2017 Riverside County Fair & National Date FestivalAgency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document 1. Agency Name City of La Quinta I It Amendment - Data of Original Filing (Iftomh, Day, Year) Dlvlsion, Dept. or Region Area Code/Phone [I(ApplK blo) Number 760-777-7033 Designaled Agency Contact (N.. Thiol Frank J. Spevacek Email fspevacek@ia-guinta.org I have read and understand FPPC Reg up tions I8944.3 and 2890 ver1fied thot the distribution set rorth, is in accordance with the req vire rnertts. F"ILT nature of Agency Head ar Prin[Name FrankJ. Spevacek City Mana_ Month, Day, Year 311512D17 . Function or went Information Does the agency Tldkel(myPass(es) Was ticket distribution have ticket policy Fece Value of a rh Evart Descnption C. provided by Agency7 made at the behest or IF yew, pat Name of OHioal (Y!N) 1Icmt(pass (Provide TitWE"riation) Fvent Daze(s) (YIN) It M. list Name of Source agency official'? (YIN) jLait, First) yes $10.00 Fair & Date F=estival 2-17-26-2017 Yes Tk-ket(sy (Cerenloniel Rale, "Ceremonial Roke" or 3. Recipients (Use Section A to idunllfy the agent's department or unit. Use Section B to identify an individual. Use Section C to identdy an olmide organiratlon. ) A. B. C. Identify One of The Name of Outaide Number of following. Description of Orgsnrxation Number of Describe the public purpose mode Nam of Individual Tk-ket(sy (Cerenloniel Rale, "Ceremonial Roke" or [Include addru9s and Numbar d Describe the public puf pose made Name of Agency, DepefMlEYri or tlnd Ticket(sy Pasa(es) pusua nl to the agency's pokicy {Lest, Fl(sr) P aes(es) Olhar, of Income) "Other" de9cri0iori) Ticket[s]r Pass(em) pur 2nt to the agency s policy City CIeYIe's Department Evans, Linda two Other Promotion of City -Sponsored Promotion of Clty-Sponsored Community community Event; tourism, 4 Event; tourism, recogni[lon, profile an a recognition, profile on a focal, local, national and worldwide scale national and worldwide scale Community Resources Department Design & Development Department MVpetrlck two Other Promotion of CltySponSored 11 Community Event; tourism, recognition, profile on a lorai, national and worldwide scale Promotion of City, -Sponsored Pena, John 34 Community Event; tourism, racognlGon, profile on a local, national and worldwide scale Promotion of Clty-Sponsored Community Evem; tourism, recognl[ion, profile an a local, national and worldwide scale four Other Promotion of CitySponsorad Community Event; tourism, recognition, profile on a local, national and worldwide scale FPK Form Wx t201Zj FPPC Toll -Free Halpllne.- 8"JASK-FPPC wwrwAppe.ea.gav f. Agency Name Does the agency City of La Quinta Division, Dept. or Region Tidketi s)iPass(be) (If Applicable) Was i clrer diafiYfuFian C. Designated Agency Contac) Face Value of each Evens Description Ir:-lr::, T•;In' provided by Agency? Frank J. Spevacek I have read and understand FPPC idequlations 18944.1 and 18942. f have Signature of Agency Head or (YiN) Ticket/Pass Designee Event DeTaisI {YIN} Agency Report of: Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions A Public Document Area CodelPhnne Number 760-777-7030 F-mallITSIDeV2CeW that the distribution set forth, is in accordance with the requirements. Print Name Frank J. Sp Month, Day, Year 3/15/2017 I if Amendment - pate of Original Filing {Morrlh, Day, Yoar] 2. Function or Event Information Does the agency A. Tidketi s)iPass(be) 13. Was i clrer diafiYfuFian C. have ticket policy Face Value of each Evens Description provided by Agency? iceotify ona -,I made at the behest of ;f ym lin Norm of Official (YiN) Ticket/Pass (Provide Tale[Explanalion) Event DeTaisI {YIN} IF no, list Noma of Source agency oKtiel? fY?N) (Last. First) yes $10-00 Fair 3 Date Festival 2-17-25-2017 Yes (CarembniaE Rota, "Calwiwial Role' w ( Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made 3. Recipients (Use Sectlon A to Identify the agencyrs department or unit Use Sectlon f3 to Identify an Individual Use Section C to identity an outslde organization.) A. 13. C. iceotify ona -,I Name of Oubdde Number of 'O:Enw-nry ➢ewApllon of Organization Number d Describe the public purpose made Name 31' individual Ticket(s)/ (CarembniaE Rota, "Calwiwial Role' w ( Include address and Number of Describe the public purpose made Name of Agoncy Deparlmentor Unit Ticket(s)I Pass(es) pureuanl tnthe agencys PQI4 (Lest, First) Pasa(ea) "Otho' description] TltkGI(Sy Pase[ea) pureuarnfo the agency's policy Fedlities DeparTmani Promotion of City -Sponsored Radr, Robart six Other Community Event; tourism, pmmotlon of Clty-S po nsored Community 14 recognition, profile on a local, Even); tourism, recognftton, proiile on a national and worldwide scale local, national and worldwide scale Finance Steve Sanchez four (]that Promotion of City -Sponsored PromDillon of Clty-Sponsored Community 6 Community Event; tlouriSm, Event; tour sm, raprofile an a recognition, profile on a local, wQ dv local, nationsl andnd wotidwlde scale national and worldwide scala City Manager Promotion of City -Sponsored Community Event; tourlsm, B recognit on, profile on a local, natlonal and wad dvAde scale FPPC Form 802x32012) FPPCToil -Free helpline: 856/ASK-FPPC www.fppc.ra.gov