CACMIN 06 15 2000
June 15, 2000
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room
of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Commissioner McMillan led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Jan Blakley
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Leslie McMillan
Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
It was moved by Commissioners Shamis/Blakley to excuse Commissioner Reynolds from the meeting because
she is in Montana. Unanimous.
Tom McGraw, a La Quinta artist, introduced himself and distributed information to the Commissioners which
showed ceramic art projects he has done, and invited the Commission to come and see his work in person if they
would like. Staff will put his information in the artist bank file.
A. Approval of Minutes of May 11,2000
B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for May 2000
Chairperson Hull asked when the charges for the Americans For the Arts Conference would be posted.
Staff indicated the charges will be on the next Financial Report.
C. Monthly Department Report for May 2000
It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Shamis to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted.
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A. 2000-2001 Commission Work Plan
Staff reviewed the entire Work Plan with the Commission. Additional changes were made to page 2
(change May 2000 to May 2001), and page 6 (change the word purposed to proposed). Staff will make
the changes as requested.
In regards to page 4, Commissioner Sham is said she spoke briefly to Catherine Sass at the Americans
for the Arts Conference regarding temporary art and how to get around insurance. Ms. Sass asked
Commissioner Shamis to contact her for a method to deal with the liability issue. Commissioner Shamis
called and has not heard back from her.
Commissioner Sham is asked when the budget will be considered and if any Commissioners should be
present. Ms. Horvitz indicated the budget will be considered on June 27,2000 and the Commissioners
are welcome to attend, it is a public meeting.
Commissioner Shamis would like a letter sent to Robert Lynch, President of Americans for the Arts
because he is interested in coming to the Cultural Symposium. Commissioner McMillan spoke with him
and he indicated if he was available he would be happy to come. Ms. Horvitz asked if he would require
an honorarium or transportation costs. Commissioner McMillan indicated it was possible that Americans
for the Arts would pick up his expenses since it is an arts related event. Chairperson Hull said the
participants she has sent letters to will be covering their own costs.
Commissioner Sham is wants to start giving Symposium information to the Chamber of Commerce,
however, staff said they need to wait for City Council approval, and reminded them that the Chamber is
dark in July and August. Information must be to the Chamber early August for the September issue.
Commissioner McMillan suggested the Commission come up with an overview of what they want grant
funding for. She also suggested developing good partnerships and decide what the Commission wants
the money for. Commissioner McMillan is determined to undertake the task of finding funds.
It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Blakley to approve the 2000-2001 Commission Work Plan, with
changes, and directed staff to present the Work Plan to the City Council for consideration at the July 5,
2000 City Council meeting. Unanimous.
It was moved by Commissioner Shamis/McMillan to direct staff to request authorization from the City
Council to proceed with the Cultural Symposium. Unanimous.
A. Ordinance Revision
In response to why the Commission went from 7 to 5 members, Ms. Horvitz said it was the Council's
decision to appoint 5 members as opposed to 7. Commissioner Sham is said Council Member Sniff
mentioned that if the Commission found it necessary to go back to 7 they could. Ms. Horvitz said that
option was not stated in the new ordinance. Ms. Horvitz also added that the interest level was low when
requests for applications were advertised for various commission. Rather than run the Commissions with
vacancies, the City Council chose to reduce the members to 5.
Chairperson Hull said the Commission may need to appoint subcommittees to get the work done.
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Commissioner Shamis did not think it was the best time to cut the Commission down to 5 members. She
stated she does not understand if you have a qualified, experienced person who has been on the
Commission for a long time, why they would be let go.
Ms. Horvitz reminded the Commission to remain focused on their tasks and that they are an advisory body
to the City Council. The City Council has ultimate discretion to make the final decisions because they are
held accountable for their decision as elected officials. Ms. Horvitz said that the Council has acted on
recommendations from the Commission in the past, including the Civic Center Campus art projects.
Commissioner Shamis said the City Council agreed in March 1999 to meet with the Commission more
often, and they have to wait until September 26,2000 to meet with them again.
Chairperson Hull would like to find a way to plan ahead and get the projects going, so people don't say "thè
Commission isn't doing anything." She also noted the Commission is now three months behind on the
Cultural Symposium. Chairperson Hull said she is frustrated because the Commission cannot plan ahead,
make commitments, and do it, rather then wait until the last minute. Commissioner McMillan said she
asked several organizations how they get their projects done, and they told her they are given a budget
to do their projects. Commissioner McMillan said she would be willing to go after grants and endowments
but has learned that a lot of them are not too excited about giving funds to a "city", and it needs to be a
separate entity. Chairperson Hull suggested asking for a budget, Le. $10,000, to do performing arts,
workshops, symposiums, etc. and have the funds available to use during that year, so you don't have to
wait for every item to come before the City Council for approval next year. Chairperson Hull has also
spoke to different cities that have budgets to draw from without Council approval.
Commissioner Shamis provided a written report on the Americans for the Arts Conference, and thanked
everyone for allowing her to attend the Conference. The report is on file.
Commissioner McMillan also thanked everyone for allowing her to attend the Americans for the Arts
Conference. She added that the city business cards were well received, and she gave a verbal report and
will submit a written report. In the next year Commissioner McMillan would like the Commission to create
a Mission Statement; strengthen the cities cultural environment through the strategic investment and
cultural resources; advocate cultural organizations; develop partnerships and activities throughout the
community; and ensure cultural development in our youth. Chairperson Hull indicated the Mission
Statement has been done, it is part of the Cultural Master Plan. It was received and filed by the City
Council. Chairperson Hull suggested Commissioner McMillan take a look at it and try to bring it back to
life. Commissioner Shamis suggested that the new Commissioners receive the last 6 months Commission
Minutes, Cultural Master Plan, Art in Public Places Master Plan, the La Quinta General Plan, and the
Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan to read to get background information.
Chairperson Hull asked if La Quinta could help share in the establishment costs of the Arts Alliance. Ms.
Horvitz said the request for the City to participate would have to go to City Council for authorization
because it is not a line item in the budget. Ms. Horvitz suggested taking an informal consensus to support
the Alliance. Once there is a written proposal for the Arts Alliance and the cost of $60 is indicated, Ms.
Horvitz will forward the request to the City Council. The Commission concurred on supporting the Arts
Commissioner Blakley said she did not reapply to the Commission due to personal reasons. She thanked
Ms. Horvitz, Ms. Spidell, and everyone on the Commission for her time on the Commission and she
indicated she will be returning in a civic fashion of some sort, and she will keep in touch.
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Chairperson Hull distributed cards and gifts to the Commissioners and staff members, and said the
Commission will be hearing from her and asking for input with the Arts Alliance.
It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Blakley to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
July 13, 2000 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Arts Council
. Election of Officers
Submitted by:
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Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary
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