CACMIN 01 13 2000 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES January 13, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Blakley led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Jan Blakley Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Sham is (Vice Chairperson) VACANCY: One STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Staff asked to continue VI. Business Item B. until March, and VI. Business Item C. should be VII. Correspondence and Written Materials B. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of December 9, 1999 Commissioner Shamis asked to change the word "come" to "came", and said she would like her comments regarding Louis DeMartino changed. Staff will listen to the tape for clarification and make changes if they are warranted. B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for December 1999 Commissioner Reynolds noted that the report did not reflect the monies refunded on her behalf when she was unable to attend last years Americans for the Arts Conference. Ms. Horvitz will check with Finance to update the report. C. Monthly Department Report for December 1999 The Commission reviewed the report and are impressed at the number of events that are planned. It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Blakley to approve the Consent Calendar as corrected. Unanimous. G: \MyData \CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.1-13. wpd v. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Americans for the Arts Conference, June 10-12, 2000 The Commission discussed who was available to attend the conference in June and the number of Commissioners they would like to send. There was a budget for $2000. The cost for each Commissioner to attend is approximately $990 if registration fees are sent in before March 13, and hotel accommodations, meals, and transportation to Los Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to send Commissioner Blakley and Commissioner McMillan to represent the City of La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission at the June 10-12, Americans For the Arts Conference in Los Angeles. Unanimous. Ms. Horvitz will forward this request to the City Council for consideration. Chairperson Hull reminded Commissioner Blakley and Commissioner McMillan that the Commission would like a written report from them when they return. B. Auto Mall Art Piece This item was continued until March 2000. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Americans for the Arts After School Opportunities Commissioner Shamis indicated that she forwarded this information to the Arts Foundation. Chairperson Hull announced she was asked to attend a symposium for developing visual and performing art standards for Desert Sands Unified School District. She stated that the Commissioners should be advocates for the arts in the schools. B. City Council Action on Art in Public Places Ordinance Staff reviewed the City Council's action on the Art In Public Places Ordinance. Ms. Horvitz said City Council directed staff to make changes to the APP Ordinance reflecting a reduction in the 1/4 of 1% residential development fee to 1/8 of 1% for any portion in excess of $100,000 for their consideration. The Commission was concerned about the amount of money that would be lost due to the reduction in fees. Ms. Horvitz indicated that the reduced fee would be reviewed by the City Council in one year. Chairperson Hull indicated that the Civic Center Campus will be comparable to the City of Palm Desert, and she would like staff to express the Commission's concerns and their desire to leave the fee at 1/4 of 1 % to the City Council. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Rasmussen discussed the public art program information and suggested a web site for La Quinta. Ms. Horvitz said the City already has a web site and it is at www.la-quinta.org. The site includes pictures of art which has been purchased with Art in Public Places funds as well as other City items. G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.1-13. wpd Commissioner Blakley gave an update on the artist data bank. She spoke with Catherine Sass recently about San Diego's data bank. Commissioner Blakley said there has been some discussion about giving the data bank to the newly formed Art Alliance group to update and monitor, rather than individual cities, since it will be a large task keeping up with all the information. Commissioner Reynolds wants to move on a call for artists for the Civic Center Campus. Ms. Horvitz said the Commission has not been given any direction to do so. The City Council will be considering this item on January 18. Commissioner Reynolds suggested putting an ad in the paper requesting artists to call us and get their information on file so we have it when the City Council gives the okay to do an RFP. Chairperson Hull got estimates on a bronze bust for Colonel Paige and it ranged in price from $2,800 to $7,500 but she feels this is a mute point now because Indian Wells is planning a bust, and our plan will be redundant. Ms. Horvitz said this item will be discussed further at the City Council meeting on January 18. Chairperson Hull shared monthly meeting information on Nonprofit Partnership. Staff will make copies and send it to each Commissioner. Chairperson Hull read in the City Council minutes that the Rotary Club would like to put a kiosk within the Civic Center Campus. Ms. Horvitz said the Council received this information as written correspondence and it will be discussed at the City Council meeting on January 18. Chairperson Hull thinks the kiosk should be part of the conceptual plan, and does not want the Commission to be passed by. Ms. Horvitz said the Rotary Club originally wanted to apply funds for a rest station or shade shelter, and then have recognition for it. Chairperson Hull would like everyone to read the Commission Work Plan to see what projects have not been accomplished. Some projects have been completed, but there are others that have not. Commissioner Sham is indicated her projects/assignments have been completed. Chairperson Hull attended a Riverside Arts Foundation meeting at the McCallum on January 12 to assist in writing grants. There were approximately 20 people in attendance. Chairperson Hull said she shared the Arts Alliance idea with them and they agreed to the idea and added their comments. Chairperson Hull provided information to Ms. Horvitz on Park Stewardship through the Arts which is a program for environmental conservation through the arts. The next meeting is January 25 in Palm Springs. Commissioner Blakley provided information on "First Night," a community event for New Year's Eve. Chairperson Hull asked Ms. Horvitz to copy any information in the pack she felt necessary and the Commission could implement it. Commissioner McMillan asked to be excused from next months meeting. She will be doing a dress rehearsal for the play "Grease" which runs February 11-13. Tickets are available for $10. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Blakley to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.1-13. wpd NEXT MEETING INFORMATION February 10, 2000 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Work Plan · Commission Work Shop, November 2000 · Colonel Paige Bust · Rotary Kiosk at Civic Center Campus · Civic Center Campus March 9, 2000 · Auto Mall Art Piece Submitted by: \~JJJ Cristal Spidell, Commi sion Secretary G:\MyData \CRIST AL\CAC\CACMIN.1-13. wpd