2005 07 13 IAB Minutes
July 13, 2005
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Lewis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Lewis, Board Members Olander, Moulin, Mahfoud
and Deniel
John Falconer, Finance Director, Vianka Orrantia, Secretary,
Tom Genovese, City Manager and Kathy Jenson, City
A. Appointment of Investment Advisory Board Chairperson
Chairman Lewis opened nominations for Chairperson.
Board Member Moulin nominated Chairman Tom Lewis for Chairperson.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to reappoint
Chairman Lewis as Chairperson. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Appointment of Investment Advisory Board Vice-Chairperson
Chairperson Lewis opened nominations for Vice Chairperson.
Board Member Moulin nominated Board Member Deniel.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to appoint
Board Member Deniel as Vice Chairperson. Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board
July 13, 2005
Mr. Falconer advised the Board of the two handouts, one of which was a
change to the meeting minutes and the second was a change to the
investment policy.
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on May 11, 2005 for the Investment Advisory
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Deniel to approve the
Minutes of May 11, 2005 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for April and May 2005
Mr. Falconer informed the Board that there was not much activity for the
month of April. The month of May, page 16 of the Treasurer's Report
reflects additional monies placed into LAIF, a rollover in Farm Credit and,
the first of June $11 million was invested in commercial paper for a short
period (until June 23rd). This will not be reflected in the fiscal year end;
the LAIF balance was temporary as a result of the tax increment received
in June.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Mahfoud/Olander to review,
receive, and file the Treasurer's Report for April and May 2005. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. FY 2005/06 Meeting Schedule
Board Member Moulin requested the schedule be approved with the
exception of the month of August, at which time the Board would go
dark for the month.
Board Member Deniel stated that there are two months on the upcoming
schedule (February and March 2006) that both months fall on the 8th,
would Staff need week to prepare for the meetings.
Investment Advisory Board
July 13. 2005
Mr. Falconer replied that the scheduled meetings dates would no be a
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Mahfoud/Olander to continue
to meet on a monthly schedule with the Board going dark for the month
of August. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Consideration of Approval of Investment Advisory Board 2005/2006
Work Plan
Chairman Lewis stated that the Board will need to find out if the City
Council would like the Board to move forward with a RFP for the portfolio
manager once the ordinance has been adjusted. Mr. Falconer suggested
that this might be discussed at the joint meeting with Council in October.
Chairman Lewis stated that LAIF has been discussed along with GSE's
and commercial paper and a proposal for a money manager was
developed and he asked the Board if there was any other item that
needed to be discussed in upcoming year's work plan. Board Member
Moulin suggested reviewing the cash projections. Mr. Falconer advised
the Board that they need to remain along guidelines of the investment
policy. Chairman Lewis suggested possibly tracking the money invested.
Mr. Falconer stated to the Board that Staff indirectly monitors monies
invested in the two to five year projections, i.e. Treasury Bills have been
bumped up to $8 million. In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr.
Falconer advised the Board that the current banking services set up with
Wells Fargo is either a compensated balances or a sweep account.
Currently, funds have switched over from the sweep account due to low
rates. Board Member Olander asked Staff how they currently feel about
commercial paper. Mr. Falconer replied that he is currently concerned
about the current quality. Board Member Olander asked what the current
yield was for commercial paper. Mr. Falconer replied it is currently at 2%.
Chairman Lewis stated that the following items be added to the work
plan: Commercial Paper, GSE's and LAIF, and RFP discussion with City
Council. Upon Council approval, include RFP process. Board Member
Moulin also suggested discussion of cash utilization. Chairman Lewis
Investment Advisory Board
July 13. 2005
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that from a procurement standpoint, once
the Board has met with City Council and the direction is to go forward, a
staff report is prepared to City Council stating that the City is moving
forward with the RFP and would like Council to suggest who will be on
the RFP Committee (i.e. Investment Advisory Board and City Council).
The Council may direct the Board to act on their behalf.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Mahfoud to approve
the 2005/2006 Work Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
D. LAIF Conference
Chairman Lewis advised Staff that he would be unable to attend this
year's conference.
MOTION - It was moved by Chairman Olander/Deniel to authorize two
Board Members, (to be named at a later date), to attend the conference
subject to Council approval. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report - June 2005
Noted and Filed
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - April 2005
Noted and Filed
C. Distribution of Investment Policies for Fiscal Year 2005/2006
Chairman Lewis advised the Board that the Investment Policy has been
approved by the City Council.
Mr. Genovese advised the Board that the Investment Policy should
have been listed as a business item, not correspondence. 'Mr.
Genovese suggested that this item be continued to the next scheduled
meeting so that the policy could be formally approved by the Board.
Investment Advisory Board
July 13, 2005
Ms. Jenson suggested that this could be set up as a ratification item
at the next scheduled meeting.
Board Member Oeniel asked Staff if this could be modified and added
to the current meeting. Mr. Genovese clarified for the Board that the
former body has already adopted the policy. Ms. Jenson also clarified
that in order to add an item to the current agenda, there needs to be a
special finding, (i.e. not aware of a particular item). If an item came
up after the posting of the agenda and/or an emergency that came up
prior to the next scheduled meeting, then the item can be added during
that particular scheduled meeting.
Board Member Moulin stated that he thought the change to the
ordinance was going to be added to the agenda for the current
meeting. Mr. Falconer replied that this item was going to be discussed
under the work plan. Board Member Moulin also stated that Mr.
Falconer had a letter of transmittal, wherein page three states that the
ordinance has to be changed and/or modified. Ms. Jenson advised the
Board that an ordinance has to be prepared in advance of the RFP
process, to clarify that the portfolio manager is authorized and specific
languages will also be worked on so that the City Council remains
liable for decisions. Chairman Lewis commented that it would be hard
for City Council to give up liability. Ms. Jenson referred back to the
Attorney General's opinion and the end opinion states that the
Finance Director has to remain involved and is ultimately liable for
decisions made. Currently, the Finance Director has authority given by
the City Council and Council modifies the delegation to the Finance
Director. This will be indicated both in the procedures and codes.
Board Member Moulin asked Staff if the Investment Policy could be
discussed at the current time. Chairman Lewis replied that this item
could be listed as a discussion item. Board Member Moulin advised
the Board that Appendix I seems to be misleading (referring to Column
7, Investments that are allowed by the City). The City imposes
limitations on certain investments. Board Member Deniel stated that
this was previously discussed and that the City policy was initially
designed to not include a portfolio manager and now the policy was
expanded to include a portfolio manager. Chairman Lewis stated that
if someone other than the Board reads the policy without knowing the
background they would assume the portfolio manager does not have
Investment Advisory Board
July 13, 2005
the authority to invest in particular investments listed in Appendix I.
Ms. Jenson suggested that this be clarified so that it is not
inconsistent with the policy. This can be made as part of the formal
action to be made at the next scheduled meeting. Chairman Lewis
suggested that the Board work on wording and will come to a
consensus at the next scheduled meeting.
Chairman Lewis asked if Ms. Jenson was going to work on the
wording for the ordinance. Ms. Jenson stated that she will be working
on the ordinance and felt that there will only be minor changes. The
contract will spell out exactly what the Finance Director's regulation
will be over the portfolio manager. Board Member Moulin stated to
Staff that he had drafted a sample ordinance that could be reviewed
by Ms. Jenson.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Mahfoud/Moulin to adjourn the
meeting at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.