CACMIN 09 09 1999
September 9, 1999
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session
Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner
Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Jan Blakley
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Leslie McMillan
Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
. Cristal Spidell, Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to excuse Commissioner Benay from the meeting due
to a death in her family, and Commissioner Rasmussen due to illness. Unanimous.
A. Approval of Minutes of July 8, 1999
Under Commissioner Items the words "Arts Association" was changed to Arts Foundation.
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for July & August 1999
Staff will adjust the balance for Art Fernandez and it will be reflected on the next Financial Report.
C. Monthly Department Report for June & July 1999
Received and filed.
It was moved by Commissioner Blakley/Reynolds to accept the Consent Calendar as corrected.
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A. Calle Estado Mural Project
Staff reported that attempts were made to have someone from the Chamber of Commerce attend
the meeting and report on the Calle Estado Mural project. Originally, Mr. Dick Jantz met with the
Commission and indicated he would solicit funds for the project and he would get the property
owners permission. The Commission indicated at that time they would like children to be involved
in the project, and they could assist in doing a call for artists if needed. Since no one is available
to speak from the Chamber, this item will be continued to next month.
B. Civic Center Campus Master Plan
Tom Doczi gave the Commission a review of the Campus Master Plan. Mr. Doczi reported that
Phase I includes a lake with an island, linking the Senior Center to City Hall by bridges. Also
included are garden areas; rest areas; a historical plaza; and pathways with focal points. Mr. Doczi
said additional phases could include a library and a children's water fountain. The drawings of the
Civic Center Campus are expected to be done by the end, of the year. The bid process will run
through May 2000, and construction is expected to begin in the fall. Mr. Doczi will incorporate the
Commission's comments into the drawings and bring it back to the Commission for review. Once
the Commission reviews the drawings the item is expected to go to the City Council for
consideration in November.
Commissioner Shamis would like Louis De Martino to show the Commission the City's art piece he
has in storage so that it can be properly placed. Chairperson Hull reminded the Commission that
Mr. De Martino has invited the Commission to his studio to see the art piece at any time. It was
suggested that the Historical Society be contacted for input on the Historical Plaza.
It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to provide input as to the types and designs of
artwork for the Civic Center Campus improvements. Unanimous.
C. National Arts and Humanities Month
The Commission agreed to participate in National Arts and Humanities Month. Staff will prepare
a proclamation and present it to the City Council on October 5, 1999. Commissioner Shamis would
like to do Artist Partnership Day again. Commissioner Blakley will contact merchants and the library
to do special displays. Chairperson Hull will draft a letter to be sent to various local organizations
with a resolution (copy is on file) asking for their support and recognition of National Arts and
Humanities Month. Commissioner Reynolds suggested doing a dedication ceremony for the art
piece on Washington and Highway 111 in the month of October. Chairperson Hull will contact Louis
De Martino about cleaning up his art piece.
It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Blakley to support October 1999 as National Arts and
Humanities Month, and requested staff to prepare a proclamation for the City Council. Unanimous.
D. Artist Partnership Day
Staff will contact the schools for the Artist Participation Day tentatively scheduled for October 27 &
28, 1999. The alternate date is October 20 & 21, 1999. Commissioner Shamis will do a press
release and contact the media for coverage. Commissioner Reynolds will help Commissioner
Shamis contact artists for the Artist Partnership Day.
It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to participate in Artist Partnership Day, October
27 & 28, 1999. Unanimous.
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E. Arts List
The Commission reviewed the list. Josephine Lombardo will be moved to "Performing Arts",
Chairperson Hull will provide staff with addresses of organizations that would like a copy of the Art
F, Relocation of Art Piece on Bear Creek Trail
Staff gave a history of the Bear Creek Trail art work project to the Commission and explained that
due to the size of the new art piece, it needed to be moved from the previous location. The
Commission concurred.
It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to authorize the relocation of the art piece on the
Bear Creek Trail. Unanimous.
Commissioner Reynolds would like to see a water fountain and colorful banners on Calle Estado and
passed out pictures of banners she took.
Chairperson Hull shared a schedule of the 1999 Fall Concert Series for the City of Palm Springs, The
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, & Byway Entertainment. She also presented a letter from
Gwen Hughes and Rick Barber Art Studio.
Commissioner Reynolds said improvements are coming along at the Chamber of Commerce Office
on Calle Estado that the Arts Association is going to be sharing. Grand opening is set for October 1 st.
Staff asked the Commission to be patient with the improvements on Calle Estado, and assured them
the City' Council will ask them for their input when the time comes. Staff also noted that the Village
Center plans are still being worked on.
It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m..
October 14, 1999 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Calle Estado Mural
· Civic Center Campus
· Artist Partnership Day
Submitted by:
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