MUP 2015-0004Office Use Oniv City Of Ga Qyinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAx:760.777.1233 Case Number u ?- Notes: Accepted Assigned By To, _ v,* -GQ MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION 3U -Day Deadline RECEIVED JUL 15 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 14 2015 [� CITY OF LP. uU,N1TA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTf^.ENT Sections A, B and C are to be completed bV the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon SECTION_A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Saxony Convention Center Project Description: Convention Center hosting conventions, trade shows, festivals for art, culture and music APN #(s): 600-340-028, 600-349-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029 Site Address/ Location: 79315 Highway 111, La Quinta, California General Plan: Approved Specific Plan: Approved Proposed Phases: 0 - AS is Zoning: Proposed Use: CR Convention Center Belated Cases: Approved Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:1Applicalion Submittal Fonns\ApplicationsWUPWOP Application D5.20 13.doc SECTION B — STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: Convention Center hosting conventions, trade shows and festivals for art, culture and music. The events will provide our guests with food and beverages of all types. Hours of operation: Varies - Dally Number of employees: 60 List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: None Types of equipment and processes used: Standard Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: None Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: Supporting Tourism and attracting business to the area. Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of S City of La Quinta - Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P.'Application submittal FormslAppi"tionsWUPWUP Application - 05.20.13.doc 0 SECTION C - APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: La Quinta Tourism LP_ (Name) • 760-568-1222 (Phone) 74399 Highway 111, Suite D Palm Desert, CA 92260 martingsaxonyusa.com (Mailing Address) Owner(s): La Quinta Tourism LP (Name) Architect: N/A (Mailing Address) (Email) 760-568-1222 ____ (Phone) (Email) (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License tt) Applicant Certification / certify that l have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. 1 further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. l understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulat'on , Title 14, Section 15109. 07/08/15 Applicant's Signature: �'' _ Date.- Print Name. Dolemo Owner Certification I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real prope Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: Date: D T rvi Print Name(s): ftp i,, 17n.' Q *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P )Application Submittal FormsApplicationsWUPWUP Application - 05.20.13.doc 0 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline AW Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION • Planning Stamp Fin_7ncr: St;ttTtD Sections A. B and C are to be completed by the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section Q unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon SECTION A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Saxony Convention Center Project Description: Convention Center hosting conventions, events, trade shows, festivals for arts, culture and music APN #(s): 600-340-028, 600-349-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029 Site Address/ Location: 79315 Highway 111, La Quinta, California General Plan: Approved Zoning: CG Specific Plan: Approved Proposed Use: Convention Centel' Proposed Phases: Related Cases: Approved Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Applicalion Submittal Form s\Applications\M UP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc 0 0 SECTION B -STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: Convention Center hosting conventions, trade shows and festivals for art culture and music Hours of operation: Varies - Daily Number of employees: •1 List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: None Types of equipment and processes used: Standard Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: None Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: Supporting Tourism and attracting business to the area. Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:Wpplication Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION C - APPLICAW/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: La Quinta Tourism LP 760-568-1222 (Name) (Phone) 74399 Highway 111, Suite D Palm Desert, CA 92260 martin@saxonyusa.com (Mailing Address) (Email) Owner(s): La Quinta Tourism LP 760-568-1222 (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: N/A (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License #) Applicant Certification I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15109. Applicant's Signature: M\ VI_\ Z Date: 08/10/15 Print Name: Martin Dolemo Owner Certification I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and l am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: VUR\ Date: 08/10/15 Print Name(s): Martin Dolemo *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P 1Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Date Paid: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Paid By: MARTEC INVETMENTS LP Cashier: MRA Pay Method: CHECK 6914 Martec Investments LP 144; 6914 7/,/o/ � zoo . 00 • W4 -y OF� August 20, 2015 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quinto Tourism, LP 74399 Highway 111, Suite D Palm Desert, CA 92260 • SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004: SAXONY CONVENTION CENTER Dear Mr. Dolemo: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request to establish and operate a 135,000± square foot convention center located at 79315 Highway 111. The approval is subject to the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS 1. Consistency with General Plan - The land use is consistent with the general plan. The proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code - The use is consistent with the provisions of the City zoning code. The requested use will comply with all applicable development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Surrounding Uses - Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. The proposed facility is in an existing developed shopping center with nearby retail uses. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. This minor use permit may be modified or revoked by the Community Development Director should it be determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, improvements or other uses in proximity to the subject property, or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. City of La Quinta reserves the right to review and monitor the 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta_org 0 0 operation of this facility and modify Conditions of Approval regarding business hours, occupancy, parking and other operational conditions. 2. By operating this facility, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Minor Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 3. Any expansion or substantial modification that results in a change of use shall require amendment of this minor use permit. Minor modifications to this permit shall be considered by the Community Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, and may require notification of surrounding property owners/tenants prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 4. The use of the facility as a convention center is further described as follows: "The convention center will host conventions, meetings, exhibitions, conferences, special events, trade shows, fashion shows as well as festivals for arts, culture and music. The center will be catered from outside sources." 5. No event shall exceed 7 continuous days 6. All activity associated with the convention center shall adhere to the City's noise standards as represented in Municipal Code Section 9.100.210. 7. All producers and vendors associated with events and functions open to the public in which goods or merchandise will be sold in booths or exhibits shall be required to obtain a City Business License. Please direct all producers and vendors to contact the City's Finance Department at (760) 777-7060 to obtain a business license. 8. No outdoor music shall occur without prior notification and approval by the Community Development Director. 9. No commercial or sponsor signage is allowed on the exterior of the building, except as provided for by Municipal Code Chapter 9.160. 10.The Community Development Department shall be notified of all ticketed events or functions with an anticipated attendance of 500 or more persons scheduled to operate past 11:00PM. The Community Development Director shall have the right to require event or function specific conditions, or require issuance a temporary use permit. 2 11. Applicant shall submit tenant improvement plans through the Fire Department and La Quinta Building Division. Additional requirements will be addressed during the plan check review process. This action is final unless appealed by you or other interested party to the Planning Commission, within 15 days of the action. Please contact our department should you wish to appeal. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, Les Johnson Community Development Director 2 0 0 • ta Qa�fra — GEM cofxhe DESERT --- December 29, 2016 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quinta Tourism, LP 74399 Highway 111, Suite D Palm Desert, CA 92260 • SUBJECT: Director's Hearing (Revocation of MUP 2015-0004) Dear Mr. Dolemo: At the meeting of December 14, 2016, the Design and Development Director acted to not revoke Minor Use Permit 2015-0004 after considering evidence of landscape improvements, on-site maintenance debris removal, and a contract for future site maintenance at 79315 Highway 111. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760)777- 7062. SinceP-il ely, erez Planning Manager 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org T • DATE: CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: DIRECTOR'S HEARING STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 14, 2016 MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 LA QUINTA TOURISM LP LA QUINTA TOURISM LP • FILE COPY PH 1 PROPOSAL: CONSIDER PERMIT REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A 135,000 SQUARE -FOOT CONVENTION CENTER CEQA: THE CONVENTION CENTER USE UNDER MUP 2015-0004 IS EXEMPT FROM FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 CLASS 1 (EXISTING FACILITIES). LOCATION: LEGAL: RECOMMENDED ACTION: 79315 HIGHWAY 111 APN: 600-340-028, 600-349-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029 Staff recommends that the Director consider evidence of landscape improvements, on-site maintenance, debris removal, and future site maintenance by the applicant of Minor Use Permit (MUP) 2015-0004 and decide whether revocation of the permit is warranted. Revocation Findings are included if the Director decides to revoke the permit. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The conditions of approval of MUP 2015-0004 authorize the Director to modify or revoke the Minor Use Permit if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. A Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property was recorded on January 26, 2016 due to the removal of canopy trees, lack of on-site landscape maintenance, and debris at the subject site. The applicant did not comply with the October 6, 2016 deadline to abate the property nuisances pursuant to the Letter of Agreement entered into between the City of La Quinta and applicant. Staff requests that the Director of Design and Development consider revocation of MUP 2015-0004 with the evidence of progress by the applicant towards abatement of the public nuisance pursuant to a Secondary Agreement entered into between the Page 1 of 3 0 applicant and the City. BACKGROUND: 0 The Community Development Director approved Minor Use Permit 2015-0004 on August 20, 2015 to establish and operate a 135,000 square foot convention center located at 79315 Highway 111 (Attachment 3). The building is considered an "M" Occupancy, Mercantile use and requires a change to an "A" Occupancy, Assembly use. The applicant submitted a building permit application to the City on October 30, 2015 for proposed tenant improvements to remodel the building in preparation of the planned Coachella Valley Wind Up music festival event. The convention center use will be considered established once a certificate of occupancy is issued for completion of convention center tenant improvements. The applicant did not proceed with the building remodel and the building permit for tenant improvements was never issued. During the wind events in November 2015, numerous mature mesquite trees in the landscape diamonds in the parking area of the subject site were observed to have fallen over by City staff. The applicant subsequently removed up to 100 trees and did not proceed to replace the trees. In addition to the removed trees, the site was observed to include a lack of landscape maintenance and debris. On January 25, 2016 Code Compliance mailed a Notice of Public Nuisance regarding the landscape and general site maintenance (Attachment 4). A Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property was recorded on the property on January 26, 2016 (Attachment 5). The applicant entered into a letter of agreement with the City of La Quinta on May 10, 2016 for correcting the public nuisance no later than October 6, 2016 and the correction of the public nuisance issues did not occur by the agreed date (Attachment 6). ANALYSIS: The Director of Design and Development is authorized by Condition No. 1 of MUP 2015- 0004 to modify or revoke the approval if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. Planning Division staff informed the applicant on October 24, 2016 that revocation proceedings would be initiated due to the lack of compliance by the applicant with Condition No. 1 and based on the inability of the applicant to perform nuisance abatement work pursuant to the May 10, 2016 Letter of Agreement. A notice of the revocation proceedings for the minor use permit was mailed to the applicant on November 1, 2016. A secondary Letter of Agreement was executed on November 1, 2016 between the applicant and the City of La Quinta, which requires the replanting of all missing trees, landscape maintenance and the corrections of all violations at the subject site by December 6, 2016 with intermediate benchmarks (Attachment 7). Staff has observed the abatement activities occurring on the site beginning November 8, 2016, which Page 2 of 3 included removal of all tree stumps, repair of the irrigation system, debris removal, and installation of new ficus and mesquite trees of a mature size. Anthony Moreno, Code Compliance Supervisor, conducted a site inspection on November 28, 2016 and observed substantial progress by the applicant toward the requirements of the Secondary Letter of Agreement. At the December 7, 2016 Director's hearing, the Director of Design and Development requested evidence of an executed contract between the applicant and a landscape maintenance contractor for future maintenance of the site to demonstrate compliance with the terms of the Secondary Letter of Agreement. PUBLIC REVIEW: Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 4, 2016, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. No comment letters have been received. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City of La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that the convention center use is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to section 15301 (Class 1 - Existing Facilities). Prepared by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Site Map 3. Approval Letter MUP2015-0004 4. Notice of Public Nuisance- January 25, 2016 5. Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property 6. Letter of Agreement- May 10, 2016 7. Secondary Letter of Agreement- November 1, 2016 8. Site Photos January 22, 2016 9. Site Photos November 30, 2016 Page 3 of 3 FINDINGS— RECOMMENDED REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 LA QUINTA TOURISM ADOPTED: Page 1 of 1 FINDINGS FOR REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 On January 25, 2016 Code Compliance mailed a Notice of Public Nuisance regarding the lack of landscape and general site maintenance. 2. A Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property regarding violations of La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 9.60240 (E)(3), 11.72.030 (T)(1), 11.72.030 (T)(7), 11.72.030 (T)(8) and 11.73.0340 (A) was recorded on January 26, 2016. 3. The applicant entered into a letter of agreement on May 10, 2016 with the City of La Quints for correcting the public nuisance no later than October 6, 2016 and the correction of the public nuisance issues did not occur by the agreed date. 4. Condition #1 upon which such approval was granted or extended has been violated. Pursuant to Condition #1, the Director is authorized to modify or revoke the approval of it be determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, improvements, or other uses in proximity to the subject property, or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. The property has been determined to be operated to constitute a public nuisance as evidenced by the Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property (January 26, 2016) and an administrative citation #16-0503 (October 9, 2016). 5. Surrounding Uses. Since approval of the application the subject property has been maintained so as to create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. • Proiect Information CASE NUMBER: MINOR USE PERMIT 2016-0004 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA TOURISM LP PROPERTY OWNER: LA QUINTA TOURISM LP 0 ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSAL: CONSIDER PERMIT REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A 135,000 SQUARE -FOOT CONVENTION CENTER LOCATION: 79315 HIGHWAY 111 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL CENTER SOUTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WOLFF WATERS PLACE EAST: COMMERCIAL PARK MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES STORQUEST SELF STORAGE DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WEST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WALMART SUPERCENTER ATTACHMENT 3 yipIry August 20, 2015 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quints Tourism, LP 74399 Highway 111, Suite D Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004: SAXONY CONVENTION CENTER Dear Mr. Dolemo: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request to establish and operate a 135,000± square foot convention center located at 79315 Highway 111. The approval is subject to the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS Consistency with General Plan - The land use is consistent with the general plan. The proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code - The use is consistent with the provisions of the City zoning code. The requested use will comply with all applicable development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Surrounding Uses - Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. The proposed facility is in an existing developed shopping center with nearby retail uses. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL This minor use permit may be modified or revoked by the Community Development Director should it be determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, improvements or other uses in proximity to the subject property, or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. City of La Quinta reserves the right to review and monitor the 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta J California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org 9 operation of this facility and modify Conditions of Approval regarding business hours, occupancy, parking and other operational conditions. 2. By operating this facility, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Lo Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Minor Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shalt have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. Any expansion or substantial modification that results in a change of use shall require review by the Community Development Director for land use consistency and determination of permit modifications/amendments, if any. Minor modifications to this permit shall be considered in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, All other modifications/ amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100, 4. The use of the facility as a convention center is further described as follows: "The convention center will host conventions, meetings, exhibitions, conferences, special events, trade shows, fashion shows as well as festivals for arts, culture and music. The center will be catered from outside sources." 5. No single event shall exceed 7 continuous days of operations without prior review and approval by the Community Development Director. 6. All activity associated with the convention center shall adhere to the City's noise standards as represented in Municipal Code Section 9.100.210. 7. All producers and vendors associated with events and functions open to the public in which goods or merchandise will be sold in booths or exhibits shall be required to obtain a City Business License. Please direct all producers and vendors to contact the City's Finance Department at (760) 777-7060 to obtain a business license. 8. No outdoor music shall occur without prior notification and approval by the Community Development Director. 9. No commercial or sponsor signage is allowed on the exterior of the building, except as provided for by Municipal Code Chapter 9.160. 10.The Community Development Department shall be notified of all ticketed events or functions with an anticipated attendance of 500 or more persons scheduled to operate past 11:00PM. The Community Development Director shall have the right to require event or function specific conditions, or require issuance a temporary use permit. 11.Applicant shall submit tenant improvement plans through the Fire Department and La Quinta Building Division. Additional requirements will be addressed during the plan check review process. This action is final unless appealed by you or other interested party to the Planning Commission, within 15 days of the action. Please contact our department should you wish to appeal. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely es J on Community Development Director ATTACHMENT 4 Tw�v 4 a Va" 78-495 CALLETAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7155 NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUI-SANC La Quinta Tourism Lp 74399 Highway 111, # D RE: 79315 Highway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 APN: APN: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, Case No: 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340-023, 600-020-028 Date: January 25, 2016 Case #: 16-0138 To SAXONY GROUP: A recent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 22, 2016 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions that constitute a public nuisance. You are required to correct these violations within Thirty (30) DAYS, or be subject to City abatement, under LQMC 11.72,050 CODESECTION VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCEDATE 9.60.240 (E-3) LQMC - VIOLATION: All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean February 24, 2016 LANDSCAPE/RESIDENTIAL and healthy condition, including properpruning, mowing of lawns, SUPPLEMENT weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and regular watering. Permanent automatic irrigation facilities shall be provided foralllandscaped areas. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintain landscaping in accordance with Landscape Standards Code. Replace the 100 trees cut to the base in the parking lot whichwere part of the approved landscape Asa property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as a lien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you require assistance. S inc a re ly, Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail plan (remove stumps, and repair irrigation). Replace the 1 palm tree dead at the southern entry off Dune Palms Rd. Remove debris, and weeds from site, replace missing irrigation lids, replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T7) LQMC - CLEAR VIOLATION: Any tree, shrubbery orplant growing onto or over February 24, 2016 SIGHT VIEW the public right-of-way which impairs pedestrian orvehicular traffic orprevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and signals. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Trim back all trees, shrubs o r plant growththat impairs orobstructs the pedestrian or vehicle traffic right-of-way, including v is ual c le aranc a and height clearance fo r emergency vehicles. Trim tree at n/wportion of parking lot that obstructs stop sign. Trim all trees, and shrubs that obstruct pedestrian sidewalk, including erosion of dirt on pedestrian sidewalk on Dune Palms Rd. 11,72.030 (T 8) LQMC - VIOLATION: Dead, decayed, diseased orhazardous trees, February 24, 2016 OVERGROWN VEGETATION hedges, weeds, shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin orconstitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove hazardous trees or other vegetation that creates a health and safety issue, a habitat forrats, vermin, or an unsightly appearance and a fire hazard. Trim hazardous tree by the old Sam's gas station near eastern block wall that has snapped branches hanging, and remove and replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T 1) LQMC - - VIOLATION: Allowing the following to exist on property: February 24, 2016 LUMBER, REFUSE, JUNK Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play equipment which is visible from the public right-of-way. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned materials, orunused objects or equipment. Remove all debris from the site. Asa property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as a lien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you require assistance. S inc a re ly, Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail • • Twy4 4C1gbrw 78-495 CAVE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7155 NOTICE OF PUBLIC NU1,SANC Saxony Group RE: 79315 HIghway 111 79315 Highway III APN : APN: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, La Quinta, CA 92253 Case No: 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340-023, 600-020-028 Date: January 25, 2016 Case #: 16-0138 To SAXONY GROUP: A recent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 22, 2016 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions that constitute a public nuisance. You are required to correct these violations within Thirty (30) DAYS, or be subject to City abatement, under LQMC 1 1.72.050 CODES ECT IO N VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DAT E 9.60.240 (E-3) LQMC - VIOLATION: All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean February 24, 2016 LANDSCAPE/RESIDENTIAL and healthy condition, including properpruning, mowing of lawns, SUPPLEMENT weeding, removal of Etter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and re g ular wate ring. Permanent automatic irrigation facilities shall be provided for all landscaped areas. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintain landscaping in accordance with Landscape Standards Code. Replace the 100 trees cut to the base in the parking lot which were part of the approved landscape As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above fisted violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as alien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shallbe inwriting and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone numberif yourequire assistance. Sincere) Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail plan (remove stumps, and repair irrigation). Replace the I palm tree dead at the southern entry off Dune Palms Rd. Remove debris, and weeds from site, replace missing irrigation lids, replace all dead shrubs. l 1.72.030 (T7) LQMC - CLEAR VIOLATION: Any tree, shrubbery orplant growing onto or over February 24, 2016 SIGHT VIEW the public right-of-way which impairs pedestrian orvehicular traffic or prevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and signals. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Trim back all trees, shrubs orptant growth that impairs or obstructs the pedestrian or vehicle traffic rig ht -o f -way, including visual clearance and height clearance for emergency vehicles. Trim tree at n/w portion of parking lot that obstructs stop sign. Trim all trees, and shrubs that obstruct pedestrian sidewalk, including erosion of dirt o n pe de s trian sidewalk on Dune Palms Rd. 11.72.030 (T8) LQMC - VIOLATION: Dead, decayed, diseased orhazardous trees, Febnimy 24, 2016 OVERGROWN VEGETATION hedges, weeds, shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin or constitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove hazardous trees or other vegetation that creates a health and safety issue, a habitat for rats, vermin, or an unsightly appearance and a fire hazard. Trim hazardous tree by the old Sam's gas station near eastern block wall that has snapped branches hanging, and remove and replace all dead shrubs. 1 1.72.030 (T1) LQMC - VIOLATION: Allowing the following to exist on property: February 24, 2016 LUMBER, REFUSE, JUNK Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play equipmentwhich is visible from the public right-of-way. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned materials, orunused objects or equipment. Remove all debris from the site. As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above fisted violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as alien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shallbe inwriting and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone numberif yourequire assistance. Sincere) Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail Tit!t 4 4 a" 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7155 NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUISANC Centre at La Quinta Partners RE: 79315 Highway 111 C/O BarkerPaciflc Group Inc. APN: APN: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 3 Hamilton Landing No. 200 Novato, CA 94949 Case No: 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340-023, 600-020-028 Date: January 25, 2016 Case #: 16-0138 T o C ENT RE AT LA Q UINT A P ART NERS : A recent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 22, 2016 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions that constitute a public nuisance. You are required to correct these violations within Thirty (30) DAYS, or be subject to City abatement, wider LQMC 11.72.050 CODE SECTION VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DATE 9.60.240 (E-3) LQMC - VIOLATION: All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean February 24, 2016 LANDSCAPE/RESIDENTIAL and healthy condition, including properpruning, mowing of lawns, SUPPLEMENT weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and regular watering. Permanent automatic irrigation facilities shallbe provided forall landscaped areas. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintain landscaping in accordance with Landscape Standards Code. Replace the 100 trees cut to the base in the parldng lot which were part of the approved landscape plan (remove stumps, and repair irrigation). Replace the 1 palm Asa property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as a hen upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number ifyourequire assistance. Sincere) , Anthony Moreno f Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail urce dead at the southementry off Dune Palms Rd. Remove debris, and weeds from site, replace missing irrigation lids, replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T7) LQMC -CLEAR VIOLAT I0N:Any tree, shrubbery or plant growing onto or over February 24, 2016 SIGHT VIEW the public right-of-way which impairs pedestrian orvehicular traffic orprevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and signals. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Trim backall trees, shrubs orplant growth that impairs orobstructs the pedestrian orvehicle traffic right-of-way, including visual clearance and height clearance for emergency vehicles. Trim tree at n/w portionof parking lot that obstructs stop sign. Trim all trees, and shrubs that obstruct pedestrian sidewalk, including erosion of dirt on pedestrian s ide walk o n Dune Palms Rd. 11.72.030 (T8) LQMC - VIOLATION: Dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, February 24, 2016 OVERGROWN VEGETATION hedges, weeds, shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin or constitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove hazardous trees orother vegetationthat creates a health and safety issue, a habitat forrats, vermin, oran unsightly appearance and a fire hazard. Trim hazardous tree by the old Sam's gas station neareastemblock wall that has snapped branches hanging, and remove and replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (TI) LQMC - VIOLATION: Allowing the following to exist on property: February 24, 2016 LUMBER, REFUSE, JUNK Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play equipment which is visible from the public right-of-way. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned materials, orunused objects or equipment. Remove alldebris from the site. Asa property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as a hen upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number ifyourequire assistance. Sincere) , Anthony Moreno f Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail L a In Aor i 41 • PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City Clerk's Department AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0, CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: City Clerk's Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 ATTACHMENT 5 fs DOC # 2016-0027771 01/26,12016 08:00 AM Fees: $0.00 Page 1 of 4 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder "This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording" Receipted by ALYCIA #778 SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY [79315 Highway 111, APN 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340- 023, and 600-020-028, La Quinta Tourism Lp] Title of Document THIS AREA FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION • • Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 RECORD/NG REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk's Department CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY Notice is hereby given to all persons, pursuant to the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as adopted by Title1l of the La Quinta Municipal Code that the property described below has been inspected and found to be substandard as defined in Chapter 11.72 of the above code and the owner of record have been or will be notified. Violations consist of: LQMC 9.60.240 (E) (3) Landscape Maintenance, replace 101 trees, trim vegetation, replace missing green irrigation lids. LQMC 1 1.72.030 (T) (1) Remove refuse, debris, discarded objects. LQMC 11 .72.030 (T) (7) Abate trees, shrubs, erosion/dirt obstruct stop sign and pedestrian sidewalk. LQMC 11 .72.030 (T) (8) Hazardous Tree by gas station, trim hanging branches. LQMC 11.73.030(A) Abate Graffiti onsite. This document will be expunged only when the City Building Official finds that the public nuisance has been abated and either that such abatement has been accomplished at no cost to the City or that any such costs have been repaid to the City or that such costs have been placed upon the tax rolls as a special assessment pursuant to the Government Code. Detailed information regarding this Declaration, Code Violations, or any costs or fees that must be paid the City, may be obtained by contacting the Building & Safety Department, Code Compliance Division LEGAL DESCRIPTION Owners of Record: La Quinta Tourism Lp Area: 020-011 74399 Highway 111 # D, Palm Desert CA, 92260 Situs:79315 Highway 111 A PN :600-340-028, 600- 340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029,600-340-023, and 600-020-028 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 2 PARCEL I: PARCELS 2, 3 AND THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1, ALL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30420, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 202, PAGES 40- 44 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TOGETHER WITH PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33588, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 214 PAGES 24 THROUGH 27 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFRORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF SAID PARCEL MAP 33588; THENCE NORTH 90000'00" WEST, 604.96 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00°13'48" EAST, 13.25 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89°51'43 WEST, 28.26 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°00'00" EAST, 526.15 FEET, THENCE NORTH 90000'00" EAST, 32.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00100'00" EAST, 155.10 FEET. THENCE NORTH 90000'00" EAST, 266.98 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 000 13'41 EAST, 530.13 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89046'19" EST, 8.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00°13'41" EAST, 186.19 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 000 13'56EAST, 224.22 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. APN NOS: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029 PARCEL II: PARCEL 4, TOGETHER WITHT HAT PORTION OF PARCEL 5 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30420, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 202, PAGES 40 THROUGH 44 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 4 OF SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE NORTH 00013'4EST 10 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PARCEL 5; THENCE NORTH 90°00'00" WEST 254.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL 5; THENCE SOUTH 00°00'00" EAST 10 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4; THENCE SOUTH 90100'00" EAST 354.75 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 4, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LAND IS CREATED AND DESCRIBED AS PARCEL A IN THAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 02-391 AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 02-790690 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. APN NO. 600-340-023 PARCEL III: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33588, AS SHOWN BY MAP RECORDED AUGUST 18, 2005 ON FILE IN BOOK 214, PAGE 24 THROUGH 27, OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. APN NO. 600-020-028 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By:� _DATE: DATE: January 25, 2016 City of La Quinta Anthony Moreno, Code Compliance Officer 3 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY [79315 Highway 111, APN 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340- 023, and 600-020-028, La Quinta Tourism LpI Exempt Recordina Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CITY OF LA QUINTA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) On January 25, 2016 before me,SLtSMAYsEL-SNotary Public, personally appeared Anthony Moreno who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 0 F SUSAN'MAYSELS " .F Commission 2017258 Z ;r: Notary Public - California i Riverside County '— M Comm. Expires Apr 13, 2017 (seal) • • ATTACHMENT 6 lb T41Y 4 4 Q" May 10, 2016 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quints Tourism 74399 Highway 111, # D Palm Desert, CA 92260 Re: Letter of Agreement/Case 16-0138 Dear Mr. Dolemo: Thank you for meeting with Planning Manager Gabriel Perez and myself Thursday May 5, 2016 at La Quinta City Hall. In our discussion you stated you were agreeable to correct the violations noted in the January 25, 2016 Notice of Public Nuisance at 79315 Highway 111. After discussion of potential dates, we reached an agreement that you would perform these activities to satisfy the corrections in these time frames. 1) You would start stump removal of the approximate 100 trees cut at the base in 45 days no later than June 20, 2016; 2) You would complete the stump removal in 45 days no later than August 4, 2016; 3) You would start tree planting in 30 days no later than September 6, 2016; 4) You would complete tree planting and irrigation repair no later than October 6, 2016, including the correction of any, and all issues noted in the January 25, 2016 Notice of Public Nuisance. A failure to correct the violations noted in the January 25, 2016, Notice of Public Nuisance in the time frames agreed to may result legal remedies listed in the notice. The City appreciates your agreement to resolve these issues as noted above. Your signature below is considered a binding agreement to these terms. Sincerely, Anthony Mo eno, Code Compliance Supervisor, 760-777-7034 NOY,Ta 1�olls�n� Print Name Signature 0S to 1 Date 78-495 Calle Tampico i La Qulnta i Callfornla 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.la-Qulnta.orR • JEW � �OFli1v November 1, 2016 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quints Tourism 74399 Highway 111, # D Palm Desert, CA 92260 • ATTACHMENT 7 Re: Secondary Letter of Agreement/79315 Highway 111 -Case 16-0138 Dear Mr. Dolemo: The Notice of Public Nuisance dated January 25, 2016, provided thirty days to correct all noted violations. On May 10, 2016, you signed a Letter of Agreement with the City to correct all violations by October 6, 2016, which were not met, As the first component of this agreement, the City requires you to complete the following items by November 8, 2016: • Provide a fully executed copy of a contract between you and a legitimate landscape company with a City business license, identifying the scope of work, a schedule, the size of the crew, and type of equipment to be mobilized, • Confirm both water and power service are in operation at the site. Provided these items are completed, the City requires the public nuisance to be abated. This includes trimming of overgrown vegetation, removal and replacement of dead shrubs, restoration of water and electric utilities, repair of all irrigation, testing of irrigation to ensure it is in proper working condition, trimming of remaining existing trees, removal of tree root balls and repair of irrigation where the 100 plus trees were cut down. All replanted trees will be required to be eight to ten feet tall, (a minimum fifteen gallon size container). Any and all modifications to the existing landscape palette shall be approved by the City in advance of planting, Any trees installed in internal parking areas shall be canopy trees that will shade 50 percent of the parking area at 15 years of age. 1) Replant 25 trees with like material, LTbjl benchmark must be_ met no LaVAhan.M4vgmbtr 15, 2016 78-495 Callc Tampico I La Qulnta j Callfornla 92253 1 760.777.7000 1www.Lu ulnW org 2) Replant 50 trees with like material. (This benchmark must be met no later than Novem er 22,_Q16), 3) Replant 75 trees with like material. (This benchmark must be met no Later than Novemberr29. 20162 4) Replant 100 plus trees with like material. All violations must be corrected, and outstanding citation(s) must be paid in full. LT–tlU 4��tZ Ckit]�St� QL�LrZ�1aIt�LShan Decernb f 6, 20161. 5) The site must stay in good standing, which means continued maintenance requiring the landscape compapy to be present working 9—n.the 5'Lte gn a Mg. (ar weekly or biweekly basis with a sufficient crew to not allow the sit* to degrade in anyway to its current condition. A failure to sign this agreement, or to meet any, and all benchmarks of this proposed agreement once signed and agreed to may result in the City pursuing other legal remedies including administrative citation, court proceedings, nuisance abatement, and/or receivership. Sincerely, Anthony Moreno, Code Compliance Supervisor 760-777-7034 L A, Q u I vT N 7 rn, IZ t 1.M t P MAP-TiV Dn�Tr-(% Property Owner's Printed Name Proper y Owner's ignature & Date CC: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager I fA>n;, Ale-rew p Staff Member's Printed Name A6 d /57 Staff Member's/Signature & Date III kl,2-o /�, • • ATTACHMENT 8 SITE PHOTOS- JANUARY 22, 2016 i Q ---=-=---- x.Nh., 0714- • ��,�j. JRA �' ��1 0 0 .74 L DATE: CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER DIRECTOR'S HEARING STAFF REPORT NOVEMBER 16, 2016 MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 LA QUINTA TOURISM LP LA QUINTA TOURISM LP PH 2 FILE COPY PROPOSAL: CONSIDER PERMIT REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A 135,000 SQUARE FEET CONVENTION CENTER CEQA: THE CONVENTION CENTER USE UNDER MUP 2015-0004 IS EXEMPT FROM FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 CLASS 1 (EXISTING FACILITIES). LOCATION: LEGAL: RECOMMENDED ACTION: 79315 HIGHWAY 111 APN: 600-340-028, 600-349-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029 Continue the Director's Hearing of Minor Use Permit (MUP) 2015-0004 to December 7, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. (Attachment 9) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The conditions of approval of MUP 2015-0004 authorize the Director to modify or revoke the Minor Use Permit if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. A Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property was recorded on January 26, 2016 due to the removal of canopy trees, lack of on-site landscape maintenance, and debris at the subject site. The applicant did not comply with the October 6, 2016 deadline to abate the property nuisances pursuant to the Letter of Agreement entered into between the City of La Quinta and applicant. Staff requests that the Director of Design and Development Director consider revocation of MUP 2015-0004 as the public nuisance abatement has not occurred. BACKGROUND: The Community Development Director approved Minor Use Permit 2015-0004 on Page 1 of 3 August 20, 2015 to establish and operate a 135,000 square foot convention center located at 79315 Highway 111 (Attachment 3). The building is considered an "M" Occupancy, Mercantile use and requires a change to an "A" Occupancy, Assembly use. The applicant submitted a building permit application to the City on October 30, 2015 for proposed tenant improvements to remodel the building in preparation of the planned Coachella Valley Wind Up music festival event. The convention center use will be considered established once a certificate of occupancy is issued for completion of convention center tenant improvements. The applicant did not proceed with the building remodel and the building permit for tenant improvements was never issued. During the wind events in November 2015, numerous mature mesquite trees in the landscape diamonds in the parking area of the subject site were observed to have fallen over by City staff. The applicant subsequently removed up to 100 trees and did not proceed to replace the trees. In addition to the removed trees, the site was observed to include a lack of landscape maintenance and debris. On January 25, 2016 Code Compliance mailed a Notice of Public Nuisance regarding the landscape and general site maintenance (Attachment 4). A Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property was recorded on the property on January 26, 2016 (Attachment 5). The applicant entered into a letter of agreement with the City of La Quinta on May 10, 2016 for correcting the public nuisance no later than October 6, 2016 and the correction of the public nuisance issues did not occur by the agreed date (Attachment 6). ANALYSIS: The Director of Design and Development is authorized by Condition No -1 of MUP 2015- 0004 to modify or revoke the approval if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. Planning Division staff informed the applicant on October 24, 2016 that revocation proceedings would be initiated due to the lack of compliance by the applicant with Condition No.1 and based on the inability of the applicant to perform nuisance abatement work pursuant to the May 10, 2016 Letter of Agreement. A notice of the revocation proceedings for the minor use permit was mailed to the applicant on November 1, 2016. A secondary Letter of Agreement was executed on November 1, 2016 between the applicant and the City of La Quinta, which requires the replanting of all missing trees, landscape maintenance and the corrections of all violations at the subject site by December 6, 2016 with intermediate benchmarks (Attachment 7). Staff has observed the abatement activities occurring on the site on November 8, 2016, which included removal of all tree stumps and the replanting of up to 25 mesquite trees. Monitoring of the progress of site improvements pursuant to the secondary letter of agreement will continue until the December 6 deadline. Page 2 of 3 0 PUBLIC REVIEW: Cl Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 4, 2016, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. No comment letters have been received. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City of La Quinto Design and Development Department has determined that the convention center use is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to section 15301 (Class 1 - Existing Facilities). Prepared by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Site Map 3. Approval Letter MUP2015-0004 4. Notice of Public Nuisance- January 25, 2016 5. Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property 6. Letter of Agreement- May 10, 2016 7. Secondary Letter of Agreement- November 1, 2016 8. Site Photos 9. Continuance Letter Page 3 of 3 9 • FINDINGS— RECOMMENDED REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 LA QUINTA TOURISM ADOPTED: Page 1ofI FINDINGS FOR REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 On January 25, 2016 Code Compliance mailed a Notice of Public Nuisance regarding the lack of landscape and general site maintenance. 2. A Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property regarding violations of La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 9.60240 (E)(3), 11.72.030 (T)(1), 11.72.030 (T)(7), 11.72.030 (T)(8) and 11.73.0340 (A) was recorded on January 26, 2016. 3. The applicant entered into a letter of agreement on May 10, 2016 with the City of La Quinta for correcting the public nuisance no later than October 6, 2016 and the correction of the public nuisance issues did not occur by the agreed date. 4. Condition #1 upon which such approval was granted or extended has been violated. Pursuant to Condition #1, the Director is authorized to modify or revoke the approval of it be determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, improvements, or other uses in proximity to the subject property, or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. The property has been determined to be operated to constitute a public nuisance as evidenced by the Notice of Substandard Building and/or Property (January 26, 2016) and an administrative citation #16-0503 (October 9, 2016). 5. Surrounding Uses. Since approval of the application the subject property has been maintained so as to create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. 0 Proiect Information • ATTACHMENT 1 CASE NUMBER: MINOR USE PERMIT 2016-0004 APPLICANT: MR. MARTIN DOLEMO PROPERTY OWNER: MR. MARTIN DOLEMO PROPOSAL: CONSIDER PERMIT REVOCATION OF MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A 135,000 SQUARE FEET CONVENTION CENTER LOCATION: 79315 HIGHWAY 111 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERICAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL CENTER SOUTH: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WOLFF WATERS PLACE EAST: COMMERCIAL PARK MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES STORQUEST SELF STORAGE DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISRTRICT WEST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WALMART SUPERCENTER 0 • ATTACHMENT 3 .y 1 t GfM rJy� n�: August 20, 2015 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quints Tourism, LP 74399 Highway 111, Suite D Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0004: SAXONY CONVENTION CENTER Dear Mr. Dolemo: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request to establish and operate a 135,000± square foot convention center located at 79315 Highway 111. The approval is subject to the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS 1. Consistency with General Plan - The land use is consistent with the general plan. The proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code - The use is consistent with the provisions of the City zoning code. The requested use will comply with all applicable development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Surrounding Uses - Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. The proposed facility is in an existing developed shopping center with nearby retail uses. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. This minor use permit may be modified or revoked by the Community Development Director should it be determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, improvements or other uses in proximity to the subject property, or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute ❑ public nuisance. City of La Quinta reserves the right to review and monitor the 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org • 0 operation of this facility and modify Conditions of Approval regarding business hours, occupancy, parking and other operational conditions. 2. By operating this facility, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Minor Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 3. Any expansion or substantial modification that results in a change of use shall require review by the Community Development Director for land use consistency and determination of permit modifications/amendments, if any. Minor modifications to this permit shall be considered in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, All other modifications/ amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 4. The use of the facility as a convention center is further described as follows: "The convention center will host conventions, meetings, exhibitions, conferences, special events, trade shows, fashion shows as well as festivals for arts, culture and music. The center will be catered from outside sources." 5. No single event shall exceed 7 continuous days of operations without prior review and approval by the Community Development Director. 6. All activity associated with the convention center shall adhere to the City's noise standards as represented in Municipal Code Section 9.100.210. 7. All producers and vendors associated with events and functions open to the public in which goods or merchandise will be sold in booths or exhibits shall be required to obtain a City Business License. Please direct all producers and vendors to contact the City's Finance Department at (760) 777-7060 to obtain a business license. 8. No outdoor music shall occur without prior notification and approval by the Community Development Director. 9. No commercial or sponsor signage is allowed on the exterior of the building, except as provided for by Municipal Code Chapter 9.160. 10. The Community Development Department shall be notified of all ticketed events or functions with an anticipated attendance of 500 or more persons scheduled to operate past 11:00PM. The Community Development Director shall have the right to require event or function specific conditions, or require issuance a temporary use permit. • 0 11.Applicant shall submit tenant improvement plans through the Fire Department and La Quinta Building Division. Additional requirements will be addressed during the plan check review process. This action is final unless appealed by you or other interested party to the Planning Commission, within 15 days of the action. Please contact our department should you wish to appeal. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely rees on Community Development Director 0 • ATTACHMENT 4 Tw�p 4 so a" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7155 NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUISANC La Quinta Tourism Lp 74399 Highway 111, # D RE: 79315 Highway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 APN: APN: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, Case No: 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340-023, 600-020-028 Date: January 25, 2016 Case #: 16-0138 To SAXONY GROUP: A recent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 22, 2016 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions that constitute a public nuisance. You are required to correct these violations within Thirty (30) DAYS, or be subject to City abatement, under LQMC 11,72.050 CODE SECTION VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DATE 9.60.240 (E-3) LQMC - VIOLATION: All landscaping shall be maintained in neat, clean February 24, 2016 LANDSCAPE/RESIDENTIAL and healthy condition, including properpruning, mowing of lawns, SUPPLEMENT weeding, removalof litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and regular watering. Permanent automatic irrigation facilities shall be provided forall landscaped areas. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintain landscaping in accordance with Landscape Standards Code. Replace the 100 trees cut to the base in the parking lot which were part of the approved landscape 0 0 As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as alien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shallbe in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034, Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you require assistance. S inc a re ly, rAnthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail plan(remove stumps, and repair irrigation). Replace the 1 palm tree dead at the southem entry off Dune Palms Rd. Remove debris, and weeds from site, replace missing irrigation lids, replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T7) LQMC - CLEAR VIOLATION: Any tree, shrubbery orplant growing onto or over February 24, 2016 SIGHT VIEW the public right-of-way which impairs pedestrian orvehicular traffic or prevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and signals. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Trim back all trees, shrubs or plant growth that impairs or obstructs the pedestrian orvehicle traffic right-of-way, including visual clearance and height clearance for emergency vehicles. Trim tree at n/w portion of parking lot that obstructs stop sign, Trim all trees, and shrubs that obstruct pedestrian sidewalk, including erosion of dirt o n p e de s trian sidewalk on Dune Palms Rd. 11,72.030 (T8) LQMC - VIOLATION: Dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, February 24, 2016 OVERGROWN VEGETATION hedges, weeds, shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin or constitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove hazardous trees or other vegetation that creates a health and safety issue, a habitat for rats, vermin, or an unsightly appearance and a fire hazard. Trim hazardous tree by the old Sam's gas station near eastern block wall that has snapped branches hanging, and remove and replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T1) LQMC - VIOLATION: Allowing the following to exist on property: February 24, 2016 LUMBER, REFUSE, JLJNK Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play equipment which is visible from the public right-of-way. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned materials, orunused objects or equipment. Remove all debris from the site. As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as alien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shallbe in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034, Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you require assistance. S inc a re ly, rAnthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail • 0 Twit 4 4 a" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (76 0) 777-7155 NOTICE OF PUBLIC NU1.SA.,'NC Saxony Group RE: 79315IFighway 111 7931511ighway 111 APN: APN: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, La Quinta, CA 92253 Case No: 600-340-002, 600-020-029, Date: January 25, 2016 To SAXONY GROUP: 600-340-023, 600-020-028 Case #: 16-0138 A recent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 22, 2016 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions that constitute a public nuisance. You are required to correct these violations within Thirty (30) DAYS, or be subject to City abatement, under LQMC 1 1.72.050 CODESECTION VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCEDATE 9.60.240 (E-3) LQMC - VIOLATION: All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean February 24, 2016 LANDSCAPE/RESIDENTIAL and healthy condition, including properpruning, mowing of lawns, SUPPLEMENT weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and regular watering. Permanent automatic irrigation facilities shall be provided for all landscaped areas. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintain landscaping in accordance with Landscape Standards Code. Replace the 100 trees cut to the base in the parking lot which were part of the approved landscape 0 0 As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above fisted violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as alien upon the property and shall become a personal obfigationof the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appealshallbe inwriting and filed withthe City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you re quire assistance. Sincere Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail plan (remove stumps, and repair irrigation). Replace the 1 palm tree dead at the southern entry off Dune Palms Rd. Remove debris, and weeds from site, replace missing irrigation lids, replace alldead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T7) LQMC - CLEAR VIOLATION: Any tree, shrubbery or plant growing onto or over February 24, 2016 SIGHT VIEW the public right-of-way which impairs pedestrian or vehicular traffic or prevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and signals. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Trim back all trees, shrubs or plant growth that impairs or obstructs the pedestrian or vehicle traffic rig ht -o f -way, including visual clearance and height clearance for emergency vehicles. Trim tree at n/w portion of parking lot that obstructs stop sign. Trim all trees, and shrubs that obstruct pedestrian sidewalk, including erosion of dirt on pedestrian sidewalk on Dune Palms Rd. 11.72.030 (T8) LQMC - VIOLATION: Dead, decayed, diseased orhazardous trees, February 24, 2016 OVERGROWN VEGETATION hedges, weeds, shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin orconstitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove hazardous trees or other vegetation that creates a health and safety issue, a habitat forrats, vermin, or an unsightly appearance and a fire hazard. Trim hazardous tree by the old Sam's gas station near eastern block wallthat has snapped branches hanging, and remove and replace all dead shrubs. 11.72.030 (T1) LQMC - VIOLATION: Allowing the following to exist on property: February 24, 2016 LUMBER, REFUSE, JUNK Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play equipment which is visible from the public right-of-way. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned materials, orunused objects or equipment. Remove alldebris from the site. As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind storms. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention of blow sand. Failure to correct the above fisted violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as alien upon the property and shall become a personal obfigationof the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appealshallbe inwriting and filed withthe City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you re quire assistance. Sincere Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail 0 T-Iihf 44a" 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7155 NOTICE OF PUBLIC NUTSANC Centre at La Quinta Partners RE: 79315 Hghway 111 C/O Barker Pacific Group Inc. APN: APN: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, Nola to, C 9494 g No. 200 Case No: 600-340-002, 600-020-029, Novato, CA 94949 600-340-023, 600-020-028 Date: January 25, 2016 Case #: 16-0138 To CENTRE AT LA QUU4TA PARTNERS: A recent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 22, 2016 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions that constitute a public nuisance. You are required to correct these violations within Thirty (30) DAYS, or be subject to City abatement, under LQMC 11.72.050 CODE SECTION VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DATE 9.60.240 (E-3) LQMC - VIOLATION: All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean February 24, 2016 LANDSCAPE/RESIDENTIAL and healthy condition, including properpnming, mowing of lawns, SUPPLEMENT weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and regularware ring. Permanent automatic irrigation facilities shall be provided for all landscaped areas. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Maintain landscaping in accordance with Landscape Standards Code. Replace the 100 trees cut to the base in the parking lot which were part of the approved landscape plan (remove stumps, and repair irrigation). Replace the 1 palm 0 • As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind stones. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention o f blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as a lien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you require assistance. Sincere[ - Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail tree dead at the southem entry off Dune Palms Rd. Remove debris, and weeds from site, replace missing irrigation lids, repLzce all dead shrubs, 11.72.030 (T7) LQMC - CLEAR VIOLATION: Any tree, shrubbery or plant growing onto or over February 24, 2016 SIGHT VIEW the public right-of-way which impairs pedestrian or vehicular traffic orprevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and signals. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Trim back all trees, shrubs orplant growththat impairs orobstructs the pedestrian orvehicle traffic right-of-way, including visual clearance and height clearance for emergency vehicles. Trim tree at n/wportionof parking lot that obstructs stop sign. Trim all trees, and shrubs that obstruct pedestrian sidewalk, including erosion of dirtonpedestrian s ide walk o n Dune Palms Rd. 11.72.030 (T8) LQMC - VIOLATION: Dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, February 24, 2016 OVERGROWN VEGETATION hedges, weeds, shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin orconstitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove hazardous trees orother vegetation that creates a health and safety issue, a habitat for -rats, vermin, or an unsightly appearance and a fire hazard. Trim hazardous tree by the old Sam's gas station near eastemblock wall that has snapped branches hanging, and remove and replace all dead shrubs. 1 1.72.030 (T 1) LQMC - VIOLATION: Allowing the following to exist onproperty: February 24, 2016 LUMBER, REFUSE, JUNK Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play equipment which is visible from the public right-of-way. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned materials, or unused objects or equipment. Remove all debris from the site. As a property owner in La Quinta, you undoubtedly share the pride which your community takes in its appearance. If you plan to do the work yourself, please do so with extreme caution as to prevent blow sand during wind stones. Cleared land requiring soil disturbance, shall be watered down or treated to aid compaction and prevention o f blow sand. Failure to correct the above listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be charged to the property owner(s) as a lien upon the property and shall become a personal obligation of the owner(s) of record. By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Anthony Moreno at (760)777-7034. Please provide the case number 16-0138 and property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if you require assistance. Sincere[ - Anthony Moreno Animal/Code Compliance Supervisor, (760)777-7034 Cc: Saxony Group, Centre at La Quinta Partners via Certified and First Class Mail IW44; Rpmdppm�- i 0 FAA 1, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City Clerk's Department AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: City Clerk's Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 0 ATTACHMENT 5 - DOC # 2016-0027771 01/26/2016 08:00 AM Fees: $0.00 Page 1 of 4 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder "This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording- Receipted by: ALYCIA #778 I SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY 179315 Highway 111, APN 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340- 023, and 600-020-028, La Quinta Tourism Lpf Title of Document THIS AREA FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION 1 • 0 Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 RECORD/NG REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk's Department CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY Notice is hereby given to all persons, pursuant to the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as adopted by Title1l of the La Quinta Municipal Code that the property described below has been inspected and found to be substandard as defined in Chapter 11.72 of the above code and the owner of record have been or will be notified. Violations consist of: LQMC 9.60.240 (E) (3) Landscape Maintenance, replace 101 trees, trim vegetation, replace missing green irrigation lids. LQMC 1 1.72.030 (T) (1) Remove refuse, debris, discarded objects. LQMC 11.72.030 (T) (7) Abate trees, shrubs, erosion/dirt obstruct stop sign and pedestrian sidewalk. LQMC 1 1.72.030 (T) (8) Hazardous Tree by gas station, trim hanging branches. LQMC 11.73.030(A) Abate Graffiti onsite. This document will be expunged only when the City Building Official finds that the public nuisance has been abated and either that such abatement has been accomplished at no cost to the City or that any such costs have been repaid to the City or that such costs have been placed upon the tax rolls as a special assessment pursuant to the Government Code. Detailed information regarding this Declaration, Code Violations, or any costs or fees that must be paid the City, may be obtained by contacting the Building & Safety Department, Code Compliance Division LEGAL DESCRIPTION Owners of Record: La Quinta Tourism Lp Area: 020-011 74399 Highway 1 1 1 # D, Palm Desert CA, 92260 Situs:79315 Highway 1 1 1 APN :600-340-028, 600- 340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029,600-340-023, and 600-020-028 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 2 CJ PARCEL I: PARCELS 2, 3 AND THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1, ALL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30420, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 202, PAGES 40- 44 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TOGETHER WITH PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33588, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 214 PAGES 24 THROUGH 27 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFRORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF SAID PARCEL MAP 33588; THENCE NORTH 90000'00" WEST, 604.96 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00° 13'48" EAST, 13.25 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89051'43 WEST, 28.26 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00000'00" EAST, 526.15 FEET, THENCE NORTH 90000'00" EAST, 32.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00100'00" EAST, 155.10 FEET. THENCE NORTH 90000'00" EAST, 266.98 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00°13'41 EAST, 530.13 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89046'19" EST, 8.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00°13'41" EAST, 186.19 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 000 1 3'56EAST, 224.22 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. APN NOS: 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029 PARCEL II: PARCEL 4, TOGETHER WITHT HAT PORTION OF PARCEL 5 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30420, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 202, PAGES 40 THROUGH 44 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 4 OF SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE NORTH 00013'4EST 10 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PARCEL 5; THENCE NORTH 90100'00" WEST 254.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL 5; THENCE SOUTH 00°00'00" EAST 10 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4; THENCE SOUTH 90100'00" EAST 354.75 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 4, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LAND IS CREATED AND DESCRIBED AS PARCEL A IN THAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 02-391 AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 02-790690 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. APN NO. 600-340-023 PARCEL III: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33588, AS SHOWN BY MAP RECORDED AUGUST 18, 2005 ON FILE IN BOOK 214, PAGE 24 THROUGH 27, OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. APN N0, 600-020-028 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By: Ap_ � ---DATE: January 25, 2016 City of La Quinta Anthony Moreno, Code Compliance Officer 3 • 0 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY [79315 Highway 111, APN 600-340-028, 600-340-003, 600-340-002, 600-020-029, 600-340- 023, and 600-020-028, La Quinta Tourism Lpl Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On January 25, 2016 before me,EASAd Et Notary Public, personally appeared Anthony Moreno who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 4 (seal) SUSANWAYSELS Commission M 2017258 w, Notary Public - California Z liivpttide County M Comm: Expires Apr 13, 2017 (seal) ATTACHMENT 6 May 10, 2016 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quinta Tourism 74399 Highway 111, # D Palm Desert, CA 92260 Re: Letter of Agreement/Case 16-0138 Dear Mr. Dolemo: Thank you for meeting with Planning Manager Gabriel Perez and myself Thursday May 5, 2016 at La Quints City Hall. In our discussion you stated you were agreeable to correct the violations noted in the January 25, 2016 Notice of Public Nuisance at 79315 Highway 111. After discussion of potential dates, we reached an agreement that you would perform these activities to satisfy the corrections in these time frames. 1) You would start stump removal of the approximate 100 trees cut at the base in 45 days no later than June 20, 2016; 2) You would complete the stump removal in 45 days no later than August 4, 2016; 3) You would start tree planting in 30 days no later than September 6, 2016; 4) You would complete tree planting and irrigation repair no later than October 6, 2016, including the correction of any, and all issues noted in the January 25, 2016 Notice of Public Nuisance. A failure to correct the violations noted in the January 25, 2016, Notice of Public Nuisance in the time frames agreed to may result legal remedies listed in the notice. The City appreciates your agreement to resolve these issues as noted above. Your signature below is considered a binding agreement to these terms. Sincerely, Anthony Mo eno, Code Compliance Supervisor, 760-777-7034 MR:NAa Print Name _ V _ Signature 05/10 1 Date 78=495 Calle Tampico I La Qulnta I Callfornia 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.ora LI T 'f 4 O -' r November 1, 2016 Mr. Martin Dolemo La Quints Tourism 74399 Highway 111, # D Palm Desert, CA 92260 LJ ATTACHMENT 7 Re: Secondary Letter of Agreement/79315 Highway 111 -Case 16-0138 Dear Mr, Dolemo: The Notice of Public Nuisance dated January 25, 2016, provided thirty days to correct all noted violations, On May 10, 2016, you signed a Letter of Agreement with the City to correct all violations by October 6, 2016, which were not met, As the first component of this agreement, the City requires you to complete the following items by November 8,2016-. • Provide a fully executed copy of a contract between you and a legitimate landscape company with a City business license, identifying the scope of work, a schedule, the size of the crew, and type of equipment to be mobilized, • Confirm both water and power service are in operation at the site. Provided these items are completed, the City requires the public nuisance to be abated. This includes trimming of overgrown vegetation, removal and replacement of dead shrubs, restoration of water and electric utilities, repair of all irrigation, testing of irrigation to ensure it is in proper working condition, trimming of remaining existing trees, removal of tree root balls and repair of irrigation where the 100 plus trees were cut down. All replanted trees will be required to be eight to ten feet tall, (a minimum fifteen gallon size container). Any and all modifications to the existing landscape palette shall be approved by the City in advance of planting. Any trees installed in internal parking areas shall be canopy trees that will shade 50 percent of the parking area at 15 years of age. 1) Replant 25 trees with like material. ffhjLbenchmark must be met no mgr tha A-NqyLenjber 15, 2016), 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Qulnta I Callfornla 92253 1 760,777.7000 www.L�� Qumtn,orR • • 2) Replant 50 trees with like material. .(This�enchmark mist be met _n g later than November 22, 20161 3) Replant 75 trees with like material. (This benchmark must be met no later than November 29.-20161 4) Replant 100 plus trees with like material. All violations must be corrected, and outstanding citation(s) must be paid in full. (This benchMrsl mu t-�em_et no later than December 6, 2016). 5) The site must shy in good standing.. which means continued maintenance reAuiring the landscape compmto be present working 2n the site o.[> -regular weekly or biweekly basis with a sufficient crew to not allow the site to degrade in any way to its current condition. A failure to sign this agreement, or to meet any, and all benchmarks of this proposed agreement once signed and agreed to may result in the City pursuing other legal remedies including administrative citation, court proceedings, nuisance abatement, and/or receivership. Sincerely, Anthony Moreno, Code Compliance Supervisor 760-777-7034 L A Q u wT o% Tn, [Z t l /"I CP �AkP_Tw DniC-r,-%A Property Owner's Printed Name Proper y Ow�eiisSip_ot�ure& Date �l/ai/iG CC: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager I Gk:rz7f/ Alcre12o Staff Members Printed Name Cwt Staff Member' Signature & Date ATTACHMENT 8 SITE PHOTOS- JANUARY 22, 2016 „�..�.„ _ -'-'mss +�-;.�.� � �•,� w R: r KATELYN K. EMPEY kempey@sbemp.com ADMITTED IN CA S m kv� ME AP T T O R N E Y S November 10, 2016 VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION BIHRKE a.RUTAN.COM Mr. William H Ihrke Rutan & Tucker 611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Re: Request for Continuance Dear Mr. Ihrke: ATTACHMENT 9 REPLY To: Palm Springs, California Per discussions with our office, I want to confirm our request, on behalf of Martin Dolemo and his company, for a Continuance of the permit revocation hearing, currently set for November 16, 2016 to December 7, 2016. We appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, SBEMP, LLP a By: Katelyn Empey KKE:ssm cc: Martin Dolemo SLOVAK BARON EMPEY MURPHY & PINKNEY LLP 1800 E Tahquitz Canyon Way 650 Town Center Drive, Ste. 1400 103 Carnegie Center Blvd., Ste. 300 2240 5th Avenue Palm Springs, California 92262 Costa Mesa, California 92626 Princeton, New Jersey 06540 San Diego, California 92101 Tel. (760) 322-2275 • Fax (760) 322-2107 Tel. (714) 435-9592 • Fax (714) 850-9011 Tel. (609) 955-3393 • Fax (609) 520-8731 Tel. (619) 501-4540 www.sbemp.com • Thursday, August 20, 24t 3:25:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time Subject: Minor use Permit Info Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 2:51:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Martin Dolemo To: Les Johnson CC: Linda Evans, Robert Radi Les At your request. I have attached a copy of the floor plan. You can now clearly see that the building is primarily one wide open space. Our renovations that we will undertake are minimal. We will add 4 restrooms to meet code. A catering serving room will be sectioned off. All catering/food will be provided by outside sources. One wall will be added to section off the storage area and a few individual rooms will be added to the rear of the main existing storage area. Fire exits and fire safety equipment will all meet code. Narrative/Operation Plan: All events/ functions will be hosted in the wide open space that we have. We will set up to accommodate the various needs of the events/functions with dividers — carpet and furniture, as every single event/function will have their own requirements and preferences. Events/Functions may include but not be limited to : Conventions, Weddings, Trade Shows, Street Fairs, Community Gatherings, Community Meetings, Charity Sponsored Events, Fashion Shows,Festivals for Art,Culture and Music, Parties for example Halloween,New Years, Academy Awards and so on, Food Tasting, Health and Wellness Events, Kid and Family Expos, Jewelry Shows, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Hospitality Expos, Beauty Expos, Home and Garden Shows, Film Festivals, Motivational Speakers, Gala's. This is a concrete building and it is great that noise ordinance is not an issue as we are hosting indoor venues. We will stop serving alcohol at the events as required by law. We will provide adequate security and police presence as dictated by various events. I called the Palm Springs Convention Center and asked what time we could keep an event open until In their facility and they indicated sometimes they have seen them go till 4 to 5am. They said people pay money to rent for a 24 hour period times how many days they need. They said of course , no out door music. We will have some events that might end at 5pm and others that might end at 6 am. It is great to be able to accommodate indoor events in La Quinta. Wow - what a great thing for La Quinta and the Millennials that we have talked so much about attracting to La Quinta, because they usually do not go to bed by 9:30pm. This Convention Center is HUGE for La Quinta and the Valley as a whole. I am hopeful that I have now met your requirements and you can issue the Minor Use Permit. This building was designed as a commercial building and I am hopeful that there will not be any operational use conditions as I have now elaborated with more detail as you requested. A Convention Center Needs to be ran like a Convention Center. I am asking for your assistance to issue this permit. Martin Pagel of 2 August 10, 2015 Mr. Les Johnson Community Development Director City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Minor Use Permit Mr. Les Johnson, I am writing to provide clarification to the City of La Quinta in order to achieve the minor use permit for the Convention Center. An application was submitted on July 8, 2015 for the minor use permit. The city requested an authorization letter from the existing owner to comply with the minor use permit for the Convention Center. This has been completed. Attached you will find a new application for a minor use permit with today's date. We are writing to you to confirm that this Convention Center is, in essence, a large open space with 4 walls surrounding the perimeter of the space. It has been confirmed by a letter from the City of La Quinta that was provided on April 13, 2015 that the use of the building as a Convention Center is permitted. We have reviewed your request for a few more details for clarity as requested via email on July 15, 2015. The following items were requested from the City: "Please note the following is needed: - Project Narrative - Operations Plan - Floor Plan (Exhibition space, meeting halls/rooms, ballrooms, commercial areas, kitchens, restrooms, lobby areas, loading areas, storage, etc.)" The narrative/description that you have requested has been provided is as follows; the convention center will host conventions, events, trade shows, festivals for arts, culture and music. The events will provide our guests with food and beverages of all types. We will have a catering serving room and no kitchen will be added. The events will be catered from outside sources. The building was already designed as a large commercial space to serve the general public. We have attached a picture of the 5 large loading docks that currently exist. The exhibition space, meeting halls/rooms, ballroom commercial areas and lobby areas that you requested clarification on, are all encompassed by one wide open space that already exists SAXONY GROUP 1 74399 Highway 111, Suite D, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Phone: 760-568-1222 1 Fax: 760-895-4391 1 www.saxonygroup.com (as is). Please view Exhibit B that clearly depicts this. Furniture is used to divide areas as each venue has its own set of requirements — please view Exhibit C. There is a large existing outside storage area that has also been shown in Exhibit A. It is understood that the fire exits and fire operation systems are required to be inspected and signed -off on prior to opening by Cal Fire — Riverside County Fire Department, Fire Safety Specialist Office of the Fire Marshal. We are hopeful that we have now answered your questions to allow for the issuance of the minor use permit that we require. Respectfully, Martin Dolemo CEO, Saxony Group SAXONY GROUP 1 74399 Highway 111, Suite D, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Phone: 760-568-1222 1 Fax: 760-895-4391 1 www.saxonygroup.com EXISTING CO LOADING LARGE EXISTING STORAGE SPACE EXISTING COMMERCIA LOADING DOCKS �M�- =� A Miami, Florida A.. (Existing)A WO ma ► wW�A La Quinta, California (Existing) 1{a• .e • "!ilk l Exhibit Furniture Examples - All Rented to accommodate different events The - / calrforniawomen.org CONVENTION CENTER FLOOR PLAN ADD STORAGE ROOMS EXISTING STORAGE S COMMERCIAL EXISTING LOADING DOCKS j * Fire exits will be added * All fire safety equipment will meet code CATERERS ROOM (NO KITCHEN) ADD MEN'S RESTROOM ADI) WOMEN'S RES IU.)OM ADD MEN'S RESTROOM ADD W01MUN'S RES'TROOINI ENTRANCE ENTRANCE STORAGE ROOM • • 0 EXHIBIT "C" La Quinta Village Build -Out Plan EIR - Project Schedule May 8, 2015 ID Task Name 1 Authorization to Proceed 2 Prepare Initial Study and Notice of Preparation (NOP) 3 Kick-off Meeting - Site Visit 4 Prepare Initial Study and NOP 5 City Review of Initial Study and NOP 6 Revise per City Comments 7 Print and Distribute NOP 8 NOP Public Review 9 Prepare Technical Studies 10 Traffic Impact Analysis 11 Hydrology Study 12 Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Analysis 13 Historical Resources Assessment 14 Prepare Administrative Draft EIR 15 Prepare Draft EIR 16 1st Screencheck of Draft EIR 17 Revise Per City Comments 18 2nd Screencheck of Draft EIR 19 Revise for City Approval to Print 20 Print and Distribute Draft EIR 21 45 -Day Public Review Period 22 Responses to Public Comments 23 Prepare Responses to Comments 24 Findings and Statement of Overriding Consideration 25 Prepare CEQA Findings of Fact 26 Prepare Final EIR 27 Prepare M M RP 28 City Review of Admin Final EIR 29 Revise Admin Final EIR per City Comments 30 Compile and Print Final EIR 31 10 -day Agency Review of Final EIR 32 Project Management and Meetings 33 Project Management 34 Meetings 35 Meeting 1 36 Meeting 2 37 Meeting 3 38 Meeting 4 39 Meeting 5 40 Meeting 7 41 Meeting 7 42 Meeting 8 43 Public Hearings 44 1st Planning Commission Hearing 45 2nd Planning Commission Hearing 46 1st City Council Hearing 47 2nd City Council Hearing City of La Quinta • • • Start _ _Finish July 2015 Au ust 2015 September 2_015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 7/8/15 7/8/15 ♦ 2/8 7/15/15 10/14/15 7/15/15 7/15/15 ■ 8/12/15 8/31/15 -� 9/1/15 9/7/15, 9/8/15 9/11/15 9/10/15 9/14/15 9/15/15 10/14/15 8/12/15 9/29/151 8/12/15 9/22/15 8/12/15 9/22/15 8/19/15 9/29/15 8/12/15 9/22/15' 9/14/15 3/11/16 9/14/15 11/20/15 11/23/15 12/11/151 12/14/15 12/25/15 12/28/15 1/8/16' 1/11/16 1/19/16" 1/20/16 1/25/16 1/26/16 3/11/16 �1 3/11/16 3/30/16 3/11/16 3/30/16 3/11/16 3/29/16 3/11/16 3/29/16 3/11/16 4/21/16 3/11/16 3/18/16 3/17/16 3/31/16 W 4/1/16 4/7/16 4/8/16 4/11/16 4/12/16 4/21/16 7/15/15 4/21/16 7/15/15 4/21/16, 7/15/15 2/22/16 7 m 7/15/15 7/15/15, ■ 8/12/15 8/12/15 ■ 9/14/15 9/14/15 ■ 10/19/15 10/19/15 ■ 11/23/15 11/23/15 ■ 12/21/15 12/21/15 ■ 1/18/16 1/18/16 ■ 2/22/16 2/22/16 a 4/26/16 5/19/16 4/26/16 4/26/16 5/10/16 5/10/16 5/5/16 5/5/16 5/19/16 5/19/16, E113 110 Altumc;mup 2016 ■ ■ ■ May 8, 2015 L(„ ..(,II . • BARKER PACIFIC GROt j Email: Ijohnson@la-quinta.org Les Johnson Community Development Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: 79315 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA Dear Les: As owner of the subject property this letter is to authorize Martin Dolemo of La Quinta Tourism LP to submit for a minor use permit for a convention center use of the existing building located at 79315 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA. Very tr%&ly yours; WicliaelO'€Sarker Manager Centre at La Quinta Partners, LLC CC:, Paul Peszt (, \'Vii s[[ou. BoUl svnnu • Surrr: goo • Los ANCH rs • CA 900[7 *BARKER PACIFIC GROUO F. COPY Les Johnson Community Development Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: 79315 Highway III La Quinta, CA Mupao�5- 000L) Dear Les: Email: Ijohnson@la-quinta.org RECEIVED JUL 16 2015 CITY OF LA r,,_411N rel COMMUNITY DEV'LOPMENT As owner of the subject property this letter is to authorize Martin Dolemo of La Quinta Tourism LP to submit for a minor use permit for a convention center use of the existing building located at 79315 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA. Los ANGELES PHOENIX ,.-� Very trµly SAN FRAN lsC CO -, fir- J Manager \ Centre at La Quinta Partners, LLC CC: Paul Peszt TEL 213/624/1811 • FAX 213/624/1813 626 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD • SUITE 900 • LOS ANGELES • CA • 90017