CACMIN 03 09 2000
March 9, 2000
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Shamis led the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Commissioner Jan Blakley
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Leslie McMillan
Commissioner Jackie Rasmussen
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson)
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes of February 10, 2000
Under section VI. Consent Calendar, Item B. "Art in Public Places Conference" was changed to
"Americans for the Arts Conference."
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for February 2000
Chairperson Hull wanted to clarify that $340,000 in Art in Public Places funds will go towards the purchase
of art work at the Civic Center Campus, not for building the park. Ms. Horvitz said the majority of the funds
will go towards the purchase of artwork for the campus, however a small portion of the funds will be
allocated to TKD for Tom Doczi's services for administering the art component.
It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Blakley to approve the Minutes of February 10, 200 as corrected,
and the remaining items on the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous.
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A. Meet the La Quinta Artist
Ms. Horvitz briefed the Commission on the process of selecting a recipient for the "Meet the La Quinta
Artist" program. Commissioner McMillan suggested selecting two artists each month, and then suggested
Tim Burleson who is a pianist, and Gwen Hughes who works with clay. Chairperson Hull wished to select
only one artist, as has been done in the past, and to select a different medium. The Commission
discussed Joyce Spizer and Barbara Saranella, who are authors, one of whom who could be chosen as
the next recipient.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/McMillan to nominate Joyce Spizer or Barbara Saranella as
the next recipient of the "Meet the La Quinta Artist" program. Unanimous.
Commissioner Shamis will call the two authors to see who is available to attend the next two Culture in the
Courtyard events (March 23 & April 27), and then she will contact Commissioner McMillan with the name
of the person selected so she can send a letter to her. Ms. Horvitz indicated this information needs to be
compiled quickly to meet the Chamber Newsletter deadline.
Commissioner Shamis said she will be able to attend Culture in the Courtyard on March 23, however, she
will miss April 27.
B. Civic Center Campus
Ms. Horvitz announced that 94 RFQ's had been sent out today for the Civic Center Campus artwork. The
deadline is Monday, April 3, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. There are 5 components to the RFQ, and the artists can
submit proposals for as many as they wish. The Commission discussed a historical theme for the park.
Commissioner Shamis said she spoke with Council Member Henderson who said there is a specific idea
already in place for the park, and Ms. Henderson suggested she called Barbara Irwin or Louise Neeley at
the Historical Society. Commissioner Shamis and Commissioner Blakley put together a report on the
history of La Quinta and distributed it to the Commission. It was suggested this information be given to
the artists so they can prepare their proposals with this historical information in mind. Discussion ensued
as to whether the report was more for a commissioned art piece verses letting the artists present their own
Bob Wright, Barbara Irwin, and Louise Neeley, of the Historical Society Museum spoke about the history
of La Quinta including the first school house in the valley. Mr. Wright said there is 4,000 years of history
for La Quinta and suggested doing a time line at the Civic Center Campus, and at the end put the location
of the La Quinta Historical Society Museum. The Commissioners were invited to tour the Historical Society
Museum which is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Archie Sharp
suggested the artists interested in the Civic Center Campus go to the Museum for ideas. Mr. Wright
offered the Museum's services for historical information if the Commission needs any help.
It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Reynolds to provide historical information to the artists wanting
to submit a proposal for the Civic Center Campus project. Unanimous.
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C. Cultural Workshop
Chairperson Hull reviewed the agenda for the Cultural Workshop in November and asked the
Commissioners for feedback. They discussed the budget for the workshop, and the possibility of paying
some speakers but not all of them. They discussed Jack Mackie as the Keynote speaker, and if they paid
his aiñare it could be $300, and cost for light refreshments and printing of workshop invitations and
materials would be on top of that. The Commission would like to hold the meeting at the Civic Center, and
have a tour of the facility to show the artwork on hand, and thefl serve wine and refreshments in the
Courtyard. Ms. Horvitz will check on the possibility. Ms. Horvitz would like the workshop budget
information from the subcommittee by April 15t so that it can be included in the budget discussions.
It was suggested that Judy Vossler, John Nagus, and Tom Doczi be on the panel. It was discussed that
4 panelists be selected. The subcommittee will contact the potential speakers of their availability, and call
them back to confirm the workshop plans after the budget is approved by the City Council in July.
It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Reynolds to continue to work on the Cultural Workshop and
contact potential speakers and prepare a budget. Unanimous.
D. McCallum Theatre Institute Aesthetic Education Program
Commissioner Shamis asked the Commissioners to read the report from the participants of last years
Aesthetic Education Program. Commissioner Shamis would like to send 12 teachers to the program this
year. The original 8 from last year will continue on, and 4 new ones will be selected from Truman School,
which would make them the pilot school.
It was moved by Commissioner Reynolds/McMillan to support the McCallum Theatre Institute Aesthetic
Education Program this year with 12 teachers, in the amount of $4,800. Unanimous. Ms. Horvitz will
forward this recommendation to the City Council when written correspondence is forwarded from Desert
Sands Unified School District and the McCallum Institute with specific costs and program information.
A. Monument Sign at Lumpy'sNon's - Received and filed.
B. Art Fernandez - 7th Panel for Bus Shelters
The City Council approved designs #2, 6, and 9 and asked Mr. Fernandez to design 4 more panels for
C. Auto Mall Art Piece - This item will be continued until further notice.
O. Arts Festival Schedule
Commissioners Blakley and Rasmussen will meet Mayor Peña and Council Member Henderson at the
front gate of the Arts Festival at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 16. There is a budget of $7,500 for
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E. Community Picnic Letter from Victoria St. Johns, Community Services Commission
The Commissioners will participate in the picnic, however, Commissioner Shamis is unable to attend.
F. City of San Diego Collections Management RFP - Received and filed.
Commissioner Rasmussen said she is hitting dead ends with her current project, and she is available to help
with the conference.
Commissioner Shamis would like to remind the City Council of their desire to meet periodically with the
Commission. Commissioner Shamis spoke about Jean Montez Flores, who submitted an idea for the Bear
Creek Channel Bike Path, and wanted to make sure he received an RFQ for the Civic Center Campus. Staff
will check the list and send an RFQ.
Commissioner Reynolds showed a brochure to the Commission and suggested the one for the Cultural
Workshop be produced similar with pictures of the speakers.
Chairperson Hull has disks and information available to the Commission from Americans for the Arts.
Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that April 1 was Census Day. Promotional items were distributed for
them to give away including posters, buttons, chip clips, pencils and flyers.
It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Rasmussen to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting.
Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:48p.m.
April 13, 2000 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Community Picnic
Submitted by:
~oJ ~dill
Cristal Spidell, Com ISSlon Secretary
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