2017 Desert Oasis Music Festival1. Agency Name City of La Quinta
DMsion, Dept. or Region
(If Applicable)
Designated Agency Contact
IName, Title) Frank J. SpeVacek
1 have read and understand FPPC Re ulartions V44.1
Signature: of Agency Head or `
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Rale Events
and Ticket/Pass Distributions
A Public Document
1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordonce with the
Print Name Frank J. 5p
Month, Day, Year 11�8�2017
If Amendment - Date of original Filing
(Month, Day, Year)
2. Function or Event Information
Does Ine agency
Was ticket di slribut ian
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
If yes, list Name of official
{provide Title/Explanation I
Event Date(s)
If no, list Name of Source
agency_officialP (YIN)
(Last, First)
Desert Oasis Music
10/6 & 10/7
3. Recipients
{Use Section A to identify the agency's depa1lment or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside arganixation.}
A. B. C.
Identify one of the Name of putslde
Number of following: Description of organization
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)I (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Inciude address and Number of Describe the public purpose made
Mame of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)1 Passes} pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) pass(es) other, or Income} "Other, descr[plion] Ticket(sN Pass(as) Dursuani to the aaencv's oolicv
Design & Development Dept.
Facilities Department
Community Resources Dept
Promotion of community
46 event, tourism and Coachella
Valley recognition
Promotion of community
30 event, tourism and Coachella
Valley recognition
Promotion of community
7$ event, tourism and Coachella
Valley recognition
FPPC Form 802x(2022)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK•FPPC www.fppe.ca.gov
1. Agency Name City of La Quinta
Division, Dept. or Region
(If Applicable)
Designated Agency Contact
(Name. Titley Frank J. 5pevacek
I have read and understand FPPC lations 18944.1
Signature of Agency Head or
City Manager
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events
and TicketlPass Distributions
A Public Document
I If Amendment - Date of Original Filing
(Month, day, Year)
Email I Is peva ce k CCU la -p u t
I have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements.
Print Name Frank 1. 5peva cek
Month, bay, Year 11/8/2017
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency
Was ticket distribution
have ticket policy
Face Value of each
Event Description
provided by Agency?
made at the behest of
If yes, list Name of Off pal
_Ticket Pass
(Provide TinelExpianation)
Event Oate(s)
If no, list Name of Source
aganCy �clal? {YINI
(Last, First)
Desert Oasis Music
11716 & 10J7
3. Recipients
(Use Section A to identify the agencys department or unit Use Section 13 to identify an individual, Use Section C to identify an outside organization.)
A. B. C.
Identify one of the Name of Outside
Number dl following: Description of Organization
Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)I (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Rale" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made
Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ticket(s)I Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy (Last. First) Passes) Other, or Income) "Other' description) Ticket(s)/Pass(es) pursuant to the agency's policy
City Clerk Department Promotion of community
6 event, tourism and Coachella
Valley recognition
Finance Department Promotion of community
12 event, tourism and Coachella
Valley recognition
City Manager's Department Prompt vi community
14 event, tourism and Coachella
Valley recognition
FPPC Form 802x (2012)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov