CACMIN 05 11 2000 IV. COl\_ ¿NT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES May 11, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner Blakley led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Jan Blakley Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Elaine Reynolds STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Debbie DeRenard, Finance Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/Blakley to excuse Commissioner Reynolds because she is in Montana at a reunion and Commissioner McMillan because she is judging an open call audition at the McCallum Theatre. Unanimous. II. PUBLIC COMMENT III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA It was suggested by staff, and moved by Commissioner Blakley/Chairperson Hull to move VIII. Commissioner Items A. in front of VI. Business Items. Unanimous. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of April 13 & April 17, 2000 Staff will check the spelling of the name "Dr. Carl Aggiolosso" and correct it if necessary. B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for 2000 Commissioner Shamis said she had questions about the Financial Report and that Ms. Horvitz will provide the information at the next meeting. It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Blakley to accept the Consent Calendar as submitted, and staff will report back regarding the Financial Report. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.5-11.wpd VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS (This item was considered at this time) A. Tile Presentation by the Boys and Girls Club Deborah Bechard of the Boys and Girls Club, Terrie Hayes from Arteach, and Fernando Lomelli, a student at the Boys and Girls Club showed the work the students did on the tiles at the Boys and Girls Club. These tiles will be added to the Bear Creek art piece located at the south end of the Bear Creek Trail as part of the Agreement between the City and the La Quinta Arts Foundation. A total of 40 students and adults worked on the project at different stages, from start to finish. The Boys and Girls Club selected the project as Project of the Month. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Civic Center Campus Artwork Proposals The City Council considered the artwork project. They reviewed the Commissions recommendations and some were acted upon, such as the Request for Qualifications being reissued. It will go before the City Council for consideration for approval of the modifications on the May 16 agenda. The linear water feature has been removed from the RFQ due to lack of response from artists. The linear water feature will be incorporated into the historical plaza, but it will be as designed by the architect. The bridge railing has been removed from the RFQ because the structural design and calculations could take two and one half years to complete, and the goal is to have the bridge and the island completed at the same time. The geyser has been included in the new RFQ as recommended by the Commission. The sidewalk amenities and the acknowledgment areas are listed in the RFQ. The new RFQ is out until mid-June. Chairperson Hull asked to see the list of artists. Ms. Horvitz will send them to the Commissioners and recommended sending the RFQ's out to all the artists on the list rather than selecting certain ones. Commissioner Shamis agreed with Ms. Horvitz and added that they should think about artists the Commissioners like, whether they are local or otherwise. Ms. Horvitz informed the Commissioners they could contact any artist and ask them to submit an RFQ. The artists that presented information have been notified about a new RFQ being sent out on May 17, 2000. William Cain, a La Quinta artist, owns a vacant lot at Rubio and Ensenada and has made a "sacred circle" that people stop to see. Ms. Horvitz said some areas have been identified, but the space is determined on what the artist comes up with, and the architect will reviews the piece and make a determination. Ms. Horvitz said there is a budget of $340,000 for the entire project, and the amount budgeted for the walkway has not been determined. The City Council would like an artist to submit a proposal, including the cost, for consideration. Mr. Cain told the Commission about the spiritual history behind his art work. Chairperson Hull advised Mr. Cain to submit his idea in an RFQ for consideration. Commissioner Shamis suggested Mr. Cain visit the La Quinta Historical Museum for historical information and suggested he stay within the three items the City Council wishes to consider. Mr. Cain said his project would be as a walkway, and he has considered putting a water feature in the middle. It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Blakley to continue discussion of the Civic Center Campus Artwork Proposals to the next Commission meeting. Unanimous. G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.5-11.wpd Ms. Horvitz said a Commissioner recruited artists to submit artwork that was not to be considered. This happened prior to having a project to work on and two artists were upset because the City Council did not consider their artwork. Ms. Horvitz asked that the Commission stay focused on the project. Ms. Horvitz added that a Commissioner was told by an artist that they were given a 50/50 chance of getting the job and the artist was upset when the City Council did not consider their work. Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission that the City Council makes the final determination. Chairperson Hull will bring this back as a Commissioner item at the next meeting. Commissioner Shamis indicated she would not be at next month's meeting. B. Symposium for Cultural Development Chairperson Hull has received confirmation from panalists Dr. Doris Wilson and Kajsa Thuresson-Frary. Additional letters will be sent to Assemblyman Jim Battin, Barry Hessenius, and Senator Adam Schiff. Commissioner Shamis said she has spoken with Keynote Speaker Jack Mackie, and told him she does not have approval from the City Council, and that the Symposium is just a plan. She will contact him once it is approved. Commissioner Shamis is concerned that the Commission has not met with the City Council about the Symposium on November 4 and she would like to know how they feel about the idea before putting more effort into it. Chairperson Hull plans to forge ahead with the plans, and said the Commission has put in a request for a $3,000 budget, if they need more, they will find it. Commissioner Shamis reminded Chairperson Hull that almost $2,000 will be spent on the keynote speaker. Chairperson Hull said the Chamber of Commerce Board has voted to support the Symposium in literature and publications. Ms. Horvitz cautioned the Commission that none of the departments knows what will happen until the final budget is signed. Ms. Horvitz suggested that if the entire amount is not approved, perhaps other agencies, cities, and developers could contribute to the program. It was moved by Commissioners Blakley/Shamis to continue working on the Symposium for Cultural Development, projected for November 4, 2000. Unanimous. Commissioner Shamis indicated she will not be attending the preliminary budget item on June 20th. C. Commission Work Plan The Commission reviewed the Work Plan and the following changes were submitted: Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Leave as is Add "& Civic Center Campus Art" to task title, and change staff time to "49 hours per month". Leave as is Leave as is Fiscal Commitment was changed to "$3,000" Delete this page Change Completion Date to "Continued to 2001-2002" Leave as is Remove "La Quinta Post" Page 2 Page 3 It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Blakley to approve the changes to the Work Plan. Unanimous. G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.5-11.wpd Staff will make the changes to the Work Plan and present a final document at the next meeting. After approval by the Commission the item will be submitted to the City Council for consideration. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Letter of Appreciation from the Community Services Department - Received and filed VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS .Commissioner Shamis indicated she would like to be excused from the June 15, 2000 meeting because she will be out of town. Commissioner Shamis asked about the maintenance of the art piece on the corner of Washington and Highway 111. Ms. Horvitz indicated the maintenance of the art piece is the responsibility of Michael Shovlin, and the City Council adopted an Art Maintenance Agreement for the City to take over the lighting system because it takes some time to get the burnt out lights replaced. The maintenance of the bronze and brass is Mr. Shovlin's responsibility. Commissioner Shamis does not like waiting to meet once a year with the City Council. As a Commissioner, she feels she needs more time with the City Council to be effective, and she suggested establishing dates to plan and work and present their ideas. Commissioner Shamis suggested going through schools with Art in Public Places presentations. She will do some work and report back to the Commission. Ms. Horvitz suggested this could be incorporated into the Artist Partnership Day. The Commission concurred. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Blakley to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:55 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION June 15, 2000 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Civic Center Campus Artwork Proposals . Final Approval of Commission Work Plan Submitted by: r _ ~~ ,\("( t C2 ~f Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary C~,~~1~- ~ G:\MyData\CRISTAL\CAC\CACMIN.5-11.wpd