CACMIN 02 10 2000 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES February 10, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Jan Blakley Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Leslie McMillan VACANCY: One STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that last month Commissioner McMillan asked to be excused from tonight's meeting because of dress rehearsals for the production "Grease". It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to excuse Commissioner McMillan from the meeting. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2000 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for January 2000 Ms. Horvitz reported the credits from Commissioner Reynolds not attending the Americans For the Arts Conference in June 1999 should be reflected on next months Financial Report. Ms. Horvitz will send the information to the Commissioners when it is corrected. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the additional $15,000 for City monuments. Staff indicated that additional charges were incurred due to issues Cal- Trans had with the project on Highway 111 next to Lumpy'sNon's. Ms. Horvitz will update the Commission next month as to when that monument will be completed. C. Monthly Department Report for January 2000 It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Blakley to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous. G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN .2-10. wpd V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Bus Shelter Artwork Ms. Horvitz reviewed the report with the Commission, and then introduced Mr. Art Fernandez. Mr. Fernandez has entered into an agreement with the City of La Quinta to provide artwork for seven (7) panels for bus stops located in La Quinta. Commissioner Shamis said she would have to abstain from further discussion on the bus shelter artwork because she was unable to view his work at the bus stop at Home Depot. Commissioner Blakley indicated she had an opportunity to view the piece and said the tile and grout work is not good, and it will not hold up in the weather. Ms. Horvitz indicated that Mr. Fernandez did the artwork only, not the tile and grout work. Mr. Fernandez will be doing the work on the panels himself, and they will be safe and child proof. The size of each panel is approximately 6-feet by 5-feet. Commissioner Reynolds was concerned about what guarantee the City has that the pieces will be delivered on time, due to the past project Mr. Fernandez did not complete. Ms. Horvitz said that Mr. Fernandez has entered into an agreement with the City to provide these items and he has a deadline of October 30,2000 to perform and both parties have agreed to this. Mr. Fernandez said he has other art work of this type at Big Horn, in Palm Desert, if any of the Commissioners would like to see it. Chairperson Hull polled the Commissioners on their favorite 7 pieces (out of 10). The results were: Panel 4 Panel 9 Panel 2-3-8 Panel 10 5 votes 4 votes 3 votes 2 votes The Commissioners did not like the remaining four panels, and asked Mr. Fernandez to come up with another one with Ocotillo on it, for example, or something along the same lines as the ones they liked. Ms. Horvitz asked Mr. Fernandez for a drawing to be submitted to her no later than February 18 so the seven panels can be submitted to the City Council for consideration on March 7, 2000. B. Civic Center Campus Ms. Horvitz reported that she met with John Freeland and Tom Doczi. They have developed a schedule for Public Works, artists, and campus development. Mr. Doczi will work with the artists and do one call for artists for the bridge rail, benches, water fountain, memorial components, and pavement tiles. A pre- bid meeting will be held so the artists can do a walk through of the campus. It is anticipated that an RFP will go to the City Council on March 7, advertisement will run March 8 through April 6, the Commission will review the proposals on April 13, and a recommendation from the Cultural Arts Commission to the City Council will be on May 2. Discussion ensued regarding the types of memorial components on the Civic Center Campus. Staff indicated the three components were for veterans, sports figures, and celebrities. Commissioner Reynolds pointed out that the City Council Minutes of January 18 says the three components are veterans, sports, and arts. Ms. Horvitz will listen to the tape to clarify the components. G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.2-1 O. wpd Commissioner Shamis suggested getting in touch with the Historical Society for details on the history of La Quinta. The information can be passed along to the artists who can include it in their proposals. Chairperson Hull thinks some dialog with the Historical Society or the Historic Preservation Commission should take place so they do not feel left out. She further said since both of these bodies are knowledgeable of the history of La Quinta, and since it was suggested that the park be developed with things indigenous to the history of La Quinta, it would be helpful to get in touch with them. Commissioner Shamis volunteered to get in touch with the Historical Society. The Commission concurred with including the Historical Society and the Historic Preservation Commission in the development artwork for the park. It was decided that the Commissioners will informally get in touch with the Historical Society and the Historic Preservation Commission. The historical information will be presented to the artists at the pre-bid meeting so they can incorporate it into their proposal. The RFP's will be sent to the artists that are in the City's artist bank, a press release will be put in the Desert Sun advertising the RFP's. It was moved by Commissioner Rasmussen/Reynolds to authorize staff to send out RFP's for artwork for the Civic Center Campus. Unanimous. C. Americans for the Arts Conference Ms. Horvitz reported that at the last Commission meeting two Commissioners were selected to attend the Americans For the Arts Conference in Los Angeles. Commissioner Blakley has informed staff that she is not able to attend, therefore, another Commissioner must be selected to take her place. After a brief discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Blakley to select Commissioner Shamis to attend the Americans For the Arts Conference in Los Angeles, CA on June 10-13, 2000. Unanimous. D. Cultural Work Shop, November 2000 Commissioner Shamis suggested holding the next work shop on a Saturday. She thinks the scope of the meeting needs to be discussed, and said to keep in mind that if professional people are asked to attend the work shop, they will require payment, or the Commission can keep the work shop simple like they have done in the past. Chairperson Hull wants to select a date first, and work on the other details later. November 4 was chosen, and November 18 is an alternate date. Budget considerations will need to be done and submitted during budget review time in March. The Commission discussed appointing a subcommittee to brainstorm for speakers, topics, and to report to the Commission next month. Commissioner Shamis asked that the remaining Commissioners be available to help with phone calls, making contact with people, etc. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that the Work Shop does not have a budget, since it will be considered in the next fiscal year budget. It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Rasmussen to appoint Chairperson Hull and Vice Chairperson Shamis to a subcommittee to start planning the Cultural Work Shop on November 4, 2000. Unanimous. E. Civic Center Art Purchase Committee Ms. Horvitz discussed the procedure for the purchase of art work for City Hall at the La Quinta Arts Festival on March 16 with the Commission. The City Council will select two Committee Members on February 15. After a brief qiscussion it was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Shamis to appoint Commissioner Blakley and Commissioner Rasmussen to the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee. Unanimous. Commissioner Shamis suggested the Committee Members consider selecting one large item, rather than numerous small pieces. She also suggested the Committee walk through City Hall to see what has been selected in the past and where a piece is needed. G:\MyData\CRIST AL\CAC\CACMIN.2-10.wpd F. Census 2000 Ms. Horvitz reported tha-t the City of La Quinta is a leader in getting the word out about Census 2000. The Community Services Commission has been selected as the Complete Count Committee by the City Council. CV AG has hired a Census Coordinator to work with all the cities, and Indian reservations throughout the valley. The Complete Count Committee will be at the Indio Date Festival to distribute information and answer questions. Ms. Horvitz said Census forms will be mailed to all residents by April 1. They will be given 2 weeks to complete the form and return it. If a form is not returned, a person will go door to door to help fill out the form in an effort to help collect the information. The Commission is being asked to help distribute handouts and posters to businesses and friends. Ms. Horvitz also said the Census is hiring Census takers at approximately $11 per hour, and applicants must be at least 18 years old. Commissioner Reynolds suggested distributing flyers at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Ordinance - Received and filed. B. Disney American Teacher Awards Notice - Received and filed. C. Letter from Gail Messing dated January 21, 2000 - Received and filed. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Blakley discussed "First Night" with the Commission. Packets of information were distributed to each Commissioner and they were asked to read the information and be prepared to discuss it next month. Commissioner Sham is asked the Commission if, when she speaks with people about the McCallum Institute Program, she can say the Cultural Arts Commission supports it. The Commission is unable to take action on this item at this time, so it will be on the agenda for discussion next month. Commissioner Reynolds announced that she is having a Gem Show at the La Quinta Hotel on Saturday, February 12 from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. Chairperson Hull said the next Cultural Conference will be held on April 19, 2000 in Palm Springs. The time of the conference will be announced at a later date. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/Blakley to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Ms. Horvitz reminded the subcommittee members that any information they are presenting at the next meeting must be submitted to her no later than February 28. G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.2-1 O. wpd NEXT MEETING INFORMATION March 9, 2000 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Auto Mall Art Piece · Update on Monument Sign at Lumpy'sNon's · Art Fernandez - 7th Panel · Workshop Subcommittee Report · First Night - Commissioner Blakley · McCallum Institute - Commissioner Shamis · Civic Center Campus Subcommittee Report Submitted by: ~oJ c:.~'~ Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN .2-1 O.wpd