MUP 1998-058*CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 619-777-7125 Case Number: lklwo eZ� Date Accepted: Fee: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION Minor Use Permit (MUP) applications are governed by Section 9.210.020 of the Zoning Code (A copy is attached). Uses requiring a MUP have a low or moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required. Purpose of Request: "" \ e n c e, Assessor's Parcel No.: / .1 General Location: L 0 0 k Acreage: S{(p 0 f Existing Zoning - Additional Information: -C)60 (Additional written material can be submitted separately) -7 53 --o Sb -eU7� C 13, -7 � 3 -U ND -04,1; ARCHITECTURAL PLANS - Three copies of the architectural and landscape/irrigation plans shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may be required depending upon the application being submitted. ***w*r**►****��***r*r****w*r***r**r•�*�r��*��*rr*s���r+•**sir***:*+r***rrr�*r**r.res.s#�.+�r�:r�::.:�►r:.+►ssrss.:ss: Applicant: JTm e5 r. Z—e IV NVI A-) .4 FF-,FS1 PENT 7 k) --771 —CIO I (Print Name) (Phone) Address: EY - Z 3 L S 0 0 RL- CIS' EV-- 2 2 S- 3 Owner(s): (Print Name) Address: 5 Z v9 Signature of Applicant: Date: 2 Authority for this applicatioriis/hereby given: Signature of Property Owner(s): Date: -2A6,Lj Z 11 G/ K Any false or misleading informa ' given in this application shall be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses of all property owners a.,tfected by this application shall be included in this submittal. ��� meters of authorization can be submitted. Jam/) FMMUP-P APR 28 1998 or L4 QU1 1V T,fj PM 0 P d FILE COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 – FAX TDD June 26, 1998 Mr. James E. Lennon Travertine Corporation 54-234 Shoal Creek La Quinta, Calif. 92253 SUBJECT: Minor Use Permit 98-058 (Travertine) Dear Mr. Lennon, (760) 777-7000 (760) 777-7101 (760) 777-1227 The Community Development Department hereby approves your request for a six foot high chain link fence around your property, per the attached exhibit. The approval is subject to the following conditions: 1 . A building permit shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Department prior to installation. 2. Per the approved exhibit, the fencing may be installed in phases, with the first phase being along the south and west property lines. 3. A minimum four foot wide pedestrian gate shall be provided at the intersection of the east and west property lines with the Avenue 62 right of way. 4. An encroachment permit from the Public Works Department shall be obtained prior to installing fencing across any street right of way. 5. Prior to the complete fencing of the property, the applicant shall employ a biologist to ensure that no animal life is trapped or contained within the fenced area. This excludes animals which can easily leave the fenced area (i.e., by flying or digging). Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner encl. c: Jerry Herman, Community Development Director Christine di lorio, Planning Manager Steve Speer, Public Works Department (w/ encl.) Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department (w/encl.) MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 cAtr appr mup 98-058 APR -29-1998 15:54 FROi J I M LENNON Res} FaeeteNall or April 29,19% TO WMLARD KELSEY 7771233 P.01 M& Christine Ddorio Plenuing Dcpattmecot City o>f'La Quints, Caii&ma, Deet. Ms. Dilorio: I own twin Pmm of load within .the "Traver4 Project" as well as other adjoining prvmtics tbm would be impac.-W by a perimeter fcncelwal 1. Piease let this letter servC ID advise yo0 tfist i Sin not opposed to the eonstnwtion of subject fence/wan. Sincerely, Willard Kelsey Aa fiax (760) 777-7101 74-098 bra W4Y, NO Dmat, cahfimn a 92260 TckPbO to (7"3dQ-4697 FAX ('7(0)56&1314 e4mail W1LSEY@abLcma TOTAL P.01 . 04-29-98 15:58 RECEIVED FROM: P.01 ADAMS STREET MADISON 57REE( APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVEIOPME T DEPT BYE. ��DATE EXHIBIT , CASE NO. IPA Vi r2 0 � SCALE 1" =800' 0 400 800 1600 2400 F PGA WEST rd T �4 9 �i LL_ LLJ Cio Q ) Cll OL V N Y, MADISON STREET 4,7 4,- te Z 7 4111, 1 T p. , " - -, - , `:" � 5f d A ,V V14 Z ;F� N, V '�7 4 M 'Y9 4 '7Z _�i, 7, R� f Y _h J7 e �Kl 4, _V� f q K. w V jj� 7 TV 1_4 'j, f "k 2 W� z V -5 f; '2 _n;, iv J 1�116 'A 2 4_g- 14 % _4" <IV _w W�M, y A 41, - Jle� 57 V j .000 N qx _T_ A tL I J ,:",�F- E�N �. D _3� 0 S,- E �C < 7 Ld e Z, V, %; j. > 'J� J,% J,� 77 4 A - "Y' -, rj.�� A-1 4 V V� zx� K"'J"'J 4:, A T" !77 V 4 j �x*kl'? .4 _4.7� Z, f 4, t;c d 2�' _j Uj A n�- z �M �j u 4A1 F-'� t 'T -;o j jo, _Or 77:t bi FA y�_ > % A� 4� If A P" V It - ` , �W� , -­ "", r - t 7Z 1i 't�j j', 4iz j� 4 I, !V1 �n 't X1 4 -x. M 1� V� "t, R t0141, Ay ,4 4,t, �j Al i ;ts �v e0 4 �P� lkr*��, 'U (D V :,2", v , �'vi ECTION LINE 2640.01, I?N LI N E 2642.99' SO919,15, SOO' i P4S'E f JEFF ; r Z r7m Z- 9- -z4 r5 f "'I .......... 'n U A, I _j Underground Service Alert X Call: TOU FREE U 1-800 U_ U_ 422-4133 C-) U" TWO WORKING DAYS BEF6RE-YOU DIG SCALE 1" =300' 0 150 300 600 900 C T/ VA J 0 V, CONSTRUCT 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE 2' MIN. 2' MIN. INSIDE PROPERTY LINE PER FIELD SURVEY IN ACCORDANCE WITH UPDATED TITLE REPORT. W A N \N FENCING DETAIL (NTS) 1 iv 7i W, I � -planning -Civil TRAVERTINE CORP. DESIGN: DRAFT: KEITH Engineering KS D. K. FENCING EXHIBIT -Architecture Landscape INTERNATIONAL -Architecture INC. Land Surveying TRAVERTINE SITE CHECK: K-5-- DATE: -Construction APRIL'98 Al, DESERT DIVISION onagement 41-865 80ARDW" I SUITE 101 P&N DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 346-9844 * FAX (760) 346-9368 C I T Y 0 F LA QUINTA SHEET 1 OF 1