CACMIN 07 08 1999 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES July 8,1999 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Sham is led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Jan Blakley Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Elaine Reynolds STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Blakley to excuse Commissioner Reynolds from the meeting because she is out of town, and to excuse Commissioner Benay from the meeting due to her father passing away. Unanimous. Three new Commissioners were appointed, and Commissioner Reynolds was reappointed to the Commission by the City Council on June 29, 1999. Each of the Commissioners introduced themselves and gave a brief description of their background and why they want to serve on the Cultural Arts Commission. Dodie Horvitz informed the Commission of some "housekeeping" items. Those items included asking the Commissioners to bring their Commission packets to the meetings and if they do not receive one in the mail by the day of the meeting, they are to call staff and make arrangements to pick one up. Ms. Horvitz also told the Commission that all meetings are recorded and asked that they speak loud enough to be heard on the tape, and to speak one at a time. II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Chairperson Hull asked to remove Business Item B. because there was nothing to report at this time Ms. Atkins will contact the Commission when she is ready to make a report. It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Shamis to approve the changes to the agenda. Unanimous. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 1999 B. Financial Report - Staff reviewed this report with the Commissioners. C. Monthly Department Report for May 1999 - Staff reviewed this report with the Commissioners. It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Blakley to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous. G:\MyData\CRIST AL\CAC\CACMIN. 7 ~8. wpd V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Election of Officers Chairperson Hull opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson. Shamis/Rasmussen nominated Commissioner Hull. Unanimous. Commissioner Chairperson Hull opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Blakley/Rasmussen nominated Commissioner Shamis. Unanimous. Commissioner B. La Quinta On Stage Update - Removed from the Agenda C. Bear Creek Channel Bike Path Ms. Horvitz introduced Jana Barbier, Education Director, of the La Quinta Arts Foundation. Ms. Barbier spoke about the history of the Bear Creek project. Funds for the project were provided by VIVA Foundation, the City of La Quinta, and the La Quinta Arts Foundation. A proposal was rejected in the past, and today a new proposal is being brought forward which has Coachella Valley and La Quinta historical significance. Ms. Barbier distributed literature on the art piece to the Commission (copies are on file) and introduced the artists of the newly proposed "Bear Creek" project, Terrie Hayes and John Branstetter. The artists said the art piece is user friendly, and children's artwork will be included on the tiles. The bear could be steel or cast cement and the "fish net" made of stone will comply with the 3 ~ " entrapment zone requirements. It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/McMillan to support the Arts Foundations art proposal "Bear Creek." Unanimous. D. Work Plan Projects Ms. Horvitz reviewed the Work Plan with the Commission and they were assigned to various tasks to be responsible for. It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Rasmussen to approve the assigned tasks and to begin working on the projects in the Work Plan. Unanimous. Staff will mail past Commission Minutes to the Commissioners, as well as the APP Master Plan and the password for Arts Wire. E. Meet the La Quinta Artist Commissioner Rasmussen will work on the name of a performing arts artist for next month. Commissioner Rasmussen will give the name to Ms. Horvitz by August 3, as well as a brief history and a picture of the artist. F. Civic Center Campus Improvements The City Council met on June 29 to discuss improvements to the Civic Center Campus. Chairperson Hull and Commissioner Shamis attended the meeting and reported that the architect discussed locations of art pieces already purchased by the City, and said the Commission will have input as the project comes along. Chairperson Hull suggested Commissioners could attend future City Council and Planning Commission meetings to help keep informed. Commissioner Shamis noted that she was glad the City Council heard the Commissions request to be included in the project. G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.7-8.wpd 2 G. Village Improvements The City Council met on June 22 to discuss improvements to the Village area. Chairperson Hull didn't think there was much revision to the current village plan and that the revisions suggested did not represent a "village" atmosphere. Chairperson Hull would like the Commission to be included in future discussions and to not let the village develop "as it is". The marketing plan will be reviewed by the City Council for future events in La Quinta. No action has been taken by the City Council. H. August Commission Meeting The Commission discussed their availability for the August Commission meeting and whether to go dark or not. It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Blakley to go dark in the month of August and meet at the regularly scheduled Commission meeting in September. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Ms. Horvitz received information on SOS Grants and is waiting for the applications to arrive. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Chairperson Hull asked if staff had heard from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the art mural on the wall along Calle Estado. Ms. Horvitz will contact them. Chairperson Hull would like the Commission to work on the Arts List to update names, addresses, etc. Staff will mail the list to the Commissioners to work on and bring to the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Blakley suggested the Commissioners attend the La Quinta Arts Association meetings. Chairperson Hull suggested inviting other art organizations to our meetings in the fall. Commissioner Shamis announced that the Arts Foundation needs more docents. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Blakley to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION September 9, 1999 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Art List . Submitted by: Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.7-8.wpd 3