2016 Career Builder Golf - Day TicketsAgency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document II if Amendment - 0ate of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year} 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Dhrisio % dept. or Region Area Code/Phone (if Applicable) Number 760-777-7030 Desigtlated Agency Contact (Neirmijitle) Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Email fspevacek@Ia-gufnta.org 1 have read and understand FPPC Reg lotions I8944.1 and . f hove verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Designee Print Mame Frank J. 5pevacek Title City Mana Month, Day, Year 2/22/2016 2. Function or Event Information Odes the agency Ticket(s)iPass(es) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provided by Agency? made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official (YIN) _TickevPass (Provide TillelExptanai on) —Career6uilderGolf _Event Date(s) (YIN) If no, list Name of source agency official? (YIN) (Last, First} yes $75.00 1121-1124116 yes No J. Keclpients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.} A S - c. Identify one of the Name alf Outside Nurn bar of followings Descriplinn of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)r {Ceremonial Rale, "Ceremonial Role' of (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)l Passes] pursuant to the agency's policy (Las[, First) pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other" description) TicKet(s)l Pass(es) pursuant to the aeencv's oolicv City Clerk Other Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and 2 recognition, visibility and Blakely, Sharrell 1 profile an a local, national and worldwide scale Community Resou roes Promotion of City growth and Engel, Heather 1 Other development; tourish; and 8 recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8fi5/A5K-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov I. Agency Name Does the agency have ticket policy (YIN) City of La Quinta Divislon, Dept. or Region Event Date(s) Ticket(s)rpass(es) provided by Agency? (YIN) If no, fist Name of Source (Ir Applicable) ff yes, list Name of Official (Lm. First) yes Designated Agency Contact yes $75.00 [Name, Tille] 1121.1124116 Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager ! have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.I and 18942. 1 have Signature of Agency Head or M Agency Report of.- Ceremonial f:Ceremonial Role Events and TickeVPass Distributions A Public Document Area 760-777-7030 f s oeva cek CcD I a that the distribution set forth, is in occardance with the Print Name Frank J. Sp fylanth, Day, Year 2/22/2016 If Amendment - Date of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year) Z. Function or Event Information Does the agency have ticket policy (YIN) Face Vaiue of each Ticket/Pass Event Description (Provide TitielExplenstion) _ Event Date(s) Ticket(s)rpass(es) provided by Agency? (YIN) If no, fist Name of Source Was ticket distribution made at the behest of agency of icier? (YIN) ff yes, list Name of Official (Lm. First) yes No yes $75.00 Career6uilder Golf 1121.1124116 _ s. rcemplents (Use Section A to identify the agenc}/s department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual, Use Section C to Identity an outside organization.) A. B - C. Iderdiiy one of the Name oro—UFSlde Number of following: Description of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Tiekst(s)I (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or LJ nit Ticket(s)/Pass(as)j Ticket(s)/Pass(as)jpursuant to the agencys policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income] "other' description] Voket(s)I Passes) eurnuant to the anencv's —lieu Facilities I Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and 26 recognition, visibility and Profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and 2 recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Simmonds, Paul 1 Other Donais, Jennifer 1 Other Promotion of City growth and development; tourlsh; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and proflle on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of Clty growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC ToIFFree Helpline: 866/A5K-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name RCity of La Quinta Division, Dept or Region Area CodelPhone (If Applicable) Number 760_777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank I Spevacek, City Manager Email fspevacek�]a la 1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have veriped that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requrrements. Signature of Agency Head or I If Amendment - Date of Original Filing (htonrh, Day, Year) Designee Print Name Frank J. Spevacek Title City Manager Month, Day, Year 2/22/2016 2. Function or Event Information -Does the agency Ticket(s)IPass(as) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provided by Agency? made at the behest of If yes, list Name of official (YIN) TlcketlPass (Provide TilleIFEExplanation) Event Date(s) [YIN] If no, list Name of Source agency official? fYIN) {Last, First) yes $75-00 CareerBuilder Golf 1121-M4/16 yes No 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organlzation.) A B- C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Description of organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)I [Ceremonial Rola, "Ceremonial Rale" or (Induce address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or Unit TCket(s)I Passtes) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "other" description) Tirket(sy Passes) pursuant to the agency's policy Mortenson. Kurt 1 Other Promotion of City growth and development; tounsh; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Bettencourt, Phillip 1 Other Promotion of City growth and development; lou riah; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale alum, Frank 1 other Promotion of City growth and development; tounsh; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Fitzpatrick, 1 Other Promotion of City growth and development; Kathleen tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale FPPC Form 802x(2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 3661ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gav Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Division, Dept or Region (ff Applicable) Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager I have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and I8942. 1 have verified that the distribution set Signature of Agency Head or Designee Area CodelPhone Number 760-777-7030 Email fs evacek is is in accordance with the requirements. Print P Month, Day, I tf Amendment - Date of Original Filing 1MSonth, pay, Year] Frank J. 5Peva cek 2/22/2016 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Ticicet[s]IPass(es) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy [YIN] Face Value of each TickeUPass Event Description (Provide TitleJExplanation) Event Date(s) provided by Agencyl [YIN] if no, list Name of Sourceegency.offcial? made at the behest of (YIN]_ If yes, Inst Name of Official [Last, First] yes yes $75M Career8uilder Golf 1/21-1124/16 No 3. Recipients [Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.} A. _ B. C. T Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following Description of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)i [Ceremonial Role. "Ceremonial Role" or [Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency. Department or Unit Tickst(s)1 pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income] "Other' description) �Tickeit(sV Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy 1 Wright, Robert t other Rooker, Ray —T—other 1 Namvar, Lelia 2 Other I IPromotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and prof le on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and prof le on a local, national and worldwide scale FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC Toll -Free Heipfine: 866/A5K-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Dhdslon, Dept or Region { I1 App) ice bley Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. 5pevacek, City Manager 1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have Signature of Agency Head or Designee Title City Ma Agency Report of: Ceremonial Rale Events and TicketlPass Distributions A Public Document Area CodelPhone Number 700-777-7030 that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the Print Name Frank J. Sp Month, Day, Year �/22J2016 It Amendment - Date of Original Filing (Idonth, Day, Year) 2. Function or Event information does th€ ageney ( Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.) A. B. Ticket(sylPass(es) C. Was ticket distribution Identify one of the have ticket policy -ace Value of each Event DesCriptton Number of following: provided by Agency? Organization made at the behest of IF yes, list Name of Official (YfN) TicketlPass (Provide TidelExplanation) Event Date(s) (YIN) IF no, list Name of Source agency ofCialP (YIN) (Last, First) Promotion of City growth and development; yes $75.00 CareerBuilder Golf 1121-1/24116 yes No 3. Recipients ( Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.) A. B. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Description of Organization Number of Uescnbe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(sy (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Rote" or (Include address and Number Of Describe she public purpose made Name of Agency. Department or Unit Ticket(sy Passes) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Passes) Other, or Income) "Other" description) I `nCk (S)f Psas(es) pursuant to the agencys policy Redmon, Peggy 1 Other Promotion of City growth and development; tourish: and recognition, visibility and prof le on a local, national and worldwide scale Williams, Linda 2 t7ther _. Promotion of City growth and development: tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile Ion a Iol national and worldwide scale FPPC Form 802x{2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov