2017 La Quinta Arts Festival1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Division, Dept. or Region (If Applicable) Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. SDevacek I have read and understand FPPC RC+ uia Vons 18944.1 and Signature of Agency Head or 11\ _ A Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document Area CodelPhone Number 760-777-7030 If Amendment - 1) ate of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year) Email fspevacek@la-quinta.o verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Print Name Frank J. 5pevacek Month, Day, Year 3/15/2017 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency TccWt(0?a-*) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value of each Evant Description provided by Agency? made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official (YIN) TickelfPass (Provide Title)Explanation) Event OstelsI (Y/N) If no, list Name of Source agency official? (YIN) (Last, First) $22& $50 LQ Arts Festival Yes Yes 312-315-2017 No 3. Recipients [Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an Individual. Use Section C to Identify an outside organization.) A. B. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Dascrlption of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Trcket(ay (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency_ Department or Unn Ticket(s)I Passes) pursuant to the agency's policy (Law, First) pass(es) Other, or Income) "other" I descriplion) Tickel(s)I Passes) pursuant to lha aoencr's oolicv Manager Mayor 1 4 Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and Frank Spevacek profile locally, nationally and internationally. Promotion of Clty growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and Internationally - growth 8r development; tourism; and recognition, vfsibiIfly and profile _IomII -.r[afinnalIvand Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and internationally FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC Tall -Free Helpline: 866/ASN-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov 1. Agency Name Division, Dept. or Region (If Applicable) Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) of La Quints Frank J. Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document I If Amendment • Date of original Filing [Month, Day, Year] Area CodelPhone Number 760_777-7030 Email fspevacek@la-quinta.o 1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations I8944.I and 18942. 1 have verified that the distritl(Ition set rorth, is in accordance With the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Designee I I Print Name I Frank J. Sir Month, Day, Year 3/16/2017 k 2. Function or Event Information Does [he agency {Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Ticket(s)1Pass(as) Was ticket distribution A_ have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description c, provided by Agency? made at tha behest of If yes, list Name of ORicial (YIN) TcketfPas9 (Provide TillelExp la na [ion) Event Dale(s) (YIN) If no, list Mama of Source agency_ official? {_YIN_) (Last, First) LQ Arts Festival 312-315-2017 Yes Yes $22 & $50 No (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or 3. Recipients {Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual, Use Section C to identify an outside organization.] A_ B. c, Identify ons of the !Name of Outside Number or following: Description of Organization Number of Describe iho public purpose made Name of individual Tlckakms (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency. Depanment or Unit Tickalts)I Psss(es)I pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) Pasatesl Other, or Income) "Other' description] 1 Ticket(syl Pass=es) pursuant to the agency's policy Council member Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and 4 recognition, visibility and I profile locally, natlonally and internationally. Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and 4 recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and Internationally. Promotion of City growth & development; tourism; and 4 recognition, visibility and profile locally, nationally and internationally. growth & development; tourisml and recognitlon, visibility and profile lnnally natinnally And hleen Fitzpatrick other Promotion of City growth & development; tourism, and recognition, visibility and profile locally. nationaliv and Pena, John other Promotion of City growth & development; tourism, and recognition, visibility and profile _..Inrally nailonaliv and FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC TolI-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Rale Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document It Amendment - Date of Original Filing (Month, Day, Year) 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Division, Dept, or Region Area Code/Phone (If Applicable) Number 760-777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. Spevacek Email fspevacek@la-quinta.org 1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Designee Print Name Frank J. Speva cek Title City Manager Month, Day, Year 3/16/2017 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency A. B. C. Ticket(s]IPass(es) Identify one of the Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Face Value or each Event Description Name of Individual Ticket(s)! (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or provided by Agency? Name of Agency, Department or UN Tickel(sj Passes] pursuant to the agency's policy made at the behest of If yes, list Name or Official (YIN) Ticket/Pass (Prov+de Tit lerExplanalion) _ Event Dete(s) (YIN] If no. list Name of Source agency official? (YIN) (Lasa, First) LQ Arts Festival Yes growth & Yes $22 & $50 312-315.2017 No 4 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department c unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to Identify an outside organization.) A. B. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following: Description of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)! (Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (InclLids address and Number of IDescnbe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or UN Tickel(sj Passes] pursuant to the agency's policy (Last, First) pass(as) Other, or Income] "Other" description) Tickel(s)I Pass(es)l pursuant to the agency's poiicy Councllmember promotion of Clty growth & Radi, Robert other Promotion of City, development; tourism; and growth & 4 recognill on, visibility and development; tourism; profile locally, nationally and and recognition, internationally. visibility and proflfe a llv.ltatinnadvand. Chris Escobedo ; other Promotion of City Director of Community Resources Promotion of City growth & . development; tourism; and growth & 1 recognition, visibility and development; tourism; profile locally, nationally and and recognition. Internationally. vis ibillty and profile Jnrally-natinnaliv and FPPC Form 802x(2012) FPPC Tall -Free Helpfine: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and TicketJPass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name ICity of La Quinta ptviSion, Dept. or Region (If Apphcablo) Designated Agency Contact (Name.7WO Frank J. Spevacek f have read and understand FPPC Regulations I8944.1 and 18942. 1 have verified that the distribution set Signature of Agency Head or City Manager Area 760-777-7030 Email I lspfyacekC is in accordance with the requirements. Print Name Frank J. Sp Month, Day, Year 3/1fi/2017 I if Amendment - Date of Original Filing (Month, ❑ay, Year) 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency Mark Johnson 1 Titkel(s]IPass(esj Was ticket distribution 1 have ticket policy Face Value of each Event Description Felice Chiapperinl provided by Agency? _ some as above made at the bahest of If yes, list Name of official (YIN) Ticket/Pass (Provide TillelExpianallon) Event Dete[s) (YIN) Una, list Nameof'Scume, agency official? (YIN) (Last, First) LQ Arts Festival 312-315-2017 _ _ Jane Johnson Shervvyn Turbow W. Richard Mills Blum, Frank Mcaldwelb, Mary Yes $17.00 Yes 3. Recipients (Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.) A. B. C. Identify one of the Named Outside Number of following: t]escription of ❑rganixali.n Numoor vt I]e5c'ib0 the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)I {Ceremonial Role, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Numbor of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Deparlment or unit Tickel[s]I Passes] pursuant to the agencys policy (Last, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other' description) Tlcket(s)l Pass(e5) pursuant to the auency's policv City Board and Commission members FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Promotion of City -sponsored community Mark Johnson 1 proigram, tourism and city recognition pori Quill 1 some as above Felice Chiapperinl 1 _ some as above _ Long, Everett 1 other same as above Rogers, Lynn Jay 9 other same as above Batavlck, George_ _ 1 other 1 other 2 other 1 other 1 other 1 other same as above same as above same as above same as above same asabpve same as above _ Jane Johnson Shervvyn Turbow W. Richard Mills Blum, Frank Mcaldwelb, Mary FPPC Form 802x (2012) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document If Amendment - Date of Original Fifing (Month, Day, Year) 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta Division, Dept. or Region Area CodelPhone if Applicable) Number 760-777-7030 Designated Agency Contact (Name, Title) Frank J. 5pevacek Email isgevacek@la-puinta.or I have read and understand FPPC Regufatrons 18944.1 and 19942. 1 hove verified that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Signature of Agency Head or Designee Print Name Frank J. Spevacek Title City Manager Month, Day, Year3/16/2017 2. Function or Event Information I toes the agency A. Tickel(s)IPass(es) Was ticket distribution nave ticket policy Fdee Value of each Event Description Identify one of the provided by Agency? Name of Outside made at the behest of If yes, list Name of Official (YIN) TickallPass (Provide TitlelExplanation) Event Date(s) (YIN) If no. lisl Name of Source agency oFficial? (YIN) (Last, First) $1100 Yes LQ Arts Festival 312-315-2017 Yes (Lass, First) Pass(es) 3. Recipients {Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identify an outside organization.} A. 6. C. Identify one of the Name of Outside Number of following Description of Organization Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Individual Ticket(s)r (Ceremonial Rale, "Ceremonial Role" or (Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agency, Department or Unit Ttcket(s)1 Pass(as) pursuant to the agency's policy (Lass, First) Pass(es) Other, or Income) "Other" description) Tickel(s)I Passes) pursuant to the agency's panty Wright, Robert 1 other same as above Bettenooun. Philip 1 other same as above Quill. Paul t same as above McCune, Kevin 1 same as above Hansen, John 1 same as above f City Manager's DeN Thompson FPPC Form 802x {2012} FPPCToll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ca.gov