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MUP 1997-004
4 wWlk WP A �u syn An IM "�L9tat Li fl'dR 11MO+i�PM 4MIM War 6,MPON*ao Ott 9Mft ve"IlAiG 09 VII t1t t{W WON 4PA64 "UWl" weft W4 "Mil ►M7�w Aal NI �W00r 04 Nili1 p1t� 't �,� puw ii!i*»tl ox%s Am 041 #4 104o► a evowl p � t io.�+aMoc M gWAO 1s,~06 06 4"w A4*Mlt'®L!*'#t'YWICGA AeIdgta "oMejl: ollgnd •• �jwjed Joi uo112a010V £ L86 SSE 306 Sd*V_I 'VL33dS Ct? a hOb3 t *i 4w t-9 t-9 Wb' 6 4.55 t-6 l-7- �-� T . ;) 06 0 s— SE PERMIT APPLICATION T emcd by Section 9.210.020 of ;he 2onirg Code (A copy is attached). Uses uial for adverse impacts on surrounding propcm*es, residents, or businesses it CW ;iriu AEIpfVvar uy ukc I..UAI t,_Y —pment Director for this application is requirtd. /AP/ PLIC'AMS(I SF Purpose of Req.iest: Assessor's Parcel No General Location Acreage existing Zorun& Addiuonal Information: (Additional written material can be submitted separately) ARCH-CTURr1L PTAVThrec copies of the aschitcaural and landscape irrigation plans shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may he required depending upon the application being su�binitted. 9'2 / i � � Q o'C �r'Q •J J / V / �4 �r✓l. / G•".��Y �F+r#*hrt A�rryrtYrt YM1 �F� YY#�#AA A�YA in N#�dr��As`Yif# Y6�F+F �RMMYi�f �YYi Yf A#fAYVrtl#SUM#i�M�RR TT4►M�t Y�#�K#AF •Y+YY# +N#�k##nA ABY Y�• Applicant. Print Name) owr Addres< Signature of App4cant:_ `Print Name) b , N-�, /il'7 act (Phot e ) MWAIMPIWOMM Date, i Authonty for this applicatiot hereby given: f' f ure of Pro crt Uwner(s). Ll OA.) - S.�,nat p y Any false or rreisleading inf rrrnation giWn 01 this apphc4tion sh be 8roxnAis to deny t11is application. Signatures and addresses all property owne" aferted ly this application shall be included in this submittal. Separate lerrcrs of authorization can be submitted. FIMNIVr-P Id t�bSL :E0 Z66L EZ 'G�d 'ON 3NOHd kccf- 0 T4ht 4 4a " 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 February 21, 1997 Ms. JoAnn McGrath La Quinta Arts Foundation P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-004 Dear Ms. McGrath: The Community Development Department hereby approves your apptzation request to have a private fireworks show at 81-346 Avenue 54 on February 23, 1997, sub;er* t0 the following Conditions: 1. A building permit is required for the installation of te.-mipc'ary trailers and/or temporary electric power. Please apply to the Building and Safety Department for a permit (777-7012). 2. Unobstructed fire lanes shall be provided during the event as required by the Fire Department. Arrangements shall be made to ensure that Fire Department personnel are on-site during the firing of the fireworks unless otherwise determined by their offices. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Tom Hutchison, City Fire Safety Specialist at 863-8886. 3. Permits for temporary structures or open flame devices shall be obtained from the Riverside County Fire Department. Portable fire extinguishers may be required. 4. Any extension cords for electricity must be heavy duty and equipped with GFCI wiring. Wiring that is laid on the ground shall be secured to prevent accidents, etc. 5. No vehicle parking shall be allowed on Avenue 54 during the one -day function. 6. No firewcrks shall be fired after 9:00 P.M. unless prior City approval is granted. 7. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. 8. The City (ors representatives) may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise that are not addressed herein. MITP97-004-13 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 f( 40 If you have any questions, please contact me at 777-7067. Sincerely, C;R�MY HERMAN OMiMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RE O SDELL Associa nner GT. Enclosures Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Sheriffs Department Code Enforcement Department Fire Marshal Fire Station 970 MUT97-004-13 • TO: COUNCIL MEMBER SNIFF FROM: JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: JANUARY 28, 2000 SUBJECT: FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT THE LA QUINTA HOTEL Attached is the copy of the application, approval letter and other pertinent information regarding TUP 2000-232 for the firework activity on January 27" at the Santa Rosa Cove driving range. In addition, staff has researched the case log and found the following permits which were issued for fireworks displays: CASE # APPLICANT LOCATION EVENT DATE MTOE 94-064 La Quinta Country Club 77-750 Avenue 50 February 26, 1994 MTOE 94-065 La Quinta Country Club 77-750 Avenue 50 April 15, 1994 MTOE 95-083 La Quinta Arts Foundation Mery Griffin's home 81-345 Avenue 54 February 26, 1995 MUP 97-004 La Quinta Arts Foundation Mery Griffin's home 81-345 Avenue 54 February 23, 1997 MUP 98-044 La Quinta Country Club 77-750 Avenue 50 February 5, 1998 TUP 99-118 La Quinta Country Club 77-750 Avenue 50 Withdrawn 2/25/99 TUP 2000-232 La Quinta Resort Santa Rosa Cove driving range January 27, 2000 I hope this information is useful and if you have any additional questions, please contact me. Mayor Pena Council Member Adolph Council Member Henderson Council Member Perkins Tom Genovese, City Manager 2-20-1997 1:00PO FROH PYRO SPECTACULARS 909 355 98# P d 7 -1$ -►185o'? 1 : 3;�M3 FR*RYRQ SPECT AC U,.ARS `M 355 sofl13 P Application for permit •- Public Fireworks Display wv, PYPo !6P CTACULARS. WOW maks "**on for Wrmit to a NV% a display ok !ww*vAca as datlrged by the CaMornla %lata 14raith and S&I" Redo, and acne to 4*MPV in #VVY pa< W&r with the 1s* pvulnrnp lhorow as set forlh In Pan 2 of Dtv*bn 11, Oivlaitan 13. aA 01ho, rpptt*M aaatlana of Rha mew Wsty Coda, wo I..ho Ruler and RequitWm sdW$4 by the SWO Fara i4ls.MP►1r too wrk►Q OrgWzoion JoAnn Mouth Ado"s 78.124 t sQ*rXNL Le QjInta. Callfc mi d 92M3 Person 0 a9MMe of diogy Kevin K** and Jeff Mart Gate$ of dasptaY Februfm 12117......,,E Time of d*P1ay: ARxQac1.fM tett' -115 p.tr► i.oAewtioat of dtBpltiy �dfli� �tr�h, t9i �4b A�„e. S4i_ C�irttd Pywvchnb C"rator in cha Ve K@vin Kegs Slate loon" Number „ 012I6-2 M� Jin 8111&3 r . rri rrr and IWAM. Type of aigplay AerW A, Low Levet S_ Set P4ce$ � Dever „L„ MenUal 111800 &„._ 0"vilption of Product to be fired 36.4^.1& - i3" and 9.6' ainbae toreaak aastial 04ft . -7t3" comate 22.1.75" oomets. 3 -1.6" minee � 28 • 1.75` tNne$ end 49 roman 3 Mn-90,tounds WV 3.11 x 25 oesaxipelon of S%rsge lta*141ea and k)oa I0m on $rt9c:nde: DeNvered to $Re on dale Of 63t ORY inuratlsWLioertaar 1116*sr% CrorrlPe+'►>WWM; g4W PNX)C � ��r, 090 loll 6. 1Cliscg Pubft l labWY JnWMnW; i1.OQb. Q.r......Ecel�txlCate eaaCMd) ftneral Public Display Uos"m No. 872 iMued by Slate "0 Mtirahal SMUG Applicant's Signature App c"lfj Addrm: P.O. Sex M9, Rialto, CA 92377 P$RMPf FOR PUBLIC C11$PL4.Y OF FIRF-WORKS to be held (date)©, X- aj;V 7 Yale r• ai m rn 2-20-1997 1:OOPM FROM PYRO SPECTACULARS 909 355 9816 DRATTON INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. 2;:60 VENrEa POINT ROAD, SUM, 5m T'osr (Oh'N:1: IN>K 94n67 PIMI CHUM, ALADAMA 352+S 91AMINCHAM, ALIBMIA 35220 'rQITMONF- 1205) a545XM PAN, {2n5� 1.:45199 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE No- 780012 We certify that insurance as outlined bel0u' is afforded the Nnme6 Insured under pelicv A97EC24410 issued by Admiral Insurance Company. NAMED INSURED: PYRO SPECTACUL.AFS, INC. North American Fireworks co. (NAFCO) P. 0, Box 2329 San Diego Fireworks Rialto, California 92377, Astro Pyrotechnics Pyro Spectaculars Canada. Inc. Pyro Spectaculars Northwest PERIOD: Jams— y 13, 1997 to January 12, ?998; Both Days Inclusive. COVERAGE: Commercial General Liability. Coffering against the legal liability of the Named insured for bodily injury and/or Property Damage caused by, or arising from, the preparation for, the firing of, or the clearance following, fireworks display(s), FIRED BY THE NAMED INSURED OR THE NAMED INSURED'S &MPI.01EES. LIMITS OF LIA51LITY: A) Each Occurrence $1,000,000 E) Prcd+scts S Conpl•^ted Operations Aggr.egatc $1,OU0,000 The addition of more than one insured does not serve to increase the limits of liability. It is certitz@d that, in accotdance with, and subject to, the cermc el the above, policy, the following SPONSORS AND/OR PROPERTY OWNERS AND/DR LICENSING AUTHORITIES are included as Additi.onal lnsured(s), but only in respect of the legal 'liability of such Additional Insureds) For Bodily Injury and Property Damage caused by the operations of the Named Insured in connectian with thr firing of the fireworks display(c) stated below 3Y THE NAMED INSURED OR THE NAMED INSURED'$ 'EMPLOYEES, NAME & ADDRESS OF INSURED SPOt:SCRS JaAj'jj7 IL -Grath PROPERTY OWNERS, LICENSORS 78-126 Hacienda La Quinta, California 92253 r, � Additional insured: JCANrl IEGRA71H, wid/or LA QU=A ;LRT FOuNDATIOT7, and/or GP,iFFIN PANCF, arid) or CITY OF LA QUINTA, and/or Cowry OF Los ANGELES, their officers, agent and employees when actjslg in their official capacity as such. DISPLAY LOCATION Griffin Ranch, 81345 Aven,-,e 54, La Quinta ry1SFLAY DATE(S) February 23, 1997 This insurance applies automatically if the described display is fired on any alternative date because of cancellation on the date shown due to 'weather or other cause; howevpr, IN NO EVENT WILL COVaWXZ APPLY 1-0 BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMACb SUSTAINED AFTER January 12, 1948. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or c<,nditien of any contract or other document with respect to which the certificate may be issued, or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policy described herein is subject to all the terms, exclvsi.ons, and conditions of such policy. For particulars concerning such terms, exClusions, and conditions each Additional Insured Lt reforred to the policy documents in the possession of the Named Insured. Should the above described policy be caa,eelled before the expiration date thCreof, the issuing company will mail 30 days prior written notice to the above named �i ^ Additional Insured(s). l \\' (>I",\ �A DRAYTON INSURANCE BROKERS INC. , Febmary 5, 1997 ✓ � <, O�a — DATE FSTRt�",ra, RE The w h�o1e of the foregaing for the sum of $5,000,00.(FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS) Including all expenses' with the exception of .the police' -or other protection to prevent the intrusion,, of the public .onto -the firing grounds, and/or the ' services of a. Standby Fireman and/or Permit fees if required by local ordinance or regulation. Public Liability and Property Damage insurance in the ,sum of $1,000,000 and provided Compensation Insurance for all help and assistance as required by State Laws governing Firework Diaplsis. CONTRACTS AND DELIVERIES MAY. BE SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED. PENDING ANY CONTINGENCIES BEYOND THE FIRM'S CONTROL, e.g. FORCE MAJEURE: LOCKOUTS, STRIlKES, ACCjD'ENTS, TEMPORARY STOPPAGES, WAR, ORTHE F LIKE. Pyro- S. Baste et - �� Loettula+ of �s>i gain B 13—M LvtW54,4e Qu1tM �. rrrrrrr�rn � P'1 IIIb i(1�'rli!lFQO KGvlm LIlN set Ljg~ s~,M7 LJM aywlr Woo TV" of Dtey M40 ,.Zi__ t#& twos 4.... set Pia r Duvwe, ." memo � 6" 00 A. Ooso{t�l m Of pfe" to of sr" 30 • d", to • r Wd 9 • r sbVW brssk odel tthft pn*Vgpn of too" tmwo sm too" " bwurtroel Vvomm oO :.BM haft... ��. OIOs e�r� - tla►t �2 Puwo Lam+ b maws e11e04 Oe+wot PAie alley Na SM NOW ey 9100 F h MSMW �+ flgnaturs, W* AddlM, P.O. f K=n, Aiefb, OA StW pW.�I�UPLAY 4: FIA6Yil0M b>m MIO iMfe! O i. 4lp0 Fa;& iV L CC, 00 m Ln rn m rn J U Q f- w a O (Y 'r a 0 Ix w X int ezi 1 U�� go .As St -345 PiAe Gq -n!EPMAL�t CA CCS WOR T At -4&P AA Ao a Jj C•+ LJ �r d w V�- s _,t7J 0 CZ c� 2 1� Ud I, a - int ezi 1 U�� go .As St -345 PiAe Gq -n!EPMAL�t CA CCS WOR T At -4&P AA Ao a Jj C•+ LJ �r d w V�- s _,t7J 0