2005 10 25 CC Minutes
OCTOBER 25, 2005
A joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council, Planning Commission and Architecture
and Landscape Review Committee was called to order at the hour of 5:07 p.m. by
Mayor Adolph.
Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph
Council Member Perkins
Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Quill, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk
Commissioner Ladner
Committee Members Bobbitt, Christopher, and Smith
Mayor Adolph led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Mr. Joe Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, gave a report from the Cove
Neighborhood Association on the number of accidents that had been decreased due to
lower speed limits in the Cove. He also noted the City Council Agenda had not been
displayed at the Post Office. He asked if it would be displayed at the Post Office and
at the Chamber offices in the future. He also could not find it on the internet. Mayor
Adolph referred the matter to staff.
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
The Mayor declared the PUBLIC MEETING OPEN. Community Development
Director Doug Evans gave a brief summary on the issues of concern. They
were: reworking the Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance to lower the
Evapotranspiration Rate (ET) adjustment factor from 0.6 to 0.5.
Chairman Kirk stated that even with the new ordinance, there is a lot of
ornamental turf and it does not make sense to go to all that work if turf is not
Committee Member Smith asked if this would have any affect on the existing
turf. Staff stated it would only affect future projects.
Commissioner Quill stated the Coachella Valley Water District was looking into
granting property owners credits for converting to new irrigation controllers,
etc., to reduce water consumption.
Council Member Sniff stated it was important to cut down on the amount of
watering and defective sprinklers to be more efficient.
Commissioner Alderson stated one condition they added was to require the
irrigation jets be moved back 1 8 inches from the curb to cut down on the over
Mayor Adolph stated these ideas need to be promoted in order to make it work.
Developers should be informed of these changes.
Council Member Henderson asked what homes would be affected by this
change. Commissioner Quill answered it would affect any residential tract.
Back yards are not involved. Grass and sprinklers are the cheapest form of
creating a greenscape to the developer. The biggest problem to the City is
pavement damaged caused by water in the street and encouraging desert
landscaping. This could be accomplished by reducing the coefficient figure to
Council Member Henderson asked staff if reducing this figure would cause any
unintentional consequences. She knows the problems she has with the drip
irrigation and also believes concentrating on equipment is more important.
Community Development Director Doug Evans stated they could contact CVWD
to see if they could make a presentation on their anticipate changes.
Committee Member Smith stated a lot of homeowners do not know how to
operate the equipment and therefore do not turn it off when it isn't needed.
Council Member Sniff stated there needs to be fairness to all when changes are
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
made. Community Development Director Doug Evans stated staff needs to
address the private custom homes as they are not required to obtain approval
from CVWD or the City.
Council Member Osborne asked how trees would be affected by this change.
Commissioner Quill stated it will dictate what type of trees can be planted.
Committee Member Bobbitt stated he had asked CVWD about what they were
intending to do with this new water efficient landscape requirements. He was
told their concern was not water efficiency as much as money generated. If
they increase the price, the homeow~er will find the least expensive method of
maintaining a yard.
Committee Member Christopher stated his homeowners' association had been
informed their water costs were going up and they have budgeted for it.
Council Member Osborne stated the City needs to look at the technology that is
Council Member Henderson suggested looking at the mechanical equipment and
different scenarios of decreasing the co-efficient numbers.
Council Member Osborne questioned whether or not the City should be requiring
a certain size of the shrubbery when it is first planted. Committee Member
Bobbitt stated it is hard to stipulate a size when it comes to shrubbery. By
requiring a five gallon it will at least be larger than the one gallon size.
Council Member Sniff stated that if the point is to conserve water then several
areas need to be addressed and not just one. We need to look into this more
before making changes.
Council Member Henderson stated that at the end of the day unless we can
make conditions of approval, it will not be done. Committee Member Smith
stated it would make a big effect to require developers to use the new energy
efficient fixtures, such as the insta-hot water heaters to address some of the
Community Development Director Doug Evans reported that a Request for
Proposals had been circulated and proposals were submitted last year for design
standards for Highway 111. Due to staff changes, nothing was done with the
proposals. Staff is looking for direction as to whether or not to continue with
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
the project.
Council Member Osborne stated he did not believe there is enough land along
Highway 111 to pursue it. Staff stated there are about 60 acres left to be
Chairman Kirk stated his concern was that the Planning Commission has had
projects before them that meet the City's requirements and the Commission has
wanted to push those requirements to have higher standards. When the project
meets Code the Commission has nothing to allow them to require better
standards, and they are hesitant to do so without some provision that give them
the authority to do so.
Council Member Henderson stated she would be hesitant to require these 60
acres to do something that has not been required by every other property owner
in the same area.
Chairman Kirk asked if other members thought there was a need to require
better design standards.
Committee Member Christopher stated he would agree. He knows that when
he reviews a project he sees several areas that could be made better, but he
does not want to redesign someone else's project. Community Development
Director Doug Evans stated that staff will give a developer a General Plan and
Zoning Code and chances are they will never look at it. There are simple
concepts that could be incorporated into a book to give the developer a concept
of what the City is expecting to be developed.
Mayor Adolph stated setbacks have to be included in that discussion. Following
discussion, it was determined there was not enough land left along Highway
111 to pursue the issue.
Community Development Director Doug Evans gave a report on what had been
discussed at the Council level.
Chairman Kirk stated the Commission would like some guidance as to the
Council's direction in regard to density and design guidelines, or whether
Council would prefer resolving the Sphere of Influence first.
Council Member Osborne stated the Council looked at Planning Areas I and II
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
and what they would like to have developed in that area. He would rather look
at these issues sooner than later. He would like to keep some identify to this
area and not allow piecemeal designs.
Mayor Adolph stated the City has not tried to change anyone lifestyle in this
area, but the Ci.ty does not want to put the financial impact of annexing this
area on the City. The developers will need to create a funding source to pay for
the areas annexed.
Commissioner Quill asked if the City was going to allow the same type of
development as what has been approved in the City, or allowing some smart
growth applications if this area is to be annexed.
Council Member Sniff stated the area should be retained as much as possible
low density. He agrees with the City pursuing annexation of the area.
Council Member Henderson stated new and innovative ideas should be
considered remembering there are some who want to be living within a gated
community. If a Sphere of Influence is approved for the Vista Santa Rosa area,
a committee should be convened with strict guidelines that include those who
have been meeting with the County to resolve the issues. These people have
met over the years working on their designs and concerns and they should be
able to articulate those design standards.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Quill to recess this meeting to the regular meeting of the Planning commission
at 6:36 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved and seconded by Committee Members of the Architecture and
Landscape Review Committee to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Motion carried
Mayor Adolph reconvened the Council and convened the Historic Preservation
Commission and called the roll:
PRESENT: Commissioners Mouriquand, Puente, Sharp, Wright, and Chairman Wilbur.
Community Development Director Doug Evans gave an overview of the survey
and what was intended to be gained by the survey.
Commissioner Mouriquand stated the purpose was to add to the inventory those
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
sites that would now be old enough to be included in the survey as well as any
sites that came into the City by annexation.
Staff stated the first survey gets the easy sites and the second takes more
studies to be found. Also, staff will want to see if any of the sites qualify for
State or Federal status. When these are determined, we will need to see what
the property owners want to do. As sites are developed the sites are being
Commissioner Wright stated the original survey dealt primarily with the Cove,
and a photographic record of what would be needed with any annexed area.
Commissioner Mouriquand noted the documents can be used someday to write
a story on the Cove.
Council Member Henderson suggested looking at grant funding to hire someone
to put all of the materials together in a historical library. She believes the
Historical Society as well as the Commission should work on this. Community
Development Director Doug Evans stated it's somewhat premature to discuss
curation but there are resources in the budget to start looking at that. He
referenced the importance of proper storage of the materials. Council Member
Henderson noted the plan was to have a repository at the museum, and
Commissioner Wright commented on the possibility of Indian tribes putting
something together.
Council Member Sniff referenced the need to get the museum built so the
material can be housed properly.
Council Member Henderson commented on the complexities of using the
previous design, but noted it is in the process.
Council Member Sniff stated he understands staff has a lot of photo material.
Staff indicated the Commission will want to look at a photo record as part of
the survey.
Council Member Henderson stated she believes the photographic materials could
be used to develop a nice historical brochure. Commissioner Mouriquand
agreed, and noted it could be done so as to cater to tourism.
In response to Council Member Osborne, Commissioner Mouriquand confirmed
the Martinez Slide area provides a lot of cultural history and should be included.
Council Member Henderson referenced a documentary video produced by the
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
San Jacinto/Santa Rosa National Monument that shows the Martinez Slide and
suggested the Commission obtain a copy of it. She also referenced the video that
the City had produced a few years ago.
Chairman Wilbur commented on the importance of having a way for citizens to
view the materials that have been accumulated. He indicated they do not
believe it would be difficult to get material together for a brochure. Staff
pointed out a brochure would have to come back through the budget process
and would take some time to complete because of the need to get permission
for some of the material.
Mayor Adolph stated he did not see any reason this could not move forward.
Community Development Director Evans reviewed the potential boundaries for
annexation on a map and indicated the Commission's concern is looking at
surveying any annexation areas.
Commissioner Wright referenced the need for a photographic record and noted a
lot of old places have already been destroyed.
Council Member Sniff stated he believes a survey in this area is logical if it is
annexed, and Mayor Adolph noted annexations will not happen for a while.
Council Member Henderson inquired about the status and condition of the Point
Happy gate. Community Development Director Doug Evans responded that
staff had not heard from the developer.
Commissioner Wright stated there was an understanding with the developer
that the gate would be used at some location in the project, but it is not part of
the conditions of approval.
Council Member Henderson suggested staff find out the status of the gates. If
the developer doesn't plan to use them in the development, the City could look
into alternative sites.
It was moved by Commissioners Sharp/Mouriquand to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Motion
carried unanimously.
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
Chairman Lewis convened the Investment Advisory Board at 7: 25 PM and called the
roll :
Commissioners Deniel, Olander, and Chairman Lewis
Commissioner Moulin
Finance Director John Falconer stated the Board would like to discuss the issue
of a portfolio manager. He noted the Council's approval is needed to move
forward with it, and it may require some changes to the City Code.
Mayor Adolph inquired as to what the portfolio manager would do. Mr.
Falconer explained the portfolio manager would have a greater investment
capability than the Finance Director currently has. The portfolio manager would
have to abide by State Code and would be limited in certain areas but would
also be able to invest in areas that the Finance Director cannot.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Chairman Lewis stated the portfolio
manager would be limited by State Code, which doesn't allow real high
investment returns but does allow higher investment returns than the City
currently has. He believes a portion of the City's portfolio should be placed
with a portfolio manager. Mr. Falconer indicated the Board has discussed an
amount of $10 million. He noted the total portfolio is $180 million but
approximately $90 million is in bond proceeds. Chairman Lewis indicated a
portfolio manager will not consider an amount less than $10 million.
Council Member Sniff asked if the City has lost anything with the Finance
Director handling the investments. He also inquired ,about the benefit of having
a portfolio manager and what it would cost. Mr. Falconer indicated, fiNo, fI but
explained the portfolio manager would have the ability to make greater
investment returns. The benefit depends on the interest rate environment, and
the portfolio manager fee is based on dollars invested.
In response to Mayor Adolph, Commissioner Deniel indicated there are firms
that provide portfolio manager services.
Council Member Henderson asked if the Finance Director is comfortable moving
in this direction, to which he responded that it has a lot to do with the interest
environment. He noted the current six month Treasury Bill rate is at 4% and the
five-year Treasury Note rate is at 4.40%.
.... " '.
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
Council Member Sniff stated he believes the current inflation rate is 4.1 %, and
Chairman Lewis indicated it's less.
Council Member Osborne inquired about the current rate of return on the City's
investments. Mr. Falconer indicated, as of September 30, it was 3.2% and the
six month Treasury Bill was about 3.8%, which is 60 base points difference.
Council Member Osborne commented on the period of time the City's portfolio
has performed so far below the T -Bill. He believes the City can raise it's rate of
return for an additional $500,000 a year without a substantial increase in risk.
He noted the City is losing income that it could be making because of the
current strategy. He isn't sure $10 million would be enough to place with a
portfolio manager.
Commissioner Deniel stated she believes Mr. Falconer has done a great job but
is not a professional money manager, and the Board believes the City needs
professional help with its investments. She believes it would be better to go
under the umbrella of a large firm instead of hiring an in-house portfolio
manager. As for the amount, she noted the City could start with $10 million
and adjust the amount as its performance is watched.
Chairman Lewis stated a portfolio manager would manage the City's portfolio
with the same safeguards currently in place.
Commissioner Olander noted a portfolio manager will bring risks because they
will have to be aggressive to out perform the existing investments. He believes
a minimum of 50 basis points will be necessary for a good portfolio manager.
He agrees the City is moving in the direction of needing a money manager but
believes there is a need to move cautiously. He is a little skeptical about
bringing in a money manager at this time.
Mayor Adolph commented on the Wymer situation and the importance of
making sure it doesn't happen again. He indicated he is very conservative but
will trust Mr. Falconer's opinion on whether or not the City needs to do this.
Council Member Osborne stated he agrees Mr. Falconer is doing a great job but
the City is looking at $180 million plus today versus $30 million 10 years ago.
He likes the idea of having a portfolio manager, and noted the City would still be
able to maintain its conservative portfolio but have a portfolio manager that has
more time and tools to manage it. An increase of one point, less any fee, would
mean an increase of $400,000 to $500,000 in revenue without an increase in
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
Council Member Henderson stated she believes it's a philosophical choice, and
going with a portfolio manager is something she is not comfortable with at this
time. She prefers the Reserve Account being secure, and noted that is why the
investment policy is so tight. She views this as a "crack." The City may get to
the point of having a portfolio manager someday but she doesn't believe it's
there yet.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Commission Deniel stated a portfolio
manager would spend more time on this because that is his job. Chairman
Lewis noted the portfolio manager would be a team of people at a firm that
deals with institutional companies, and not just one person. He referenced RNC
Capital as being a group who manages investments for the City of Santa
Monica. Commissioner Deniel indicated there are no firms in the Valley that
deal with institutional money.
Council Member Sniff asked if the firms ever lose money, and Chairman Lewis
noted the City has unrealized losses but has not incurred a realized or actual
Council Member Osborne asked if a portfolio manager would be limited to the
City's investment policy. Chairman Lewis stated the portfolio manager wouldn't
be allowed to go to the full State Code. Mr. Falconer noted an example is that
the portfolio manager would be allowed to invest in callable agencies, but the.
Treasurer would not be allowed. The City's investment policy does not allow it
but the State Code does.
Commissioner Olander noted a portfolio manager will not accept the job if his
hands are tied. He must have room to justify his existence.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Chairman Lewis stated the portfolio
manager fee can range between 10-100 basis points, which is one tenth of 1 %
to 1 % of the money being managed. Chairman Lewis confirmed the portfolio
manager is paid whether they do good or not but they make more money if the
portfolio grows, and they don't like losses.
Council Member Henderson stated she realizes the portfolio manager will do the
best they can but tomorrow could be the day it fails, and she doesn't want to
be there when it does.
Council Member Osborne stated the monies will be in Treasury notes and
government secured investments as they are now but the portfolio manager will
have the tools to actively manage the City's portfolio.
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City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
Commissioner Deniel stated the portfolio manager would still be required to buy
government paper but can buy and sell when he believes it's best. Currently,
Mr. Falconer has to hold investments until they mature.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Falconer stated he has the authority
to hold investments from two to five years but with the current interest rate
environment, the spread is narrow between six months and five years. He
noted if the five year is 4.40% and thesix months is 4%, the 40 basis points
would be taken up with the portfolio manager's fee. He believes it will take a
lot for the money manager to earn the extra income to exceed what he currently
does. He believes there are advantages to having a portfolio manager but now
may not be the most opportune time.
Chairman Lewis noted Mr. Falconer is limited on the investments he can look at.
City Attorney Kathy Jenson noted the Request for Proposal (RFP) lists four
things the portfolio manager could do that the Finance Director cannot do. She
noted an amendment to the City Code would need to be done if an RFP for a
portfolio manager is done. There is an Attorney General opinion that authorizes
a money manager but there are a lot of checks and balances involved. There is
legal authority for doing this but the City needs a system in place because one
of the conditions to doing it is that the Councilor the Finance Director has to
remain responsible for the investments. She indicated an ordinance can be
drafted if the Council wishes. Council Member Sniff asked who is responsible
now, to which she responded, lithe Finance Director."
Mayor Adolph indicated he doesn't have a problem with drafting an ordinance
when the timing is right.
Council Member Sniff agreed there is no reason to do it now.
Commissioner Deniel stated there is a lead time of about six months to do the
RFP process.
Council Member Henderson suggested looking at it with the Work Plan in July.
Council Member Osborne noted the City is going to continue losing revenue.
It was moved by Commissioners Olander/Deniel to adjourn the Investment
Advisory Board at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
City Council Joint Meeting
October 25, 2005
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Council Members
Sniff/Osborne to adjourn the City Council meeting at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried
Respectfully submitted by,
Deputy City Clerk and
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