CACMIN 09 14 2000 IV. CvÑSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES September 14, 2000 I. CAll TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) Commissioner Stewart Woodard (Vice Chairperson) (Arrived at 7:09 PM) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT William Cain, La Quinta resident, spoke about the artwork he has been painting on the Bear Creek Bike Path (corner of Montezuma & Ensenada). Mr. Cain discussed the "Carpet of Dreams" painting series which he will be presenting to the Commission on October 12, 2000. Mr. Cain explained his actions to the Commission, and said public response has been favorable by those that have seen his project, and he would like to complete it. Mr. Cain apologized for taking up the Commissions time on this matter, and then provided the Commission with a list of funding sources that Mr. Cain has dealt with in the Los Angeles area. Chairperson Shamis informed Mr. Cain that there is a proper procedure to follow when going about displaying art in the City, and he did not follow the protocol, however she does appreciate his efforts. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Ms. Horvitz added "Business Item E. CALAA Conference". The conference information arrived after the agenda was distributed, and it requires Commission action this evening. It was moved by Commissioner MèMillan/Reynolds to confirm the agenda as updated. Unanimous. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of August 10, 2000 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for July and August 2000 C. Monthly Department Report for July 2000 Chairperson Shamis and Commissioner Reynolds noted some corrections to the Minutes of August 10, 2000. Commissioner Woodard asked staff why developers don't pay into the APP Fund like single family residence builders and commercial developers do. After discussion, Ms. Horvitz said she will ask the Community Development Department about the process and report back at the next meeting. uOl G:\MyData \CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.9-14. wpd It was moved by Commissioners Diamond/Woodard to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Culture in the Courtyard The Commissioners discussed the Culture in the Courtyard event. Commissioners McMillan, Woodard and Diamond would like hold it on Thursday and change the time to early evening or lunch time as opposed to mid-morning. Commissioner Diamond suggested getting a sponsor like La Taqueria Restaurant, to serve chips and salsa and possibly provide music for the event. Commissioner Woodard suggested advertising in the Recreation Brochure for the sponsor. Ms. Horvitz said advertising is kept out of the Brochure. William Cain addressed the Commission and suggested putting an ad in the Chamber Newsletter soliciting for artists to put into an artist bank. Commissioner Woodard asked if it is difficult for staff to maintain an artist list. Ms. Horvitz said it is difficult to track down the artists because they move often and when we send something out, a lot of the mail is returned undeliverable. Ms. Horvitz suggested the Arts Association conduct the artist bank so the Commission does not duplicate the efforts of the other organizations. It was moved by Commissioner McMillan to hold the Culture in the Courtyard event on Thursday evenings. Chairperson Shamis reminded the Commission that the Commission members will be responsible for hosting, setting up and cleaning up the event. Commissioner Diamond suggested having it prior to the Commission meetings from 5-6:30 p.m. Commissioner McMillan withdrew her motion. It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Woodard to continue the Culture in the Courtyard event with some changes, and hold it from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. on Commission meeting nights (second Thursday of each month). Unanimous. Commissioner McMillan asked for help contacting and lining up restaurants for the event. Commissioner Woodard asked if the Artist of the Month can set up an easel and show their art. Ms. Horvitz said they already do this, and then reminded the Commission that the Culture in the Courtyard and Meet the La Quinta Artist are two separate programs. B. Items for Discussion at the Joint Meeting with City Council The time for the Joint Meeting with the City Council as not been determined. Staff will contact the Commission with the meeting time. The Commission discussed a variety of topics to discuss with the City Council and they include: Temporary Art Program Communication with the City Council more often City Council's vision/intent of art in La Quinta Concert or Performing arts program this year (one major event) Budget - Working budget Involvement of the community and community input (Cultural Symposium) Art Map (locations) G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.9-14. wpd uo~~ It was moved by Commissioner McMillan/Woodard to approve the above topics for discussion during the Joint Meeting with the City Council on September 26, 2000. Unanimous. C. Artist Partnership Day Ms. Horvitz briefed the Commission on October being National Arts and Humanities month, and the Artist Partnership ,Day which the Commission has been involved in for the past 3 years. October 25 and 26, 2000 has been selected as the dates for this years Artist Partnership Day at La Quinta Middle School and La Quinta High School. The Commission discussed continuing the event this year. It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Reynolds to continue the Artist Partnership Day event. Unanimous. Commissioners McMillan/Reynolds will head up the Artist Partnership program, and contact the artists. Chairperson Shamis will proved them with a list of names of potential artists, and offered her support if they need it. Ms. Horvitz said the Mayor will issue a proclamation at the October 3, 2000 City Council meeting declaring October as National Arts and Humanities Month. D. Cultural Symposium Chairperson Shamis reported that she spoke with the keynote speaker, Jack Mackie recently to confirm the symposium outline. Commissioner Diamond distributed a 3-fold brochure she produced as part of the PR subcommittee, and she indicated that the title of the symposium, the paper stock, ink color, and wording are a work in progress. Kathryn Hull also produced a 3-fold brochure, which staff distributed. Commissioner Diamond read a press release she produced for the Chamber Newsletter on the symposium. Chairperson Sham is discussed ideas Jack Mackie had including having less breaks, and only 2 panels instead of 4. Mr. Mackie suggested combining them, and also suggested not to have child performers at the symposium. Commissioner McMillan disagreed with not having a child performer. She said the symposium needs to start with a bang and she recommended Sy Sandler to perform at the opening of the symposium. The Commission discussed additional changes in the presenters. Kay Wolff is unable to attend and she will be replaced by Jana Barbier. Chairperson Sham is asked why two architects are presenting and discussion ensued as to whether one should be replaced. After discussion it was decided by the Commission to follow up on the availability of Guy Dreier, and in the event he is unavailable Michael Shovlin will be asked to participate. The Commission discussed a title for the symposium. The title "The Arts and You" was agreed upon by the Commission. There was additional discussion about the information the Commission wanted in the brochure. Kathryn Hull will make the recommended changes to the brochure and provide staff with a disk on Friday to finalize. Commissioner Diamond will contact staff for a final copy. The Commission selected turquoise colored paper with black ink for the brochure. A 3-fold brochure will be put in an envelope and sent out to those on the mailing list. Additional copies will be made to use as a flyer for the La Quinta Chamber Monthly Mailer and placed in various locations by the Commissioners. Commission McMillan suggested using funds for development of the flyer, brochure, and program so they are consistent. Ms. Horvitz said It is possible that both of these items can be produced in-house. Ms. Horvitz asked the Commission if staff could take the brochure and invitation and develop it with the changes discussed. Once the items are done, Commissioners Reynolds/Diamond will be asked to review them. G:\MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.9-14. wpd U03 The Commis~ion discussed tile program book and whether or not to develop it. Ms. Horvitz recommended scaling back the program book to an affordable level. Commissioner McMillan suggested not to do a program book if it isn't done properly. Commissioner Diamond asked about the City's embossed card. Staff will check the price for the envelope and card with a gold embossed seal that the City uses, for the symposium invitations. Ms. Horvitz estimated 500 invitations will cost $500 and 1,500 flyers will cost $50. The Commission discussed soliciting for funds for the symposium. Staff informed the Commission that any funds donated and not used will be returned to the General Fund. Commissioner Woodard suggested putting an easel up with names of those who donated to the symposium, and to send a thank you note to them. The Commission talked about raising $1,500 amongst them. It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Reynolds to approve the downsizing of the 3-fold brochure, the invitations, and deletion of the program book as discussed above, and direct staff to finalize the invitations and flyer. Unanimous. Chairperson Sham is suggested handing out a piece of paper so those who want to, can sign up to become involved with something. The Commission concurred. The Arts and You Symposium Resolution was distributed for review by the Commission. The Commission took a 5 minute recess at this time. The Commission agreed to make the Resolution not so formal, and will distribute them to the appropriate panels following the symposium. Kathryn Hull will make changes to the item and give it to staff. E. CALAA Conference (This Business Item was added during Confirmation of Agenda) Ms. Horvitz informed the Commission of the CALAA Convocation 2000 which will be held October 26-27, 2000 in Sacramento. The Commission discussed who was available to attend. It was moved by Commissioners Woodard/Reynolds to select Commissioner Diamond to represent the Cultural Arts Commission at the CALAA Convocation, October 26-27, 2000 in Sacramento, pending City Council approval. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Protocol & Decorum B. Grant Information C. Palm Desert Temporary Art Agreement D. Meet the La Quinta Artist Information E. Funding Resources Information F. Art Placement Locations The above items were received and filed. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Diamond suggested working on an art map for artwork located in the City. This will be discussed at the Joint Meeting with the City Council on September 26, 2000. Commissioner Reynolds distributed a schedule for the La Quinta Arts Association art shows. G:\MyData \CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.9-14. wpd U04 Kathryn Hull showed the Commission a copy of the City of Glendale Master Plan. The City of Glendale used the information in the Cultural Arts Commission's Cultural Plan to develop their Master Plan. Ms. Hull will try to get another copy for the Commission. IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Woodard to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION October 12, 2000 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Symposium Resolution . Art in Public Places Funds Submitted by: Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary G: \MyData\CRIST AL \CAC\CACMIN.9-14. wpd U05