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MUP 2015-0012
• City ofGa Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline lnn Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION RECEIVED DEC 15 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pla;nnm_q Stomc Sections A. B and C are to be completed by the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon. SECTION A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: IE04478 - CM478 Plaza Tampico Project Description: Performing the following modifications to an existing wireless facility under 6409. Adding the following: (3) Commscope LNX-65113DS-VIM dual panel antennas 54.7"), (3) RRUS11 B12 behind antennas, (1) T -Mobile NW and (1) DUS41 within existing BTS Cabinet APN #(s): 770-020-024 Site Address/ Location: 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 General Plan: VC- Village Commercial Zoning: Village Commercial Specific Plan: N/A Proposed Use: Wireless Telecommunicatoins Facility Proposed Phases: Related Cases: CUP 96-025 Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:1Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc • • SECTION B - STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: Upgrade to existing wireless telecommunications facility Hours of operation: 24/7 Number of employees: List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: FCC permits Types of equipment and processes used: Antennas, Coax lines, Equipment cabinets Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: N/A Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: N/A Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PAApplication Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc 0 0 SECTION C - APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: Smartlink, LLC on behalf of T -Mobile, Jeffrey McConnell 949-933-3918 (Name) (Phone) 18401 Von Karman Ave., Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92612 jmcconnell@smardinkllc.com (Mailing Address) (Email) Owner(s): Duncan M. Smith and Marjorie A. Smith, Trustees of the Smith Family Trust N/A (Name) (Phone) 17 Ardendale Court, Alamo, CA 94507 N/A (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: Breen Engineering, Inc., Luis Cardona 657-529-2111 (Name) (Phone) 6281 Beach Blvd. #125, Buena Park, CA 90621 lcardona@breen-telecom.com (Mailing Address) (Email) 54194 (California State License #) Applicant Certification I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such Information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15109. Applicant's Signature: Print Name: Jeffrey Owner Certification Date: 17-11 S /S I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: see attached LOA Date: Print Name(s): *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department o 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Date Paid: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Paid By: TMOBILE Cashier: MFA Pay Method: CHECK 3213082 Printed: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 1:01 PM 1 of 1 MCVC7FAAC February 9, 2016 0 Mr. Jeffrey McConnell, Real Estate Specialist SmartLink LLC 18401 Von Karman Ave, Ste. 400 Irvine, CA 92612 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2015-0012: 78150 CALLE TAMPICO IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY Dear Mr. McConnell: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request to add (3) new T -Mobile 4' 9", dual panel antennas and three (3) new radio remote units (RRU) (one each per sector), on an existing tower having six (6) existing T -Mobile antennas, and install/replace associated equipment in an existing cabinet at a telecommunication facility located at 78150 Calle Tampico. Approval of this application is subject to the exhibits on file for the Minor Use Permit and the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS Consistency with the General Plan: The proposed equipment at the existing telecommunication facility are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, in that the proposed equipment is intended to enhance community access to quality wireless communication services. 2. Public Welfare: Approval of the new equipment for an existing telecommunication facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed new equipment at the existing telecommunication facility will not create new adverse visual impacts as the proposed new antennas will be placed as part of a pre-existing facility of six antennas. No change to the height of the antenna location or general configuration is proposed. The associated equipment will be placed entirely within existing equipment cabinet. 4. The proposed new antennas and equipment is designed to facilitate continued function of the existing antenna array, without modifying the height or other pre- existing conditions to maintain the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed new and replacement equipment is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinto I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.Lo-Quinta.org • CONDITIONS • The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. The applicant shall comply with all provisions of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.170 "Wireless Telecommunication Facilities". 3. The applicant shall comply with any applicable provisions contained in Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit 1996-025 (CUP 96-025). 4. The applicant is permitted to install the following on the existing tower array: three (3) new T -Mobile 4' 9", dual panel antennas and three (3) new radio remote units (RRU) (one each per sector), on an existing tower having six (6) existing T -Mobile antennas, and install/replace associated equipment in an existing cabinet, as identified on the approved plans for MUP2015-0012. All new and replacement equipment shall be painted to match the color on the array. Applicant is also permitted to install all other related equipment within existing equipment cabinets located in the lease area. The applicant shall obtain all necessary building permits from the City's Building Division, and is responsible for meeting all applicable plan check submittal requirements. Plans submitted for building permit plan check shall include an accurate vicinity map. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party who submits the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $1,595.00 to this office within 15 days of the date of approval of this permit. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner c: Building Division File; CUP 1996-025 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.Lo-Quinta.org • 0 Federal Communications Commission FCC 14-153 antenna is in the "same vicinity" as a pre-existing antenna if it is on the same rooftop, fagade, or other surface and the centerpoint of the new antenna is within ten feet of the centerpoint of the pre-existing antenna. For purposes of this Note, a deployment causes no new ground disturbance when the depth and width of previous disturbance exceeds the proposed construction depth and width by at least two feet. 4. Part 1 is amended by adding Subpart CC as follows: Subpart CC—State and Local Review of Applications for Wireless Service Facility Modification & 1.40001 Wireless Facility Modifications (a) Purpose. These rules implement § 6409 of the Spectrum Act (codified at 47 U.S.C. 1455), which requires a State or local government to approve any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station. (b) Definitions. Terms used in this section have the following meanings. (1) Base Station. A structure or equipment at a fixed location that enables Commission -licensed or authorized wireless communications between user equipment and a communications network. The term does not encompass a tower as defined in this subpart or any equipment associated with a tower. (i) The term includes, but is not limited to, equipment associated with wireless communications services such as private, broadcast, and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul. (ii) The term includes, but is not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber- optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration (including Distributed Antenna Systems and small-cell networks). (iii) The term includes any structure other than a tower that, at the time the relevant application is filed with the State or local government under this section, supports or houses equipment described in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)-(ii) of this section that has been 125 Federal Communications Commission FCC 14-153 reviewed and approved under the applicable zoning or siting process, or under another State or local regulatory review process, even if the structure was not built for the sole or primary purpose of providing such support. (iv) The term does not include any structure that, at the time the relevant application is filed with the State or local government under this section, does not support or house equipment described in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)-(ii) of this section. (2) Collocation. The mounting or installation of transmission equipment on an eligible support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signals for communications purposes. (3) Eligible Facilities Request. Any request for modification of an existing tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station, involving: (i) collocation of new transmission equipment; (ii) removal of transmission equipment; or (iii) replacement of transmission equipment. (4) Eligible Support Structure. Any tower or base station as defined in this section, provided that it is existing at the time the relevant application is filed with the State or local government under this section. (5) Existing. A constructed tower or base station is existing for purposes of this section if it has been reviewed and approved under the applicable zoning or siting process, or under another State or local regulatory review process, provided that a tower that has not been reviewed and approved because it was not in a zoned area when it was built, but was lawfully constructed, is existing for purposes of this definition. (6) Site. For towers other than towers in the public rights-of-way, the current boundaries of the leased or owned property surrounding the tower and any access or utility easements currently related to the site, and, for other eligible support structures, further restricted to that area in proximity to the structure and to other transmission equipment already deployed on the ground. 126 Federal Communications Commission FCC 14-153 (7) Subsianlial Change. A modification substantially changes the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure if it meets any of the following criteria: (i) for towers other than towers in the public rights-of-way, it increases the height of the tower by more than 10% or by the height of one additional antenna array with separation from the nearest existing antenna not to exceed twenty feet, whichever is greater; for other eligible support structures, it increases the height of the structure by more than 10% or more than ten feet, whichever is greater; (A) Changes in height should be measured from the original support structure in cases where deployments are or will be separated horizontally, such as on buildings' rooftops; in other circumstances, changes in height should be measured from the dimensions of the tower or base station, inclusive of originally approved appurtenances and any modifications that were approved prior to the passage of the Spectrum Act. (ii) for towers other than towers in the public rights-of-way, it involves adding an appurtenance to the body of the tower that would protrude from the edge of the tower more than twenty feet, or more than the width of the tower structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is greater; for other eligible support structures, it involves adding an appurtenance to the body of the structure that would protrude from the edge of the structure by more than six feet; (iii) for any eligible support structure, it involves installation of more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets for the technology involved, but not -to exceed four cabinets; or, for towers in the public rights-of-way and base stations, it involves installation of any new equipment cabinets on the ground if there are no pre-existing ground cabinets associated with the structure, or else involves installation of ground cabinets that are more than 10% larger in height or overall volume than any other ground cabinets associated with the structure; (iv) it entails any excavation or deployment outside the current site; 127 Federal Communications Commission FCC 14-153 (v) it would defeat the concealment elements of the eligible support structure; or (vi) it does not comply with conditions associated with the siting approval of the construction or modification of the eligible support structure or base station equipment, provided however that this limitation does not apply to any modification that is non- compliant only in a manner that would not exceed the thresholds identified in § 1.40001(b)(7)(i)-(iv). (8) Transmission Equipment. Equipment that facilitates transmission for any Commission - licensed or authorized wireless communication service, including, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, and regular and backup power supply. The term includes equipment associated with wireless communications services including, but not limited to, private, broadcast, and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul. (9) Tower. Any structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting any Commission - licensed or authorized antennas and their associated facilities, including structures that are constructed for wireless communications services including, but not limited to, private, broadcast, and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul, and the associated site. (c) Review of Applications. A State or local government may not deny and shall approve any eligible facilities request for modification of an eligible support structure that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such structure. (1) Documentation Requirement for Review. When an applicant asserts in writing that a request for modification is covered by this section, a State or local government may require the applicant to provide documentation or information only to the extent reasonably related to determining whether the request meets the requirements of this section. A State or local government may not require an applicant to submit any other documentation, including but not limited to documentation intended to illustrate the need for such wireless facilities or to justify the business decision to modify such wireless facilities. 128 Federal Communications Commission FCC 14-153 (2) Timeframe for Review. Within 60 days of the date on which an applicant submits a request seeking approval under this section, the State or local government shall approve the application unless it determines that the application is not covered by this section. (3) Tolling of the Timeframe for Review. The 60 -day period begins to run when the application is filed, and may be tolled only by mutual agreement or in cases where the reviewing State or local government determines that the application is incomplete. The timeframe for review is not tolled by a moratorium on the review of applications. (i) To toll the timeframe for incompleteness, the reviewing State or local government must provide written notice to the applicant within 30 days of receipt of the application, clearly and specifically delineating all missing documents or information. Such delineated information is limited to documents or information meeting the standard under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. (ii) The timeframe for review begins running again when the applicant makes a supplemental submission in response to the State or local government's notice of incompleteness. (iii) Following a supplemental submission, the State or local government will have 10 days to notify the applicant that the supplemental submission did not provide the information identified in the original notice delineating missing information. The timeframe is tolled in the case of second or subsequent notices pursuant to the procedures identified in this paragraph (c)(3). Second or subsequent notices of incompleteness may not specify missing documents or information that were not delineated in the original notice of incompleteness. (4) Failure to Act. In the event the reviewing State or local government fails to approve or deny a request seeking approval under this section within the timeframe for review (accounting for any tolling), the request shall be deemed granted. The deemed grant does not become effective until the applicant notifies the applicable reviewing authority in writing after the review period has expired (accounting for any tolling) that the application has been deemed granted. 129 2/4/2016 . FCC Rules on Wireless Facility Siting Orb NATIONAL LEAGUE of CITIES FCC Rules on Wireless Facility Siting Order NOVEMBER 7, 2014 Julia Pulidindi Last month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted a "Report and Order" that takes steps to increase broadband deployment. Prior to the order, the FCC sought input on Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 ("Spectrum Act"), which prohibits local governments from denying eligible facilities' requests to modify existing wireless towers or stations if the modification does not substantially change the dimensions of the facility. In comments, NLC, along with the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Association of Counties, and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Communications Officers filed in February and March, the groups urged the FCC not to adopt formal rules that would preempt local zoning and permitting authority or impose a one -size -fits all approach. Unfortunately, while the FCC's Order addressed some of the concerns raised by the groups, it fell short of our request and imposes a short window, only 90 days, following publication in the Federal Register before the rules are to be implemented. There was a potential positive result for cities as a result of the proceeding. In response to a request from FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, CTIA - The Wireless Association® and PCIA - The Wireless Infrastructure Association expressed their interest and willingness to work with municipal government representatives after adoption of the Order on developing materials and gathering information that will foster a greater understanding of Section 6409(a) and facilitate timely and consistent wireless facility modifications. Both associations also made specific commitments related to this expression. NLC will be vigilant in working with Commissioner Clyburn to ensure these commitments are met. The FCC will hold a webinar to review the details of the Order on Tuesday, December 2nd at fpm. Below is a detailed summary of the provisions of the regulation with the greatest impact on cities: Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act The FCC adopted rules and clarified terms to implement and enforce Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Spectrum Act). These include: Clarify that Section 6409(a) applies to support structures and to transmission equipment used in connection with any Commission -licensed or authorized wireless transmission; Define "transmission equipment" to encompass antennas and other equipment associated with and necessary to their operation, including power supply cables and backup power equipment; http://www.nlc.orglmedia-center!news-searchtfcc-rules-of-wireless-facility-siting-order 1/4 2/4/2016 FCC Rules on Wireless Facility Siting Or • Define "tower" to iOde any structure built for the sole or priW purpose of supporting any Commission -licensed or authorized antennas and their associated facilities; • Clarify that the term "base station" includes structures other than towers that support or house an antenna, transceiver, or other associated equipment that constitutes part of a "base station" at the time the relevant application is filed with State or municipal authorities, even if the structure was not built for the sole or primary purpose of providing such support, but does not include structures that do not at that time support or house base station components; • Clarify that a modification "substantially changes" the physical dimensions of a tower or base station, as measured from the dimensions of the tower or base station inclusive of any modifications approved prior to the passage of the Spectrum Act, if it meets a defined set of criteria; • Provide that States and localities may continue to enforce and condition approval on compliance with generally applicable building, structural, electrical, and safety codes and with other laws codifying objective standards reasonably related to health and safety; • With regard to the process for reviewing an application Linder Section 6409(a), provide that: o A State or local government may only require applicants to provide documentation that is reasonably related to determining whether the eligible facilities request meets the requirements of Section 6409(a); o Within 60 days from the date of filing, accounting for tolling, a State or local government shall approve an application covered by Section 6409(a); and o The running of the period may be tolled by mutual agreement or upon notice that an application is incomplete provided in accordance with the same deadlines and requirements applicable under Section 332(c)(7), as described in the Order, but not by a moratorium; • Provide that an application filed under Section 6409(a) is deemed granted if a State or local government fails to act on it within the requisite time period; • Clarify that Section 6409(a) applies only to State and local governments acting in their role as land use regulators and does not apply to such entities acting in their proprietary capacities; and • Provide that parties may bring disputes -including disputes related to application denials and deemed grants -in any court of competent jurisdiction. The Commission will not entertain such disputes. Section 332(c)(7) of the Communications Act The Commission has taken the following actions: • Clarify, with regard to the Commission's determination in the 2009 Declaratory Ruling, that a State or municipality may toll the running of the shot clock if it notifies the applicant within 30 days of submission that its application is incomplete. Details of tolling and in complete applications are: o The' timeframe begins to run when an application is first submitted, not when it is deemed complete by the reviewing government; o A determination of incompleteness tolls the shot clock only if the State or local government provides notice to the applicant in writing within 30 days of the application's submission, specifically delineating all missing information, and specifying the code provision, ordinance, application instruction, or otherwise publically-stated procedures that require the information to be submitted; • Following an applicant's submission in response to a determination of incompleteness, the State or local government may reach a subsequent determination of incompleteness based solely on the applicant's failure to supply the specific information that was requested within the first 30 days; o The shot clock begins running again when the applicant makes its supplemental http://www.nlc.orglmedia-center/news-searcMcc-rules-of-wireless-facility-siting-order 2/4 2/4/2016 FCC Rules on Wireless Facility Siting Or submissionOwever, the shot clock may again be tolisf the State or local government notifies the applicant within 10 days that the supplemental submission did not provide the specific information identified in the original notice delineating missing information; • Clarify that the presumptively reasonable timeframes run regardless of any applicable moratoria; Clarify that where DAS or small-cell facilities, including third -party facilities such as neutral - host DAS deployments, are or will be used for the provision of personal wireless services, their siting applications are subject to the 2009 Declaratory Ruling and the presumptively reasonable timeframes it established; and Decline to adopt an additional remedy for State or local government failures to act within the presumptively reasonable time limits. Section 106 Exclusion The FCC adopted an exclusion from Section 106 review for collocations on buildings and any other nontower structures that meet the following conditions: • There is an existing antenna on the building or structure; • The new deployment meets certain requirements related to visibility and proximity to an existing antenna; • The new antenna will comply with all zoning conditions and historic preservation conditions on existing antennas that directly mitigate or prevent effects, such as camouflage or concealment requirements; • The deployment will involve no new ground disturbance; and • The deployment is not (1) inside the boundary of a historic district, or within 250 feet of the boundary of a historic district; (2) located on a structure that is a designated National Historic Landmark or is listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register; or (3) the subject of a pending complaint alleging adverse effect on historic properties. Environmental and Historic Preservation Review Processes The FCC adopted measures to refine their environmental and historic preservation review processes under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) to account for new wireless technologies, including physically small facilities like those used in distributed antenna system (DAS) networks and small-cell systems that are a fraction of the size of macrocell installations. These measures include: Amend the existing NEPA categorical exclusion for antenna collocations on buildings and towers to clarify that it includes equipment associated with the antennas (such as wiring, cabling, cabinets, and backup -power) and that it also covers collocations in a building's interior; Amend the NEPA categorical exclusion for collocations to cover collocations on structures other than buildings and towers; and Adopt a new NEPA categorical exclusion for deployments, including deployments of new poles, in utility or communications rights-of-way that are in active use for such purposes, where the deployment does not constitute a substantial increase in size over the existing utility or communications uses. Temporary Towers The FCC codified waivers previously granted by the Commission and has adopted a narrow exemption from the Commission's requirement that owners of proposed towers requiring antenna structure registration (ASR) provide 30 days of national and local notice to give members of the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed tower's potential environmental effects. The exemption from notification requirements applies only to proposed temporary towers meeting http://www.nlc.org/media-center/news-search/fcc-rules-of-wireless-facility-siting-order 34 2/4/2016 FCC Rules on Wireless Facility Siting Or defined criteria; includingots on the size and duration of the insta&n, that greatly reduce the likelihood of any significant environmental effects. O 2013 National League of Cities 1 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 550, Washington, DC 20004 http:ltwww.nlc.org/media-center/news-search/fcc-rules-of-wireless-facility-siting-order 4/4 • Wally Nesbit From: Wally Nesbit Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 8:59 AM To: jmcconnell@smartlink.com' Subject: MUP 2015-0012 - Plaza Tampico Hi Jeffrey - on this case I would like to see if there are any possible alternatives to the current design, in order -to address the aesthetics of the site as it exists. Since it has been nearly 20 years since this site was established, there may have been technology advances that could allow updating this site with a more stealth installation, such as conversion to building mounted panels or other means. I would like to get some information from you in regard to whether a more stealth design is possible, type of design(s) that may be possible, and any analysis of its feasibility for this site. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks, Wallace Nesbit I Principal Planner City of La Quints 78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7069 wnesbit@la-guinto.org Website: www.la-auinta.org PROJECT TRANSITION - SMARTLINK LLC - PLAZA TAMPICO CELL SITE MODIFICATION CASE FILES: MUP2015-0012; CUP 96-025 (RELATED) CONTACTS: APPLICANT: Jeffrey McConnell jmcconnell@smartlink.com PROJECT STATUS: PROPOSAL ADDS 3 ANTENNAS TO EXISTING SITE OF 6 ANTENNAS PROJECT IS DEEMED COMPLETE AS NO LETTER WAS SENT OUT. APPLICANT INDICATES THIS IS AN FCC REGULATION 4609 ENTITLEMENT APPLICATION, WHICH APPARENTLY ALLOWS IT TO BE DEEMED APPROVED IF CITY (BOTH PLANNING AND BUILDING) DOES NOT ACT MIN 60 DAYS. APPLICATION WAS SUBMITTED 12/15/15, SO DEADLINE IS 2/13/16. REQUESTED CONSIDERATION OF STEALTH REVISIONS TO EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMMENTS WAS DECLINED BY PROVIDER. AS THIS SITE HAS EXISTED 20 YRS WITH NO ISSUES AND GIVEN UNKNOWNS OF THE 4609 RULE, IT SHOULD BE OK TO APPROVE THE ADDITIONAL ANTENNAE, AND INVESTIGATE IMPLICATIONS OF FCC RULE. 2/8/16 - REQUESTED MUTUAL EXTENSION FOR PLANNING AND BUILDING REVIEW/APPROVAL. GRANTED 1 WEEK (TO 2/19). I APPROVED APPLICATION BECAUSE I DID NOT GET THE COMPLETENESS LTR FILED, OTW WE WOULD HAVE 60 DAYS FROM THAT DATE. SUGGEST TALKING TO CITY ATTORNEY ABOUT RAMIFICATIONS OF THIS RULE 4609. RECEIVED • • T -Mobile West LLC - Base Station No. IE04478A DEC 15 2015 78150 Calle Tampico • La Quinta, California CITYOFLAVELOPA atement of Hammett & Edison Inc., Consulting Engineers COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI� g g� The firm of Hammett & Edison, Inc., Consulting Engineers, has been retained by T -Mobile West LLC, a personal wireless telecommunications carrier, to evaluate proposed modifications to its existing base station (Site No. IE04478A) located at 78150 Calle Tampico in La Quinta, California, for compliance with appropriate guidelines limiting human exposure to radio frequency ("RF") electromagnetic fields. Executive Summary T -Mobile proposes to install additional directional panel antennas above the roof of the two- story commercial building located at 78150 Calle Tampico in La Quinta. The proposed operation will comply with the FCC guidelines limiting public exposure to RF energy. Prevailing Exposure Standards The U.S. Congress requires that the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") evaluate its actions for possible significant impact on the environment. A summary of the FCC's exposure limits is shown in Figure 1. These limits apply for continuous exposures and are intended to provide a prudent margin of safety for all persons, regardless of age, gender, size, or health. The most restrictive FCC limit for exposures of unlimited duration to radio frequency energy for several personal wireless services are as follows: Wireless Service Frequency Band Occupational Limit Public Limit Microwave (Point -to -Point) 5-80 GHz 5.00 mW/cm2 1.00 mW/cm2 WiFi (and unlicensed uses) 2-6 5.00 1.00 BRS (Broadband Radio) 2,600 MHz 5.00 1.00 WCS (Wireless Communication) 2,300 5.00 1.00 AWS (Advanced Wireless) 2,100 5.00 1.00 PCS (Personal Communication) 1,950 5.00 1.00 Cellular 870 2.90 0.58 SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio) 855 2.85 0.57 700 MHz 700 2.40 0.48 [most restrictive frequency range] 30-300 1.00 0.20 General Facility Requirements Base stations typically consist of two distinct parts: the electronic transceivers (also called "radios" or "channels") that are connected to the traditional wired telephone lines, and the passive antennas that send the wireless signals created by the radios out to be received by individual subscriber units. The transceivers are often located at ground level and are connected to the antennas by coaxial cables. A small antenna for reception of GPS signals is also required, mounted with a clear view of the sky. HAmmETT& EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS K1 QF SAN MwC►sco Page 1 of 4 T -Mobile West LLC - Base Station No. IE04478A 78150 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, California Because of the short wavelength of the frequencies assigned by the FCC for wireless services, the antennas require line -of -sight paths for their signals to propagate well and so are installed at some height above ground. The antennas are designed to concentrate their energy toward the horizon, with very little energy wasted toward the sky or the ground. This means that it is generally not possible for exposure conditions to approach the maximum permissible exposure limits without being physically very near the antennas. Computer Modeling Method The FCC provides direction for determining compliance in its Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC -Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation," dated August 1997. Figure 2 describes the calculation methodologies, reflecting the facts that a directional antenna's radiation pattern is not fully formed at locations very close by (the "near -field" effect) and that at greater distances the power level from an energy source decreases with the square of the distance from it (the "inverse square law"). The conservative nature of this method for evaluating exposure conditions has been verified by numerous field tests. Site and Facility Description Based upon information provided by T -Mobile, including construction drawings by Breen Engineering Inc., dated September 24, 2015, that carrier presently has six Ericsson Model AIR21 directional panel antennas installed on short poles above the sloped roof of the architectural feature above the two-story commercial building located at 78150 Calle Tampico in La Quinta. It is proposed to install three Andrew Model LNX-6513DS directional panel antennas next to the existing antennas. The nine antennas would employ 2° downtilt,* would be mounted at an effective height of about 41 feet above ground, 4 feet above the roof, and would be oriented in identical groups of three toward 0°T, 90°T, and 310°T. The maximum effective radiated power in any direction would be 5,700 watts, representing simultaneous operation at 2,200 watts for AWS, 2,200 watts for PCS, and 1,300 watts for 700 MHz service. There are reported no other wireless telecommunications base stations at the site or nearby. Study Results For a person anywhere at ground, the maximum RF exposure level due to the proposed T -Mobile operation is calculated to be 0.0059 mW/cm2, which is 1.2% of the applicable public exposure limit. The maximum calculated level at the second -floor elevation of any nearby buildingt is 2.2% of the public exposure limit. The maximum calculated level at the second -floor elevation of any nearby * Assumed for the limited purpose of this study. t Located at least 65 feet away, based on photographs from Google Maps. HAmmETT & EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS K1QF C_ _ SAN FRANCISCO Page 2 of 4 T -Mobile West LLC - Base Station No. IE04478A 78150 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, California residence: is 2.1% of the public exposure limit. The maximum calculated level on the campus of John Adams Elementary School to the north§ is 1.3% of the public exposure limit. It should be noted that these results include several `worst-case" assumptions and therefore are expected to overstate actual power density levels from the proposed operation. Levels may exceed the applicable public exposure limit on the sloped roof of the subject building, in front of the antennas. Recommended Mitigation Measures Due to their mounting location and height, the T -Mobile antennas would not be accessible to unauthorized persons, and so no mitigation measures are necessary to comply with the FCC public exposure guidelines. To prevent occupational exposures in excess of the FCC guidelines, it is recommended that appropriate RF safety training, to include review of personal monitor use and lockout/tagout procedures, be provided to all authorized personnel who have access to the roof, including employees and contractors of T -Mobile and of the property owner. No access within 12 feet directly in front of the antennas themselves, such as might occur during certain maintenance activities, should be allowed while the base station is in operation, unless other measures can be demonstrated to ensure that occupational protection requirements are met. It is recommended that explanatory signsi� be posted at the antennas, readily visible from any angle of approach to persons who might need to work within that distance. Conclusion Based on the information and analysis above, it is the undersigned's professional opinion that the proposed operation of the T -Mobile West LLC base station located at 78150 Calle Tampico in La Quinta, California, will comply with the prevailing standards for limiting public exposure to radio frequency energy and, therefore, will not for this reason cause a significant impact on the environment. The highest calculated level in publicly accessible areas is much less than the prevailing standards allow for exposures of unlimited duration. This finding is consistent with measurements of actual exposure conditions taken at other operating base stations. Training authorized personnel and posting explanatory signs are recommended to establish compliance with occupational exposure limits. I Located at least 220 feet away, based on photographs from Google Maps. § Located at least 370 feet away, based on photographs from Google Maps. ** Signs should comply with OET-65 color, symbol, and content recommendations. Contact information should be provided (e.g., a telephone number) to arrange for access to restricted areas. The selection of language(s) is not an engineering matter, and guidance from the landlord, local zoning or health authority, or appropriate professionals may be required. HAmmETT & EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS K 1 QF snNFRANCrsco Page 3 of 4 T -Mobile West LLC - Base Station No. IE04478A 78150 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, California Authorship The undersigned author of this statement is a qualified Professional Engineer, holding California Registration Nos. E-13026 and M-20676, which expire on June 30, 2017. This work has been carried out under his direction, and all statements are true and correct of his own knowledge except, where noted, when data has been supplied by others, which data he believes to be correct. December 10, 2015 QRpf E E-13026�J'� 7 M-20676 C Exp.6-30-2017 FC AN1GP�al�1�� e� v illiam F. HarWtr, P.E. 707/996-5200 � f ?�'= HAmmETT& EDISON, INC. o CONSULTING ENGINEERS K1QF SAN FRANCISCO Page 4 of 4 • • FCC Radio Frequency Protection Guide The U.S. Congress required (1996 Telecom Act) the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to adopt a nationwide human exposure standard to ensure that its licensees do not, cumulatively, have a significant impact on the environment. The FCC adopted the limits from Report No. 86, "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields," published in 1986 by the Congressionally chartered National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements ("NCRP"). Separate limits apply for occupational and public exposure conditions, with the latter limits generally five times more restrictive. The more recent standard, developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and approved as American National Standard ANSI/IEEE C95.1-2006, "Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," includes similar limits. These limits apply for continuous exposures from all sources and are intended to provide a prudent margin of safety for all persons, regardless of age, gender, size, or health. As shown in the table and chart below, separate limits apply for occupational and public exposure conditions, with the latter limits (in italics and/or dashed) up to five times more restrictive: Frequency Applicable Range (MHz) 0.3— 1.34 1.34— 3.0 3.0— 30 30— 300 300— 1,500 1,500— 100,000 1000 100 3A 10 a �3 A � 1 0.1 Electromagnetic Fields (f is freauencv of emission in MHz Electric Magnetic Equivalent Far -Field Field Strength Field Strength Power Density (V/m) (A/m) (mW/cm2) 614 614 1.63 1.63 100 100 614 823.8/f 1.63 2.19/f 100 180/1 1842/f 823.8/f 4.89/f 2.19/f 900/f 18011 61.4 27.5 0.163 0.0729 1.0 0.2 3.544f 1.59f ff/106 ff1238 f/300 f/1500 137 61.4 0.364 0.163 5.0 1.0 Occupational Exposure ` PCS N Cell FM Public Exposure 0.1 1 10 100 103 104 10' Frequency (MHz) Higher levels are allowed for short periods of time, such that total exposure levels averaged over six or thirty minutes, for occupational or public settings, respectively, do not exceed the limits, and higher levels also are allowed for exposures to small areas, such that the spatially averaged levels do not exceed the limits. However, neither of these allowances is incorporated in the conservative calculation formulas in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65 (August 1997) for projecting field levels. Hammett & Edison has built those formulas into a proprietary program that calculates, at each location on an arbitrary rectangular grid, the total expected power density from any number of individual radio sources. The program allows for the description of buildings and uneven terrain, if required to obtain more accurate projections. HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. ! CONSULTING ENGINEERS FCC Guidelines SANFRANCTSCO Figure 1 • • RFR.CALC'rm Calculation Methodology Assessment by Calculation of Compliance with FCC Exposure Guidelines The U.S. Congress required (1996 Telecom Act) the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to adopt a nationwide human exposure standard to ensure that its licensees do not, cumulatively, have a significant impact on the environment. The maximum permissible exposure limits adopted by the FCC (see Figure 1) apply for continuous exposures from all sources and are intended to provide a prudent margin of safety for all persons, regardless of age, gender, size, or health. Higher levels are allowed for short periods of time, such that total exposure levels averaged over six or thirty minutes, for occupational or public settings, respectively, do not exceed the limits. Near Field. Prediction methods have been developed for the near field zone of panel (directional) and whip (omnidirectional) antennas, typical at wireless telecommunications base stations, as well as dish (aperture) antennas, typically used for microwave links. The antenna patterns are not fully formed in the near field at these antennas, and the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65 (August 1997) gives suitable formulas for calculating power density within such zones. For a panel or whip antenna, power density S = 180 x 0.1 x Pnet B .n x D x h' in mW/cm2, Bw and for an aperture antenna, maximum power density Smax = 0.1 x 16 x rJ x Poet in mW/CM2, nxh where OBW = half -power beamwidth of the antenna, in degrees, and Pnet = net power input to the antenna, in watts, D = distance from antenna, in meters, h = aperture height of the antenna, in meters, and q = aperture efficiency (unitless, typically 0.5-0.8). The factor of 0.1 in the numerators converts to the desired units of power density. Far Field. OET 65 gives this formula for calculating power density in the far field of an individual RF source: power density S = 2.56 x 1.64 x 100 x RFF2 x ERP 4 x .n x D2 in mW/cm2' where ERP = total ERP (all polarizations), in kilowatts, RFF = relative field factor at the direction to the actual point of calculation, and D = distance from the center of radiation to the point of calculation, in meters. The factor of 2.56 accounts for the increase in power density due to ground reflection, assuming a reflection coefficient of 1.6 (1.6 x 1.6 = 2.56). The factor of 1.64 is the gain of a half -wave dipole relative to an isotropic radiator. The factor of 100 in the numerator converts to the desired units of power density. This formula has been built into a proprietary program that calculates, at each location on an arbitrary rectangular grid, the total expected power density from any number of individual radiation sources. The program also allows for the description of uneven terrain in the vicinity, to obtain more accurate projections. HvicHAMM= & EDISON, INC. u CONSULTING ENGINEERS Methodology SAN FRANCISCO Figure 2 RECEIVED Agent for T -Mobile: Smartlink, LLC DEC 15 2015 Date: 12/9/2015 Site Address: 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Dear City of La Quinta: Re: Eligible Facilities Request to modify Transmission Equipment on a communications Tower located at 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. A. T -Mobile is Filing an Eligible Facilities Request Smartlink, LLC on behalf of T -Mobile West is submitting the attached Eligible Facilities Request application to add, remove, modify, or replace Transmission Equipment on a telecommunications Tower located at 78150 Calle Tampico in the City of La Quinta. Because this jurisdiction has not yet developed an Eligible Facilities Request permit application form that complies with Section 6409 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, commonly known as the "Spectrum Act" (Pub. Law No. 112-96, 126 Stat 156), this Eligible Facilities Request is attached to the minor use permit application form which was customarily used by this jurisdiction when reviewing requests to collocate or modify wireless telecommunications facilities. Because federal law now preempts many of the permit application requirements that this jurisdiction would previously have required from an applicant, this Eligible Facilities Request application provides only the information that federal law allows this jurisdiction to consider when reviewing an Eligible Facilities Request. Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act mandates that state and local governments "may not deny, and shall approve, any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station." Under Section 6409(a)(2)(A)-(C) an Eligible Facilities Request is any request to modify a Tower or Base Station that involves "collocations of new Transmission Equipment," "removal," or "replacement" of Transmission Equipment. B. Why this Eligible Facilities Request Must Be Granted This Eligible Facilities Request involves an effort to collocate, remove, modify, or replace Transmission Equipment on a Tower for the use of an FCC licensed wireless carrier. The existing Tower is a structure that is 43'-6" high and presently contains wireless facilities. The existing Tower meets the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") definition of a Tower. The list of equipment identified in the Eligible Facilities Request application that will be collocated, removed or replaced at the Tower also is Transmission Equipment as determined by the FCC. The FCC has defined Transmission Equipment as "any equipment that facilitates transmission for any Commission -licensed or authorized wireless communication service, including, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas and other relevant equipment associated with and necessary to their operation, including coaxial or fiber-optic cable, and 2015.3 National Development regular and back-up power supply. This definition includes equipment used in any technological configuration associated with any Commission -authorized wireless transmission, licensed or unlicensed, terrestrial or satellite, including commercial mobile, private mobile, broadcast and public safety services, as well as fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul or fixed broadband." The FCC, in a Report and Order adopted on October 17, 2014, determined that any modification to an existing telecommunications Tower that meets the following six criteria does not substantially change the physical dimensions of the existing Tower and therefore is an Eligible Facilities Request which must be granted: 1. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment do not increase the height of the Tower by twenty feet or ten percent, whichever is greater. 2. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment do not protrude from the edge of the Tower by twenty feet or more than the width of the Tower (whichever of these two dimensions is greater) at the level where the transmission equipment modifications are made; 3. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment do not involve the installation of more than the standard number of equipment cabinets for the technology involved, not to exceed four 4. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment do not entail any excavation or deployment outside of the Tower site. 5. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment do not defeat any existing concealment elements of the Tower. 6. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment comply with prior conditions of approval of the Tower, unless the non-compliance is due to an increase in height, increase in width, addition of equipment cabinets, or new excavation that does not exceed the corresponding "substantial change" thresholds in numbers 14. There is a certification attached to the accompanying Eligible Facilities Request that identifies how each of the six review criteria identified by the FCC is met. The modifications to the Transmission Equipment at the Tower located at 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 contained in this Eligible Facilities Request fully conform to Section 6409(a) as enacted by Congress and as interpreted by the FCC. Accordingly, this Eligible Facilities Request must be approved within 60 days, as required by federal law and FCC regulations. C. Notice of Federal Law Expedited Permit Processing and Deemed Granted Under federal law, an Eligible Facilities Request is deemed granted sixty (60) days after a complete application is filed with a local jurisdiction. If sixty days pass after the submission of T -Mobile's accompanying Eligible Facilities Request and the City of La Quinta has not acted to grant or deny the request, it will be deemed granted. At that time, the applicant may advise the [insert name of local jurisdiction] that the application has been deemed granted. If the Cityof La Quinta wishes to contest whether the Eligible Facilities Request has been deemed granted, the burden is on the City of La Quinta to file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days after receipt of a written communication notifying it that the Eligible Facilities 2015.3 National Development • Request has been deemed granted. Failure to file a lawsuit in a timely manner may forever bar this jurisdiction from contesting that this Eligible Facilities Request has been deemed granted. T -Mobile is committed to working cooperatively with you, and all jurisdictions around the country, to secure expeditious approval of requests to modify existing personal wireless service facilities. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, LL%�i1 Peffif-revy4McConnell Smartlink, LLC Authorized Agent for T -Mobile 2015.3 National Development • • ELIGIBLE FACILITIES REQUEST CERTIFICATION FOR NON -SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES TO A WIRELESS TOWER NOT LOCATED WITHIN A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY 1) Address of the Wireless Tower: _78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253_ 2) The height (measured in feet above ground level) of the existing Tower as originally approved, including any modifications approved prior to February 22, 2012: 43'-6"_ 3) What is the height (measured in feet above ground level) at which the modifications to the Transmission Equipment will occur on the Tower? 43'-6" 4. What will be the height (measured in feet above ground level) of the existing Tower after the modifications to the Transmission Equipment are installed? 43'-6" 5) Effect of modifications of Transmission Equipment on Tower height: (A) Will the modifications in Transmission Equipment (addition, removal or replacement of Transmission Equipment) result in increasing the height above ground level of the existing Tower? ❑ Yes ® No (B) Will the modifications in Transmission Equipment result in increasing the height above ground level of the existing Tower by more than: (i) 10% of the height of the existing Tower, as originally approved, including any modifications approved prior to February 22, 2012; or (ii) twenty feet above the height of the existing Tower, as originally approved, including any modifications approved prior to February 22, 2012, whichever height increase is greater? ❑ Yes ® No 6) Will the modifications in Transmission Equipment (measured at the height above ground level where the Transmission Equipment will be attached to the tower) result in any Transmission Equipment protruding horizontally from the edge of tower by more than twenty (20) feet or by more than the existing width of the tower at that height, whichever of these dimensions is greater? ❑ Yes ® No 7) Will the proposed changes in Transmission Equipment involve excavation or placement of new equipment outside the existing Tower site or outside any access or utility easements currently related to the site? ❑ Yes ® No 8) Will the proposed modification in Transmission Equipment involve installation of more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets for the technology involved, but not to exceed four? ❑ Yes RECEIVE® ® No Non -Substantial Change Certificate for Towers Not Within A Public Right of Way National Development DEC 15 20 15 zo1s.3 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • • 9) Will the proposed modification in Transmission Equipment defeat the existing concealment elements of the Tower? ❑ Yes ® No (10) Prior Conditions of Approval (A) Will the proposed modification in Transmission Equipment comply with conditions of approval imposed on the Tower prior to February 22, 2012? ® Yes ❑ No (B) If the answer to 10(A) is "No," is the non-compliance due solely to any of the conditions addressed in questions 5-9 above? ❑ Yes ❑ No If the answer to either question 5A or 5B is "No", and the answers to questions 6-9 are "No", and the answer to either 10A or B is "Yes" then the proposed modifications do not substantially change the physical dimensions of the existing Tower. Please provide a brief explanation, if necessary, to clarify any answer. Explanatory Comments (If Needed): Question No. Comment: This certification is dated this 7th day of December, 2015. Jeffrey McConnell, Site Acquisition Specialist Name & Title Non -Substantial Change Certificate for Towers Not Within A Public Right of Way National Development 2015.3 at e Jeffrey McConnell, Site Acquisition Specialist Name & Title Non -Substantial Change Certificate for Towers Not Within A Public Right of Way National Development 2015.3 ..Y RECEIVED Eligible Facilities Request (EFR) Application Form DEC 15 2015 CITY OF LA OUINTA Date of Submittal: _12/15/2015 COMM UNI'Ty nEUri PMENT Submitted by: Name: Jeffrey McConnell Title: Site Acquisition Specialist Contact information: Smartlink, LLC 18401 Von Karman, Ave., Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92612, 949-933-3918 Name of Jurisdiction: City of La Quinta Address of Jurisdiction: 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Contact Name for Jurisdiction: Wally Nezbit Name of Local Government Permit Application: Minor Use Permit Local Government File #: Street Address of Site: 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Tax Parcel # of Site: 770-020-024 Latitude/ Longitude of Site: 33 40'43.3" N, 116 18'0.62" W List Each Piece of Transmission Equipment that will be Collocated or Added: (3) Commscope LNX-65113DS-VTM dual panel antennas (54.7"), (3) RRUS11 B12 behind antennas (1) T -Mobile XMU and (1) DUS41 within existing BTS Cabinet List Each Piece of Transmission Equipment that will be Removed: NLA Eligible Facilities Request Applkatbn 2015.3 National Development List Cabinets that will be Collocated or Added at the Site: List Cabinets that will be Removed at the Site: N/A Permit Application Deposit Amount: $200 Municipal Consultant Review Fee Deposit (if applicable): Eligible Facilities Request Application 2015.3 National Development AMERICANTOWER° Ak�� RECF!r9-rTI,701 C O A V O A A T 1 0 N DEC 1 5 ZO'5 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION CITY OF lR niEWPMEIVYjINTA ATC SITE # / NAME: 276918 /Smith Family Trust RT CA �dMMUNrYY DEV SITE ADDRESS:78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA LICENSEE: T -Mobile West, LLC 1, Margaret Robinson, Senior Counsel for American Tower*, manager of the rooftop telecommunications facility located at the address identified above (the "Facility"), do hereby authorize T -Mobile West, LLC, its successors and assigns, and/or its agent, (collectively, the "Licensee") to act as American Tower's non-exclusive agent for the sole purpose of filing and consummating any land -use or building permit application(s) as may be required by the applicable permitting authorities for Licensee's telecommunications' installation. We understand that this application may be denied, modified or approved with conditions. The above authorization is limited to the acceptance by Licensee only of conditions related to Licensee's installation and any such conditions of approval or modifications will be Licensee's sole responsibility. Signature: Print Name: Margaret Robinson Senior Counsel American Tower* NOTARY BLOCK Commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS County of Middlesex This instrument was acknowledged before me by Margaret Robinson, Senior Counsel for American Tower*, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence).to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged, to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal, thisday of 6-h herto_2015. NOTARY SEAL SUSANA P RIBEIRO Notary Publi 6 Notory PuU;c C,.ommonweaHhof Manochusetts My Commission Expires tj JZ nnv Match 16,2018 *American Tower includes all affiliates and subsidiaries of American Tower Corporation. AMERICAN TOWER° C O R P O R A T I O N AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION Assistant Secretary's Certificate RECEIVED DEC 15 2015 COCITY OF LA MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I, Michael John McCormack, a duly elected and acting Senior Vice President, Legal and Assistant Secretary of American Tower Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation') hereby, as generally depicted on Exhibit A hereto, certify that: 1. T5 Unison Site Management LLC and T6 Unison Site Management LLC, each, a Delaware limited liability company, are wholly owned subsidiaries of Unison Ground Lease Funding, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and the sole manager and member of T5 Unison Site Management LLC and T6 Unison Site Management LLC; 2. Unison Ground Lease Funding, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Unison Ground Lease Holdco, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and the sole manager and member of Unison Ground Lease Funding, LLC; 3. Versus Management One, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of VM Unison Site Management LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and the sole manager and member of Versus Management One, LLC; 4. the following entities are wholly owned subsidiaries of American Towers LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and the sole manager and member of the following entities: • Unison Ground Lease Holdco, LLC • VM Unison Site Management LLC • T7 Unison Site Management LLC 0 61 Unison Site Management LLC • T8 Unison Site Management LLC 5. American Towers LLC, which was converted from American Towers, Inc. to American Towers LLC on June 30, 2011, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name as Assistant Secretary of the Corporation, this 281" day of October 2011 .f ichael J - n M rmack Senior V President, Legal and Assistant Secretary 1� u • AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART as of immediately after closing American Tower Corporation (DE) American Towers LLC (DE)' 10095 10095 I 1009. t00% 100% T7 Unison Site B7 Unison Site T8 Unison Site VM Unison Site Unison Ground Management LLC Management LLC Management LLC Management LLC Lease Noldeo, (DE) (DE) (DE) PE) LLC (DE) 100%5 100% Verus Unison Ground Msngcmrnt Management Lease Funding, Agroarnant One. LLC LLC s V NE) (DE) I i Leon t00% i TS Unison Site T6 Unison Site Management LLC Management LLC (DE) (DE) I �Mor0p Of Agmemmnt 1Z83TO55 • RECEIVED DEC 15 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Prepared by: Robert W. Mouton Locke Lord Bissell 8 Liddell LLP 601 Poydras Street Suite 2660 New Orleans, LA 70130 File: #0590924103183 Record and Return to: Dione Carter Fidelity National Title Group 7130 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23226 Phone: 804.267-2049 Fax: 1.804.267.2330 File: #11666239 !Unison Site: 441943 DOC # 2011-0012771 01/11/2011 08:00A Fee:72.00 Page 1 of 15 Recorded In Orficlal Records County of 'Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk 8 Recorder 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 R U PAGE SIZE DA RFD COPY PLONG RM A L 465 426 PCOR ;NCOR NCHGExnM O`� T: UNI WIRELESS COMMUNICATION EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT "BUILDING" THIS WIRELESS C (CATION EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement') is made as of the � day of r EIL 2010 ("Effective Date"), by and between Duncan M. Smith and Marjorie A. Smith, Trustees of The Smith Family Trust, dated September 29, 1989, whose address is 17 Ardendale Court, Alamo, California 94507-2242 (collectively "Site Owner") and `6 Unison Site Management LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, whose address is P. O. Box 1951, Frederick, Maryland 21702-0951 ("Unison"). All references hereafter to "Unison" and "Site Owner" shall include their respective heirs, successors, personal representatives, lessees, licensees and assigns (Unison and Site Owner, collectively, "Parties'). RECITALS NVIIEREAS, Site Owner is the owner of that certain building and property (Collectively, Lhe "Property") located in the City of La Quinta, and County of Riverside, in the State of California, having a strect address of 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253-2900, and which Property is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which Site Owner does hereby acknowledge and grant Unison full discharge and acquittance therefor, Site Owner and Unison agree to the following: 1. Grant of Easement. (a) Site Owner grants, bargains, sells, transfers and conveys to Unison: (i) an exclusive easement in, to, under and over the rooftop portion of the building as shown and/or described on Exhibit B-1 ("Communication Easement') for the u-ansinission and reception of any and all T • •Mobiles 0 To: Wally Nesbit, Principal Planner From: Jeff McConnell, Agent for T -Mobile West, LLC Subject: Proposed upgrade to existing T -Mobile site located at 78150 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Per our discussion, attached is an application to modify an existing T -Mobile facility that qualifies as an Eligible Facility under the new FCC process defined in Section 6409 of the Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. The modification is to an existing facility and will not substantially change the physical dimensions of a base station. Attached are the following documents for your review and approval: • Cover Letter • Eligible Facilities Request Application Form • City of La Quinta Minor Use Permit Form • Certification of Non -Substantial Changes to a Wireless Tower not Located Within A Public Right of Way • Site plans • Photosimulations • EME report • Development Fee Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. effrey McConnell Smartlink LLC, an authorized representative of T -Mobile 18401 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 400, Irvine, California 92612 949-933-3918 / imcconnell@smartlinklic.com RECEIVED DEC 15 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RECEIVED DEC 15 2015 T CITY OF LA QUINTA 1_.E04478A CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 781 513 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 ARTISTIC 6nQlneprir.(l AEsims cam 877 9A sims k . vf r .1}Y( logo EXISTING // V ..� ���' �• �r fiyyat , aim s •} � PROPOSED 1�4 J � "n.e c Lo CA9.NAw ..,,.... _... k . vf r .1}Y( logo EXISTING // V ..� ���' �• �r fiyyat , aim s •} � PROPOSED T • •Mobile• 4 CMS Goo* WWS IE0447BA CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 791 50 CALLE TAMPICC LA QUINTA CA 92253 WeRTISTICgineering Awms.am 177.BAE.sims I EO_4478A 1 •Mobile• CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 7B1 50 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 AM ARTISTIC NO t;j Egineermg AEsiMLCOm 877 BAE.sims 4 ':')15 Google Maps RECEIVED DEC 15 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME: SITE TYPE: PROJECT SUMMARY SITE ADDRESS - 78150 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LAT: 33' 40' 43.3' N LONG: 115 18' 0.62' W PROPERTY OWNER CONTACT DUNCAN AND MARJORIE SMTH 17 ARDENDALE CT, ALAMO, CA 94507 APN: 770-020-024 APPLICANT T -MOBILE 2008 McGAW AVE. IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92614 m m Mobile IE04478A CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO ROOFTOP PROJECT DESCRIPTION 702Cu RFDS V8 THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE MODIFICATION OF AN EXISTING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED WIRELESS FACILITY WITH THE FOLLOWING: • INSTALL 3 (N) LNX-6513DS-VrM 4' DUAL PANEL ANTENNAS (1 PER SECTOR). • INSTALL 3 (N) RRUS11 B12 BEHIND (N) ANTENNAS (1 PER SECTOR). • INSTALL (N) XMU AND (N) DUS41 WITHIN (E) CABINET. BUILDING SUMMARY• OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY ZONE: C -V -N (COMMERCIAL VILLAGE 'NORTH') BUILDING USE: 8 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II -B CONSULTING TEAM SAC / ZONING- SMARTLINK, LLC 18401 VON KARMAN AVE. #400 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92612 CONTACT: SHAUNA ZUKE PHONE: (714) 719-0521 ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING BREEN ENGINEERING INC. 6281 BEACH BLVD. /125 BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA, 90621 CONTACT: LUIS CARDONA PHONE: (657) 529-2111 -- DATE 2 9 / k yj 0. 14-r Ur° Zo is =GOA 2_ SHEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION T1 mu S,F1T T2 GENERAL NOTES AND spEa Arlms Al SITE PLAN A2 ROOF PLAN A3 EQUIPMENT/ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN AND ANTENNA SCHEDULE A4 - A5 FIEVATIONS A6 DETAILS S1 ANTENNA SUPPORT FRAMING PLAN AND DETAILS Q 09-D9-15 907 CDs FOR REVIEW CIJ APPROVALS - THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HEREBY APPROVE AND ACCEPT THESE DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZE THE CONTRACTOR TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN. ALL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND ANY CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS THEY MAY IMPOSE. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE LANDLORD DEVELOP. MGR CONST. MGR ZONING MGR RF ENGINEER SAC REP. FOPS CITY: LA QUINTA COUNTY: RIVERSIDE JURISDICTION: CITY OF LA QUINTA VICINITY MAP: i V N s n - I11 Avenue 4,> t t t a p C y Outdoor Resorts Indio a 1 1v Ave 48 Ave 48 I, aguna rJ F9if ■ = 7 N J � J s �, Rancho La 3 Qulnta GoIf Club ' Avr •_ La Quinia Hesort Avenue 50 Aver Dunes Course S PROJECT ARE&. -5 Y_4�4 Y a � The Citrus Course Mounta Calle Tamp to VP Country r m � AvM�a L a Fonda 3 =� r: DRIVING DIRECTIONS: OIELTIONS FROW T -6%U OFTAZ HE10 NWWAST TDOM MM W A& TUN RGM OMMCG'AW AVE T01 LEFT AT THE 1ST CROSS SnET B ONTO VON KftM AVE TURN WIT @00 WN0 WV. TAXE CA -91 E, G -M E AID 1-10 E TO YA190cm SF N R VEIM C'OIMIY. TACE DOT 137 FROM I-10 F. TUW LEFT ONTO ASM R0. TAKE DOT 39A TO MDU ONTO G-91 E TOM RMRSIDE. FWRML TOLL ROAD. KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON G-91 E USE THE Wff 2 LNES TO TAKE Der 65 8 FOR G -W E/1-215 S TOM SAN DIEGO/". LEROE ONTO G-60 E. LEI&E ONTO F-10 E TIIQ WT 137 FOR WARINCTON ST. FQ10N' eeMIOM ST TO YOUR DESTNTIM M U WWA. USE THE IKM 2 LVES TO TDAFT RKM ONTO WASNMDTON ST. CWTNUE SINOT TO STAY ON WA519HCION ST. TURN WIT ONTO CkLF IMAM T.0 WIT. APPLICABLE CODES: • 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE • 2013 CALIFORNIA TITLE 24 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE • 2013 CALIFORNIA nRE CODE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE • 2013 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE • 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE • 2013 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE TLA/EIA-222-G OR LATEST EDITION -Mobile - Stick Together' 2008 McGAW AVE. IRVINE, CALIFQRNV. 92614 PROJECT INFORMATION: IE04478A CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 78150 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CURRENT ISSUE DATE: 09-24-15 =SSUED FOR: CONSTRUCTION PREPARED BREEN Engineering Inc 8181 BEACH BLVD, 1125 BIENt PAW, CN DFO M 90671 TEL(657) 529-7111 WWW.BRFENENG.COM ONSULTANT: gsmartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 387-1265 FAX: (949) 387-1275 RAWN BY: ^HK.=APV.: SRS LHC LHC 1 �OFESS11) O VI C.P / - N0. 54194 a ¢ UP. 93_1] * S p* •?,pFRITTU6„' OFC TITLE SHEET HEET NUMBERREVISION• Tj 2 IE04478A 2Q 09-24-15 100 CDs FOR REVIEW SV Q 09-D9-15 907 CDs FOR REVIEW CIJ PREPARED BREEN Engineering Inc 8181 BEACH BLVD, 1125 BIENt PAW, CN DFO M 90671 TEL(657) 529-7111 WWW.BRFENENG.COM ONSULTANT: gsmartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL: (949) 387-1265 FAX: (949) 387-1275 RAWN BY: ^HK.=APV.: SRS LHC LHC 1 �OFESS11) O VI C.P / - N0. 54194 a ¢ UP. 93_1] * S p* •?,pFRITTU6„' OFC TITLE SHEET HEET NUMBERREVISION• Tj 2 IE04478A AB ANCHOR BOLT AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE A/C AIR CONDITIONING ADJ ADJUSTABLE A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ARCH ARCHITECTURAL APPROX APPROXIMATELY A.G.L. ABOVE GRADE LEVEL A.M.S.L ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL BD BOARD BLDG BUILDING BLKG BLOCKING BOT BOTTOM BSMT BASEMENT BTS BASE TRANSCEIVER R STATION C COURSE(S) CEM CEMENT CL CHAIN LINK CLLRR ROOMS RO CL�EARRG COL COLUMN CONC CONCRETE CONST CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CORR CORRIDOR CO CONDUIT ONLY DIA DIAMETER DBL DOUBLE DEPT DEPARTMENT DEMO DEMOLITION DIM DIMENSION ON DOWN DR DOOR DTL DETAIL DWG DRAWING JE) EACH NG ELEC ELECTRIC ELEV ELEVATION EQUIP EQUIPMENT EXP EXPANSION ETR EXTERIOR FA FIRE ALARM FB FLAT BAR FF FINISH FLOOR FEIN FFIIN 9R1� FLR FLOOR FOS FACE OF STUDS FS FINISH SURFACE Fr FTG FOOTING FW FINISH WALL F.C. FINISH GRADE FLIT FUTURE GA GAUGE CGALLV GALVANIZED IZED LNA LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER GR GRADE GYP GYPSUM GFCI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT MECH INTERRUPT GND GROUND LAM LAMINATED LBS POUNDS LA MING RNNEW C UG ARRESTOR LNA LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER MFR MANUFACTURER MAT MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANICAL MIN MINIMUM MSC MISCELLANEOUS ML METAL LATH MO MASONRY OPENING MS MACHINE SCREW MTD MOUNTED MTL METAL HC CORE RNNEW C NOT IN CONTRACT NO NUMBER NTS NOT TO SCALE OA OVERALL O.C. ON CENTER OPNG OPENING OPP OPPOSITE PARTN PARTITION PL PLATE PLAS PLASTER PLYWD PLYWOOD POC POINT OF CONNECTION PROP PROPERTY PT PRESSURE TREATED R RISER REDD REQUIRED RD ROOF DRAIN RM ROOM RMS ROOMS RO ROUGH OPENING Sc SOLID CORE SCHED SCHEDULE SECT SECTION SHT SHEET SIM SIMILAR SPECS SPECIFICATIONS SS STAINI m STEELSTEEL STOR STORAGE STRUCT STRUCTURAL SUSP SUSPENDED SW SWITCH SWBO SWITCHBOARD THK THICK TI TENANT IMPROVEMENT T��A TOSFMOUHTEDSURFACE AMPLIFIER TS TUBE STEEL TYP TYPICAL UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VCT VINYL POSITION TILL VERT VERTICAL V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD VC VERTICAL GRAN HC CORE ANGOR BOLTS (HEADED): ASTM ^307 HOW HA DOWAREEWWp/ BARS AND PLATE WITH HN ASTM A307 C-. M-. AND ANGLE SHAPES: WOOD DEFORMED WELDED WIRE FABRIC: HOLLOW METAL WR WATER RESISTANT HORIZ HORIZONTAL WT WEIGHT HR HOUR IEPI'ORL9NG BAS: ASTM A615. GRADE 60. DEFORMED BARS SMOOTH WELDED LUBE FABRIC: H CHH WHINGE XFMR TRANSFORMER HHT V ASTM A67. GRADE B (gf AT ID INSIDE DIMENSION INSULATIONNTERIOR [ CHANNEL INT CENTERLINE JT JOIN ANGLE SYM13OH it C: PROPERTY UNE SECTION NUMBER 1 BUILDING SECTION - REFERENCE SLEET NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL REFERENCE SHEET NUMBER SECTION NUMBER DETAIL SECTION - REFERENCE SHEET NUMBER DEVIL NUMBER EXTERIOR ELEVATION - REFERENCE SHEET NUMBER O1 KEY NOTE REFERENCE ------- PROPERTY LINE Q DOOR NUMBER N )f FENCING ® AREA AND/OR ROOM NUMBER -E E -E -I- ELECTRICAL SERVICE eMECHANICAL x INR -7 -T -T -T- TELCO SERVICE -E/T-E/T-E/T- ELECTRICAL & TELCO SERVICE GENERAL - 1. THESE NOTES SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PART OF THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS 2. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL NOTIFY MCI-=CT/ENGINEER OF ANY ERRORS. OMISSIONS. OR DISCREPANCIES AS THEY MAY BE DISCOVERED N THE PIANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND NOTES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED BY DEMOLITION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECTING ANY ERRORS. OMISSION. OR NOCK NSISTENCY AFTER THE START OF CONSTRUCTION WHICH WAS NOT BEEN BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND SAIL INCUR ANY OW04SES TO RECTIFY THE SITUATION THE METHOD OF CORRECTION SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE MICHTTECT/ENCNEER. 3. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO LOCATE AL EXISTING UTILITIES. WHETHER OR NOT SHOWN ON THE PIANS. AND TO PROTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE THE CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE EXPENSE OF REPAIRING OR REPLACING ANY DAMAGE TO THE UTILITIES CAUSED DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK 4. A COPY OF THE APPROVED PLANES SMALL BE KEPT IN A PLACE SPECIFIED BY THE GOVERNING AGENCY. AND BY LAW SWILL 8E AVAILABLE FORINSPECTION AT ALL TIMM R S THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE ALL CONSTRUCTION SETS REFLECT THE SAME INFORMATION AS THE APPROVED PIANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO "WADI ONE SEF OF PLANS AT THE SITE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DOCU ENI NG ALL AS-BULT CHANGES. REVISIONS. ADDENDUMS. OR CHANGE ORDERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FORWARD THE AS -BUILT DRAWNCS TO THE ARCHIIECF/ENGNEER AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT. 5. THE CONTRACTOR 94ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETE SECURITY OF THE SITE FROM START OF PROJECT M COMPLETION OF PROJECT. B. THE CONIRACIOR S RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY POWER. WATER AND TOLET FACILITIES. 7. ALL CONSTRUCTION THROUGH THE PROJECT SMALL CONFORM 70 THE 2013 C.B.C. AND ALL THE OTHER LATEST GOVERNING CODES. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND REGULATIONS DURING THE WORK THE ENGINEER WILL NOT ADVISE ON NOR PROVIDE DIRECTION AS TO SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND COORDINATE ALL WORK. USING HIS PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS. HE S SOLELY RESPONS03LE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION MEAS. METHODS. TECHNIQUES. PROCEDURES AND SEQUENCING AND COGBXNATNO ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SINAL BE RESPONSIBLE TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, LICENSES AND INSPECTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE WORK TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL BE FRED BY THE OWNER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR SMALL OBTAIN THE PERMIT AND NATE FINAL PAYMENT OF SAID DOCUMENNT. 11. ALL DIMENSIONS TAE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALE UM NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING. BACKING. FRAMING. HANGERS OR SUPPORTS FOR INSTALLATION OF BELS INDICATED ON THE DRANNGS. I& THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE FIRE MARSHALL APPROVED MATERIALS TO FILL/SELL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES. 14. NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDED TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION SWILL BE MATCHED IN FORM, TEXTURE MATERIAL AND PAINT COLOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN THE PIANS. 1S WHERE SPECM MATERIALS TESTING SMALL BE 70 THE LATEST STANDARDS AVAILABLE AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL COVFRNDG AGENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR iffCOTm01G THE RESULTS. 18. ALL GENERAL NOTES AND STANDARD DETAILS ARE THE MINIMUM LEOWREME TS TO BE USED N CONDITIONS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OTHERWISE. 17. ALL DEBRIS AND REFUGE S TO BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT DAILY. PREYS SMALL BE LEFT IN A CLEAN BROOM FLASHED CONDITION AT AL TIME 1& ALL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ARE CONSIDERED COSrRUCT10N INDUSTRY STANDARDS. F A CONTRACTOR HAS A QUESTION REGARDING THEIR EXACT MEWING THE ARGOIECT/E CNEER SINAL BE NOTIFIED FOR CLARIFICATIONS. 19. THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE METHODS. TECHNIQUES AND SrtWE1GES OF PROCEDURES TO PERFORM THE WORK THE SUPERVISION OF THE WONT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 20. CONTRACTORS SMALL NST THE SITE PRIOR TO BID TO ASCERTAIN CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AWEFSELY AFFECT THE WORK OR COST THEREOF. 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE DIMENSION, ELEVATION. ETC. NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER CONSTRUCTION AND ALIGNMENT OF THE NEW PORTION OF THE WONT TO THE DOWING WOK. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL MAKE ALL MEASUREMENTS NECESSARY FOR FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ANY DISCREPANCY SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROIIGIR TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCICECTlEIGNEER. 22. ALL EXISTING ACTIVE SEWER. WATER. GAS. ELECTRIC. AND OTHER UIM1ES WHERE ENCOUNTERED N THE WOIL SHALL BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, AND WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF WE WORK, SMALL BE RELOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. - EXTREME CAUTION SHOULD BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING OR PER DRILLING AROUND OR NEAR unu ES 23. ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER WATER CAS. ELECTRIC AND OTHER UTILITIES, WHICH INTERIM WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WOTM. SHALL BE REMOVED AND SHALL BE GAPPED. FAGGED M OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED AT POINTS WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WDM, SUBJECT TD THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 24. NO CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE TO THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE AND WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCIRECT/ENGt®t UNATMORMM CHANGES RENDER THESE DRAWINGS VOD. 25. ANY REFERENCE To THE WORDS APPROVED. OR APPROVAL N THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE HERE DEFINED TO MEAN GENERAL ACCEPTANCE OR REVIEW AND SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR HOS SIB -CONTRACTOR$ of ANY LABILITY N FLRNOSONC THE REDUCED MATERIALS OR LABOR SPECIFIED. 25. T BALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL EXISTING G UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT, AND TO PROTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE THE CONTRACTOR SHAUL BEAR ALL EXPENSE OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMEW IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE EXECUTION OF THIS WORJL GEFNAL CONTRACTOR BALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND WITHIN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PRIOR TO STARTING WORK SITE PREPARATION NOTES I. THE PREPARATION OF THE SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION SMALL INCLUDE THE REMOVAL OF ALL BROKEN CONCRETE TREE TRUNKS AND ANY OTHER DEBRIS THAT WOULD BE DAMAGNG TO THE FOOTINGS OF THE NEW St1RUCTURE. 2. RACK FILLING AT TRENCHES SHALL BE OF CLEAN. STERILE SDIL HAVING A SAND EQUIVALENT OF 30 OR GREATER BACK FILING SMALL BE DONE IN 8 INCH LAYERS. IIOSTURE CONDITIONED AND PROPERLY COMPACTED. ADEQUATE DRAINAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED SI/C/1 TAT NO PONDING OCCURS. J. ALL FOUNDATION FOOTNGS SWILL EXTEND INTO AND BEAR AGAINST NATURAL UNDISYLIRSED SOL OR APPROVED COMPACTED FOL FOOTINGS SMALL EXTEND INTO SOL DEPTH AS INDICATED IN PLANS. 4. SHOULD ANY LOOSE FILL. EXPANSIVE SOL. GROUND WATER OR ANY OTHER UNEXPECTED CONDITIONS BE ENCOUNTERED DURING THE EXCAVATION FOR THE NEW FOUNDATION. THE ARoma/ENGNEER SALL BE NOTIFIED AND ALL FoUNDAIION WORK SHALL CEASE IMMEDIATELY. 5. WITHIN AN AREA A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET BETOND THE BULGING LIMITS. EXCAVATE A MINIMUM OF 4' OF EXISTING SOL REMOVE ALL ORGANICS. PAVEMENT. ROOTS. DEBRIS AND OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL & THE SURFACE OF THE EXPOSED SUBGRADE SHALL BE BSPECTED BY PROBOG OR TESTING TO CHECK FOR POCKETS OF SOFT OR UNSUITABLE MATERIA. ExCAVATE UNSUITABLE SOIL AS DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECKNICAL ENGINEER/rmm AGENCY. 7. PROOFROLL THE SURFACE OF THE EXPOSED SUBCRADE WITH A LOOM TANDEM AXILE DUMP TRUCK. REMOVE ALL SOLS WHICH PUMP OR 00 NOT COMPACT PROPERLY AS DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGNEEN/iESDNG AGENCY. & FILL ALL EXCAVATED ARENAS WITH APPROVED CONTROLLED FILL PLACE IN 8' LOOSE LIFTS AND THE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-898. COMPACT TO A MINIMUM OF 90% RELATIVE COM PACTIOL 9. THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS HERE IN REPRESENT THE FINISHED STRUCTURE. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL PROVIDE ALL TEMPORARY GUYING AND GRACING REOUIRED TO ERECT AND HOD THE STRUCTURE IN PROPER AIxDOEW UNTIL ALL STRUCTURAL WORK AND CONNECTIONS MAK BEEN COMPLETED. THE NVESRGTION. OESWA SAFETY ADEQUACY AND INSPECTION OF ERECOM BRACING, SKOMPG. TEMPORARY SUPPORTS. ETC. S THE SOLE REST'0P78LLITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 10. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUKTIOA THE CONTRACTOR WALL PROTECT ALL AREAS FROM DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY DAMAGE TO NEW OR EXISTING SURFACES. STRUCTURES OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED OR REPLACED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE PROPERTY OWNER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEM THE EXPENSE OF REPAIRING OR REPLACING ANY DAMAGED 11. WHEN REQUIRED STORAGE OF MATERIALS OCCURS. THEY SHAL'SE EVENLY DST68UIED OVER THE FLOOR OR ROOF SO AS NOT TO EXCEED THE DESIGNED LIVE LOADS FOR THE STRUCTURE. TEMPORARY SHORING OR BRACING DOLL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE STRUCTURE OR SOL HAS NOT ATTAINED THE DESIGN STRENGTH FOR THE CONDITIONS PRESENT. 12. PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK WTYfl N THE EXISTING FACILITY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH EXISTING STRUCTURAL AND DINER CONDITIONS. T SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BRACING. SHORING AND OTHER SAFEGUARDS TO MAINTAIN ALL PARTS OF THE EXISTING WORK IN A SAFE CONDITION DURING THE PROCESS OF DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION AND TO PROTECT FROM DAMAGE THOSE PORTIONS OF THE EXISTING WORK WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. SUBMITTALS, S, SUBMITTALS FOR SHOP DRAWINGS, WILL TESTS, PRODUCT DATA ECF. FOR ITEMS DESIGNED BY THE ARCITECT/ENGINEER OF RECORD SMALL FE WADE TO THE ARGRECFAIMEE R PRIOR TO CONSTRIUCTION. THE OOWRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SUBMITTAL BEFORE FORWARDING TO THE ARCHITECT. SUBMTrTALS SMALL BE MADE IN ADVANCED TO ARCHITECT-EGNEE. SUBMITTALS REWRED FOR EACH SECTION OF THESE NOTES ARE SPECIFIED N THAT SECTION. SHOP DRAWING REVIEW: REVIEW BY THE ARgRECf IS FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT AND WE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. MARKINGS OR COMMENTS SMALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELIEVING THE CONTRACTOR FROM COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROJECT PLANS AND 9SWlCA70M NOR DEPARTURES TRERFROK THE CONTRACTOR REMAINS RESPONSIM FOR DETAILS AND ACCURACY. FOR CONFIRMING AND CORRELA7IG ALL QUANTITIES AND DIMENSIONS. FOR SELECTION FABRICATION PROCESSES. THE TEEMAOAROCAnpNS EQUIPMENT SPACE SMOWW MEREDH THESE PANS S NOT CUSTOMARILY OCCUPIED. WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN THIS FACILITY CANNOT REASONABLY BE PERFORMED LIY PERSONS WITH A SEVERE IMPAIRWE . MOBILITY. SIGHT, AND/OR HEARING. THEREFORE. PER 2013 C.B.C. CHAPTER 118, THIS FACILITY SMALL BE EXEMPTED FROM ALL TITLE 24 ACCESS REODIREIENTS BID WALK NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO FEND VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS BEFORE SUBMITTAL OF FINAL BIDS START OF CONSTRUCTION AND/OR FABRICATION. AFTER THOROUGHLY EXAMNING THE PIANS AND EXISTING SITE OMMONS NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR ANY ITEMS NEEDING CARIIOITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMTIING FINAL BES. 2. IF THE ENGINEER S NOT NOTIFIED OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CARFIM7ION5 IN WRITING AS DESCRIBED IN /1 T W01 RE CONFIRMED THAT THE CONTRACTOR HAS CONSIDERED ALL ITEMS THAT WILL AFFECT THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SITE UNDER THE MOST STRINGENT CONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION AFTER THE FRAIL BGS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED AND AWARDED FROM THE CARRIER. (TRI U'TH IRAN STEEL: 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST REVISED EDITION OF THE AMSC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. V441Ci1 INCLUDES THE SPEC61GnON FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL B UILLINGS. THE CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE AND THE AWS STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE IDENTIFY AND YARN STEEL PER AMSC 14TH EDITION & CAC. 2013. 2. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHOP DRAWINGS SMALL BE Rfl1@WED BY THE ENGDEER/ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 3, entum . OF m IRAN e ♦ _ • BASE PLATES SMALL BE ORYPACII:D OR GROUTED WITH NON-SHRIX. NOH -FERROUS GROUT. MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SWILL BE 4.000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. ALL SURFACES SHALL BE PROPERLY CLEWED OF FOREIGN MATERIAL PRIOR TO GROUTING. 4. ALL EIPOSED WELDS SHALL BE FILED AND GROUND SMOOTH WHERE META. COULD COME IN CONTACT WITH THE PUBLIC. 5. NO HOLES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALLY DETAILED SWILL BE ALLOWED THRU STRUCTURAL SMM MEMBERS. BOLT HOES SINAL ODNFORM TO ASC SPECIFICATION. AND SINAL BE STANDARD HOLES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE NO CUTTING OR BURNING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL WILL SE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT OF THIS ENGINEER. 6. WELDING, CONFORM TO AWS 01 1. WELDERS SHALL BE CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WABO REOUIREIENTS USE E70 ELECTRODES OF TYPE REQUIRED FOR MATERIALS TO BE WELDED. 7. BOLTING. ASTM A3 BOLTS SMALL BE INSTALLED SLUG TILT' PER ASC. SECTION RCSC 6(C) ASTM A325 BOLTS SMALL CONFORM TO THE RCSC SPECI1CAnON SECTION a (D). B. FABRICATION, CONFORM TO RISC SPECIFICATION SEC M2 TABRICATxXP AND ASC CODE SEC 6 'FABRICATION AND DELIVERY PERFORM WORK ON PREMISES OF A FABRICATOR APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 9. =VAN Nr.: ALL EXPOSED STEEL OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOP: SHALL BE HOT -DIPPED GALVANIZED. APPLY FIELD TOUCH-UPS PER SPECIFICATIONS. PER ASTM AT 51 M&TEBYLS; CONFORM TO ANGOR BOLTS (HEADED): ASTM ^307 ANCHOR BOLTS (J -TYPE): ASTM NB BARS AND PLATE ASTM A36 BOLTS ASTM A307 C-. M-. AND ANGLE SHAPES: ASTM ASB DEFORMED WELDED WIRE FABRIC: AM A407 EPDXY AND EXPANSION ANCHORS: KLLT OR EOLAVALE T GROUT: EMBECO OR EQUIVALENT HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS: ASTM A325SC OR (A325N) OTHER STRUCTURAL SHAPES: ASTM A36 IEPI'ORL9NG BAS: ASTM A615. GRADE 60. DEFORMED BARS SMOOTH WELDED LUBE FABRIC: ASTM A183 STRUCTURAL WF SHAPES: ASTM A872-GR50 STEEL PPE: ASTM A67. GRADE B TIE WIRE: 16.8 GAGE OR HEAVER, BLACK ANNEALED TUBE STEEL AND PPE COLUMS: ASTM AGOG. GRADE B W - SHAPES: ASTM A992. GRADE 50 1. HOES IN STEEL. SMALL BE OROLED OR PUNCHED. ALL SLOPED HOLES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SMOOTH EDGES. BURNING OF HOES AND TORCH CUTTING AT THE SITE S NOF PERMITTED. L ALL FRAMING CONNECTORS SUCH AS CONCRETE ANCHORS. HOLD-DOWNS POST BASES. FRAMING CAPS. HANGER AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURAL METALS BALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY SMPSON STRONG TE CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS 1 21 GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS 1 11 IT! - -Mobile •- Stick Together' 2008 MCGAW AVE IMNE CALIFORNIA 92614 1 EO"78A CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 78150 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA. CA 92253 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE =CURRENT ISSUE DATE - 09 -24-15 CONSTRUCTION PREPARED B R E E N Engineering Inc STITT ffICH BY& 1125 IIUDIA PW CALITOW 0081 ra;-(" 523N2111 WWWZ REEMM.COM gsmartlink 18001 VON KAR ALAN AVE.. SUITE 400 IRVINE GA M512 TEL (949)387-1285 FAX (948)357-1278 :-0RAWN BYHK.9 A'- SRS LHC I LHC r VA C. pY QP n N0. SA194 IVY L70. GA -17 GENERAL NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS T2 2 IE04473A © 09-24-15 100RECVI�s FOR SV 1Q 09-09-15 90 RE11WCDs CIJ PREPARED B R E E N Engineering Inc STITT ffICH BY& 1125 IIUDIA PW CALITOW 0081 ra;-(" 523N2111 WWWZ REEMM.COM gsmartlink 18001 VON KAR ALAN AVE.. SUITE 400 IRVINE GA M512 TEL (949)387-1285 FAX (948)357-1278 :-0RAWN BYHK.9 A'- SRS LHC I LHC r VA C. pY QP n N0. SA194 IVY L70. GA -17 GENERAL NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS T2 2 IE04473A n C D m J V W W aI i _ — — — _ — _ — SPRINGTIME WAY _ _ — _ — I ❑ x= (E) PARKING I F. - (E) PARKING 6-1U I I I I I I 117 (E) BUILDING I 0 I al I I I I (E) BUILDING d� I p7, I SECTOR A I I p• ,., . `(E) PARKING T I ai I L(E) PARKING LL11-I LL LL1 21711 11711 171111 11 I f Z(E) PARKING (E) BUILDING (E) DRIVEWAY I _ _ _ _ _ _ CALLE TAMPICO _ _ _ _ _ _ SECTOR 'B' 90• am.I SECTOR 'C' THE$ DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN CREATED BY I 21 O• INFORMATION LATHERED AT THE SITE, (i) AS-BIALTS PROVIDED FN T-YORnLE AND WITHOUT A SURVEY. PLEASE VERIFY ALL DWENSOM UDCM PROPERTY LINES AND CONDUIT RUNS. SITE PLAN ,._,•, o®, � cll�,o - -Mobfleo, Stick Together` 2008 IIcGAW AVE OWL CAUFORIW 92614 ROJECT INFORMATION: 1 E04478A CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 78150 CALLE TAMPICO LA OUINTA, CA 92253 COUNTY OF RNERSIDE URRENT ISSUE DATE: 0 9-24-15 SSUM FOR CONSTRUCTION PREPARED -LCEngineering Inc eml OI ODBLYO. 0173 BION RK O&IRIN1 MCI m(On W-2111 WWWJBREENFNO.COM ONSULTANT- gsmartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SURE 400 IRVINt; CA 82812 TEL (918) 767-1286 FAX(018)787-1276 RAWN BY========C HK.=�l— . SRS LHC LHC:71 CENSURE 1 C. °oK4 �a� s DEP. Bt12 • s � • Cr MEET TILE WE PLAN MEET NUMBER•======REVISION Al 2 IE04478A © 09-24-15 1008 CDs FOR RE%AEW SV iQ 09-09-15 90$ CDs FOR R�EW Chi PREPARED -LCEngineering Inc eml OI ODBLYO. 0173 BION RK O&IRIN1 MCI m(On W-2111 WWWJBREENFNO.COM ONSULTANT- gsmartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SURE 400 IRVINt; CA 82812 TEL (918) 767-1286 FAX(018)787-1276 RAWN BY========C HK.=�l— . SRS LHC LHC:71 CENSURE 1 C. °oK4 �a� s DEP. Bt12 • s � • Cr MEET TILE WE PLAN MEET NUMBER•======REVISION Al 2 IE04478A ... mobi c: Stick T©Qether" 2008 MCGAW AVE. IRVINE, CAUFORNIA 92614 PROJECT INFORMATION: 1 E04478A CM478 PLAZA TAMPICO 78150 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CURRENT ISSUE DATE: 09-24-15 CONSTRUCTION PREPARED j. - BREEN Engineering Inc 6201 BEACH BLVD. #125 BURN PAW, CALFDMA 90621 iFL(657) 529-2111 WWW.BREENENG.COM smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL:(949)387-1265 FAX: (949).1-1275 BRAWN 8Y:—CHK.=APV.= SRS LHC LHC EfiS10 Vl C. P N0. 54194 � EXP. 0]-t1 * s T/7 µf SHEET TITLE ROOF PLAN SHEET NUMBER:—REVISION= A2 2 IE04478A 2Q 09-24-15100% CDs FOR REVIEW SV A,907 907 CDs FOR REVIEW CIJ PREPARED j. - BREEN Engineering Inc 6201 BEACH BLVD. #125 BURN PAW, CALFDMA 90621 iFL(657) 529-2111 WWW.BREENENG.COM smartlink 18401 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 400 IRVINE, CA 92612 TEL:(949)387-1265 FAX: (949).1-1275 BRAWN 8Y:—CHK.=APV.= SRS LHC LHC EfiS10 Vl C. P N0. 54194 � EXP. 0]-t1 * s T/7 µf SHEET TITLE ROOF PLAN SHEET NUMBER:—REVISION= A2 2 IE04478A f SECTOR 'A' 0' SECTOR 'B' 90' TOWER CLAY TILE ROOF T -MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD VEL ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) T -MOBILE' TWIN AWS TMA PER SECTOR) L3x3x1/4 STEEL RIZONTAL CROSS, TYP. T -MOBILE' ROOF UNTED COAT( CABLE TRAY f SECTOR 'A' 00 9.-0. TYP. TO ALL SECTOR d'_R• SECTOR 'B' 900 TOWER CLAY TILE ROOF T -MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD IEL ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) T -MOBILE' TWIN AWS TMA PER SECTOR) L3:3x1/4 STEEL TiZONTAL CROSS, TYP. 'T -MOBILE' ROOF UNTIED COAX CABLE TRAY L ------v_ _ �Y, - �_ - - - s - - - -' ( (N) 'T-MOBILE'4' DUAL PANEL 1 �_ zSANTENNAS MOUNTED ONTO (N) v �-rlr` PIPE (1 PER SECTOR) A6 Ir- � r -0,r �G== }' �, } -' �1 I I n J F i! }I f f 1 1 ' ( i 1 {h,�j (N) PER MOBILE' RRUS11 B12 e f f •L�! I =d �.. I- . r����.-i:'1�� -Iris 1�L _ SECTOR C / .��-�� 1�'�L'ilJ�"{i- .-�'�--i1-1� �.S=il-<I--�r�Jl-���,�,--��lr�i(^� (1 PER SECTOR) A6 SECTOR C 210' 210' PAINT (N) PANEL ANTENNAS AN=D TO wTf31 (q. (E) ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN 3 (N) ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN (E) -T-MOBILE' FIBER EQUIPMENT CABINET - (E) 'T -MOBILE' TELCO CABINET (E) VENT. TYP. (E) ROOF ACCESS HATCH 47,71,,�31r:� (E) -T-MOBILE' COAX CABLE TRAY (E) -T-MOBILE' GPS ANTENNA -(E) T -MOBILE' BTS EQUIPMENT I NANTENNA A CAME SCHEDU (E) ANTENNA S CABLE SCHEDULE SECTOR A MINA MANUFACTURER Mom "NTENNA MANUFACTURER MODEL TEMIOLM IEIGIIT IIEIGIIi MINIM RAD CENTERTw / RRU CABLE TYPE CABLE LENGTH CABLE LENGTH Al Al ERICSON NR21 92A/84P--=/3— C5 56' 913 bo ? 41•_2• e (1) TN01 ANS (1) 7NIN AWS (Z) 1 1/4' COM 110' A2 ERICSON AMI B4A/BV LTE -AWS 3e90.4 me 0 41'_2• (2) 1 1/4' COATI 110• ` B1 ERICSON AIR2, B2A/BV GSmPCS 56' 913 ms 90' 41•-2' (1) TWIN ANS (2) 1 1/4' COAXm 41'-2' B2 ERICSON NMI 04VI32P LTE -AWS 59• 90.4 lbs 90' 41'-Y 88r 56' 913 to 8 110' cl ERICSON AIR21 87A/B4P G5 56' 913 M. 210' 41'-Y 82 COmmSO0E9 LNx-ot3DS-VIM LTLTLIO 73 (1) THIN ANS (2) 1 1/4• COAX 41'-r 110' C2 FRIC..ON AIR21 B4/1/MP LTE -AWS 58' 90.4 ID4 210' 41•-Y J S3 ERICSON NMI 54q/82P LTE -AWS (E) -T-MOBILE' FIBER EQUIPMENT CABINET - (E) 'T -MOBILE' TELCO CABINET (E) VENT. TYP. (E) ROOF ACCESS HATCH 47,71,,�31r:� (E) -T-MOBILE' COAX CABLE TRAY (E) -T-MOBILE' GPS ANTENNA -(E) T -MOBILE' BTS EQUIPMENT I NANTENNA A CAME SCHEDU E SECTOR A MINA MANUFACTURER Mom TECHNOLOGY HEIGHT WEIGHT AZ091TH RAD CENTER Tw RRU / CABLE TYPE r CABLE LENGTH im Al ERICSON AIR21 82A,/B4P Gsm56' 913 ma 0 41'-Y (1) TN01 ANS A2 COMNSCOPE LNX-01305-WH LTLTOD 54.7' 25.0 b w 41•-r (2) 1 1/4' COATI 110• (1) RRMI 512 A3 ERICSON NR21 541L/BZP LTE -AWS 56• 90.4 Me 0' 41'-2' Bt ERICSON AMI B2A/B4P PJUM-PCS/AWS 56' 913 to aQ 41'-2' (1) TWIN ANS 82 COmmSO0E9 LNx-ot3DS-VIM LTLTLIO SA7' 2u b 9O 41'-r (2) 1 1/4' COAX x lto• (1) Rf51411 512 S3 ERICSON NMI 54q/82P LTE -AWS 56• 90.4 Ma 90 41'-Y c, ERICSON A9Q1 82A/84P Sg• 913 0s 270' 41•_2' (1) 7N01 AIS - v C2 CMUMM PE UAX-01303-VIM LYE -M 54.r 2u 6s 210 41•-r (2) 1 t/4• COAIt 11 a (1) I55lS11 812 C7 ERICSON NR21 84A/M LTE -ANS 56' 90.4 ms 210 41'-Y (E) -T-MOBILE' FIBER EQUIPMENT CABINET - (E) 'T -MOBILE' TELCO CABINET (E) VENT. TYP. (E) ROOF ACCESS HATCH 47,71,,�31r:� (E) -T-MOBILE' COAX CABLE TRAY (E) -T-MOBILE' GPS ANTENNA -(E) T -MOBILE' BTS EQUIPMENT I 1 CABINET, TYP.OF 2 1 N) -r-MOBILE' XMU AND HUS41 WITHIN (E) BTS CABINET I c � I r �--- (E) -1-MOBILE' CONTROL PANEL im ANTENNA SCHEDULE 141 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN 2 J I A� 'ROW -Row E) 'T -MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL ANTENNA (E) -r-MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'C' ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'A' (E) BUILDING — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - (E) 'T -MOBILE' TWIN AWS TMA (I PER SECTOR) h. -r Irv. -- - - - - - - — - - - - - - - u F-MF7 u U u u O 0- 4 71 77 -1 A H i I#L 7T --- — — — =L7LT-'7 IST -- FINISH GRADE (E) WEST ELEVATION PAINT (N) PANEL ANTUM AND BRACKETS TO MATCH -r (N) -MOBILE' RRUS1 I Ell 2 (1 PER SECTOR) N) 'T -MOBILE' 4- DUAL PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ONTO (N) PIPE (I PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'C' A6 G) (E) 'T -MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL r --<E) -r-MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL ANTENNA ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR -A-7 (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'C' (E) BUILDING -- — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - (E) 'T -MOBILE' TWIN AWS TMA (I PER SECTOR) U U U U — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - 13 r I Ep 711. 0 El u u D 0 F-91 V -11711i T 7F-- FF I ED:7E 7T- �Ty FINISH GRADE W WEST ELEVATION i E) -T-MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'B' (E) -T-MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'C' (E) BUILDING (E) 'T -MOBILE' TWIN AWS TMA (1 PER SECTOR) s . j, -} r"�v^kir:.nn, 4'r'1(•lf"} 'V"a'L'}fi'V-'1'1 'Ylf{"}f, r � �'V` "i('1("{� � "'1f- 'l �'X'� rl'L � `lr'�`V11}`�-" �"Vf� ^l7'} rVI•�'1 r''l, 111 �"F`} ��rr+' •V` n"II` n I/t1VV``(I -r^r Z 'rN� 1R lr J"If"'{ M..I }h�11-� F'n ri1i:Yl 3 rl" ry,"tl"R 'Llf 'V '"t �}'1 V'. {.+'L^y�'V '} "V"•} •1}`1f-��; W'V`�V` `11'•"l^L "1^�'}I`n'V"1.' � 3 }WI^' V' L 1^''V"l.. ��fy"'V-}t'L'1 ^ •'4R��"�l'-.^. �,.if^ ''µ'Lti r I -C �jv4 :'a � r'Y� �."4^ Y-� •y."Ll' �.' ti t'N"{? � ri ^�r? •z �'' ^tt" r �..a.'{ -} ^{ J ".+, .ri '} f'ti�v'�, 7� r1}�-J _"J' `}�r � .rj'hr.`{h+{-v ;�til�',{}1'jr• � n r��"uv�Y�n-tr7r�`Y' r� rr�htr"trri�`v1,�1r'Y-iLN''�,�'} -1r+ rw7ir �v^rirrry� v}V.'F".:^r 1hr. -tinv ,nn.'w. -{:.^t -} nr'Y"L rrJ': �'vi 'r, �.�ti } ^i-1.^�-Ir} �r rte.-fH:..^h{'• ^ r'-} ,rhr.^L �nrG� ^r^ `. r,n'v.-.w,tir^�n.��� •v.' ;h 11.'"1`'n'�' h t'-�-���+r,.rmw'�' ''"l - ,�L�rn.^+.v-ir- -��-L n'v'-��.ti n'-J'� ,.^.r'I! �,.In�rwri"y{�" i n�,-iF-^.Ci,-If{ hr•Ir' '1. .� —r- �, r•—^ -�•;ry n^in'v^'r;`V'vi.-irlirj'4r •v ;^ ry1, ril r. nrlty`-y ^L . d? �il'w 'R^ r' Y'-}�{, : Cy-y-�{�y'1'i: .,,,I-�.f�., X� J"'.�[ '� r' ' . }•. - "k'[.i.:.'h ^i y�'1r{^n r Y"}i a1"i.�^ "Y'�-rti - v+l^^It :'-r!'•}•r-v :'-W.�:'tr��rtrn ::: -. � � �-r'!hrv�.h..."v{K^n $ m �? o _ . . :�•ir n r ^W-!'-iWi'v J-L^i`1�:-'n�"v}i !�i'iF^' J•.'vt-.. r O g 17L04 -ID t i I f I __. 1-'1 I I T _I H. --11L I I _ I- '--� - ia I _. I I I i I it-{� FINISH GRADE (E) SOUTH ELEVATION PAINT (N) PANEL ANTDM/d AND BRApCEIS TO MATCH (E). -r-MOBILE' N) 'T -MOBILE' RRUS11 812e (1 PER SECTOR) (N) 4' DUAL PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ONTO (N) PIPE (1 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'B' -T-MOBILE' E) AIR21 QUAD PANEL ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'B' (E) -T-MOBILE' AIR21 QUAD PANEL ANTENNA (2 PER SECTOR) SECTOR 'C (E) BUILDING _ (E) -f-MOBILE' TWIN AWS TMA (1 PER SECTOR) w �'^ � :r -F'' ^N-v,-i^.r' n 'x'.�r•�tiJ.'rri�'ih."lf'n F.l_'�7�^I-L�'4^�" ''v.'ri�'� 1-i'�Y^L v '�i^�^rtr�L'�' l!",rr�r�� ."1✓•'}t" 'L�"II" �r" r,}� n^ '} 'V"^L '} "Y'N�"1(`i'W"lf"'L-}wWL'Lt'lv!1.^}^ rv'v�: r'Y7"lj�' �'.I },, '�'l•�l-L �J ,"f`h'u"v�}..Lh {FK.4"r`L �v' �^l�n 'tf`.(;Y".I'1 n � !"'-�" `1v4` W:L,}-�n of {{�'J' _ } 'yrv, v .''-} K%ili-vshr,h -� '1H^i .^"ii".. n�'r-n"�r �v ,n`L -�. r+"7Yrn'•V'4tir^r• ry, hr -u nrvtiv�. rvhv: r ti r : v^-Lh v -L^ -vim-}tire^. w ,r .`ti-+ n vry rrry;-} v 1-r� h"+�[r•{-�w-0' ri� h Y{vlilh4v-ri�,Vhnj�{{nr• �^ .�r. J'i l'R :'��1. � R J'L I'l^ r � - j'L "L � ",f" �j�, � ,IV" 'l� �" ,l ��V`E •l`1 7-'� I'� l'1III� "rn"�i Y��"'(� r'l _ 3 t� S a I�Y!1. '�1. n^�t ..yt n ,7" n ,�^y�^r'L d•� '{ rr ^t J'r' h�vti �^l J'L R. �y'.ti �. � -v. ^.^V-i�• r I'1 '1R f'�' r 1, N �-j�'lF" J . R ;v`r ,r"`il''-�L �.r•'n 'v" V f F}=`'ij`,�+^v"�.�n'-,i^ir'-� n,^,rt�rn r'� n, n r��v -i.-r ^ti-L�-i -i�"r'vl"4^-}'1 r I ^-"'J^"L r{tih�r�^r :4 -'rt r'-^ij�ii r WYN'�''1i^K �!'N'1f-''�'}IV'1,"•Jth"Y 1'1` `ii^+'V^��l}1r• .(". r{ �'�1Fi �,,{,-�}y ..'"4 �l/ n`{ r4'-ff�.rN,�y� �'.�^_'F .l '�� 11 V{'y . �'}...1F�.'.V.''y .�}vL}, ^L9.V '^� �.YR �'V"h `1 •`L -`1 �IV'{Y=^�}i"'= 1 ': .. '.Y m �j • 3 m f.7 n^ h. r. ✓'{^1WV-r}�I-'rVvi'ir^^ri i�'^i.^�L J"IiVn!iti�}iririr'rl-fvt rR n -111W:^L^l . .}'L.".Wrt'I'i:^J'Lvnhjr"I^L r'jivn'ti r .'t�4 �^'y^�"4 i"tY'`1 ' a..y h,y,.r^LV.."1�`�.^_v`�{•-I 'tl`r1i^i'l'11-L'i^L'} n J'{ l"lt 1'L !`}L^!1.^rnVl•'J! ,^�1"L'Y. rn�'lh'1^.�`.�ll"r}; 1'll'vV"r '•� '1. 1't�'!"N'.'1!'4^�{({'Y15'L�'1"l'ti^l1(Jr^lV1f'�V': 40 N � I r 2 uo m - i9 l-�-+-•'+ T7m , �l �rr - -Y I F --L ttj a = va! i5 p o a aIFa a O F-- , 7,79-1 1 T-T-r1-T�` FINISHGRADE (N) SOUTH ELEVATION �"E Ah COMMSCOPE LNX-6513DS—VTM ANTENNA MANUFACTURER: COMMSCOPE 11.9* MODEL NO.: LNX-6513DS-A1M RADOME uATERvL- FIBERGLASS. UV RESISTANT RADOME COLOR: LIGHT GRAY DIMENSIONS, FhWxD: 54.9-)(11.9X7.1- WEIGHT: 11.8 kg 126.0 lb TOP VIEW II w Ll FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW BACK VIEW ANTENNA SPEMCATIONS RRUS 11 B12 W/SOLAR SHIELD 16.968' 7.165 I Fffi DIMENSIONS, WxDxH: 16.968*x7.165x 19.6155* —0 (431x182x500mm) 00000 WEIGHT: 50.71 Ib3 0000000 INPUT POWER: -49V VDIC OR AC (OPTION) 9-3 E12) E-2) el-) E12) a2p Ell-) FUSE SIZE;- 13 - 32A E-2 &-p 0000 DC CONNECTOR: SCREW TERMINAL 0000000 Lo INSTALLATION OPTIONS: WALL, POLE OR TOWER CLEARING DISTANCES: ABOVE > - 16 FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW BELOW > = 8* SIDE > - 0 16.968' RET ALARM FREQUENCY: BAND 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 20, 25, 26 CPRI DC RFt RF 0 13 0 000 000 11011111111111111 000 mocl ..I -ao—o 1. Illi I�E!illiilllllll TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW NOT usm 17 1 NOT USED 15 MU SPECIFICATIONS 12 (N) 5/8' U-WLTS - TYP--�t RRU METAL MXEr PRDVM BY M—M (N) RRU (N) 3.0 STEEL PIPE NOT LEM 161NOT USED 14 1 RRU MOLMM 3