CACMIN 10 12 2000 IV. C NSENT CALENDAR A. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Shamis presided over the meeting. Commissioner McMillan led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Denise Diamond Commissioner Leslie McMillan Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Rosita Shamis (Chairperson) NOT PRESENT Commissioner Stewart Woodard (Vice Chairperson) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Marni Kunsman, Recreation Supervisor John Freeland, Senior Engineer II. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA No changes, additions or deletions. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of September 14,2000 B. Art in Public Places Financial Report for August 2000 C. Monthly Department Report for June and August 2000 Chairperson Shamis and Commissioner Diamond noted some corrections to the Minutes of September 14, 2000. It was moved by Commissioners McMillian/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Art Proposed by William Cain William Cain, La Quinta resident, spoke about the artwork he is interested in placing along the bike trail in the La Quinta Cove. Mr. Cain has a petition with more than 700 La Quinta resident signatures to support the idea behind the artwork and to gain support from city residents. S:\Community Services\Sharing.info\CACMIN.10-12. wpd U02 Chairperson Shamis interrupted Mr. Cain's presentation and noted that although she understands Mr. Cain's intent and respects his integrity, Ms. Sham is continued to say that by no means is the Cultural Arts Commission in a position to approve anything at this time. The Commission does not execute the right to authorize or approve any artwork ideas for the City of La Quinta. The Commission only makes recommendations to the City Council. Ms. Sham is also reminded Mr. Cain that there is a necessary protocol for artwork within the City of La Quinta's guidelines, that would be the existing RFP Process. Chairperson Sham is informed Mr. Cain that there is a proper procedure to follow when going about displaying art in the City, and he did not follow the protocol, however she does appreciate his efforts. Commissioner Diamond intervened and said that as a Commissioner it is their responsibility and role to hear artists ideas and that otherwise it would be rude to discourage anyone that had ideas for future art within the city. Mr. Cain said that his "Carpet of Dreams" painting has been received favorably by those that had seen his project, and he would like to complete it. Mr. Cain does realize that his attempt in getting the art work into the city by painting his mural without consent was illegal and he apologized for that issue. Mr. Cain feels that in order to get his work to appear, he feels he must go directly to the City Council with his petition and idea. Mr. Cain has talked with members of the local schools that support his idea, many of them have signed the petition. Mr. Cain has proposed many items that pertain to working with the schools on a competitive level. The students can have an inter-school competition and the winner would place their work on the Bike Path along with Mr. Cain's. The idea is to have Mr. Cain produce some of the art and the remaining pieces be produced by those winners throughout the schools. Mr. Cain wants to take the information he has gathered and go directly to the City Council, expressing his ideas and motives. Commissioner McMillan said that it is her duty as a Commissioner to hear out any artist that wants to be heard. Commissioner McMillan feels it is the only way the Commissioners can find out what is going on in the artist's community. Chairperson Sham is said that she doesn't mean to discourage any artist from expressing their ideas, but feels that artists should know how to get involved in the proposal process. After considerable clarification of the proposals for art proportions submitted by Mr. Cain, it was moved by Commissioner McMillanlDiamond to support Mr. Cain on his intentions to speak directly to the City Council regarding the proposal for art with 18 pieces drawn by him and 6 pieces drawn by students for a competitive project. Motion passed with 3 votes in favor. Chairperson Sham is abstained from the vote, due to the need for additional information. Motion passed. B. Jefferson Street Bridge Mr. John Freeland from the Public Works Department was present to discuss the ideas for the artwork for the Jefferson Street Bridge. Mr. Freeland made mention to the fact that the Arts in Public Places Committee chose the last artist for the Washington Street Bridge. He also gave the Commission the information about the bridge in regards to the different composite, width and length of the Jefferson Bridge in reference to the existing bridge. Mr. Freeland said the bridge railing design could be chosen , but the City would have to take into account the regulations and laws that would prohibit the City from installing certain railings. The Commission mentioned that they were very pleased with the Washington Street Bridge and they knew that the APP took great consideration in choosing who would complete that project. Commissioner McMillan asked about the budget. Mr. Freeland said that $3,000 was budgeted for design on the bridge and $30,000 was budgeted for the construction of the Washington Street Bridge. An actual budget for the Jefferson Street Bridge has not been determined. Mr. Freeland also mentioned that City Council favors a similar bridge, as at Washington, but not the same. The Commission was in favor of this recommendation. A motion was made by Commissioner DiamondlMcMillian to direct staff to consult with Navaretes as to design a similar bridge to that of Washington but not the same. Motion passed. S:\Community Services\Sharing.info\CACMIN.lO-12.wpd OD3 C. Cultural Symposium Chairperson Sham is wanted to thank staff for their hard work in planning the Symposium and mentioned that the event should be successful. Chairperson Sham is also reported that she received an email from the keynote speaker, Jack Mackie. Mr. Mackie mentioned the importance of expressing the arts. The information contained in the event by the panel should lead to some results. Commissioner McMillan said that a letter should be sent to each of the panel members discussing what should be covered during the event. Commissioner Diamond added by saying in addition to the letter sent, they should include 25 additional invitations to each of the panel members. Commissioner Diamond then asked city staff about the professional invitations being produced, as to who would receive one. Ms. Horvitz said that dignitaries from all over would be the priority to receive the invitations with the City's golden seal emblem. Chairperson Sham is said that Kathryn Hull would be putting together a letter for a follow up and that she could include about five invitations per letter. Commissioner Diamond asked about the refreshments served during the early reception. Ms. Horvitz said that cookies and punch would be served. Commissioner Diamond said that cookies are not always well received and asked that pretzels be added to the refreshments. Staff said that would be fine. A further discussion about the symposium ensued with regards to the language and layout of the proposed Resolution. Commissioner Diamond had many suggestions as to make the Resolution easier to read. Chairperson Sham is asked how would the Resolutions be passed out and then retained once signed. Ms. Horvitz said an official announcement could be made at the time of presenting the Resolutions and then the forms could be distributed and collected shortly afterwards. Chairperson Shamis also said a basket could be labeled for those people to place their completed Resolutions. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Collection of Art in Public Places Funds B. Review Joint Meeting with City Council The above items were received and filed. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds gave the Commission a brief report on the upcoming Artist Partnership Day with the La Quinta Middle School and the La Quinta High School. Commissioner Reynolds discussed the proposed artists and which artists have confirmed their attendance. Commissioner Reynolds distributed the new letterhead for the Arts Association. S:\Community Services\Sharing.info\CACMIN.l 0-12. wpd U04 IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners McMillan/Diamond to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION November 9, 2000 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Symposium Evaluation . Art Partnership Day Submitted by: pervisor S:\Community Services\Sharing.info\CACMIN.l 0-12. wpd U05