CC Resolution 2005-079 The Centre at La Quinta - Addendum for EA 1997-337RESOLUTION NO. 2005-079
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did on the
20' day of September, 2005, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing and continued said
hearing to the 18th day of October, 2005 to consider the request of Stamko
Development Co. for approval of Addendum to a Supplemental EIR (Schedule No.
97011055) for Environmental Assessment 97-337 for Specific Plan 97-029,
Amendment No. 4, referred to as the "Project" for located east of Adams Street and
south of Auto Centre Drive the and more particularly described as:
APN'S 649-670- 012, 649-670- 013, 649-670-015 thru 649-670- 022
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California
did, on the 141h day of June, 2005, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, and continued
said hearing to the 28th day of June, 2005, and again continued said hearing to the
26th day of July, 2005 to consider the request of Stamko Development Co. for a
recommendation to approve an Addendum to a Supplemental EIR (Schedule No.
97011055) for Environmental Assessment 97-337 for Specific Plan 97-029,
Amendment No. 4, referred to as the "Project" for located east of Adams Street and
south of Auto Centre Drive; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California,
did, on the 14 "th day of June, 2005 hold a duly noticed Public Hearing and continued
said hearing to the 28th day of June, 2005, and again continued said hearing to the
26th day of July, 2005 to consider a request by Stamko Development Co. for approval
of a Specific Plan Amendment to add a new driveway access on Adams Street and a
change of the design of the internal circulation pattern, internal access, and retention
basin the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan, generally located at the southwest of
Highway 1 1 1 and Adams Street, a portion of Planning Area 2 of Specific Plan 97-029,
as Amended.
Resolution No. 2005-079
Addendum to Supplemental EIR for Environmental Assessment 97-337
Stamko Development Co.
Adopted: October 18, 2005
Page 2
WHEREAS, an Addendum to a Supplemental EIR (Schedule No.
9701 1055) for Environmental Assessment 97-337 has been prepared and determined
that the Specific Plan Amendment as part of the Implementing Project does not trigger
the need for the preparation of an additional Environmental Assessment, pursuant to
CEQA Guideline 15162 or Public Resources Code Section 21166, in that the
Implementing Project does not involve:
1. Substantial changes to the project analyzed in the Environmental Addendum
which would involve new significant effects on the environment or substantially
increase the severity of previously identified impacts;
2. Substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the project is
being undertaken which would involve new significant effects on the environment
not analyzed in the Environmental Addendum; or
3. New information of substantial importance which would involve new significant
effects on the environment not analyzed in the Environmental Addendum to
substantially increase the severity of previously identified impacts.
WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if
any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did make the
following findings to justify approval of an Addendum to a Supplemental EIR (Schedule
No. 9701 1055) for Environmental Assessment 97-337 and;
1. The Implementing Project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or
general welfare of the community, either indirectly, or directly, in that no
significant unmitigated impacts were identified by the Environmental Addendum.
2. The Implementing Project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of
the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife population
to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal
community, reduce the number or restrict the range of rare or endangered plants
or animals or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California
history or prehistory in that no significant effects on environmental factors have
been identified by the Environmental Addendum.
3. There is no evidence before the City that the Implementing Project will have the
potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the
wildlife depends in that no significant effects on environmental factors have
been identified by the Environmental Assessment.
Resolution No. 2005-079
— Addendum to Supplemental EIR for Environmental Assessment 97-337
Stamko Development Co.
Adopted: October 18, 2005
Page 3
4. The Implementing Project does not have the potential to achieve short-term
environmental goals, to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals, as
no significant effects on environmental factors have been identified by the
Environmental Assessment.
5. The Implementing Project will not result in impacts which are individually limited
or cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed
development in the immediate vicinity, as development patterns in the area will
not be significantly affected by the proposed Project.
6. The Implementing Project will not have environmental effects that will adversely
affect the human population, either directly or indirectly, as no significant
impacts have been identified which would affect human health, risk potential or
public services and that the Specific Plan Amendment complies with all
mitigation measures adopted in Environmental Assessment 97-337.
7. There is no substantial evidence in light of the entire record that the project may
have a significant effect on the environment in that mitigation measures are
imposed on the project that will reduce impacts to a less than significant level.
8. The City Council has considered Environmental Assessment 97-337 and said
Assessment reflects the independent judgment of the City.
9. The City has, on the basis of substantial evidence, rebutted the presumption of
adverse effect set forth in 14 CAL Code Regulations 753.5(d).
10. The location and custodian of the City's records relating to this project is the
Community Development Department located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La
Quinta, California, 92253.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La
Quinta, California, as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the
City Council to approve the Addendum to Environmental Assessment 97-337
and this Specific Plan Amendment;
2. That it does hereby approve of the Addendum to a Supplemental EIR (Schedule
No. 97011055) for Environmental Assessment 97-337 and approve Specific
Plan 97-029, Amendment No. 4 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution,
subject to the Conditions of Approval attached hereto;
Resolution No. 2005-079
Addendum to Supplemental EIR for Environmental Assessment 97-337
Stamko Development Co.
Adopted: October 18, 2005
Page 4
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
City Council held on this 18th day of October 18, 2005, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
NOES: None
ABSENT: Council Member Perkins
( W r)4f-
DON AD LPH, gayor
City of La Quinta California
��� 'e/ ���
JU . GREEK, CMC, Cit erk
City of La Quinta, California
(City Seal)
City of La Quinta, California
(SCH NO. 970110551)
The City of La Quinta ("City"), as lead agency under the California Environmental
Quality Act, Public. Resources Code section 21060, et seq. ("CEQA") has prepared
this Addendum pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15164 to address the potential
environmental impacts of development of a 22 acre portion of Planning Area II of
the Centre at La Quinta Specific. The environmental impacts associated with the
development of that portion of :Planning Area II of the Centre at La Quinta Specific
Plan located at the .southwest portion of the center; east of Adams Street and
south of Highway 111,. were analyzed in the Supplemental EIR adopted in
connection with the approval of Amendment. #1 to the. Centre at La Quinta Specific
This Addendum is intended to .address whether changes or additions must be made
to the previously adopted Supplemental EIR. Moreover, this Addendum is intended
to verify that the proposed changes in the Specific Plan would be consistent with
the scope of development analyzed in the Supplemental EIR, and to .further verify
that there have been no changes in circumstances or disclosure of new information
which would trigger the requirement to do a subsequent environmental assessment
of the project. The previous Supplemental EIR and supporting Environmental
Assessment 97-337 identified that subsequent site development permit
applications would be part of the overall project assessed at that time, namely,
disposition and development .of the 22 acres- of property located at the southwest
portion of the center; east of Adams Street and south of Highway 111.
The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the development
assumptions relied upon . in conducting the environmental analysis in. the
Supplemental EIR. There has-been no change in the proposed development . of the
site. The only difference in the proposed Specific Plan Amendment when compared
to the development assumptions reflected in the Supplemental EIR is the addition of
an access driveway into the Commercial Center and a modification of the internal
The City has compared the impacts of the proposed Specific Plan with those
impacts analyzed in the Supplemental .EIR and.finds as follows:
P:\Reports - CC\2005\10-18-05\SP 97-029 Amd. No: 4 Stamko\EA Addendum revised CC for SP 97-029 Amd 4.doc
Aesthetics — Impacts
identical to those
previously analyzed.
The allowed land uses
(retail commercial, high
density affordable
housing, and auto
dealers) has not
changed from that
reviewed in the original
Supplemental EIR.
Agriculture Resources -
Impacts no greater than
previously analyzed. The
site is in the urban core
of the City, and is not in
agriculture, nor is it
within several miles of
lands in agriculture.
Air Quality - Impacts
equivalent to those
previously analyzed.. No
changes -have been
proposed in the project
which would result in a
greater number of
vehicle trips, which are
the primary source of
emissions associated
with buildout of the
Hazards and Hazardous
Materials - Impacts
identical to those
previously analyzed.
.Implementation of the
proposed Specific Plan
Amendment will not
change the land uses on
the site, which will be
regulated for hazardous
materials storage and
transport by the City
and County..
Hydrology and Water
Quality Impacts
equivalent to those
previously analyzed. The
.City still requires the
implementation of
NPDES standards and
on -site retention, which
will be implemented for
the proposed Specific
Plan Amendment.
Land Use Planning -
Impacts equivalent to.
analyzed. The property
is vacant and will not
impact an established
community. The
proposed project is
consistent. with the uses
contemplated and
allowed in the General
Plan and Zoning
Ordinance. It serves to
implement the Specific
Plan for the Centre at La
Public Services - Impacts
identical to those
previously analyzed. The
land uses proposed for the
site have not changed,
and will require the same
level of service as that
evaluated . in the
Supplemental EIR.
Recreation - Impacts
equivalent to those .
previously analyzed. The
allowed land uses will
have no impact on
recreational facilities in the
Transportation/Traffic -
Impacts less than or equal
to those previously
analyzed. An additional
driveway into the
Commercial Center will
provide dispersion of
traffic. It serves to
implement the Specific
Plan for the Centre at La
Quinta. Impacts no greater
than those previously
PAReports - CC12005110-18-051SP 97-029 Amd. No. 4 Stamko\EA Addendum revised CC for SP 97-029 Amd 4.doc
Biological Resources
Impacts equivalent to
those previously
No physical changes are
proposed in the project.
The impacts to
biological. resources will
_ not change.
Cultural Resources
Impacts no greater than
those previously
analyzed. The required
mitigation associated
with the Supplemental
EIR will be implemented
with Site Development
Permits for the Project,
and will reduce impacts
to less than significant
Geology and Soils -
Im.pacts identical to
those previously
analyzed. The structures
proposed for the project
site have not changed,
and the mitigation
measures originally
approved will be
implemented with Site
Development Permits
for the Proiect.
Mineral Resources — The
site does not contain
mineral resources.
Noise - Impacts no
greater than those.
previously analyzed. The
land uses proposed
consist of .commercial
uses which are. not
sensitive receptors.
There no changes in
proposed land uses.
Population. and Housing -
Impacts identical to those
previously analyzed. The
proposed commercial land
uses will not induce
significant population
growth. -
Utilities and .Service
Systems Impacts identical
to those previously
analyzed. No physical
change is :proposed to the
project, and impacts to
utilities will be as
previously analyzed.
The City finds that none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA
Guidelines requiring preparation of a subsequent or supplemental. MND or EIR have
occurred. More specifically, the City has determined that:
Finding 1. There are no substantial changes to the Specific Plan that would
require major revisions of the Supplemental EIR due to new significant
environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of impacts
identified in the previous Supplemental EIR.
PAReports - CC\2005\1 0-1 8-05\SP 97-029 Amd. No. 4 Stamko\EA Addendum revised CC for SP 97-029 Amd 4.doc
Facts in Support of Finding. The project has not changed -substantially
— from the development assumptions contained in the previously Supplemental
EIR. The Supplemental EIR assumed development of approximately. 850,000
square feet of general retail, auto dealer, and high density.housing uses for the
entire Specific Plan Area. A portion of the site, 22 acres is within Planning
Area II of the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan.
The proposed Specific Plan Amendment provides no change in the allowed
square footage in the adopted Specific .Plan. Accordingly, the Specific. Plan
Amendment is consistent with the development assumptions .contained in the
Supplemental EIR. The proposed design changes i.e. a new driveway entrance
does not result in additional or. more severe significant impacts since the
development potential remains the same as the in the Supplemental EIR.
Finding 2. No substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances
under which the proposed Specific Plan Amendment is being undertaken that
will require major revisions of the previously adopted Supplemental EIR to
disclose new significant environmental effects or that would result in a
substantial increase in the severity of the impacts identified in the MND.
-Facts Supporting the Finding. The circumstances under which the
proposed Specific Plan Amendment will be undertaken are accurately and
adequately described. The new driveway access does not result in additional
or more sever significant impacts since the development potential remains the
same as in the Supplemental EIR. There have been no substantial changes in
the circumstances under which the proposed Specific Plan Amendment will be
developed resulting in new or more severe significant impacts.
Finding 3. There is no additional new information of substantial
importance, which was not known at the time of the adoption of the previous
Supplemental EIR, indicating that: (1) The project will have one or more
significant effects not discussed in the Supplemental EIR; (2) There are no
impacts that were determined to be significant in the Supplemental EIR that
would be substantially more severe; (3) There are no additional mitigation
measures or alternatives to the project that would substantially reduce one or
more identified significant impacts; and (4) There are no additional mitigation
measures or alternatives which were rejected by the City that would
substantially reduce any identified significant impact identified in the
Supplemental EIR.
Facts Supporting the Finding. No new information of substantial
importance to the conclusions of the previously adopted Supplemental EIR
has been identified -with the analysis of this Addendum. Moreover, the
previously adopted Supplemental EIR concluded that all potentially significant
impacts may be reduced to less than significant levels with the implementation
of identified mitigation measures. The mitigation measures identified in the
PAReports - CC\2005110-18-051SP 97-029 Amd. No. 4 Stamko\EA Addendum revised CC for SP 97-029 Amd 4.doc
Supplemental EIR will be. adopted and. implemented with Site Development
Permits for the Project. Finally, .no additional significant impacts are identified
pursuant this Addendum.
June 3, 2005
Signature Date
P:\Reports-CC\2005\10-18-05\SP97-029Amd.No.4 Stamko\EA Addendum revised CC for SP 97-029 Amd 4.doc