MUP 2015-00100 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 0111140M- "My Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline Al% ?-015- pp�d Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION RECEIVED DEC 01 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Stamp DEC 01 2015 GIIYOFLA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Finance Stamp Sections A, B and C are to be completed bV the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon. SECTION A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Project Description APN #(s): Site Address/ Location General Plan: Specific Plan VZW La Quinta Retail The installation of twelve (12) new panel antennas, twevle (12) new RRU's, four (4) new Raycaps, and two (2) hybrid fiber cables. 643-080-015 78-950 la Highway 111, La Quinta, CA 92253 (7j-t)t Not in general plan policy overlay area Zoning: Not within a specific plan Proposed Phases: Single phase project Sacs r Ir i C T IE- General 2 CP- Commercial Park Proposed Use: Commercial w/ wireless Related Cases: CUP 2001-060 Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION B - STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: Unmanned telecommunications facility Hours of operation: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year Number of employees: None. Unoccupied. List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: City of La Quinta building and electrical permits. Types of equipment and processes used: Verizon Wireless telecommunications ouinment as noted in the clans. Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: None. Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: N/A Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R\ Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUPWUP Application - 05.20.13.doc �J r� U SECTION C - APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: Verizon Wireless 562-485-8012 (Name) (Phone) 22741 Aspan St., Suite 290, Lake Forest, CA 92630 aaron.anderson@sequoia-ds.com (Mailing Address) (Email) Owner(s): Coachella Valley Water District 760-398-2651 (Name) (Phone) PO BOX 1058, Coachella, CA 92236 N/A (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: ACO Architects, Inc. 949-716-9940 (Name) (Phone) 26170 Enterprise Way, Suite 600, Lake Forest, CA 92630 N/A (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License #) Applicant Certification I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Se on 15109. Applicant's Signature: Date: 11-24-15 Print Name: Agent for Applicant: Aaron M Anderson Owner Certification I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: Please refer to attached authorization Date: Print Name(s): *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:1Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc • • SECTION D - APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS — INITIAL TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF Each of the following items is required for submittal unless a waiver is granted by City Staff. Any waiver # of E - w d must be confirmed by initialing of this form by the # of copies Waiver >_ person granting the waiver prior to submittal. Please see paper n PDF OK'd by Section D for the description and completion copies format (initials) U) requirements of each item. (on CD- FS=F&HSize /R=Reduced to 11'x17" ROM) FILING FEES 0 Filing Fees Receipt 1 NA NA APPLICATION INFORMATION 0 Application w/Statement of Operations 1 1 NA 0 Site Photographs 1 1 PLAN SET 0 Index Sheet 1 Fs/3R 1 0 Site Plan 1 Fs/3R 1 NA 0 Floor Plan 1 Fs/3R 1 Additional information may be required based on review of the project description. Submittal waivers may be obtained through staff consultation, a pre -submittal meeting, or a preliminary review application. No applications will be accepted by mail. Minor Use Permit Application Page 4 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - PRIOR TO HEARING The following items are to be submitted after # of E - the project is scheduled* for Planning # of copies in Submitted Commission review and must be received by paper PDF format the Planning Department at least 12 working copies (on CD- days prior to the scheduled PC meeting date. ROM) ❑ CEQA Filing Fees 1 NA ❑ Bound 11"x17' reduction of complete final Plan Set with 3 1 colored Site Plan Sheets ❑ Full size (not to exceed 24"x36") complete final Plan Set 1 NA with colored Site Plan Sheets *If these required items are not received by the Planning Department by the end of the day 12 working days before the scheduled PC meeting date, the project's review will be re -scheduled for a later date. SECTION E - SUBMITTAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS FILING FEES Filing Fees are to be paid at the time of application. As part of the submittal process you will be asked to pay your fees at the Finance Department counter and return to the Planning Department counter with the receipt showing payment of fees which will be copied and submitted along with the other application materials. Additional environmental review related fees (if any) will be determined and payable at the time the application is determined complete. REQUIRED AT TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL Minor Use Permit Application Fee: $200" REQUIRED AT TIME APPLICATION IS READY FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fee: $50** Required regardless of exempt status * Payable to City of La Quinta * * Separate cashiers check payable to County of Riverside APPLICATION INFORMATION Application: A City application form complete with all requested information and original signatures in Sections A, B and C provided. If you have any questions regarding filling out the Application, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. Statement of Operations: The statement of operations portion (Section B) of the application describing various operational aspects of the proposed use shall be completed. Minor Use Permit Application Page 5 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:VWpplication Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Site Photographs: Provide one aerial view, at least one panoramic view of each side of the site, and specific views of any relevant or unusual features of the site. Printed images shall be at least 4"x6" and printed in color on 8'/z"x11" sheets. If you have any questions regarding the Site Photographs requirement, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. PLAN SET Plan Set: A complete Plan Set shall contain one copy of each required sheet, map or plan in the order listed below, stapled together in the order prescribed as a comprehensive set, and folded so that the folded size does not exceed 9"x12", rolled plans will not be accepted. All maps/plans/sheets shall be drawn on uniform sheets no greater than 24"x36" (or as approved by the Planning Department prior to initial submittal). Each sheet shall be drawn clear and legible, be accurately scaled, fully dimensioned, drawn at the same scale unless otherwise instructed, and include all the information as described in this section for each particular item. Order of Plan Set Contents 1. Index Sheet 2. Site Plan 3. Floor Plan 1. Index Sheet The Index Sheet is the Plan Set's cover sheet and shall contain the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan sheet identification number (such as 11 for Index, Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, and telephone number of person preparing map o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent • A data table formatted in the following order: o Assessors Parcel Number(s) (book, page and parcel number) o Legal description o Existing General Plan designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Zoning designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Specific Plan title and land use designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing land use and proposed land use o Total net site area identified in square feet and acres o Total building area identified in square feet and percentage of net site area o Total parking area identified in both square feet and percentage of net site area o Identification of parking ratios required by City code and provided o Number of parking spaces required by City code and provided o Number of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking spaces required & provided o Occupancy classification (per California Building Code) o Type of construction (per California Building Code) • List of Plan Set sheets • Vicinity map identifying project boundary line and location within surrounding neighborhood. Minor Use Permit Application Page 6 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R\Application submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc • 0 If you have any questions regarding the above listed Index Sheet requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 2. Site Plan The Site Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as S1 for Site Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of the person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent. • Graphic scale (engineering scale not to exceed 1" = 40') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Location and dimension of all: o property lines o required and actual setbacks for building to property lines and buildings to buildings o structures o landscape areas o drive aisles, parking stalls, and loading areas o pedestrian pathways, including ADA horizontal path of travel o trash enclosures o storage areas 0 on-site fuel tanks (above or below ground) o freestanding signs o fire hydrants onsite and within 500' of the project site o walls and fences o public utilities o public improvements, include cross sections o structures, driveways, parking areas, trees and property lines within 50' of project site's perimeter boundary • Name, location and dimension of all adjacent public streets and ROWs • Type, height, and location of all street, parking and pedestrian lights • Identification of General Plan and Zoning land use designations and existing land use of project site and all adjacent properties • Identify interior and exterior turning radius dimensions at entries and drive aisles for emergency vehicle access • If the project includes any phasing of development the proposed phases, including public improvements, shall be identified on a separate site plan sheet with a table showing acreage, building square footage, number and type of units, and number of parking spaces per phase. If you have any questions regarding the above listed Site Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 3. Floor Plan The Floor Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project Minor Use Permit Application Page 7 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R\Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc • • o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as F1 for Floor Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent o California License Stamp • Graphic scale (not smaller than the'/4"=1') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Allocation and use of all interior and exterior space, including areas for waiting, gathering, eating, storage or display of merchandise • Location of all walls, doors, and window openings If you have any questions regarding the above listed Floor Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fees: Checks payable to County of Riverside in the amounts specified for the proposed Environmental Determination as identified by the Planning Department Minor Use Permit Application Page 8 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal FormsWpplications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc ta GEM ofrhe DESERT -- December 6, 2016 Mr. Kyle DeNardo Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan St., Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0010 IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY Dear Mr. DeNardo: The Design and Development Department has reviewed and approved your request for modifications to an existing telecommunication facility located at 78-950 Highway 111, within the One -Eleven La Quints commercial center. Approval of this application is subject to the exhibits on file and the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS 1. Consistency with the General Plan: The proposed equipment at the existing telecommunication facility are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, in that the proposed equipment is intended to enhance community access to quality wireless communication services. 2. Public Welfare: Approval of the new equipment for an existing telecommunication facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public'health, safety and general welfare. 3. The proposed, new equipment at the existing telecommunication facility will minimize adverse visual impacts as the proposed replacement antennas will be placed on an existing lattice tower and not add any additional number of antennas beyond existing. No change to the height of the antenna location or general configuration is proposed. The associated equipment will also be placed entirely within existing equipment shelters. 4. The proposed new and replacement equipment is designed to facilitate continued function of the existing antenna array, without modifying the height or other pre-existing conditions to maintain the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. 5. The proposed new and replacement equipment is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta; CA 92253 760.777.7000 • tev �ev GE,,\{ ofrlx DESEKr -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all provisions of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.170 "Wireless Telecommunication Facilities" and any applicable provisions contained in Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit 2001-060. 3.. The applicant is permitted to install the following on the existing tower: • Replace twelve (12) 8' panel antennas; Install twelve (12) new radio remote units, two (2) new Raycaps, and two (2) hybrid fiber cables; Install/replace associated mechanical equipment; Replace two (2) palm trees All new and replacement equipment shall be painted to match the color on the array. Applicant is also permitted to install all other related equipment, as identified on the plans for MUP 2015-0010, within existing equipment cabinets located in the lease area. 4. New cables running from the equipment shelter to the new antennas shall be contained within the existing cable bridge between the tower and the equipment enclosure. All cables shall be interior of the tower and shall not be visible from surrounding properties. 5. The applicant shall obtain all necessary building permits from the City's Building Division, and is responsible for meeting all applicable plan check submittal requirements. Plans submitted for building permit plan check shall include an accurate vicinity map. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application. request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This action is final unless appealed by you or another person to the Planning Commission within 15 days of the action. Please contact our department should you wish to appeal. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, JA�U, AICP Principal Planner 78-495 Calle Tampico . La Quihta, CA 92253 760.777.7000 August 9, 2016 Ms. Monica Swing Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0010: VERIZON WIRELESS DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Dear Ms. Swing: The Design and Development Department has reviewed the proposed modifications to an existing telecommunication facility located at 78-950 Highway 111, and have compiled the following list of design review comments: 1. The two replacement Date Palm trees (phoenix dactylifera) shall have a minimum brown trunk height of 40 feet at time of planting. Please adjust the plan set and photo simulations accordingly. 2. It is understood that the facility will be re -branched to conceal the new antennas. A minimum of 65 fronds, ranging in length from seven (7) to ten (10) feet shall be utilized. Branches shall extend a minimum of 18 inches beyond the antenna arrays, and 70% of all branches shall be eight (8) feet in length or longer. Please note that the photo simulations depict a different representation of the proposed facility than the architectural elevations. Please ensure consistency between the two exhibits. Once the above -referenced items are addressed, we will then be able to continue processing your application. Please contact the Design and Development Department if you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss these items. If you have any further questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. ly, Nky. . Wuu, AICP Principal Planner 78-495 Calle Tampico i La Quinta I Califorhia 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 ' www.La-Quinta.org March 9, 2016 Mr. Aaron Anderson Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0010 COMPLETENESS REVIEW: VERIZON WIRELESS Dear Mr. Anderson: On February 29, 2016, the Design and Development Department received the resubmittal for the subject application for modifications to an existing telecommunication facility located at 78-950 Highway 111, within the One -Eleven La Quinta commercial center. The first step in the City's development application review process is to determine if your application meets the minimum requirements for processing. In review of your application, it is determined that your application, as submitted, is incomplete and cannot be accepted for processing until the following items are submitted and determined adequate for review: ❑ Photo Simulations o Updated simulations should show the proposed wireless telecommunication facility and surrounding features, including the proposed 15 -foot BTH palm trees. Photo simulations shall include at least three different angles of the proposed facility at different distances from the location, including before and after visualizations. Once the outstanding items are received and determined to be acceptable for processing, you will receive a letter of completeness and your application will move to the second step in the City's application review process, the distribution to appropriate City departments for review and comment. Upon final review, your application will move to the third and final step in the application process, which is an administrative decision on the project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sinyerely, . WUU, AICP pal Planner 78-495 Calle Tampico i La Quinta i California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org December 7, 2015 0 0 BFILE CC.- December C: Mr. Aaron Anderson Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0010 COMPLETENESS REVIEW: VERIZON WIRELESS Dear Mr. Anderson: On December 1, 2015, the Community Development Department received the above- mentioned application for modifications to an existing telecommunication facility located at 78-950 Highway 111, within the One -Eleven La Quinta commercial center. The first step in the City's development application review process is to determine if your application meets the minimum requirements for processing. In review of your application, it is determined that your application, as submitted, is incomplete and cannot be accepted for processing until the following items are submitted and determined adequate for review: ❑ Site Plan that identifies existing vegetation to be added o Including species type, size, and brown trunk height o A plan note references the palm trees will be irrigated for six months. What is the irrigation and maintenance plan after this six month window? ❑ RF Maps o The RF maps shall show existing coverage without the proposed improvements, predicted coverage with the proposed site and existing sites, and the predicted coverage of only the proposed site. RF maps shall show the predicted coverage for indoor, in vehicle, and outside service. ❑ Draft copy of the lease agreement between the operator and CVWD 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org s I 1 ❑ CEQA Requirements o The project application has review under the California to CEQA Guidelines Section • been determined to be exempt from Environmental Quality Act, pursuant 15301 (Existing Facilities). Therefore, in order to prepare and process a Notice of Exemption (NOE) as required under CEQA, a fee in the amount of $73.00 is required (payable to City of La Quinta). This fee is in addition to the $50.00 filing fee that was already submitted. These fees are due prior to any approval letter being issued. Once the outstanding items are received and determined to be acceptable for processing, you will receive a letter of completeness and your application will move to the second step in the City's application review process, the distribution to appropriate City departments for review and comment. Upon final review, your application will move to the third and final step in the application process, which is an administrative decision on the project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Si cerely, UU, AICP. Principal Planner F: SEQUOIA I DEPLOYMENT SERVICES. INC. Wireless Telecommunication Facility Project Discussion Applicant: Verizon Wireless (VZW) 15505 Sand Canyon Ave., Bldg `D' Irvine, CA 92618 Owner: Coachella Valley Water District P.O. Box 1058 Coachella, California 92236 Rep.: Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Aaron M. Anderson 562-485-8012 Site No.: VZW La Quinta Retail - PCS Location: 78-742 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA 92253 GPS Coordinates: Latitude => 33'4247.50"N Longitude => 116'1721.52"W Datum => NAD83 Project Description 's. DEC 0 12015 7`,", . )PMENT Verizon Wireless (VZW) is requesting the review and approval of a Minor Use Permit (MUP) for the modification of an existing wireless telecommunications facility located at 78-742 Highway 111. The proposal consists of the removal and replacement of twelve (12) panel antennas and the installation of twelve (12) new RRU's, four (4) Raycaps and two (2) hybrid fiber cables. The proposed antennas, RRU's and Raycaps will be mounted. to an existing 60'-0" monopalm and the antenna panels will be located at 56'-0" above grade level to antenna centerline. All proposed electrical and fiber optic cables and other necessary utility connections will be located underground, with cable runs that extend from the equipment shelter to the antennas to be placed within the existing cable tray. There will be no increase in overall height of the facility, number of antennas, or size/footprint of the lease area as a part of this proposal. The facility will remain completely "stealthed" and will be Project Description Page 1 of 4 imperceptible to the general public as a wireless facility once construction is complete. ** This is an Eligible Facilities Request as defined by Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2012. The Property and Zoning Information The property is zoned Commercial Park (CP) and is currently home to a commercial retail use. The project site is fully developed, with access to the site available off of Highway 111 through the use of a paved driveway. The most recent approval for the wireless telecommunications facility was in 2001 under Conditional Use Permit, Case No: 2001-060 (EA 2001-425) for the installation of a new 60'-0" monopalm. Since the site has been in operation it has not created any negative impacts to the existing uses on-site, or the uses immediately surrounding the subject property. Verizon's facility will continue operating, and continue complying with Federal Communications Commission standards of the Radio Frequency Emissions. A copy of the approval for the original facility has been submitted with this application. Objective The facility modification is needed to enable Verizon Wireless (VZW) to remain competitive within the wireless industry and to provide data bandwidth meeting customer expectations. VZW is adding LTE/AWS equipment to many of the existing sites within the Riverside County (SoCal Metro) market footprint. This will provide customers increased data throughput, upgrading customer speed from the current 3G/4G technology. Initially the modifications will deliver up to 50mb/s, nominally 15-20mb/s and within 2 years using software updates only, approaching 100mb/s to customer devices. Verizon is working to meet the demand generated by the changing way that the public uses wireless telecommunications services. This demand is generated by the increasing number of people that use wireless telecommunications services not only for phone calls but for other types of communication such as texting and video conferencing as well as to receive all sorts of information and entertainment. In many cases wireless phones and devices have replaced "traditional" landline phones and have become the primary device and service used for communication including contacting emergency services in the form of 911 calls. Verizon is committed to providing quality and reliable service to meet this user demand. The RF Capacity Coverage Justification included with this application show the areas of deficient coverage that will be enhanced as a result of the operation of this facility. Project Description Page 2 of 4 About Verizon As a licensee authorized by the Federal Communications Commission to provide wireless services in this region, Verizon must establish and maintain a network of wireless telecommunications facilities in the metropolitan area and beyond. Each wireless telecommunications facility, or base station, consists of transmitting and receiving antennas mounted on a communication tower or other suitable structure and electronic equipment cabinets. Each facility consists of radios for receiving and transmitting wireless communications and complex electronic equipment to operate the radios, interface with other cellular sites, provide connections to the landline telephone network, and link the facility with the main switching center. Verizon will operate this facility in full compliance with the regulations and licensing requirements of the FCC, FAA, and CPUC as governed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other applicable laws. In order to meet the basic level of operational radio signal coverage, radio frequency (RF) engineers have designed a network of wireless telecommunications facilities for the area and routinely maintains and modifies the facilities to ensure they use the most up to date equipment and technology to provide the most reliable and high quality service possible. Due to increases in demand for wireless telecommunications services modifying the existing facilities does not always fix network coverage and capacity issues resulting in the need for the development of new wireless telecommunications facilities. However, the modification of existing facilities to meet demand is pursued first to minimize the overall number of facilities. The wireless telecommunications facility is a passive use and will continue to have no negative impact on other properties in the surrounding area. The facility is unstaffed, and therefore will generate no additional foot traffic from customers or patrons associated with other types of commercial uses. After an initial modification construction period of 30 to 45 days, the only traffic generated will be for routine maintenance visits, typically once a month. There are no activities that will produce airborne emissions, odor, vibration, heat, glare, or noxious and toxic materials. All equipment and materials needed to operate the site are located in the equipment cabinets. The cellular site does not require water or sanitary facilities and therefore will generate no wastewater. Maintenance Plan Verizon uses a combination of remote monitoring and on site activity to maintain their wireless facilities. The remote monitoring is operational twenty-four hours a day, Project Description Page 3 of 4 • • seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days a year, continuously and monitors for the proper function of the facility as well as various silent alarms. In addition to the off-site monitoring a technician visits the site approximately once per month for maintenance. When a problem is found or maintenance is required the technician schedules the work appropriately in compliance with conditions of approval and lease agreements regarding maintenance timing and scope. Project Description Page 4 of 4 • • SITE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR VZW LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-742 HIGHWAY 111 ECZUQIA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 tM�PLO—kNl sEMCIS.INC. APN: 643-080-015 LOOKING NORTH WEST TOWARDS SITE LOOKING NORTH WEST TOWARDS SITE "'"'clVED DEC 0 12015 . w^ "k tkpEQUOIA toym%NI Sk Al,t>. I— =MMt • • SITE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR VZW LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-742 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN: 643-080-015 LOOKING NORTH EAST TOWARDS SITE LOOKING NORTH EAST TOWARDS SITE "' c I V IF D DEC 0 12015 CY i "d cid` riL, « . 441% 1 rPA OONINIU' - K 4 :TAVU OPMENT SITE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR VZW LA QUINTA RETAIL - 78-742 HIGHWAY 111 S EQUO[A LA QUINTA, CA 92253 III YIUYMENE SERVICES. INC APN: 643-080-015 LOOKING SOUTH EAST TOWARDS SITE VIEW OF LEASE AREA TDkEQUOIA —ILO—ill Sk—llkf. int • • SITE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR VZW LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-742 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN: 643-080-015 VIEW OF LEASE AREA • 0 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR VZW LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-742 HIGHWAY 111 tDMOYMENIEQUOIA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 $MlCb. INC. APN: 643-080-015 METER PEDESTAL LOCATION EXISTING BACKUP DIESEL GENERATOR Illil!lIIIIIIfI iili! .x�y GENERAL OpWEF SYSYEMS �K-- l�� Id IN , EXISTING BACKUP DIESEL GENERATOR Network March 10, 2014 veri onwireless Verizon Wireless 15505 Sand Canyon Avenue Bldg D1 Irvine, CA 92618 Phone 9IV 1 I'a flF 8FFTC 0® DEC 01 2015 gUINTA cop"�r'ArlS'YIEL.®P1•". FL'QT RE: Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc., as a representative for Verizon Wireless To Whom It May Concern: Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. is an authorized representative of Verizon Wireless and has been contracted to perform (i.e., real estate leasing, land use entitlements, permitting, etc.) on behalf of Verizon Wireless in connection with their telecommunications facilities. As an authorized representative of Verizon Wireless, Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. may sign and submit (i.e. land use applications and permits, as well as negotiate leases, etc.) on behalf of and with approval by Verizon Wireless. Sincerely, Karen Pereda Verizon Wireless — Network Engineer III Spec-RE/Regulatory Southern California Region • E]FILE C0' Y Jay S. Wuu City of La Quinta Department of Planning and Building 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 9 ` L C E-- F V ^ter FEB 2 9 L""6 r CIT" CF : u', --u- f P,7 .A COMMUNI, Y DLL'tv._L�-ieMENT RE: Response to Planning Comments - MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0010 Mr. Wuu: Below are the responses to the comment letter provided by the City of La Quinta Department of Planning and Building on December 07, 2016. Site Plan that identifies existing vegetation to be added o Including species type, size, and brown trunk height o A plan note references the palm trees will be irrigated for six months. What is the irrigation and maintenance plan after this six month window? Response: A note identifying the species type, size and brown trunk height of the palm trees has been added to the drawings. Also, a note stating the trees will be Irrigated for a period of six (6) months has been added to the plans as well. Please refer to sheets A-2, A-4 and A-5 of the attached drawings for further information. Please note that watering and general maintenance of the landscaping will be handled by Verizon in perpetuity. The amendment to the existing lease specifies that VZW is to maintain the landscaping, and if they fail to do so that the LL may do so at VZW's cost. Additionally, we received confirmation from the water district that there is in fact a water meter installed at the site. It was also confirmed that the meter receiving water from a line on site. RF Maps o The RF maps shall show existing coverage without the proposed improvements, predicted coverage with the proposed site and existing sites, and the predicted coverage of only the proposed site. RF maps shall show the predicted coverage for indoor, in vehicle, and outside service. Response: A copy of the RF coverage prediction maps have been Included along with this response. Draft copy of the lease agreement between the operator and CVWD • 0 Response: A copy of the executed Memorandum of Lease (MOL) has been Included along with this response. The current modification does not require a new lease between Verizon Wireless and the CVWD, only an amendment to the existing agreement. CEQA Requirements o The project application has been determined to be exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). Therefore, in order to prepare and process a Notice of Exemption (NOE) as required under CEQA, a fee in the amount of $73.00 is required (payable to City of La Quinta). This fee is in addition to the $50.00 filing fee that was already submitted. These fees are due prior to any approval letter being issued. Response: A check in the amount of $73.00 made payable to the City of La Quinta has been included along with this response. Please contact me at 562-485-8012 or via email at aaron.andersonosequoia-ds.com with any questions or comments. Thank you, Aaron M Anderson Authorized Applicant Representative La Quinta Retail 0 January 12 2016 • verizon Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. :2 �� f'! .1. is •-fir or r � ; a3l1 {,w�.r—fes :�_ H.� •�.-- - • Y 1 �• �I ` 1 �r1Z•'.. •��1►fl Y � IVr•1�v � 1 .gyp 1 • � • � �' �,� ��+'� rF *� i 1.,� {� +� {1 Iii• _... .*•I.�;n��. ^yfl•; FT ii; �. � • �� ,jrt,,� ` -F Ory. 1■-•� -',�• � �• A_� r. alai. iY7 ■ 4r.� •.�■!'•j� 11.' ��•J• �4: �•Mr. r �1 DEC. 5.2001 1:01PM O24RELESS SOLUTION 9094817192 • NO.742 P,2i4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, New jersey 07921 Attention: Network Real Estate MEMORANDUM OF LEASE (Space above this line for Recorder's use) THIS MEMORANDUM OF LEASE evidences that a lease was entered into as of December 41 2001, by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency ("Landlord"), and Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless by AirTouch Cellular, its general partner ("Tenant") concerning certain real property located at CVWD Well # 5712 in the City of La Quints, County of Riverside, State of California, within the property of Landlord which is described in Exhibit "Al" attached hereto ("Landlord's Property"), together with a right of access and to install and maintain utilities, for an initial term of Five ( 5 ) years commencing on October 1, 2001, which term is subject to certain rights to extend by Tenant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have duly executed this Memorandum of Lease Agreement as of the day and year first above written. IWIMPIF1833 Coachella Valley Water District a public agency 0 Name: Tom Levy Title: General Manager -Chief TENANT: Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership dba Verizon Wireless, by AirTouch Cellular, its general partner By: Name: Robert F. Swaine Title: Network Vice President and West Area Vice President DEC. 5. 2001 1:02PM 024ELESS SOLUTION 9094817192 • NO.742 P.3i4 State of r'A�:�'a��r%A ) /^ ss. County of (orAg4e ) on /-,07 , 20 O- , before me, Q.&J 2: ��.-ISni , notary public, personally appeared "Wabeef F. >,, woe (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WJT'1`TFSS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) State of California ) ) ss, County of Riverside GARGLyM j. WILSON S commulaft 412"499 3 MOtilly PubuC - C41NOMW Orange count,, �h CZfRrt � Dec 18.2Mq ~ On December 4 , 20 --al, beforeme, c=thi a R. Parka , notary public, personally appeared Tom Lew ------ , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is Subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the sane in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WI'T'NESS my hand anofficial seal. Signature (Seal) HQ012MI I Cdltomla _ My�mm. ft ��,.— MOL.01.29.O1TLB DEC. 5. 2001 1:02PM OORELESS SOLUTION 9094817192 • EX MIT "Al" Legal Description of Landlord's Property NO. 742 P.4/4 Parcel A of Parcel Map 25865, County of R W.RS1DE, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 172, page(s) 21 through 27, inclusive, of Parcel maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county. 201693 $xWbir "A-1 " TB -950 I/7 WIGINNAI III 1 - U OUMA, U 8753 ... rNrPMP Tie w.m1l i E N NSITE Ilk .r.n F.iW1 N `l [ VICINITY MAP - N.T.S. verizonlwl LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY 1 1 1 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 START AT 15505 5" CANTON AVE, IRVINE HEAD 501TWE5T M SAID CANYON AVE TOWARD BA RANCA PINY TURN p NFW ANTENNA ' LIAR POLE © FIEVATRN R6. —[— ELECT VWOAIT PIASTER PLAN VERIFICATION LEFT ONTO BARRANCA PKWY TURN R'I T CMO PACIFIC, TUM RNAIT ONTO THE STATE HIGHWAY 133 N 4 E%ISTNY. ANTENNA iWNDAiIA! SEs —A— GONIAL CABLE (E) -SNRT CONTRACTpE SNCL VERIFY ALL FWG AND EXISTRIG DIMENSIONS RAMP, MERGE ONTO U -Bi N, MERGE ONTO G -7N N, KEEP RIWR AT ® GROND ROD Q SPOT "'V. SWT04 REF. OVERHEAD SERV' CONCRETE AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE AND SHALL IMEDIATFLT NOTtfT THE 711E FORK, FOLLON $HAUS FOR CA -91 E/RIVFRWDE AND MERLE ONTO " GRAND BU5 BAR d --" — PRCP./LUSE LME T/{— TONS URTN ARCH?ELT IN wRRING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFME PROCEEDING N1TW THEWORK OR BERESPONTNBIE FOR SHITE. C.1 -N E, TAKE TIE CA40 E/I-2R S DIRT TOWARD SAI DIEL MOO', MERGE • MEW. GRIND CONY, • CAOWELD Q SET PONT MATW LINE —x— CIWIN LIN( FENCE GNAVFL N ARO U-60 E, MEED ONTO CA -60 E/1 -M S. KEEP LEFT TO CONtINUE ON U_W E, MERGE ONTO 1-10 E, TME TI* WASIKNGtON ST FRIT, TURN GROMD ACC. WELL Q REVISION �— WORK P01NT _ _ — CEMERUNE ® ® PLYWOOD GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES RYJff AUTO wININGTW ST, TURN LER ARO U -III 5, CALF011 111 1 0 ELECTRIC BI)I Ox GRID REF. — GRIND. CONCRICTON ® WOOD CAR. SAND CTD. NA°4ANGTON BT., TB -IRO IR WWMY III, U OUMA, U92253 Qi TELEPWONE BOK ® DETAIL REF_ — — TELE CONDUIT r7Z] WOOD BLOCICMG I..^'t� STEEL PROPEtTT PONT DIM. ONIENMON PVMT. PAV01W Dl DRAl TONS PROJECT CONSISTS W TWE INSTALUTION CF (Pt) NEW DRIVING DIRECTIONS DTL. SYMBOLS, LINETYPES AND HATCH PATTERNS (E) PANEL ATENNAS TO REPLACE (I2) UISTING PANEL ANIT40US, M. Rol E E L EAST ELEVATION RON, S RYJIT-Ol San (4) PER SECTOR ON 4N EIISTNG FD110PALM, ADDITNRiAI (12) ELECTRIC (AL) TEL TELEPW OE ENOL EL' "m TOP RRYB WITH AL2, (A) PER SECTOR, (4) REN RAYC APS AND (2) B G BELPN GRADE WT. HEN BdYG. BIIILDNG WVAC WTGI VENT1 A/C B M. BRAC BEFKW MART( BOCK RCI. IBS ' C E POINIDS CAB CABINET LPT LAV POINT CB. UTW BASIN PAS. MASONRY CEM. CRCUBIC CENEXT FOOT PYX FRIT. FYXNRRI METAL C I P.0 CAST -M -PUCE GOA. PFR MANIFACTARER CLL CLS CONTRACT LIMIT LINE CLOT MW. (N) MMWML I NEW C,M,U HI CC. MASONRY UNIT N NORTON CWLRAC CON. CONCRETE CONNECTIONNT.S. ND.0 NOT IN CONTT NOT TO SCALE CONST. CAIBTRUCTRN FP POWER FOIE CTR. CENTEt P.L.Fail LINE CTD. CUBIC YARD P.O.C. POM OF CONN. 0BLDOLIBLE DEMI. DEEM PROP. PT. PROPEtTT PONT DIM. ONIENMON PVMT. PAV01W Dl DRAl REM RFOUIRED DTL. DETAIL RFW. ROOF ATW (E) E%BTN S M. Rol E E L EAST ELEVATION RON, S RYJIT-Ol San ELEC ELECTRIC (AL) TEL TELEPW OE ENOL EL' "m TOP TOP O PARAPET E P E"EOIITIEM ELECT. PANEI2MRD TOS. TOP O SUB (SURFACE) Ex. 1l T.OIN. TW R WALL EXT. E(TERIOR TYP r"P F5 FNSW SURFACE Ui. UNINISHED FT FLIT. FOOT OR FEET MURINE V.N.O UNLESS NOTED OTMERNISE GC. RAL CO GENENTR. VERT VERTICAL G F. GROMD FACE N WEST AD. GR GROUID GRADE OR GRADING W NP, WITH WATEAPLOF GV. GAS VENT WT WENMT ABBREVIATIONS 1ATgT EDITIONS P TWE FOL1pNIMG CODES. .�. `-_�..._ ._ ...- 1 UI3 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 6 703 ENERGY CODE VAS 14 2 T. m GREEN BJILOING CODE 1 7013 CALIFORNA RESIDEWYAL CODE B 703 CALL O FIRE CODE 3 70B CALIFCRNA PLL"i CODE 9 203 CAUFOFMIA RETERERICE A 703 CALIFORNIA MEGIANICAL CODE STANDARDS CODE 5 7013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE CODE COMPLIANCE SITE PANEL NO.. We -0E m 111=20I21. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ZONE CP-(LTMERCIAL PARI[ UNMANNED TEIECO4UNNATIWS FACILITY IN TNF CITY OF ILA WINTA, CCi O RVEREIDI STATE O CAUFORIAA. BE"' A PORTION OF PARCEL 'A' OF PARCEL MAP W 75Ph, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 177, PAGES 21 THOUGH 77, INCLUSIVEr O PARCEL MAPS, IN TWE OFICE 0' TWE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CONIT I PROJECT DATA 1 ,OAD LA VALIET NAI PO BD% COACHFLLA, U 91136 RIGHT-OF-WAY DIVISKN (160) 398-7651 APPL1 l VER12AI WIRELESS ISSOi SAND CANYON AVE. W INS 'C' IST FLOOR IRVINE, U 92ND MENE. (9M) 201 CWSATINi. 5EOVOu DEPLOTMENT SERVICES, INC. 71411 ASPAN STREET , STE 290 LACE FOREST, U 92630 (ddiTKL FETE 5wEIN ('M) 475-3141 ARWRECT: ACD AROwTECTS, NK N COLUBIA AJSO VIEJO, U 4X56 FW0WE: (919) 7N-9910 FAX (INNS) 297-4188 TIM w0i (919) TIL -99D PROJECT DIRECTORY UTUFTFLK7MUNIWSFuTMAINT'iY 1— — PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 T-1 TITLE SWEET A-1 SITE PLAN A-2 ENLARGED SITE RAN A-3 DETAILED SITE RAN E ANTENNA LAYNT RAN A-4 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATICNS A—S ARWITECTURAL ELEVATIONS I SHEET INDEX REV DATE/BY. RE1151W DESCRI ,CW 05-26 IS LA QUINTA RETAIL 0 JAY 903 IWNG SET • 51TE ADDRESS I SY ZWING SET 2 1y WENT REVISIONS E 3TH WENT RENSKNS I TN CLIENT REVISKNK SEQUOIA R110fIBITR1O,pC 71471 ASPAN STREET, STE 790 LAKE FOREST, CA 47630 51TE MILDER verizon, S 155M SAND CANTON AVE BUILDING 'D' Int FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92618 PWONE (d49) 286-7000 ARCNI'E<CT\ • INC. 61 COLUMBIA ALISO VILA CA 426% TEL: 4W -7M-4910 FAY.. 4p-247-4786 SITE NAME: LA QUINTA RETAIL • 51TE ADDRESS 78_4 1/2 WIGWWAY It LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SWEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET DRANING INFO: DING NAHE DRAIN 51 DATE I 1 SHEEN NUMBER T-1 NOTE5: 0 HT O NEW VEROLN "RELLS5 INSTAKATM OF (17) NW PANEL ANMINAS TO REg ✓v (17) MST" PANEL ANME , (6) PER SECTOR W AN F•0.':= _o DUSTING moNMADS ADOMOUL (17) MM NDII A7, (1) PER "S SECTORS (4) NEW PATC P5 AN7 (7) NiTR11D FM CAB ES. W LU I psCcEFt. LI,'E t` (D•• - OI MM D.Im AID WITM 2: \ \\ WENT REVISIO6 Ir O GOl70G LMNCNW, M. z i ly, Ln Ir`: E•PSi'i^' _ 2 --'CE.: - (S..BUEC-, ^- LEL) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS SEE DLARGED %U PIAN O1 SHEET A-7 REV, DATMI AEVISpN DESCWPTKf1 0 HT ffi 70x0. SET 1 Z' KOL 1A1111G SET "S IRVINE, CA. 4618 7 wWT RENSCNS LU 3 WENT REVIS06 -y TN WENT REVISIO6 u \_ W E 5 REV, DATMI AEVISpN DESCWPTKf1 0 HT ffi 70x0. SET 1 Z' KOL 1A1111G SET "S IRVINE, CA. 4618 7 wWT RENSCNS 07TM N 3 WENT REVIS06 -y TN WENT REVISIO6 SEQUOIA 1�1ON0QMmxm 72471 ASPAN STREET, STE MLAKE FOREST, CA 4630 verizon,/ S 1555 SAND CANTON AVE. BUILDING 'D' ISE_ FLOOR IRVINE, CA. 4618 PI10NE (9A9)286 -70M AFECXITECTO - INC. 61 CDLDIIOIA ALISO VIE)7, CA 46% TEL, 94 1 -716-9W FAX. 919-2R7-6788 WE INR, LA QUINTA RETAIL • SITE AOORESS 78-%o I/7 NIGWNT III LA aINTA, CA 97753 SITE PLAN V a NG INF6 J [1L. NNIE,I DIWN I3T, IpATE. NOTES OI O'STING YERIZCN WIRELESS 11'A' Y R'4' EQUIPMENT SHELTER O EXNSTRI. VERMO1 NI wx% a- NIGH M.TEJP O E)OSTIN". vwzm W4t55 Bd z SO -0' (MO SF) LEASE AREA WRH V4 INGN O'v B1OUf WALL ENCLOSURE uwiw, VEROQI WIRELF55 ACCESS GATS O EXMTING 11'-d K ?6'O TRA -9H ENCIO9Af TO RMN. O EXMTW, CMI NALL DT OMENS (VARIES N NEIWT). O7 ENSTING (2) DEAD PATI TREES TO BE REMAND AND REPLACED WIN (2) NEW PADA TREES, MIOWK ONCTYLIFEA (COITION NAPE $'LATE PA Pf), NITN K' NGH BRO R TR LIENAR AT TRE OP PLANTAGO O REN VM74W WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (p) 6' PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPVGE (12) FXISTRG PANEL ANT94AS, (4) PER SECTOR, (12) RRUS NITW A2, (4) PER SECTOR, (4) RAYCAPS, (2) ro.NTED ON ANTENNA ARM AND (2) IN TWE EQUIPMENT AREA AND (2) H 11) FIBER CABLES. U ( EXISTING VEROGN PNREE , 3 STHICBT GENERATOR of PDPERTT LINE. n EISTM VERDON NIRE EI6 20-0' NICE PATH OF ACCESS TRAVEL ® WSTRY. COICWE PAD PREVIOUS L TOK OF (WWD SHED. (NOT A PART OF PRIELT ) O EXISTING ELECT TRAMWM-ER CN CONCRETE PAD (AYR A PART OF PROJECT) V MTNi MEWMAD RM AN NATER LNE TO RAN. (NOT A PGR OF PRO.KT) `*) DSTIG MTD CGA AM PAD AND PPELINF TO RETAN. (NOT A PART Q PROJECT) V EISTRG IfDER(R71RD CVND PLWER RIM TC RESIN (NOT A PART CP PROJECT) EXSTIW VER WIRELESS FIECTRICAL 'nu PEDESTAL O EXISTING CURB L QTTER (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) ® EISTRG LANDY,APN-. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) O D19TIa vBEOON ommm a-& NIDE VTILITT EASB'1EN' AT GENERATOR 0 FXTSTNG IUNDMIOUD IRRIGATION LEE RUN TO LIVE PALM TREES, CO6ECITO CXObTTNG NATER LR (S¢ 1ENE PLAN S). ® !)85TH. vaum wRnm E' -d NICE LITWTY Ee„r..,.., 1NAT CERTAIN LEASE DATED D/O/20O arno N , HIMESS AND CVNO FISTING VEROAL WIRELESS AK IIfdE TO CONTRKTOL I C[NTRACTOR REQUIRED TO WATER THE (1) NEM PART TREES FOR 6 IIOITNS. K \ / 7 Y PONE aF COINECTICN FOR DIEING VEROOI WIRELESS it RRNGATION LINE. IZIy 20 2121 ��•� N*OE 21 14 2 ! / U REV- DATE/BT- REVISRRI DE50RIPTIQI 06-27 t5 ^OL ZONING SET -I3-15 XT 1001 ZONNG SET 7 EYP' CUER REVISIONS �T R 3 CLIENT REVISIONS 02 -i2 -K I CLIENT REVISIONS TW CONSULTANT SEQUOIA IRFIQII®(IRRIII7•,K 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 240 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SITE BUILDER verizon,v' 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' It FLOOR IRVINE, CA 'W8 PHONE (9197 286-7000 - E ■ AROARO MITE® 61 COLLMIA AL150 VIEJO, CA 9265E TEL %9-716-9740 FAX 919-2974768 SITE INFO S E NAME: LA QUINTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS 78-W 1/2 WtIHAY III LA OUINTA, CA 92253 SILENT TITLE, ENLARGED SITE PLAN DRANING Ilio DWG NAMf DRAWN m = SHEET NUMER n • NOTES: 0 JAY 5 O NEW vERDO3 mu ES° MtAuATR1N O (0) 4' PANEL A rDwAs (µ) EX570G tNPEN PP0141D IRRGATXN LINE RIM TO LIVE TO REPLACE (0) DIISTIG PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR, PALO TREE, CONNECTED TO DUSTING WATER LINE CLIENT REVISIONS (SEE RRGATI N BT RAN TWETC). 2 NOT USED IXISnNG Ml]ERGROAlL CVMID WATER LINE TO REHAIN O NEW VERrIZN WIRELESS (2) RAYCAPS M%NTED ON ANTENNA ARM. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) O NEW VERDON WIRELESS (12) RRU'S MIN A2, (A) PER SECTOR MOUNTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNTS BEMND NBi PANEL ANTENNAS. l e, EXISTING II'4 9 25'0 TRASH ENLL05IRE TO REMAIN. O N64 VERIICN WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS (SFA') ON EXISTINGCABLE BRIDGE FROM PATCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO RATCAP AT EXISTNG NMAGPALM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING © EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMNED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEN PALM TREES, PWWX DACTTUFERA (COMMON NAPE S'DATE PAUf), WN B' NGI BROWN TRUNKIBWt AT TIME OF PLANTING. I� IXSnN VERISON wRBII'.5' X .,.& EQUIPMENT SIRLTER. IXSTING VERIZLN MREl1S5 E5' glf MONCPAUM WITH NEW BARK CLADDING V IXSnNG CMU NAL1 BY MUM (VARIES IN WEIGHT). ® EISnN YBIDQI MRa-m ACCESS GTE 'DII VBR MRaEM 311. 51AND51 GENERATOR. i,D EI VERIWN WIRELESS CABLE BRIDGE IE EXISnNG YERIZON WRELCXS 21-0' X W-0-(610 SF.) LEASE AREA .7TH B' -d W.OL OIL= NULL ENCLOSURE N� B15nNG VERr1W MRELESS 7-0V MK ,E DISH ANTFNRA TO REMAN �;D EXIBTm YERIZCN WtmesIs XM -O' WIDE UnLRT EASEMENT a' „�RER>TCF / NaTE I) BRANOWIES NOT I 9N]N FOR GURITT. U, \ i i NDME To caNTRACraR. I COITRN.TON REWIRED TO WATER THE (2) NEW PGH TREES FOR G NMMTWS. /I Br - 11 � t 6 TTP. I 3 - I V N L NEW ANTENNA 5CNEDULE MJDFL • SIZE WEGNT ( M (WL X 11.46'. X 11'0) Af.N lC W E 5 REV. WTEIBY. REVISXM DESCRN+fIpl 0 JAY 5 MA ZONING SET OT -13-15 IGT XXR ZONING SET 7 JGY CLIENT REVISIONS 02-15- 16 3 CLIENT RENSIONS 1V A CUENT REVISIONS TH tkr (SEQUOIA ERIBB�II K n,lT ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 ol SITE Sam verizonAl 15505 SAND CANTON AVE. BUILDING 'D' It FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92616 F9YJNE (919) 286-7000 AR DEVELOPMENT; ■ ARCMAT[CTE • INC. 61 COLUMBIA ALISO VIEJO, CA 9"% TEL 941-74-9910 FAX 9A9 -297-67B8 0 SITE INFO sI E NAME LA QUINTA RETAIL • SITE ADDRESS: 78-%01/2 NIWWAY I� LA g1INTA, CA 92253 DETAILED SITE PLAN 4 ANTENNA i L NAME 1 DRAWN BT I DATE A-3 REV.. DATE45Y- REVISXIN DESCRIPTION O'LAT 5 915{ ZONING SET 01 JGT EXISTING VEROIIN 4RELE55 (1) ev TT PIPE MOMT 2 OB -JW ' CLIENT REV15— i mTH k CLIENT REVISIONS TO DE REIT W AND REPLACED WrtN (I) NEW PIPE IVUNT AND PANEL NRFNAA PER SELTOR CLIENT REVISIONS EXISTING VERIZON MRELE55 (3) 4 PANEL ANTENNAS / R�ED ANDH (3) N TO BEED WITH NEI! 1 !� EXISTING VERCCN MIRELESS % Y MKROWAVE ANTENNA ' a - EXISTING (Z) DEAD PAM TREES 10 BE RENMNED AND REPLACED EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 65' WIGH MUgPALn. f - Yr. - H1TN (2) NEN PALM TREES, PICOIIX DACTYL$FERA `—ON NMIE S'DATE PALM'), HITN 15' NIGH BRON. TRUW MEGNT AT TIME a ..�� PARTING FXWING R12ONHRELE - _— EXISTING I M WELTER >CES5 ATETO ROM1N EXISTING CMU WALL 'X157114 CIV MALL TO REIMIN EXISTING if9'PIUAL 1RRIGTKN \ iJX15TRG DOUBLE LEAF CWANIIN DISTRACT TRANSFCRMBt /BEYOND). � � GTE TO RVIAN EXISTING TRA54 ENCLOSURE t EXI5TNG VERTZON WIRELESS (3) RRUS TO BE REMI&D EXISTING NORTHEAST ELEVATION VERIZON WIRELESS (4) RAYCAP5, (2) MOUNTED N EX15TIM6 TOP OF EXISTING KNFALM FROM ~65'-d EOL–ENT SNELTER AND (2) MLENiED ON ANTENNA ARM AG.L NEw WRIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION a (12) W PANEL M4TENNA5 TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR Ta a NEH ANEL ar-d GL�. _ ANTENNA A _ _ — _ — _ — . _ _ RAD CENTER OF NBN AIRiIN! }� IXISTR4 MICRONAVE CENTERLINE 1 s• NEH VERUON WIRELESS (12) R2f5 NTN N – .. - • . NYAMTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNT'S REMIND NEVI VERIZON wIRELE55 (2) MTBRID F43ER CABLE RUNS NEW PANEL ANTENNAS (EW') FR01'1 RAYCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SMELTER Ti RATCAP AT EXISTING MQI(AALM CONTRACTOR TO VEIIIFT EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS – AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING 19CRQNAVE ANTENNA EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED EXISTING VERIZON WRELESS A' 4IGN MOIYAALM- / WITH (2) FEW PALM TREES, RIDENIX DACTTLIFERA (OXR" NAME Is -DATE PALM'), NTI B' NW BR WN TRUNX MER AT –E a HITW NEH BARK CLADDING, -- .� ' RANTING.. EXISTING VERCON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT 'SWELTER. _ / EXL9nK CNANJNX ACCESS GATE TO RISTMN '` EXS7ING OT1D HALL TD REMAIN EXISTING CPAI YIAl1 \\\ � / EXISTING IYPERuI IRRIWTKN DISTRICT TR.VfiFORI'IEk (BEYOND,' � i / / EXISTING DOUBLE LEA ClUINLIw ACCESS GTE TO RETVNN EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE i i GRADr NEW VEIRATUPS, (2) C. D IN EXISTING UT 54ELTER AND (2) MOUNTED O ANTENNA ARn - NEW NORTHEAST ELEVATION - SCALE - 1/E' . REV.. DATE45Y- REVISXIN DESCRIPTION O'LAT 5 915{ ZONING SET 01 JGT RBL ZQIING SET 2 OB -JW ' CLIENT REV15— i mTH k CLIENT REVISIONS Tlv-y CLIENT REVISIONS CON'iUITANi. TSEQUOIA ORIAIIlRimiaR- 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 190 LAKE FOREST, CA 91630 SrTE EUILDER verizon✓ 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' bl FLOOR IRVINE, CA 91616 PHONE (949) 206-7000 ARCNITCCTO • INC. 61 COLUMBIA AL150 VIEJO, CA 97656 TEL 949 -716 -MEMO FAX 949-291-4/515 'SITE NAME LA OUINTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS. 78-950 1/2 WIGHHAY 111 LA OUINTA, CA 91153 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS D NAME I DRAWN BY I DATE A-4 REV DATIDST REV— pESCRIPTIdN S NY 5 pDSTING VERIZRN —E,256 (I) EMPTY PIPE MOAMT 1 - - - - 1001 ZONNG SFT TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED NTN (1) NEW PIPE lo 2 MOUNT AND PANEL ANTENNA PER SECTOR CLIENT REVISIONS ET I o;,--',7El'..S � EXISTING VERIZ N WRELE55 (3) 4' PANEL ANTENNAS 4 CLIENT REVISIONS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WIN (3) NEW 8' PANEL ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. EXISTS. NORM WIRELE56 MICROWAVE ANTENNA RAD CENTER O IX151141 ANIENA5 % 57'4 AG.L E•iSTiNt; nICROn..vE LEN'E4LNE ON sl- VERILON WREffi IA NIGH MCACIPALM DISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED IXISTINIO (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, FIDENIX DACTTUFERA (COMMON WE REgVED AN) REPLACED WOW (2) NEW PALM IS 'DATE PALM), WITH S' NGN BALVN Tll tl HEIGHT AT TIME OF TREES, PNIOBIIX DACTTLIFERA (COTYJN WE 15 .. RANTING 'DATE PALM'), WITH B' " BRCIN TRUNK HEIGHT AT TME OF PLANTING. II) , EXISTING VERIIAN HIRELESS IXISTING MRR14L IRRIGATION ffLVIPMIEM SHELTER DISTRICT TRANSFORMER, (9ETOD) wsT OL WALL TO ROMA 915TMG 0'IU wa1 'J RPMN. IXISTING VERIZOI WIRELESS (3) RRU'S TO BE -E/IST:NG VER CAJ WIRELESS SDKW 5TA108' GENERATCON REMOVED EXISTING NORTHWEST ELEVATION TOP OF EXISTING MCNLPALM PWW 1 NEW VERMON WRELESS (4) RATCAP5, (2) M10UNTED IN DISTIN6 W -O' AG L. EQUIPMENT SMELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM }, TW OF NEM PANEL ANTENNA - WISH VERIMI NRELESS INSTALLATION OF (0) 8' PANEL. ANTENNAS Y -C� _ _ _ - — _ _ �.. TO REPLACE (12) IXISTM PALL A TEO (4) PER SECTOR EXSTwG VT382ON WIRELESS MICROWAVE ANTENNA \ RAD OBITER OF NEW ANTENNAS EX6TIm MICROWAVE CENTERLINE 1 NEW VERIZON HIRELE55 (12) RRU'S HTf11 A2 NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) WYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS MOWED CN ANTENNA PIPE MOWS BEHIND (IOW) FROM RA CAP AT IXISTING EQUIPMENT SWELTER NEW PANEL ANTIENNAS TO FLATCAR AT EXISTING MONOPALMi. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONWIT SPACIMI. AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING El's.: LNG VIERISOMI WIRELESS 65' W4W M'NOPALM �� HITN NEN BARK CLADDING IXISTING (7) DFAO PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED - IXISTRG (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AND REPLACED HRM (2) NEN PALM TREES, PNOENN DACTYUFERA (COlICN WE IS 'DATE � � WITW (2) NEW PAM TREES, PHOENIX DACRLIFERA (COMMS NAME IS 'DATE PALM), WITH S' NKN BROWN TRW( HEIGHT AT TIME LF PAVI'), MITA S' NN:M BROWNTRUNK HENANT AT PLANTING TIFF OF PLANTIN.. EXISTING VFRIZON WIRF166 IXSTING IMPERIAL IIIER"TION EGVIPM ENT SWELTER. tMW145 DISTRICT TRANSFORMER (BETOND) EXISTING. CMV HALL TO REMAIN CM WALL ra REMAIN • VED NRELE55 (4) (2) -- GRADE LEVEL o -d F5 1 MO IN ENT SNE. IOVNTED IN IXSTwG Fp1NMENT SHELTER AND (2) MMINTED ON ANTENNA ARM. —EXISTING VERIZCN WIRELESS 3 STANDBY GENERATOR. UISTNG VERIZCN wIRF1 l3; RRU'S TO BE REMOVE, - NEW NORTNNEST ELEVATION REV DATIDST REV— pESCRIPTIdN O NY 5 901 IALwG SET 1 07-13-6 MGY 1001 ZONNG SFT lo 2 -S CLIENT REVISIONS 3 TM CLIENT RENIS— 4 CLIENT REVISIONS S EQUM 01Di1®RliMfi�OC 17471 ASPAN STREET, STE 2% LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 verizon,/ 15505 SAND CANYON AVE BUILDING 'D' ISL FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PWONE (949) 206-7000 AE DEVEWPMENT ■ ARONITIEQT111111 - INID. 61 CCLLPIBIA ALISO VIED, CA 92656 TEL 964-116-9910 FAX: 949 -2R7 -CM BIGINEER. -E NFG LA QUINTA RETAI- SITE ADDRESS. 78 -RAO V2 NIGM6NAT Ili LA OIUINTA, CA 92253 SIREN TITLE. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS IX ,, NAME I DRAM By I DATE E 9 • 0RECEIVED Aaron Anderson DEC 4 12015 From: Wally Nesbit (LI a"V CA' i -A QUINTA Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 4:17 PM COMM IDFVELOPMENT To: Chris Bogan Cc: Jay Banks; Paul Gerst (Sequoia); aaron.anderson@sequoia-ds.com; Carrie Oliphant Subject: RE: Verizon site: La Quinta Retail; CVWD Well 5712 // ANTENNA MODIFICATION Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi Chris — l would direct the applicant to submit a copy of this email with the application at that time. Currently we do not have an application and I am not aware of where this site physically is. Thanks, Wallace Nesbit I Principal Planner City ot• La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta. CA 9?253 Ph. 760.777.7069 wnesbital`quinta.org Website: www.la-quinta.org From: Chris Bogan [mailto:cboQan@cvwd.orq] Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:36 PM To: Wally Nesbit Cc: Jay Banks; Paul Gerst (Sequoia); aaron.andersonCa seouoia-ds.com; Carrie Oliphant Subject: Verizon site: La Quinta Retail; CVWD Well 5712 // ANTENNA MODIFICATION Hi Wally. I wanted to let you know that CVWD is negotiating an amendment to our existing lease with Verizon for the antenna replacements at our well site 5712. Please accept this email in lieu of our signature on the City's zoning applications. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, �VO4-w-V Supewie- eaacfte & `Uat&# `UJat.. Diwttiid 75-515 Rodxy P-wte Cwt J abn Deavd, ea 92211 760-398-2661,x 2523 1 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUiNTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 July 11, 2001 Mr. Steven Rakhshani, Project Manager Verizon Wireless 15505 Sand Canyon Avenue Irvine, California 92618 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-060 (EA 2001-425) Dear Mr. Rakhshani: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On July 10, 2001, the Planning Commission, on a 5-0 vote, adopted Resolutions 2001-097 and -098, certifying EA 2001-425 and approving your request to install a 60 -foot high monopalm antenna and unmanned equipment building at the One Eleven -La Quinta Shopping Center (CVWD Well Site #5712) pursuant to Chapter 9.170 of the Zoning Ordinance. A copy of the conditions for CUP 01-060 is attached. This Department will forward. signed copies of the Planning Commission Resolutions with conditions to your attention once all necessary signatures have been obtained. The Planning Commission's decision may be appealed to the City Council, provided this Department (or the City Clerk) receives the written appeal and filing fee of $175.00 by July 25. Should you wish assistance regarding our appeal procedures, please feel free to contact our Department. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (760) 777-7067. Regarding construction plan check requirements, please contact Mr. Greg Butler, Building and Safety Manager, at (760) 777-7015. Sinew, kN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR USDELL 'fanner Enc. c: CWVD (Ruth Dearden) Ed Krugman Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Fire Marshal Itr PC CUP60 TawerCVWD - 51 GT 'D DEC 01 2015 COM k ,tV i'Y DEVELOPMENT mei • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-098 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-060 VERIZON WIRELESS JULY 10, 2001 • 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of an improvement or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies, or departments: • Community. Development Department • Riverside County Fire Department (Letter dated May 9, 2001) • Coachella Valley Water District (Letter dated May 9, 2001) • Imperial Irrigation District (Letter dated June 13, 2001) • Federal Communication Commission (FCC) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. 3. Development of this site shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibits approved and contained in the file for Conditional Use Permit 2001-060, unless amended by the following conditions. 4. This approval of Conditional Use Permit shall be used by July 10, 2002; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means beginning of substantial construction toward installation of monopalm communication antenna and unmanned equipment building as allowed by this approval. CONDCUP60 Verizon - 49 greg R4/27 None; 7/3, 7/11 Page I of 2 . . . A Planning Commission Resolution No. 2001-098 Conditional Use Permit 2001-060 Verizon Wireless July 10, 2001 IM1 _: P M,`t.• IP '• 5. The applicant shall pay all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for the plan checks, permits, and inspections. 6. The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department a check payable to the County of Riverside for $78.00 for recording of EA 2001-425. 7. Permanent irrigation watering on a timer system shall be installed for the two Date Palm trees. 8. Prior to a final inspection, all temporary facilities allowed by MUP 2000-259 shall be removed, unless otherwise allowed by the Community Development Director. 9. Any new wall enclosures shall be constructed using matching materials to existing facilities. 121 M -M P] 4 VA ROU u 19 z III I 10. Install -a portable fire extinguisher (minimum 2A10BC) inside the equipment building. u' :; ` •► 1 11. Before any cranes, forklifts, or other aerial equipment are raised, please check for overhead wires .pursuant to the provisions of California Title 8 (Electrical Safety Orders). Non-qualified electrical workers can get no closer than 6 feet from IID distribution lines and no closer than 10 feet from transmission lines. People operating boom type lifting or hoisting equipment can get no closer than 10 feet from IID distribution lines and not closer than 17 feet from transmission lines. 12. If ground excavation is required, even for seemingly benign applications such as anchoring a tent, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA). This service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two working days' notice (800-227-2600). CONDCUP60 Verizon - 49 greg 114/27 None; 7/3, 7/11 Page 2 of 2 1 1 START AT 15505 SAND CANYON AVE, IRVINE; HEAD SOUTHWEST ON SAND CANYON AVE TOWARD BARRANCA PKWT, TURN LEFT ONTO BARRANCA PKWY, TURN RIGHT ONTO PACIFICA, TURN RIGHT ONTO THE STATE HIGHWAY 133 N RAMP, MERGE ONTO CA -133 N, MERGE ONTO CA -241 N, KEEP RIGHT AT THE FORK, FOLLOW SIGNS FOR CA -91 E/RIVERSIDE AND MERGE ONTO CA -91 E, TAKE THE CA -60 E/1-215 5 EXIT TOWARD SAN DIEGO/INDIO MERGE ONTO CA -60 E, MERGE ONTO CA -60 E/1-215 S, KEEP LEFT TO CONTINUE ON CA -60 E, MERGE ONTO 1-10 E, TAKE THE WASHINGTON 5T EXIT, TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST, TURN LEFT ONTO CA -III S, CALIFORNIA III i WASHINGTON ST., 78-950 V2 HIGHWAY III, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I DRIVING DIRECTIONS AC. ASPHALT CONCRETE GVL GRAVEL ANT. ANTENNA(5) Hc. HANDICAPPED BEL BELOW WORIZ. HORIZONTAL B.G. BELOW GRADE HT. HEIGHT BLDG. BUILDING HVAC. NTGJ VENT) A/C B.M.BENCH MARK INCL. INCLUDE BRK. BRICK LOS. POUNDS CAB. CABINET LPT. LOW POINT C.B. CATCH BASIN MAS. MASONRY CEM. CEMENT MAX. MAXIMUM CFT. CUBIC FOOT MET. METAL C.I.P.C. CAST -IN-PLACE CONC. MFR. MANUFACTURER C.L.L. CONTRACT LIMIT LINE MIN. MINIMUM CLS.CLOSURE TELE CONDUIT (N) NEW C.M.U. CONC. MASONRY UNIT N NORTH CONK. CONCRETE N.I.G. NOT IN CONTRACT CONN. CONNECTION N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE CONST. CONSTRUCTION P.P. POWER POLE CTR. CENTER P.L. PROPERTY LINE CYD. CUBIC YARD P.O.C. POINT OF CONN. DBL. DOUBLE PROP. PROPERTY DEMO. DEMOLITION PT.POINT DIM. DIMENSION PVMT. PAVEMENT DRWG. DRAWING REOD. REQUIRED DTL DETAIL RFH. ROOF HATCH (E) EXISTING RFC. ROOFING EEAST R.O.V. RIGNT-OF-WAY E.L.ELEVATION 5 SOUTH ELEC. ELECTRIC (AL) TEL. TELEPHONE SNCL. ENCLOSURE T.O.P. TOP OF PARAPET E.P. ELECT. PANELBOARD T.O.S. TOP OF SLAB EQUIP. EQUIPMENT (SURFACE) EX. EXISTING T.O.W. TOP OF WALL EXT. EXTERIOR TTP. TYPICAL F5. FINISH SURFACE UNF. UNFINISHED FT. FOOT OR FEET U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED FUT. FUTURE OTHERWISE G.C. GENERAL CONTR. VERT. VERTICAL G.F. GROUND FACE W WEST GND. GROUND W/WITH GR. GRADE OR GRADING WP. WATERPROOF GV. GAS VENT WT. WEIGHT ABBREVIATIONS pp- AV verizon,wireless LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY 1 1 1 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 4 NEW ANTENNA 4 EXISTING ANTENNA 0 uGWT POLE SITE PLAN ELEVATION REF. —E— ELECT. CONDUIT PLASTER ® GROUND ROD O FOUNDATION /� SECTION REF. —A— COAXIAL CABLE ® (E) MASONRY GROUND BUS BAR DEC 0 12015 SPOT a". CITY OF LA QUINTA Tip— REORSSERV. O CONCRETE • MECN. GRND. CONN. SET POINT — _— PROPJLEASE LINE —x—CHAIN LINK FENCEEPEFERMMMM 01AIN EARTH ■ CADWELD ® GROUND ACG. WELL Q REVISION MATCH LINE INK — _ — GRAVEL O GRID REF. �— WORK POINT ® WOOD CANT. ® PLYWOOD Q ELECTRIC BOX GRND. CONDUCTOR SAND TELEPHONE BOA( ® DETAIL REF. —T— TELE CONDUIT WOOD BLOCKING STEEL I SYMBOLS, LINETYPES AND HATC14 PATTERNS I ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ACCEPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS 15 TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES: 1. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 6. 2013 ENERGY CODE VOLS. 1 1 2 7. 2013 GREEN BUILDING CODE 2. 2013 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE 8. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 3. 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 9. 2013 CALIFORNIA REFERENCE 4. 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE STANDARDS CODE S. 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE CODE COMPLIANCE I SITE PARCEL NO.: 643-080-0I5 JURISDICTION: RIVERSIDE COUNTY Iglu CP-calMERCUIL PARK OCCUPANCY: UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL 'A' OF PARCEL MAP NO. 25855, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 172, PAGES 21 THROUGH 27, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN 114E OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. PROJECT DATA SITE ADDRESS: 79950 1/2 HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 OWNER- COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 10% COACHELLA, CA 92136 SMALL RIGWT-OF-WAY DIVISION (760) 398-2651 APPLICANT. VERIZON WIRELESS 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' IST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PHONE: (949) 286-7000 CONSULTANT: SEQUOIA DEPLOYMENT SERVICES, INC. 22471 ASPAN STREET , STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SCALL: PETE SHUBIN (714) 478-3197 ARCHITECT: ACO ARCHITECTS, INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY "W LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 PHONE: (949) 716-9940 FAX: (949) 297-4788 TIM WOLFE (949) 716-9940 PROJECT DIRECTORY PLAN VERIFICATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS AND EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE INSTALLATION OF (12) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR ON AN EXISTING MONOPALM, ADDITIONAL (12) RRU'S WITH A2, (4) PER SECTOR, (4) NEW RAYCAPS AND (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES AT AN EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY. PROJECT DESCRIPTION T — 1 TITLE SWEET A-1 SITE PLAN A-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A-3 DETAILED 517E PLAN 4 ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN A-4 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS A-5 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS RED DEC 0 12015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SWEET INDEX REV: DATE/BT: REVISION DESCRIPTION: 0 0546 -IS 90II ZONING SET JAY I �T 15 10011 ZONING SET 2 08ID-5 CLIENT REVISIONS SEQUOIA DSPI4YA�df ffiVIC35, INC 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SITE BUILDER: \/ Ye%/Wflwireless 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' Ist. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92618 PHONE (d49) 286-7000 AtE DEVELOPMENT: ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY #600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL: 949-716-9940 FAX: 949-297-4788 517E INFO- rirTE NAME, ILA QUINTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS: 78-950 V2 NIGNI:VAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SWEET TITLE: TITLE SWEET 10 DRAWING INFO: DWG. NAME: I DRAWN BT. I DATE: SHEET NUMBER+ -1 REV: DATE/BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION: 0 05-26-15 CIO ZONING SET JAY I B 1002 ZONING SET xT 2 OB -10-15 CLIENT REV15ION5 CONSULTANT- T§ ONSULTANT: TSEQUOIA D�IAYl�If 5® M INC 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 51TE BUILDER: vedzwwireless 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' ist. FLOOR IRVINE, CA. 92618 PHONE (949) 286-7000 ME DEVELOPMENT: ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY #600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL: 949-716-9940 FAX: 949-297-4788 SITE INFO: SITE NAME: LA QUI NTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS. 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SWEET TITLE: SITE PLAN DRAWING INFO: DWG. NAME: I DRAWN BY. I DATE: SHEET NUMBER: A-1 NOTES: mw OI EX15TING VERIZON WIRELESS 11'-5' X I8'-0' EQUIPMENT SHELTER, EXISTING VERIZON WIRM 65' NIGH MONOPALM. O3 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 21-0' X 3d-0' (640 SF.) LEASEE AREA WITH 8'-0' NIGH CMU BLOCK WALL ENCLOSURE. O4 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ACCE55 GATE. O EXISTING I1'-0' X 25'4' TRASN ENCLOSURE TO REMAIN. O EXISTING CMU WALL BY OTNER5 (VARIES IN WEIGHT). O7 EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE RE?10VED AND REPLACED WRH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OT}IER5). O NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) W PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR, (12) RRU'S WITH A2, (4) PER SECTOR, (4) RATCAPS, (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM AND (2) IN TWE EQUIPMENT AREA AND (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES. O9 EXISTING VERIZLW WIRELESS W<W STANDBY GENERATOR, IO PROPERTY LINE. 11 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 204' WIDE PATH OF ACCESS TRAVEL, O EXISTING CONCRETE PAD PREVIOUS LOCATION OF CVWD SHED. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) O EXISTING ELECT. TRANSFORMER ON CONCRETE PAD. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) 14 EXISTING UNDERGROUND CVWD WATER LINE TO REMAIN. (NOT A PART OF FPDJECT) 15 EYISTING CVAV CONCRETE PAD AND PIPELINE TO RF?IAIN. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) O EXISTING UNDERGROUND CVWD POWER RUN TO REMAIN. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) 17 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ELECTRICAL METE' PEDESTAL. 18 EXISTING CURB 4 GUTTER. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) O EXISTING LANDSCAPING. (NOT A PART OF PROJECT) 20 EXISTING VERtZON WIRELESS t0'-0' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT AT GENERATOR. O EXISTING UNDERGROU?ID IRRIGATION LINE RUN TO LIVE PALM TREES, OGMECTED TO EXISTING WATER LINE. (SEE IRRIGATION BY PLAN OTHERS). ® EXISTING VERIZON WIRELE55 W-IY WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT THAT CERTAIN LEASE DATED 10/01/2001 BETWEEN VERIZON WIRELESS AND CVWD. O EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS A/C. f -fie NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: 10 \ I. CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO WATERED \ THE (2) NEW PALM TREES FOR 6 MONTHS. �� \Fiygr 12 --- i� - POINT OF CONNECTION FOR9 \` ' EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS IRRIGATION LINE / 21 / 20 / ' 21 7 2 \ 11 11� \ \ \ 14 \ APN: 643-080-015 0.413 ACRES / / / / 1 \ 1, 11 1 11 11 VI 11 Il Il 1l Q11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6 11 17 1 1 „ 11 we 11 11 11 11 11 1l 11 11 11 11 11 ll 11 ll 11 1 I SCALE: 2w I' a 10'-0' REV: DATE/BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION: 0 Ora -26- 5 90% ZONING SET .AY I Ira L00% ZONING SET JGT 2 05-10-15 CLIENT REVISIONS CONSULTANT: SEQUOIA D�tOY6�lP�VIDS, NC 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 51TE BUILDER: veriLnwireless 15505 SAND CANTON AVE. BUILDING 'D' 1st. FLOOR IRVINE, CA. 92618 PHONE (949) 286-7000 A4E DEVELOPMENT: ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY 1X600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL: 949-716-9940 FAX: 949-297-4788 ENGINEER: SITE NAME: LA QUINTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS: 78-950 1/2 NIGFIWAT III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SWEET TITLE: ENLARGED SITE PLAN DRAWING INFO, DWG. NAME: I DRAMA) BY: I DATE: SHEET NUMBER. A-2 NOTES: OI NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) 8' PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR. O EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RRU'S TO BE REMOVED. O NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (4) RATCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. O NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (12) RRU'S WITH A2, (4) PER SECTOR MOUNTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNTS BEHIND NEW PANEL ANTENNAS. O NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS (t60') ON EXI5TING CABLE BRIDGE FROM RAYCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO RAYCAP AT EXISTING MONOPALM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING. O6 EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). O7 EXIST11`4 VERIZON WIRELESS 11'-5' X IB'O' EQUIPMENT SHELTER. O EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 65' NIGH MONOPALM WITH NEW EWRK CLADDING. O9 EXISTING CMU WALL BY OTNE"kS (VARIES IN NEIGNT). 10 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ACCESS GATE, 11 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 30KW STANDBY GENERATOR. 12 E'CISTING VERIZON WIRELESS CABLE BRIDGE 13 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 21-0' X 30'-0' (640 SF.) LEASE AREA WITH 8'-0' HIGN CMU BLOCK WALL ENCLOSURE. IA EX15TING VERIZON WIRELE55 2'-00 MICROWAVE DISH ANTENNA TO REMAIN. 15 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 10'-0' WIDE UTILITY EASEiM IT AT GENERATOR. 16 EXISTING UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION LINE RUN TO LIVE PALM TREE, CONNECTED TO EXISTING WATER LINE. (SEE IRRIGATION BY PLAN OTHERS), O EXISTING- UNDERGROUND CVWD WATER LINE TO REMAIN. (FAIT A PART OF PROJECT) iB EXISTING I1'-0' X 25'-0' TRASH ENCLOSURE TO REMAIN. NOTE: / 11 RRdNf11ES NOT / CLARITY. / / / / / SECTOR 'ALNA- ; AZIry NOTE TO CONTRACTOR I. CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO WATERED THE (2) NEW PALM TREES FOR 6 MONTHS. / / / / / / / / 16 16 NEW ANTENNA SCHEDULE MODEL R SIZE WEIGHT DD 4 (%'L X II.%'W X 7.1'D) 66.14 LBS l ANTENNA LAYOUT PLANSCALE, DETAILED SITE PLAN xALE,I'-0'J REV: DATE/BY. REVISION DESCRIPTION, 0 0JAY 15 901 TONING SET I 07�Y 5 1002 ZONING SET 2 OB�Y Is CLIENT REVISIONS CANWI-1 AN 1: TSEQUOIA DHPIDYE9IN7 SERVICIM, RC 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SITE vedzonwireless 15505 5AND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' Ist. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92618 PHONE (d49) 286-7000 ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY #600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL: 949-716-9940 FAXi 949-247-4788 SITE INFO: SITE NAME ILA QUI NTA R ETA I L SITE ADDRESS: 78-950 1/2 NIGFIWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 54EET TITLE - DETAILED SITE PLAN 4 ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN DWG. NAME- I DRAWN BY- I DATE: A-3. _TOP OF EXISTING MON0ALM FRONS — - - — 7 65T -O TOP OF NEW PANEL ANTENNA EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS MICROWAVE ANTENNA EXISTING MICROWAVE CENTERLINE 49 A.G.L.-------� NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS (t(,0') FROM RAYCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO RAYCAP AT EXISTING MONOPALM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 65' HIGH MONO?ALM WITH NEW BARK CLADDING. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SWELTER. EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. NEW VERMON WIRELESS (4) RAYCAPS, (2) —� MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RRU'S TO BE REMOVED. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS -T47 RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SWELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) V PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR. - — - — - — - — - — - — -- - RAD CENTER OF NIEW ANTENUUS 56'-0' A.G.L. NEW VIERIZON WIRELESS (12) RRU'S WITW A2 MOUNTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNTS BEHIND NEW PANEL ANTENNAS. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTING IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT TRANSFORMER (BEYOND). EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 30KH STANDBY GENERATOR. - - — - - G—RADE LEVEL 0T-0 F.S. NORTHWEST ELEVATION 1AI I/B' - E° P -o' TOP OF EXISTING MONOPALM FROND TOP OF NEW PANEL ANTENNA — — — - 60' -OT NEW VERQON WIRELESS (12) RRU'S WITH A2 MOUNTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNTS BEHIND NEW PANEL ANTENNAS. EXISTING VERRON WIRELESS MICROWAVE ANTENNA EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 65' HIGH MONOPALM-----,,, WITH NEW BARK CLADDING. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER. EXISTING CMU WALL.— EXISTING IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT TRANSFORMER (BEYOND). EXISTING TRASH ENLLOSUP.E. -7 m :o o: NEW VERRON WIRELE55 (4) RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. EX15TING VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RRU'S TO BE REMOVED. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (4) RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SWELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) B' PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (2) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR. i RAD CENT_t'RR OF NEW ANTENINIA i ----------------------- fi6�A EXISTING MICROWAVE CENTERLINE 49'-0' A.G.L. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS (t60') FROM RATCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO RAYCAP AT EXISTING MONOPALM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 3OKW STANDBY GENERATOR. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTI% CHAINLINK ACCESS GATE TO REMAIN. EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. EXISTING DOUBLE LEAF CHAINLINK ACCESS GATE TO REMAIN. — _ GRADE LEVEL 00 -Or F. S. L NORTHEAST ELEVATIONSCALE I/B' -y_o' 12 REV: DATE/BT: REVISION DESCRIPTION, 0 05y4Y 90i ZONING SET I �Y IS 100{ ZONING SET 2 OBS I5 CLIENT REVISIONS TSEQUOIA Mr SEVIMINC 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SITE BUILDER: vedzonwireless 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' Ist. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92616 PHONE (449) 286-7000 AIE DEVELOPMENT, ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY #600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL: 949-716-9940 FAX: 949-297-4788 W ir. f SITE NAME, ILA QU I NT A BETA I L SITE ADDRESS: 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SHEET TITLE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS DRAWING INFO: DWG. NAME: I DRAWN BY: DATE: SWEET NUMBER: A-4 EXISTING NORTI-IWEST ELEVATION ,L TOP OF EXISTING MONOPALM FROG - A.G 65-0' .L. _ - — ---- --� _TOP OF NEW PANEL ANTENNA - - EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESSMICROWAVE ANTENNA IXISTING MICROWAVE CENTERLINE 49- A.G.L.-------� NEW VERRON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS —� (t60') FROM RAYCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO RAYCAP AT EXISTING MONOPALM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 65' HIGH MONOPALM WITH NEW BARK CLADDING. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER, EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. —� 'm ' o o , NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (4) RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RRU'S TO BE REMOVED. TOP OF EXISTING MONOPALM FFXND — 65 TOP OF NEW PANEL ANTENNA - - EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ``�-- MICROWAVE ANTENNA EXISTING MICROWAVE CENTERLINE NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLE RUNS (W) FROM RAYCAP AT EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO RAYCAP AT EXISTING MONOPALM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABLE CONDUIT SPACING AND EXACT CABLE ROUTING. EX15TING VERIZON WIRELE58 65' HIGH MONOPALM WITH NEW BARK CLADDING. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER. E<ISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. g R ,o o, NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (4) RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. EX15TING VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RRU S TO BE REMOVED: NEW VERIZON WIRELESSTAj RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) 6' PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR. RAD CENTER qF NEW ANTENNAS --------------- 66'-F—AG.L NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (12) RRU'S WITH A2 MOUNTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNTS BEHIND NEW PANEL ANTENNAS. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTIN$ IMPERAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT TRANSFORMER_ (BEYOND). EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. GRADE LEVEL OT -0 F.S. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 30KW STANDBY GENERATOR. NEVI VERIZON WIRELESS (4) RAYCAPS, (2) MOUNTED IN EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AND (2) MOUNTED ON ANTENNA ARM. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) B' PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR. RAD CENTER qF NEW ANTENNAS 56' -O' A.G.L. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (12) RRU'S WITH A2 MOUNTED ON ANTENNA PIPE MOUNTS BEHIND NEVI PANEL ANTENNAS. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES, (SEE IRRIGATION PLAN BY OTHERS). EXISTING IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT TRANSFORMER (BEYOND). EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAIN. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 30KW STANDBY GENERATOR. -- _ _GRADE LEVFS, �_ 0T -O F.SF.S`� E: Ie I1 -p' L NEW NORTHWEST ELEVATION SCALE: vL+' - I' -o' 2 REV: DATMY: REVISION DESCRIPTION: 0 05-2Y 15 90% ZONING SET 1 O7-3-5 LOOS ZONING SET xY 2 08� 15 CLIENT REVISIONS TEQUOIA LOYAMffiIVI=ING 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 711 C OU[Wr.K- vedzonwireless 15505 SAND CANTON AVE. BUILDING 'D' 1st. FLOOR IRVINE, CA. 92618 PHONE (949) 286-7000 AIE DEVELOPMENT: ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY #600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL: 949-716-9940 FAXI 949-297-4788 SITE NAME LA QUINTA RETAIL I SITE ADDRESS: 78-950 1/2 NIGNWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SHEET TITLE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS DWG. NAME: I DRAWN BY: I DATE: A 711 11 NTA R F- TO I I A .►t+ fir �' + , �. s a, j y �Y *N a tLJ4ii ai\If i► ,c 'tel• . : iE�rir,•sr1+-a.ei�r■F+ I } era,asa:iia wt�l�iN.•F,w.}t�.� Joe, 0 41 4W GD • 4' �\ r _yr LOCATION o iti, 'max' ..'�•'• " Y ®r d 4 EXISTING PROPOSED ■ ■ VIEW 1 t row j l'- `p :T '.T _ _,�:,.w z t ,,-ll s :h• •� .mom '' �•�'' s „ ��'A� ~ fi 1p;:.i� f;�� .i +. �Pi'"R s's�l'{di'I'v• - r +�_ � .tr.:� �N► Y � s �� •1 �rvQ ) �fL~Y J w R� �'n•w div. i S� - jL ' ' "• ,-. � "f rf.s �, ®t z' : �r �=a GD i +R � ��Y��*- _� � � . •'' �'r � �i lam! ` Ift a ,arms'. LOCATION vow -'-•. , as .i... 1 8 // - LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM PARKING Li EXISTING m PROPOSED LIVE PALMS,- MONTE r PROPOSED 0 mkt m = /I It -7 Val I aD IL - LOCATION 0 0 0 0 mor, ff. WE W" I" M. EXISTING m PROPOSED LIVE PALMS,- MONTE r PROPOSED 0 mkt m = /I