51351 Navarro (Avenida) DPR 523L (09/2013) Identifier: 773103007 Date Constructed: 1935 UTM Zone: 11S, 564445 mE / 3726367 mN Neighborhood: The Cove Tract: Santa Carmelita Unit No 14; Recorded June 30, 1935, MB 18/83 Owner and Address: Fenady Family Trust, John Andrew D Fenady Survivors Trust; 555 N Gower Street, Los Angeles CA 90004 Updated Description: Since the previous survey, the 51351 Avenida Navarro subject property has been significantly altered. At the time of the current survey, the residence was under construction. The stucco exterior had been removed, with the residence covered in construction wrapping. The red tile roofing had been removed, with the roof under construction. The original rustic- looking door appears to have been removed, with the entry way under construction. The stained vertical wood siding at the roof gable and the exposed beams at the roofline were still extant. Updated Significance: A prior survey evaluated the property as status code 5D1 - contributor to a district that is listed or designated locally. The current survey found that the dwelling was constructed within the proposed La Quinta Cove Historic District during the period of significance, but alterations impacted the overall integrity of the dwelling. The dwelling is associated with the theme of Residential Development (1934-1970s), but it does not possess individual documented significance in relation to this theme. The 2022 evaluation is that the property should instead be assigned a 6Z status code: Found ineligible for NRHP, CRHR or Local Register through survey evaluation. The dwelling is now a non-contributor due to significant exterior alterations to elevations facing the public right-of-way. The dwelling has not been found individually eligible under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion A/1/B, as it has not been associated with significant events or patterns of events in local, regional, state, or national history; not individually eligible Criterion B/2/B, as it has not been identified as having an association with an important person; not individually eligible under Criterion C/3/C, as it does not embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; and not individually eligible under Criterion D/4/D, as further study of the dwelling would not appear to yield information which could be considered important in local, regional, state, or national history. Additionally, the property was not found to be individually eligible under Local Register Criterion A, as it was not found to exemplify a special element of the City of La Quinta. As the dwelling has been substantially altered, it no longer maintains integrity from the historic period. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 6Z Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 075 ý Update Resource Name: 51351 Avenida Navarro Page 1 of 3 DPR 523L (09/2013) 51351 Avenida Navarro_1: View west of the front (east) elevation. 51351 Avenida Navarro_2: View northwest of the front (east) elevation. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 6Z Urbana Survey No: 075 Resource Name: 51351 Avenida Navarro Page 2 of 3 DPR 523J (09/2013) *Required Information *Map Name: La Quinta *Scale: 1:24,000 *Map Date: 2021 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION LOCATION MAP Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 6Z Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 075 Resource Name: 51351 Avenida Navarro Page 3 of 3 State of cahfomia The Resources Agency; D.E. PARTMENT OF, PARKS AND :RECREATION PRIMARY RECORD Other Listings Review Code Page 1 of 1 *Resource Name or #: 773 P1. Other Identifier: Reviewer Primary # HRi # Trinomial NRNP Status Code Date. I * P2. Location: ❑ Not for Publication ❑ Unrestricted a. County Riverside b. USGS 7.5' Quad LaQuint Date 1980 T 06S ; R 06E; NE 1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 1 B. M. c. Address 51-351 Avenida Navarro city LaQuinta zip 92253 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear feature) Zone mE1 mN e. Other Locational Data: (e.g. parcel #, legal description, directions to resource, elevation, additional UTMs, etc. as appropriate) *P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries.) A good example of Spanish Colonial Revival ranch homes built in this neighborhood in 1935. This "I" shaped house has a very low-pitched red tile roof, with stained vertical wood siding within the gables --an original feature. The walls are stucco. Also original is the rustic -looking wood door (left of center) with "Z" timbering and what appears to be a decorative steel or iron plate that covers a peep hole. Sash windows also are original (a pair right of center, and one centered in the right wing), but the original wooden garage doors still existing at some of these models are absent from the left wing; a plain stucco wall is here instead. Characteristic of these houses is a central open "court" at front, with only one small projecting wall (from the garage side) to slightly enclose it. To the right of the house is a two car carport with a roof taller than the house. It is obvious an effort was made to match the carport with the style of the house, however the carport looks excessively large next to the older petite house. The yard (except for the cinderblock fence at back) landscaping complements the rustic appearance of this house, with its sandy forefront, grass, palm trees and few other plants. *P3b. Resources Attributes: (List attributes -and codes) HP2. Single Family Property Element of District ❑ Other (Isolates, etc.) P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date, etc.) *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Sources: ❑ Prehistoric M Historic ❑ Both 1935 -Riverside County Assessor *P7. Owner and Address: Andrew J. & Mary Fenady 126 N. Rossmore Los Angeles, CA 90004 P --Private *P8. Recorded by:(Name, affiliation, address) Vicki Steigemeyer/Pam O'Connor Mellon & Associates Riverside, CA *P9. Date Recorded: 9-)/06/1997 *P10. Survey Type: (Describe) C --Comprehensive Survey *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report/other sources or "none") _City of LaQuinta Historic Context Statement, 1996 *Attachments: O NONE ❑ Location Map ❑ Sketch Map ❑ Continuation Sheet ❑ Building, Structure and Object Record ❑ Archaeological Record ❑ District Record ❑ Linear Feature Record ❑ Milling Station Record ❑ Rock Art Record ❑ Artifact Record ❑ Photograph Record ❑ Other: (List) DPR 523A (1/95) *Required information f�i• =�� i � tC� � '� "Py" ; t • a s R q.