80041 Avenue 50 DPR 523L (09/2013) Identifier: 80-041 Avenue 50 Date Constructed: 1930s UTM Zone: 11S, 567849 mE; 3727451 mN Neighborhood: Not Associated with a Residential Neighborhood Tract: Not Associated with a Residential Tract Owner and Address: Jeffrey A. Cole; 80041 Avenue 50, La Quinta CA 92253 Updated Description: The 80041 Avenue 50 residence was constructed in the 1930s on the southeast corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street. The two-story residence was constructed in the Spanish Colonial Revival style. It was evaluated in 1997 by Mellon and Associates. During the current survey, visibility was limited due to a stucco clad privacy wall and heavy vegetation. The 1997 survey described the residence with a low-pitched side-gable roof clad in red tiles. The exterior was clad in stucco with dark wood trim. There was a balcony at the north elevation, supported by heavy wood brackets. The residence had an interior chimney. The residence had an exterior stairway and an arcaded porch at the south elevation. Using aerial photos, the residence appears to retain its two-story form and stucco exterior, though other details are not visible. Updated Significance: In 1997, Mellon and Associates evaluated the property as status code 5S1 - individually listed or designated locally. However, a review of City of La Quinta records concluded that the property was never individually listed. The dwelling is associated with the theme of Residential Development (1934-1970s), but it does not possess individual documented significance in relation to this theme. The current survey could not adequately evaluate the site from the public right-of-way due to heavy vegetation and a stucco clad privacy wall that encircled the entire boundary of the property. Therefore, the property is assigned a 7R status code: identified in Reconnaissance Level Survey or in an Area of Potential Effect (APE): Not evaluated. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 7R Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 030 ý Update Resource Name: 80041 Avenue 50 Page 1 of 3 DPR 523L (09/2013) 80041 Avenue 50_1: View facing south of the northern gate and privacy wall on Avenue 50. 80041 Avenue 50_2: View facing south of the northern gate on Avenue 50. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 7R Other Listings: Urbana Survey No: 030 Resource Name: 80041 Avenue 50 Page 2 of 3 DPR 523J (09/2013) *Required Information *Map Name: La Quinta and Indio *Scale: 1:24,000 *Map Date: 2021 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION LOCATION MAP Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 7R Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 030 Resource Name: 80041 Avenue 50 Page 3 of 3 State n€ California ThaResournes Agency DEPARTMENT GIF PARKS AND:::RECREATIUN PRIMARY RECORD. Other Listings NHL Review Code 'Reviewer Primary # HRI # Trinomial NRHP Status Code Date Page 1 of 1 *Resource Name or #: 80-041 Avenue 50 P1. Other Identifier: *P2. Location: ❑ Not for Publication ❑ Unrestricted a. County Riverside b. USGS 7.5' Quad La Quinta Date 1980 T 06S ; R 06E ; SW 1/4 of SW /4 of Sec 33; B.M. c. Address 80-041 Avenue 50 city La Quinta zip 92253 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear feature) Zone mE/ mN e. Other Locational Data: (e.g. parcel #, legal description, directions to resource, elevation, additional UTMs, etc. as appropriate) *P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries.) 80-041 Avenue 50 is a two story private residence built in the 1930's, oriented on an east -west axis and approached via a private driveway through a ranch -style entranceway with wood posts and lintel frame. It is Spanish Colonial Revival style, with a low pitched, side gabled red tile roof, stuccoed walls with dark wood trim, casement windows, and wood -trimmed second -story overhangs on the north and south elevations. The north facade has a balcony with side room at the second floor supported by heavy wood brackets, symmetrically placed casement windows with wood sash on the remaining portion, and an interior chimney at the center of the roof ridge. The south facade has multi-level roofs, an arcaded porch at the ground level with a balcony above, and a newly resurfaced patio with stepped stucco wall. Other details include exterior stair and arched doorway on the east elevation, and a gabled addition at the northwest corner of the second story with wood board cladding and wraparound casement windows. A red tile -clad shed roof covers a small lean-to addition at the northwest corner and an entry at the west elevation. A small cottage of similar style and a newer structure with concrete block walls and flat roof lie southwest of the main house. *P3b. Resources Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP2. Single Family Property *P4. Resources Present: M Building ❑ Structure ❑ Object ❑ Site ❑ District ❑ Element of District ❑ Other (Isolates, etc.) Date Constructed/Age and Sources: ❑ Prehistoric 0 Historic ❑ Both u--L;omprenenslve survey *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report/other sources or "none") City of La Quinta Historic Context Statement *Attachments: ®NONE ❑ Location Map ❑ Archaeological Record ❑ District Record ❑ Photograph Record ❑ Other: (List) ❑ Sketch Map ❑ Continuation Sheet ❑ Building, Structure and Object Record ❑ Linear Feature Record ❑ Milling Station Record []Rock Art Record []Artifact Record DPR 523A (1/95) *Required information �'�� - �`' �' }� � E� i t� ��•�• �1 }}//rr{{. f -". �'�� - �`'