CACMIN 10 14 1999
October 14, 1999
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Study Session
Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner
Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Leslie McMillan
Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Jan Blakley
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to excuse Commissioner Blakley from the meeting due
to illness. Unanimous.
A. Approval of Minutes of September 9, 1999
There was one minor correction to the Minutes of September 9, 1999.
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for September 1999 - Received and filed.
C. Monthly Department Report for August & September 1999 - Received and filed.
It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/McMillan to accept the Minutes of September 9, 1999 as
corrected, and the remaining items on the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous.
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A. Calle Estado Mural Project Update
Staff reviewed the report with the Commission. Mr. Richard Jantz from the Chamber of Commerce
would like to wait until improvements are done on Calle Estado before pursuing the art mural
project. The Commission concurred. This item will be brought back to the Commission when the
time is appropriate.
B. Civic Center Campus Master Plan
Staff reviewed the report with the Commission. Staff has been working on getting drinking fountain
and water feature information from various companies. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission of
a Special Meeting on October 29 to visit the studio of Louis De Martino to view the art piece already
commissioned for the Civic Center Campus.
Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that the City Council has recommended recognizing Colonel
Mitchell Paige who is a Medal of Honor recipient that lives in La Quinta. Ways to recognize Colonel
Paige could be with a star, a bust, or a plaque.
The Commission discussed various ways to honor Colonel Paige. It was suggested to invite him
to the next Commission meeting to get input from him, including what he received the medal for.
Staff will contact him.
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/McMillan to invite Colonel Paige to the next meeting to
discuss his recognition at the Civic Center Campus. Unanimous.
Chairperson Hull asked who was available to attend the Special Meeting and suggested everyone
meet at 9:30 AM at City Hall and car pool to Anza. Commissioner Rasmussen will not be able to
attend, but she will drive up earlier in the week to see the piece. Mr. De Martino will be providing
lunch after the tour on October 29. Mr. Tom Doczi, landscape architect for TKO Associates will be
meeting the Commissioners there to view the art piece as well.
The Commission watched a video from Waterworks International which advertised water features.
The Commission liked the Jumping Jewels, the hand wash stations, the Rainbow Tunnel, and the
fish. Ms. Horvitz reviewed the price list for the items. Maintenance issues will be incorporated into
the plan. Ms. Horvitz will contact the company and get locations of these water features, and then
contact those who purchased them for their comments. Chairperson Hull suggested that it would
be helpful for Tom Doczi to see the video.
C. Artist Partnership Day
Commissioner Shamis informed the Commission of the speakers for La Quinta Middle School and
La Quinta High School for Artist Partnership Day on October 27 and 28. Lunch will be provided
after the presentations at the Citrus Country Club and various Commissioners will attend as well.
Ms. Horvitz will contact the schools for permission to bring news media to the campus for coverage,
and then will contact the media.
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Reynolds to authorize Commissioner
Shamis/Hull/Reynolds/McMillan to attend the Artist Partnership Day presentation and luncheon.
D. November Meeting Date
The Commission discussed rescheduling their next meeting due to the legal holiday on November
11. It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/McMillan to select November 18 as the next
Commission Meeting date. Unanimous
A. Commissioner Handbook
Staff distributed the Commissioner Handbooks to the new Commissioners, and will mail the updated
information to Commissioner Reynolds and Commissioner Shamis.
B. Dia De Los Muertos Celebration - Received and filed.
C. Letter from Chairperson Hull regarding Art & Humanities Month
Chairperson Hull received Resolutions from La Quinta Historical Society and Music Teachers of the
Desert. Ms. Horvitz presented the Proclamation signed by the Mayor in honor of National Arts and
Humanities 1999. It will be displayed at City Hall during the month of October.
D. National Arts & Humanities Month Participation Form
Chairperson Hull has had articles printed in the Desert Sun, and Commissioner Blakley made and
distributed flyers to various businesses regarding National Arts and Humanities Month.
E. King County Public Art Program Information - Received and filed.
Chairperson Hull received information on the Americans for the Arts Conference in Los Angeles, California,
June 10 _ 12, 2000. This will be placed on the next agenda to select a representative from the Commission
to attend.
Chairperson Hull reported on the valley wide art steering committee. A draft proposal which includes goals,
objectives, and mission statement will be presented to the Cultural Conference when it meets again in
January or February in Palm Springs. If it is well received it will take the next step. The proposed
(recommended) name is the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance.
Chairperson Hull also said she had received information on KTLA Kids Day L.A.
Ms. Horvitz distributed information staff received from La Quinta On Stage which updates the Commission
on their progress. Chairperson Hull gave Commissioner McMillan some background information on the
Commissioner Reynolds suggested everyone stop by the new business on Calle Tampico and see the
mural on the wall.
Chairperson Hull congratulated Commissioner Reynolds on the success on the new gallery.
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Commissioner Benay is moving to Escondido and will be resigning from the Commission. She thanked
everyone for all they have done and wished the Commission well in the future. Ms. Horvitz asked her to
write a letter of resignation to the City Council.
Commissioner Senay told the Commission about a networking program connecting artists with businesses.
The Commission liked the idea and asked Commissioner Benay to keep them informed.
Commissioner Reynolds said the Arts Foundation and the Arts Association are working together by sharing
each others information.
Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission that the teachers that attended the McCallum Institute will be at the
November 16, 1999 City Council meeting to update them on their experience with the program.
It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m..
November 18, 1999 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Americans for the Arts Conference, June 10-12,2000
Civic Center Campus
_ Louis De Martino Studio Tour
- Colonel Paige recognition
Submitted by:
Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary
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