2017 Career Builder Golf - Day Tickets1. Agency Name Does the agency City of La Quinta Division, Dept. or Region Ticket(syPass(es) (if Applicable) Was ticket distribullon Designated Agency Contact Face Value of each Event Description (Name, Title) provided by Agency7 Frank J. Spevacek ! have read and understand FPPC Regulus ons 18944,1 Signature of Agency Head or (YIN) TickeuPass Designee Event Dates) iYIN) Title Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document I have verified that the distribution set Area 750-777-7030 L Email Itspeyacex( is in accordance with the requirements. Print Name Frank J. 5p Month, Day, Year 7o �/, z� If Amendment, Date of 0rig1naI Filing (Month, Day, Year) uinta 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Ticket(syPass(es) Was ticket distribullon have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provided by Agency7 made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Oficial (YIN) TickeuPass (Provide TitlelExplanation) Event Dates) iYIN) If no. Iisl Name of Source agency official? (YIN) (Last. First) Yes $959.00 CareerBuilder Golf 1119-1122117 Yes No J. Keiciplents {Use Section A to idenil fy the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.} A. B. C. identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Descriplion of Organization ,Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)I (Ceremonial Rola, "Ceremonial RoIW. ar (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or Unit 71cket(s)1 Passes)1 pursuant to the agericy's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, of Income) "Other" description) Ticket(sy Pass (as) pursuant to the aoencv's oohcv CltyManager Pro motlon of City growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and internationally. Mayor Promotion of City growth & development: tourism; and recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and internationally. growth & Frank Spevacek 2 development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and proflle Inrally. rat.innttllv.and. Evans, Linda ��ther Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; 2 and recognition, vlsibiIIty and profile locally, nationally and internationally FPPC Form 802x(2012) FPPCToll-Free Helpline: 866/A$K-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Docurnent If Amendment - Date of Original Filing !Month, Day, Year} 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Division, Dept_ or Region Area CodelPhone (If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name T tie) Frank J. Spevacek Email fspevacek@la-quinta.org 1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 hove verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Print Name Frank J. Speva cek Month, Day, Year 2/6/2017 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency development; tourism; and Ticket(s)IPass{es) recognition, vislbill lty and Was ticket distrilou lion 2 have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description internationally. provided by Agency9 made al the behest of If yes, list Name of official (YIN) T'icketlPass (Provide Tate+Explanafiont Event D-,:ursi {YIN) It no. list Name of Source agency official? (YIN) (Last, First) Yes $950.00 Career6uilder Golf 1119-1122/17 Yes profile locally, nationally and No Internationally. 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit Use Section B to identify an•indivldual. Use Section C to Identlfy an outside organization.) A. 13. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Description of organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Tirket(sy (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Rote" or {Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Npa rtment or Unit Ticket(sy Pass(e5) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) pass(es) Other, or Inccrne) 'Other" description) Tickel(s)i Pass[es) pursuant to the acfenry's policy Council member Councilmember Promotion of City growth & Steve Sanchez development; tourism; and recognition, vislbill lty and 2 profile locally, nationally and internationally. Promotion of City growth & Kathleen Fitzpatrick development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and 2 profile locally, nationally and internationally. Pena, John Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and 2 profile locally, nationally and Internationally. other r-romonon or !try growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and profile Incally. natinnally and Promotion of City growth & development; tourism) and recognition, visibility and profile locally natinnally and Promotion of City growth & development; tourism', and recognition, visibility and profile Inrally natinnally and FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPCToll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppr.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and TicketlPass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name I City of La Qui nta Division, Dept. or Region (if Applicable) Designated Agency Contact (Name, Tills) Frank J. Spevacek 1 have rend and understand FPPC Regulations I8944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set Signature of Agency Head or Area CodelPhone Number 760_777-7030 I EmaillTspevacet is in accordance with the requirement! Print Name Frank J. 5 Month, Day, Year 2/6/2017 H Amendment - Date of 0rig Inal Filing (Month, Day, Year) uinta.o ce k 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Ticket(s)IPass(es) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provided by Agency? made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official tYIN) TicketlPass (Provide Tills/Explanation) Event Dale(s) (YIN) if no, list Nome of Source agencyofficlai? (YIN) (Last. First) Yes $950.00 CafteefBuIlder Golf 7119-1122/17 Yes No 3. Recipients (Use Section A to Identify the agencys department or unlit. Use Sectlon B to Identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization,) A. B. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Description or Organization Number Df Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticketlwl {Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)f Passces) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Passes) Other, or Income) "Other" description) Ticket(s)l Pass(es) I pursuant to the agency's policy Councilmember Promotion of City growth & Radi, Robert other Promotion of City development; tourism; and groom & recognition, vislbillty and 2 development; tourism; profile locally, nationally and and recognition, Internationally. visibility and profile InralIv. natinnally and FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPCToll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: California Form 802 Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions If Amendment- Date of OriginalFiling (Month, Day, Year) A Public Document 1. Agency Name I City of La Quinta Division, Dept. or Region Area CodelPhone (If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. Spevacek Emailifspevacek@la-quinta.org 1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and ] ve verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Designee a Print Name Frank 15pevacek Title City Manager Month, Day, Year 2/6/2017 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Ticket(s)IPass(as) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provided by Agency? made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official iYIN) TicketlPass (Provide Title/Explanation) Event Date(s) (YIN) If no list Name of Source agency official? (YIN) (Last, First) Yes no value Career -Builder Golf 1/19-V22/17 Yes No 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section 8 to idenilfy an Individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.) A. a. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Description of Organizalion Number of Describe the public purpose made !Jame of Individual Ticket(s}y (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or unit Ticket(s)r Passes) pursuant to [heagency's policy (Last First) Pass(as) Other, or Income) "Other' description] Ticket{s}I Pass(as] pursuant to the agency's policy I Mayor Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and internationally. Evans. Linda other 2 Welcome Remarks as the Mayor of the host City of this event FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC Toll- Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Division, Dept. or Region Cif Applicabla) Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) 1 Frank J. Spevacek, Ci I have read and understand FPPC ReR!O gtioT I8944.I and Signature of Agency Head or Designee Title Agency Report of: Ceremonial Rale Events and TickeVPass Distributions A Public document that the distribution set Area 780-777-7030 I Email ISpeVaCeK( is in accordance with the requirements. Print Name Fra nk �. 5p Month, Day, Year 2�22�ZD15 If Amendment - Date of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year) 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Ticket(sj Pass(es) was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provided by Agency? made at the behest of If yes. list Name of Official (YIN-) Ticket/Pass (Provide TitlelExplanatian) Event Date(s) (YIN) if no, list Name of Source agency official? (YM) (Last. First) yes $40-90 CareerBuilder Golf 1/19-1/22117 yes No 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agenoy's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an indlvidual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.) A. B. C. I Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of Following: Description of Organl2alian Number of I Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Tlckel(s)I {Ceremonial Rola, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency Department or Unit Ticket(s)! Passes) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Passtesy Other, or Income) "Other' de-scription) TiCket(5)1 Passes) Pursuant to the agency's policy City Clerk Other Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and 2 recogniton, visibility and Mayor Linda Evans: h profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Community Resources Pro motion of City growth and Councilmember ' 2 iother Kathleen Fitzpatrickdevelopment; tourlsh; and 12 recognIlion, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and recognI[ion, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale FPPC Form 802x(2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta I If Amendment . Date of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year) Division, Dept or Region Area CodelPhone (If App cable) Number 760-777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name, Iille) Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Email fspevacek@la-guinta.org 1 hove read and understand FPPC Regulotions 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Designee Print Name Frank J. Spevacek Title City Manager Month, Day, Year 2/22/2016 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Tcket(s)lPass{est (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Descrtphon provided by Agency'0 made at the behest of If yes. list Name of Official (YIN) 7ickeUPass (Prpvioa TillelEspanauan) Event Date(s) (YIN) If no, list Name of Source agency official) (YIN) (Last First) yes $40-90 CareerBuilder Golf 1119-1/22/17 yes No Describe the public purpose made 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Sectlon C to identify an outside organIzatlan.} A. H. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Descriplian of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Tickel(8)l (Ceremonial Rale, "Ceremonial Role" or {include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made IT Name of Agency, Department or Unit TLcket(s)I Pass{es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) I Other. or Income) "Other" dascripttan) ck0t($)1 Pa$$(es) pursuant to the agency's policy Deslgn 8 Development Mayor Pro Tem 2 'Other Promotion of Clty growth and Robert Radi development; tourish; and Promotion of City growth and development; 26 recognition, visibility and tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile profile on a local, national and on a local, national and worldwide scale worldwide scale Facilities Robert Wright 2 Other Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and 4 recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City growth and development; tourish; and rerognI[Ion, vis ibllity and profile on a local, national and worldwide scale City Manager's Office motion of City growth and Philip Bettencoun 2 Other Promotion of City growth and development; 10 development; tourish; and tourish; and recognition, visibility and profile recognition, visibility and on a local, national and worldwide scale profile on a local, national and FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC TolI-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Rale Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name I City of La Quinta Division, Dept, or Region Area CodelPhone (If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Email I fspevacek@la I have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. f hove veritred that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. I It Amendment • Date of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year) 2. Function or Event Information Ones the agency I Ticket(s)/Pass(es) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description provcdad by Agency? made at the behest of If yes, list Name of 0lficial (YIN) TiduWPass (provide Tit WExpranation) Event DateW SPIN) If no, list Name of Source agency officlal7 (YIN) (Last, First) yes $40-90 CareerBuilder Golf 1119-1122117 yes No 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section 8 to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organlxation,) A. B. C. Identify one of the Nam of Outside Number of following: Description of Organization Numher of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(sy (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Rale" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or UniI Ticket(s)1 Passes) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or lncome) "Other" description] �Ticket(syPass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy inance Promotion of Clty growth and 4 development; toutlsh; and recognition, visibility and profile on a local, national and FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPCToll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc,ca.gov