CAC 06 10 1999c&'�p 4 4 Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 June 10, 1999 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of May 13, 1999 B. Arts in Public Places Financial Report for May 1999 V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Commission Work Plan B. Village Improvements - Study Session June 22 C. Civic Center Improvements - Study Session June 29 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Community Picnic Thank You Letter VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. La Quinta On Stage IX. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING INFORMATION July 8, 1999 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room GAMyData\CRISTAL\CAC\AGN6-10.wpd City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 05/31/1999 Deposits collected through development Interest earned City Contribution Total Sources Less expenditures: Operating expenses Art purchased Total Uses Equity Available before encumbrances and committments: Add back Accounts Payable Reduction for Interest Receivable Cash Available before encumbrances and committments: Less Encumbrances April 30, 1999 Ending Balance: $490,742.02 Less Commitments: Balance of De Martino Sculpture for Civic Center (13,217.00) Balance of K.Emerson & A.Dematteis - Fritz Burns Park (1,260.37) Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Paid 0.00 Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Credits (9,418.07) Balance Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Future (14,581.93) Balance Ministrelli TT25429 0.00 $893,191.76 111,443.70 50,000.00 1,054,635.46 (14,347.73) (416,261.63) (430,609.36) 624,026.10 0.00 0.00 624,026.10 0.00 Deposits committed to Rancho La Quinta - Paid 0•00 Deposits committed to Rancho La Quinta - Credits 0.00 Balance of Art Fernandez - Fritz Burns Park (3,600.00) Balance Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash 0.00 Balance Eagle Hardware -Credit 0.00 Balance Washington St. Bridge- N avarrete/Nol mes & Narver (1,284.00) Balance Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Nolmes & Narver (33,622.00) Balance Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction (12,710.50) Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers (1,684.50) Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwy111/Wash. St (19,000.00) Civic Center Art Purchase (173.00) Construction of Base for New Art Piece (2,918.00) City Entrance Monuments (293,113.00) Total Commitments (406,582.37) Total available funds through 05/31/1999 $217,443.73 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 05/31/1999 Expended Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 821.66 07/31/92 Meg Robertson 244.08 $1,065.74 10/15/92 A.E.S. 23.70 01/12/93 Jerry Allan 2,275.00 03/10/93 Regents - University of Calif. 105.00 03/31/93 Martin & Chapman 242.05 03/31/94 City of La Quinta Admin Fee 6,000.00 05/10/95 Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies 35.91 06/30/98 Charrie Chappie Travel 325.21 06/30/98 Elaine Reynolds Travel 360.61 06/30/98 Rosita Shamis Travel 2,141.01 06/30/98 Susan Benay Travel 1,125.32 06/30/98 Americans For The Arts Registration 150.00 09/30/98 Susan Benay Travel - Reverse (1,125.32) 01/25/99 Art in La Quinta Inserts (Arrow Printing) 1,150.00 05/07/1999 Recreation Brochures 473.50 Total Operating Expenses $14,347.73 Total Balance of Art Purchased Commitments Expended Commitments 06/09/92 Adams/Truman PTA n/a $846.00 0.00 04/14/93 Louis De Martino 73,500.00 60,283.00 13,217.00 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis 51,000.00 49,739.63 1,260.37 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Paid 47,578.99 47.578.99 0.00 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Credits 10,810.63 1,392.56 9,418.07 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Future 36,610.38 22,028.45 14,581.93 12/15/1992 Ministrelli TT25429 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 06/06/1995 Bear Creek Path Art Work 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 01/16/1996 Fritz Burns Park 16,786.00 16,786.00 0.00 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Paid 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Credit 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 12/17/1996 Fritz Burns Park - Art Fernandez 40,600.00 37,000.00 3,600.00 06/17/1997 Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 06/17/1997 Eagle Hardware -Credit 43,000.00 43,000.00 0.00 05/05/1998 Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Narve 3,000.00 1,716.00 1,284.00 09/15/1998 Washington St. Bridge- N avarrete/ Holmes & Narve 39,500.00 5,878.00 33.622.00 10/20/1998 Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction 21,999.00 9,288.50 12,710.50 07/07/1998 Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers 14,000.00 12,315.50 1,684.50 07/07/1998 Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwyl 11 /Wash. St 19,000.00 0.00 19,000.00 03/16/1999 Civic Center Art Purchase 7,500.00 7,327.00 173.00 04/06/1999 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 4,000.00 1,082.00 2,918.00 05/18/1999 City Entrance Monuments 293,113.00 0.00 293,113.00 Total Art Purchases $821,998.00 $416,261.63 $406,582.37 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Interest Earned Annual Interest FY 1990/91 3,525.59 FY 1991 /92 11,646.54 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 7,137.38 FY 1994/95 11,444.17 FY 1995/96 14,109.65 FY 1996/97 16,170.79 FY 1997/98 14,845.19 Total Accumulated Interest FY 1998/99 Interest YTD Interest Through 05/31/1999 20,407.43 111,443.70 File: APP.WK4 G O M V >; N M 0. U a ZO � 00 F v� F N p ON W F 000 M ow w � F U x to 00 .M. vi c Fz N 00 tn ON O\ M ON r� M M zF .� O -• in O O O h 0o O U v! A h o ON O N O N OC C O; ON a .� t` O� M O M 1n � � In .r 01 .r h O �O ON eV •r — Ch O\ F to h N O\ Wi V DD O �I i+ M t� 0 N N 0 `7 h M N as ONQn D z w N N o h to O o 0 0 p 0 0 01 00 O O N O O O N V; O O N O a W z O O C N C h O VI O O O \G 0 C C en ON M oo M WWWW M N 00 h �O (ii W ty p,i C O� 00 N lO M N `V U A F p N o O O tn en O k 00 CN 7 N N �O N f h C^ z F W) O� �a Q in O in r. O O 00 h r• O Q O �' M Ch 00 O1 c 00 00 7 A �p (� h 1D 00 V^ N 00 M �O 00 N z F C W) ON �O !` eF .� �O 00 Nf �t h h eV O W N h h M .,CrA N ., ii en tn en z H n N N 'hR^ n N ri O z .-r O O\ U O O �O N Oh r N 1A i °; 44 O to O O M M 00 h Ca N M �p en F CJ w a z W°M° ap 'n 000 o en $� v °N eon endOphA°-°0M enGn r" N O H O A GYM a O O O M z 0 M o M O M O O N d O a 0 a O en in N MO a..a �z w r,U a a-� �n w i w~ a e z ad. o a w w a z z N CN O w w z �, a w w w (j w w O o O O a 00 U w May 18, 1999 Consideration of Awarding a Contract to Construct Project 98-05, City Entrance Monuments As deemed appropriate by the City Council. Considering the low bid submitted by Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. (JEC), the table below represents a revised project budget. Option 1 is construction of the City Entrance Monuments without the Add Alternates included; Option 2 is construction of the City Entrance Monuments including the two Add Alternates of installation of water feature and installation of landscape lighting; and Option 3 is construction of the City Entrance Monuments including the four Add Alternates of traffic signal modifications, electrical transformer relocation, installation of water feature, and installation of landscape lighting. Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc Add Alternates -install water feature and landscape lighting Add Alternates -traffic signal modif., elect. relocat., install water feature and landscape lighting Construction Support (survey/inspect/test) 7.75% Administration (5%) Contingency (5%) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 $215,800 $215,800 $215,800 $41,300 $115,700 $16,725 $19,925 $25,691 $12,825 $15,050 $19,058 $13,466 $15,802 $20,011 TOTAL $258,816 $307,877 $396,260'' Less remaining available funding ($14,764) ($14,764) ($14,764) TAMDEMCOUNCIL\1 999\99051 8k - 1.wpd Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. Add Alternates -install water feature and landscape lighting Option 1 Option 2 Option 3' $215,800 $215,800 $215,800 $41,300 Add Alternates -traffic signal modif., elect. relocat., install water feature and $115,700 landscape lighting Additional supplemental funding requested $244,052 $293,113 $381,496 As previously referenced in the staff report of September 15, 1998, the Engineer's estimate of probable construction costs was $226,000. The approved Fiscal Year 1997/98 CIP budget identified $45,000 from the General Fund for this project. Of this amount, $14,764 remains available after design costs and prototype preparations. This project does not qualify for Infrastructure Funding as it was not previously identified as a qualifying project. Other possible funding sources to supplement existing funding may include the Arts in Public Places Account #701-000- 255-210, which has a balance of $490,742 after all encumbrances; the General Fund Reserve Account #101-000-300-290; or a General Fund loan to the Redevelopment Agency paid for from the General Fund Reserve Account. Funding for this project utilizing APP Funds has not been brought forth to the Cultural Arts Commission. If APP Funds were utilized for this project, projects listed in the Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan may be affected. If funding for this project is paid for by a loan from the General Fund to the RDA, then the City Council may award the contract today from the General Fund Reserve Account, and the issue of the loan to the RDA will be scheduled for the next RDA Meeting. On July 7, 1998, staff brought forth a study session item regarding construction details of the entrance monuments. The City Council directed staff to install two (2) full scale sign "mockups" at designated locations to determine the desired scale of the Entrance Monuments. On August 18, 1998, the City Council directed staff to design the Entrance Monuments at both of the designated locations with the approximate dimensions of 9'-0" high by 29'-0" long. TAMDEMCOUNCIL\1999\990518k - 1.wpd On September 15, 1998, the City Council approved the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) package and authorized staff to proceed with advertising for bids upon final review by Caltrans. Staff has not received final comments on the project or the final approved encroachment permit from Caltrans. The possibility exists that changes requested by Caltrans may require additional changes to the contract. Any change orders required will be subject to the City's change order policy. During the City Council Meeting of April 6, 1999, the City Council rejected the single bid received (Brandt Development Ltd., $426,265) and directed staff to restructure the bid documents to provide additional options and rebid the project. Staff restructured the bid documents to provide a base bid at each site. Site 1 was designated as Jefferson Street and Highway 111, and Site 2 was designated as Highway 111 and Plaza La Quinta Entrance. Both sites had identical base bid items: mobilization, clearing and grubbing, grading, concrete monument sign with the rock feature, landscaping and one-year site maintenance. The bid documents were then broken down on a site basis to include four Add Alternates as follows: Traffic Signal Modifications - Site 1 only (this item requires the relocation of the existing signal controller cabinet) Electrical Transformer Relocation - Site 1 only Installation of Water Feature - this add alternate is the same for site 1 and site 2 (this item includes the waterfall, pond and recirculating pump and piping) Installation of Landscape Lighting - this add alternate is the same for site 1 and site 2 On Friday, May 7, 1999, three bids were received for construction of the project. The bidders and respective bid are as follows: Bidder Jacobsson Engineering Lion Heart Const. DenBoer Engineering 1: Jefferson/Hwy 1111 Site 2: Hwy 111 /Plaza LO. Base Bid Add Alts I Base Bid Add Alts TOTAL $117,500 $94,000 $98,300 $21,700 $331,500 $135,700 $93,367 $135,700 $43,025 $407,792 $185,545 $87,400 $173,500 $26,400 $472,845 TAMDEMCOUNCIM 999\990519k-1.wpd The Add Alternates of installation of the water feature and installation of the landscape lighting should be completed at the time the Entrance Monuments' installation. The Add Alternates of traffic signal modifications and electrical transformer relocation may not be necessary to the project (both of these Add Alternates are for Site 1, Jefferson Street and Highway 111). If the City Council chooses, the Add Alternates of traffic signal modifications and electrical transformer relocation can be evaluated once the monuments are in place to determine if the traffic signal and electrical transformer box are sight hindrances to the project. Should it be determined that these items pose a significant sight hindrance to the project, staff, at City Council's direction, could seek competitive bids to relocate those items. Due to the nature of these two Add Alternates, the costs should be approximately the same whether they are completed now or once the monuments are in place. The bids for these two Add Alternates are as follows: Bidder Traffic Signal Modifications Electrical Trans Reloc TOTAL Jacobsson Engineering $53,200 $21,200 $74,400 Lion Heart Construction $42,067 $7,600 $49,667 DenBoer Engineering $55,000 $5,700 $60,700 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $25,300 $15,600 $40,900 The bid amounts including the add alternates of installing water feature and installing landscape lighting, and taking out the add alternates of traffic signal modifications and electrical transformer relocation, are: Jacobsson Engineering $257,100 Lion Heart Construction $358,125 DenBoer Engineering $412,145 Assuming an award date of May 18, 1999, the following represents a tentative schedule for completion: Award of Contract 05/18/99 Execute Contract Documents 05/28/99 Notice to Proceed 06/01 /99 Construction (90 days) 06/01 /99 - 08/30/99 Project Close-out/Acceptance September 1999 The utilization of APP Funds for this project has not been brought forth to the Cultural Arts Commission for review. If APP Funds were utilized for this project, projects listed in the Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan may be affected. If the total costs for the project were paid for utilizing APP Funds, there would be $109,246 remaining in the APP Account. TAMDEMCOUNCIL\1999\990519k - 1.wpd If the City Council chooses to pay for the project by a loan from the General Fund to the RDA, then contract may be awarded today from the General Fund Reserve Account, and the issue of the loan to the RDA will be scheduled for the next RDA Meeting. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize an appropriation in the amount of $381,496 of supplemental funding from the Arts in Public Places Account, the General Fund Reserve Account, a General Fund loan to the RDA, or any combination thereof; and, award a contract to construct improvements within Project 98-05, City Entrance Monuments, to Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. in the amount of $331,500 to complete the City Entrance Monuments including the four Add Alternates; or 2. Authorize an appropriation in the amount of $293,113 of supplemental. funding from the Arts in Public Places Account, the General Fund Reserve Account, a General Fund loan to the RDA, or any combination thereof; and, award a contract to construct improvements within Project 98-05, City Entrance Monuments, to Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. in the amount of $257,100 to complete the City Entrance Monuments including the Add Alternates of installation of the water feature and installation of landscape lighting (the other two Add Alternates, traffic signal relocation and electrical transformer relocation, will be evaluated once the Entrance Monuments are in place); or 3. Authorize an appropriation in the amount of $244,052 of supplemental funding from the Arts in Public Places Account, the General Fund Reserve Account, a General Fund loan to the RDA, or any combination thereof; and, award a contract to construct improvements within Project 98-05, City Entrance Monuments, to Jacobsson Engineering Construction, Inc. in the amount of $215,800 to complete the City Entrance Monuments without any Add Alternates; or 4. Do not award a contract to construct project 98-05, City Entrance Monuments. 5. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer TAPWDEPT\COUNCIL\1999\990518k- 1.Wpd U S r OF CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: June 10, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Commission Work Plan RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council at its June 1, 1999 meeting, reviewed and accepted the Cultural Arts Commission 1999/2000 Work Plan with slight modifications. A revised Work Plan (Attachment A) is attached for Commission consideration. The modifications include: ♦ Develop Public Art Program Information: Reinsert third bullet point and add "Continue to" and "City's Website" ♦ Meet the La Quinta Artist: Change "Each" to "Bi-monthly" and change "various" to "different" ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Accept the modified version of the Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan; 2. Do not accept the modified version of the Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Lvi' , ie Horvitz, 016mmunity Services Director Attachment A: Cultural Arts Commission 1999/2000 Work Plan A:\CAC Workplan 061099.wpd CITY OF LA QUINTA LNCORI G OFTI IN kRTS ION ARK PLAN 1999/00 Approved by City Council June 1, 1999 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: Completion Date: Participants: Annual Work Plan May 2000 Commissioners Suggested Resources: Commissioners, Staff Steps to Completion: • Review existing assignments • Review programs being offered by other Cities. • Suggest assignments to fill any voids Staff Time: 3-4 hours per plan Fiscal Commitment: None Staff Role: Provide support and act as liaison to City Council Council Role: Review and approve Work Plan Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (4) of Ordinance 317: "Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the resources and needs on the subject of the arts..." N Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan Task: Placement of Public Art Completion Date: On -going Participants: Commissioners, Staff July 1999 Suggested Resources: Commissioners, City Council, Residents Steps To Completion: • Inventory current artwork and sites • Schedule artist for Cultural Arts Commission meeting 0 Review the proposed artwork • Make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the artwork and recommend the appropriation of a specific amount to be committed to the site Staff Time: 10-12 hours per project Fiscal Commitment: Funds appropriated from the Art in Public Places Account Staff Role: Consider site, art piece and appropriation of funds Council Role: Provide support and subject to final City Council approval Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (12) The Commission will submit to the City Council a recommendation for ratification of public art to be financed by the Art in Public Places program. (15) The Commission will make recommendations to the City Council for the commissioning of artworks, the purchase or lease of art sites, agreements for the purchase and display of artwork, or the repair, maintenance or servicing of artwork. Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan Task: Temporary Art Placement Program Completion Date: On going Participants: Commissioners July 1999 Suggested Resources: Commissioners, local artists and art galleries Steps To Completion: • Notify artists that the program exists • Once requests have been received, work with developers/land owners and artists to select a predetermined site specific art piece for a location to recommend to Council • Obtain Council approval Staff Time: 4-6 hours Fiscal Commitment: None at this time Staff Role: Provide support and act as a liaison to City Council Council Role: Provide support and review and approval of contract Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (4) Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the resources and needs of the community on the subject of the arts, opportunities for participation of artists and performers in City sponsored activities, and ways to encourage community involvement. 4 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: Develop Public Art Program Information Completion Date: On going Participants: Commissioners, Staff Suggested Resources: Staff, Commissioners, printed materials, activity calendars, lists of organizations Steps To Completion: • Work with City Council to determine the best method to inform the public about the Public Art • Commissioners to design and draft contents of the information for Commission review and recommendation to the City Council for their approval • Publish information in current City brochures, on the City's Website and Chamber of Commerce map Staff Time: 6-8 hours per publication Fiscal Commitment: Costs would need to be determined for the printing Staff Role: Provide support and liaison with City Council Council Role: Consideration of content and funding Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (4) Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the resources and needs of the community on the subject of the arts, opportunities for participation of artists and performers in City sponsored activities and way to encourage community involvement. Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops, & Events Completion Date: On -going Participants: Commissioners, City Council Suggested Resources: Community members, City Council, Coachella Valley Cities, private cultural arts interests, State and Federal sources Steps to Completion: • Recommend to Council purposed conferences, workshops & events • Maintain leadership role in conferences, workshops & events • Recommend to Council a date, time, and location for the conferences, workshops & events • Work with Coachella Valley Cities to determine proposed speakers and budget for consideration by Council • Solicit contributions to off -set the costs as approved by Council • Prepare an outline for the meeting • Invite the speakers/artists • Advertise the conferences, workshops & events as approved by Council • Conduct the conferences, workshops & events Staff Time: 10-12 hours per event Fiscal Commitment: Nominal Staff Role: Provide support and act as a liaison to City Council Council Role: Review purpose of conferences, workshops & events and consider participation and budgets for events Goal: Chapter2.75.040 (6) Work cooperatively with City boards, commissions and committees, and other public and private organization in promoting art and cultural activities within the City. 31 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: Refine the Artist Bank Completion Date: On -Going Participants: Commissioners, Other Cities, Regional Information Suggested Resources: Commissioners, Public Information Steps To Completion: • Continue to upgrade the bank by contacting other Cities for a comprehensive list of artists • Solicit new artists Staff Time: 1-2 hours per month Fiscal Commitment: Nominal for supplies and materials Staff Role: Provide support and liaison to City Council Council Role: Provide support Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (7) Encourage public and private partnerships VA Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: Review Art In Public Places Master Plan Completion Date: On going Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Commissioners, Community Members Steps To Completion: • Review, re-evaluate and coordinate the cultural elements of the City's Master Plan, Art In Public Places Plan and other related plans for appropriate components for recommendation to Council in one Art In Public Places Master Plan • Include appropriate components as identified Staff Time: 1-2 hours Fiscal Commitment: None Staff Role: Act as liaison to City Council, provide technical support to Commission Council Role: Provide direction and periodic review of progress Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (11) of Ordinance 317: "Maintain and Implement the Art In Public Places Plan subject to approval by the City Council..." n Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: Research and Solicit Grants Completion Date: On going Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Commissioners, Web Sites, Arts Organizations, Foundations and Corporations Steps To Completion: • Review appropriate funding sources with staff • Make recommendations to Council in accordance with Council policy • Support staff submital of application to organization for consideration Staff Time: 6 hours per grant Fiscal Commitment: None Staff Role: Provide support and act as a liaison to City Council Council Role: Provide support, review and approve applications Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (2) of Ordinance 317: Make recommendations for research and solicitation of grants and donations. Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 1999 Task: "Meet the La Quinta Artist" Completion Date: Bi-Monthly Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Commissioners, Staff, Residents, Media sources Steps To Completion: • A local artist representing a different medium will be randomly selected to be showcased in the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, La Quinta Post and at other cultural events with a "snapshot" of their work and history Staff Time: 1 hour per month Fiscal Commitment: None Staff Role: Provide support and act as liaison to City Council Council Role: Provide direction and support, review and consider the program Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (10) Develop public art awareness through the presentations of speakers, forums, mixers and special events. 10 U � fr CFMOFTt��� CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: June 10, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Village Improvements - Study Session June 22 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council has tentatively scheduled a Study Session to discuss the Village Improvements for Tuesday, June 22. The discussion will include the proposed design of the Village area. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Authorize one or more Commissioners to attend the Study Session to represent the Commission's interest in the Cultural aspect of the design; 2. Do not authorize one or more Commissioners to attend the Study Session to represent the Commission's interest in the Cultural aspect of the design; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 6670 Horvitz, G)pmmunity Services Director A:\Village Designmpd / arm � of U S � Er OF CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: June 10, 1999 ITEM TITLE: Civic Center Improvements - Study Session June 29 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council has tentatively scheduled a Study Session to discuss the Civic Center Improvements for Tuesday, June 29. The discussion will include the proposed design of the Civic Center. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Authorize one or more Commissioners to attend the Study Session to represent the Commission's interest in the Cultural aspect of the design; 2. Do not authorize one or more Commissioners to attend the Study Session to represent the Commission's interest in the Cultural aspect of the design; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Dodie HorvitzAommunity Services Director A:\Civic Center Design.wpd M P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 May 24, 1999 Cultural Arts Commission Kathryn Hull, Chairperson PO Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92253 Dear Kathryn Hull, Chairperson: (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 On behalf of the City of La Quinta Community Services Department and the Community Services Commission, thank you for playing an important part in our celebrated "Community Picnic." As a result of your support, your time and your commitment, our second annual event was a huge hit and enjoyed by everyone. You made this event successful by giving something back to the community, being unselfish and putting forward a friendly smile. Take a bow. Your hard work has paid off! We are grateful to have people like you, representing the I.a Quinta Community. Our city is growing and we are quite confident that La Quinta is one of the best cities around. Thank you for your support in the effort to bring everyone together at the Community Picnic. We wish you much success and hope you will continue to work with us in the future. We couldn't have done it without you! With sincere gratitude. Marni Kunsman Recreation Supervisor c: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Community Service Commission June 7, 1999 To My Fellow Commissioners: I've decided not to reapply for a seat on the Commission this year. May the community come forth with great new applicants and may the City Council have the wisdom to select them. I`ll be thinking of all of you and sending you positive thoughts for a better, more productive working relationship with the City Council. I contacted the City of San Diego and they were happy to share their artist data base with us. You now have many, many artists to choose from. I'm sure there are other cities who are willing to share their artist databanks as well. I did notice that a few of the artists we are familiar with are also on San Diego's list, for example, John Kennedy and Louis DeMartino. The main database from San Diego has been loaded into Microsoft Access on Crystal's computer. Another list of artists who've done commission work for the City and whose art work is featured in the attached brochure from San Diego is available on a disc in a standard word processing format (Word Perfect, I believe). This disc is in Crystal's keeping. Again, I wish the Commission the very best in all its endeavors to keep a cultural and artistic vision of La Quinta alive. Sincerely, �jGt�c�. lC�eF city of La Quinta Blood Drive When You Care Enough, You Donate Blood, Someone Needs Your Help Today! Wednesday, June 23rd PID"'Ste gam to 2Pm calleT