at this time.
Commissioner Benay thanked those that worked on the Art Selection Committee during the Arts
Festival. Ms. Horvitz reported that the new art piece will be located at the south entrance to City Hall.
Commissioners Welch/Benay reported a Creative Workshop will be held at the Three Angels Inn.
Commissioner Sham is reported that the City Council approved matching funds for the McCallum
Institute. A meeting will be held April 12 which will include all those involved with the program.
Commissioner Sham is thanked the Commission for their support and will report back with any
Commissioner Reynolds announced an Art's Association show at T -Bo's Restaurant on April 17 & 18,
1999 from 10:00-3:00 p.m.
Chairperson Hull distributed the tentative Coachella Valley Cultural Conference agenda, and will send
a letter to the City Council inviting them to attend. Chairperson Hull will be attending the conference
and will suggest that Palm Springs host the next one, and if they are unable to host it, she will suggest
the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission.
Commissioner Reynolds asked that copies of the Property Owners in the Village District letter be
distributed to the Commission. Staff will send copies.
Commissioner Reynolds and Commissioner Shamis asked staff to mail them a copy of the Temporary
Art Contract. Staff will send copies.
It was moved by Commissioner Welch/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m..
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May 13, 1999 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Weidenhammer Art at City Hall - Shamis
· Coachella Valley Cultural Conference
· Reflections of City Council Meeting by Chairperson Hull
Submitted by:
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Cristal Spidell, comm~n Secretary
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