CACMIN 12 09 1999 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES December 9, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Rasmussen led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Jan Blakley Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Vice Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Leslie McMillan STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director John Freeland, Public Works Engineer Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to excuse Commissioner McMillan due to illness. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT - None III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of November 18, 1999 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for November 1999 Commissioner Rasmussen asked where the obelisks were located in the City. Ms. Horvitz said they are at a number of locations including Adams Park, Fritz Burns Park, and the Senior Center. The obelisks are also on various street corners including Calle Tampico & Washington Street, and Avenue 52 & Avenida Bermudas. Commissioner Sham is asked where the $50,000 came from on the APP Financial Report. Ms. Horvitz said it was the City's contribution when the program was started. It was moved by Commissioner Rasmussen/Shamis to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\€ACMIN.12-9.wpd VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Civic Center Campus Art Walk Ms. Horvitz clarified a statement she made at the last Commission meeting in regards to the dedication for Colonel Paige at the Civic Center Campus. Ms. Horvitz said the Public Works Department is working with Tom Doczi, to select a location to place the dedication in his honor. Chairperson Hull recalled the City Council's desire was a bust of Colonel Paige, however the size of the bust and the budget was not discussed. Ms. Horvitz suggested allowing the Public Works Department determine the site and then discuss the size of the bust, plaque, etc., at a later date. Ms. Horvitz said the Public Works Department will be going to the City Council on January 4 with details of the Civic Center Campus, and they will ask the Council for specific details at that time. Ms. Horvitz will report the results of that discussion at the next Commission meeting. John Freeland, Public Works Senior Engineer updated the Commission on the Civic Center Campus project. Mr. Freeland suggested a gazebo could be located on the island, and that a site had not been selected for the Colonel Paige honor. The Commissioners will get prices on different bust sizes for Mr. Freeland to review and present to the City Council for consideration. Chairperson Hull suggested putting footsteps of dance steps or a hopscotch pattern in the cement, and signs along the walkways. In response to Commissioner Reynolds, Mr. Freeland said the paths to the island will be structural in design because it must hold the weight of vehicles, and that artistic work will be incorporated. The Commission recalled a piece of work from Louis DeMartino's studio that would work for the railings. Commissioner Shamis said she likes Mr. DeMartino's work and is happy with what he has done, however she thinks it must be made clear to him that we cannot wait as long as we have been waiting for him to finish the Washington/Hwy 111 project to be polished up and finished, and what ever we do in the future with him must include a time limit. Chairperson Hull said that other artists need to be included in the work. Commissioner Shamis would like to see the parks theme be historical and indigenous in nature and sugges.ted having the Commission contact the Historical Society to look at the history of La Quinta for details. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the water feature budget for the village area is separate from the APP funds. Staff indicated the village area is not part of the Civic Center Campus. In response to Chairperson Hull, Mr. Freeland said the City Council reviewed and selected a gas lamp type light feature for the village, which would allow the addition of banners for events at a later time. Mr. Freeland said the entrance areas to the campus would have over head lighting, and the walkways will be bollard type lighting. In response to Commissioner Shamis, Mr. Freeland said children could be involved in the park with the topiary, tiles, a children's garden area, and a children's fountain area. Commissioner Shamis suggested asking Mike Teague or Marcia Gibbons as a mentor for the children's areas. Chairperson Hull would like Tom Doczi, landscape architect, at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Freeland said he and Mr. Doczi would attend and will give an update on the City Council meeting of January 4. Mr. Freeland would like the Commission to work on prices for the bust for Colonel Paige and submit the information to him so he can present it to the Council. Chairperson Hull would like to see a picture of the lights that were selected by the City Council. Mr. Freeland said there are no restrooms on site, however there are restroom facilities available at the Senior Center and at the Civic Center. It was moved by Commissioner Rasmussen/Reynolds to recommend the City Council spend up to G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.12-9. wpd B. Meet the La Quinta Artist Due to her absence, Commissioner McMillan submitted a memo prior to the Commission meeting to Chairperson Hull with two recommendations for Artist of the Month. The Artist of the Month program consists of selecting a La Quinta artist (bi-monthly) and featuring them in the Desert Post and the Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, and the artist of the month is invited to the Culture in the Courtyard. The artists nominated were Darlene Romano (music & theater), and Kevin Henry (song writer, pianist). The Commission discussed the two recommendations. Commissioner Reynolds/Blakley moved to select Darlene Romano as the Artist of the Month for January, and if she was unavailable Kevin Henry would be selected. Unanimous. C. Re-appropriation of Workshop Funds The Commission discussed re-appropriating funds currently budgeted for workshops to entertainment which could be used for the Culture in the Courtyard program. The program is held on the fourth Thursday of each month (January - April) from 10-11 :30 AM. The first event will be held on January 27. The Commission discussed hiring musicians to play during the event. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that the Culture in the Courtyard is a low key, relaxed meeting place, not a sit down concert. Last year taped background music played while those in attendance visited with each other and enjoyed coffee and refreshments. Commissioner Shamis suggested soliciting business and developers to sponsor the workshop and/or cultural events. Chairperson Hull would like to do the workshop in April to educate the people on the importance of arts in the community. Chairperson Hull also suggested building the audience in the Courtyard and get people used to the event and then hire musicians to play, and focus on the workshops this year. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commissioners of the upcoming projects they will be involved with and she thinks the Commission will be very busy working on them and may not have time to devote to hosting a workshop in April. The Commission agreed to plan the workshop for November 2000, and not re-appropriate any funds at this time. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Letter from Dr. Samuel Gilmore The Commission discussed Dr. Gilmore's letter and directed staff to send a letter thanking him for the request, however they are unable to provide any artist bank information for his folk and traditional arts project. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Sham is reported that 35 volunteers have signed up for the reading program at Truman School which starts in January. Commissioner Reynolds announced an Art in the Garden show on January 8, and said Desert Woman has published an article on her and the gallery. G:\MyData\CRIST AL\CAC\CACMIN.12-9.wpd Commissioner Blakley said she anú~r husband have made progress with 1. art bank information on Access. She said she has not heard back from the City of San Diego. Commissioner Blakley will keep the Commission informed of her progress. Chairperson Hull would like staff to inform the City Council that the Commission would like the vacancy on the Commission filled. Ms. Horvitz said that the City Council has just recently received the letter of resignation from Susan Benay. Chairperson Hull announced that she received honorable mention in a national contest for a children's story, and had a poem published. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION January 13, 2000 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Civic Center Campus Art Walk . Workshop - November 2000 Submitted by: ~J~;M Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary G:\MyData\CRIST AL\CAC\CACMIN.12-9.wpd